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E-Sushi has a few nice little apps. This one seemed like something I could see myself or others using (and I hate the systray). The icons are stored in the folder with the program, so they are easy to change. Not a true skinnable app, but something this simple doesn't need to be. Have look. If you hide your desktop icons, this might be useful.

Site: [link]

D/L: [link]

// RedBoo / 839 weeks and 5 days ago

Board won't let me post how I want, but that's ok. What I wanted it to look like it here. [link]

// RedBoo / 839 weeks and 5 days ago

The board really must think you're a spammer.

Back to the app: people actually use the trash can? I tend to directly delete things. Also, is there a screenshot somewhere?

// crae_work / 839 weeks and 4 days ago

I sometimes find recycle bin useful. I usually just know generally what's in there. If I don't need space, I just send stuff there.

I do know other ppl who find the lack of it (and desktop icons) disorienting. I'm trying to get some of my friends to try out LS. It's a big change for them. Utilities like this can make the transition easier.

As for a screenshot, no. It's just an icon and menu, so I can understand why.


Open recycle bin

Empty recycle bin



Note: double clicking clears the recycle bin. I found that out the hard way. ^.^; Ironicaly, I was just thinking I needed to clear it out too. Left and middle clicking do nothing.

// RedBoo / 839 weeks and 4 days ago

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