
board | LS Tray in Popup

Hey crae, can you toss me a scrap of code on how to get the xtray in xpopup? I haven't had a chance to really delve into it and I've never seen an example of hooking (I guess it would be). Got any other tips or links on it?

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

Ever since I bought this netbook (Acer Aspire One), I haven't been using my desktop machine much. Hell, haven't even but LiteStep on this thing yet. But I'll fire it up and grab the configuration files.

Key is what's called "module hooking" by means of this line:

*Popup ![link] !Modulebang (Userdata_1 ...) %%BANG TO MOVE MODULE%%

It's explained here: [link] (scroll down to about 90%).

But I'll look up my actual config. It took some time before it worked and it only works half the way I want it (but more on that later).

// craeonics / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

I have a feeling by "half" you mean it doesn't resize. >:P

Thx though. I recall seeing this snippet of code before that last time I tried my hand at it. I'll see what I can do with a second shot. 8)

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

Non-resizing is one thing, yeah. I have some other grievances, but if I recall correctly, they're more with xPopup and not so much xTray.

// craeonics / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

I got about this far:

*Popup ![link] !xTrayLSBoxHook (Userdata_1 ...) %%!xTrayMove%%

I just don't know what user data is. The size was just what was on the example (which I hope I can tweak). I'm also not sure if this will conflict with anything else. I'm using syro's orb theme. It can be a little trigger happy with showing the xtray.

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

I got about this far:

*Popup ![link] !xTrayLSBoxHook (Userdata_1 ...) %%!xTrayMove%%

I just don't know what user data is. The size was just what was on the example (which I hope I can tweak). I'm also not sure if this will conflict with anything else. I'm using syro's orb theme. It can be a little trigger happy with showing the xtray.

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

The only way to find out is too try. "User data" refers to any parameters you want to pass to the module !bang.

// craeonics / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

The line I use is (without the space after hook):

*popup !hook: 0:0:150:44 !xTrayLSBoxHook "%%xTrayMove%%"

The result is a two-line tray in my popup menu. And it's really too bad it can't resize. What would be even better is if the tray icons would be displayed as normal tasts, with labels next to them, etcetera.

// craeonics / 816 weeks and 5 days ago

Heh, tried it out last night. I got xpopup to show the area, but not xtray to show in it. I had my setting posted, but the spam filter blocked it. Maybe I should migrate this topic to another LS site forum? Any favs crae? Or maybe the LS mailing list would be better?

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 3 days ago

Weird... now I can click on the icons, but I can't see them in the popup menu. o.O; They seem to be on a very small sliver or pixels. No idea how to fix it (though it is progress).

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 3 days ago

With regards to you post getting eaten, it's the less-than sign. For some reason one of the filters thinks that's HTML and HTML is a no-go here. I can still see it though, because everything gets logged (have to wade through tons of spam though).

Anyway, hooking is troublesome. It may have something to do with the tray dimensions itself as well. I'll dig up both configs (got everything split up) when I get back.

// crae_work / 816 weeks and 3 days ago

Thx again. It's funny. The tooltips (which is all I can see) are coming from the caption bar, of all places. >XP

When we're done, I'm going to try and hook something else to the menu. >:] hehe I also want to play around with that xStatsClass thing. That I think I can get to work on my own... I hope. ^.^;

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 3 days ago

Sweetness... got a lil "Stats" sub-menu now. 8)

I read over things with a fresher mind earlier. I think you might be right about that tray size thing. Not sure what to do about it, but I'll play with it tomorrow.

// RedBoo / 816 weeks and 3 days ago

man I haven't used lightstep for about 5 years, gonna need to give that another go. I think I even have the startings of a LS theme lying around on the ol' backup drive somewhere.

// Val / 816 weeks and 2 days ago

It hasn't moved around much these last few years, so you should find it laying where you left it. The only difference is that everything is x these days, xPopup, xTray, etcetera.

// craeonics / 816 weeks and 2 days ago

xEtera? ;)

// Val / 816 weeks and 2 days ago

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