
board | behold, a message board

About a year ago, I had started work on a message board, but then totally forgot about it. Until I came across it again yesterday.

What you see right now is that message board, hacked into the current site system. And these hacks are quite dirty, with evil SQL, nasty redundant/inefficient code. So I expect this board to fall over any second.

That also means that this isn't a super-duper ultra-deluxe board with all kinds of shit that'll take your server down. Right now, it's just a work in progress.

// craeonics / 894 weeks and 5 days ago

And naturally, things completely broke down when I put it up. Goddamn discrepancies.

Also note that this board is governed by the same filter (more or less) that keeps the soapbox clean. This filter is hostile, so posts can disappear without warning.

// craeonics / 894 weeks and 5 days ago

I see a few things are randomly acting up dutchy, but go sleep and just work on it here and there atleast we have a msg board! Hooray!!!!! =)

// Doreen / 894 weeks and 5 days ago

Actually dutchy I love it cuz it's very light and it floats on top! (Goes perfect w/ the original layout)

// Doreen / 894 weeks and 5 days ago

I see more than one thing acting up. But I'll deal with that eventually.

// craeonics / 894 weeks and 5 days ago


(so nice to have this feature)

// PK / 891 weeks and 5 days ago

Jusss be sure to hide the link outside from aafuss please. hehe

// Doreen / 891 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy, Gino went to grab one of our T-shirts to wear today and it had a huge spider on it! actually it was a big spider egg (looked like a cotton ball on it) hehe

// Doreen / 891 weeks and 5 days ago

Umm... yuck!

// craeonics / 891 weeks and 4 days ago

I could see the rest for extra cuz now they come w/ their very own pet tarantula egg!

// Doreen / 891 weeks and 4 days ago

see = sell oh brother

// Doreen / 890 weeks and 5 days ago

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