I like it!
I like it alot!
Simple, Clean and goes w/ the flow... =)
Will it have a bright orange theme as well?
(for the rest I fully concur with Doreen)
What bright orange theme?
the one that will be developed for this forum?
(false hope?)
/me throws pekomon into the sea
/me swims and swims and swims and swims and swims and swims and swims
Ah, it's good to have this much space to type!
Uhm,.. spam filter?
* spamfilter throws PK's posts into the sea
/me feels bullied
I'm still waiting for the bright orange theme btw.
I'm still waiting for him to turn it into a different animal but then Easter issss around the corner again?
I'm still waiting for pekomon's thesis.
Hah. I knew it :)
/me is predictable like clockwork
so uhm, why the comment about a thesis? ('cause I actually expected a different comment).
Because I'm predictable like clockwork? The other question would be: why orange?
Indeed (2x)