
board | I'm listening to (Part II)

Andddd I think we have reached our limit for the other thread cuz it refuses to load for me anymore. (and I refuse to wait for hours on end for it to load) Soooo as much as it breaks my heart to abandon that other thread...

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie (don't normally like this guy too much but this song works w/ that girl)

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 11 hours ago

You just need a non-sucky phone.

Meanwhile, been ripping my new CD's. Actually came across one that almost manages to destroy my drive. Had to use the paper clip escape route to get it out and then a reboot before my drive would respond again.


* craeonics is listening to: Astrofaes - ÐÑÐÐœÑÐп СÑÑеÑÑвПваМÐÑ (The Principle of Existence) [...Те, ЧÑе ÐÑПÑлПе ÐеÑÑЌеÑÑМП (...Those whose Past is Immortal), 01]

// craeonics / 726 weeks and 10 hours ago

/memo to self: if ever making a new version of this board, do make it UTF8 compatible so one can post Cyrrilic

// craeonics / 726 weeks and 10 hours ago

My phone is the best available it's just all phones were not meant to handle infinite threads. (and I'm not even on my phone right now I'm at home, and my computer cannot handle loading that other thread anymore)

/thought to self: Don't pay any attention to dutchy's /memo to self cuz he will never make a new version of this board.

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 9 hours ago

And your drive probably didn't get stuck it got possessed by evil spirits (knowing what you're probably trying to rip) so your drive most likely began speaking in tongues and spewing green vomit!

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 9 hours ago

I'd say both your phone and your computer suck. The long thread handles just fine on any of my machines.

Time to try the CD from Hell again...

// craeonics / 726 weeks and 9 hours ago

I'm thinking it has to do w/ Plastic having the site hosted in The Netherlands actually.

/me tosses you some Holy water for that CD...

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 8 hours ago

Possibly. The signal has to cross the Atlantic.

The beginning CD from Hell appears to be damaged, although I don't see scratches. First five tracks (of seventeen) have timing issues, which caused all these problems. The other tracks are fine. "Luckily" I've dealt with nasty disks before...

// craeonics / 726 weeks and 7 hours ago

Most likely it's a scratch you can't see. I don't know where I've got that tube right now to look up the name of it for you but there is some stuff in a tube that you apply w/ a soft cloth that actually fixes when you scratch your CD.

When I bought it I really didn't think it would work I thought it was a gimmick but it really did work. I had this CD that was ready to be put to rest and buried but it brought it back to life!

/me goes see if I can find it downstairs...

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 6 hours ago

Okay proof I have tunnel vision cuz how come I use this stuff and never noticed the name "Scratch Out" *Duh* Repairs games, movies, music CD's and more! All for just $5.99

/me ends my mini commercial now and goes put it away.

But it really works dutchy...

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 6 hours ago

No nasty shit touches my CDs! I managed to salvage the first five tracks pop and glitch free. They're not perfect reproductions (every time I rip these tracks I get different checksums), but since I don't hear obvious errors, it'll do.

// crae_zzz / 726 weeks and 5 hours ago

It were these goons, by the way: [link]. The CD was their last one, which collects all three previous releases.

// crae_zzz / 726 weeks and 5 hours ago

*sigh* Demons in the Forest...

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 5 hours ago

/me goes watch soaps (and pray Snoop Dogg don't make another guest appearance)

// Doreen / 726 weeks and 5 hours ago

Symphonic demons in forests. Plus I got it from the bargain bin (which probably explains the state of the disk).

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 6 days ago

/me looks at the clock and faints! It was 98 yesterday and today it is 63? So it dropped 35 degrees in one day!? (I could sleep forever when it's this cool and comfortable)

/me goes run to the gym late and fight to get the equipment it will be a zoo at this time!

Then I'm going to finish reading that last chapter of Dracula and finally get to watch that movie (I'm dying to see that movie dutchy! I'm not sure how that flick got by me cuz it's a 1992 flick?)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 6 days ago

What movie? Bram Stoker's Dracula? Like I said, it follows the plot of the book, but it accents the erotic bits. Back in the days, when the book was written, things were very repressed, so some see the novel and the whole blood drinking thing as a metaphor for other things.

Then again, some people read too much into things.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 6 days ago

Watching the movie now and yes it really does follow the book! cept the movie is much better they've really captured the atmosphere w/ the darkness and sounds (cuz in the book you get interrupted too much w/ words such as poor poor dear madam mina etc etc)

/me runs back to the movie! (my neck is extremely excited!)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 6 days ago

Well the beginning closely followed the book as the story in the movie progressed it seemed she was in love w/ Dracula? so the movie was more of a love story. I liked the movie much better and for a 1992 flick I think they did a really good job on it considering they based it off that book that had wayyyy too many boring words in it!

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 6 days ago

They were bridging a hundred years of cultural difference. Hollywood movie without the slightest hint of a love angle, how implausible as it may be? Impossible!

And yes, 19th century English is overly verbose. People didn't have TV, radio, phones or Internet back then do distract them.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 5 days ago

Welll to be honest since the movie was so old and based on an old book I actually expected it to be slow and possibly boring but it was one of the best movies I ever seen! I really liked it! I'm thinking now that blows any vampire flick I ever seen out of the water.

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 5 days ago

It certainly tops both the Blade trilogy and Queen of the Damned. Terrible movies those were.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 5 days ago

It was completely spell binding! I loved it! Unlike that stupid Twilight Saga. Neither the Vampire nor the Wolf looked legit. I know cuz I was once married to a wolf like I told you he actually could have been a vampire though cuz he drained me of all my blood and took my soul! (But his nickname was "Wolf")

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 5 days ago

A werepire? Twilight is vampires for tweener girls. Better try The Vampire Lestat.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

Werepire? hehe!

T'was a long long time ago in fact, poor poor dear madam Doreen were it not for the many scars she bare on her to this very day she would have thought it to be merely a ghastly she nightmare once had.

And me knows no Vampire Lestat? Anyways, mijn librarian what's next? (preferable a book that has a killer matching movie like that Dracula one did)

I checked the iBook store for that one you said that The Legend of the Seeker was based on but they didn't carry it yet. I suppose cuz the iBook store is fairly new.

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

And you can switch the words "she" and nightmare" around?

/me goes wake up...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

I'd say their selection is rather limited. Seems they mostly have really old stuff. And the way things are catalogued is awkward as well. Try Roald Dahl. He did Charly and the Chocolate Factory and the like. Basically kids stories, but usually with a macabre twist. Or Jules Verne, a 19th century French writer, who wrote Around the World in Eighty Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth and such scifi.

// crae_work / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

I like Macabre things so that would be my taste however, when I searched Roald Dahl only Roald Amundsen comes up I even thought that maybe you meant Ronald? But neither came up in my search.

And ummm as for that Jules Verne guy I told you I'm not into History books and that dude looks like an old president or something you'd see in a History book so no way! Besides he has 216 books listed some are in French and I don't even know which one to choose (even if I wanted to read a historical scifi!)

Come on Mr. Librarian give me something good, w/ all the books you said you read that's the best you got!?

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

No, but your "library" seriously stinks if it doesn't have Roald Dahl: [link]. Anyway, try: Arthur Conan Doyle's Hound of the Baskervilles.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

Okay there's about 3 movies I think that were based off that guy Roald's books that I think I've actually seen before. The Giant Peach or something?

Anyways, I did find that Hound of the Baskervilles one. But I hope these books are not like music where they take one tune and do 100 remixes of the same tune? I'm looking at 7 of the same book listed on iBooks they pretty much kinda say the same thing (but some are alilll different dutchy.

I'm clicking on this one: The Baskervilles are a cursed family patriarch Sir Hugo sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for a fair maiden and ever since Hugo's offspring have been haunted by a vicious and possibly supernatural black dog... bla bla bla

I'm getting that version!!!


// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

Wait a minute it's freeee! I don't believe it! Even betterrrr...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

It's a Sherlock Holmes novel, wherein said detective gets hired to investigate the mysterious death of one of the last Baskervilles, a family said to be haunted by a demonic hound. That whole devil thing is just the legend as to why they are haunted by this dog, which gets told in the story by the client that hires Holmes.

So basically, this is a detective story (which ran in British news papers, if I'm not mistaken), with a touch of the supernatural. It's quite gripping when things get rolling. Beginning is a bit slow though. Read it as a kid.

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

Well I can't wait to get things out of my hair today and then go jump on that book tonight! Thanks again dutchy.

Slaap lekker...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 4 days ago

You're right the book is alill slow at the beginning but I actually like the readability of it more than the Dracula one. (it seems to be easier to read)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

Some authors just like to sprinkle "dollar words" throughout their text. My textbook on general history [link] did this to such an extent that I encountered a new word every other sentence.

// crae_work / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm I tried to read a couple of the sample pages (though totally blurry) now I remember why I gazed out the window and examined the leaves on the trees and got lost in the sound of the birds during that class...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

Except that you're supposed to read it at home. Itcame with a workbook and we were supposed to answer the questions, which would be treated during class. Tssh, I'd prefer regular lectures.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

What? no teacher to call out your name and wake you up during your day dreaming!!!

That would be painful trying to read that book w/ no support or input. And by the time your return to school for follow-up you've forgotten your questions while at home when you were working on it...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

I still think you would have made a great teacher dutchy. (never too late?)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

Hellll no. Right now I'm pondering again on Tek v2, but I'm suffering from Second System Effect: [link].

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm well you know what that guy Einstein said: "Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler" (so you're in trouble!) hehe!

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

/me goes run around and go pay some bills...

Pretty sure as soon as I start up my car this will be blazing on the radio since they play it every 3rd song! Toss the lyrics in the trash and here's some bass for you: [link]

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

No bass on this netbook. But, wait a sec, isn't this just "Your Average R&B Song" these days. We have a random singer, some recyled beats and yes, our dear friend the Auto Tuner.

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

It's not my fault that's all I have to choose from on this end!

Slaap lekker sleep head...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 3 days ago

/me returns from the Land of La La, far too soon

Work beckons. And for some reason they like to put every light in the office on here. My eyes, my eyes...

// crae_work / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

/me tosses mijn dutchy some sunglasses and goes wake up...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Wearing sunglasses indoor is for weirdos and popstars.

// crae_work / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Welll then it's a good thing the ones I tossed to you are invisible so nobody can see them on you!

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah, but I seem to have dropped them and can't find 'em no more.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 2 days ago


/me hands you another pair (these ones are orange and glow in the dark)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

By the way I was reading my Sherlock Holmes book last night (on chapter 5) was about midnight and I could have sworn I had two detectives in my bedroom and the smell of a cigar last night! hehe

The book is so descriptive you can almost hear them talking (I can't even believe I like this book)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

I still can't believe you're reading books.

Back to my second system syndrome. One of the reasons Tek v2 is taking forever is because I want it to fit in with my Ideal Data Structure which I've been pondering about (on and off) for well over fifteen years now.

I want to be able to write articles like:


The Hound of the Baskervilles

A Sherlock Holmes novel, wherein said detective gets hired to investigate the mysterious death of one of the last Baskervilles, a family said to be haunted by a demonic hound.

author: Arthur Conan Doyle

genre: detective, crime, mystery

publication date: 1902

characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson


Note that list of key/value-pairs at the bottom, I intend each of those to become tags with which this article would be labelled.

But here's the complex bit: technically, a tag can have an explanation. Therefore each tag is an article in itself. So you get a system where article point to other articles.

How does this relate to Tek? Basically, a news post is a forum thread. It has an initial post and the rest of the posts/comments are 'children' of this post. You'd just slip in a tag in the news article, like #news or "type: news". You could then filter on "news" (or visit the "news" article perhaps) to see all posts tagged with "news".

Alternatively, you could post something like: "release: my app 1.2 [link]". The system would then recognise "release" as a tag (and maybe "my app" as well) and you could make release lists in this way by simply filtering, without having to make specialised functions and code.

The tricky bit is figuring out the data structure and tagging methods. But I think I finally know how I'm going to do it. The process of writing it could take an eternity ofcourse (knowing my speed).

Trouble with web is that you have to take special care of all kinds of abuse that can take place. Security measures tremendously complicates matters.

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Great, forget to type half the message. You'd post that "release: app [link]" thing in the shoutbox.

I would have killed for an app that could do easy tagging and retrieving like this when I was writing my thesis. It would have been great for managing loads of scraps of information.

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Goddamnit, forgot half of it again. Needless to say, I search the entire Interwebs forward, backwards and upside down and did not find anything that would do this in a lean, clean, easy and usable fashion.

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

~searched... Argh, I give up. /me goes cook dinner

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Obviously you know what you want and won't do it until it can be done right so we can expect the new Tek v2 anywhere from 1 to 15 yrs? hehe

But you're right cuz if you just jump into it you'll be revising it over and over again to get it to where you want it meanwhile the spammers w/ keep destroying any work you accomplish on it unless you also deal w/ them as you already mentioned. (but I didn't even realize so much was involved)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

spammers w/ = spammers will (I have no clue how that happened)

/me smacks her fingers into obedience! Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm and all I was hoping for Tek was a new look! *blush* (sounds like alot of work dutchy)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 2 days ago

Tek needs a rebuild from the ground up. But I want to do it "right". Hence why it takes forever.

// crae_work / 725 weeks and 1 day ago

Just make sure it has a sexy theme! (that's all I want for it)

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 1 day ago

And since sexy can mean different things to everyone "I" mean: Dark, Clean and Simple.

/me goes dance w/ Sam's school cloths and the ironing board...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 1 day ago

I'll add a pink theme for you.

// craeonics / 725 weeks and 17 hours ago

Nothing wrong w/ pink if you keep it Dark, Clean and Simple (like my purse that I've been drooling for) [link]

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 8 hours ago

Jesus H. Christ, look at that price tag!

// crae_zzz / 725 weeks and 7 hours ago

Ummm isn't that what credit cards are for?

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 725 weeks and 5 hours ago

You mean you will delay the heart attack?

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

Nah, some girls buy a purse a every month (or maybe every week) takes me months just to find the perfect one and then I use the one I buy for 1 or 2 years so really it's not that big a deal...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't carry money, so that has never been one of my troubles.

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

I only need a purse for my phone, Driver's License and Debit Card and that's about it for me. I'm not a carry makeup girl cuz it goes on once and I don't layer it all day long so no need for carrying that junk either. So I'm pretty light on things...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

Driver's license... Ah yes, I have one of those, gathering dust somewhere. We're also supposed to carry ID in this day and age of needless fear and panic, but I'm "civil(ly?) disobedient" when it comes to retarded legislation.

// crae_zzz / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

You're sucha rebel! (you should have atleast ID incase you get into a head on collision driving your bike) hehe

Actually if I didn't have to carry anything it would be just fine w/ me cuz the less the better...

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy, it's 105 degrees today so I'm reading my book inside (should finish it in a day or so)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh, if I do get into an accident, I'm sure they'll be enough people who can figure out who it is from my description. Let's just hope the hospital staff don't think I'm a whino.

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm sounds like you better list me as your next of kin. (cuz whether you like it or not till death do us part I'm your message board wife)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm going to have to go over there for your funeral and bite all your nails off and brush out your scrappy long hair!

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

I was just thinking I've been talking to you for so many years I don't know what I would do w/o you! I should file for a divorce or a separation but you're already on the other side of the planet! hehe

/me goes get ready for my day...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

If we're going to get a divorce, I want half your money! /me calls his lawyer

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm I think the only community property we share is our Tek Bunny T's? (and I think I only have two left)

/me tosses you one!

(I'm keeping mine to wear at my funeral I want to be comfortable in my coffin so I'm wearing mine)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm not to inclined to let myself get eaten by bugs, so I'll probably get cremated and then let my ashes spread across the sea (like my grand mother).

// crae_work / 724 weeks and 4 days ago

I've had two constants since I was born my Mom on my left and my Sister on my right. All three of us have discussed this and we all want to be cremated and tossed into the Ocean at Redondo Beach.

They know for "me" my kids have the first choice what they want but then they are to tell them what "my" wishes were. (everything depending upon the order of death)

Holiday today so me goes hit the mall and spend some more of money before you get your greedy hands on it!

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 4 days ago

Here! I bought you some really expensive invisible glasses for work so don't drop these ones!

Complete zoo outside today and too hot so me goes finish up my last 2 chapters of that boek!

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 4 days ago

Sun is shining and you go hide inside? Doreen the Vampire!

// crae_work / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

The sun don't just shine over here in Cali it's a weapon of mass destruction and I already told you I'm no sun worshiper. Get back to work!

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm being tortured by bloody Mika on the radio again here at work.

// crae_work / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

Here something to help you out: [link]

He is jealous for meeee,

Loves like a hurricane, I am a treee,

Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercyyy.

When all of a sudden,

I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,

And I realise just how beautiful You are,

And how great Your affections are for me.

Mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm!!!!

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

Yikes I need to go hunt down this version of it! [link]

(rediculous I can never seem to get my hands on the one I want)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

/me thinks this thread needs a serious purging by demons in forests: [link]

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm that's actually quite excellent, but I've got oppression all over me today so me goes back to floating upon clouds of worship music...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 3 days ago

Meanwhile... /me is stuck in the 80's again... God, I don't even know what they're playing, except that I've heard that song a thousand times the last thirty years.

// crae_work / 724 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay mijn Mr. Librarian what's next? The Hound of the Baskervilles was pretty good but you need to give me some better action! These books are slow and a bit dry? Don't you read books that have alilll more excitement!? (I probably should not ask that of a History reading guy) hehe

Anyways, do you have anything you can think of that's really really goed! (Thank you)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 2 days ago

I know you mentioned that Dracula was one of your fav books but now having read the book "and" seen the movie based on that book I have to say that now one of my favorite movies is that Dracula (I actually had to buy a copy for myself I loved it so much!)

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 2 days ago

The trouble is that that iStore of yours only carries ancient books. Anything past 1900 is probably not in there. In other words, it sucks. Anyway, try if you can find Terry Pratchet's Diskworld stuff (comedy/fantasy) or Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness (horror, to find out where "Shoggoth" comes from). For death and destruction, try David Gemmel, but I reckon he's not in the iStore.

// crae_work / 724 weeks and 1 day ago

Thank you dutchy. Appts today so I'll be hunting those down when I get back home. I think I died and went to Heaven it's 66 degrees today and breath taking.

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 1 day ago

I see a Terry Pratchet in the iBooks store but it's Terry Pratchett (w/ two "t"'s) and there's 41 books listed for that Author? (I ain't reading no 41 books) so if that is the same one then which book is the bestest?

As for Lovecraft nothing in the iBooks Store but in iTunes I see there is an Audio Book? (me don't want no Audio Book)

As for David Gemmel once again I googled and I think you mean David Gemmell (w/ two "l"'s) and nothing in the iBooks Store

So yes this iBooks Store totally sucks! Until it takes root.

/me goes get some stuff done...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 1 day ago

Try one of those Pratchett books. The man has written quite a lot. Each book is seperate from the others, but they usually take place in the same universe: [link].

Alternatively, if it's action you seek, Ian Fleming wrote the James Bond novels, and Leslie Charteris was responsible for The Saint.

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 17 hours ago

Hmm I'll go ahead and try that Carpe Jugulum one. As for Action I'm talking Fantasy Action such as in Legend of the Seeker definitely not James Bond! What in the world?

/me thinks I need a female Librarian...

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 13 hours ago

Legend of the Seeker would be there if that iStore did not royally suck. How can they get away with having nearly no "recent" books.

// craeonics / 724 weeks and 8 hours ago

I suppose cuz it's fairly new? I'm pretty sure by 6 mos it will take off.

Anyways this Carpe Jugulum book looks to be a kiddie book but since it's cute and magical (from what I've gathered so far) I'm actually going to read it! hehe

If I gave this book to Sam he would laugh and wouldn't read it since he's an old man who reads newspapers at 13 years old. I actually think it's kind of enchanting and cute.

// Doreen / 724 weeks and 7 hours ago

It may seem like a kiddy book, but is not really one if you note the underlying currents and themes. But it certainly is a parody.

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 6 days ago

Really? Well I guess I should be the last person to try to categorize a book (but I thought it was cuz I find it so enchanting)

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 6 days ago

Meanwhile, after over fifteen years of searching, I have finally found the name and artist of my favourite track ever, e-v-e-r. Even better yet, I can listen to it as well. Now all I need is a hard copy of that disk... Going to be troublesome...


* craeonics is listening to: Search & Destroy - Madness Revisited [link]

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 6 days ago

Never heard that one before but ja het is goed!

And if you were not so stubborn you'd be able to do what I do which is use this: [link]

I grab what I want off of YouTube both audio and vids and import into my iPod on my iPhone anything I want for free now.

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 6 days ago

It used to be called MxTube but now that it has the import feature they call it YourTube...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 6 days ago

Trouble with that tune is that it was released in '94 as the B-side of a 7". Or in other words, one of those black CD-like things which can play on both sides. The only real CD-version was on a compilation disk of the record label later that year. Naturally, long, long out of print.

Fortunately we have P2P these days...

Ripping out of a YouTube movie would be my last resort. Trouble with that is that people upload their compressed (and thus distorted) audio to YouTube and then YouTube goes and compresses (and distorts) it some more to fit in their bandwidth profile.

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 5 days ago

The kick drum is weak though. Maybe I should make a remix if I ever learn to make music. In the meantime, I'll entertain myself with some gabber: [link] (yes, I know, it sucks, but it's fun to do).

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 5 days ago

I've not really had too many problems finding and getting what I want using YourTube on my iPhone it normally prompts me if I want High Quality, Low Quality or 720p though I always grab the 720p and the files are as big as a house I get the same quality as if I had purchased it in iTunes for 1.99 as for P2P it's always been like pulling teeth to find the one "I" want.

Dutchy that is completely outstanding! It does not suck, I'd say you're off to a great start! (but that sounds better than a start)

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 5 days ago

Something fairly decent by Rihanna: [link]

/me goes dance w/ the laundry...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 5 days ago

First I need to learn how to play a piano properly. But at least I have the "equipment" and setup now.

// crae_work / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

There goes your nails!

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm sure it's quite possible to play a piano with long nails. After all, I'm here typing on this keyboard with nails extending about 7 mm beyond my fingertips.

// crae_work / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know what mm is but if your nails are longer than mine are I'm seriously going to have to go run over there and either bite them off or have you scratch my back!

Dutchy you're freaking me out over here w/ this nail thing. If you're painting them red like mine too I think my heart will shatter into a million pieces! (black is okay though) hehe

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

mm = millimeter [link]

Now, why would I want to paint my nails? The only reason I cut them every now and then is because I can't be bothered to do it on a regular basis. I'm going to reincarnate as a sloth.

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

Umm so that they will look pretty? (All I know is I feel better now) hehe!

And dutchy you know I only know inches so I suppose that is about 1/4 inch? Anyways, no need to reincarnate cuz you are a sloth!

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

Dug up some piano lessons on YouTube. So now I can play "Twinkle twinkle little star" and "Mary had a little lamb". I'm taking baby steps, but getting somewhere slowly.

Also found out that it's indeed impossible to hold your hands "right" if you have long nail. It all sounds a bit choppy because of that. My thumb can't reach the keys because I have to keep my fingers extended in order to press them (which wouldn't be an issue if I had short nails).

// crae_zzz / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

Wellll then let me bite all your nails off so you can play correctly! hehe

There's probably only one thing I can think of that would be better than making your own skins or themes and that would be making our your own music. And most likely YouTube is the best teacher (I run there for everything)

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 4 days ago

Best thing would be making your own everything. But one only has so much time in life, so choices must be made.

// crae_work / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

That's when you have to tweak someone elses things (saves you time) hehe

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

And it's a total waste of time thinking about time cuz it's only an illusion.

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

So spake Doreen, denizen of dreams for the last four decades.

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

Well when I was a teenager my friends all gave me the nickname of Lil Dreamer.

Anyways as for Time, you can't touch it, control it, nor predict it yet everyone thinks they "have" time (hence why I think it's just an illusion)

Now go play Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star! I want to hear what you end up coming out with...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 3 days ago


Moving along, this song is bizarre.


* craeonics is listening to: Laserkraft 3D - Nein, Mann!

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

Veryyy bizarre and so is the vid! hehe

Check it out: [link] (but those sneakers are crazeeeee)

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 3 days ago

They play that video three times per hour. It's like song of the week or something.

// crae_work / 723 weeks and 2 days ago

I'd rather hear that then them playing Usher's new tunes ever other song they play on the radio over here. The radio stations over here have repeating playlist from Hell...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 2 days ago

Meanwhile, our beloved editor made a surprise appearance in the shout box.


* craeonics is listening to: Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - Promiscuous Girl

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 2 days ago

I heard that song this morning when I was making my run to the gym. (hadn't heard it for a while)

I seriously need to update my own playlist on my nano it's beginning to sound just as bad as the Radio's playlist!

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 2 days ago

Either this kid is lip syncing or God dropped this lil Angel out of heaven to force me to like Opera (cuz I hate Opera) but everytime I hear her sing I get hypnotized I can't believe what comes out of her mouth! check this out dutchy: [link]

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 1 day ago

And who is now performing a guest appearance on the show while we wait to see who the winner is? Usher! Ack!

/me already knows the Lil Opera singer will win and goes visit la la land...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 1 day ago

America's Got Talent? /me runs for the hills

// crae_work / 723 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmmm apparently I was wrong (so what else is new) the Lil Opera singer didn't win? And out of the hundreds of thousands of so called talented ppl the guy that plays the guitar and sings and wanted to win just to buy his Grandparents a house is the one who won.

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 1 day ago

The guy wants to build a house for his old folks. Now ain't that sweet? Let's vote for him!

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 17 hours ago

No kidding, the name of the show should be "America's got problems" cuz whoever has the biggest problem wins not the one who's got the best talent. Rediculous, but most the shows on TV are anyways...

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 13 hours ago

Rule of thumb with this stuff: the only people you will see on these shows are people who are desperate enough to get on TV but are sorely lacking in the talent department. This is basically a cherry picking contest for the record label execs to find the best new "star" to mold into whatever shape or form they may please.

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 12 hours ago

Not necessarily, that kid had some talent take a goed listen: [link]

Last thing I want to hear (or visualize) when I'm listening to music is some over dramatic person singing overly dramatic music (another words I "hate" Opera) but this kid had talent though they gave it to some guy playing a guitar? hehe!

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 9 hours ago

What's up with the volume in that video. I can barely hear it, even if I turn the rest of my music down. From what I gather, she can generate quite the levels, even with such a small frame. Opera singers are usually build like tanks.

However, pop will always triumph over opera. As will young men over little girls like this, when most of the viewers/voters are teenage girls.

On a side-note, the comments for that video are depressing. Not because of what people say, but more because of the atrocious spelling of most people. Jesus H. Christ, "should of" instead of "should have", "sink" instead of "sync", etcetera. /me turns into Jafo

// craeonics / 723 weeks and 7 hours ago

Strange the vid plays loud and clear for me? You mean to tell me you actually read all the fruit cake comments? (I never look at them)

// Doreen / 723 weeks and 5 hours ago

You almost became a messageboard widower! I got hit in the back which caused my car to hit the one in front and I was sandwiched! Messed up my left leg (so no running for a while) but all is well Thank God. I had Sammy sitting shot gun and he's got my soul so as long as he is well I'm well.

But it scared me so badly that I actually think I may ride a bike like you for a while when my leg heals...

// Doreen / 722 weeks and 6 days ago

Good thing cars have cage constructions these days, otherwise you'd be a goner. Hope you got away with just bumps and bruises.

// craeonics / 722 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm fine dutchy. I feel more sore and shaky then yesterday though. I know my physical injuries will heal that's not a problem it's just the emotional ones that never heal right. Now I'm terrified of my stupid car. And I've got to deal w/ getting it fixed.

There was a guy behind the girl that hit me and caused the accident he came running to me and gave me his name and number and said he'd be my witness in court and the lady in front of me who I was pushed and smashed into gave me her name and number and said she'd be my witness of course as well. I have the police report, I didn't want to freak out Sam and get taken away by ambulance cuz as long as my heart is still beating I'm find so I refused medical treatment.

But it's just the mess of it all I didn't need right now...

// Doreen / 722 weeks and 6 days ago

Best solution would be to get in a car and start driving again. Preferably to a doctor to check your injuries. You did not cause the accident, so there was nothing you could have done about it.

// craeonics / 722 weeks and 5 days ago

I did dutchy and I'll spare you the drama...

Anyways my car looks like new again they fixed the front and back and her insurance gave me a new car to drive around in until they repaired all the damage on my car and the loaner had "Satellite Radio" so I've been listening to this stuff: [link] Goed Stuffezzzz!

After having that loaner I was sad when they returned my car. hehe! (everything is fine dutchy)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm, perhaps you should get into accidents more often then?

/me runs

// crae_evil / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Thanks for that wonderful advise but no thanks it was like suddenly being hit by a magnitude 8.1 earthquake from behind.

Anyways, I did check out that Satellite Radio thinking it would only be 2 or 3 dollars a month but they charge $12.95 per month plus the radio install. (outrageous!)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Maybe they give you three hundred channels or something.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm not even sure I'd pay $12.95 per month for three hundred channels but it seems they only have 130 channels (something like that) [link]

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Channel 38 was killer! [link]

I got the 30 day free trial now for my iPhone that I installed yesterday since I liked it so much. I have a dock in my car so it plays over my car radio (which is all I needed) but I ain't paying no $12.95 per month after the trial period ends that is rediculous...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

You've got thirty days to come up with a shrewed plan on how to continue listening to that station, whilst avoiding coughing up the subscription fee.

That first "A State of Trance" show has a site: [link], containing podcasts and what not, by the way.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually I've got 30 days to enjoy it and tag all the tunes I want then go grab em all for free, make myself a CD for my car and save my money! hehe

/me goes check out your link

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Ack! Every stupid site you need to download something! I don't want that Silverlight thingie!

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 4 days ago

Wow, a rare Silverlight encounter. I didn't know it still existed.

// crae_work / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Don't know what it's for, don't need it, don't want it...

(I would say that in dutch but the way you guys use verbs is really weird to me!) hehe

Ik (moet?) het niet!

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't understand why you guys say "get" at the end of what you are asking for?

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

And of course all the tools to learn dutch are like "Can I have some wine?" "Can I have some beer?" (And of course I don't drinken)

So like I told you a tons of words to learn that I will neverrrr actually use!

But I don't care me goes learn em...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Those tools probably say "Mag ik wat X" (literally: may I some X, figuratively: can I have some X). On the other hand, the use of "do" in English is quite strange as well:

do not want = doe niet wil (correct would be: wil niet)

What exactly is there to "do" about wanting something?

Changin channels, this song contains elements of at least two other tracks, but I can't recall their name, plus a recent Madonna record. Ah, wait, one of them is The Jackson Five's "Can you feel it".


* craeonics is listening to: Ke$ha - Take it off

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

OMG Ke$ha (most annoying!)

Something to eat = iets eten (another annoying thing to wrap my ears around) hehe

I got this one hour long audio thing to learn dutch via music well I'm not sure how to explain it but you know how when you hear a song a few times even if years pass you know the sounds of the song cuz they burn in your memory? This thing I got does exactly the same thing I listened to it a few times and I learned more dutch then when I tried to learn w/ all the other tools I have used in the past (course it's dutch I'll never use) hehe! But I can count to 20, know the days of the week, ask for a ton of things I'll never ask for!!!

But it's strange that it burns it into your memory when it has the words w/ music...


// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

"Something to eat" can be literally translated into valid Dutch: "iets te eten".

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy allll the learning tools I have are niet "valid" Dutch.

But that something to eat sounds like: eats aten (like you're saying it in present and past tense form?) hehe!

And I'm not making fun of it, it's just so strange and the girl in the audio that speaks dutch she sounds as if she has a cotton ball stuck up in her nose? (okay I'm making fun of her onlyyyy)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

The guy sounds totally sexy he pretends to be an English guy trying to learn dutch but you can only tell from his perfect accent he is dutch as well as the girl. At any rate it's the absolute best learning tool available I listened to it a few times and I know the entire one hour long audio sound for sound and word for word. (cept I'll never ask for white wine or beer or any of the other things they teach you?) hehe

Alright I did actually learn some goed stuff from it...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Your tools are wrong. It's valid Dutch:

Is there something to eat? = Is er iets te eten?

Shall we get something to eat? = Zullen we iets te eten nemen? (note how the verb moves to the end of the sentence)

I suspect I know what kind of voice you're talking about. I know some people who speak like that. They usually stem from wealthy families and have, what we call "old money". Quite a strange world they live in.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh, the time it does not work is:

Do you want something to eat? = Wil je iets eten?

You can insert a "te" there, but it's usually dropped.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

I do realize my tools are probably wrong but what can I expect trying to learn dutch on the other side of the world?

Also on this side to find "any" tools in Dutch is by miracle only you can find any other languages but I just might be the only person over here that wants to learn Dutch. (and I'm serious too)

The closest and best tool I have right now is that audio one I was telling you about but I don't see Vol. 2 avail for Dutch yet.

/me takes note of what you put up there...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm strange for: Shall we get something to eat? = Zullen we iets te eten nemen?

I would have thought it to be: Zullen we iets eten krijgen?

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

You would use "krijgen" when you're out and wonder if you're going to get food. It would translate as "will we get something (to) eat?". As in: is someone going to provide you with chow or what. You use "nemen" (take/get) when you're going to make the food or are going to buy or order it somewhere.

Or in other words: "krijgen" is something given to you and "nemen" is something you take yourself.

/me goes order some more demons in forests albums

// crae_zzz / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm krijgen = begger and nemen = independent (girl w/ cotton ball stuck in her nose must not have money)

So nemen it is (besides it's easier to spell and say) hehe!

/me runs from your evil music that you're going to buy!

Dank jou wel! Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 3 days ago

Waar is mijn dutchy? Ik wil jou vervelen met mijn slecht dutch...

(I'm pretty sure "you" may need to toss those words around in a different order) hehe

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

Eek! Slecht Dutch!

Actually, you're doing quite well. There's the occasional English word or anglicism interjected, but other than that it seems alright.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

Hartelijk dank!

Carry on w/ your evil music...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

My evil music hasn't even shipped yet.

Was listening to the radio and all of a sudden I hear a commercial for this album: [link] (yes, it looks ridiculous). And I'm like: since when do so-called underground genres like Black Metal make commercials?

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

(I was talking about your currently owned evil music)

And since the entire world is just one big commercial. I tried to watch that vid dutchy but I swear that stuff gets me jittery or something and gives me a stomach ache. hehe (wellll it does!)

It looks like some evil "Got Milk?" commercial too!

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

It's positively terrible. Worst bit is that Dimmu Borgir has been slipping into the direction of Cradle of Filth (who also make bad videos: [link]) for more than a decade now. And I really, really dislike Cradle of Filth. They should go back to doing silly no-budget videos like the one for Mourning Palace: [link].

Still, even though it's not my taste anymore (no demons in forests to be found), I did order the ridiculously overpriced limited edition of Dimmu's latest. For nostalgia's sake.

// crae_zzz / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

OMG I don't know maybe it's cuz I'm still shaken up from the accident but that stuff completely makes me jittery inside. And it could be that your taste is changing a bit over time or most likely that the music you used to like is changing. Seems alot of recording artist no longer stay true to even their own style and get lost in trying to compete w/ change?

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 2 days ago

And speaking of recording artist losing their own style whilst trying to compete w/ change no body reflects what I mean better than Nelly Furtado (I not only almost didn't recognize her by her singing but even the way she looks right now on TV!)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 1 day ago

It's only a natural process, I'd say. Artists want to progress their style over time. Except that the path that they take is not always the direction the listener of earlier material would prefer.

// crae_work / 721 weeks and 1 day ago

Not always? I would say "hardly ever" which is what makes the pros stand out (all 2 of them) it's most likely not an easy task to change w/ the times w/o changing so much you lose your own original style. (or they'd lose all their fans that originally fell in love w/ them for whatever original style that attracted them to them in the first place)

Anyways, Goedenavond!

/me goes get busy...

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 1 day ago

I sure hope that with "pros" you don't mean artists who have been making the exact same album for decades (like Prince).

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 16 hours ago

Prince? Are you crazy? he got stuck in tar (or whatever year it was when he got stuck)

As much as I hate to say it cuz I don't care for them (they're not muddy enough for me)

These guys...

Old Stuff: [link] and [link]

Newer Stuff: [link]

They are Timeless they can change w/ the times and stillll stay true to themselves. You hear then years ago you hear them today and you knowwww who they are and have to respect them. (whether you want to or not they force you to)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 13 hours ago

A couple of day ago we broke all records in Los Angeles for the hottest triple digit heat ever. Today we have pouring rain and the complex right next to me just got struck w/ lightning. hehe!

/me is in my Tek bunny T-shirt and going to curl up on my couch and enjoy this perfect weather today!!! It's perfecto!

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 10 hours ago

*sigh* welllll that was short lived! Storm blew over and now the sun is shinning again. Argh!

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 7 hours ago

Satisfaction ('65) and Sympathy for the Devil ('68) are much rougher than the later Start Me Up ('81). Those bloody Stones should've rolled into a senior citizens place a long time ago.

That new Dimmu album is not too shabby, by the way. It's a bit like an orchestral movie sound track. Then again, I just heard the entire album but can't recall a single song.

// craeonics / 721 weeks and 7 hours ago

Senior citizen place? No maybe they need just alilll plastic surgery or something but they've got a few more miles left in them. I wouldn't be surprised if they even tried another concert though I admire them, they're just not my taste. (me likes bass booty tunes)

That Dimmu Borgir stuff usually does sound all Theatrical (atleast some of their tunes do)

// Doreen / 721 weeks and 6 hours ago

Here you go some goed stuffezzzz!


// Doreen / 721 weeks and 6 hours ago

I think it's missing something... like lyrics.

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 6 days ago

Met (lyrics?) is niet goed...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 6 days ago

Perhaps, but it's not particularly spectacular without the lyrics (like most hiphop).


* craeonics is listening to: Sia - You've Changed

// crae_zzz / 720 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't know some just sound alill better at singing obscenities. hehe

(that particular one I always need the instrumental version)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 5 days ago

There's a certain irony in artists singing things like the song below, when the only thing they're doing at the moment is laying in a casket underneed the soil.


* craeonics is listening to: James Brown - I feel good

// crae_work / 720 weeks and 4 days ago

I heard that song about a week and ago and it felt very morbid. Strange though that I hear tunes from others who have died already like Aaliyah, Rick James etc but "that" particular one from James Brown gave me a morbid feeling...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 4 days ago

I really cannot take Rick James seriously anymore after seeing Dave Chappelle's brilliant parody: [link]

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 4 days ago

hehe!!! That is hilarious! (I've never seen that before)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 4 days ago

He also did a Prince skit, but it pales in comparison to the Rick James version (because Rick James himself was in it to comment on it and contradict himself). Also check out the other parts.

// crae_work / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

I have to find the Prince one. I find it so crazy that these guys still keep messing around w/ drugs and alcohol wayyyy past their youth (like they think their bodies are invincible) most "all" the deaths on this end are never by natural causes and by the time they get done killing themselves they end up in their caskets looking all deformed, wasted and completely unrecognizable from all the drugs...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

OMG hehe! This guy is nuts! [link] (I'll have to check out all the rest later on, I've never seen him before)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

What!? Wait!!!! Lil Jon!? [link]

/me hassss to see that one right nowww! hehe

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Thatttt is definitelyyy a good impersonation of Lil Jon... hehe!

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Ik heb het koud! (Jaaaa you read right it is cold in Cali today!)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Ik moet Vol. 2 van dutch maar, de damme said she don't have it! (she has it niet!) hehe

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Ja even if I ever learned it I would never spell it correctly. hehe

Damme = Dame But what surprises me is that some dutch words are actually even the same as in Spanish (a few) since I "understand" some 4 different languages now I just can't type them nor do I feel confident saying them aloud...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

I have new respect for that Pope John Paul! Apparently he knew 13 different lingos!

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Either that or he had his speeches written/translated for him.

Lady is "dame" in Dutch, German, French, probably some other languages, and *gasp* even English (be it uncommon).

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Great = Geweldig or Prima!

Prima is also what you hear on this side for excellent! (most ppl speak spanish around here in Los Angeles)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Lady in Spanish = Dama

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Learning the languages is really not toooo difficult but spelling them correctly is hell. (I can learn anything by sound)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Prima is a loan word from Latin. It actually means "first" (compare: primo).

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh, and "dame" apparently comes from Latin as well. "Domina", meaning: mistress of the house (domus).

// crae_zzz / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

I think I've learned more just in these threads than all the years of schooling I've had (which weren't many)

Slaap lekker mijn smart a** dutchy...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 3 days ago

Kids have it easy these days. See something you don't know, throw it into a search engine and voilà: [link].

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 2 days ago

I think instead of hearing Google is your friend more and more now you hear YouTube is your friend (alot of tutorials)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 2 days ago

Not if they limit access to certain videos based on age or country. That's ridiculous. I can't even watch Beloved's Sweet Harmony video because some goddamn prudes keep tagging it as "adult".

// crae_work / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

That's cuz YouTube is myyy friend not yours! I can view that sucky vid w/ no problems at all on my end...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

Hooray! The circus has left town! (and it looks like they installed a new HD camera?)


// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

Yikes! I know they did something different to that camera cuz I can see super clear now even the birds walking. I can't wait until it snows!!!

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

That's because it's an HD cam, plus it's now a Flash video stream and not repeated JPEG shots. Still, not particularly intersting. They should point it along the shore.

/me stumbles across a workin Beloved video: [link]

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

I think it's pointed perfect. I'm in a circle of ppl in my life that love parties, gatherings, parades, and any circus. I love to be alone and quiet. Everytime I look at that camera it always gives me a complete feeling of solitude! Like standing still in the middle of a cemetary. (yes I'm strange, but there's no peace anywhere!)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

That is so weird I don't know how many times I've seen that vid and this is the very first time I notice "he" is the "only" naked male in the vid all the other naked bodies in the vid are females! hehe

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

Dude in the video is also the only one who's in the band (I think). The girls are just for show. Regardless, there's nothing about this video that would warrant the "adult" label it gets tagged with all the time.

Cemetaries are not particularly interesting. I used (and still) live next to one.

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

I didn't care enough to look really good but maybe a boob flashed out for a min so they have it labeled adult. hehe

On the vids over here you'll see way more then skin you'll see sexual acts (thing is it's so common nobody even notices it)

As for cemeteries not being interesting they are not suppose to be. If you want interesting you step outside the cemetery gates and go back to life and living. A cemetery is suppose to be a place of stillness, calmness, and solitude where you can meet w/ "reality" and yourself.

Once you go outside the gates of a cemetery you forget yourself again...

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 1 day ago

Doctor crae, psychiatrist extraordinaire, would say that if you need to go to a cemetary to be "with yourself", he'd like to schedule an appointment to start the therapy sessions.

// crae_evil / 720 weeks and 16 hours ago

/me goes jump on your sofa! =)

No silly I was just trying to explain that cemeteries/funerals have a unique feeling about them that cause ppl to think about life and themselves but once they leave the cemetery or funeral they go back to living and partying and forget to be a human being first. (Nobody is more sober then when they are at a funeral)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 12 hours ago

That's probably because it's not socally acceptable to be drunk and noisy at graveyards.


* craeonics is listening to: Nokturnal Mortum - Kuyaviya [Goat Horns, 02]

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 12 hours ago

/me tosses you on the sofa and explains to you that "that" is exactly my point! It's where ppl are forced to meet w/ reality and themselves since they are not stoned and the environment of a cemetery is still and calm..

3/4ths of the world is running around drunk and blazing on drugs to avoid reality and themselves. (I'm boring I live in the center of a cemetery by myself)

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 10 hours ago

And my Mom just called seems she is coming to disturb me in the middle of my cemetery today! hehe

I opened my mouth and told my sister I was going to do Thanksgiving at my house and 20 calls flew in instantly from my family and friends (my sister and her big mouth inviting everyone) and then what happens is those 20 invite 20 more and then it turns into 40! Thanksgiving is several weeks away and I'm getting nervous and wondering if I should start cooking already!

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 9 hours ago

I'd start by getting some extra furniture. Forty people wouldn't even fit in my place.

// craeonics / 720 weeks and 9 hours ago

I've no idea how I will pull this off but I'm thinking I will toss half of them outside since where I'm living has a pool in the complex so I will have some of them on the front patio and some out in the back patio and some outside by the pool. My patios are both really tiny so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. hehe

// Doreen / 720 weeks and 7 hours ago

Tell them to bring their swim gear. You can dump all the small ones in the pool that way.

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 6 days ago

That's the plan, I think I'll turn Thanksgiving into a pool party. Most everyone over here are sun worshipers anyways. That should keep them out of my hair while I go slave...

This will be my last time doing this. (I think I say that every year) But I hate to see my Mom getting stuck w/ trying to do the Holidays. Just my sister is the problem Ms. Party Girl has to turn a simple Holiday into a Circus and since she started inviting more than I expected I'm putting her to work on this too! Argh!

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 6 days ago

I'd say, next year the party's over at your sister's place.

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 5 days ago

I'd say starting next year either my sister or my brother are going to have to take over doing the Holidays for our Mother cuz I'm quitting! (and I'm sure beginning next year my Mom will be back to doing it knowing them and her)

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 5 days ago

Meanwhile, across the ocean...

/me has to play fix-the-internet doctor again for my aunt, which will probably boil down to rebooting the modem or giving the virus scanner a right good kicking

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

And then you'll probably hear: "OMG! my nephew is soooo knowledgeable w/ computers! Thank you sooo much for fixing my computer! How do you know all these things!"

(when all you did is pull the power cord out of the modem to recycle it for a few mins) *sigh*

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Unfortunately it was hell.

The computer (still) drops its connection every few minutes and I can't determine where this happens. I suspect the age-old modem has broken down. I wrote a quick batch script that does an ipconfig /release /renew and told her to click that when the connection times out and to call her provider and get a new modem. I'm having a déjà vû here, because it's almost as if I did this years ago as well.

Meanwhile, I spent hours trying to get Panda Antivirus 2011 to activate (she has a valid license), but everytime you click "activate" the piece of crap freezes. In the end, I uninstalled it and put Windows Defender on the machine.

"What do you do when this happens", she asked. I don't know, because shit like this does not happen on my machines.

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

She needs a nieuw modem...

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

I need a vacation. Oh wait, I've got the week off. Woohoo!

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Me too! So where are you taking me? (actually I've got the next 10 weeks off)

Returning back to work full time back in the County the first week of January hence why I'm doing the Holidays for the "last time" for my crazy family (I'm currently living off of a claim from work)

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Ten weeks off? Jesus H. Christ! That's surely enough time to throw a kick ass party.

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh be quiet I ain't into parties I want to just do the Thanksgiving Holiday to give my Mom a break she's getting older and she don't need the work. But my sister is driving me crazy I told her yesterday if she keeps inviting ppl I didn't invite I'm going to dis-invite "her and her posse!" Rediculous. I can see it now my neighbors calling the police on me and me outside trying to pull all the drunks that have fallen accidentally into the pool. I won't even be able to show my face again in my own complex when it's over!

But I know when I return to work full time it's over for me and trying to do the Holidays is more work then fun trust me. (atleast no fun for me but for everyone it will be fun)

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

You still have five or six weeks to recover.

/me plays some classy tunes to get the party mood going: [link] (though Kraze is ofcourse the only true party anthem: [link])

// crae_zzz / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm I think I want "you" to be my DJ!

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Ummm now you got me second guessing what I just said cuz I just clicked on that second link of yours! hehe!

I'm kidding "you" could be my DJ any day!

Go DJ!

Go DJ!


// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually I think I should put together some Lil Jon, Lil Wayne, Snoop, Petey Pablo and then when I've had enough and want them all to go home start playing all "my" tunes as a strategy to get rid of them all when I'm tired. (everyone hates what I listen to)

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

Scratch Snoop he's getting on my last nerve lately he's been a bit over kill lately appearing on several TV Shows...

But some Petey: [link]

How you like it Daddy

How you like it Daddy

How you like it Daddy

And I'm kidding as my Mom will probably be bringing over some freaky Italian music to make matters even worse!!!

Enjoy your vacation mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 4 days ago

I can't see that Petey video (bloody Vevo and their region limiting). I do have plenty of "scare your guests away" music, like: [link], except that the smart guest would just loudly complain and switch off the stereo (or worse, the power).

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 3 days ago

You probably can't see it cuz it's just one of those booty vids...

Hmmm I see you use the same strategy cept maybe your guest are more nervy.

// Doreen / 719 weeks and 3 days ago

I some how accidentally downloaded the sound track to the anime spin of Devil May Cry. It's got some nice lyricless metal on it.

// RedBoo / 719 weeks and 2 days ago

The anime rendition of Devil May Cry was bad. And that's not the "bad" the kool kats jive in. Speaking of metal in anime, Death Note's second opener is the hardest opening I've heard to date: [link] (great series, by the way)

// craeonics / 719 weeks and 2 days ago

Ik ben op zoek naar mijn dutchy! Alright I just wanted to practice. Carry on w/ your vacation... hehe

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 6 days ago

Vacation is over unfortunately. Back to work tomorrow.

Saw Purple Rain for the first time yesterday. Seeing Prince on his bike reminded me of Thunderbirds for some reason. Plus, fashion was criminal back then.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

Knowing how you feel about Prince I cannot believe "you" actually watched his movie? I heard on TV recently that he is currently on tour again and I'm pretty sure he is still wearing his purple velvet and ruffled flowing costumes for his concerts even today...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

I was watching wrestling, but the WWE is so freaking boring that I was zapping back and forth. Apollonia, not Prince, was who caught my eye.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

/me comes to smack the Hell out of you!

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

She was the only source of light in a movie populated by tragic fashion victims.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

What ever you do don't watch Saturday Night Fever all those Disco cloths would kill you. (though even that old white gangster suit beats out Princes rediculous overly frilly cloths)

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

I wonder what Prince is wearing today for his concerts? I bet he's still all frilly?

/me goes check...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm he's changed! Polka Dots! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jTSS1sWOKdI/SShvtOqWyuI/AAAAAC50/Kh5hEtGHUpk/s400/prince.jpg

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

I have no idea what google did w/ their image page but me don't like it!


// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh well seems he's stilllll into frilly...


// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

Yikes! I actually found one decent pic of him! [link]

Okay that's about all I can take of Prince...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 5 days ago

What I want to know is why that first link wasn't caught by the url-linkifier. Alas, have to work.

// crae_work / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

Probably cuz the url-linkifier was on vacation too?

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

Had to wade through five pages of spam (à fifty posts each), before finding the raw version of your post with the unparsed url, makes me marvel at my own genius at blocking all that crap.

As to why the filter did not pick it up, here's the (simplified) relevant bit of the regex:


Or for the non-regular expression speaking visitors, if you split the domain name by the dots, the top level domain (the bit after the last dot) must start with a letter, then zero or more letters, digits or a dash and end with a letter or digit.

The other parts should start with a letter or digit, followed by zero or more letters, digits or dashes and end with a letter or digit.

Or in other words, minimum length of a part is two characters. That single character 1 in the domain name is what caused the filter to gloss over it.

I could fix it, but would risk breaking all kinds of other stuff, so let's not.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

The fix would change it to:


...but not now. It's been many years since I wrote this bit and my skills have progressed a lot. I can see some other possible fixes as well (like writing "(?:" instead of "(", which would speed things up a bit).

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

Ummmm okay if you say so and I'd comment further but would risk looking foolish sooooo me does what I do best and post what I'm listening to:


which is a killerrr sway tune but of course you most likely won't be able to view or hear it from your country...

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm!

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

That song is freaking ancient. Gwen went way downhill when she went solo.

Meanwhile, this weirdness in on over here at the moment: [link]

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

What in the world? hehe! That is freaky...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

And don't be picking on Gwen! She is playing mom these days so it's pretty much over for her...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

Nelly Furtado's been playing mom for a long time. Afterwards, she hooked up with Timbaland and introduced her new style (which I like way better than her old stuff).

Anyway, this is an interesting tune, though not super:


* craeonics is listening to: Reverse & Adje ft. Dio, Sef & Jayh - Wat weet je nou [link]

// crae_zzz / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

Erg interessant ja maar zo zo. Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 4 days ago

I wish I was sleeping. It's about time winter time kicks in again so I can get up an hour later.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

If I lived over there I'd never get out of bed. Cool rainy weather completely zapps me. Today it's cool and rainy over here and "I" feel like a complete Sloth! (never even made it to the gym this morning)

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Cool and rainy weather is not so funny if one has to peddle back from work through it.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Getting up out of bed is hard enough when it's rainy I don't even know how you do it then having to get on a bike and ride in the rain all the way to work? That's got to be rough...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Just have a co-worker come and pick you up on rainy days or borrow your Mom's car silly.

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Yay, dependencies. No, I don't think so.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Wellll she depends on you to fix her computer right!? Payback time!!! hehe

You're soooo stubborn dutchy...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

It's noon over here and it's as black as the night. Love it!!!! (all cold and cozy)

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

It takes almost twice as long to get to work by car than by bike. And that's no joke. Traffic is murder during rush hour.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

Tell me about it I live 20-25 mins from Los Angeles and it takes 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 mins to get there during rush hour. So I was commuting sometimes up to 3 hours for round trip (and most likely will be doing so again beginning in January)

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 3 days ago

They should confiscate the driver's licenses of people who cause traffic jams!

// crae_work / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh my god, they're actually playing Joe Smooth on the radio! This is the first time ever I hear Promised Land get airtime anywhere.

// crae_work / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

And hopefully the last that song sucks! hehe

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

There is nothing smooth about him!

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

I bought his album. The rest of the tracks are more gospel-esque. Fits in nicely with the rest of my demons in forests stuff.

// crae_work / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Brandy is on Dancing w/ the stars now and this stupid show is getting me hooked since that girl from the Pussy Cat Dolls jumped on that show.

Anyways me is playing Brandy's old stuffezzz. Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm! (yet anotherrr cold and cozy day on this end)


// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Brandy gives me Moesha associations. One of those terrible sitcoms.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Ummmm I never missed an episode! hehe

Jusssss for you mijn dutchyyy:


// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Especially dig the Degrassi ad in the corner. That series was even worse.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

I loved Moe!

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

My favs right now are "The Big Bang Theory" and George Lopez comes in second (mainly cuz they play "WAR") Yowza!


// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

/me being an old coot means that I only watch news and "actualiteiten" (whatsitcalled in English?). And only while doing something else in the mean time (like now). My occasional safari into the land of channels and programs hasn't yielded much of interest these past few years.

Last thing I watched was Couples, I think. Though the IT Crowd was pretty amusing too though: [link]. Unfortunately I somehow missed most episodes.

// crae_zzz / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

I've not learned that word "actualiteiten" but I'm going to guess it means you watch no nonsense educational or enlightening programs? I could however now speak to you for one complete hour in dutch and ask you for beer, wine, coffee, coffee w/ milk and sugar, water or ask you where the bathroom is tell you left, right all the days of the week and count to 20 etc etc (but say nothing much interesting in dutch)

hehe!!! OMG dutchy that is so funny (sort of on the same lines of the Big Bang Theory which is my #1 TV show I never miss one episode the world has to stop and stay still while I go run to watch it on Thursday nights)

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes back and watch some more of those IT Crowd vids...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

"Actualiteiten" are programs (and other forms of media) that provide further information on topics that are in the news (or are not but should be). It translates as "current events".

TV's usually on in the background, so it's either this stuff or music videos.

The IT Crowd really reminds of stuff that goes on at my work.

// crae_zzz / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

I can soooo relate w/ it too. Even my old Boss used to bring me in her laptop to fix and also her daughter's latptop to fix everytime they had problems so I think the new job I start in January I will not mention that I know anything about computers at all or you become everyone's go to person when they cannot figure out how to even turn on their computers. hehe

I'm going to play a simple quiet secretary...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 2 days ago

Or offer to help the first time there is an issue and then mess it up big time. They'll never ask for help again.

// crae_work / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe maybe I should have done that years ago w/ not only work but w/ my family as well?

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

My uncle once wanted me to configure something on his mobile. I told him I knew nothing about these things, since I don't have a phone. He insisted and so I entered the wrong password (he had given me) thrice, effectively locking the phone. No one has ever asked me for phone assistence since.

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

I cannot get away w/ that since everyone that knows me already knows that I am obsessed w/ my mobile phone and there is not one single thing I don't know about them...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

Ummm I don't think you would see too many ppl that write scripts to have things like this flying across the screen of your phone?


Pay no attention to the fact that it says "Cloudy" on top I had to tweak the scripts to get that specific ani to play. what this does is display all the weather occurrences on my phone and I created (49) interchangeable walls and matching ani's that update via the yahoo weather source and then automatically update to my screen on my phone displaying my images and the current weather.

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

That specific animation displays for a Clear Night I have Rain, Snow, Haze, Fog, Sunny, Hail and on and on etc etc etc

You should see my Thunder and Lightning it is killer!!!

Ummm okay me goes crawl back in my hole w/ some embarrassment. hehe

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm glad I have a speedy connection. 40+ megs for eleven seconds of UFO recordings. I call shenanigans!

But it looks good so far.

// crae_zzz / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm shocked you actually looked at it! Did it blind you! (Buuf is a loud theme)

My weather theme is actually based off Buuf (Which is that guy who made the icons that I still need to follow up w/ for that interview) he agree and I sent him the questions for the interview and we were scheduled for the following week end and then I got rear ended in that car accident and was put out of commission for a while and lost interest. But I will try to follow up w/ him again...

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 1 day ago

Wait, wait! So you're plugging someone else's stuff? Tsk tsk...

I have a friend who slaps a sticker on his computer and calls it a "case mod". Or who slaps a new Jessica Alba backdrop and installs WindowBlinds onto his computer and says he "created a theme".

// craeonics / 718 weeks and 16 hours ago

Ummm neeee it's alittle bit more then that trying to create a theme on the iPhone such as my animated weather themes...

First off I have to create the following Directories for the Animations that display on top of the interchangeable walls.

1. Animations folder which contains all the various animations that get pulled from my weather source to display and dance upon your screen all (49) instances of them!

2. The Source code (which contains the written code that pulls off of yahoo's weather source and brings all the weather data to your screen)

3. The written Stylesheet (which instructs everything to lay such as the wallpaper and various text for the current weather data that appears on the screen such as the condition in description and current temp in F or C)

4. The Functions.js (which instructs the entire theme in detail what to do and when to pull in the weather updates at what time intervals and what State or Country location to pull the weather data for etc)

5. Yet another style sheet (for various layout info for the springboard)

6. And the Widget.html (more layout garble for everything to present on the springboard correctly which can be also coded for the LockScreen)

And then another separate directory w/ the necessary items to run all the interchangeable walls that present on the Springboard.

1. Bundles (which holds all the skinned icons for the apps on the springboard.

2. Icon Sets (which are actually all the various wallpapers that I design individually to display for all (49) different weather occurrences such as: Rain, Snow, Wind, Lightning, Sunshine etc etc.

3. Source Code (which is the code that pulls from either the yahoo or if I choose accuweather both are a headache and are completely diff from one another)

4. Stylesheets (to display the position of the walls and weather data)

5. UIImages (to skin/theme other elements such as the media player, phone dial pad, browsers etc to match my theme)

6. Config file (which is the heart of theme for the springboard and has the necessary weather location and times for update intervals to pull in the weather)

7. Info.plist (which is where you design how you want your text for your app's size and appearance or to make that completely transparent)

8. Wallpaper.html (once again all the info written for the Springboard)

9. Wallpaper.js (and yet again other various info and more headaches to make it all run and function on the springboard)

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 11 hours ago

The reason for the separate folders and directories to make it all work is:

1. Because that "is" the only way to obtain an "animated" theme.

2. It's not battery friendly so if you want to have just the wallpapers changing upon your screen all day presenting all the various weather conditions by themselves you can simply turn "off" the Animations Addon Folder then you won't have the animations running.

Example static ss's of another one of my themes:


First shot is the static weather wall where you can see how it just has the simple tree w/ leaves on the ground? But when the ani's display the leaves begin to swirl upon the screen (that weather occurrence is for when the source pulls in a "Windy" occurrence)

I can't show you from the other side of the planet dutchy but here a "Sunny Weather" occurrence animation in action:


But when it's Cloudy and the weather pulls in an update you would suddenly see this display automatically upon your screen:


And yessss it looks all grainy and gradient but that is the joy of having to record my springboard to show you! The actual theme displays totally crisp and clear on the retina display of the iPhone 4.

Zooooo neeeee, not a simple sticker nor a windowblind tossed on my iPhone but almost a completely written application to make me happy!!!

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 11 hours ago

I only like the icons that guy made so I basically created my entire animated weather theme based off of the "feel" of his theme.

// Doreen / 718 weeks and 11 hours ago

Yikes! That's more work than went into my decade old LiteStep theme (which I'm not using anyway, since that machine died and I haven't bothered to replicate it on other machines).

I can imagine why those animations would drain your battery. But then again, maybe they can be set to only run when you are looking at that screen or perhaps reduce the framerate.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 6 days ago

By the way, that cloud animation would look even better if you'd use parallax scrolling: [link]. That basically boils down to layering the clouds and having the clouds in the front move faster than the ones in the back in order to achieve a cheap (well, not on the battery) 3D-esque effect.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 6 days ago

Jaaa (more work then you could even imagine) Apple won't accept these into their app store cuz they do not allow for apps running on the Springboard for obvious reasons. And like I told you I cannot seem to grasp C++ yet. This is really baby play atm...

It's raining right now per my Halloween theme:


As for the way an ani runs on iPhones it's sheer Hell since you cannot just simply slap on an animated .gif (which in itself is massive work to create .gifs where you have more flexibility setting frame rates etc.) but rather you need to code everything and normally use a "Static PNG" to dance hence that rain ani I just showed you up above. Howeverrrrr me just tricked a lillll web kit:

I present to you Halloween on a Clear Night weather occurrence! My flying jaggy animated .gif witch!

I got a .gif working!!!!! (miracles do happen!)

(Just a test run so don't pay attention to the jaggies on the witch)


I'm trying to bring in some money to pay for my Thanksgiving Holiday thingy but so far I've got 25 donations and approx 300,000 pirates chasing after me (which is God punishing me for using limewire)

/me goes drag my lazy body to the gym. (this rain is turning me into a complete sloth)

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 6 days ago

Your imaginary friend is punishing me by making me download 40+ meg ten second movies of candy dropping from the sky and witches waving at me. You should make the candy pile up at the bottom or add cobwebs or something.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe sorryyyy (but how else can I show you?) anyways no more vids. (plus the vids look yucky)

As soon as can figure out why the candy keeps displaying all magnified and huge instead of like the image I created which is tiny and small then I will try to figure out how to make it pile up on the bottom as it falls.

Hartelijk bedankt for your feedback mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 5 days ago

You'd need two animations. The first is the one with the stuff falling. The second is a slowly growing pile layered on top of the first at the bottom. When the raining stops, you can then freeze the second animation at the last frame, so that the pile "sticks around".

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 5 days ago

It can be done several ways. (If I want to spend more time on that one) Buttt I don't, I've already started and almost finished incorporating a flip clock into the Buuf Animated Weather Theme that way the wallpaper gets utilized more efficiently by adding the clock but still keeping the weather and the animations.

Don't worry no more vids for you only a static screenshot but of course the rain is falling on top of the clock.


// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

I've no idea what has gotten into me I've been in this crazy skinning mood! But I'm jussss about burned out now so don't worry I'll bore you no more. hehe

/me goes get some sleep...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

The rain is supposed to fall in front of the clock, isn't it? You could even expand on that by having raindrops "hit" the screen, just like you're looking through a glass window.

// crae_work / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

It is falling in front of the clock (don't make me torture you w/ another vid to prove it)

I could even expand on this w/ a windshield wiper that removes the rain drops off the screen. But there is enough work involved to keep me busy just laying the foundation to get this all working. As it is right now this is a (3) layered widget.

1. Animations Folder (which has a ton of stuff I told you)

2. Flip Clock Folder (you don't even want to know what is in this folder)

3. The main weather theme which controls the walls etc (already told you what resides in this folder)

After the foundation is completed I may go back and redo the animations and get extremely creative but right now this is enough work.

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

Sounds like there's quite a lot of... *gasp* ...coding going on in Doreen Land.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

Nooo I don't consider this coding? I would if I could grasp C++ but this is merely child's play. (and it's challenging enough for meee!)

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

In other news, this guy has kicked the bucket today: [link]

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

That's sucks we can't afford to lose any of those excellente recording artist! what happened to him dutchy?

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

Lung cancer appearently: [link]. I know his name, so I must have a track of him somewhere. But nothing quites rings a bell.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

59? He looks very old in that photo? That is kinda young to be dying? But lung cancer is not usually something you walk away from. I still don't know how my step Father did I feel very Blessed to still have him. (though I hate when he gets those viruss and bugs me to death to fix his machine every week!) hehe!

But I love him...

Anyways, me goes read that link I don't think I've seen him before though I like his music from that other link you posted.

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is watching Dancing w/ the stars and somehow seeing Brandy dancing the Tango is freaking me out. (It's horrible)

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

Let's not forget Brandy is a singer and not a dancer.


* craeonics is listening to: Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the Name of

// crae_work / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

Wellll obviously they are trying to turn her into something else? [link]

I don't get into this Tango stuff dancing should be done by being felt off the music if not it's like trying to make love while reading the instruction manual and remembering how to move. Anyways I thought it was rediculous but everyone gave them the highest score of the night! hehe

(I never can figure things out)

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

Yeah, but note how all these "X with the Stars" things use B-stars who've fallen off the grid at best.

// crae_work / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

This song is going nowhere. Shakira should stop dyeing her hair, stop translating her songs in English and stick with much better flowing Spanish, and should especially stop trying to rap and write more Ojos Asi-like material.


* craeonics is listening to: Shakira ft. Dizzee Rascal - Loca

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

I actually used to despise Dancing w/ the Stars and all that stupid Ballroom dancing "until" they started using B-stars who've fallen off the grid at best. hehe!

Welll I began getting into it when they put on that Olympic Ice Skater guy (can't remember his name) and that girl from PCD when they both went up against each other is when I began really getting into that show. And the girl from the Pussycat Dolls royally kicked his totally self disciplined behind! I was almost jumping up and down!

Anyways Shakira lost me at "She Wolf" I told you...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

There was this series a couple of years ago, where they stuck deranged B-stars (like Flavor Flav and Vanilla Ice) in a mansion and filmed their escapades. Can't remember the name, but it was quite amusing.

/me looks up Shakira's best song, just for old times sake: [link] (extended, but unfortunately slowed down, live version), [link] (faster and more gripping original, though not as fast as I remember)

// crae_zzz / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

First link: This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country.


// Doreen / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

She needs to touch up her roots in that vid badly! (looks pretty nasty when ppl let 3-4 inches of their hair grow out and don't color it to match the ends) hehe

Anyways yes that was one of her better tunes...

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy.

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 3 days ago

I think she just dyed the tips of her hair and not everything. Yes, people actually do that. I see plenty examples of that on the streets over here.

// crae_work / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

Dat is niet zo goed. (looks very nasty) streaks for highlights mixed in is fine. But having the top roots brown and bottom red looks tacky...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

Those highlight streaks are silly. Makes the hair look like a christmas tree.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

Not true when it's done correctly. All about choosing the proper two tone color and the thickness of the highlight strands and doing it balanced not just ploping the color on big chunks of strands on the top of your head and no place all...

It's just alot of work and expensive to do "correctly"

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

and no place all = and no place else

Meaning you need to do it evenly...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

You know it is silly, but you're still in denial.

Speaking of silly, this song is the shit.


* craeonics is listening to: Die Antwoord - Evil Boy [link]

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

It is not silly! It looks rather cool during summertime cuz the sun shines on the highlights but not worth the work during the wintertime.

/me goes check out your link...

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

That is completely crazyyy and totally disgusting!!!!!

Ik vind het heel lekkerrrr!!!

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

But that girl is going to give me some serious nightmares!


// Doreen / 717 weeks and 2 days ago

A big name in wrestling had a biography written called " Controversy Creates Cash" [link], with the idea being that one has to do unconventional things at times in order to attract attention. Gaga has his area well covered, as do Die Antwoord.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm getting bored w/ Lady Gaga she tries a bit toooo hard.

I like Die Antwoord they are less dramatic then Lady Gaga and more fun!

// Doreen / 717 weeks and 1 day ago

They are also virtually unknown to most people of the world, so whatever antics they may pull, we don't get to see them anyway.

// craeonics / 717 weeks and 15 hours ago

So there I was, surfing the world wide web while eating breakfast. Well, since it was past noon, it's probably lunch. Regardless, got lost on ye interweb and it's now three and a half hours later and I still haven't done shit.

I need to set an alarm clock that alerts me every half hour or so to go to something else (like... play games).

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 6 days ago

Nah who needs to set an alarm clock? Let your biological clock tell you how many hours of whatever it is you need...

Today my biological clock said to get off the computer and go spend half the day at the gym. I had such a splitting headache from something I was working on I needed to stay off the computer and just get away from it for a while but nowww I'm ready to tear back into it tonight! I can't wait!

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 6 days ago

Doreen the hacker returns!

After my extended breakfast/lunch I went on to play games 'til way past midnight. So many things I want to do, but not enough hours in the day to do them all.

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 5 days ago

Don't you wish you were like 10 years old again when a day felt like a year? I think it's cuz at 10 you didn't know what to do w/ time and as we get older we have tooo many things to do w/ time.

Anyways me goes get busy today before this day gets away from me...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't think I've ever had that problem. I've always had too little time to do the things I want to do.

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 4 days ago

That's cuz you were born an old man...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 4 days ago

Then the clock is ticking... I've got to hurry!


* craeonics is listening to: Santogold - Les Artistes (I think)

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

Get back to werk you old man!

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

Tsk... Slave driver...


* craeonics is listening to: Jet - Are you gonna be my Girl

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to sheer quietness (besides the sound of a faint airplane flying in the distance and someone closing their door next door to me and the faint sound of a car passing by on the main street)

Alright! So maybe I'm not listening to sheer quietness!

/me goes jump into the madness of my day and go pay some bills and run errands...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh fuck, it's Justin Bieber on TV again. Little critter still can't spell "you" and look, yet another girl in his video. The little playa playa. And what exactly are those two doing in that alley?

/me no linky to the horror that is the video

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh! What are they doing in that alley! (probably playing jump rope)

Anyways he's so popular over here it is insane and the day they put him on Dancing w/ the Stars will be the last time I watch that show. (he's on every single TV channel over here)

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 3 days ago

Baby, baby, baby ohhhhh

Like baby, baby, baby nooooo

Like baby, baby, baby ohhhhh

I thought you'd always beee mine

Help! Help! make him go awayyy! hehe

I think it's past his bedtime and he's on yet another TV show right now...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

He's Canadian, is he not? I wonder if Canada's ever produced decent music. First Celine Dion, then Shania Twain, and if I'm not mistaken Nickelback is Canadian as well.

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't know if he's Canadian or not all I know is that stupid Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhhh tune was stuck playing in my head all night and I awoke w/ it still playing in my head.

His music must have some kind of a curse on it! hehe

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

One day, pretty soon, your boys will walk in, sporting their new Justin Bieber haircuts. That's probably the day you kick them out.


* craeonics is listening to: The Editors - You came on your own

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

Nope my boys despise Justin Bieber and Gino is now working and going to College so I only see him about 1-2 days a week if I'm lucky and only for a few hours. Sam is an old man he was watching the Elections and wanted to Vote last night! (I still have no clue about all that stuff)

When he leaves home it will probably be into a retirement home at the rate he is aging! hehe

Time to annoy you w/ a couple pics:

Here's Sam when I first stumbled across Skinz.org (and you) and then here's a recent pic of him in the pool. I don't feel like searching for better pics so these will have to do. He's got the eyelashes of a female.


Gino is going through his "Wolferine" look now he's got some freaky Wolferine look going on but it works for him. hehe

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

When Gino was Sam's age (13) he was chasing after everything in a skirt but Sam has lil girls knocking on my door around the clock and he's cold to them. So I asked him what is up w/ this are you not interested in girls? He told me Oh yesss I am interested in girls and I said what about at school is there someone you have your eye on? He said No and I said why he said they all act the same and he's waiting to find his special girl. hehe!

I told him if you are waiting for theeee perfect girl you may not live long enough to find her cuz there is no such thing on earth. hehe

He is a total trip to talk to and he carries my entire soul in his hand...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

You could easily morph those pictures into each other. His face hasn't changed much.

Oh, look, it's young master Biebles again, singing something about "you smell, I smell". Switching to... Jay-Z and Beyoncé's '03 Bonnie & Clyde. I never noticed that it starts with Ennio Morricone's Ecstacy of Gold: [link] (bloody NoTube keeps buffering on this one, grrr). Metallica's so-so cover of said song: [link]. And for completion's sake, wrestler "King of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston uses a version of it as his entrance theme: [link].

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

I found one of Gino he's 18 now actually nope he just turned 19 on Oct 21st a week ago? Here's his new Wolferine look. hehe


/me goes check out your links...

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! That stuff is too classical or something me is listening to Nelly's latest (which is actually not too bad)


// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

Too classical? I take it you've never seen The Good, the Bad and the Ugly then. Wolverine is spelled with a V, by the way. And yes, he looks like the mutant.


* craeonics is listening to: Rihanna - Only Girl (in the World)

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

Nope never heard or seen of it. (what is it?)

That Rihanna tune is excellente!

Anyways me cranks up the volume onnnnn:


Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm!

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 2 days ago

What is it? Only one of the greatest cowboy films ever! Back in the 60s a number of gritty "spaghetti westerns" were shot by Italian movie makers in Italy and Spain, starring actors like Clint Eastwood. Most of them are considered classics: [link]

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

That Black Eyed Pee song is horrible, by the way. Then again, I didn't care much for the original either (which was on the soundtrack of the movie Dirty Dancing).

// crae_work / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

/me no like shoot em up cowboy flicks I suppose that is why... hehe

And you're crazy that new tune by the Black Eyed Peas is goed!

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

Good is the antonym of Black Eyed Peas.

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

Now this is more like it. My, my, I didn't know it was produced by The Neptunes.


* craeonics is listening to: Kelis - Milkshake

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

And their like

It's better than yours

Damn right! it's better than yours

I can teach you

But I have to charge...

Yeah probably the reason that was her only good tune cuz they produced it. (or the only good tune of hers that I've ever really liked)

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 1 day ago

You're forgetting this one: [link]. If I'm to believe what the Book of All Knowledge says: [link], it wasn't released (or perhaps badly handled) in the US, so you may not have heard it.

Oh, and let's not forget her guest vocals on this gem: [link].

// craeonics / 716 weeks and 15 hours ago

Actually Trick Me I did hear but it's the last link you posted that I never heard (atleast not that particular one) I do hear a mix of Neptunes Sexy Sexy (of which I don't feel like searching down that link right now cuz me got the flu yesterday) but basically that last link you posted is a mix of several "other" tunes.

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 12 hours ago

Kelis started out w/ her own unique sexy style then once everyone got their hands on her they ruined her and tried to change her into something else (or something)

// Doreen / 716 weeks and 12 hours ago

/me comes to beat you up w/ big painful downloads! For staying out all night long whilst I was home sick w/ the flu and nothing to do (but skin)

Check this out my Eyeball Wall, I brought this wall to life for the iPhone (alilll something I made to help someone else out)


And I updated my Flip Clock Animated Weather Theme w/ a new HD Dock:


// Doreen / 715 weeks and 6 days ago

I used to think Kelis had her own distinct style, but now it seems all her early stuff was Neptunes material, so the only thing that can be called "her" style is the singing.

If you mean this song: [link], when you say "Sexy Sexy", then note that it's from 2004, while ODB's track was from 1999.

Anyway, it's good to see you're still working on stuff. Even if it's creepy eye ball plants. By the way, why are those clouds moving behind the moon?

// craeonics / 715 weeks and 6 days ago

No that's not the tune I was thinking about but I need to go hunt it down. And I do have the animations such as the rain, snow and clouds etc falling "on top" of the Clock but then everyone started bugging me to make my Flip Clock Animated Weather Thingy work on the LockScreen and the Homescreen (both) of the iPhone which requires a separate app and it's the LockInfo app that refuses to let my script run on top and I have no control over that devs app so it seems to push my script that runs all my animated weather to the back of the clock. As soon as I turn off his app my Flip Clock works "Perfectly"

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 6 days ago

People shouldn't be bugging you, but figure stuff out themselves.

// craeonics / 715 weeks and 5 days ago

The usual old stuff on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: The Clash - Rock the Casbah

// crae_work / 715 weeks and 2 days ago

No kidding that is typical radio stuff

/me is liking this (but anything that has La la la la in it I like)


// Doreen / 715 weeks and 2 days ago

Pitbull can join Akon (amongst others) on the Titanic. Dude pops up everywhere.

In more amusing news, this past weekend MTV had their European awards. It featured a performance of Miley freaking Cyrus and Mr Biebles won "Best Male Artist". That generation gap seems to have snuck up to me. Kiddy crap rules the charts.

// craeonics / 715 weeks and 2 days ago

You only feel that way cuz you are now an old coot! I think next year that 7 year olds will be ruling the charts though!

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 2 days ago

Ohhhhh dutchyyyyy

Baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh

Like baby, baby, baby, nooooo

Like baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

I'm pretty sure that me posting this will backfire on me and I will get that song stuck in "my" head againnn!

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 2 days ago

Back when I was young, we didn't have the buying power to drive the charts. Where do these kids these days get all that money from?

// crae_work / 715 weeks and 1 day ago

Ummm boy you really are old if you don't know the answer to those questions? Miley has a Father that is filthy rich! I believe his genre is Country? (Some funky stuff her Dad makes)he is a recording artist so that is where her money came from to get her started.

And Bieber I think he got discovered through a simple YouTube vid he made if I'm not mistaken? So yes things are diff then when you and I were young for one thing YouTube was not around and/or as big as it is now!

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 1 day ago

Maybeeee YouTube was around when you were younger? You are in your 30's I am in my 40's so I am not sure dutchy. I only really started liking YouTube alot this past year or year and a half or so. (now I use it more than google)

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 1 day ago

I wasn't talking about Biebles and Hannah Montana, I was talking about the bloody kids who buy all their records. I bet they bug their parents about it mercilessly.


* craeonics is listening to: Cascada - Pyromania

// crae_work / 715 weeks and 1 day ago

Ahhh pardon, het spijt me I didn't understand...

Dag! Veel plezier

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 1 day ago

Fun with what? Today's chore day.

/me goes get groceries and all that stuff

// craeonics / 715 weeks and 14 hours ago

Oh be quiet and let me practice my dutch!

Hoe gaat het met jou?

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 6 hours ago

Ik moet nu gaan...

(I must go now sounds backwards but whateverrr)

// Doreen / 715 weeks and 6 hours ago

In Dutch it's more common to say "I must leave (now)": "Ik moet (nu) weg", with "weg" coming from "weggaan" -> "weg gaan" = to go away.

/me has more chores today: cleaning...

// crae_guru / 714 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm strange so many ways to say the same thing in Dutch I think even you guys use the same word for "something and little" iets? I don't know I could have sworn it was used for two diff sentences.

I am planing to take Sammy to Solvang (which is about 2 hrs away from where I live) It's a small Danish Community where they actually speak dutch and have tons of small shops, a farm where you can pet some wild animals that they raise and it has some beautiful ocean close by (everyone keeps telling me about this for years) but I want to get there to go see it before I return to work in Jan. so I am planning to go after I get the Thanksgiving holiday out of my hair. I'm going to play around w/ the little dutch that I've learned. It should be fun...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 6 days ago

One minor problem I might foresee with that trip: they don't speak Dutch in Denmark, they speak Danish and something quite different (or as we would say: "iets heel anders").

/me continues the chores: time to clean out the dish washer

// crae_zzz / 714 weeks and 6 days ago

Really? I have no clue everyone has been talking about this for years and they always say it's a small community where they speak dutch and have alot of shops and some kind of area where they raise some wild animals and small petting zoo? Then when I finally decided to see what it is about I see this: [link]

So I seen that it's not Dutch it's Danish so I figured maybe the language is the same? I don't know dutchy I never really go anywhere I guess I will find out when I get there. hehe

Going to try to drive up there in a few weeks and check it out everyone tells me it is beautiful. I'm tired of hearing about things I think it's time to go see things...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 6 days ago

You should definitely go and check it out, even if it's Danish and not Dutch. Also enlightening might be this article and especially the first chart on the right: [link]. Then step over to this chart to discover the linguistic distance between both Dutch and English on one hand and Danish on the other hand.

Or in other words, it's a three over drive to get to Denmark from here, but that does not mean the language is similar. It's more a distant cousin. Whenever I hear any Scandinavian language I have the feeling that I can almost understand what it being said, but in the end, I still have no clue.

Moving onto other things, apparently, Die Antwoord's brilliant Evil Boy is ranked #12 in one of the countless charts over here. But why doesn't it get bloody airplay then? And what's a G6?


* craeonics is listening to: Far East Movement - Like a G6

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

That second chart being: [link] (hard to find good language trees on the net for some reason).

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

Also, when I type "three over drive", I ofcourse mean "three hour drive". I really don't know what my fingers are doing today.

It's probably because they're playing Katy Perry vids again. She's scary!

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

Wow I find that so overwhelmingly amazing (the first link)

G6 means she's flying high or "totally stoned" like an airplane (G6 = certain model airplane)

OMG dutchy that is a total trip (the lingo chart I mean) sooo many diff lingos! I've never even seen or heard of most of them!

I think it goes to show you how dumb we are over here that for years everyone that has gone to Solvang keeps telling me they speak Dutch in that Village and then when I finally decide I'm going to go check it out and search it on the net and see it's not Dutch but rather Danish and then I still think oh well maybe Danish and Dutch are the same thing? hehe!

No I'm going still I want to see what I keep hearing everyone ranting about. It will be a nice drive and I want Sammy to see it too...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

By the way if you think Katy Perry is scary you should see her boyfriend I think if they have kids their kids will look like two huge eyeballs w/ legs attached to the eyeballs!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

The scariest bit is that my cousin looks like Katy Perry...

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

I doubt it! She's so strange looking...

Well I don't want to sound mean but if Katy Perry and her boyfriend: [link]

Have a baby their baby might look something like this? [link]

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 5 days ago

My god, she dug up a corpse...

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 4 days ago

I know you won't even believe me but when I looked over at the TV that guy that Katy Perry is with is on right now on a morning TV show. hehe

I don't even know what to think about him? I mean I don't even have a word really (maybe alil scary?) he just looks and acts so diff from any person I ever seen! (not really bad or good just totally unlike anything I've ever seen before)

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know the guy, so I can't comment on that. I have seen Katy Perry interviews and... Oh, I don't know, she really reminds me of my cousin. Except that my cousin's built like a refridgerator.

Moving on, I don't care that this is corny as hell, it's good to see Paul again. The guy at the start says "it's him, it's really him".


* craeonics is listening to: DJ Paul Elstak ft. New Kids -Turbo [link]

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 4 days ago

Okay I have to agree the song is not bad (actually goed) but that vid is completely corny!!!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

And the guy at the start sounds like some kind of Dutch Rocky or something! hehe!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Apparently there's a movie made about those five goons (which is just an act ofcourse, there really are "white trash" people like that, but these are actors) and since it's about guys with qustionable taste, they picked a "questionable" (by some) producer to do the title tracked.

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

~questionable and ~track. Even at work I can't spell.


* craeonics is listening to: Franz Ferdinand - Ruby

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Cut those nails!!! hehe

So you mean what they call over here (which is almost the same) "White trailer trash" hehe! I figured it was a spoof but they seem to take it to the extreme!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Those moustaches are all fake for starters. But like I said, there really are weirdos like that.

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

The real versions are called "Sjonnies" over here (and "Anita's" are the female version). A number of documentaries have been made about this phenomenon over the years. Here's one about a Sjonnie who lives in my town: [link]

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Wow right off the bat that looks like what we call "The Projects" over here. Only certain individual know how to tip toe through the projects and tip toe back out w/ their lives still intact.

Alot of that stuff over here too dutchy. I stay "neutral" I can walk in Beautiful Beverly Hills or The Ghetto Projects and nobody messes w/ me. (must be a vibe thing) hehe!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Ummm already 5 secs of that vid I see one tweeker...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh!!! I only understand some words dutchy I cannot make it all out. But anyways, it makes my heart bleed...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

In that particular segment he first has a fight with some government agency about his kids (lack of) school results (I think, not quite clear), then he drives to an appointment with the corporation from which he rents his appartment in order to strike a deal and pay only half what he owes them. In cash ofcouse.

Basically the story of a guy who can't keep up with society. He has his own idea of what the rules of the game of life are, which is quite different from how things really work. So he tries to hussle and threaten, which ofcourse yields nothing when dealing with big corporations and institutions.

At the end of the documentary he finally makes steps to stop being dependent on wellfare and starts a growshop (a store where they sell seeds and equipment to grow marihuana). That's basically where it end, so I don't know what happened to him afterwards.

That neighbourhood he drives through is actually what half the city looks like (including my area). The fences and wooden boards was because that part of the town was being torn down. I think it has partially been rebuild by now. It's not a bad neighbourhood per se. Just a bit of a rowdy crowd.

I have a soft spot for people like that, though I would not want to deal with them myself. Sort of a morbid curiousity. Like watching car crashes.

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

On a more lighter note, this quite a good/catchy theme song. It could do with a bit more bass though.


* craeonics is listening to: Cody B. Ware - KoW (Kings) [link] (theme song for the Kings of Wrestling tag team)

// crae_zzz / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe dutchy I "love" the way you sum things up! Actually that is almost what I thought too (but I thinking at the end he was at the Doctor's billings office trying to pay for med expenses or something of that nature)

And I feel the same way too for ppl like that but unless you've sup'd w/ both millionairs and ghetto ppl you could not even begin to understand both types of classes of ppl (and trust me sometimes is the richer ppl that are low down dirty)

Anyways, me goes check your link...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! That tune has too much testosterone...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

It's wrestling for Christ's sake. How could there possibly be too much testosterone? Alrighty, how about this one: [link]

The whole classes type of thing is quite interesting. There aren't really that much "have nots" in this country (you'd really have to fuck up to end up with nothing; the guy in the documentary was living on welfare, his rent was partially subsidised and what not). It's more a split between a lot of "have adequate amounts" and a few "have a lots".

In my town, the big shots (think managers and politicians) traditionally live up north, while the "workers" live in the south. The center is basically shops and in the east mostly migrants (due to the phenomenon of white flight).

North and south don't really mix, so I'm still in sort of a culture shock working at basically a northern workplace. It's such a different world, I wouldn't have believed it were possible if someone had told me years ago.

Then again, I also did not believe the stereotypical nerd really existed until we had classes at the Electrotechnical Engineering department at university. Or that there really are prep/frat boys and girls (and loads too) until I saterted History and came across Law and Business students.

// crae_zzz / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Very diff over here on this side dutchy. Everyone is all thrown together yes there is minor divisions (hard to explain)

But basically you can go down to Beverly Hills or Griffith Park and actually bump right into a movie star walking around doing the same thing you are. (and I'm not kidding) and then you can drive a few blocks further down and see homeless ppl peeing on the walls and begging for food. Everyone is basically all mixed together w/o too many boundries. Yes the rich and famous over here have bigger houses and better security gates etc but like I said there also is alot of (nobody ppl like Doctors or Lawyers that live right next to the stars)

All of this about 30-40 mins away from where I live (by Freeway of course)

Palos Verdes is another example of the rich and famous that own beautiful homes along the coast line and then a few miles down are various beaches where all the beach bums live right on the beach and can simply stare at the beautiful homes from a close distance. hehe

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh and that other tune is even more testosterone filled than the other! Double Ack!!!

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago


I can't find a decent link right now but a drive right through Palos Verdes makes you feel like you are dreaming it is so beautiful and even the "sky" does not look the same right above Palos Verdes, I don't know why cuz as soon as you pass out of that area the sky even changes. (it's very strange)

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 3 days ago

Lighting pollution perhaps?

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 2 days ago


I don't know mainly that but to me there is a diff between pretty and beautiful. All beaches have pretty skies but Palos Verdes has beautiful skies. Maybe it's cuz it's all cliffs, rocks and foggy mist over there unlike the other beaches so the skies just look beautiful hoovering over in that one pocket.

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 2 days ago

Hard to explain but let me see if I can find some pics from over there to try...

Here's one: [link]

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 2 days ago

Argh! I think everyone does the same thing we do we get so awestruck by the skies over there we forget to whip out the camera and grab a shot! I always think when I get home what in the world! Why didn't I take a few pics of what I just saw!!!

These are not all that but anyways here's one more: [link]

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 2 days ago

Doesn't really look that spectacular. I can see the sun rise every morning when I wake up. Even if my photos weren't all shaky, it would be bloody hard to capture that in a picture.

Kids rule the airwaves again today...


* craeonics is listening to: Miley Cyrus - Who owns my Heart?

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 2 days ago

You are sucha old coot! hehe!

Somethings are not meant to be captured in a photo or they just don't look the same and Skies are one of them. (nothing like the real thing)

Anyways I can deal w/ most the kids tunes that are all over the airwaves but "she" is not one of them. (she's got that country funk thing going on and me does not like country music)

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 2 days ago

This old coot is being tortured by Nickelback at the moment. And that on a station that like to pride itself on being alternative (which is so not done).

// crae_work / 714 weeks and 1 day ago

Would you believe this is the only tune of his I actually love? I've not heard another one from him that I like since this one: [link]

Anyways, this old coot is going to drag her body off to the gym to break my sweat and most likely will be listening to their overhead tunes (which normally is 80's stuffezzz)

Take care of me before everything else in my day tries to tear me apart...

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 1 day ago

/me purges the Nickelback loving from this thread


* craeonics is listening to: Paradisio - Bailando

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 1 day ago

Let my love open the door, let my love open the door!


Some commercial on TV right now I think they use this tune in every single romantic comedy they make (which is fine by meeee)

Let my love open the door!

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 1 day ago

How and when exactly did chick flicks infiltrate this thread?

/me goes hide under the bed

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 16 hours ago

Ummm? Yesterday?

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 11 hours ago

And because I put it? (I'd put another one! but I'm listening to nothing worth posting atm)

// Doreen / 714 weeks and 11 hours ago

First Nickelback, now this. What is the world coming to?

// craeonics / 714 weeks and 8 hours ago

Who knows but in my world it is time to waste money on CDs again soooo for one Flyleaf is on my list. (too many versions of this song sang by males but this lil mouse totally nails this tune)


// Doreen / 714 weeks and 7 hours ago

The prob is finding what I want of hers it's so limited in iTunes and Limewire is no more. *sigh*

/me sends you running back under your bed...


// Doreen / 714 weeks and 7 hours ago

So here I am, eating my breakfast/lunch/brunch, while my neighbour is throwing a birthday party it seems, hurling Bob Sinclar and Bruno freaking Mars at my wall. Then flip on ye interwebs and am greeted by reli rock... Argh!

Anyway, perhaps this is of use: [link]


* craeonics is listening to: the purring of his cat

// craeonics / 713 weeks and 6 days ago

Thanks for the link Mr. Moody Booty! hehe

I don't think they are reli rock I think they are just Christians and the vibe comes through in "some" of their tunes? Not all of them...

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm you always make me so curious I had to go check things out more at that Wiki thingie...

Christian faith

All five members of the band are Christians. Their faith influences their music, but lead singer Lacey Mosley doesn't believe that necessarily makes Flyleaf strictly a Christian band. The band says they are Christians who play in a rock band, and their faith is heard within their music.[23] "We all share the same faith." In 2005 Flyleaf performed a free concert at Los Angeles Pierce College for a Christian group at the college, it was a three day event.

In a May 2010 interview, lead singer Lacey Mosley was asked how it felt to be in a Christian rock band and play in Las Vegas:

Well, you know what? I don’t know what you mean by a “Christian rock band.” It’s hard to say that because people all have a different definition of what that means. If it means that we’re Christians, then yeah, we’re Christians, but if a plumber’s a Christian, does that make him a “Christian plumber?” I mean we’re not playing for Christians. We’re just playing honestly and that’s going to come out.[24]

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 6 days ago

What in the world is all that garble in my copy and paste?

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 6 days ago

Anyways I was right they are not a Christian Band basically the vibe just comes out in "some" of their songs.

I like the way she sums that up about the plumber who happens to be a Christian. Then everyone calls him a Christian plumber. hehe

People have a nasty habit of always trying to categorize "everything" in life. Black, White, Believer, Non Believer and never know how to deal w/ anything unless it is "first" defined and placed into a catagory before they can process it.

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 6 days ago

What is certain, is that they appear to be straight up your alley. Complete with being in denial of their own convictions.

/me goes get groceries... again...

// crae_evil / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't believe I am in denial of my own convictions (but then again we can't always see ourselves)

I need to go shopping too but I would need a boat instead of my car today. (buckets of rain!)

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

That's how the whole denial thing works. Anyway, I skipped the groceries. The only thing I need is cat food and I still have a couple days worth of that.

// craeonics / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

What do you mean denial? I don't deny that I am aware of?

I just don't like to misrepresent (cuz I am only human)

So here is what I stand...

1. I believe there is a God.

2. I am only a human who believes there is a God.

Nothing really more and nothing really less?

Anyways, this weather has me seriously thinking about jumping back into gaming and since it's been months since I've played my acct is showing some kind of error and I'm not sure I can reactivate it. Argh!

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

what = where (fingers are frozen) hehe

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

I also think that when someone believes in God other ppl think they are suppose to be Godly or soemthing? Which is rediculous cuz we are not God we are human all we can be is ourselves and do the best we can. Everytime I attempt to attend a Church there is always someone judging me which turns me off cuz the only one that will judge me is God not another human being trying to act as God. hehe!

Even the Pope (who ppl worship) is only a simple human being who believes in God... (nothing more nothing less)

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

And when I type "soemthing" instead of something it irritates me even more than when I type "you" when I actually meant to type your! Argh!!!

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 5 days ago

American Music Awards and guess who is singing and ruining the show? Miley Cyrus (and I cannot even believe how horrible this sounds, sheer torture)

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh and look! Now Taylor Swift just won an award! Oh boy...

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

And now onnn tooooo Justin Bieber! and on the piano even!

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

Another award now and it goes toooo Justin Bieber! Okay me has even had enough of this now...

// Dor_zzz / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

I warned you. Kids rule the airwaves these days. Time for us old folk to hide in the basement with our grammophone records.

// crae_work / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

The buzz this morning is that Baby Bieber won 4 AMA's (I only seen the first one)

I suspect that all the other recording artist that were also up for the awards and were only in their 20's felt pretty old to get beat out by that kid. hehe

Anyways, big week over here so take care mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

But first I must leave you w/ this...

And I was like baby, baby, baby, ohhhh

Like baby, baby, baby, noooo

Like baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 4 days ago

Right here we've got this scenario going on at the moment (song called "About a/the Boy"). Commercial uses eighty year old song, which was so so back then and is simply ancient right now.

Record company thinks, "hey, we can capitalise on this" and rerelease the song (I can't blame them). Stupid yuppies go out en masse and by the song (and I do blame them). Song gets oodles of airtime and repeated until eternity. Blegh!

They also had Shakira do a song for Seat (I think), which meant every commercial started with that song and then the usual deep male car commercial voice started his sales pitch.


* craeonics is listening to: Rosella - Everybody's Free (to Feel Good)

// crae_work / 713 weeks and 3 days ago

Over on this side every commercial is now using recording artist (such as Train) which is nothing really new anywhere the commercial industry can make an extra buck they will.

/me can't wait for dancing w/ the stars tonight! (I am officially hooked on this stupid show)

They booted Brandy off and the entire US went nuts cuz there is another female who is a politically tied daughter (and white) and cannot dance at all and everyone felt Brandy was the better dancer but her being black and not having political ties is why they booted her off the show.

Sooo tonight there is death threats against the other girl if she wins.

Another words over here you need to not only wear a bullet proof vest to walk the streets but even if you win a dancing contest! hehe!

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 2 days ago

And everyone's waiting for Kanye to jump on stage and proclaim Moesha is better.


* craeonics is listening to: A-Ha - Hunting High and Low

// crae_work / 713 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm pretty sure Kanye was banned last night. hehe

No bullets flew last night and the right female one so everything went well. (or you could rather say it was a boring show last night)

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm, it seems ms. Furtado has discovered dance music as well. I do hope she realises that vocals in songs like these are completely replaceable.


* craeonics is listening to: Nelly Furtado - Night is Young

// crae_zzz / 713 weeks and 2 days ago

While you're eating your turkey, it's anthem time. I especially dig the bridge at the end where they speed things up and that rave piano finally kicks in.


* craeonics is listening to: N-Trance - set You Free

// craeonics / 713 weeks and 1 day ago

While I was eating turkey??? I was cooking for two days and had to make two turkeys instead of one cuz everyone invited everyone and the ppl they invited ended up inviting more ppl so it was a parade! And I got two tiny bites off a wing off one turkey! And spent the night washing dishes and cleaning!

Everyone had a ball but I'm tired. Anyways, me needs a break so today I'm off to Santa Barbara to see this Danish Village!

// Doreen / 713 weeks and 11 hours ago

I've been hearing about this so called Dutch Village (which as I already told you when I decided I was going to check it out I found out it was really Danish) Wellll I finally got to see what it was all about and:

1. I'm not even sure if the ppl that put this rediculous village together knew themselves whether they wanted it to be Dutch or Danish.

2. It was nothing but a commercialized tourist attraction that was completely fake and nasty.

3. The food was nasty.

4. It was a push and shove and get out of my way match cuz everyone was taking pictures of the fake buildings.

5. And I got to hear some ppl speaking the language that everyone was saying was Dutch but it was not Dutch it was Danish cuz I know what Dutch sounds like and it was "nothing" like Dutch!!!

The drive up the coast to Santa Barbara was nice but the destination to Solvang was yuk completely fake I've not heard one bad thing about this place everyone said it was so cool and great and I hated it cuz it was nothing but a totally fake tourist wannabe Danish Village attraction.

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm serious! It smelled like plastic! It was so fake I cannot even believe it! And everyone around me was all impressed like they thought they were in Denmark or something? I totally didn't get into it at all...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

Well, at least you went there and experienced things for yourself.

And the Thanksgiving thing is why I outsource my (rare) parties to restaurants these days. Otherwise everyone's eaten their bellies full and I've had just a bite or two.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

Don't get me wrong dutchy I'm glad I experienced it for myself it's just "I" actually thought it was going to be like where you have "real" families or descendants from Denmark that set up shops in this village w/ real authentic danish recipes and souvenirs etc.

I went into one shop the had those wooden shoes I'm always teasing you about I ran up to them to touch them and guess what they were plastic!!! They did have a cheese shop that felt halfway authentic it had various cheeses and though I'm not a cheese eater I seen one called Gouda? (I think that was the name) I tasted it and I thought oh this is kinda good and then when I left the shop some nasty after taste hit my mouth and it tasted like I ate a goat or something! I was running all over looking for water but I didn't want to spend 50 bucks for a bottle of water (cuz everything was rediculously over priced) so I had a goat in my mouth for 30 mins after I tasted that cheese! hehe!

The windmills were fake (they didn't even spin) the streets were fake the shops were designed for overkill fakeness and then one Danish Bakery I walked into didn't even smell good half the store had stale looking regular pastries you'd find anywhere in L.A. and the other half of the shop had like "As seen on TV" stuff all commercial things you could by from TV? What amazed me is everyone walking (or I should say pushing and shoving around me) was all falling for this bogus stuff.

Anyways, I will never go back there if you paid me...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

Yikes! Sorry I think I wrote a book!?

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

There are similar towns like that over here as well. They're really built for tourists to give them a distorted view of what life is supposed to be like in this country, if you are to believe the travel guides (including wooden shoes). I've never been to any, since I'm not a tourist.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

If they are over there and doing that stuff too (making fake villages) they should be ashamed of themselves dutchy!

One thing for certain is the Europeans are very proud of their heritage. As you know my Grandparents were born in Italy (as I've told you 100 times or more) and I am a "full blooded Sicilian" but when "I" broke the blood line my own family shun me. My kids are half Italian and half Hispanic.

I understood my Grandparents shunning me but not my own Father who went on to Marry and have a son (so I have another brother who resides in the Florida Keys now)

My brother was always well loved and respected raised properly w/ all the Italian Heritage from my Grandparents and went to the most expensive Colleges around the world (my biological Father was a fashion designer but is now retired he is a very very wealthy man)

And here my brother was raised properly, educated properly (and w/ all the heritage I never got since he went to Italy alot to visit our other family in Sicily)

He ended up marrying a stripper having two kids and got strung out on drugs and is struggling now.

Now my Father wants to see "my" kids the Grand children he shun and I am pretty sure he would be quite amazed at my kids. hehe

I pray my brother passes through this phase in his life and cleans himself up. But life has a way of doing it's own thing to us all no matter where we were born, who we are, where we live, or how we were raised...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

Beware I seem to be writing books today. (sorry)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 6 days ago

As the sayings go, FrogGirl, "blood is thicker than water" and "you can pick your friends, but not your family".

The being proud-of-ones-heritage thing is something that does not pop up until someone gets into contact with other cultures. Mostly when they move or travel to another country. Migrants tend to be much more traditional than the people in the country they left. Or a silly example, Dutch tourists travelling to Spain on holidays, either eating mostly in Dutch fast food restaurants set-up there, or (and I don't know what's worse) taking their own food along on holidays.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 5 days ago

Uh ohhh he's tossing old sayings at me!

And the proud-of-ones-own-heritage thing is something that pops up alot and heritage was something I apparently missed out on (but I suppose I didn't miss too much)

Anyways, Goedemorgen! Relaxxx no books today for you. hehe

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 5 days ago

No rest either. Cousin comes crashing here... again. Fortunately he's buying the food.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 5 days ago

Well tell him you want Steak!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 5 days ago

Fast food, no steaks. Meanwhile, it's freezing over here.

// crae_work / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

/me tosses mijn dutchy a blanket!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

Yikes! Actually it looks like you need two blankets!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

Sorry But I'm hoping it snows over there cuz they now installed those HD Webcams on that beach over there w/ that statue that I like so I want to see how it looks!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

OMG! It did snow today! I checked this morning but I didn't see it or maybe the Webcam was delayed? It was just gray and cold looking...

Anyways It looks sooooo beautifull dutchyyyy!!!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

Wow dutchy that looks so beautiful...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

It may look beautiful, but seeing how the temperature is fluctuating around zero at the moment (or 32°F for those that don't use systems based the freezing (0) and boiling point (100) of water), it's going to get slippery fast.

Oh my god, this new Black Eyed Peas song (attempt at a "Time of my Life" cover) is horrible.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

Heyyyy who cares! You're the one freezing I get to look at that beautiful shot! evilly hehe!

What I don't understand is w/ the old funky webcam they had before on that spot over there w/ the statue when it used to rain or snow I could actually see the rain and snow falling but now though the shot is more clear I don't see the snow or rain falling? I thought I would see it even better?

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

And that Black Eyed Peas song is the bomb! (I love it!)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

OMG dutchy that just looks so beautiful. My fav spot is all covered w/ a blanket of snow!!!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

hehe there is some kid all excited over there right now that I can see playing around inside the circle w/ the snow! hehe

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

Alright! That's enough! the kid is brushing all the snow off the wall! Make them stop! They are messing up my spot! hehe!!!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

So cute the kid is all excited and keeps wiping all the snow off the top of the wall and running all over the place...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

On this cam you can actually see the cold air moving wow very beautiful...


// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

It is snowing, but it's very faint. You can hardly see it fall.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

/me comes toss you all my blankets, slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 4 days ago

/me throws you on the floor and grabs all my blankets back we dropped into the 30's over here it's soooo cold! (I don't know how you stand it)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

The secret ingredient is called a thermostat. Or in other words, the heating installation kicks in automatically when temperature drops below a certain degree. It's set to 17°C (63°F) in my house when I'm not home.

// crae_work / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

I have no thermostat where I live so when it's cold it's cold and when it's hot it's hot and last night it was freezing cold!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

How's mijn lil dutch Popsicle? hehe!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

Actually it looks like the snow is melting over there already? I'm going to go run to the gym and thaw myself out in the hot sauna. (it is so cold over here too)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

It'd better keep melting. I don't like the slippiness. It can snow starting thursday evening, but it'd better be gone on monday.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

Did you hear that request God!? (I'll put in your request but he doesn't always give me what I want) hehe

And it seems everyone in my city hit the gym and sauna this morning. I go to a gym down the street from where I live cuz it's cheap and close but the bad thing is that the Steam room, Hot sauna, jacuzzi and pool are co-ed.

Today the entire city was packed in there (and no offense to you but the guys really don't smell too good when they sweat so I had to run back home!) hehe!

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

"I" of course always smell fresh like flowers even when I sweat! (it's a rule we girls must uphold!)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 3 days ago

Some girls on the other hand use so much perfume that it's hard to breathe near them...

// crae_work / 712 weeks and 2 days ago

True, and those are usually the ones that smell like they are wearing bug repellant spray instead of a decent perfume (or body mist)

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 2 days ago

You might want to reconsider moving under that bridge when your kids leave the house. It can be quite cold there.

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't map my life so I don't know where I will go next when my kids leave the house could be under the bridge or in a wooden box for all I know? But I'm returning back to work in a few weeks to tryyy to avoid moving under the bridge! hehe

I do know for a fact I will move again after I'm finished w/ Sam (cuz I'm only trying to stay still for him) But where I don't have a clue could be a bridge or box who knows you can't really plan too much in life...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 2 days ago

I suspect it will be neither bridge nor box, but rather a condo along the coast or something. Got to aim high.


* craeonics is listening to: Mr. Mister - Broken Wings

// crae_work / 712 weeks and 1 day ago

Well wherever bridge or condo I suspect I will be still looking for you every morning until I end up in that box. hehe

/me goes wake up...

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 1 day ago

/memo to self: do not move into box or under bridge: stalkers abound

// craeonics / 712 weeks and 16 hours ago

Well where else can I get my daily dose of raw sarcasm?

// Doreen / 712 weeks and 11 hours ago

Don't that stuff come prepackaged in supermarkets these days?

// craeonics / 711 weeks and 6 days ago

True, but I doubt it comes in Dutch flavor over here.

// Doreen / 711 weeks and 6 days ago

/me hops over to the super market... for cat food

// craeonics / 711 weeks and 5 days ago

In the end I never went to fetch that cat food. Had to go out for dinner, so my mom fed the cats and brought three boxes of cat food.

I'm terribly lazy.


* craeonics is listening to: Rihanna - Only Girl (in the World)

// craeonics / 710 weeks and 5 days ago

They play this song like three times an hour. Fortunately, it's quite a decent track. Unfortunately, they also play miss Perry's latest assault on my ear drums three times an hour.


* craeonics is listening to: Far East Movement - Like a G6

// craeonics / 710 weeks and 5 days ago

Good song, weirrrd video (about fruit junkies or something).


* craeonics is listening to: Don Diablo ft. Dragonette - Animale

// craeonics / 710 weeks and 2 days ago

/me is (or I should rather say was) listening to my usual La la la la tunes earlier: [link]

Now just listening to the pouring rain...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 6 days ago

She's baaack!

/me is stuck in twenty centimeters of snow, fortunately, I have two weeks off

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 5 days ago

I just peeked at my fav beach spot over there it looks beautiful dutchy.

I didn't feel like putting on scuba diving equipment just to run out to the gym (pouring rain like I've never seen for days now) so I decided to kick back today and just theme and update a few things I've been working on...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 5 days ago

It can snow all day long for all I care. I have two weeks off, so no need to go anywhere (except groceries). Was planning on being productive, but chances of that are slim (as usual).

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

I know that feeling, I got Thanksgiving all out of my hair and now here comes Christmas in a few days I'm so unmotivated that I never got a tree so Gino went and tried to surprise me w/ a tree and I was like "Why did you go and do that! Now I have to decorate that thing!" (instead of saying thank you!) hehe!

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

All my family and everyone around me is all Christmas buzzy and excited about Christmas and I'm such a freak I hate myself cuz all I can think about is I wish it was over! (I cannot get into this mood everyone else seems to be in, I don't even know how to fake it)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

But I am trying!

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

You can start by decorating that tree and then move up to playing Bing Crosby all day.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah I didn't have to decorate that tree cuz Sammy is a mind reader he reads my mind and feelings and he went downstairs after midnight and decorated the tree quietly...

I have to admit the tree smells really good and I could not have decorated it as good as Sammy did. hehe

I already promised my sister and Mother I would run over to their Christmas party and show my face but I know as soon as they break out the drinks and toss on the Jazz and Italian tunes and try to force ppl to dance I'm sneaking out the back door...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

Unless they've managed to position your fat uncle (everyone has a fat uncle) in front of the back door.

Meanwhile, little old moi has been playing with Foobar2000's playlist (or rather the ELPlaylist component thereof) for the past two day, which gives you way more freedom to theme things than any playlist I've ever encountered.

Ofcourse it does not take much to have me run into the limits of what's possible. Still, one can get quite far.

Looks like this at the moment: [link]. If I scanned the artwork of the album, it will be used as a backdrop (like the Satyricon album at the bottom), but I'm way, way behind with scanning.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

But then again, using album art as a backdrop gives you readability issues like: [link] (that's why there's that dark column on the right, not entirely content with that yet).

// crae_zzz / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm you're right I did have one fat uncle but he died all the rest of my uncles (the ones still alive) are as skinny as sticks.

Anyways, me goes see what you are doing...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

*sigh* Oh boy me goes grab my night time vision goggles! (so dark I cannot read it!)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

The album art as the backdrop is about all that makes it looked skinned! Hmm I suppose if the dark column on the right bothers you then you could lose the shade and just color your length of time numbers electric green (or some color that better stands out)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 4 days ago

Colours are taboo. And they don't work, since I can't predict the colour of the background image.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah when there is a will there is a way. You just have no will (at all)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 3 days ago

Good thing this is a decent tune cuz they play it like every 15 mins on the radio over here...


// Doreen / 709 weeks and 3 days ago

Wasn't that song originally "Put your hands up for Detroit"?

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 2 days ago

Yes, that tune has been around for a while if they played it over there you'd hear "Put your hands up for The Hague" (I suppose)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm more puzzled that it's the exact same song as the original, with just _one_ word replaced and in the correct voice. Anyway, I heard some new Fedde le Grand stuff yesterday, but since I'm not too keen on squishy beats, I cannot recall the title (and a quick search yield nothing either).

I prefer deep basslines: [link] (in fact that bass is so deep my netbook can't even reproduce it).

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh, and I have to mention this Arcturus remix: [link] (beat kicks in at 1:50).

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Ja de bassline is goed but those squishy worms (or whatever those things were in the vid made my skin crawl) And I see mijn dutchy is still listening to Arcturus...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Well, not really. Arcturus' last album is from 2005 and they disbanded in 2007. I'm listening to (read: buy records of) Ukrainian stuff these days. Demons in forests (or perhaps on the tundra) material like: [link] (warning: not safe for Doreens).

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Also not safe for Doreens. I thought I had seen it all, but apparently female singers do that voice as well. Meet Cadaveria: [link] (crazy Italians). Not my style tough.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Ummm I think you like to scare and torture me? Do I dare check out that second link?

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Ack!!! Totally disgusting! (cept her dark lipstick is kind of cool)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Had to check her out to see if it was just that tune of hers I did not like but nope she's horrible (cept I reallyyy like choice of lipsticks!)

Like the perfect shade of red! hehe


// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Judging by that last video, she did not destroy her voice with all those years of growling. I mean, she's at least a better singer than freaking Katy Perry. However, she will wreck her vocal cords if she keeps smoking.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

I cannot even believe it myself but I actually like this new tune of that big eyeball girl:


// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Cause baby you're a fireworkkkk

Come on show 'em what your worthhh

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-yyyyy!

Yowza I like it! hehe (can't help it)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Ugh! I have to go do some dreaded Christmas shopping and yesterday when I went out I almost got swept away in a raging river! I'm serious we are having flash floods and mud slides from all those fires we had. So it's a total mess over here. (as if Christmas is not enough to deal with)

I should just get gift cards but that is so lazy and uncaring but the more I look outside the better that idea is looking to me...

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 1 day ago

Just sent 'em an email and be done with it.

Seeing those mudslides, I always wonder if building a damn around your house would work. I live on the fourth floor so a mudslide (impossible over here, country's flat like a pancake) or a flood (equally unlikely) wouldn't touch me.

/memo to self: get a rubber boat in case of flooding

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 13 hours ago

~Alright, that would be "send" (present, not past tense) and "dam" (fingers like to curse) ofcourse.

Neighbour's playing Chris Rea's "Driving Home for Christmas". Joy.

// craeonics / 709 weeks and 13 hours ago

Send em an email? Oh be quiet before I start singing more Katy Perry tunes over here to torture you! I wish I could just do that though cuz you've no idea how hard it was to find the perfect gifts for everyone! (and it was even harder to find a stupid parking spot) I stillll have to go today and get a few more. (I do not like Christmas!)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 11 hours ago

/me hopes your neighbor plays some Bing Crosby for you next... =)

// Doreen / 709 weeks and 11 hours ago

Hey, look! It's... Christmas, featuring the usual dinner with ye olde folks.

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah right but anyways, have a Merry Christmas mijn dutchy and stay away from mistletoe! (cuz it's bad ummm for your allergies!)

/me goes get this day over with too...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 6 days ago

Getting on with things. I do hope that little Willow Smith will start developing more in her mothers direction as she grows up, because at the moment she looks just like her obnoxious father. Big ears and all.


* craeonics is listening to: Willow - Whip my Hair

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 5 days ago

Ack! Everyone trying to get me to commit suicide using food yesterday I do not have the stomach for little Willow today...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 5 days ago

# I whip my hair back and forth

# I whip my hair back and forth

Point of that song is probably that anyone can be coaxed into stardom or that singers are completely replaceable these days. Case in point, this old crap: [link]

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm oh boy...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 4 days ago

On the other hand, I just realised that I have already seen four Ke$ha tunes getting airplay. Meaning that the "one day flies" have extended life spans these days.

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 3 days ago

Willow AND now Ke$ha? (you probably have a nasty ear infection going on or something)

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't pick the tunes. It's that magic box, with the little people in it and the (at times) pretty pictures, that decides the music I hear.

Also, Bruno Mars and his silly hat should be thrown off a cliff.

// crae_evil / 708 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd take Bruno Mars over that totally annoying Ke$ha anyyyy day!

/me goes watch something on my magic box...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes get fireworks, for it's almost that time of the year again

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 2 days ago

I know boy that went fast!

Theeeee mostest perfecto day over here today. (completely dark as the night and stormy, rainy)

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 2 days ago

I wish it was dark as night, stormy and rainy, but it's sunny (which I don't mind), the snow is melting (fine with me) and it's slippery as hell everywhere (annoying!).

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 1 day ago

Well it is clearing up for your Fireworks so it sounds as if you'll have a good new years eve after all...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 1 day ago

Wow the snow is almost all gone!? Are you going to party at that beach? (looks like the perfect spot for new years eve)

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 1 day ago

A bit too far away. Plus, it's winter, so it may not be freezing, but that does not mean the temperatures are nice.

Nah, I'm going to go annoy my parents.

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 1 day ago

I've spent "both" Thanksgiving and Christmas w/ my family and I cannot take another day being chased around w/ food and drinks. I told you I am totally boring and they are always trying to get me to eat too much or drink alcohol (I don't drink at all) And "everyone" will be drinking.

I'm going to enjoy a quiet new years eve and I don't care what anyone says or thinks! I don't feel like any madness.

Enjoy your New Years eve mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 1 day ago

I bought 150 bucks of fireworks and I can't let my father set it all off by himself. It would take forever.

Meanwhile, it appears Boney M. leadman Bobby Farrell passed away yesterday (at the age of 61), a day after being on stage in Russia. The entire band got shafted bad by management, so he never reaped financial success. Roger Sanchez paid tribute to the crazy dancer in this 2007 video: [link].

// craeonics / 708 weeks and 15 hours ago

I've never ever heard or seen of that Farrell or that Sanchez guy (and that vid looks silly)

On this end though Teena Maria died and shocked everyone: [link]

I think she was known as the "Ivory Queen of Soul" (something like that) but I've never liked not even one of her tunes and don't think she ever had any soul in her music. (She always sounded annoying to me like Ke$ha)

Only 54 years old? I wonder why they put such emphasis on who kicked the bucket during the year that is passing instead of putting emphasis on what good things happened during the year? (but then maybe cuz there is more bad then good) who knows but not a good way to view the year passing. hehe!

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 11 hours ago

Hmm look at the bottom of that page dutchy there is that Boney guy? (strange I've never heard or seen of him but there he is)

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 11 hours ago

Jussss about 3:00 over here which means it's almost 12:00 midnight there so you're shooting off some fireworks about now. I'd sing Katy Perry's Firework tune for you but I'll behave and just come wish you a Happy New Year.

One more minute...

Happy New Year!!!!!

// Doreen / 708 weeks and 3 hours ago

Meanwhile I don't think I've ever heard of Teena Marie. Hmm...

The thing with "news" though is that it's supposed to focus on events that are out of the ordinary. So if it seems all doom and gloom, remember that those are the exceptions.


* craeonics is listening to: De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig - Huilend naar de Club

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 6 days ago

Or it could just be the ppl that report the news for the end of a new year simply like to look in the obituaries too much? (who knows)

/me goes wake up...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 6 days ago

Those obituaries are pre-written most of the times and periodically updated, so that the press can respond quickly to when someone dies.

What also passed is my two weeks off. Back to work tomorrow.

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 5 days ago

Really are they? Yuk I find that to be totally unprofessional. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch. Hmm now I'm thinking if you count your chickens before they hatch and some die and you only end up w/ 3 chickens though you had 7 eggs and 4 died...

So you mean to tell me these guys write other ppl's obituaries before they die! What if "they" die before the other person dies!!!???

Alright don't answer that cuz I'm playing...

Hopefully you had a good two weeks off work and did everything (or nothing at all) that you wanted to do during your time off?

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 5 days ago

I played games allll week long. Demon's Souls (PS3-game) is strangely addictive, even though it's completely unforgiving.

But aren't you back at work as well by now?

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 4 days ago

"Any day now" but the issue is "where" I will be returning back to work.

I met w/ the Return to work Coordinator two weeks ago and her and her supervisor tried to explain to me that the Dept I left is demanding I return back to them. This is "not" and option for me and I will not return there. I have an Administrative Secretarial Position lined up, the problem is that my Salary is budgeted through Dept 160 and the other place that is fighting for me is not part of Dept 160 and the County of Los Angeles is having financial cuts. If the other dept gets to pull me my Salary will still be paid out from the other Dept (and needless to say they will not like that) But if the other job finds the funds for me then this will all work out.

Nothing in my life comes easy so I am a nervous wreck...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 4 days ago

My claim has almost run out so I've been doing graphic and designing work (and commission designing work) but it barely pays the bills so I hope this works out or it won't be a joke anymore I will be under that bridge!

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 4 days ago

On the other hand, if the supervisors are happy with you (and I don't mean your ex-boss) and want to retain your employment, perhaps they will deal with the paper work and what not.

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know dutchy (I'm scared to death what will happen) I had to be honest when I met w/ them. I am an STC (which is nothing) Senior Typist Clerk! hehe

The Administrative Secretarial Position requires someone who has secretarial skills. I had to tell them I ain't no secretary "but" I am willing to try to be one. hehe!

I've been working so far out of class and now it might hurt me. What my Item is and what I actually do are two very diff things. I have been working as a Data System Analyst had I chosen to reclassify myself instead of taking the offer to telecommute I would have been rich! But I make strange decisions in life. I chose to work from home and be a mom to my kids at the same time. I don't regret it for a min! It's paid off when I look at my kids but it might hurt me now...

I'm leaving this in God's hands and trust he will place me where I need to be next in my life. (but this could go bad) I'll keep you posted. (I've been praying alot!)

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 4 days ago

Secretarial skills = being able to take notes, write letters, shield the boss from other people and basically managing stuff. Not that difficult, but it has to fit your character.

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

Administrative Secretary II = Knowledge of Stenography/Shorthand, Dictation, proficiency in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel and Access, be responsible to organize and run an administrative office "under the thumb of an Administrative Figure" (and play dress up 5 days a week)

Data System Analyst = "Independent" worker in charge of a data base that builds and creates Highly Specialized Reports for the purpose of Statistics and Analysis. Meets w/ various Doctors and News Media for their purpose of Medical Journals, World Wide Publications and Traumatic Inj News Media Reportings etc. (plays dress up once a week and/or for special meetings only)

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

This is the real problem dutchy...

In the County, City or any Government agencies there are all these diff levels of positions that vary broadly such as the person that sits in the Administrative chair down to the custodian that empties out their trash cans and their secretaries that get hired to work under them.

Most of the Administrators fail to recognize that both they and the lil custodian or secretary that works under their authority are the same and get paid their paychecks from the same source: the County, City or Government Agency. "They" personally are not paying out of their own pockets their secretary or custodian that is working underneath them.

What does this have to do w/ anything???

If the person I work for is humble, patient w/ me to learn all that secretary stuff, gives me the time to purchase a new wardrobe I will not only be the best secretary he has ever had I will mop his floors too!

If on the other hand I work under the thumb of some demanding jerk that thinks he owns me and is paying me out of his pocket, wants my skirt shorter and is not patient w/ me to learn and is a Bossy Boss? He will have a hot cup of coffee poured onto his lap and an empty chair outside his office in a week.

I am not optimistic about this at all since I have been working for the County for way too long and I know how this works and how most County employees are.

This will take a miracle...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

Anyways until the phone rings from Human Resource this week or next week I do not want to think about it. I'm going to run to the gym and blow off some anxieties...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

You need to install a boxing punching bag in your house. Or perhaps a portable one you can take along to your new future job.

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh be quiet I go there to jump on a few machines and mainly hit the dry and steam saunas (they good for your skin and help melt all my stupid anxieties away)

If I punched a bag I might break a nail! hehe

You are soooo sarcastic you dutchy! (I should sing another Katy Perry tune to annoy you but I'm not in the mood)

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

You do know punching is done with a closed fist, right? The only way you'd ruin your nails is if you where trying esoteric kung fu moves.

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

You do know if you have long nails that you cannot make a closed fist right? (I can't anyways)

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

Drifting through the wind

Wanting to start againnn

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

Like a house of cards

One blow from caving innnn

Do you ever feel already buried deep

Six feet under scream

But no one seems to hear a thing

Cause baby you're a fireworkkk

Come on show 'em what your worthhh

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, ohhhh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-yyyyy!

(I actually do like that song! plus I feel like annoying you before you go to bed)

Slaap lekker you dutchy...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 3 days ago

If you have long fingers (moon fingers, like me) you can in fact make a closed fist, even if you have long nails (within limits ofcourse).

/me ignores ms. Perry

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

Moon finger? (never heard that expression before) when I try to close my fist it's not a closed fist at all or my nails would either bend or dig into my palm. It's time I file them down a bit...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

There are a number of types of hands. Mars, moon, venus, I can't remember nor can I find it. Anyway, I have moon hands, the long and slender type, with long fingers.

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh so mean kinda like this? [link]

If I wasn't living on these msg boards w/ you all these years as your common law msg board wife I might actually be afraid of being next to you! Actually I've seen you hands in the pics you posted and they are long and slender! (but I've seriously never heard of moon hands before ever)

Kids have hands bigger than mine, if I didn't have long nails it would look like I didn't even have fingers my hands are so small (I think I was suppose to be born a mouse)

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

I cut my nails, so I don't look like that anymore.

It's freaking annoying, but I can't find that type of finger thing anywhere online. Something is not on the internet! How can that be?

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

Cuzzz maybeee there is no such thing as moon hands!? Since it's not on the internet that means it don't exists! hehe

Actually I will be honest and tell you when I first seen those pics you posted and I seen your hands I was like stunned and all I looked at was your hands! I never seen a male w/ evil hands like that! Long and w/ nails? I'm not kidding dutchy I never seen hands like yours (they scared me! wellll they did!) hehe

But thennnn I quickly got over it and thought "those are my dutchy's hands"

(and there is no such a thing as moon hands)

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

Stop fighting w/ google cuz there is no moon hands! hehe

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 2 days ago

There are more males with hands like that, but most have earth hands (or was it mars hands?), with shorter fingers and more plump tips.

And moon hands (or whatever they are called) really exist, because I've read the term multiple times over the years. Stupid interweb is being censored by Big Brother who has stumpy fingers!

// crae_work / 707 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay so you keep insisting that this moon hands really exist? But do you realize also that ppl's bone, teeth and body structure are also directly related, shaped and effected by: Geographic Region, Climate, Altitude, Habitat, Diet etc etc?

I'm telling you I've not seen hands like yours on this side of the globe and I've seen quite a few hands (and have beaten off quite a few hands too)

But you do not have hands like many males on this side or part of the globe. Moon, Earth, Mars or whatever you want to call them. hehe

And the bottom line is still evennnn if they were orange and you had 7 inch purple fingernails I still would admire myyy dutchy's hands. Even if they initially scared me for a min or so, those would still be my dutchy's hands...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 1 day ago

Great, now my hands have groupies...

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 1 day ago

Hey lets get something straight here. I am not a stalker or your groupy...

But since we are practically always married together on these stupid msg boards I am your common law msg board wife. I think it totally sucks but since I don't have to wash your laundry or dishes who am I to complain?

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 1 day ago

That's what we have dish and laundry washers for these days.

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 15 hours ago

Now all we need is one of those battery operated cordless vacuum thingies that automatically runs around the house by itself vacuuming all day, this could be perfect! (cept it might annoy your cats)

/me goes wake up...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 11 hours ago

Trouble is, I have too much stuff laying on the floor. I suspect that robot would get stuck fast. And ofcourse the cats would be traumatised (easily spooked).

// craeonics / 707 weeks and 5 hours ago

Hmmm knew this was too good to be true, well looks like I have to go into cyber clean mode (good thing about this is your cats won't even know I'm there or hear my vacuum)

/me goes pick up your nasty stuff and clean and vacuum your living room...

// Doreen / 707 weeks and 2 hours ago

I think I'll do some quick sweeping myself, before the dust developes legs and starts walking around. After that... back to gaming it is!

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 6 days ago

Goeiemorgen! Have fun! (I actually do have to do some cleaning today and re-organize my closet and take massive inventory) Joy!

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 6 days ago

I really can't be bothered with all that cleaning, so it was a real quick sweep. Alas, I'm too high maintenance, for on today's schedule: more washing and more groceries.

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 5 days ago

Nah not too high maintenance (just too far) anyways, my party girl Sisterrrr and her bright ideas...

My Sister: "Hey lets give Mom a "surprise" Birthday party!"

Me: "Come on sis now you knowwww I don't like parties and enough is enough w/ the Holidays finally being behind us (thank God!)"

My Sister: "I know but Mom is getting older now and we've NEVER given her a "Surprise" Birthday party?"

Me: "REALLY BIG, HUGE *SIGH* (double *sigh* even) Okay! Okay! Okay! You've got a point there!"

Argh! (guess who got stuck doing "ALL" the cooking???)

/me goes get busy today for your cyber Mother in laws "surprise" Birthday party...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 5 days ago

If you play it smart, you can trick your sister into doing the cooking: "Hey, wouldn't it be a great surprise if you did the cooking? You know how mom loves your food!".

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah (I happen to know what my sister's cooking taste like) anyways we had a very "Surprised" and "Happy" Mother yesterday. (mission completed)

/me goes get busy today...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

Question is: who was left to do the dishes?

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

Who knows probably my Mom! I bailed as soon as they began breaking out the drinks later on. (I don't like how ppl turn into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydes after a few drinks of alcohol)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

Ah well, they have the rest of the year to kiss and make up for the toxic words that were spoken while intoxicated.

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

No it's not really the toxic obnoxious ones that I can't handle it's the overly happy sappy overly friendly intoxicated ones that totally annoy me. Friends or family I don't care once they get alittle alcohol in them they turn into someone I no longer recognize. (so I run)

Anyways I just got off the phone w/ HR it looks like either Wednesday or Monday I will be reporting for work again. I'm so nervous dutchy! (wish me luck)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

Hurray! Is it still work-from-home stuff or do actually have to show up in the office more than one per week?

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

No more working from home. Though I'm certified through LA County to do so. The county could not offer me the title for the work I was doing before so they offered me the Telecommuting position (which was perfect for me since I have two wheezers and they "and" the County all needed me 24/7)

Nope I will be playing Secretary 5 days a week downtown in Los Angeles. (and I am "extremely" nervous dutchy) =(

The only reason I may make it to my first day (is cuz I'm excited about the new boots I bought!) hehe

I had to actually buy a new wardrobe for this position. Or I would be showing up for my first day in my jeans and sneakers and a long pony tail. (which is not exactlyyy secretary material)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

And I bought a coat! I can't believe it! Like that one I showed you before (but I found it for half price)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

My legend of the Seeker coat! (it's black so it will work) hehe!!!

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

And don't go start thinking craziness I'm playing, mine is like this one but it has a soft hood that detaches. [link]

I'm excited about the cloths I got cuz I've never actually needed to dress much. (never really liked to)

But wish me luck dutchy cuz I am soooo nervous...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 4 days ago

That must be your first coat since you moved to California. Anyway, you don't need luck. I'm sure everything will work out fine.

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

Dank je (I'm so nervous I forgot the proper way to say Thank you to you) hehe

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

I wish I could just start today and get it over with! It's just I don't think I'm secretary material. I need to learn Word and stuff.

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

Word, Excel, perhaps PowerPoint. But then again, most people, including secretaries who use it all day, only know the tip of the ice berg of what these tools can do.

Meanwhile, that bloody "I whip my hair back and forth" is stuck in my head.

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

Specially MS Access dutchy (that program is pretty powerful) I've been trying to dabble in them programs to prepare but they are very extensive! I like to master what I do and I don't know about this stuff! I only master that stupid Registry I ran various reports off of. This is just so not good...

Anywayssss, I could sing some more Katy Perry for you to help you get that Whip my hair back and forth out of your head?

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

Ugh, Access. Countless proprietary systems are build in that beast in office environments. Fortunately building queries in it isn't that hard (dragging lines between tables). Just remember that changing a value in Access = shit is automatically saved (since you directly edit the data).

I hereby summon Magic System to get rid of freakin' Willow: [link]

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

Mmmm me comes dance w/ mijn dutchy! (never heard that before but it is goed!)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 3 days ago

African music doesn't get much airplay. But it can be quite good at times.

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

On the other hand, Akon is from Senegal. So Africa can produce some horrible sounds as well.

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

It amazes me that you actually know where Akon is from knowing how much you dislike him! hehe

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

I looked it up, ofcourse. I knew he was from Africa, but not from where. I also know he has not been in jail, so that whole "convict" thing of his is bull.

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe nooooo it's not bull you just might not have heard of that record label? hehe


(It's just a record label they record under)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

I know it's his label, but it's also a topic that pops up in some of his older tracks and videos, before he went overboard with the vocoder.

Speaking of auto tuning, Snoop was the master in his Sexual Eruption/Sensual Seduction track (and the video is the bomb too, shame about the actual rapping though): [link]. But his latest endeavour with Dre and... Akon (ofcourse) is ho-hum, again: [link].

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

I could swear I hear a lilll Timbaland in there too? (but yeah a bit ho-hum)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

To be honest this is the only tune I really like of Snoop: [link]

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

What the hell? First YouTube is its usual unresponsive self. I reload and am greeted with a freaking commercial before the video starts! Grrr...

Regardless, what I wanted to say is that you should hear David McCallum's The Edge: [link] and the listen to The Next Episode. Dre, that lazy bastard, only added a beat.

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

What in the world!? Who is that? You mean I've been liking a total rip? hehe!

All that has been playing on this side lately is that totally annoying Ke$ha (she drives me crazy, I can't stand her)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm actually still in shock about that! So you mean the beat from The next episode is a total rip from that other old tune (what is that anyway?)

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

Never mind so apparently he is an actor/musician? [link]

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

I knew the guy from a 60s television series about spies (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.), which I saw some years ago. It was quite corny, but that's 60s television for you.

But appearantly he also did music. This song is from his '67 album. I actually thought it was a Lakeside song originally, but that's Coolio's Fantastic Voyage (which is quite a different genre, I'm getting old).

Had heard the McCallum song on a "spy" stream: [link] (quite amusing).

// crae_zzz / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

You ain't kidding that certainly is quite different from any stream I've ever heard. (not sure what to think about it yet, streaming it now)

As for this moment I am completely freaking out! Got my start date confirmed and it's this Friday! Yeah I know why on a Friday? But oh well that's the County for you.

I'm nervous!

I'm nervous!

I'm nervous!

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm I'm not sure if I like this or hate this stream. (really different my ears are all confused)

They're playing something that don't even sound spyish but almost Indian?

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

Now it's some dangerous, mysterious spyish tune and though it sounds pretty cool (this one) my nerves and this tune are not mixing well. hehe

/me goes take a run or something to calm down.

Anyways, Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 2 days ago

Those nerves of yours need blasting beats.

// crae_work / 706 weeks and 1 day ago

You're absolutely right that's always good to help me w/ a solid focus I need that "and" a quick Doctor appt for a certain lil boy over here that apparently is nervous as well. (he seems to have willed a very high fever on command last night)

Anyways, deep breath "I can do this!" hehe

/me goes get busy...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 1 day ago

What a roller coaster ride this day was. And I know you don't believe in God but I "cannot" deny him cuz he mustttt hear my cries! hehe

My new Boss is taking a vacation (or something happened suddenly) HR called and said I am to report to my new position in two weeks. This gives me two weeks for training and two more weeks to care for my lill Sammy who is trying desperately to sabotage me right now...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 23 hours ago

I'm not so sure trying to avoid the inevitable is the best thing to. Better just get it over with.

/me dredges up some old crap to get you motivated: [link]

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 16 hours ago

That is not motivating music! hehe

No, what happened is I was suppose to start my new position "today" but while I was at the Doctors taking care of Sam I rec'd a call from my coordinator at HR informing me that there is a change and I am to start my new position in two weeks (Feb 1st is my new date) I panicked and thought something went wrong and I was going back to my old department but she explained the reason is because my new Boss is taking two weeks off and he wants me to begin when he returns (I suppose he either had some family emergency or is taking a vacation first, I don't know) but she also assured me to relax and not worry since my paperwork is "confirmed" and I am "confirmed" for my new position.

I will be honest though I really needed this two weeks to better prepare myself and since the County offers classes for MS Office I plan on jumping into one (It's free for me) So this delay I personally consider a Blessing in disguise!

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 11 hours ago

Alrighty then. Office is peanuts, so you'll probably breeze through that with ease.

// craeonics / 706 weeks and 10 hours ago

I've got some experience w/ excel (since I used to filter some of my prev reports into excel) but Word, PowerPoint and Access I'd like to Master for this position.

But dank je for letting me bend your ears (or I should say eyes) w/ my worries and stuff dutchy.


Not sure what to think about this one, zo zo...

// Doreen / 706 weeks and 7 hours ago

And all of a sudden the Special drop out of the sky? That stuff is ancient! And not really my thing either.

In the category "old shit", while Ke$ha is on TV again, I present thee with this, umm, interesting piece: [link] (also note the third comment).

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 6 days ago

Really? It's ancient? First time I hear them...

What in the world is that dutchy? Old and interesting for sure! And from what I understand (or think I understand) the guy was ripping off an ancient tune and got busted by a viewer? hehe

Actually that was a good sound, alilll freaky but kind of relaxing...

/me goes try to wake up again, now that you put me back to sleep!

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 6 days ago

It was some dude playing music described on a clay tablet from around 1400 BC. The catch is that first someone had to identify the cuneiform as being musical notation, then someone had to transcribe it into modern notes and then this dude tries playing that.

So what happens is that the dude who did the transcription (which is a bit of an educated guess at best) calls the player out on copyright grounds. As in: I claim ownership of this transcription. While that may be legally true, it's a bit silly, because it was not him who wrote that down 34 centuries ago.

The guy doing the playing is guessing at how it should be played as well (since putting notes on paper does not necessarily indicate the tempo), and mentions this in his notes, so he just tries some different styles.

Anyway, Ghost Town is from '81: [link]. I'm not too keen on Ska. Bit too happy.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

I can't be moved by the singing in this track, but the small "bit & bleep" distortions are a nice touch.


* craeonics is listening to: Mike Posner - Please don't go

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

British Ska? Strange it was the first time I hear it being played over here. (confused my ears so I didn't really know what to think about it)

As for that really old tune now that was pretty facinating cuz you hear it and you feel like you are actually in a different time? Just strange...

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

If you feel the way I do

If you leave I'm gonna find you

Baby please don't go go go go

Baby please don't go go go go

Baby please don't go go go go go go go goooo!

What's wrong w/ his singing (I think he's got a very unique and different sounding voice then most recording artist) first time I heard him I was not sure if I liked him but if you hear any of his tunes more than once he instantly grows on you or something...

Anyways, me goes go go gooo to the gym gym gymmm!

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

The singing is completely generic. Granted, I haven't given it much thought. But usually the singer is completely replaceable in tracks like these.


* craeonics is listening to: Nokturnal Mortum - Veles' Scrolls [Goat Horns, 05]

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm Goat Horns? let me guess? hehe

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 5 days ago

It may seem to be demons in forest, but it's more riders thundering across the tundra.

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

How is "your" music coming along? Or have you given up on that?

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

What's this "giving up" thing you're talking about? I tried doing some gangster beats a couple of weeks ago, but judging by the result: [link], I still have a long way to go. And it's not very gangster either (way too fast).

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

That's actually not a bad beat but gangster? Nope, that's alilll too happy, jazzy. (Gangster is sexy, hard, slowww)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Slowww, deep beats (just ignore all the lyrics) the beats are "never" fast.


// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Another good example slow, hard, deep sexyyyy beats...


// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

And lastly: [link]

Problem is "you" like fast beats so you really need to slowwww yourself downnnn alotttt to make this kind of music?

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

That Petey Pablo stuff is more what I was thinking about than that strange and way too happy Lil Jon track.

Better Lil Jon would be Roll Call: [link]. That song is more complex than it might seem at first side. I count at least five layers of beats and melody and that's ignoring the vocals.

Or in other far too difficult for me... yet.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Same goes for Get Low. At least six layers of sounds. Though it could have done without the silly whistle.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

You have to love youTube you always find such good stuffezzz!

Some old WAR tune remixed (I love Cisco kid this remix is not bad) [link]

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah that Roll Call is a good example too! But when you want reallyyyyy hard (blow your speakers up hard) more slow hard, deep deep beats... Mmmm mmmm mmmm!


// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually there is a few flash fast beats mixed in that throughout the tune too but it's basically a deep hard lowbeat throughout...

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Yikes! Cypress Hill did WAR's Cisco Kid too??? (I've never heard this version either)

But then again the original War is best it's not bad but a swarm of fast vocals takes away from the slow beat...


// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Apparently several tried their hands at remixing that classic but this one did it right...


As far as trying to make some slow beats just listen to a few of those tunes that do not have the lyrics and vocals which is major distraction for most ppl, I've got an auto turn off lyrics switch in my head when I want. (cuz all hard, deep, slow beats seem to have nasty trashy lyrics)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't think listening to Cisco Kid will get me anywhere. Especially since I can't hear bass lines on this netbook.

But meanwhile, I do think I have the basic Hip Hop beat down now: [link]. If you take a standard 4/4 beat, in Hip Hop the snare (or whatever they use) hits on the third beat instead of the second. It's a bit delayed, a lazy beat.

// crae_zzz / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

Welll now all you need to do is dress that up! hehe

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 4 days ago

The dressing up thing is the hard part!

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

And then what if you decide you want to toss in lyrics then you're really in trouble! (unless of course you do what everyone else does and toss in a bunch of nonsense words and/or curse words)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

It will also need some gunshot samples.

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe dutchy! (true) but "you" like your beats like this:


Gangster is more like this:

.. . .. . .. .


... . ... . ... .

or evennn broken down slowerrrrr

. . . . . .

Anyways Santana has always been annoying to me but he did one tune right! Some good oldie: [link] Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm those beats look alot different then I typed them?

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

HTML compresses multiple spaces to a single space. It's the nature of the beast.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

But yes, I do prefer fast music. Par example: Moby's Feeling So Real: [link] (this time in the Westbam remix, with a rather abrupt end).

// crae_zzz / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

Yup thazzz mijn dutchy's beat... hehe

It's goed, so fast it almost makes your heart rate speed up and you lose your breath! What is strange to me is that you are such a sloth and you like such fast beats?

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 3 days ago

The mind runs, the body rests.

And I really wish I was still in bed right now. Way too early.

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

Well I'll be soon having to deal w/ that feeling everyday trying to get to LA by 8:00am (but not today!)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

You should get a condo near the office and wlk to work.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

No way, (I could handle living by LA w/ no problem if I was by myself) but I won't live back over there now that I've got Sammy and Gino to worry about. They are both doing too good to risk a stupid move like that. I'll deal w/ it...

Anyways this tune never gets enough air time probably cuz it's such a moody tune and ppl can't handle it. hehe

But I like it: [link]

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

Ugh... Depressive music. You should try some Radiohead. There's only one answer to that: [link]

// crae_zzz / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe silly what is that? No the other tune could actually be more manic depressive not sure but it's good to listen to music once in a while that has some extreme mood altering effect and realize there is more to it then the happy sappy feeling most music gives. hehe (I don't know)

Good night my dutchyyyy...

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 2 days ago

I never listen to happy music. I also don't listen to boohoo-I-want-to-cry material.


* craeonics is listening to: Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

I only listen to doom and gloom or fast stuff. And alpha waves ofcourse.

// crae_work / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

And Gwen Stefani! hehe

I listen to whatever (cept Country/Hillbilly I can't handle)

/me comes say Hallo to mijn dutchy...

Now get to work!

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

Welll the only tunes that I allow to consume my ears, mind, body, soul are some good worship tunes such as this one you hate:

DC Talk - Consume Meeeee! [link]

Mmmm mmmm mmmmm! (would you believe this is the first time I see there is actually a vid to that song!?)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

Course then I usually need to listen to heavy bass to bring me back down to earth. hehe

Have a good evening dutchy (I think your Thursday is like our Friday over here?)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

What's this DC Talk stuff doing here? I'm so glad six new CDs full of demons in forests arrived today.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh no! six!? (and you mean growling and snarling demons in forest)

/me goes hide!

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 1 day ago

Spent the evening ripping those CDs (since I don't have a CD player anymore), so I heard only half of those demons yet. And of that half I only caught half the tones, since there is a wall between my computer and my speakers.

It's stuff like this: [link] (have not actually heard that song yet, since the sun was almost rising again by the time I was done ripping those things).

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 15 hours ago

Super fast beats w/ a folklore theme? That does not sound like demons in a forest. (but yet still sounds like your taste)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 11 hours ago

That eastern stuff (Russian in this case) is a little bit different. But it can be quite interesting. It's probably more tundra and taiga there. Alright, alright, taiga is a forest too.

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 7 hours ago

Hey what happened to my post!? Anyways some good old stuff for mijn dutchy: [link]

And I don't know what that taiga word is at all (never heard of it before)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 6 hours ago

Alright! so it is a forest! I can't help it if I never heard of those words taiga (or tundra before)

Over here a forest is simply called "woods" we don't even call it a forest. hehe

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 6 hours ago

You didn't enter a name, so the filter had your post for dinner. Taiga = forests way up North.

I don't think I've ever heard that Foreigner track. I do know this one: [link].

// craeonics / 705 weeks and 6 hours ago

Tundra = like a savannah, but again, way up north, so only bush and little to no trees. Most of Russia (meaning the entire northern part of Asia are taiga and tundra.

If I would express it in Dutch, forest = bos, while woods = woud. The difference being that "bos" is more domesticated, while "woud" is wild. And even wilder than "woud" would be : oerwoud" ~ ancient woods, like jungle.

/me goes feed his wild animals who've been asking to be fed for the past hour or so

// crae_zzz / 705 weeks and 6 hours ago

hehe your wild animals...

When I think of woods on this end it's all thick and green and big huge red wood trees (like in my fav series legend of the seeker)

Like lesss go play in the woods! (nobody calls the woods on this end a forest)

// Doreen / 705 weeks and 5 hours ago

There are no woods in this county of mine. Every forest has been planted and planned by man. The last wilderness apparently got cleared/cut down in the 19th century. Sad thing really.

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 6 days ago

Yikes! That is sad, the only part of the earth that man is still working on destroying is apparently the Ocean. (and I doubt they will be able to fix that after they destroy it)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 6 days ago

Then I have some sad news for you, entire species of fish are on the brink of extinction due to over-fishing (ask pekomon). And what's taking their place? Hordes and hordes of jellyfish.

// crae_zzz / 704 weeks and 6 days ago

I guess I better learn to like to eat meat more then? I know it is pretty sad though, not only are the beaches currently being swarmed by sharks, whales and dolphins that are trying to jump out of the ocean right onto the sand, a few weeks ago we had several "thousand" birds drop right out of the sky for no apparent reason. The scientist are trying to figure out what is going on. But you don't need to be a genius to figure this stuff out.

Very sad what man is doing to this earth (and all for the sake of a "paper" dollar bill)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 6 days ago

You should switch your diet to jellyfish. Though I doubt they taste like jelly. There were a number of cases of birds falling from the skies in recent weeks. In one case the cause was apparently alcohol poisoning. As for the whale thing, it's unclear why this happens, but my theory is that it might have something to do with sonar giving them headaches.

Anyway, enough doom and gloom for today. /me goes strengthen the economy by getting groceries

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

Jellyfish? Yuk do ppl eat them? I know some freaky deaky ppl eat things such as sea urchins, fish eggs and octopus so maybe they do eat jellyfish. hehe

I'm half freaky. I only eat ruby red maguro (tuna), salmon, and swai. (I'm a very picky fish eater)

Anyways Mr. Doom and gloom me comes to say goeiemorgen! (to annoy you)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

I suspect jellyfish tastes like snot. Or onion soup.

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe dutchy! (and I suspect that Octopus taste like a dirty/salty rubberband)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh boy my curiosity is gonna kill me one day, apparently ppl do eat jellyfish? (or knuckleheads do atleast) [link]

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

That is completely disgusting!

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 5 days ago

Dare I click on that link... No, I do not.

// crae_work / 704 weeks and 4 days ago

Probably not a goed idea to click on any links I post whilst you are at werk...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 4 days ago

They could at least have rotated the camera...

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm glad he didn't it looked bad enough sideways!

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh look, it's Gwen again. I swear, I do not pick the tunes. I just happen to be in the same room as the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - It's my life

// crae_work / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Yeahhh right! You know you like her. (I do anyways, and have several of her CD's)


Her bestest tune!

If I was a rich girl

See, I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girlllll

No man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never everrrr end

Cause I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girlllll

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

And now the original: [link] (from a '64 musical).

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

What in the world! You mean she ripped that thing? (I've heard of fiddler on the roof but never seen it before)

/me goes back to watch that vid?

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

OMG! It is the same song! *sigh* She's a lilllll ripper! (I didn't know that, now you ruined it!) hehe

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

(I never watch musicals)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Just doing my evil deed of the day.

Tiësto and Busta Rhymes have made a track [link] with a bassline in the chorus that sounded awfully familiar to me. It's Reese & Santonio's Rock to the Beat: [link]. Granted, it's a very simple bass, but I'm sure Tiësto, being a long time DJ, was familiar with that '88 Acid tune.

// crae_zzz / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Pretty strange combo but it works, not bad (but I actually like your second link much better) Hmmm guess everyone these days are trying to get away w/ ripping off older stuff as their underline beat?

Slaap lekker mijn evil dutchy...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Acid tune though? Doesn't sound like an acid tune to me...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Iets goed to listen to on your way to la la land...


// Doreen / 704 weeks and 3 days ago

Acid as in Acid House, a genre from the late 80s. I don't think I'll fall asleep to Café del Mar though.


* craeonics is listening to: Avril Lavigne - Complicated

// crae_work / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe who is torturing you over there at work? I actually love that one tune of Avril though. (too bad she went downhill after that one, nothing else compared)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

My colleagues like listening to shitty music.

// crae_work / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm not sure exactly what I'll be listening to come Monday (nor how in the world I can change my biological clock to wake me up at 5:00am every morning) but I suspect you will be seeing alot of Dor_zzz soon. (I'm scared dutchy!)

But I'm ready...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey, you're supposed to work at work, not surf the web. I ofcourse get paid to do exactly that.

// crae_evil / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh be quiet! I don't think I like you today! But true cuz I'm not sure if my new Boss will be breathing down my neck all day (howeverrrr, what I do on my phone is my business it's just finding the time most likely that will be my biggest issue)

I don't think I'm going to like this very much. =(

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 2 days ago

Working on the coal mine... Or was it working on the train line? Can't remember the song. Hmm, maybe I should stick to Desmond Dekker's Israelites.

// crae_work / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

You're a guy you're suppose to be toiling! but these days us females have to toil along w/ having our kids strapped upon our backs whilst working too!

Anyways the issue is not working for me but who my slave driver will be and how hard they crack that whip on me, I'm a hard worker so I've no fear about the work at all. Been working most all my life. (I just have a problem w/ nasty "demanding" ppl)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

Monday is my orientation and Tuesday is my official first day of work so I will find out then. I can assume anything from my past experience in working for the County but until I am physically working I should not judge my new Boss.

I have had some bad experiences in my past w/ "male" county bosses who though they are nothing but county employees themselves sitting in higher position think you need to bow down to them (and bend over, and I'm not obedient to jerks) so I am a bit nervous about things right now until I deal w/ settling into my new job.

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

And I should say I am very prideful so before I get forced back to my prev Boss (who though was female) I will most likely either be working for McDonald's or go live under that bridge.

Being Prideful and Disobedient are not good qualities to have in this life...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

I'll have a Big Mac, large frites and a banana milkshake. Oh wait, you're not working for MacD yet.

I'd say just wait and see monday and don't worry until then.

// craeonics / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

They have banana milkshakes at Mickey D's? Hmmm I probably should try to memorize their menu jussss in case! hehe

I know dutchy I'm really trying not to worry (but I'm really scared and nervous)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 1 day ago

My adventures are far less exciting. I only have to face the perils of two fanged felines sinking their claws into my face when I'm trying to sleep and they want food.

Oh, and the other big happening is swerving around senior citizens, or as I call them, fossile lifeforms, in the super market.

// crae_evil / 704 weeks and 12 hours ago

hehe! mijn dutchyyy...

Welll some of us mature at different phases in our life and I didn't see any of the choices I made in life until I hit my 40's (alright to be honest I'm still trying to grow up) hehe

I made alot of poor immature choices that really complicated my life (but I do love my kids)

I always "feel" your maturity (though you are younger than me) and "safe" choices you have made and you feel as if you have a very comfortable life. As comfortable and stress free as life can be I guess (actually there really is no stress free life?)

Anyways me comes get my morning breath of mijn dutchy...

Have a goed dag/nacht!

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 11 hours ago

What in the world! Someone kidnapped the statue?


// Doreen / 704 weeks and 11 hours ago

Wow someone finally cleaned that nasty dirty lens on that cam too! I know they switched the quality of the cam a while back but the lens got so dirty you basically could not see a thing. (so that was totally useless)

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 11 hours ago

What is this forty you're talking about? That's so far away for me. Anyway, I'm too lazy to take the wrong path in life (because trouble would mean effort to clean things up).

They moved the statue because that whole area is under construction at the moment. It will be back in 2012, but I'm not sure if it will be back at this spot.

// crae_zzz / 704 weeks and 4 hours ago

Yeah and if trouble = kids you will be cleaning things up for the rest of your life!

/me goes finish dancing w/ the laundry...

// Doreen / 704 weeks and 2 hours ago

The trouble with kids is that as soon as people become parents, some kind of invasion of the body snatchers (or toxoplasmosis: [link]) thing happens, in that parents seem to be incapable of having rational thoughts on their kids or things relating to their kids. "Won't you think of the children!". Plus: kids = bye bye to two to three decades of your life.

As noted by dr. crae, observer of human behaviour.

// craeonics / 703 weeks and 6 days ago

True, but not two or three decades try your entire life! I'm pretty sure nobody really realizes what we are doing when we have kids until several years after the fact (I think God made it like that cuz if we knew prior that we were really sacrificing our own live it would be the end of human civilization!)

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 6 days ago

Course there are those defective human beings that breed and then drop their babies into the world to fend for themselves...

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 6 days ago

I think there should be a license to have kids. That ofcourse is never going to happen, but it would at least force people to think of what they're getting into.

Speaking of getting into things... /me goes do household chores

// craeonics / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

But then again not everyone that is given a drivers license knows how to drive either...

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

Now you got me pondering parenthood. hehe

Having kids almost feels like a test in life (a test you don't get to study for) so maybe it's more of a test of love, sacrifice and endurance? (not really sure what it is)

You go into it not knowing anything about it and in the end you still don't have answers to tell anyone else how to do it! hehe

I feel so Blessed dutchy that my kids are nothing like me. Sammy is 14 and will be starting High School next year and last week they sent him to the High School he will be attending to take Honors Testing since they keep telling me he is gifted (and a straight A student) He's a kick back kid easy going and Blessings drop down from above right on him!

Gino is now 19 and in College he struggles to get the grades (which are normally C's and a few B's) but he is in College and working a part time job and competing in Bike/Cycling tournaments, plays music that comes as easy as breathing in air. And I cannot believe his "heart" when I see him in action (during life situations how he handles things)

I don't know why or how I got so Blessed. But I recognized I am Blessed and not everything in life always feels like a Blessing at "first"

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm so terrible all I've done is complain how hard my life has been and why do I have to sacrifice my entire life! And I think I see it now that maybe I have been a part of creating two decent human beings? I don't know but since I've not done much else dutchy atleast I was apart of that? hehe

Who knows what anything in this life is about...

/me goes check that Calendar to see the date I think it must be that time of the month when my hormones get the best of me. hehe!!! (sorry)

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

At the very least, it's quite a test of endurance. Once they're there, you can't just quit or anything. I really don't see myself in that situation. Far too attached to my care-free life (style).

// craeonics / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh yes you can there are many options, my best friend gave her son when he was only 6 months old to her mother to raise and few other friends of mine gave their kids up for adoption at birth a few let the streets raise up their kids (needless to say those didn't turn out good)

And I told you my sister who is 6 yrs older than me and now in her 50's sees things much different now and is working hard to recover her relationship w/ her kids cuz she pretty much gave me her kids to raise so my niece and nephew call me mom instead of Aunt at times...

Lots of options and there were times I felt like running away but though my prideful nature is not always a good thing I suppose it saved me there! hehe

As for you and your situation you've got a mature mind and a really safe thinker but life is full of surprises and it ain't over yet. Most likely some dutch female wearing wooden shoes could still come along and change your mind (you never know everything in life)

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

You jusss better not tell me about her! hehe

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

Helll no, I'm like Peter Pan. How can I take the second star to the right if I have a slew of kids following me. These two cats of mine take a lot of time already. And cats are low maintenance...

// crae_zzz / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe! Well now that I seen the pile of dishes they left for me last night I'm not feeling very Blessed! Argh!

/me goes get to cleaning things.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 5 days ago

Moving on, ever since Dave Chappelle, I cannot listen to Rick James no more without hearing his parody.


* craeonics is listening to: Rick James - Superfreak

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 4 days ago

I have nothing to do with the radio playing this song!


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - Underneath it all

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 4 days ago

I can honestly only say that some DJs are rather high on Gwen. Judging by how often she gets airplay, ms. Stefani must be swimming in money as if she were Scrooge McDuck.


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - Just a girl

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh no! Doreen did not survive her first day back at work!


* craeonics is listening to: The Veronicas - Untouched

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm half alive today. No dutchy what happened is I went to report yesterday only to discover the real reason they stalled me for two more weeks was not because my new Boss was taking two weeks off and wanted me to start today but rather that the top head of the previous dept has now locked me and got me which means I either return to work for the same dept or quit (I thought about Mcdonalds) so I just got back home from a meeting in L.A. where we are still negotiating but it looks like they got me.(but w/ certain terms that I am negotiating for right now)

I thought I would not survive the night I'm so upset. (should be one or two more days before I return)

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 3 days ago

What! So it was an ambush. The sly bastards stalled you while they should have been open and clear with you. You are not your previous boss' personal slave!

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

And the Gwen-loving continues in radio land...


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - Don't Speak

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

One of the stipulations is that "she" will no longer be my Boss if I return to that department and that is settled already it will be another female (and I know who she is I used to work w/ her so that is fine) I was informed of that yesterday during our meeting. And settled.

Now what is being negotiated is if they want me back that bad then all I ask is a written and signed agreement of what my duties will be and I will preform the duties on that list such as run that registry if that is what they want from me but all the other so called "Special Projects" which = whatever the Hell we want you to do even if it requires you work 24/7 or several weeks on it ontop of running the registry, running reports etc etc etc (w/o overtime) to get it done. Wellll nope that won't be allowed on the list.

Guess what? They still have not produced the list for me and my coordinator (and now Attorney since they are serious out to get me) to sign. So I'm just waiting to see what tricks they pull next on my list of duties.

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

Meanwhile no other Dept can have me or touch me and all I was praying for (and had set up) was to go to another Dept and work peacefully at a regular job. Now the rug has been pulled out from under me. But who but God knows the reasons behind what happens in life to you so I now I hope and pray God has a plan cuz I'm completely losing it!

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

What you should do is go to the gym and kick some people. Nasty business.

// crae_work / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

Already ran there, cuz I'm just waiting for the call but since our meeting took place in L.A. early morning yesterday and they demanded this list to be produced and faxed it should have taken them no longer than 30 mins to an hour since they know me and the duties in their department already right? =)

(or at the very latest the list should have been produced at the close of the work day yesterday) and we are still waiting and no list has been produced yet. But hopefully by the end of today...

I just hope God has some serious anti-snake venom on hand for me cuz I've got some King Cobras and Black Mambas slithering all around my feet right now waiting to bite me!

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

Anyways, enough of this stuff (sorry) iets goed for mijn dutchy...


Slaap lekker...

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

Basically the only New Order song that is any good. Orgy did quite a decent cover: [link].

// crae_zzz / 703 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm actually they sound better than the original. Anyways dutchy I had my first official day back at work again and you'll never guess where? (actually "I" myself would have never guessed) since my dept still has not been able to produce a decent list to submit to HR now HR Administration has me...

Totally formal, no music allowed and I can't even have so much as a cup of water on my desk. Not what I wanted (but still better than McDonalds) This is where I am currently until this all gets resolved and if it can't be resolved I might stay there. I'm not sure yet since it was only my first day there today.

// Doreen / 703 weeks and 23 hours ago

No music = go "Beats by Dre" (or in other words: use headphones).

I don't quite understand how they can mess around with you like you're some kind of commodity. But regardless, to throw in a proverb, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

// craeonics / 703 weeks and 14 hours ago

Dutchy no music = no music and if I were to toss a set of headphones on they would chop my head off! They are as serious as a heart attack in Administration...

And the only reason I know what that commodity word is, is cuz I've totally read my Dictionary from front to back in two days (those ppl in Admin do "not" speak my lingo) hehe!

Funny you should say that proverb cuz that is exactly what is happening to me right now. Even on my first day yesterday there was this little asian woman that works in the back office and she had brought in a box of lemons that she picked from her tree (they were the size of grapefruits!) anyways when she gave me that monster sized lemon I laughed cuz I thought of that proverb. (plus I even mentioned it recently? so weird) hehe

Over here dutchy if you work for the City or County you are exactly a commodity that is just the way it is. Anyways, if I had any doubts of being a secretary after being thrown in the front office for two days I had no choice but to sink or swim and I swam! (and swam and swam)

// Dor_zzz / 702 weeks and 6 days ago

I still don't know how long I will be there in HR Admin cuz my other dept is still trying to negotiate but as bad as this feels to me I am being forced to learn something that is good for both me and my resume...

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 6 days ago

Well, diversifying your resume is never a bad thing.

Anyway, this tune has got the right mindset, but does not really follow through with it (beat's not fast, nor is the bass low).


* craeonics is listening to: DEV - Bass Down Low [link]

// craeonics / 702 weeks and 6 days ago

Exactly, heard that tune before and I don't think that girl knows what a bass down low is...

My eardrums are starving from all that silence that's been forced upon me, I needs me some La la laaaa!


// Doreen / 702 weeks and 6 days ago

YouTube is being useless again...

"Deze video bevat inhoud van Vevo, die deze wegens auteursrechtschending heeft geblokkeerd voor je land.

Het spijt ons."

(This video contains content from Vevo that has been blocked for your countries because of copyright infringement. We're sorry.)

Apologies only have meaning if it will not happen again, YouTube.

There are some la la's in this one: [link], in fact the entire melody sounds like la la's.

// craeonics / 702 weeks and 5 days ago

countries ~ country. My fingers think in plural. And on second thought, the correct phrase would be "that has blocked these", because apparently it's bloody Vevo that's deeming me unfit to see whatever it was.

// craeonics / 702 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm actually I think I translated that better than you when I read it. (could be you're speaking too much English these days?)

Anyways you were wayyyy off this is the vid I had posted: [link]

(nothing too exciting nor is it X rated for you ppl in wooden shoe land so not sure why it was blocked)

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 5 days ago

Argh, not Pitbull... This is better T-Pain: [link]. /me runs to hang up the laundry

// craeonics / 702 weeks and 5 days ago

What in the world is that? Not heard that silly one over here yet. Some good old stuff:


/me goes finish getting stuff done...

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 5 days ago

That rollercoaster song is a-n-c-i-e-n-t...

/me was playing sysop at work, far, far away from the radio. Sysoping is freaking annoying. Colleague managed to mess up her machine, so guess who got to clean things up. "Hello, do we have an extra Office license? No, then how the hell is she supposed to work".

We need a real sysop to handle that kind of crap.

// crae_zzz / 702 weeks and 4 days ago

#1. Hmmm she needs to get her own sysop cuz you're myyy sysop!

#2. Now that you've let everyone at work know that you know how to fix computers you can expect everyone of your colleagues to now bring in all their personal laptops from home (and their kids laptops) for you to fix on your lunch hour.

// Dor_zzz / 702 weeks and 4 days ago

It has more to do with people throwing hysteric fits because they can't deal with computers. Messes up the atmosphere on early monday mornings.

// crae_work / 702 weeks and 3 days ago

Well atleast "you" have an atmosphere I'm not allowed any music so I have no atmosphere! Do you know how long 8 hours feels when you have no music!?

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 2 days ago

Maybe there are earrings on the market that are actually headphones in disguise?


* craeonics is listening to: Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours

// crae_work / 702 weeks and 2 days ago

They would probably look completely disgusting or something if there was cuz I doubt anyone could or would design something like that very well. So busy in that dept I don't even have time to miss it anymore. Me and my eardrums are dead tired now...

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 2 days ago

Well, they indeed exist and look like this: [link]

// crae_work / 702 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmmm interesting but might not need them since something really good happened today and I start yet another position in the new hospital's medical administration office on Monday now.

// Doreen / 702 weeks and 21 hours ago

Hopefully this time with music.


* craeonics is listening to: Cee-Lo Green - Bright Lights Bigger City

// craeonics / 702 weeks and 16 hours ago

I've heard this song a dozen times and only now do I notice the pumping bass line. Must be because I'm sleepy so other parts of the brain have taken over.


* craeonics is listening to: Yelle - A Cause des Garçons (TEPR Remix) [link]

// crae_zzz / 702 weeks and 1 hour ago

The song itself is not bad but I'm so tired I cannot think of a word to describe that dancing they're doing in that vid? hehe

// Dor_zzz / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy the most stressful week and a half of my life...

All that tug a war everyone was doing to me and yesterday the top lady over the dept I was placed to work in recently calls me into her office (me walking to her office thinking McDonald's here I come) she sits me down and explains to me I belong to dept 01 "not" 160 (I'm thinking okay what next? now I go from playing Secretary this week to what custodian next week?)

She then escorts me over to the new hospital into a very very plush Administrative Office to the back where she knocks on the office door to the Administrator over the hospital! And formally introduces me to him (as "his" Employee) and goes on to tell me I will be reporting to him on Monday morning to start my new position?

Not even sure what this all means but from what I have been told this is good. (very very good) but I trust absolutely "nothing" at this point from what I have been put through this past few days, but we will see what happens...

// Dor_zzz / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

The perils of Doreen, the Slave Girl. Good for them or good for you. Time for some stability and clarity.

We need more relaxing alpha waves in this thread.


* craeonics is listening to: Jan Hammer - Crocket's Theme [link]

// craeonics / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

I clicked on that link thinking yeah right it's going to take more than some alpha waves to calm down what turmoil my soul is feeling right now. But guess what? seems mijn dutchy knows the cure. hehe! (good tune)

Actually I don't know yet if this will be good for them or good for me "yet" I need to first show up Monday to report. But I'm browsing around right now the County Employee's Job Web Site and guess what the top level Secretary makes!? $6275.27 per month on her max lvl! Everyone working in this office is high Caliber Secretaries. I am just a STC (Senior Typist Clerk) so why are they placing me there?

Anyways I've got about 20 yrs still to go and after sitting in that office for 1 yr I "might" be able to apply for this Exam. (Since you need an employee num to sign in let me ss it for you)

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

Actually it looks like I might need to sit in that chair working for 2 yrs to get enough experience to apply. But we'll see how it goes. What if I get there and they tell me to empty the trash cans of all the secretaries that are currently working there. hehe! j/k

This has possibilities wish me luck and send me a ton of alpha waves cuz I'm a nervous wreck right now...


// Doreen / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

Not sure about that Gallery link (I hardly ever use it)

Try this: [link]

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

You sometimes mention me using weird lingo, but boy, is that hard to read. Why do they put that down in legalese? And caps too...

Anyway, requirements are usually merely a treshold to keep the happy-go-lucky folk out and let the serious candidates in. If people are pushing you in that direction, they probably think you're up to the task.

Or that is what I would think if I had faith in mankind. It could also be that they don't know what to do with you.

Meanwhile, you might want to peruse this: [link]


* craeonics is listening to: Enslaved - Norvegr [Vikingligr Veldi, 05]

// craeonics / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

What do you mean weird lingo when I mention you? Okay then let me translate it better for you: "My dutchy always makes me feel better and I have no idea why" (there! is that better for you?) hehe

And I have no faith at all in mankind dutchy I'm just trying to keep positive and trying to put this nasty puzzle together (since they are not being very straight forward w/ me about their intentions)

/me smacks the hell out of you for that link! Do they really have banana milk shakes?

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

Something good... (but you'll hate it) hehe


// Doreen / 701 weeks and 6 days ago

I didn't mean what you said, but the wordings in that document you linked to.

And indeed, I do not like that song.

// craeonics / 701 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh great! hehe (sorry)

Anyways that tune has some goed reggae rap type vibe in it and Paul Wright is not too bad (but again not your cup of tea I'm sure)

/me goes run to the gym...

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 5 days ago

* craeonics rides his bike to work

* the weather gods decide to let it rain

* craeonics arrives at work soaked

Going to be a great monday, @#$%!!

// crae_work / 701 weeks and 4 days ago

Could have been worse you could have gotten a flat tire?

/me had a decent day but still being played around with at any rate atleast I had music today (though not my usual worship tunes or Petey Pablo stuff)

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 4 days ago

Maybe you can introduce them to Petey Pablo?

Just when I wanted to walk out the door and be off to work, the cat decided to throw up on my bed. It's going to be a great Tuesday as well...

// crae_work / 701 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy these girls are into they are not even into I should rather say they are robots that have music playing in the background that has absolutely no flavor at all...

Anyways I would try to be optimistic and say better your cat threw up instead of doing something else on your bed (but both are totally disgusting!)

/me hands you some soapy wet rags to clean that mess up!

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 3 days ago

Actually need to listen to one Petey before I go to bed tonight and hope it sticks inside my head and plays out tomorrow whilst I'm working...


Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!!!

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 2 days ago

Soooo, maybe you can turn those girls from bland into fly (I'm old) by playing some Petey Pablo? The worst thing that can happen is that they give you the Eye.

// crae_work / 701 weeks and 2 days ago

What do you mean you're old? You mean to tell me you have finally dropped that fantasy of being 16 forever already!!!

Nah the girls are fly (or look fly anyways) they just have totally disgusting taste in music. But things are going well enough I can't complain...

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 2 days ago

Either everyone's crazy and you're the normal one. Or everyone's normal and you're the crazy one. But at least you have music now.

/me runs

// craeonics / 701 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchyyyy! They called me into the office and it's official that will be my new home! (or work place I should say) Signed my papers today, got my new ID and keys! =)

Plenty of room for promotional opportunity but basically I was going for comfort first. (money isn't everything atleast to me) if I have to report to an office to work for the next 20 yrs I want to feel comfortable first and the opportunity is a nice bonus if I want it later on. I'm just focusing on getting the experience for the time being w/o all the stress.

The girls asked me today "Doreen" if you would like to change the radio station you can" I walked over to the radio and stopped and thought about it and left the radio where it was. I think I like this job wayyyy too much to blow it w/ what I listen to dutchy. hehe!!!

I will have to deal w/ the music situation. (a small price to pay)

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 1 day ago

Just alot of work (but basically all you said it would be)

// Doreen / 701 weeks and 1 day ago

It wouldn't be work if you din't have to a lot of... work. Anyway, comfort-first is the way to approach these things. If you have to do things it's just best if you are comfortable doing so.

Looks like the mess is behind you now, so congrats.

// craeonics / 701 weeks and 14 hours ago

Thank you dutchy. I was such a mess I lost 10 lbs from not sleeping and I couldn't eat for two weeks. (I look like walking death) but I feel so happy where I'm currently at.

The Medical Administrator explained to me in his office yesterday that what is going on is they found out I do belong to them and I should be safe "but" since I have been working for that other dept for so long they may have some rights and have not given up on the fight yet so he is going to do everything in his power to keep me. So for now I am under his wing.

He also explained to me the reports I was running for the research fellows and residents at that hospital was bringing in big bucks in grants for the hospital (one I pulled stats for brought them in a 1 million dollar grant alone) so he explained where there is big money like that involved there is politics so they expect to be in for a big fight.

This guys is apparently not only the Med Admin of the Hospital (but for some reason he is a compassionate human being) for him to be so honest w/ me cuz everyone else was not informing me of what was going on.

I'm just going to try to enjoy being safe and comfortable for the time being and try not to worry too much. I love it where I am at now dutchy. It's perfect and I hope I can stay there for the remainder of my career...

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

/me goes pass out...

// Dor_zzz / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

Before I go to sleep I wanted to show you some pics of the new hospital (I think when you and I used to meet w/ Kenray in IRC several years back they were building this place, you might remember me mentioning this?)

Well here are the pic of it. (really nice facility) [link]

The dept I apparently was working for is all this time divided and separated from the Hospital (across the street on USC campus) I've no idea about how this all happened but I was only 19 when I started working for the County. (and things have massively evolved and changed)

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

And here is the old Hospital (this used to be connected w/ USC campus apparently when the "research dept" was still apart of the Hopsital)

Check it out...


Pretty drastic difference from the new facility? hehe!

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

It's just one big building or the other, I'd say.

What you describe is exactly why I don't like working for big organisations. There's so much back stage politics going on there.

// craeonics / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

Obviously... (though I love the new facility) I think it was completely stupid to spend over 1 billion dollars to build a new hospital and then rip apart small time county employees like myself because they have to fight like complete savages to staff various divisions that broke apart throughout the facility.

Though it's been the worse experience of my life these past 2 1/2 weeks I realized I'm not scared of anything anymore (not even ppl in suits) so if I do get pulled back to that other dept another thing I will negotiate for will be to either return to telecommuting or be placed in my own office (where I can blast my own tunes!) and I will gladly run those boring reports for them.

And if that don't happen well you were right being a secretary is not all that scary. I'll walk away from the county and go play secretary for private industry, I got a good sense of what being a secretary is allll about.

Anyways, the laundry is piled up to the roof and busy day...

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 6 days ago

People in general should be more confident of themselves. Or in other words, go from [link] to [link] (I always remind everyone that said last song is actually about me).

// craeonics / 700 weeks and 5 days ago

Ummm first link so me this: This video contains content from WMG and Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country.

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 5 days ago

so = shows (what in the world, what happened to my other letters?) hehe

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 5 days ago

I can view the second link but I don't get it about you? I don't get the song? hehe

Anyways, me goes get busy and dance w/ the vacuum. (I think I need a maid now cuz this cleaning on the weekends only is rough)

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 5 days ago

Instead of explaining the mysteries of life, the universe and tax returns, I'll just play some Rick Ross instead: [link]

// crae_work / 700 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh boy you drop some sucky links! That other one don't play for my Country and now this one refuses to load!

Next time just explain the mysteries of life and the universe please. hehe

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 3 days ago

/me goes turn on the TV and what do I see? Yet another new reality TV show! Is that all that is on these days?

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 3 days ago

You mean YouTube is getting crappier by the day. Soon (now?) we'll have to check if a video wasn't posted by an official label or anything, because you know those bastards are going to limit the audience geographically.

Second attempt at Rick Ross: [link]

// crae_work / 700 weeks and 3 days ago

Now that link worked but I've not heard of him before? (and I stillll want mijn dutchy to explain the mysteries of life to me)

// Doreen / 700 weeks and 3 days ago

The explanation to the mysteries of life would probably be "shit happens". Not that mysterious really.

As to Mr. Ross, the only Ross I know is Bob the painter. This guy was new to me as well.

// crae_work / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

I suppose that sounds about right...

Currently being tortured w/ the usual bla bla music:

Rose Royce - I wanna get next to you

Which just changed to some Barry White tune cuz it takes me forever to type on my phones keyboard (but I dare not play on this networked machine I use here in the office)

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

Lord have mercy on meeeee!!!

Toto - Africa

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

George Benson - Lost In a Masquerade

Thazzzz it time for me to go escape this madness and deliver a few memos...

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm starting to understand the environment your in. There are radio channels that play nothing but "easy listening" stuff.

It make me fall asleep.

// craeonics / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

Easy listening? No I don't think my ears would agree that stuff is anything but easy to listen to. (neither is it easy trying to keep up w/ this new schedule and the stupid commute back and forth to Los Angeles)

// Dor_zzz / 700 weeks and 2 days ago

Move to LA?

/me runs


* craeonics is listening to: the new single of the Foo Fighters which apparently is interesting enough for some DJs to play it every hour... and I still don't know the title

// crae_work / 700 weeks and 1 day ago

If I move to LA my kids will turn corrupt not a good idea.

/me is listening to some disgusting Wham tune...

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 1 day ago

Anddd the only thing worse than Wham...

Sade (of which I have no clue what the name of this song is she is singing nor do I care)

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 1 day ago

Oi, I have colleagues at work that are into Sade as well.

Meanwhile, the neighbour downstairs is playing stuff like: [link].

// craeonics / 700 weeks and 16 hours ago

Nooo I'm never gonna dance againnnn! (disgusting Wham again)

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 7 hours ago

hehe! Sounds like your neighbor is torturing you too...

// Dor_work / 700 weeks and 7 hours ago

Say what you want, but Mr. Michael certainly had a poetic flair in that song:

# I'm never gonna dance again

# Guilty feelings've got no rhythm

Alright, so I've heard it a wee bit too much over the years. Then again, it could be worse: [link].

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 6 days ago

Nope I can't listen to that it's not a work day and that link looks to be Mon-Fri tunes. Today is Saturday and I am Freeeee! No Michael the whiner and no jazzy Sade!

// Dor_happy / 699 weeks and 6 days ago

There appears to be some unwritten law that requires Bon Jovi to get airplay every monday. I'm dead certain that I'll be hearing it (again) tomorrow.

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 5 days ago

/me tosses you some earplugs for tomorrow...

// Doreen / 699 weeks and 5 days ago

Uh oh, colleague just hooked up her iPhone and started playing... Maroon 5...

// crae_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

That's probably better than this Stevie Wonder tune I am being greeted with this Monday morning...

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

Jusss the two of us we can make it if we try jussss the two of usss, jusss the two of us you and I (okay this one is 100 x's worser than that Stevie Wonder tune)

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

Hey! First time I hear something goed!!!

I'm like a bird I'll only fly away I don't know where my soul issss I don't know where my home isss, I'm like a bird I'lI only fly awayyyy!

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

La la la la la la la la la la la! (thee only la la tune I don't like)

Stevie Wonder againnnn My Cherri Amor

I need ear plugs "and" a gas mask cuz one girl I work with has some very nastyyyy taste in her perfume!

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

And... the rest of the day was spend with elevator music.

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

They changed the station so now I feel like I'm in some kind of tropical paradise with someone who is wearing very stinky perfume. hehe!

Slaap lekker...

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 4 days ago

Different day, different iPhone. This time it's Super-Hits of the 80s. Currently The Cure.

// crae_work / 699 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm lucky you. Different day same yuk on this end (I've no clue what the name of this tune is nor who sings it)

What you won't do for love bla bla blaaa (some jazzy stuff)

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 3 days ago

Somebodyyyy help meee why I work so hard for youu!

Wham (it's the whiner again)

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 3 days ago

He's def not poetic? Are you serious do you like this guy? Ack!

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 3 days ago

Just because I say that Mr Michaels has a witty line in one of his songs does not make me his fan. Consider it 80s nostalgia, because I've heard that song way too much.

// crae_work / 699 weeks and 2 days ago

You know you like that whiner you just won't admit it. Anyways two more weeks I'm getting my own office so no more Whammm!!!

I'm going to be playing secretary for a handful of Docs over in Rheumatolgy and Hematolgy scheduling their consults and all that fun stuff (very happy)

And nooo I'm pretty sure I won't be blazing any of my Petey Pablo over there either but I will be in control of the tunes and will be able to play something decent atleast and Whamm will not be playing! hehe

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 2 days ago

You know you'll be blazing Petey Pablo when people are around, yet whenever you find yourself alone, you'll quickly switch to Wham.

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 2 days ago

/me pokes you in your eye! Nah nah nah no Wham or Sade allowed in my office!

The plan is to play like an Angel for a month make the Docs killer coffee every morning and work hard and reliable and then bam!!! After we all bond they have to learn to tolerate me and my horrible vocabulary, spelling and nasty loud tunes...

// Doreen / 699 weeks and 2 days ago

I feel like I've been playing musical chairs I never know where they are tossing me next. Before I left today they informed me that I may be making the move into the new office on Monday now rather than two weeks so I'm nervous again. (but excited) I seen where I am going so I know this will be good after the adjustment is over.

// Doreen / 699 weeks and 2 days ago

They sure do like to move you around. Be sure to put allll that on your resumé, because you've done just about everything now.


* craeonics is listening to: Metallica - Nothing else matters

// crae_work / 699 weeks and 1 day ago

I am a total creature of habit that's just who I am and the way I like it so to be honest this has been the hardest month of my life! Everything happening to me all unpredictibly and suddenly and nothing in my control it's like nobody even hears me or cares they all have their own hidden agenda for me!

All I have is my faith in God that he will land me in the perfect spot. As much as I've been through and disliked all this jumble I've learned more in this last month dutchy than my whole life (so it's "forced me" out of my shell I suppose) I'm excited cuz I "think" this new office I'm starting Monday in is finally my landing strip. (I hope anyways)

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe Sade just came on!

// Dor_work / 699 weeks and 1 day ago

You're going to miss that Sade.

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy I bet my eardrums have scar tissue from all the bleeding due to being forced to listen to all that Sade and Wham. (can't even believe how many times in a single day they repeat those two on that radio station)

// Dor_zzz / 699 weeks and 23 hours ago

Welcome to the world of radio.

# Coast to coast

# L.A. to Chicago

Someone once wrote a song on that situation. It's a silly one, but in case you haven't heard it before: Sagat - Funk Dat [link].

// craeonics / 699 weeks and 14 hours ago

hehe dutchy nope I haven't heard it before (which I can't believe it but nope never heard of it) though I liked it and thought it was cute...

// Doreen / 699 weeks and 6 minutes ago

The man may have a point, but when his song is the one that gets played fifteen times a day for three months, the cuteness wears off fast. Man, funk dat!

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe dutchy! No kidding but that was the first time I heard that. That kid in the vid I thought his attitude was cute. (funny vid)

And no more Sade nor Whammm for me ever again! funk dat!!! Hooray!!!

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

I swear I think I can actually feel my ear drums having their own private party inside my head!

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

Either that or you're going deaf.


* craeonics is listening to: Nokturnal Mortum - Kolyada [link]

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm I don't even know what to think about that? Sounds okay cept I think Burzum's bro is singing in there.

/me goes let my ear drums do some dancing: [link]

Mmmm mmmmm mmmmm!

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

Yowza! Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!

// Dor_tribal / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy dit is iets goed!

Future Bass - Future bass

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm!

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

Mmmm ohhh yessss my ear drums are happy now! hehe

Mastiksoul - In sessions 2009

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 6 days ago

It appears to be pretty hard to find something called "future bass" on YouTube. You mean this one: [link]

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 5 days ago

Nope (but dat is definetely some goed bass too!)

The problem w/ Digitally Imported and those streams such as the Tribal House I was listening to sometimes they play a mix that is several tunes running together so the supremely perfect ones you hear running in between the stream are almost untouchable to find! Frustrating. I've not been listening to the streams for a while over at DI but yesterday they were playing some outrageously killer tunes!

// Doreen / 698 weeks and 5 days ago

The quality of the tunes on Digitally Imported go up and down a lot. Back in the days it used to be quite good, but then they started with those god awful mix sessions, which are boring half the time.

Meanwhile I'm getting harrassed by Bruce Springsteen again.

// crae_work / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

Dutchy I'm in my new office and I love it!!!!!

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

Pump up the volume!

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh na na what's my name oh na na what's my name! Rhianna can't too busy...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

/me comes spend a few mins for lunch in this box w/ you...

Dutchy it is allll goed! I was having a nervous breakdown over my first day this morning and I finally got my Blessing today cuz it's alll good.

Beautiful office on the 4th floor w/ a big gorgeous window w/ a great view and a wonderful gang of Docs which are a bunch of older sweet humble guys (no big heads) I couldn't have landed in a better spot.

After this nightmare I've been going through I was so unsure of what game was going to be played next on me. But now I'm pinching myself to see if I'm dreaming...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

Forever young ack!

/me changes the station and your tune! hehe

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 4 days ago

You mean that station has good taste.

# Forever young

# Why won't you be

# Forever young

# Do you really want to live forever

# Whenever

So what do you do this time? Secretary/administrative duties?

// crae_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

I belong to Medical Administration so since the Hospital has various depts such as Cardiology, Opthamology, Urology etc. I've been permanentely placed under Rhematology and Hematology as a secretary for those Doctors. I'm in my office 3 days a week and Tues and Thurs I work in the clinics w/ my Doc. So today will be my first day to walk over to the clinic and experience this stuff now.

For clinic they have Rn's do vitals and give injections and I'm suppose to sit in a booth for my Rheum Docs and schedule their patient's return appts. For my Hem Docs for those days I take incoming calls from other Docs calling from the ER or other wards that are requesting Hematology consults on their pts that seem to have a blood disorder so I page my Doctors to go consult w/ the other Doctors.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

So I'm basically networking everyone together for Hem and for Rheum it's more scheduling pts appts the other 3 days in my office it's looks more like basic secretarial duties the Docs just come in for their mail and ask me to make calls on pts meds follow up and light typing etc. Alilll nervous about my first day in clinic today but here goes (I'm getting ready to go over there now)

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

Sounds a lot like secretary stuff, yeah. Doctors assistents get a crazy amount of phone calls.


* craeonics is listening to: Laurent Wolf - Suzy

// crae_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

Clinic is apparently from 8:00 - 12:00 so I'm now back in my office and you knowwwww that old saying if it seems to good to be true it probably is? Wellll I now know the reason they gave me this beautiful office...

/me don't like clinic. Sheer madness and everyone was teasing me cuz I sounded like a little girl over the Hospital intercom everytime I had to call in the patient for my Docs (totally embarrassing and I do not like calling in the patients on the overhead speakers!)

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

It felt like I was standing in the middle of the ER after an earthquake just struck LA. Doctors, nurses, patients all attacking me at once.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

I was in there for four hours and it felt like one min cuz I was being attacked every second. I don't know dutchy it was veryyyy overwhelming. (but I really like my office) =(

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

Nate and Snoop - Next Episode (guess I shouldn't complain)

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy have you moved around over the years or are you still building Corp websites? I remember you said you work close to your home.

/me gets nosey on you...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 3 days ago

Still corporate sites. Oh, and an iPhone app. But iPhone development sucks big time.

My choice of work was mainly decided by the commute I had to make (fifteen minutes by bike).

// crae_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

iPhone app? You hate phones and you develop for them now? I tried (it is what I really wanted to do just "design apps") but yes coding for them is difficult so I finally gave up w/ everything else on my back I could not pursue it and now there is just too many apps anyways.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

I do not develop apps. However, the big head in charge was quite adamant, so I built one [link] while cursing _all_ the time (that'll teach him). The trick is not to build an app, but rather a website thingy and then convert that to an app through things like PhoneGap: [link]

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

Downloaded it onto my phone to see what this is (on my lunch) that you made. I'm glad your boss forced you to do that it's great you have that experience even if you didn't want it dutchy. Look at all this mess I'm being forced to do. I'm going to take a better look at that PhoneGap to. I'm more a computer geek girl not this rediculous secretary stuff it's just not fun to me but it seems I don't have a choice right now.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

If it were not for this killer office I would have quit after clinic yesterday. And they already prepped me that tomorrow will be 100 pts vs the 70 patients I paged and booked in 4 hrs yesterday while standing in the eye of the storm! This is nuts. *sigh*

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

You might want to read this book: [link]. Depending on your ambitions, building an app can be quite doable. And he starts at a real entry level.

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

Dutchy if you design and build one successful app your store remains open 24/7 for download and your store is located around the entire globe. You should pursue developing iPhone apps like it or not Mr Rip van Winkle...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

I will definitely check that out thank you. I was unaware you could build an app w/o obj C or Cocoa?

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

I have no interest in phones, closed systems or walled gardens. And I especially despise having to use specific tool chains to get things done.

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

What is a walled garden? Closed system I know and dispise hence why I jailbreak. Anyways checked out your app it's cool but definitely is in dire need of more appealing graphics for those memory cards.

I'll be exercising my brain w/ it though. hehe

And yessss I know by now you will never listen to me cuz you are so set in your ways but you also know by now I will never stop nagging you to use that brain of yours and stop being so lazy! You've got nothing holding you back and it's a total waste.

/me goes take a break and a walk and maybe go play your game alittle bit I've got some time to blow.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

See: [link]. And if you click on "about" you'll find out why those images are used. Long story short: certain people at work are obsessed with a certain graphic designer.

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

I just read the about 10 mins ago so now I completely understand the dire need for a 2.0 update for the images. hehe

Course that would totally defeat the purpose of that particular app I do however love this quote in the about that I read “words divide, images unite”. Veryyy true which is why ppl universally love graphics and images.

I like your app dutchy great work.

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

I can't believe I never heard that term walled garden before. That's funny...

But yes it totally aggravates alot of us iPhone lovers but as long as their is jailbreaks I will have an iPhone cuz it's just that good...

Get some sleep my rip van winkle (slaap lekker)

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 2 days ago

This Mr. van Winkle would like to get back to sleep again. Fortunately the week is almost over.

Oi, they're singing about me again.


* craeonics is listening to: EMF - Unbelievable

// crae_work / 698 weeks and 1 day ago



God... (not in reference to Usher or what I'm listening to)

Thursday clinic is like some kind of mean nasty time warp I walked into clinic the heart beat was slow within 5 mins the pulse of the entire clinic went into high gear a tornado spun and 4 hours had passed in the blink of my eye!

Time to unwind in my office...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 1 day ago

You might want to investigate what happened to your predecessor.

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 14 hours ago

I know dutchy I did cuz I wanted to give my respect to that person (and also bring flowers to their grave since I was guessing they died!) hehe!

Turns out I had not one but two predecessors (the last one was half my age) they told my they had to pull the other two girls from this position cuz they couldn't handle it all the Docs and nurses from both clinics were complaining to Medical Administration. Also turns out all this musical chairs I've been playing was part of their plan and test to find a suitable replacement for their situation and when med admin called me in for a meeting yesterday before I went home that both clinics after having test driven me out this week want me so I had to do some heavy thinking last night (another meeting is scheduled for today) and my thoughts last night were...

1. I love my beautiful office.

2. I love all the ppl I'm working with in both clinics.

3. I love this challenge.

This might very well kill me but so can an earthquake...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 10 hours ago

"Hey, I have an idea, let's put make our next candidate jump through all kinds of hoops and shuffle her twice each week, so we can see if she's up to the task".



* craeonics is listening to: Astrofaes - The Principle of Existence [...Those whose Past is Immortal, 01]

// craeonics / 698 weeks and 9 hours ago

It's a bit more than craziness but that's County anyways it is what it is and nothing on this earth is perfect so it's time for me to just settle for it (cuz I've had enough) and I need some stability and a routine of "some kind" or I'm going to lose it...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 6 hours ago

Sometimes you just need to learn how to make the place you are, the place to be. I'm a pro at that. hehe

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 6 hours ago

Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow

If they play this tune jusss one more time I'm gonna!!! I'm gonna!!! change that station! (cuz I can)

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 5 hours ago

Ludacris - My Chick Bad

Okay decent tune so the station stays...

// Dor_work / 698 weeks and 5 hours ago

Meanwhile, check the first paragraph of this thread: [link] and compare it to your experiences with interfaces of the past decades. Someone appearantly bought a reality distortion field (explantion of what that means: [link])

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

*cough* [link]

/me goes click on your second link now...

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

You know what dutchy there just isn't enough of us that have been around from the beginning to stop all the bologne that is being tossed around these days. All the newer ppl that are being introduced to the theming (or skinning scene as you and I knew it or called it) will look at all these ppl such as Brad that have hung around the longest to reap all the rewards from all the underdogs that were the true Gods of theming such as Albert who if I remember that kid in Italy that was the real master mind behind Desktop X but got bought out by Brad for a few bucks. =(

And all the other small time devs that truely made theming what it is today but were either forced out of the scene due to commercial frustrations and/or financial frustrations... *sigh*

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

Sooo much frustrations everywhere in life and I've not had the energy to hit the gym for a while (which is my drug of choice)

/me goes run to the gym and do some working out and then go melt all my frustrations away in the sauna for the day.

Have a good day/night mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

Business aside. I do not see the need for all that politicing though. Why bend the truth and rewrite history just to put yourself on the map?

Meanwhile, there's still nothing good on TV. Time for more chores...

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

Why bend the truth and rewrite history just to put yourself on the map?

Because it is good for business and Brad is an excellent business man. Which is why he is in a new building now w/ a full staff of employees.

I do wonder how rich his conscience feels though?

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

/me goes dance w/ some dishes and laundry and bills...

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 6 days ago

There is a song about that. In Dutch though, so I won't link to it. Meanwhile, it's bloody chore day again. Dishes, clothes, sweeping. Gah!


* craeonics is listening to: Roots Manuva - Witness the Fitness [link]

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe! Totally rediculous vid dutchy...

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 5 days ago

Totally awesome video. My father and sister competed in a ten kilometer run today and I'm having dinner with them tonight. Inspired by that video, however, I'm going to put on my track suit and pretend I did some heavy exercising.

// crae_evil / 697 weeks and 5 days ago

You are too much! hehe

Tell my cyber family over there I said congrats! (enjoy your dinner tonight dutchy)

I over did it at the gym yesterday (completely sore) so I'm skipping it today but currently listening to Gino and Sammy's tunes they are both catching these vibes right now...


Actually "every instrument" including the tambourine that comes in and out once in a while is excellent but the "drummer" is just outstanding!

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 5 days ago

Then they also need to pitch down their voice so they can sing artificially low like that singer.

// crae_work / 697 weeks and 4 days ago

Goedemaandag mijn dutchy...

Far East Movement - Rocketeer

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 4 days ago

Gah, I'm even more asleep than normal today. Have to exercise conscient effort to type even... *yawn*


* craeonics is listening to: Soft Cell - Tainted Love

// crae_work / 697 weeks and 3 days ago

You're tired? As if things haven't been challenging enough for me now we had to set our clocks ahead an hour so at 5:30am when my alarm sounds it's really only 4:30am! (did I tell you how much I hate it when they go messing around w/ the time?) Argh!

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 3 days ago

They really need to cut it out with that summer time adjust nonsense. It messes up everyone's rhythm.


* craeonics is listening to: Fine Young Cannibals - She drives me crazy

// crae_work / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

Turned on my Radio and the first thing I hear is Nate Dogg died? Last smooth OG...

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

The only Nate Dogg stuff I know is Regulate.

// crae_work / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

That's cuz you live over there in wooden shoe land if you lived in LA you'd know all the Doggs and all their tunes automatically. (even if you were Chinese but still lived in LA)

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

I also only know three double g dogs: Snoop, Nate and Li'l Bow Wow.

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

Well the only Dogg worth knowing really was Nate...

My fav tune of his: [link]

// Doreen / 697 weeks and 2 days ago

Can't say I've heard that, judging by the title. Maybe I'll recognise it if I hear it (no speakers at the moment).


* craeonics is listening to: Pearl Jam - Black

// crae_work / 697 weeks and 1 day ago

Most likely not your cup of tea dutchy.

Chris Brown - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 1 day ago

Heard it and still does not ring a bell.

Meanwhile, silly video with a killer bass line: [link]

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmmm obviously by the looks of them being "all" males they must have scared all the females away by their crazy dancing! hehe

Totally crazy dancing (the worsest I've "ever" seen)

// Dor_zzz / 697 weeks and 23 hours ago

As for that Nate tune even ppl that loved him never really noticed that one tune of his but I think that was his best tune however he was more recognized by Regulate and Next Episode:

My other favs that he was featured in: [link] and [link]

Nobody has a voice as smooth as his...

// Dor_zzz / 697 weeks and 23 hours ago

Wait a sec, if he was in Next Episode, I know two Nate Dogg songs. That's a 100% gain.

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 14 hours ago

Thazzz cuz mijn dutchy be cool like dat! (or cuz you heard it whilst playing GTE) hehe

/me is listening to some morning radio chit chat atm...

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 11 hours ago

And here weee gooo attack of the repeats...

Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 Life (she's getting even more play time than Rhianna)

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 10 hours ago

Fortunately, she's not getting the amount of air time Rihanna gets on this side of the globe. That song really stinks. Every time I see that Disney video the only thing I hear is the chorus, which goes on forever. Oh, and it has freaking overrated Drake in it as well.

// craeonics / 697 weeks and 10 hours ago

Friday is slowwww! (thank God) so I can come sing and irratate you. hehe

143 I la la la love you, 143 I la la la love you (hmm jusss another la la tune)

Bobby Brackins - 143

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 9 hours ago

Yeah Nicki is annoying and apparently is feuding w/ Trina over some recording rights (just some jealousy between two female rappers apparently silly stuff)

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 9 hours ago

But if I were her I'd not mess w/ Trina. (her tunes scare me!) hehe

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 9 hours ago

And last tune for Friday...

Rihanna - What's my Name

/me goes jump on that freeway.

// Dor_work / 697 weeks and 3 hours ago

Rihanna is old enough to know what her name is by now. And ofcourse, Drake is in that song as well.


* craeonics is listening to: the cats basking in the sun light

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 6 days ago

I wasss going to tackle the dishes and laundry (and all that fun stuff) but since I'm listening to rain I think I'll go jump back in bed...

// Dor_zzz / 696 weeks and 6 days ago

Trouble with that is that when you wake up, you are greeted with even more dishes and laundry. Stuff magically grows at night.

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 5 days ago

No kidding I did absolutely nothing yesterday (and I loved it!) but today it looks like all the dishes gave birth to triplets and Gino and Sammy's dirty cloths were walking around the house all by themselves!

Time to explain to these two lazy boys "again" that Mom is not telecommuting anymore and things are diff now...

// Doreen / 696 weeks and 5 days ago

Plus, they are older now and should take steps to... *shudder* ...independence.

// crae_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

They both got a crash course on that over the weekend.

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

They both got a crash course on that over the weekend.

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

All social networking sites are blocked throughout the entire Med Center so I'm at the mercy of my phone to come type my nonsense here, obviously my phone's browser is moody this morning.

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

Tek is a social network these days? I need to make some "share this on Tek" buttons then.

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

Well that's the stupid pop up msg I'm getting! Seems these crazy ppl expect us county employees to work and not have any fun at all! hehe

Jeremih - Down On Me

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

And they're right, damnit. My taxes are funding your salary! No, wait...

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

Go away and stop distracting me cant you see I'm trying to work!

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 4 days ago

/me cracks the whip


* craeonics is listening to: Cardigans - My Favourite Game

// crae_work / 696 weeks and 3 days ago

Annoying Nicki - Moment 4 Life

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 3 days ago

Nicki: Look at me! I can roll my eyes! (Or was that her previous clip, the one that rips "Video killed the radio star"?)


* craeonics is listening to: a documentary about Volkswagen

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 3 days ago

Annoying Nicki: [link]

She apparently likes to talk alot of smack and was talking some about Lil Kim then Trina jumped into the mix to diffuse the situation since she said it makes female rappers look bad? hehe (if I post any of Trina's vids from YouTube you will only get blocked I'm pretty sure)

Trina: [link]

Trina most likely will scare some sense into Nicki. hehe

Anyways most the female rappers over here jump in and out of jail just as much as the male rappers do...

// Doreen / 696 weeks and 3 days ago

/me put the radio on a half decent station. However, I fear that my colleagues are going to complain about it, because it's not "alternative" enough, so I enjoy it while it lasts.


* craeonics is listening to: Missy Elliot - Get your Freak on

// crae_work / 696 weeks and 2 days ago

Mandatory class today *joy* (but annoying Nicki was just on yet again)

/me goes get ready...

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 2 days ago

That Trina song work, but er, she needs better beats bad.

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 2 days ago

I actually like her beats it's her lewd lyrics I don't care for but tis normally the same w/ most the tunes I listen to...

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 1 day ago

Those beats are way too happy. If you want to go happy, at least put a bass beneath it. Par exemple: [link]

// crae_zzz / 696 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe dutchyyy! Come onnn! Now that is just wayyyyy toooo happy silly...

// Doreen / 696 weeks and 1 day ago

Way too happy would be more like this: [link]

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 16 hours ago

That vid does not want to load on my phone (I'm sure I'm not missing much)

/me is listening to the usual morning radio chit chat...

// Dor / 696 weeks and 11 hours ago

And that would be Dor_work this visiting here via a phone is rediculous. Hard to load, scroll and type...

// Dor_work / 696 weeks and 11 hours ago

That's because you should be working, not browsing the web.


* craeonics is listening to: Astrofaes - The Principle of Existence [...Those who came before us, 01]

// craeonics / 696 weeks and 10 hours ago

How can I work when you keep distracting me!

That Forever Young tune is currently playing. Argh!

// Dor_ work / 696 weeks and 10 hours ago

It means they have good taste on that radio station. Well, except if it's the Jay-Z version.

// craeonics / 695 weeks and 6 days ago

It's the Jay-Z version dutchy (that's the only version they play on this side)

// Doreen / 695 weeks and 6 days ago

Boo! Boo! Bad station! Here, let me thow you the best version of the song (and it's not the Alphaville original): [link]. I have a 90 minute cassette tape with of side completely filled with this track back to back. Never saw the video on TV back in the days though. In retrospect, that happy hardcore bassline is quite ho hum. Still, the alpha waves, the alpha waves...

Unrelated: switched to summer time today... *grumble*

// craeonics / 695 weeks and 5 days ago

I think "one" and my fingers type "of". That's what shifting time does to you.

// crae_zzz / 695 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy that song is horrible no matter what version! I don't even know why you like that song it's horrible!? hehe

Anyways yes this time change is a total nightmare (easy for some) but for me I'm still struggling I actually get sick cuz I've been trying to adjust to my new job and running on approx 3-4 hrs of sleep a night. I can't keep up w/ all the changes (cuz I can't adjust to it all)

I'm totally anemic so I'm going to see the Doctor for some injections cuz I've not been able to eat or sleep right again...

// Doreen / 695 weeks and 5 days ago

Doreen heading for burnout in 3... 2... 1...

// crae_work / 695 weeks and 4 days ago

Kinda hard not to get burnout dutchy. Friday they surprise attacked me w/ a 3rd clinic! =(

I've already been introduced to my new Docs but hopefully it won't be as crazy as Thurs and Fri clinics cuz it's only two Docs a small clinic and 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. *sigh*

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 4 days ago

I mean Tues and Thurs clinic. (Those two clinics I don't evennn have words to describe!)

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 4 days ago

Finally a decent tune by the #1 most annoying female recording artist!?

Ke$ha - Blow

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 4 days ago

Except that it suffers from the same problem as that Nicki Minaj tune: I only hear the chorus, never any other lyrics.


* craeonics is listening to: the news

// crae_work / 695 weeks and 3 days ago

Superhits of the 80s time.


* craeonics is listening to: Tears for Fears - Shout

// crae_work / 695 weeks and 2 days ago

My job is quickly turning into a nightmare w/ a beautiful office! (but I still love my office) Argh!

Timbaland - The Way I Are

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 2 days ago

But you do have a beautiful office.

One more day and then I have the week off. Except that everyone has been claiming my spare time already.

// crae_work / 695 weeks and 1 day ago

Your Mom: Oh you're taking a vacation!? Maybe you can help your father put that shelf up he's been wanting to put up and run a few errands for us and my computer has been acting up again!

Your Sis: Oh you're taking a vacation!? We can do lunch then maybe you can swing by my pad and take a look at my computer it's been acting up again...

Rihanna - S&M

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 1 day ago

Something like that indeed.

// craeonics / 695 weeks and 18 hours ago

Well try to enjoy some of your Birthday week off and don't be expecting me to come wish you yet againnn a Happy 16th B-day cuz after countless years saying that every year now "that's " getting old!

// Dor_work / 695 weeks and 11 hours ago

I'll be two times eight this year (for a change).

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 6 days ago


// Doreen / 694 weeks and 6 days ago

In the meantime, I seem to have unwanted guests in my house: moths. Every now and then I would see a larva dragging a cocoon along the wall. It's quite cute.

However it wasn't so cute anymore when I discovered these were baby moths. And it certainly wasn't cute at all when I went through some old clothes I hadn't worn in ages and found more of these little critters.

Result: two days of cleaning.

And ofcourse I just spotted another one, grrr...

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 5 days ago

It's quite cute!? *Shivers* (thank God I have my two boys to run to every time I spot a creepy crawler cuz I ain't into squishing things that crawl)

/me is debating right now whether to get into gear and clean or jump back into my bed? My Aunt who is a nurse keeps screaming at me to eat more meat but as you know me like sushi! And now she's been getting the last laugh cuz I'm in dire need of iron and B12 injections cuz I'm so anemic right now just to tackle the dishes would feel like I'm going to climp mount Everest! (which is a good excuse to skip the cleaning and jump back in the bed!)

/me goes jump back in the bed!

// Doreen / 694 weeks and 5 days ago

What you need is a dish washer. And meat.

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 5 days ago

I do actually (cuz my dishwasher is on the blink)

/me waits for you to BBQ me some meat...

// Doreen / 694 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't have a clue how to cook meat. I have tried but it always comes out tough and yukky so I think I basically traumatized myself from eating meat cuz I only eat prime rib once every 4-6 months out somewhere. (if that)

// Doreen / 694 weeks and 5 days ago

Ah, but that's the thing. You don't cook meat, you bake or grill it.

I'm far from being an expert, but the trick (with baking) seems to be to put the gas on high to heat up the pan, then turn it down until you just have small flames, toss in the butter, wait until it gets brown and then throw in the meat. Move the meat around now and then and turn it every three minutes or so.

You have to turn the gas down, because if you don't the outside will be scorched, but the inside will still be cold and you'll spend the next day sitting in the bathroom.

But you probably already know that.

How not to overcook beef is a different story.

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 4 days ago

No way I know nothing about meat or what cuts to even buy etc I'll just eat spinach and I'm already scheduled off Weds to go get those iron and B12 shots my Aunt said I'll be back to feeling like wonder woman in a week...

I only cook Italian (since thats all my Mom really taught me) for my family but for myself I only eat a very high protein such as sushi, soy and I make lots killer protein shakes!

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 4 days ago

High protein would be meat. And speaking of meat... dinner time!

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm not a vegetarian or anything like that it's just I seriously don't know what to do with meat. I eat fish, eggs and nuts stuff like that for protein but more protein shakes than anything cuz they're just easier on my stomach and pack 25 grams of protein a drink so I just toss in fresh fruit and ice and I'm good for hours.

Anyways lunch time here...

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 4 days ago

Happy Birthday mijn dutchy! I've got clinic tomorrow and you will most likely be out partying when I'm finished. Have a good time (but not toooo much!)

// Dor_zzz / 694 weeks and 3 days ago

So I figured I'd take everyone out and avoid having to clean up my place, them making a mess of things, and me having to clean things a second time.

Unfortunately, I have a family where people have other ideas. My aunt and uncle will be dropping off some plants between "two and four" (great, there goes my afternoon) and because of that my parents will be dropping off cake ("so you can offer them some"), so more dirty dishes as well.


// craeonics / 694 weeks and 3 days ago

Wellll since we have this big ocean between us I can't give you my birthday present to you...

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 3 days ago

Wasss going to get you some high quality moth balls and toss them into an exquisitely hand crafted wooden box and then have it beautifully gift wrapped alllll for you mijn dutchy.

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 3 days ago

I think the pest situation is under control now. Need to have a stern talk with my two feline bug hunters. They're supposed to catch those moths, not bask in the sun all day.

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm good thing I didn't really buy that expensive present for you then...

// Doreen / 694 weeks and 2 days ago

Meanwhile, now that the chores are all done, I can finally enjoy the last day of my all too short holiday.

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 1 day ago

Never enough time, so enjoy fast...

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 1 day ago

I need days to extend beyond 24 hours. So much to do, so little time.

// craeonics / 694 weeks and 16 hours ago

24 hrs is fine for me I just need 3 of me to keep up...

// Dor_work / 694 weeks and 7 hours ago

Time for some real life kage bunshin no jitsu? [link] (I watch too much cartoons).

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm same "sounds" in that AION game I used to fly around in...

// Doreen / 693 weeks and 6 days ago

Except that Aion was Korean (if I'm not mistaken), while Naruto (the cartoon I linked to) is Japanese.

Meanwhile, holiday and the weekend is over. Back to work tomorrow. Sitting in a damp, artificially lighted office instead of in the sun with a cool breeze (because I work with idiots).

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 5 days ago


Who knows... hehe

I don't even want to look at the vids cuz then I want to go play again and it's a total waste of time.

// Doreen / 693 weeks and 5 days ago

I want to go sit in the sun instead of being in this office.

Alright, who am I kidding. I never sit in the sun.

// crae_work / 693 weeks and 4 days ago

The moon is much better on the skin...

La la la la la la la (another goed la la toon)


// Doreen / 693 weeks and 3 days ago

Good? You're going soft.


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

// crae_work / 693 weeks and 3 days ago

Prince? You're getting senile.

Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (I'm lovin you)

// Dor_work / 693 weeks and 3 days ago

Says the one listening to Enrique Iglesias. I am a victim of the radio at work.


* craeonics is listening to: Amy Winehouse - Valerie

// crae_work / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

/me pokes you in the eye (actually his latest tunes aren't too bad)

// Dor_work / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh and I'm currently listening to the usual angry sounding rapper they keep giving too much air time to: (Eminem)

// Dor_work / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

I really am not impressed by Mr Mathers latest work. Not impressed by what his doctor has been putting out either. Back to the drawing board for those two.

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah I think Dr. Dre Needs a Doctor now...

// Doreen / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

Mmm mmm mmmmm!


// Doreen / 693 weeks and 2 days ago

Not hooked up to speakers today, so I can't listen to that one right now.


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - Just a Girl

// crae_work / 693 weeks and 1 day ago

Ugh, that's terrible. I hereby invoke Rotterdam Records #031: [link]

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't have any energy left to listen to that after getting out of my circus called Clinic.

/me comes here to spend lunch w/ mijn dutchy and enjoy the silence...

// Dor_work / 693 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe dutchy! Oh boy that is some fast beats...

// Doreen / 693 weeks and 23 hours ago

That kind of stuff always makes me get lost in the forest of classic tunes that are on YouTube. For example, I just stumbled over this one, of which I had forgotten the name: [link] (beginning is missing though).

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 17 hours ago

In retrospect, it's quite bad, really.

// craeonics / 693 weeks and 5 hours ago

Yup, reallyyy bad (and exhausting to listen to) but I'm totally wiped out atm so it could be my tired eardrums...

// Doreen / 693 weeks and 1 hour ago

I'm so into youuuu

I don't know what I'm gonnnna doooo

Boy, you got me so confused

I don't know what I'm gonna doooo!

Some good old stuff (actually better than some of the stuff they are playing now on the radio)


// Doreen / 692 weeks and 6 days ago

The only SWV track that has had any impact this side of the globe was Right Here.

God forbid, but the last bit of this BEP song is actually decent. Just the end though.


* craeonics is listening to: The Black Eyed Peas - Just can't get enough

// crae_zzz / 692 weeks and 6 days ago

Not my style, but good bass.


* craeonics is listening to: Kraak & Smaak ft. Sebastian - Dynamite [link]

// crae_zzz / 692 weeks and 6 days ago

I actually liked it! It kept reminding me of another tune though but I can't recall the girl that sang it.

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

This one, for some reason to me they sound very similiar...


// Doreen / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

Video is region locked, grrr... What was the title?

// craeonics / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

I swear that is most annoying when I can't even get a link over to you! hehe

Here you go try this one: [link]

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

And yours: [link]

Had to double check to see if I was hallucinating last night but nope they still sound similar to me. hehe!

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

I think I like yours better!?

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

They are indeed quite similar. Almost the same melody, but played differently. Don't think there's any relation though.

// craeonics / 692 weeks and 5 days ago

No I suppose it's just a coincidental unintentional (rip) hehe

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

Btw I actually found that "Kraak & Smaak - Dynamite" on iTunes and bought it I liked it so much.

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

/me goes send those Kraak & Smaak dudes a bill for getting them a successful sale

// crae_work / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

/me comes give mijn dutchy a Monday morning kick!

Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor

// Dor_work / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

My cat just almost committed suicide. Here I am sitting on my balcony in my lazy chair. Next to me is my foldable balcony table that is attached to the railing. Cat jumps on me and in one swift motion onto the narrow ridge of the (folded) table, balancing her body all the way forward to stare down at the birds.

Cat was perfectly comfortable ofcourse. I on the other hand am not too keen on the idea of my cat falling into the abyss. So I pulled her down. She naturally protested and tried to hold on. In the end I won and the cat is now pissed off at me. Craziness!

// craeonics / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

Stop being such an over protective cat parent! It did cross my mind though in the past that sooner or latter your cats are going to want to explore some back alleys and take a jump off your balcony.

// Dor / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

Stop being such an over protective cat parent! It did cross my mind though in the past that sooner or latter your cats are going to want to explore some back alleys and take a jump off your balcony.

// Dor_work / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

Yessss! I'm typing to you from my rediculous iPhone's keyboard!

// Dor_work / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

These cats are giving me a heart attack. On warm days like these, I leave the balcony doors open when I'm at work (why, hello Mr. Burglar!). I do have faith in their sense of equilibrium and trust their common sense (in as far as cats have that) not to do crazy things like jumping down, but sometimes...

// crae_zzz / 692 weeks and 4 days ago

I'd be a nervous wreck that they might go to jump up but miss the mark. (but then you'd find out whether that saying about cats having nine lives is really true?)

// Dor_zzz / 692 weeks and 3 days ago

I can see another balcony from mine, that is completely fenced off. Apparently one of their cats did jump down some time before I moved in, and did not survive (I presume), and so they turned their balcony into a big cage.

And suddenly producers around the world discovered that you can play with your basses. DJs proclaim it "dubstep", but to me dubstep is far darker.


* craeonics is listening to: Nero - Me and you

// crae_work / 692 weeks and 3 days ago

That prob looks pretty nasty but atleast they can relax and not worry about their cats jumping to their deaths.

/me goes run from Clinic into another mandatory class, In the county you waste countless hours sitting in boring useless classes cuz ppl don't have any common sense, respect or manners (this class is sexual harassment) to tell us how to file reports etc. If we did there'd be no supervisors or bosses?

// Dor_work / 692 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy! They completely desecrated my fav spot! Look! [link]

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 2 days ago

And they made an iPhone app? But nowwww that my fav statue that I like in that cozy spot is now gone! *sigh*

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 2 days ago

The text above says that the statue will be back in 2012. The place is under construction/maintenance.

// crae_work / 692 weeks and 2 days ago

I assumed when they took the statue and you mentioned something about them redoing things they would touchup the statue and put it back not completely demolish and desecrate the whole spot!!! Now I bet they're probably going to make a small circus in that spot! Argh!

/me is listening to the radio and there's that silly Jay-Z - Forever Young tune...

// Dor_work / 692 weeks and 2 days ago

Quite possible. I have witnessed the phenomenon we call "volbouwen" countless times before and I fear it will outlast me.


* craeonics is listening to: Gwen Stefani - Whatcha waiting for

// crae_work / 692 weeks and 1 day ago

Alrighty, this one is quite nice: [link], even on my netbook with no bass.

// craeonics / 692 weeks and 1 day ago

Ja, not too shabby...

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 1 day ago

It's so bloody hot over here that I just woke up at nine on my freaking day off. And speaking of hot... let's throw in some Tiga: [link] (you may be familiar with the original).

// crae_zzz / 692 weeks and 19 hours ago

hehe!!! Thatttt is totally cool! hehe (so cute) how they get those silly puppets to move so perfectly...

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 1 hour ago

And btw stop crying about how hot it is that is what our temps are when we cool down on this end you seriously need to feel some triple digit temps to have some respect for what HOT really isss...

// Doreen / 692 weeks and 1 hour ago

Humidity plays a big part in how bearable it can be. I've been to the tropics with way higher temperatures, but it was much easier to handle there.

Plus I seem to be developing hay fever. Now that's really annoying. Eyes are all blurry.

// craeonics / 691 weeks and 6 days ago

Any kinda heat is not good for me it's all the same but that's life. (specially over here)

/me tosses you some Benadryl...

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 6 days ago

/me thinks allergies should be treated at their core: permanently remove the over-sensitivity

Otherwise you're stuck on meds your entire life. Oh wait, I already am, grrr...

// craeonics / 691 weeks and 5 days ago

Well you could remove your Adenoids? Those sometime instead of helping get swollen and infected and aggravate ppl w/ chronic allergies?

What in the world am I doing up so early when it's cool and drizzly outside?

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 5 days ago

Why oh why does English use Latin for everything anatomical or medical? /me looks up "adenoids"... Ah, those things. Aren't those supposed to cease functioning when you become adult or something?

Plus: taking things out is not a solution, but "bad medicine" as far as I'm concerned. Queue: [link]

/me goes set up the BBQ

// craeonics / 691 weeks and 4 days ago

Whatchu talkin bout Willis? BBQ? You're suppose to be workin like me today!

For some reason it's random when certain links and vids work on my phone I'll have to see what important and most valuable info you posted when I get back home...

// Dor_work / 691 weeks and 4 days ago

I thought it was going to be some gross vid of adenoids but instead it's some nasty bad vid of Bon Jovi *sigh*

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 4 days ago

Bon Jovi is the very definition of "bad medicine".

And we always have the day off after major holidays. So two days of "pasen" (easter), two days of "pinksteren" (pentecost) and two days of "kerstmis" (christmas).


* craeonics is listening to: Laurent Garnier - The Man with the Red Face

// crae_work / 691 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm you guys werk only 4 days a week and then get two days per Holiday when we only get one day!? That's not fair!!!

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 3 days ago

Andddd speaking of werk and things being not fair. Today in Clinic we went triple digit! We had 107 patients and they told me that was the first time in the history of that Clinic. Everyone fell to the floor after the last patient made their exit. And when all the Docs and Nurses began asking how in the world did that happen and how in the world did we all actually pull that off "I" made my exit out the side door! hehe

I apparently was not checking all my Docs schedules and overbooked! If I confessed they'd have all grabbed baseball bats and chased me down the corridor.

Every single time we finish Clinic I say to myself I cannot handle this job but it is the most exhilarating, most challenging job I've ever had. Very fulfilling to help ppl w/ Lupus and Rheumatoid illness dutchy. I love and hate my job all at the same time...

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 2 days ago

You just have to get into the flow of things. This whole overbooking thing won't happen again once you're used to things.


* craeonics is listening to: Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking

// crae_work / 691 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't know dutchy I'd have fired myself 10 x's already! But they all encircle and seem to protect me. I'm doing three Clinics now Tues, Thurs and Friday two weeks ago they tried to put a forth one on me and I told them no way Jose! These Clinics are grueling the patients all speak diff lingoes and I already told you about them teasing me about my overhead pages and some of these patients have names like: Sztjwje Kjwonamolakiwalla! (try saying that on an overhead pager system!)

Ke$ha - Blow

// Dor_work / 691 weeks and 2 days ago

They're protective because without you the whole scheduling goes to hell.

I'd say ms. Gaga has gone through all her possible sounds. After pillaging Madonna's Express Yourself in her previous single, this one recycles her own old songs.


* craeonics is listening to: Lady Gaga - Judas

// crae_work / 691 weeks and 2 days ago

Umm I was thinking since I got here there scheduling hasss gone to Hell. hehe!

But if anyone approaches me directly I figured I'd just tell them I'm testing their abilities?

Beats Fast and Bass Down Low remix over here atm...

// Dor_work / 691 weeks and 2 days ago

You're just trying "to find the right balance".

In other news, PlayStation Network got hacked. I have a PS3 and I have a PSN account (otherwise I can't get no trophies to brag about), my information is out on the web as well. But then again, I think I made up half the data I had to enter (don't "required field" me).

This all happened the 17th. And only now have I received an email from Sony. But this is the thing, that email is in Dutch, but it looks a lot like it was either auto-translated from English or translated by someone who does not speak Dutch, because this is the crummiest translation I've seen in a long time.

// crae_work / 691 weeks and 1 day ago

I heard allll about that as a matter of fact there is a suit being filed against them for lengthy notification and the non protection of everyone's personal info.

As for the poorly Dutch translated email from Sony? I suppose it also had some Japanese accent to it as well? hehe

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 1 day ago

/me goes search around the web and see if I can get my hands on your personal info and hope your credit card info is there I want to go charge that White iPhone they released today over here and all my Credit Cards are maxed out! Argh!

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 1 day ago

I have had all the Black iPhones (actually just about everything I own I always choose black for my gadgets) But this white iPhone looks classy clean!

I want it!

I want it!

I want it!

// Doreen / 691 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh god, she's on the phone prowl again...

Two examples from the Sony email (with my word-for-word translation back to English in brackets):

"We hebben onlangs ontdekt dat tussen 17 April en 19 April 2011, bepaalde informatie van gebruikersaccounts op het PlayStation Network en Qriocity diensten werd gecomprimeerd in verband met een externe indringing in ons systeem."

[We have recently discovered that between April 17 and April 19 2011, certain information of user accounts on the PSN and Q services was compressed in relation to an external intrusion in our system]

Yes, they actually wrote "comprimeerd" (compressed) as a translation of "comprimised". And that "externe binnendringing" is a meaningless phrase in Dutch. Also note that I can do a literal translation to English and that English flows a lot better.

Second example:

"Als u uw creditcard data hebt opgegeven via PlayStation Network of Qriocity, adviseren wij u voor de veiligheid dat het mogelijk is dat uw creditcard nummer [...] en geldigheidsdatum zijn verkregen."

[If you have entered your creditcard data via PSN or Q, we advise you for (reasons of) security that it is possible that your creditcard number and expiration date were obtained]

This one was less literal, so that would imply it was not machine translated. However, I don't see any advice in that sentence. It's probably a translation of "we would like to inform you".

// craeonics / 691 weeks and 17 hours ago

Well judging by your translations and thoughts about this, that could very well the reason for such a lengthy time before notifications were sent out?

Their translation person took forever to figure out how to translate that into Dutch!? hehe

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 6 days ago

It's strange. Especially when you consider that the footer of the email, which takes up around two thirds of it, is in legalese. I'd expect communications from behemoths ([link]) like these to go through several layers in their organisation, but this looks more like a rush job.

Did I plug this song already? [link] Don't really care about the vocals, but that wobbly bass is great.

// craeonics / 690 weeks and 6 days ago

You'd be surprised how very un-organized big organizations can be (most likely due to being over confident that bad things don't happen to them)

And nope you've never plugged that one and it's pretty decent...

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 6 days ago

Big organisations can get away with massive fuck-ups by their sheer inertia. They have so much money going around that they can fumble now and then.

// craeonics / 690 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't know dutchy if I was some lil serious hacker and I had a choice to hack somebody's Grama's Computer or Sony I'd choose Sony too but wouldn't you think such a huge corp as Sony would be better prepared for something such as what happened to them? Come on not only do they look pretty bad cuz it happened but then they didn't even know how to respond to the attack because there apparently was nothing prepared for such an attack. Talk about being blind, cocky and un organized for something of this nature in this day and age?

/me is listening to a few lil birdies outside my window in deep discussion about the weather.

And I think I am going to go be totally reckless today...

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 6 days ago

Reckless as in "cross the road without looking"?

// craeonics / 690 weeks and 5 days ago

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh well one of these days you'll implant a human brain into that script for this msg board. hehe

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm, how is it possible that you can post an empty message. I thought I had precautions for that in place.

/me plows through the logs

/me is still plowing after three pages

Ah, there it is... So, did you copy/paste that dictionary definition. I suspect the middle dot breaks things. But that's not supposed to happen. I really should move this to an UTF8 encoded stack.

Some time before the sun swallows the Earth: [link]

// crae_work / 690 weeks and 4 days ago

Or before Hell freezes over? (me cannot find any links for that though) hehe

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 4 days ago

Too late: [link] (don't know where it's originally from though).

// crae_work / 690 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh! Should've known...

/me smacks some Hell out of you!

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 3 days ago

That Doreen sure has some anger management issues... /me runs


* craeonics is listening to: Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

// crae_work / 690 weeks and 2 days ago

/me wishes my foot could reach across the ocean!

Anyways goeiemorgen dutchy...

Jennifer Lopez - On the floor (almost has a European flavor to it)

// Dor_work / 690 weeks and 2 days ago

If that's the J-Lo song I think it is, she ripped off Kaoma's Lambada: [link]

// craeonics / 690 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey that vid played on my phone! Never heard that dong before but J-Lo most definitely ripped from that song cuz it's the same song for sure.

// Dor_work / 690 weeks and 2 days ago

dong = song I HATE this keyboard!

// Dor_work / 690 weeks and 2 days ago

It was a big hit over here about twenty years ago or something, Ms. Freudian Slip.


* craeonics is listening to: obnoxious stuff and colleagues humming along with it

// crae_work / 690 weeks and 1 day ago


Dear Valued Sony Online Entertainment Customer:

Our ongoing investigation of illegal intrusions into Sony Online Entertainment systems has discovered that hackers may have obtained personal customer information from SOE systems. We are today advising you that the personal information you provided us in connection with your SOE account may have been stolen in a cyber-attack. Stolen information includes, to the extent you provided it to us, the following: name, address (city, state, zip, country), email address, gender, birthdate, phone number, login name and hashed password.

Customers outside the United States should be advised that we further discovered evidence that information from an outdated database from 2007 containing approximately 12,700 non-US customer credit or debit card numbers and expiration dates (but not credit card security codes) and about 10,700 direct debit records listing bank account numbers of certain customers in Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Spain may have also been obtained and we will be notifying each of those customers promptly.


We've got so much games and toys that I've no clue what game/games me, Gino or Sam have connected to this mess that happened but now we officially got one of those late notices apparently you guys outside the US have to worry about Credit Card info floating around but on our side it's login info and stuff. (If someone got my Credit Card info and tried to use it they'd be in for a rude surprise) hehe

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 23 hours ago

They actually got everyone's login details. Plus the credit card data in some cases.

But Sony Online Entertainment is not PSN, it seems to be the company behind a number of MMORPGs. That's probably why you got that message.

// craeonics / 690 weeks and 15 hours ago

Hmm guess so then I didn't panic like I said they'd be in for a rude surprise if they tried to go shopping w/ my credit card and these days if you think "any" info is or stays personal you're crazy...

// Doreen / 690 weeks and 1 hour ago

Information can only be leaked if it is shared in the first place. With everone being high on that social media nonsense these days, it's astonishing how little thought people put into taking heed of what they post, where, and who can see it.

// craeonics / 689 weeks and 6 days ago

Well I think my whole life story is over here dutchy? Bottom line is that it's human nature to communicate and we're only here for a short time so who really cares? Today's news is easily forgotten tomorrow no matter who you are.

/me goes wake up and go hit the gym...

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 6 days ago

Meanwhile we apparently are the hottest country in Europe at the moment. Temperature really needs to drop. Plus I want rain, damnit!

/me goes invoke some cold stuff: [link]

Queue Doreen saying something about not knowing heat until you've experienced three digits.

// craeonics / 689 weeks and 6 days ago

OMG dutchy that is so cold and desolate *shivers* hehe! (you're nuts listening to that stuff)

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 6 days ago

/me comes toss you a cold wet T-shirt to sleep in so you stop listening to that nasty music (and I still don't know what you're crying about your temps are not triple digit?) When we're in the 80's that's cold for us over here.

Anyways when it's hot you need to toss on a wet T-shirt you'll cool down in 10 mins flat...

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm better suited to handle cold than heat.

/me realises he has just watched the news without any of it leaving a lasting impression. What exactly was I just watching?

// craeonics / 689 weeks and 5 days ago

Probably cuz of the steady droning sound of Osama Bin Laden's name over and over and over and over again...

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 5 days ago

Hey hey hey! There isss an official Holiday over here jusss for "me" (Mommy's day)

/me goes get ready to get spoiled and do some spoiling to my Mom too.

I asked my Mom what would she like today her wish is my command! (knowing my Mom I was afraid she might tell me lunch in Paris and then dinner in Japan or something) but she said Sushi! Yowza! (I can't argue w/ that now can I) hehe!

/me goes have some fun today...

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 5 days ago

Sushi is somewhat dinner in Japan. I on the other hand, have completely ignored Mother's Day, just like I ignore Father's Day. But that's probably no surprise.

Meanwhile, there's a certain tension in the air. I think it's going to rain. Finally. Funny how you can sense that.

// crae_zzz / 689 weeks and 5 days ago

/me tosses a pillow at you! Not goed dutchy you need to spoil your Mom and Dad on those days. Think about all the rediculous Holidays you celebrate over a bunch of dead ppl that did nothing directly for you and then you ignore those Holidays that should mean something more personal to you and them?

// Doreen / 689 weeks and 5 days ago

/me celebrates no holidays except world crae day

The rest are simply days off.

// crae_work / 689 weeks and 4 days ago

You wouldn't have world crae day if it were not for your Mom and Dad bringing you into existence (of course you kicking and screaming and against your will) but never the less putting up with you alone should deserve atleast a computer generated card in black and gray?

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 4 days ago

I should mind my own business cuz I spoil my Mom on Mother's day out of guilt cuz I feel bad she puts up with me and my 0 percent excitement for life? hehe

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 4 days ago

It's never children's day anyway.

// crae_zzz / 689 weeks and 4 days ago

When you have children it's children's day everyday. Hence the need for Mother's Day they really should toss Father's Day out the window and give us that day too!!!

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 4 days ago

No children for uncle crae. I have a severe lack of time already. Having little critters suck that up for two plus decades is so not going to happen.

// craeonics / 689 weeks and 3 days ago

Then obviously you already know the day you have kids is the day world crae day ends forever.

Anyways glad to hear that cuz I don't want to have to come over here and read you telling me a bunch of boring stories about your kids. (kinda like I do to you all the time)

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 3 days ago

Tell me about it. I have four colleagues with kids in this room. Oh, and the boss too.


* craeonics is listening to: The Cult - She sells Sanctuary

// crae_work / 689 weeks and 2 days ago

Well I think you're the exception to the rule...

/me is listening to some tune that is giving me vibes of Paris (though I've never been in Paris)

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 2 days ago

Speaking of cities...


* craeonics is listening to: Chicago - Look Away

// crae_work / 689 weeks and 1 day ago

/me is listening to my stomach growling I forgot to eat today...

// Dor_work / 689 weeks and 7 hours ago

Speaking of growling, it seems old man Varg has grown out of screaming his lyrics. Currently listening to his latest album (don't know which song) and though it still has the thick layers of guitar work, half the time the vocals are sung in a clean voice.

Colour me surprised. The man must be going soft.

// crae_zzz / 689 weeks and 5 hours ago

/me would like to know what color you turn if you happen to see him singing worship tunes and carrying a Bible next...

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

You do realize when ppl go to jail they get stuck sitting still in total silence (sometimes that's where they're forced to meet God) Wouldn't that be a total surprise? hehe

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

Whilst in jail he wrote and released instrumental tracks like these: [link] (note the absence of demons in forests).

And since he apparently had plenty of time on his hands, he also wrote a number of book on something called "odalism", dealing with pre-Christian religion and culture. So I don't expect to see him going from door to door preaching the gospel.

The historian is me, by the way, finds it hard enough already to find source material on this subject, so I am quite sceptic about whatever grapevine he got his info from.

// craeonics / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't know that definitely sounds different from what I've heard from him in the past (but I still don't like the sound of him or "any" of the sounds he makes) hehe

He's strange. Reminds me of that Charles Manson guy. (or whatever his name is)

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

/me is listening to the sounds of birds gossiping to each other this morning outside my window and trying to figure out why I woke up so late!

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm do I like Kanye West? Nope! Do I like Katy Perry? Rarely so why do I like this stupid tune?


// Doreen / 688 weeks and 6 days ago

The staccato singing remind me of this t.A.T.u. song [link] (from 2:45 onwards). Basically slowly proclaim the first line of the text, then rapidly sing the second line.

// craeonics / 688 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah it does (I forgot about that song) they never really played that one over here very much that I can remember.

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 5 days ago

/me is listening to the rain and getting totally paralyzed by it. (looks like I'm not going to get much done today)

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 5 days ago

The Katy Perry song also has two different videos it seems. One with just flashing text and the other one with her floating in space like some kind of sea creature (or alien).


* craeonics is listening to: Nirvan - Smells like Teen Spirit (which was apparently the name of a deodorant)

// crae_work / 688 weeks and 4 days ago


/me goes see if I can find that Katy vid you're talkin bout Willis. (and if I find it pray it plays on my phone)

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 4 days ago

Yikes! Freaky vid! (I liked it)

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 4 days ago

We need some superbly bad music in here: [link]. And speaking of bad music, I was complaining at work the other day how they didn't play tunes from Flashdance anymore, and lo and behold Michael Sembello every freaking day.

// crae_zzz / 688 weeks and 4 days ago

Dutchy what in the world is dat! Ack! hehe

First time I heard that (and hopefully the last)

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 4 days ago

It's gloriously bad.

Also be sure to click on that Baltimora vid on the right (third one when I checked yesterday).

// crae_work / 688 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! Help I just turned blind and deaf! (and I think I just got a stomach ache too)

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 3 days ago

That Tarzan Boy song is the best thing since sliced bread!


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - It's my life

// crae_work / 688 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm still trying to recover just from viewing it!

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 2 days ago

Fortunately, I now have... weekend!

// crae_work / 688 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh be quiet you too! I still have one more day...

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 1 day ago

And this keyboard wants to not only change my words but also type in extra words as well!

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 1 day ago

Either that or you were thinking of someone else who had to be quiet.

// crae_zzz / 688 weeks and 1 day ago

Nope me is never thinking about anyone else but mijn dutchy. (just was using a different keyboard on my phone which has some kind of word prediction software and totally sucks)

// Doreen / 688 weeks and 1 day ago

Speaking of word prediction, if I weren't so lazy, I would write a filter that would randoomly insert "he he"'s into your posts.

// crae_evil / 688 weeks and 16 hours ago

Hmm well if you ever do write that filter for my post then you should also add...

1. Argh!


2. /me smacks the Hell out of you!

// Dor_work / 688 weeks and 7 hours ago

True, true.

Unrelated, why is there a Turkish version of Jehovah's Witnesses at my door on a saturday morning? Grasping for straws or embarking on new territory? At least he didn't try to stick his foot between the door.

// craeonics / 687 weeks and 6 days ago

You should be asking yourself why did you open the door?

I finally learned a good life lesson that if "I" personally did not invite you to knock on my door then my door is not going to open for you no matter what or how long you knock on my door...

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 6 days ago

Next time offer the witness an apple. Start making lame jokes about taking the forbidden fruit after they accept the gift. Next time they will pass your house.

Worked for me. I guess annoying smartasses are not worth converting.

// PK_sneaks_into_your_listening_to_thing_while_you're_not_listening / 687 weeks and 6 days ago

/me wonders how PKtje got away w/ posting that lengthy name by your tight security filters!

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 6 days ago

Maybe the name PK has the mark of trust and quality to it? ( and the spam filter sees that as well?)

// PK / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

The simple truth is: length of name or message is not a mark of spam.

And the only reason I opened the door was because they used the magic signal. Last time I had Jehovah's Witnesses at my door and had almost deconverted them, up showed the minister himself: "That's an interesting opinion you have. You should come to bible study so we can discuss it". Evil, evil...

// craeonics / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe PKtje!

Oh yeah and what is the magic signal? (a simple knock on the door?)

Anyways I don't like to be rude and ppl tend to take advantage of me so to fix that issue I don't give too many ppl that opportunity. So if I didn't personally invite you then you ain't getting my door to open and you could knock all week long.

When they come knocking on the door it feels like they are selling something and you can't sell Religion...

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

Selling religion is part of their package (as ordained by Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15).

The magic signal is simply to ring twice. Salesmen generally speaking don't do that.

// craeonics / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

I think Jehovah Witness (and most Religions) make their own Bibles.

I'll have to look up those scriptures later I'm one of those ppl that loves God but all Religion does for me is confuse me and convict me so I guess I'm going to Hell cuz I don't like attending Churches. I've tried but all that ever does is show me I'm a hypocrite and a sinner (and that don't feel very good) hehe!

I have a Bible on my iPhone too but do I ever read it? Umm I've opened it a few times and read exactly 3-5 seconds and close it (I think I'm still reading the first few paragraphs of Genesis?)

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

Though I have to confess I do feel God chasing after me all the time and there is no place to hide! hehe

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 5 days ago

Every splinter sekt of Christianity creates its own version of the bible.

# In the beginning crae created the heaven and the earth

# The spirit of crae flew over the waters

# And crae said: "I can't see shit, let there be light"

# And there was light

Meanwhile, ms. Knowles has a new single out: "Run this World (Girls)". I'm busy so I'm not going to dig up a link, but when you hear it, look up Major Lazer's Pon de Floor. Inspired much?

// crae_work / 687 weeks and 4 days ago

a bit later..

# Then crae created the listening to board

# Earthly music now filled the skies

# And crae said: "put your hands up in the air!"

# And they put their hands up in the air

// PK_lazy / 687 weeks and 4 days ago

I've not heard her new tune yet me goes take a quick peek at it and see what it is...

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 4 days ago

Though I agree w/ Ms. Knowles that we run the world (that tune totally sucks)

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 4 days ago

His pekoness was perhaps inspired by Faithless' God is a DJ? But I am also reminded of this '87 classic House track:

# In the beginning there was Jack

# And Jack had a groove

# And from this groove

# Came the grooves of all grooves.

# And while one day

# Viciously throwing down on his box,

# Jack boldly declared "Let There Be House"

# And House music was born.

- [link]


* craeonics is listening to: George Michael - Freedom

// crae_work / 687 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh brother I can't believe I actually listened to that thinking some cool house tune would begin playing after that guy finished irritating me but nope...

// Dor_zzz / 687 weeks and 3 days ago

Tunes like that are meant to be mixed with other tunes (with actual music) with actual music in the clubs. There's another one called The Realm, which is awesome if you've heard it before in mixes, but not quite so if it's new to you.


* craeonics is listening to: Melissa Everidge - Like the Way I do

// crae_work / 687 weeks and 2 days ago

/me no do clubbin (not into plastic ppl) but I did actually sign up for XM (Sirius satellite Radio) I figure if I'm going to spend 3 hrs a day in my car stuck in traffic my ear drums are going to be clubbin (excellent house and trance tunes!)

// Dor_zzz / 687 weeks and 2 days ago

Speaking of house and trance tunes, you might want to avoid your girl Nicole Scherzinger's latest. She too has jumped onto the "let's turn a pop song into a club song and fail miserably" bandwagon. Saw the video this morning. Can't remember the name though.

// crae_work / 687 weeks and 1 day ago

/me goes see if I can find what you're talkin bout willis...

// Doreen / 687 weeks and 22 hours ago

This one dutchy? [link] (if so then I don't know what you're talkin bout cuz me likes it!!!)

Dutchy I've been ripped apart again for a few weeks by my old dept and the new dept at work and guess who won? (My old dept) I have no clue how they got away w/ this but legally they were unable to place me back in the Trauma division I originally worked for so now I am working in Risk Management and guess who is looking at a Secretary II item soon? =)

I'm certainly finding out that somethings that appear bad are not always bad but rather BIG Blessings in disguise. (but I've been ripped apart so badly I'm exhausted these days)

// Dor_zzz / 687 weeks and 22 hours ago

It's that song indeed. You may like the song, but it really could have been sung by anyone and it would have sounded the same. Nicole is just the girl doing vocals here.

Anyway, so what you're saying is that... Well, I don't quite follow. Are you working for your evil old boss, the current one or a completely new one now?

// craeonics / 687 weeks and 17 hours ago

I wasn't consciously inspired by Faitless. Now. Thanks to you mentioning them I've dug up some CD's and listen to them during my commute.

/me is listening to The Subs - Face of the Planet @ [link]

// PK / 687 weeks and 10 hours ago

Oh, somehow I keep expecting Madness/Our House to start when I listening to that '87 classic house track. Yup. Real classy.

// PK / 687 weeks and 10 hours ago

A completely new Boss. (but back in the first Dept)

It went something like this...

I had two departments claiming that I belonged to them my old dept where my old Boss was working and was under the impression I was going to return to her and Med Admin which jumped out of nowhere saying I belonged to them.

I was working for the dept of medical administration which was tossing me all over the place like a rag doll in several of their divisions (until I landed in those clinics I told you about working for several Doctors)

Then two weeks ago I get called back into Med Admin to be told the other dept took it up w/ the CEO of the Hospital and they have pulled me back yet again. The Fellows and Attendings all went into a rage and everyone begain fighting including my old boss from my old dept.

Apparently nobody was listening to what my wishes were and where I wanted to work so I hired an Attorney So he stepped in and said "If you place her back w/ her old Boss I will sue the pants off Los Angeles County"

Then they were stuck w/ now what? Soooo a lady that was a Secretary II item retired in Risk Management in Feb of this year and guess who's chair they tossed me in. I have 20 more years left in me so I get her chair! We all signed papers and now I am finally living happily ever after. (I hope)

Risk Management handles all the Malpractice claims for the Hospital. Veryyyy stimulating job. My Boss is the most wonderful lady I have ever met she is setting me up for several classes to get my behind educated properly and I'm praying I don't sit in any classes that have windows that have birds singing in trees outside. hehe!

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 6 days ago

The best bit of it is that you finally showed those suits that you are not some commodity they can mess with. Good!

/me kicks pekomon for linking a house classic to Madness' worst track ever


* craeonics is listening to: Khors - Wounds of the Past [The Flames of Eternity's Decline, 01]

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 6 days ago

I wasn't trying to show anyone anything all I wanted to do was get them "ALL" off of me. I swear if you work for the County it feels as if you are a piece of meat that is tossed into a shark infested pool...

But I landed in the most perfect place ever! I could not be happier (this was my first "full week" working in my new office) and I've got me a 3 day Holiday weekend to boot!

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah, and to get the pack off of you have to bark back and show your teeth. And you did.

Now, let's hope this jobs will be steady and you won't be moved elsewhere again next month.

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 5 days ago

I know me too but all the papers in HR were officially signed by all parties and my new Boss said she is getting me a name plate for the door of my new office. So it "feels" permanent.

/me goes wake up and hit the gym...

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 5 days ago

I broke my crystal ball the other day, so we will have to see what the future holds.

I know what mine is, though. Weekend's over. Back to work tomorrow.

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 5 days ago

Not me! Cuz me lives on this side of the globe where Holidays are plentiful! (but still never enough)

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 5 days ago

Lucky you. Fortunately, it turns out I have to get back to heaven on Thursday, resulting in a four day weekend.

// crae_work / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Argh! That's right you guys have 3 day weekends all the time so when you get a Holiday it turns into 4 days off? Argh!!!

But as for today...

La la la la laaaaa! /me no work...

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Well, actually, most of my colleagues and friends have a 38/40 hour contract and do have to work on Friday. I on the other hand don't have twenty kids to feed, so I don't need that extra money.

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Keep rubbing it in! Had I not been living in my usual fantasy bubble and not had children I would be comfortably living under my bridge. hehe

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

What is this Ascension Day you have coming up?

/me goes see what that is...

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm okay well we have something like that but over here I think ppl get confused and begin to color a bunch of hard boiled Eggs and make rediculous looking Easter baskets? hehe

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Christian holidays over here are: 1) Christmas (birth of Jesus, two days); 2) Easter (resurrection of Jesus, two days); 3) Ascension Day (Jesus goes to heaven); and 4) Pentecost (descend of the Holy Spirit, two days).

Funny thing is that Pentecost is two days, yet the average Joe Blow on the street won't be able to tell you why it is so important. I have no idea either, by the way.

// crae_zzz / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Me either nor why or how boiling and coloring stinky hard boiled eggs is part of the Easter tradition over here since I thought it was suppose to have something about God? Same for Christmas how did Santa Claus end up getting all the glory?

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 4 days ago

Santa Claus is a cross between Sinterklaas (Dutch) and King Winter (Germany and other countries). And the reason why christian holidays tend to have so many non-christian aspects is because they put them in the place of older, pagan traditions.

From what I gather, Pentecost is important for three reasons. First Jesus promised his disciples that mr. Spirit would take his place, so this is the celebration of said arrival. Second, it is seem as the birth of the christian church. And third, it marks the first "harvest" of souls. And when all souls are harvested the end will come.

Did I mention that the so-called Religions of the Book hold the rather nasty view that we're all better of dead?


* craeonics is listening to: Young Knives - Love my name

// crae_work / 686 weeks and 3 days ago

Not sure what to think about anything really. As for us being be better off dead as we are living all we are actually doing is dying every second of everyday. Anyways I suppose we will all find out when we die since we can't escape that.

I've been making a longggg mental list of questions to ask God (just in case he don't send me to Hell) but then I'm thinking if there really is a God in the exact second we meet him spirit to spirit all our questions will be answered instantaneously...

// Dor_work / 686 weeks and 3 days ago

People and their imaginary friends. I'd like to say "you're going to be so disappointed", but the catch is that there won't be a you to be disappointed when you're dead.

Moving on to music: I've heard three singles of Gaga's new album so far. They all sound the same. They all sound bad.


* craeonics is listening to: Soft Cell - Tainted Love

// crae_work / 686 weeks and 2 days ago

How would you know for sure when you have never died before? Anyways, I think it will be the same exact thing just like you and me. Though I've been communicating w/ you for over ten years of my life now I've never physically seen you, physically heard you, physically touched you, physically smelled you. Same thing w/ God...

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm and I'll probably have to die first before I ever meet you too! hehe

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm not actually here. I'm off to heaven for the day. The cats are taking over the typing duty until I return.

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh I forgot you're celebrating that imaginary person/whatever it is day over there while over here we are getting ready for some kind of fire drill at work (not much of a drill or test if they keep telling us beforehand it's going to happen?)

// Dor_work / 686 weeks and 1 day ago

The only thing I'm celebrating is that I've finished Yakuza 2 on PS2 (which is a cross between a beat-em-up, an RPG and GTA) after over forty hours and have finally started with L.A. Noire on the PS3 (which is also quite GTA-like, but plays more like a detective).

Freaking Sony requires me to change my PSN password, sends me a link to change it via email, but then put their server "under maintenance", so I can't do anything.

Ah well, back to offline play it is.

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 1 day ago

Heyyy be nice cuz Sony is only trying to pretend they are fixing the security issues!

// Doreen / 686 weeks and 1 day ago

/me checks again

Nope, still down. Argh, my trophies...

// craeonics / 686 weeks and 17 hours ago

/me draws a pretty picture of a trophy, puts your name on it and folds it into a paper airplane and shoots it over to you. (same thing)

// Dor_work / 686 weeks and 7 hours ago

Hurray, I got a trophy for the Tek game!

// craeonics / 685 weeks and 6 days ago

Gimme that trophy back you're alilll too happy w/ it!

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 5 days ago

No, it's mine! You can't have it!

Related: finally managed to get my PSN password changed. Not that it is of any use, because it's flaky as hell at the moment. When playing games on your console you do not want get slapped around by ...error codes (not even readable messages) all the time. That's just sloppy coding, Sony.

// craeonics / 685 weeks and 5 days ago

Considering the time they took to relaunch everything I'm surprised to hear that? It should be flawless.

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 5 days ago

It's a bloody mess. My PS3 actually locked up when I launched a game. Had to unplug the thing to get it working again.


* craeonics is listening to: Pearl Jam - Alive

// crae_work / 685 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh stop complaining atleast you got your trophies back right?

/me is listening to the sounds of a busy office floor outside my door...

// Dor_work / 685 weeks and 4 days ago

Those trophies have an interesting effect. You're almost enclined to do every rediculous thing in every game in order to get that platinum trophy.

I quickly wised up though and decided I have better things to do with my time. Current platinum count: zero.


* craeonics is listening to: 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite

// crae_work / 685 weeks and 3 days ago

There has to be a goal in everything or what is the purpose? Anyways I've not had time to game but now that things are finally calming down in the work area of my life I might jump back into that at some point and time in the near future.

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 3 days ago

My trophy in AION was those wings! but I didn't like the time it cost to get them! I even forgot what level I froze my acct on.

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 3 days ago

You can probably scroll back through these posts to find out.

The goal in a game is to finish the level, defeat the boss, etcetera. There are trophies like that. Other trophies however, are more of a tedious "find all hidden flags" type.

These days I just aim for the finish and the occasional side quest that comes on my path and skip the OCD stuff.


* craeonics is listening to: The Golden Earring - When the Lady smiles

// crae_work / 685 weeks and 2 days ago

Well I'm not into "grouping" so I never make it far enough to kill the Boss! I like games where I can solo. If I group it's on the rare occasions I hook up w/ my brother but we've both gotten too busy these days to even play like we used to...

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 2 days ago

That grouping thing is only in MMORPGs. I prefer to play on my own snail pace, so I don't do online games.


* craeonics is listening to: Modjo (AKA Daft Punk) - Music sounds better with you

// crae_work / 685 weeks and 1 day ago

I think you mean at a sloth's pace?

// Doreen / 685 weeks and 1 day ago

Then I wouldn't move at all. The time it takes me to complete a game is usually double that of the average player.

// craeonics / 685 weeks and 16 hours ago

And a minor correction: when I said Modjo, I ofcourse meant Stardust. I always mix these two bands up, because I only know one song of either and these sound alike.

/me goes shopping

// craeonics / 685 weeks and 16 hours ago




(I don't know why I'm all exited when all that really means is I've got the next two days of cleaning before me!)

// Dor_work / 685 weeks and 7 hours ago

I saw this old lady at the supermarket yesterday, who asked someone what day it was. I figured she was losing it. But then again, I thought it was Friday just a minute ago.

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe dutchyyy...

Okay I know you don't like this guy (but I do)

I cannot think of a more perfect song for today!

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song [link]

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 6 days ago

Mr. Mars doesn't quite get it. How can you do nothing all day if you have a bunch of monkeys following you around the house?

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 5 days ago

In other news, if you have a clock with a glass plate and it stops ticking, don't try to repare it with the Fonz method. Glass tends to shatter when you do that.

// crae_work / 684 weeks and 3 days ago

~repair. My fingers don't want to type no more.

// crae_work / 684 weeks and 3 days ago

Boyyyy first you're forgetting what day it is and now you're misspelling easy words!? What's going on w/ mijn dutchy? Actually is that misspelling word spelled right? (It looks funky or something to me) hehe!

// Dor_work / 684 weeks and 3 days ago

I thought "repair". My fingers went with "prepare". Out came "repare". The Oracle gives me over five million hits for "misspelling", so at least the concensus is in your favour.

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 3 days ago

The only thing that really bugs me is when I mean to type "your" and I type "you" instead. I've no idea why but that particular one bugs me most.

// Dor_zzz / 684 weeks and 3 days ago

Could also be that your keyboard simply does not register the press. I have that a lot. Even my fingers are lazy, so they don't want to push they keys all the way down.

// crae_work / 684 weeks and 2 days ago

And all of a sudden they're playing one of my favourite songs on the radio! Does that restore my faith those idiot DJs? No, I don't think so.


* craeonics is listening to: Interactive - Forever Young

// crae_work / 684 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack yukky song!

I'm listening to the usual morning office sounds gearing up for the day. I love my job I don't know how I ended up here dutchy but thankful I did...

Anyways goedenmorgen!

// Dor_work / 684 weeks and 2 days ago

They also played Whitesnake's "Is this Love" today. Pick your poison.

// crae_zzz / 684 weeks and 2 days ago

/me picks "Is this Love" (actually I'd pick anything over that other sucky tune you like)

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 2 days ago

I think that all those years of nasty lyrics and bouncing b-boys have messed up your sense of music.


* craeonics is listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm

// crae_work / 684 weeks and 1 day ago

Okayyy Mr. evil growly tunes guy! Stop picking on me and my classy booty tunes!

// Dor_work / 684 weeks and 1 day ago

Speaking of booty tunes... [link]

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 1 day ago

Well that's definitely the #1 booty tune yes. hehe

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 1 day ago

We need some Lekkerbek in here for a Surinam/Dutch version: [link]

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 16 hours ago

hehe! mijn crazy dutchy! Though I like goed booty tunes it's wayyyy too early in the morning over here to appreciate that right now. (but of course I had to laugh)

/me goes wake up, I am going to Sammy's graduating ceremony today! (He will be starting High School soon)

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 13 hours ago

Congrats. Time flies. Before you know it you'll be grandma.

// craeonics / 684 weeks and 9 hours ago

Oh be quiet old man.

/me goes into mom mode and bores you w/ a pic of Gino the proud big bro w/ Sammy...


Gino is in training to turn pro in cycling so he's looking anorexic atm. hehe

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 6 hours ago

Laurel and Hardy?

// crae_zzz / 684 weeks and 6 hours ago

They both keep going through so many morphs I don't know who or what they will look like next!

Anyways slaap lekker mijn dutchy me goes enjoy my day off work...

// Doreen / 684 weeks and 6 hours ago

Pro cyclists have this weird build where their legs are somewhat muscular, but the torso and arms are skinny. It looks even weirder in some female pro cyclists.

// craeonics / 683 weeks and 6 days ago

I know I don't like the way he looks right now but he seems extremely healthy. His whole body composition has changed (he has absolutely no body fat) and since he started competing he's really morphed.

Sammy on the other hand I told you has severe asthma that unfortunately keeps me running back and forth to the hospital when he gets bad attacks the Docs put him on heavy doses of Steroids for various courses of treatments hence why he goes through diff morphs (his face gets round and he gains weight or swells) it normally takes him weeks sometimes even months to return back to normal but he is normally alottt thinner then you see he looks in that pic cuz he is still pretty swollen right now from the last double doses they put him on. The steroids make his face round it is very strange.

Gino just geared up this morning and flew out the door for his training I told him he looks like a frog or something! Freaking looking at him like this...

// Doreen / 683 weeks and 6 days ago

Freaking looking at him? I meant to say Freaky looking at him like this! hehe

Oh boy anywaysss, something different but goed: [link]

// Doreen / 683 weeks and 6 days ago

"Sorry! The page you are looking for is not available in your region."

I did see a new Shakira song the other day. I first thought she had cut her hair and stopped dyeing it, but then she popped up in the background. So I guess it was just some other girl playing the main role in the video.

// craeonics / 683 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh yeah that's right you guys are not allowed to view any vids that show alill skin in them?

That girl is Shakira she is just wearing a wig silly, but both of them are her.

// Doreen / 683 weeks and 5 days ago

More like: don't link to Vevo-videos because they are region locked. Vevo is ruining YouTube. Anyway, I really did not recognise her.


* craeonics is listening to: No Doubt - It's my life

// crae_work / 683 weeks and 4 days ago

Quite an unexpected blast from the past. This song almost never gets airplay and I do quite like it (quite haunting).


* craeonics is listening to: Kate Bush - Wurthering Heights

// crae_work / 683 weeks and 4 days ago

What do you mean you didn't recognize her? Now you're getting forgetful and blind?

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 4 days ago

Let me look up the Spanish version, Shakira's better in her native tongue... [link] (Vevo again, so chances are it will be blocked for you). You could have told me it was her sister or a cousin or whatever and I would believe it. Guess I remember/recognise people by their hair.

// crae_zzz / 683 weeks and 4 days ago

Why would it be blocked for me? We are allowed to see skin on this end unlike on your side...

// Doreen / 683 weeks and 3 days ago

I think you have your sensitivities reversed.

// crae_work / 683 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm getting old. I keep thinking today is monday.

// craeonics / 683 weeks and 3 days ago

/me just checked the calendar and realized your right about my sensitivities...

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh god, it's that time again? /me goes hide under the bed with the cats

// crae_zzz / 683 weeks and 3 days ago

The cats are safe it's you that better stay under that bed for a few more days...

// Dor_zzz / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

Me and my cats are quite comfortable here under the bed. Bit dusty though. And cramped.

// crae_work / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes grab a broom and starts poking at you "and" sweeping!

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

Knowing you I bet you can't tell the diff between your dust bunnies and cats under that dusty bed of yours!

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

The difference is that the dust bunnies don't move. Well, some times they do...

// craeonics / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe! Silly, good night mijn dutchy I meannn slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 2 days ago

I wish I were asleep, but alas, work beckons.

// crae_work / 683 weeks and 1 day ago

Accidentally clicked on one of YouTube's front page suggestions: Chase & Status ft. Tinie Tempah - Hitz (16bit Remix) [link]. It's not half bad. Needs a bit more power though.

// craeonics / 683 weeks and 1 day ago

Zo zo, but I'm surprised how crisp it sounded on my iPhone though.

/me goes hunt down some lunch...

// Dor_work / 683 weeks and 1 day ago

Neighbour is on MSN (I hear the "new message" every so often) while playing some god awful music. Hurray for wooden floors and old buildings.

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 6 days ago

Atleast you own your own house so stop complaining!

/me is listening to an old excellenttt choo chooo train tune...

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

I think I can, I think I can

I think I can, I think I can


// Doreen / 682 weeks and 6 days ago

Mmmm mmmm mmmmm! Good booty tune!


// Doreen / 682 weeks and 6 days ago

And of course it has those excellent lyrics I love... hehe

All I wanna do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom

and a boom-boom

/me goes dance w/ those dishes...

// Doreen / 682 weeks and 6 days ago

That Wreck 'n Effect song has this little gem in the related/suggestions list: JJ Fad - Supersonic: [link]. The matching outfits reflects its era. Somewhat inspired by Afrika Bambaataa, ripped off by Fergie and that ending... So fast!

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 5 days ago

I always find lost treasures in those links on the right like this one that never really got enough air time when it was originally released. (atleast on our radios)


// Doreen / 682 weeks and 5 days ago

Mmmmm mmmmm thazzz jussss too good, but it needs to be slowwwwed down a bit to enjoy it...


(I have to grab that one again and take it to the gym) yummm!

// Doreen / 682 weeks and 5 days ago

Hammertime stopped with that "That's why we pray" on these shores. I'm not familiar with that song.

Meanwhile, this particular track again. Favourite to about half the folks who work here and are in their 30s. Not me though.


* craeonics is listening to: Pearl Jam - Black

// crae_work / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

I've not seen what has become of Hammer these days but I think I heard he became a Pastor? Father Hammer? hehe!

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

Lemme see:

1990 - U can't touch this

1993 - Pumps and a bump (I still don't know this song)

1996 - went bankrupt due to not selling album yet retaining an entourage. Also known as: what happens to all those stars in MTV's Cribs when their shine wanes.

1997 - ordained minister

And that's about the last thing we heard over here. But according to the Oracle he did a ton of other things and apparently is still well known and influential.

Not over here he isn't.

What is hot over here is the weather. 32°C, I'm melting...

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

You do know I despise math don't you? Every time I come look for you I have to add and/or subtract 9 hours in either direction to figure out what and where you were or are at! And then when you put things down in Celsius I have to stop and figure that out too! Anyways me tosses some ice cubes across the ocean to you...

// Doreen / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

Here I took a pic for you today. =)


// Doreen / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

Alrighttttt so the parking structure is not all that exciting but when it gets hot over here I slide open my office window and the wind blows in like a hurricane from being up high...

(I got a killer view but today was a bit smoggy)

// Doreen / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

What in the world!!! It's like 4am over there right now and you are up in the 70's!? (or has my weather app gone buggy?)

/me sends you some rain...

// Doreen / 682 weeks and 4 days ago

// crae_work / 682 weeks and 3 days ago

What the? What's eating my post?

// crae_work / 682 weeks and 3 days ago

It's that bloody degree character again, I reckon.

Anyway, recap of what I said: 1) great view; 2) it really was that hot in the middle of the night; and 3) according to the weather people it's going to be all doom and gloom, but it was freaking hot all day.

Oh, and 4) just enter "32 c to f" in Google.

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 3 days ago

Doom & gloom is up your alley! (well musically anyways)

/me goes grab lunch and kick back for a while, slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 3 days ago

It's up my alley atmospherically as well. Come on, bring those thunder storms!

Meanwhile the weather folk are back peddling: "this kind of weather is quite hard to predict". Yeah, yeah, translation: I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'll just stick some clouds on this here map, a couple of suns here and here and pretend I can predict the weather.

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 3 days ago

I know I can't predict the weather (but I can totally smell it!)

// Dor_zzz / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm still waiting for that extreme weather.

It is just over twenty years ago that the music style that is called House gained mainstream popularity on these shores. It is this track that was at the forefront of this movement.

And for some unknown reason they seem to be playing it more than usual these days. Haven't heard it in the years before.


* craeonics is listening to: Technotronic - Pump up the Jam

// crae_work / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

I've been listening to alot of XM in my car now since my commute to work and home is approx 3 hours I have to pamper my ears more to mentally handle the drive. Killer tunes but I don't know the names I do however manage somehow to catch the names which seem to be alot of Dutch judging by the "van" in their names...

// Dor_work_zzz / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

I've been listening to alot of XM in my car now since my commute to work and home is approx 3 hours I have to pamper my ears more to mentally handle the drive.

Killer tunes but I don't know the names of the tunes. I do however manage somehow to catch the names of the DJ's which seem to be alot of Dutch judging by the "van" in their names...

// Dor_work_zzz / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

So hard to type on this phone and it didn't look like it even posted? Sorry bout that.

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

I wonder what it was meant to look like then. What's XM?

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

It went something like this:

I typed, hit that speak button of yours, then I got distracted by the office phone ringing, I looked back down at my phone and I seen my text still sitting in the form format rather then displayed on the msg board, when I looked at it I said to myself "what in the world is that mess I just typed!" thank God that didn't post! So I made a few edits to attempt to make better sense of my mess, hit that speak button of yours and then said to myself "OMG now there's two ridiculous post that don't make sense!"

And there you have it, now another ridiculous post. This keyboard likes to auto correct my spelling and word formations but I'm still hopeless!

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

Anyways XM = Sirius

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 2 days ago

Sirius? [link]. I kid, I kid. Coincidentally, Sirius is also the name of my download machine that has been running for years now (who says XP is unstable?). And it was a kids sci-fi show back in the 80s: Children of the Dog Star [link].

// crae_work / 682 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay History guy...

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 1 day ago

More like childhood memories guy.


* craeonics is listening to: Joe Smooth - Perfect World [Promised Land, 09]

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 14 hours ago

Whatchu talkin bout Willis? You're still only 16

/me goes rip another month off my calendar today...

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 11 hours ago

Even sixteen year olds have childhood memories. And unlike old fogies, those memories are still fresh.

// craeonics / 682 weeks and 10 hours ago

Heyyy watch it I'm soon to be approaching old fogieland! I should have already arrived there by now but I think all the sushi, vitamins and runs to the gym are sparing me alittle...

// Dor_work / 682 weeks and 7 hours ago

Fish oil and exercise seem to be good for you.

For some reason Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountaint King" is stuck in my head: [link] (warning: classical music alert, volume goes from nothing at the beginning to freaking hard near the end). You've probably heard this before, even though the name might not ring a bell, because everyone has ripped this.

Naturally, I prefer Juggernaut's Happy Hardcore rendition: [link]

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

Boy I must be getting old cuz I actually liked that first link? (but it startled me when it got all loud at the end cuz I had my volume up too high)

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm they are both pretty decent (but of course once I heard the second version I know why you like it cuz there's that bouncing ball sound) hehe

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy so is that the guy that is pictured in the vid the one that did that song?

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

Wow! look at his grave site so perfect! (he looked like what most scientist look like, not a musician) hehe

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

His final words were "Well, if it must be so."

What in the world? Oh boy...

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

*sigh* I hate!!! when you get me all curious about this stuff:


(there's a museum!)

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 6 days ago

I never went as far as looking up who he was. Thing with classical music is that it is, simply put, music that was played for the elite before, say, 1940. So there's good and there's bad.

For instance, I can't stand Vivaldi's Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons, 1725): [link], but Orff's Carmina Burana (1935) is great: [link].

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

Well I actually thought he was a mad scientist by his appearance so I got curious...

First link is totally disgusting can't listen to more of a second of it.

Second link is okay (but only if it is playing in background of some intense movie or something)

That stuff is not anything you would catch me listening to just to listen to? Do ppl really feed that to their ears?

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

Actually that second one is almost a bit annoying. hehe

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

People over fifty love it.

Two House versions were made of that last one at roughly the same time, [link] and [link]. Except that both acts forgot to clear their samples. Result: the heirs of Orff threw a hissy fit and had both releases taken off the shelves.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't think (actually I know) when I'm over 50 I will ever love that stuff, it's horrible...

Thisss is classical music to me dutchy: [link]

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy those are stilllll way too dramatic even w/ House flavor mixed in...

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

Alright now that second link is much more tolerable...

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't think Vanity 6 is high-brow enough to classify as classical music. Perhaps in another twohundred years.

// crae_work / 681 weeks and 4 days ago

Why not? (she raised a few brows high in her time) Anyways, I seeee mijn dutchy has to work over there today whilst I on the other hand get to enjoy a day off from work and some fireworks!

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 4 days ago

/me wants to have the day off as well

I'd say we should celebrate all holidays of all countries around the world.

// crae_work / 681 weeks and 4 days ago

It really should be that way! I'd like to have your 4 day work week! We will be starting the 9/80 in approx 5 months so that will be great...

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 3 days ago

9/80? I want a three day work week. Need to get me a 33% raise first.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd like a zero day work week but that's not possible atm...

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 3 days ago

I could take an early retirement and live of the interest on my savings only. Did the math some years ago. My conclusion was that it would be feasible when I was seventy or so.

By that time I'd either be already retired the normal way or dead.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 3 days ago

By the time we reach retirement age our pensions won't even be worth a nickle...

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 3 days ago

That's why you have to store your money elsewhere. And not in your mattress, but invest in real estate or something.

// crae_work / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

Trying to raise two kids over here so there's nothing in my mattress. Help dutchy scary movie + rediculous heat last night = no sleep.

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

What scary movie? This heat is making me sleepy, so I need something to stay awake.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

It was called "Season of the Witch" excellent movie w/ a Midevil atmosphere etc cept I knew from the moment I layed my eyes on the witch that she was no witch but rather Satan so that kept freaking me out cuz I thought it was about a witch?

Come to find out that was "suppose" to be the twist in the end but I was never surprised since it was completely obvious to me from the very beginning but then I got scared when I tried to sleep and it was hotter than Hell.

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

Looks more like your average knight movie than a "scary" movie, really.

And speaking of Hell... /me is watching: Hell's Kitchen. Great stuff.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

I told you it had an excellent Medieval (correct spelling) atmosphere. But it was more "evil" than anything cuz of that devil witch that kept freaking me out. You should check it out though now I probably ruined the ending for you. hehe!

And yes Hell's Kitchen is amusing. (he spares no one's feelings and tells it like it is)

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 2 days ago

It does not seem like anything I would like. I do like doom and gloom in my music, but not suffering and agony in my movies. And knight movies tend to be just that. And usually slow too.

// crae_work / 681 weeks and 1 day ago

And back to mr. Ramsay, I do prefer the plain "your restaurant sucks and I'm here to fix that, so shut up and do what I say" shows over competitions like Hell's Kitchen, which are mostly about people backstabbing each other and getting yelled at.

He also does Master Chef (of which there seem to be ten spin-offs per country) and is much friendlier there.

// crae_work / 681 weeks and 1 day ago

I suppose I'm the opposite I normally like dark movies but then I can't sleep at night cuz I get scared. hehe

As for Hell's Kitchen it's amusing but pretty much always the same thing:

He drops his nasty bomb on the owners of the restaurant who want help but get upset at the truth about how bad their food or establishment sucks.

Then they all work through the changes mumbling about each other and then in the end it's all peaches and cream and roses and everyone is happily ever after.

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 1 day ago

The English version is better though. Unlike the US version, he does not have a mega budget to do overnight full-interior Jenny Jones restaurant make-overs. Plus, he comes back after some months. Sometimes the place has folded, sometimes it has slipped back into old habits and sometimes it has become successful. I like that closure.

/me drops some classic Wu Tang in here: [link]

// crae_zzz / 681 weeks and 1 day ago

Jenny Jones? What is that dutchy?

And yeah it would be cool to see how many benefited in the "long run" from his skills and teachings w/ their establishments. /me thinks about 1% and the rest eventually revert back to their own ideas and ways...

// Doreen / 681 weeks and 1 day ago

Jenny Jones is/was Jerry Springer's female clone: [link]. It would always feature "inappropriate" dressing and the inevitable makeover to make the guests look decent.

Back to cooking: Ramsay's ideas seem to boil down to: 1) keep your dishes simple; 2) use local and fresh ingredients; 3) don't do the same as the other restaurants in your neighbourhood; and 4) be out there with your shop and don't just wait for guests to come.

It's quite interesting that in the Hell's Kitchen competition, the focus seems to be not on making simple dishes, but more on basically stress testing the competitors by having them prepare meals in large quantaties in a short time. He always has them cook for like a hundres guests at a time.

// craeonics / 681 weeks and 16 hours ago

Oh now I remember that Jenny Jones! Her and Jerry's shows are so far over the top that the few times I did catch their shows I felt like 1. This is way too nasty to even be for real so it must be rehearsed. 2. I feel like I'm committing some kind of sin for even watching it!

As for the food shows I more enjoy that guy (who also is. Chef) travel the world to experience and eat exotic food such as slimy wiggly bugs etc (totally gross but extremely amusing)

// Dor_work / 681 weeks and 7 hours ago

There are way too many food shows on TV. Way too many home decorating shows as well.

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

And way too many reality shows..

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

Not to mention poker shows. Seriously, why is there nothing on TV in the middle of the night but strippers (don't ask) and poker shows?

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

Hey! I don't mind you looking at booty in the usual vids I post for you to listen to but I do actually think I mind you looking at booty in the middle of the night!

/me goes find a high caliber message board divorce lawyer!

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

"But, your honor, I wasn't looking at nothing. No, sirree. They were all ugly hags anyway!" Oh, and aside from that, they also have fortune teller nonsense.

Basically instead of putting up some decent programming in the middle of the night, most Dutch commercial stations just broadcast these kinds of commercials.

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay then you're off the hook! hehe

Same garbage over here too in the middle of the night you might as well count the cracks on the ceiling when you cannot sleep than watch TV or old reruns since that can be more amusing and help you fall asleep faster...

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

/me plays some good obsession for mijn dutchy...


// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

I noticed some lil gang bangers finally got evicted (or busted) next door to me which means I won't have to deal w/ driving through all the traffic in front of my drive way every night from them selling their dime bags...

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

It's late over there now so you betterrrr not be watching any strippers!!!

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 6 days ago

Aventura! It's so sweet it makes my teeth crack, yet I still like it.

Oh, and send over them gang banger evicters. I've got me some people over here that only make a mess of things.

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 5 days ago

They had a whole construction crew trying to repair the mess they left. I felt so bad for that manager. (not mine this is the apt complex right next door to me)

Graffiti all over the walls inside the apt and the whole nine yards. They took the front door off the hinges and placed it outside facing backwards and it looked like a subway station inside (pretty cool graffiti art if I do say so but inside their apt? rediculous) hehe

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 5 days ago

Alright, so my white trash neighbour is not nearly that bad. She just makes a mess of the hallway, which drives the neighbour who does the cleaning crazy.


* craeonics is listening to: nothing, because my idiot colleague switched the radio off to make a call

// crae_work / 680 weeks and 4 days ago

Anthem time!


* craeonics is listening to: Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy

// crae_work / 680 weeks and 4 days ago

I think my neighbors directly living next door to me are into smuggling ppl over the boarder I see different ppl all the time and it could be raining outside and they've got their air conditioner on day and night. But I say live and let live as long as they don't bother me...

Just gets annoying but all the more reason for me to work hard so someday I can get my beach house away from everyone.

// Dor_work / 680 weeks and 4 days ago

Course I'm living in my usual fantasy cuz at the rate it's costing me to raise these two boys of mine I'll be lucky to afford me a cardboard box for shelter under that bridge you keep teasing me about!

// Dor_work / 680 weeks and 4 days ago

In a few years they will move out and all of a sudden your expenses will be a lot lower. My old folks went travelling all of a sudden when all the kids were gone.

// crae_work / 680 weeks and 3 days ago

Well if there's any life left in me to live when they move out I plan on being a selfish, dare devil monster!

// Dor_work / 680 weeks and 3 days ago

I can see the headlines already: Attack of the Selfish Dare Devil Doreens.


* craeonics is listening to: some god awful remix

// crae_work / 680 weeks and 2 days ago

/me comes poke you in the eye...

// Dor_work / 680 weeks and 2 days ago

Argh, I'm being assaulted by the Empty Shell from beyond the Pond! /me pictures corny 50s horror movies

// crae_zzz / 680 weeks and 2 days ago

Empty Shell? I'm more like in a temporary state of limbo (but this too shall pass hopefully)

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 2 days ago

Temporary empty shell. Just until the little vampires are done sucking out all life force. I bet they sleep in coffins.


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - Purple Rain

// crae_work / 680 weeks and 1 day ago

I only get moody when I take life too serous cuz we're all just shells then we're all just a bag of dust.

Anyways I've got an offer to get away for a weekend in two weeks but sometimes I think I forgot how to have fun or I'm just so tired from the biggest vampire sucking the life out of me (work) Though I've really no "desire" to go I might just force myself this time...

// Dor_work / 680 weeks and 1 day ago

You'd better take that offer and get some quality time in, or I'll take a plane and drag you off to whatever resort they invited you too. Hypothetically speaking ofcourse. I ain't going nowhere.

Crazy strong wind gusts over here destroyed my umbrella. /me shakes fist at the heavens

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 1 day ago

I used to say "yes" then I suddenly stopped and I've apparently been saying "no" for so long I forgot how to say "yes" again so I've decided it's time to start by saying "maybe" (but I'm going to go)

Anyways sounds like you got that weather you wanted so you better strap you cats down before they fly away next!

// Doreen / 680 weeks and 1 day ago

I do like that weather, but not when I'm in it. Especially not when It rains and I still have half an hour to walk to get home, grrr...

Today though, the sun is shining.

// craeonics / 680 weeks and 17 hours ago

Overcast and perfectly cool on this end. It hasn't even felt like July for some reason...

// Doreen / 679 weeks and 6 days ago

So I watched the A-Team movie yesterday (yes, I'm slow). Were I an emotional guy, you could my face was shaped in what we call a "grimas" (in English, apparently it's "grimace").

This Hannibal got conned all the time, this B.A. was a sissy, this Face was a poor excuse for a con man. Only Murdoch fitted the original character. And in the movie they get swindled by the CIA while in the original it was the army itself. What's up with that? Pussy directors!

Blegh, awful!

// craeonics / 679 weeks and 5 days ago

You know you are an emotional guy so stop trying to hide it /me pictures your face in a grimace anyways...

The ultimate disasters to me are always when they take major motion pictures at the Theater and attempt to make TV series or cartoons out of them. They always destroy and mutilate them. (probably due to the boundaries TV regulations bind them to)

// Doreen / 679 weeks and 5 days ago

They usually switch cast and writer(s) so it turns out completely different. Sometimes the series are better than the movie though, like Buffy.


* craeonics is listening to: Brandy & Monica - The Boy is mine

// crae_work / 679 weeks and 4 days ago

This song plays in my mind whenever I see old or handicapped folk cruise along in their electric wheelchairs and what not. Yes, I'm evil.


* craeonics is listening to: Chameleon - Ridin' Dirty

// crae_work / 679 weeks and 3 days ago

Great now when I'm walking around over here at the hospital and see all these ppl in wheelchairs now I'm going to be hearing that stupid song in my head!

// Dor_work / 679 weeks and 3 days ago

It could be worse. You could have the Smurfs theme song stuck in your head for a month (like me). Oh, and Gargamel's too.

# They see me rollin'

# They hatin'

# Patrollin'

# Tryin' ta catch me ridin' dirty

// crae_zzz / 679 weeks and 3 days ago

Or it could be even worser (like me)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he. Spongebob Squarepants!

If nautical nonsense be somethin' you wish,

Spongebob Spongebob Squarepants!!!

/me goes check myself into the looney house. I swear it's my son't fault! I see him watching Spongebob in the living room and I end up sitting down next to him and begin watching it w/ him, I then proceed to tell him (cuz he's 14 now) "Aren't you getting alittle too old to still be watching Spongebob?"

He looks at me and says "yeah, anddddd I probably still be watching it until I reach your age and beyond just like you do mom!" hehe!

// Doreen / 679 weeks and 3 days ago

And I'm too tired from my day to fix the 50 million typos and misspelled words up there to even care...

// Dor_zzz / 679 weeks and 3 days ago

Plus, you're sitting there, watching Spongebob, with a big smile on your face. Or in other words, nothing wrong with that (other than that Squarepants sucks).

// crae_work / 679 weeks and 2 days ago

Spongebob is the bomb baybeee, and be quiet of I'll come torture you w/ Spongebob vid links next!

I also love Gary! (Spongebob's pet snail that meows like a cat)

// Doreen / 679 weeks and 1 day ago

In ten years time you will come back and say "did I use to watch that!". Some things don't age well. For instance, Ren & Stimpy.


* craeonics is listening to: Swedish House Mafia - I want to know your name

// crae_work / 679 weeks and 1 day ago

In ten years time this site will no longer exists. And I will be watching re-runs of Spongebob. (Ren & Stimpy suck)

// Doreen / 679 weeks and 23 hours ago

This site has been running for well over ten years, so it may just outlast SpongeBob.

// craeonics / 679 weeks and 14 hours ago

Yeah and I can't believe we've been getting away w/ all these reruns over here. You need to post more fresh news that cheating in the chat box is tacky...

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 6 days ago

And yet another one enters the "27 club" though I didn't know much of her tunes I always seen her pics around and I seen a recent clip of her somewhere a few weeks ago and thought to myself next time I see her face on TV it will be the announcement of her death. =(

What a waste but to each his/her own...

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 6 days ago

It was a long time coming.

The unexpected consequence is that neither you or me are going to be pop stars as they all seem to die at the same age.

// craeonics / 678 weeks and 5 days ago

I guess so dutchy... I seen her a few weeks ago on a 5 sec clip on TV and my heart sunk instantly. I don't know a thing about her or her tunes but death was on her.

I checked a tune of hers out yesterday and actually opened up my ears to her (and she was actually sooo good)

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 5 days ago

Some people channel their self-destructive tendencies into their music. Being the barbarian that does not listen to lyrics that I am, though, it is completely lost on me.

I've seen documentaries on Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix and The Doors and the common theme seems to be that someone cannot handle the sudden pressure of popularity and/or becomes a substance abuser and ends up killing oneself one way or the other. The people around it always say they saw it happen and tried to intervene, but in the end people make their own choices.

// crae_zzz / 678 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't know dutchy I try not to take life (nor ppl too serious)

But I do think ppl feel the need to stay feeling good all the time and in life (which is not possible) so they try to achieve feeling good all the time by meds from Doctors, jumping into empty romances or by street drugs or alcohol in order to attempt to stabilize "the feel good mood" but once they realize they still cannot achieve holding onto "the feel good mood" all the time that way either they sink even deeper into the not feel so good mood. hehe

Everything in life requires a medium/balance and a soberness to respect life for what it is. (which is hard)

I'm at the stage now where I'm just trying to age gracefully for the years to come and then die hopefully w/o too much pain. hehe!

Slaap lekker...

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 5 days ago

With aging gracefully comes grey hair...

// crae_work / 678 weeks and 4 days ago

True that but since I'm a skinner I will know jussss the right "shade" of grey to be when I go all grey!

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 4 days ago

Some women also lose their hair when they grow old. That's would be minimalistic skinning then.


* craeonics is listening to: Mando Diao - Gloria

// crae_work / 678 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! Now that's a nasty little thought!

/me goes look for lunch...

// Dor_work / 678 weeks and 3 days ago

So reruns of the first season of Big Bang Theory are on. Starts of really awkward. Anyway, worst part of this series is that I understand about 95% of the references that are made.


// crae_zzz / 678 weeks and 3 days ago

I understand 100% of the references, I've never missed one single episode and most likely have seen atleast one rerun of each episode. (my ultimate fav TV series) besides Legend of the Seeker of which I basically liked cuz of Kahlan's wardrobe. (but the wizard could have been chosen better)

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 3 days ago

I think the very awkward episode I saw was the pilot. They were all younger, acting was much more forced and the jokes were so-so. It was all very "hello, let me introduce myself and explain things".

// crae_work / 678 weeks and 2 days ago

They were exactly that "zo-zo" (when they first aired)

But over time (like w/ everything else) they all grew, matured as actors got all wise and comfortable and then the show reallyyy took off after that.

But nothing goed last forever. *sigh*

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 2 days ago

Now it's rerun Hell...

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 2 days ago

La la la laaaaa! Something I've not listened to in ages and forgot how beautiful this one is. I'd torture you w/ the vid but you might not be able to handle it. hehe

/me is listening to this before I go float off into la la land...

You help me to see the way before me

You watch over me; You watch over me

Always faithful

To be leading, at this moment

Interceding for Your children

Though I've wandered astray from Your infinite ways

You've never left me alone

Take my frozen heart; awaken me

Never once have You forsaken me

Even though I walk through this shadow of death

You will guide and defend me

You'll guard and protect me

Even though I walk through this shadow of death

You will lead me home

// Dor_zzz / 678 weeks and 1 day ago

The only shield I can put up against that at the moment is whatever is playing on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Offspring - Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)

// crae_work / 678 weeks and 1 day ago

Boy I need to put up a shield for that one! Ack!

/me runs...

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 23 hours ago

It's pretty awful. Plus I have a colleague who sings along with it (in Dutch).

# Give it to me, baby

# Uh huh

# Uh huh

// craeonics / 678 weeks and 16 hours ago

And you know you start singing along w/ your colleague too! hehe!

// Doreen / 678 weeks and 1 hour ago

We do that with all song. Last week one was doing it to Snap - The Power, which sounds ridiculous when translated.

// craeonics / 677 weeks and 6 days ago

What do my ears hear? Is it Bailando? But it's not the Paradisio version. Seems like a remix.

// crae_work / 677 weeks and 4 days ago

On my XM they've been wearing out my ear drums w/ this Afrojack. Example (since I can't find the other one they play every 15 mins)


// Doreen / 677 weeks and 4 days ago

I hear that name a lot. But mr. Jack never seems to be on his own, so I don't know what his sound is.

// crae_work / 677 weeks and 3 days ago

He's kind of unique from the others (I like him) just that they don't seem to space him out enough so it seems as if every 15 mins they play him again and again and again...

// Doreen / 677 weeks and 3 days ago

Meanwhile the DJ's over here are playing some new stuff that sounds like it was made three decades ago. Marvin Gaye died a long time ago, folks. Let his music and style rest with him.

// crae_work / 677 weeks and 2 days ago

Just be thankful those DJ's are not playing Elvis...

// Doreen / 677 weeks and 2 days ago

Don't give them ideas!


* craeonics is listening to: Sly Fox - Let's go all the way

// crae_work / 677 weeks and 1 day ago

They closed down the Blockbuster Video Shop by me which means my kids are going to go crazy. (no more games or movie rentals)

And nothing but reruns on TV... *sigh*

// Dor_zzz / 676 weeks and 6 days ago

I can't say that surprises me much. At least with regards to the movie rentals (because who still rents movies in this day and age). The games, hmm, perhaps these get rented less because they take much longer to finish than a movie or have a smaller audience.


* craeonics is listening to: eksters (magpies) frolicking around

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 6 days ago

Who still rents movies in this day and age? Ummm hellooooo "I" do! And probably get the same excitement browsing the aisle trying to find just the right movie such as you get when you go hit the library browsing the aisle for a good book?

At any rate since I've returned to work I think I've rented exactly 1-2 vids so since I don't have time I suppose I won't miss it much but my kids rent games every 2 days so they will be going crazy w/o Blockbuster now...

/me goes wake up and get busy...

// Doreen / 676 weeks and 6 days ago

And don't think for a minute finding the correct spelling for "aisle" was easy! (I thought it was isle) hehe

// Doreen / 676 weeks and 6 days ago

If it were "isle" you'd have to go by boat.

/me has a "it's my birthday so let's have a BBQ" weekend

Two in a row. I think I've reached my birthday limit for the next three decades.

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 5 days ago

/me goes grab a paper plate! But then I don't want to wait for Hell to freeze over for you to give me some so I better get in gear for my day...

// Doreen / 676 weeks and 5 days ago

By the time it would reach you it would have been frozen anyway. The food was good, but the weather was flaky. Saturday was barbecue is a party tent while torrents were coming down outside.

// crae_work / 676 weeks and 4 days ago

That's what microwaves are for anyways sounds like all you needed to make your party perfect was thunder and lightning...

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 4 days ago

Ack! Heresy! Using microwaves to warm up the food makes it dry. And yes, I do eat microwave food. But that's specially prepared for it.

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 4 days ago

Everyone over here at work lives off of microwave food. I brought my bullet into work recently and keep it stashed in my office to make my fruit and protein or vegetable drinks. Problem is the blasted thing makes ALOT of noise when I use it and now everyone knows when I'm using it so they come running to me with their cups!!! My Protein is expensive!!!

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 4 days ago

What to do, what to do? Hide it behind the old noisy printer? No, that would add all that ozone in your shake. Manual cocktail shake like they do at bars?

// crae_zzz / 676 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm you really are crae_zzz I mean crazy you cannot shake whole fruit, protein and ice in a cup and expect presto smoothie! (it would be a clumpy mess!) Anyways if this keeps up I think I will go buy a big glass jar and tape a big note on it in red letters "Please leave you tips here!" (to weed out all the free loaders) or I might open up my own nutrition shop in my office at lunch time make a small fortune on smoothies and retire in a year!

Stop snoring over there! Slaap lekker...

// Doreen / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

OhhhMyyyGoddd!!! Aion 2.6 Solooooo!

I feel the urge to fly again! (just no time to play) Argh!

// Doreen / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

New pets!!!!!

Hmmmm not very cuddly looking but it auto loots!!!!!





// Doreen / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

You know they're milking you dry with that stuff...


* craeonics is listening to: Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing

// crae_work / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

Well my Boss brought fresh mangos and since she's the Boss she can have some no problem but what to do with all these other ones bringing me their big puppy dog eyes and their empty cups!? I may go try and blend my protein drinks in the custodian's closet next!

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

Tell those puppy eyes to bring their own dog food and that can use your blender. Or hint at things by saying "gee, it's so nice when people share their candy/food".

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't want them to share their food with me trust me. And either they're reading my mind or reading this forum cuz a few of them brought in some apples, oranges, cantaloup and watermelon so now I feel like crap. But then again just in case they are reading this forum "hey you guys that was nice and all but that stuff grows on trees the protein don't and it's 30 bucks a container!"

I made the best watermelon and cantaloup protein drinks today...

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 3 days ago

They've got a Google Search trigger thingy set up that alerts them whenever you post.


* craeonics is listening to: Kelis - Trick me

// crae_work / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm really? Well we will see if someone breaks out a can of protein at lunch today.

/me is listening to Mommy Mariah...

Mariah Carey - We Belong Together

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

Mommy Mariah? Since when is she a mother?

/me is behind on celebrity gossip

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

I heard she had twins? But I'm not certain anyways so much for my theory (nobody brought protein, just more fruit)

/me is listening to:

Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 life

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

Lady GagA - The Edge Of Glory

This is one of those songs you know will end up being a theme song gor some commercial...

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

Did I tell you how much I hate my keyboard on my iPhone???

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh, repeatedly. The Edge of Glory is a terrible song. All her recent tunes have been terrible. Then again, they all sound the same.

One more day of work and the little old moi has a week off.


* craeonics is listening to: Lenny Kravitz - Always on the run

// crae_work / 676 weeks and 1 day ago

Ohhhh noooo you don't! If I have to work then you have to work!!!

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 1 day ago

Ha! /me points at Doreen

And woulnd't you know it? I order some books, let them deliver at work, and when do they arrive? The first day of my holiday ofcourse...

// craeonics / 676 weeks and 15 hours ago

/me bites your finger! And good now you have to go back to work to get them!

// Dor_work / 676 weeks and 11 hours ago

Grrr... I'll just dash in next week and out again before they can start asking questions.

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 6 days ago

You could just tell them it's none of their business? By the way why are you taking a week off it ain't your birthday? (alright don't answer that)

/me goes wake up...

// Doreen / 675 weeks and 6 days ago

I have twenty point three days (don't ask) off by contract. Meaning that I take a week off each quarter and two at Christmas. Some colleagues take half the summer off, and are bummed out the rest of the year. They're doing it wrong, but then again, they tend to be tied to their kids and school holidays.

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 5 days ago

So let me get this straight you only work 4 days a week and you get twenty point three days off!? This is totally unfair!

But good for you hopefully you are enjoying your time off... (but not too too much!)

// Doreen / 675 weeks and 5 days ago

Such is life. Now if that idiot out front would stop running his engine stationary, life would actually be great.

// crae_zzz / 675 weeks and 4 days ago

Good thing you know when I say enjoy your time off that I don't reallyyyy want you to enjoy your time off whilst I'm over here working!!!

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 4 days ago

Right now, I'll hop over to the supermarket and blend in with today's other non-workers. We should gather around office at march past those poor wage slaves staring out their windows until it's time to go home.

Or I could actually do something useful today, like play games.

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 3 days ago

/me kicks the Hell out of you and then hands you my shopping list since I'm stuck slaving for my wages right now and can't get to the supermarket...

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 3 days ago

I thought you had two little slaves at home. Give them the list and tell them the pool is off limits until they've got everything and have giving you back your spare change.

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 2 days ago

Wow you make that almost sound soooo easy? Anyways I'll be down to one slave. Gino is moving out of State soon (Mr. Frog legs is pursuing his pro cycling dream)

And I find things are much less stressful if I just try to do things myself...

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 2 days ago

Stressful? Worst case scenario is that they mess up and you have to redo the shopping.

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm you really don't have kids do you? hehe

For me I learned early on that something as simple as getting them to pick up one sock could cause me stress if I let it (and me does not like stress) time goes fast and takes care of all things (even kids)

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 2 days ago

Just wait until they have kids and come to gandma for the babysitting... Then again grandparents always seem to try their best to undo any kind of upbringing the grandkids might have had. Perhaps it's some kind of vengeance upon their own kids...

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 1 day ago

Gino and his girlfriend Genna already told me they don't want to get married nor desire to be tied down to kids and Sammy the old man is already planning for his private practice he don't want to be tied down to any 9 to 5.

I've already told them I have no intentions of being anyone's babysitter in the future once I'm done so everything looks good for the time being. hehe

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 1 day ago

I actually have BIG plans when I'm done with them of moving by the beach hitting sushi bars for dinner and doing absolutely NOTHING (and totally looking forward to it)

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 1 day ago

Soon, you will Queen of the Beach, and all the sushi bar owners will come out to greet you personally as soon as you appear over the horizon.

Anyway, my week of doing "nothing" (as my mother sees it) is over. /me goes plan out the next week off in October...

// craeonics / 675 weeks and 17 hours ago

All will soon hail the sushi Queen! hehe

(actually all this talk of sushi and I've not had any for awhile) I better stop and get some tonight after work cuz I'm dying for some salmon sushi!

And you've still got 3 days Mr. Smarta** so get back to doing nothing!!!

// Dor_work / 675 weeks and 11 hours ago

Still have to do chores. Maybe I should get me one of those vacuum cleaner robots... Cats would probably freak out.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 6 days ago

Ugh! I just got woken up by Jehovah witness knocking at my door (and now I feel guilty cuz I didn't open up the door)

Anyways, your cats might like taking turns riding on that vacuum all day long whilst you're at work?

// Doreen / 674 weeks and 6 days ago

Have not had any Jehovah's Witnesses here so far. /me knocks on wood. Unless they ring the bell when I'm asleep.

"Good day sir, did you notice the world is in a terrible state?"

"Perhaps it is, but what do you plan on doing on it?"

The answer is ofcourse "nothing", because this a freaky end of days sect that is waiting for Armageddon to come. And the sooner the better.

Last time I had out-talked the bell ringer, up popped the reverend himself as backup. Urgh...

Cats would freak out by the noise of that vacuum cleaner. Perhaps if there were silent ones.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 5 days ago

Many years ago when I lived in that house I told you about that my Mom gifted to me I was outside in the front of my house and putting Sammy in the car he was still small so I guess about 11-12 yrs ago? (somewhere around that, skinz.org dayz hehe!)

I was approached by my new neighbor who moved in next door to me w/ her family. Anyone else would have welcomed her and her family to the neighborhood (I totally ignored her and her family)

She came over and she tapped me on the shoulder when I'm getting Sammy in the car and proceeds to say "Hello I'm your new neighbor I've been wanting to meet you!"

I'm forced to meet her we greet and stuff and then she tells me "Do you go to Church?" (I'm thinking greatttt she's a Jehovah Witness)

I tell her yeah.

She proceeds to tell me "I'm Catholic what Church do you go to? I was wondering since I am new around here what would be a good Church to get involved in and bring my family to?" (I'm thinking great she's like my family and prays to Saints and prays on beads all day long)

I tell her the name of the Church I go to (or used to go to since I've not attended that Church in many years now out of laziness to drive back there and well jussss pure laziness?) And I've not found another Church I like by me now so I just never go anymore.

She asked me questions about my Faith so I'm in a forced situation to share and answer questions for about 30 mins feeling stupid.

Long story short I toss that house my Mother gave to me (out of being selfish) I move away and many moons later me and this girl cross paths again she hugs and kisses me and tells me her and her family went to that Church they all became saved her daughter married a missionary and travels around the world her son who was on the path for gangbangin took the right path. Her and her husband stayed together and worked through their marriage in the Church and are still active and attending there and she told me it was "me?" who changed the course of their lives having pointed her that very day. I told her no way not me just the right God. (I've nothing to do w/ anything anywhere)

Another short story God pushed someone that had death ALL over her (most likely within 2-4 weeks more) nobody would even speak to her not her fam or friends, she was so far gone. She comes to me (or rather I should say was sent to me by force) I'm totally not happy about it at all. She was searching for faith as well.

Long story short years later she is another one I see rarely but when I do she is nothing but a walking miracle about what having the right faith in life can do for you.

When I hear from them and the things they say to me only makes me feel like crying and total crap. Because all my faith does for "me" is make me feel complete conviction, guilt and selfishness...

Anyways I see these Jehovah witness and they annoy me that they come to knock on my door uninvited and when I don't open my door I feel horrible when I know "they" are only trying to do what is right and good which is share their faith.

Will I ever open my door? NOPE! I'm a stubborn, disobedient, lazy, totally unsociable, believer. hehe!

Today is Sunday I could go to Church? But NOPE! I've got to hit the gym, get my hair done and clean house and get ready for my week of work again...

// Doreen / 674 weeks and 5 days ago

Course you won't be able to get anything done today cuz you've got to sit and read that book I jussss wrote!!!

// Doreen / 674 weeks and 5 days ago

Great, a whole book to read on my first day at work.

In the end people are responsible for their own actions. If religion helps them make the right decisions, it's good, but it would be great if they would make those themselves on their own.

Anyway, you should get a bonus or something for bringing on members.

// crae_work / 674 weeks and 4 days ago

Ha! Me points at mijn dutchy, back at werk!

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 4 days ago

Get back at work. Nothing has changed. No old people gone, no new people starting.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm and it doesn't sound like they gave you a welcome back to work party either? But me is EXCITED my dutchy is back to work!

// Dor_evil / 674 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is listening to typical office sounds doors opening and closing, phones ringing mixed with some ppl in the hallway whispering gossip. (nothing too exciting here either at my work)

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually, there does appear to be a new colleague. Have not seen him yet though, nor do I know what he does.


* craeonics is listening to: Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield

// crae_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

Well if you're listening to Pat Benatar I'm thinking they are getting ready to get rid of you and replace you with that new guy?

/me goes chase a few big shots for their signatures...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah, I'm playing 80s stuff to prevent another colleague from slipping into a burnout.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

If you're playing DJ crae right now then play something for me.

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

I only have silliness for you today. This guy plays completely over the top metal covers of pop songs: [link] (why, it's our good friend George Michael).

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

Although I think this old Cassius track I saw this morning is more your thing: [link]

// crae_zzz / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

What in the world? You know I hate That George Michael and that song don't laugh but that guy just made me like it!? That was pretty outrageous.

/me checks out second link...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

Hehe dutchy never heard or seen that vid before...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago



// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

And one should not even attempt to post a link from her phone I should know better

Slaap lekker...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 3 days ago

I was trying to find some Skrillex for you but the ones I like on XM I can't seem to find on YouTube. This one is not the one but there is one I'm pretty sure you'd like (when I hear it I always think of you)


// Doreen / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

Found it! and no idea whatsoever why when I hear this tune I always think of you. hehe

But here it is:


// Doreen / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

First time I catch the vid though right now and that was a bit freaky. Anyways Skrillex has a few good ones I'm just too tired right now to go hunt them down...

// Doreen / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

Will have to check those out when I get back home, seeing that my machine is hooked up to the speakers at the moment, so everyone would be wondering what I'm doing.

Your first link being broke is a little bug in the my convert-url-into-link filter. It can't handle single character subdomains.


* craeonics is listening to: Franz Ferdinand - Take me out

// crae_work / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

That take me out tune has grown on me since they've been playing it alot over here too.

/me is listening to my fax machine and I don't like the sound of it cuz it means alot of work today...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

Alright, that first Skrillex song is no good. Sounds like an engine with bronchitis. Second one though, is great. Reminds me a bit of Aphex Twin's Come to Daddy [link], but with wobbly basses.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't know the first one I just dropped that liink to show you Skillex but it's the second one I was talking about that everytime I hear it I think of you for no valid reason. of course I try not to think about why I'm thinking of you in the first place. (but I do anyway invisible Dutch guy)

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm and apparently they both make the same trippy vids too.

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

Skillex? Oh brother Skrillex...

I've been meaning to ask you what happened w/ that equipment you ordered to fool around on to make your own sounds did you toss the towel in on that already?

// Doreen / 674 weeks and 2 days ago

I found out I can't play a keyboard unless I cut my nails, so progress has been slow. Plus, I've been busy with other stuff. I'm not one to simply pick up a keyboard and mess around with it, since I have no feel for it.

// crae_work / 674 weeks and 1 day ago

I suppose you could frame it and just hang it on the wall to look at it once in a while?

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 1 day ago

It's wrapped in plastic to protect against dust. Last thing I did was... back in May. Busy, busy.

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm busy, busy... Well actually I don't really care that you're busy, busy cuz I'm busy, busy too so let me hear it when you have time Mr. Busy Bee...

// Dor_work / 674 weeks and 1 day ago

Back in May and horribly out of tune. And I mean, really out of tune.

/me tosses Doreen some Soulja Boy instead: [link]

// craeonics / 674 weeks and 15 hours ago

Pump up the jam

Pump it up

While you feet are stompin'

And the jam is pumpin'

Look at here the crowd is jumpin'

Yo! [link]

/me is enjoying the awesome summer weather today, inside the house :)

// PK_nineties_mode / 673 weeks and 5 days ago

That's the only way to enjoy the summer!


* craeonics is listening to: Within Temptation - Ice Queen

// crae_work / 673 weeks and 4 days ago

And back at work it is...


* craeonics is listening to: The B52's - Love Shack

// crae_work / 672 weeks and 4 days ago

I think that Soulja Boy killed Doreen... Youuu!!

// crae_zzz / 672 weeks and 3 days ago

/me tossed a pillow at sleepy head..

// Dor_work / 672 weeks and 3 days ago

Tossed = tosses

I really really really hate this keyboard on my phone!

// Dor_work / 672 weeks and 3 days ago

It's alive!


* craeonics is listening to: James Brown - Get Up

// crae_work / 672 weeks and 2 days ago

Someone should explain the appeal of Greenday to me, because all I hear is a whiny singer...

// crae_work / 672 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm never gonna dance againnnn (he probably took lessons from George Michael)

// Dor_work / 672 weeks and 1 day ago

I turn ariund and summer is past and autumn has fallen upon us in full force. Nothing but rain and wind this past week.


* craeonics is listening to: a purring cat, laying on my left hand. How am I supposed to get things done this way, kitty?

// craeonics / 672 weeks and 17 hours ago

Oh be quiet dutchy! it's been triple digit heat over here (but today finally our heat wave broke)

// Dor_work / 672 weeks and 6 hours ago

You mean you now have an excuse to float in the pool all day long.

// craeonics / 671 weeks and 6 days ago

Niet today mijn dutchy, got a house full of company coming today which = I need to make my mad dash early to the gym to get my sweat on, shower, run to the market, run home clean, clean, clean, and cook, cook, cook before the stampede arrives later this afternoon. Argh!!!

// Doreen / 671 weeks and 6 days ago

Party at Doreen's!

// crae_zzz / 671 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah and not something I probably should do again for atleast another 10+ years!

// Dor_zzz / 671 weeks and 5 days ago

Party at Doreen's in ten years!

And that's why I take my parties out of the house these days. No mess for me to clean.


* craeonics is listening to: Crazy Town - Butterfly

// crae_work / 671 weeks and 4 days ago

Mmmm me likes the Butterfly tune (but they don't play it enough) As for partying home or out it doesn't matter I can't afford to let my hair down too often cuz the cats I'm raising are a bit diff than the cats you're raising. I strutted into work 30 mins late today and my lil slip means a week of catch up for me so it's not worth it cuz it backfires on me...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 4 days ago

Thirty minutes is a week of catch up? Did they give you detention or something?


* craeonics is listening to: Amy Winehouse - You know I'm no good (people have to die to get airplay these days)

// crae_work / 671 weeks and 3 days ago

What in the world are you talkin bout Willis?

I'm talking about my cat at home and me being stupid enough to think I have time to party?

(Sammy) He's in all honor classes has 2 projects a night and I'm as stupid as they come trying to help him keep up, I need to stay focused no time for partying (I must have thought I was you all free and fancy foot) hehe!

Anyways you seriously would not understand (and you're lucky you don't)

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to the usual office sounds of my computer grinding some update, and some guy outside my office chit chatting with another employee...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 3 days ago

/me has no idea what that Doreen is talking about... However, that Honours Class must be good.


* craeonics is listening to: the cat jukebox purring

// craeonics / 671 weeks and 3 days ago

Well he doesn't seem to like it but he's teaching me alot! hehe!

I don't even really know how to help him dutchy cuz these classes go above my head that he's taking but I find other clever ways to keep him going and all I can mainly do is be there for him. it seems easy for him right now so I'm hopeful for him.

Slaap lekker to you and your Dutch purring jukebox cat...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 3 days ago

And right you are. He has to (learn to) do things on his own after all.


* craeonics is listening to: Keane - Is it any wonder?

// crae_work / 671 weeks and 2 days ago

Thanks dutchy... (I know) and he does, I pretty much stand guard from the shadows and I only step in their space when I feel or see something that needs me to move in. Gino is doing great he's moving out of state soon he doesn't want to (and I don't want him to either) but his opportunities will be better so I will be down to one cat soon.

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 2 days ago

Or in other words, you're going to be Dor_travel soon to see both your kids.

// crae_zzz / 671 weeks and 2 days ago

I guess so, one thing about kids is they "force you" to grow up cuz I can see me actually traveling now which is not something I would have predicted in my life. (They def took me down another path in life)

Good night dutchy...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 2 days ago

It's either going to be travelling or a lot of video conferencing. And seeing your first grandchild on a screen is something different than holding it in your arms, to name just a thing.

// crae_work / 671 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't know dutchy but I hope he and his girlfriend were serious about not wanting any kids cuz I've never been a milk and cookies mommy and I'm certain I would suck at being a grand patent. I'm almost done as far as I'm concerned and don't care to ever see a diaper again. If I travel it won't be to go change diapers...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 1 day ago

Instead, they will be the ones travelling, leaving the baby with grandma (who despite the big words here will be overjoyed to do those diapers) when mommy and daddy are having the night off.

// craeonics / 671 weeks and 1 day ago

Well that's probably the way that it should be but I've almost done my job and if they decide to have kids it'll be one more thing I'll be feeling guilty and selfish over cuz I'm done and I'm not going to pretend or go through any more motions of another thing in life that I don't want.

I've no such desire for grand children ( and I know that sounds horrible and here comes the guilt but it's the unfortunate truth)

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 1 day ago

I have such a black heart I think I'm going straight to Hell and not passing Go...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 1 day ago

Something goed (but this vid is certainly not very creative who ever made it)


// Doreen / 671 weeks and 23 hours ago

That sounds exactly like Benny Benassi's earlier Satisfaction:

[link] (note: video caters to the male demographic).

// craeonics / 671 weeks and 15 hours ago

And this board likes to eat my post...

// Dor_work / 671 weeks and 7 hours ago

Hmmmm while at work I got some msg about the poster of the vid did not post a mobile version and now at home I got:

"This video contains content from WMG and Ultra Records (MVR), one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Not meant for my ears I suppose?

// Doreen / 671 weeks and 1 hour ago

First link I tried got me an "this video is for adults only" warning. Some prude must have reported it... again. Try this one instead: [link] (be sure to either turn up or down your bass speakers, depending on how loud you can handle).

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 6 days ago

Depending on how loud I can handle? My eardrums are not even of human material (or I'd be deaf by now)

Anyways I'm off to go buy that CD in iTunes now but from the reviews I read everyone says all his tunes sound the same. (and judging from the one I posted and you posted it might be true)

But since I've got to find out things for myself I'm off to go buy it anyways...

// Doreen / 670 weeks and 6 days ago

Welll my review is that the only two that do actually sound the same are the two you and I posted. All the others I think sound way different.

And also the only decent ones are the two that we posted w/ the exception of this one (which is kinda zo zo and not quite as good as the other two)


// Doreen / 670 weeks and 5 days ago

So so indeed. I don't think I've heard any interesting music lately. Although there was one weird song that's been getting unexpected airplay. Don't know artists nor title though.

Anyway, LMFAO's Champagne Showers is amusing: [link] (the distortion on the singing makes it sound like wailing cats).

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm I've not heard that particular one you posted but they are certainly wearing this one out on this end by LMFAO: [link]

This one would not normally be my usual taste but it has completely jumped me and every time I hear it this tune gets stuck in my head for hours and hours: [link]

// Doreen / 670 weeks and 5 days ago

And of course now that I posted it for you and heard it I will w/o a doubt have it stuck in my head all day long now... *sigh*

// Doreen / 670 weeks and 5 days ago

Get that "hello" song out of here. That's been playing non-stop during most of the spring on this side of the globe.

// crae_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

They're singing about me again.


* craeonics is listening to: EMF - Unbelievable

// crae_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Argh! Why did you even type that word!





Anyways currently listening to:

Bad meets evil - Lighters (boring and annoying)

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Yowza! Finally something decent:

I want you to take over control, take over control, take over control Oh oh oh I want you to take over control, plug it in and turn me onnn!!!

Mmmm mmmm mmm!

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Ummm everybody is currently in meetings therefore I play!

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah, that song [link] has been worn down as well.

As the saying goes: when the meetings are on, Doreen is dancing on the desks.

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Meetings are over and everyone is back but I jumped down off the desk when they played that stupid Lighters tune again (which gets more airtime then anything else)

/me goes to lunch slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 4 days ago

Don't forget to wipe the footprints from those desks.


* craeonics is listening to: Gary Moore - Still got the Blues

// crae_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

They probably caught it all on hidden camera...

War - Cisco Kid (thank God some DJ's remember to play some good old stuff too)

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

Today I found out that Heaven 17's "Temptation" [link] is not a 90s House track, like I always thought it was, but in fact dates back to 1983! That means this music was a decade ahead of its time.

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh! Dutchy so frustrating all these stupid road blocks all the time. I don't know why some vids just load and others get blocked by country bla bla bla

It's like you are forbidden to me. I'm going to try to find it though...

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

Oi? I picked a non-VEVO link so it would not get blocked and it still got blocked? YouTube should stop that region nonsense.

Alright, here's another try: [link]

// crae_zzz / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh no you don't get to go jump in bed one after you make me search all over for that totally sucky vid and tune! I've never seen or heard that before but if I had to guess I would think it was from the mid 60's? Alright maybe the early 70's? Could be a dutch thing but that truly was horrible? hehe

/me goes tap on that second link you posted to make sure the one I found is the same one you're talking about.

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

Says: "This video is not available on mobile" which is a lie cuz judging by the frozen frame it's the same sucky vid I found on my mobile YouTube.

Alright I think you are really tired and are in dire need of sleep if you seriously like that tune? And this keyboard on my phone is horribly difficult to tolerate since it keeps suggesting words that I don't really want to type so I suppose I will let you sleep.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy! ( my keyboard hates when I type dutchy)

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe! Dutchy that vid is really really reallyyy corny!

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 3 days ago

I never said I liked that song (though I do because I've heard it a thousand times by now). I just always thought it was a 90s song, because it had massive airply then, while I never heard it in the 80s.


* craeonics is listening to: Rammstein - Mein Teil

// crae_work / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

Why is this board eating my post? I am niet retyping that!

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

Perhaps it was the < character? And how can I be corny when it's stuff from my youth (oh so long ago)?

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

What? I've got some freaky keyboard i've skinned on my phone plus a font that makes all my letters look uppercase and symbols look different from what they are so I've no clue what I typed.

Slaap lekker mijn old man dutchy...

I have a horrible feeling the way time is passing us by that if Plastic and Ken don't pull the plug on Tek you and I could pissibly be checking this thread someday from old age homes.

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

Did I tell you how much I hate typing on this keyboard? (Alright I'm not senile yet)

I hate this keyboard!!!

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

On winmobile devices you used to type on the keyboard using a stylus but I used my nails hence there never was a need to pull out my stylus however the nutcase that designed the keyboard for iphone's only thought about men so This thing does not recognize nails only fingertips/skin touches so it's a challenge when you have long nails and despise typos and stuffezzz

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 2 days ago

The way it works is that the surface of the touch screen is electrically charged. It detects touches by changes in the charge. Skin conducts electricity far better than nails, so it can detect your fingers and not your nails.

Ken passed by the shoutbox recently, by the way.


* craeonics is listening to: Blondie - Hanging on the Telephone

// crae_work / 670 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy I'm thinking Ken passed by the newsbox to see if there was still a palpable pulse in Tek? And it's silly for him and plastic to keep paying for basically a listening to thread for us to play in and it's also rediculous that I constantly keep looking for my invisible playmate so I am going to pull the plug on myself over here. Enough is enough...

I've been typing to you for so many years now that I've found it "impossible" to just disappear on you without saying goodbye so "goodbye" (there I said it!)

Time to let Plastic and Ken off the hook it's just an unnecessary bill they pay out of possibly feeling obligated for sentimental reasons...

// Dor_work / 670 weeks and 1 day ago

And there I was thinking there was doom and gloom in the music I listen to. Serving as a historic record of bygone eras alone warrants Tek's existence already.

// craeonics / 670 weeks and 16 hours ago

I think I'm missing you so much I'm now seeing things? (Saying goodbye didn't work so I'm swinging by to say hello) hehe

/me goes run to the gym. (listening to birds doing their usual morning gossip outside)

// Doreen / 666 weeks and 5 days ago

And she's back. I recall something like this on DevArt.


* craeonics is listening to: Sean Paul - Gotta love ya

// crae_work / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

True, but that time all I lost was my avatar...

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

Which was the precious skinz.org turkey.

// crae_zzz / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

OMG now you're going to make me feel guilty yes it was one of a kind but every time anyone from skinz.org seen my avatar they only got sad. Good night sleepy head me goes back to werkin...

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is going to shield up and enter the characters that form skinz.org in the address bar of this here browser...

Front page has a 2007 date. Blog stops at 2008. Forum has been outsourced, with a last post in early 2010.

Such a shame.

// crae_zzz / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah you better shield up so you don't get jumped probably by all their blinking and talking banners. They've turned that site into such a prostitute you might have caught AIDS tonight from your 5 minute visit,,,

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

Did I ever tell you how much I hate this keyboard? (Alright! I won't start that again) but guess what!? They jusss came out with a new iPhone that has AI (Siri) so you never need to use the stupid keyboard again! You can just talk and it types your text for you!

cept I don't like to talk and if I feel any hehe inside I ain't going to say that (which could be a cure for my hehe's)

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 4 days ago

Cue the autocorrector. It's going to have a field day.


* craeonics is listening to weird and unknown sounds from the 80s

// crae_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm currently looking at a lovely colored blue screen that says "unmountable_boot_volume" I cannot even get this old stupid county machine to boot up into safe mode either. So not a good way to start my work day and my Boss won't be too happy about this. (looks like this secretary is out of commission today)

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh boy I'm going to guess this is my hard drive since I do not get along with hard drives at all. I know this to be true and guess what? I didn't back my stuff up to our server! I'm in big trouble now!

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

Call the sysop and let him/her handle it, while you quickly take a short-hand course. The joys of corporate infrastructure.

Colleague of mine once managed to delete a full day's work when moving files. She thought she had copied the files and it was save to delete them. Turns out they weren't. Files gone. To make things worse, it was on a network drive, so no trash can to recover them from.

She was in tears. I ofcourse was my evil self and was quite amused.

// craeonics / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

The guys are trying to save my day right now but it don't look good so I'm out of commission today (and so is my Boss) when she officially asked me to be her secretary I warned her I'm not really secretary material but she insisted. (this will teach her a lesson)

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

They were able to save my day! They got a backup somehow before my hard drive took its last breath so they said it will be back up. Y the end of my day here but I think I caught some kind of virus on my hands last night cuz everything I'm touching today is zapping now the photo copy and scanner machines are both on the blink. Dutchy what would cause the scanner and copy machine to spit out copies that look like a big barcode? Is it corrupt drivers? The images are just black and white lines they resemble a big barcode?

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

Actually could it be a virus on the network here? This is nuts that everything is acting up at once. I'm sure they've got a secure network right? (I don't know but not a good day)

Slaap lekker over there...

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd say yout copier is just wonky. Over here it breaks down every few months.


* craeonics is listening to: Da Hool - Meet her at the Love Parade

// crae_work / 666 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't know what it was I even ran over to another office to scan since our machine was down and then theirs went down everyone was afraid to get next to me yesterday I actually thought my car was not going to start at the end of my day it was the worse day ever. Anyways new day today and new adventure!

Later gator...

// Doreen / 666 weeks and 2 days ago

Maybe your aura does not mesh well with electronic devices. Perhaps step back to using chalk and a blackboard?

// craeonics / 666 weeks and 2 days ago

Or maybe I need some really good anti-static fabric softener to add to my laundry for my cloths? Better day today...

// Dor_zzz / 666 weeks and 2 days ago

Someone put on a radio channel for people over forty, it seems. Blegh, old-timer music.


* craeonics is listening to: Wendy & Lisa - Waterfall

// crae_work / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

That being said, this is a nice song. The drummer apparently lives or has a studio or so across the street from this office.


* craeonics is listening to: The Golden Earrings - Radar Love

// crae_work / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

That's probably just a rumor to keep you guys interested in working where you currently work at. Anyways I was listening to a killer mix called Drumcode 63 in my car earlier on XM but now I'm listening to the annoying sounds of being at work...

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

Not a rumour. I've seen him couple of times. Anyway that's just about the last great band this city produced and that was in the 60s.

// craeonics / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

Really? I didn't know that (and I've heard that song many times)

/me is listening to my stomach speaking in 7 different tongues, I forgot to eat..

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

I'd post a link to what I'm listening to but #1 it will most likely be blocked by your country and #2 you seem to think you are still 16 and this tune might be too mature for your ears. hehe

// Doreen / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

Alrighttttt here you go: [link]

The thing about this guy is his past tunes were nothing like his more recent tunes so I went from disliking him to liking him now. (could be him mixing it up w/ diff recording artist these days whereas in the past he was very solo)

// Doreen / 666 weeks and 1 day ago

When we first heard that Enrique song at work (it was in circulation on the radio here some months ago), we were like "is he singing what I think he's singing" and "if you're him saying that might not even be too far off from the truth". It's a bit blunt. You'd expect something more suave from him.

As for the style, I don't know, everyone sounds like that these days.


* craeonics is listening to: Calvin Harris - Feels so close

// craeonics / 666 weeks and 18 hours ago

True, true which was my point his suaveness apparently went out the window but I like him being less dramatic and romantic and more upbeat and aggressive in his music.

The usual madness going on around here several helicopters overhead cuz an actress (Lindsy) is being forced to empty a few trash cans as a severe punishment sentence at the coroners office located next door to our hospital.

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 11 hours ago

Be sure to get her autograph!


* craeonics is listening to: purring cats who want food

// craeonics / 666 weeks and 10 hours ago

Her autograph? Why? "Today" she is not an actress but rather just a county employee just like me cept "she" is having to be a custodian and "I" on the other hand am secretary! Ha!!!

I'm sure she's not enjoying getting her nails dirty...

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 7 hours ago

Watch God punish me for that nasty remark and make me be a custodian next week. You never know where you'll be one day to the next over here..

// Dor_work / 666 weeks and 7 hours ago

"Officer, you might want to keep an eye on that Doreen girl. I'm quite sure she's speeding just a little bit on her way home and she puts her garbage out an hour too early. I'm sure some corrective measures are in order."

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 6 days ago

You got that right I don't break the law cuz someone like me would not fair too well in jail (me is shy)

// Doreen / 665 weeks and 6 days ago

Don't worry. You start of by cleaning the street and emptying trash cans before getting shipped off to prison.

// crae_evil / 665 weeks and 5 days ago

You should know by now that is only for the movie stars. Someone like me a normal citizen would get tossed into prison for life for going 15 mph over the speed limit...

// Doreen / 665 weeks and 5 days ago

And no parole for you, missy!

/me is currently watching some sort of dance show with just about every big Dutch DJ in it (and Carl Cox at the moment). It's only an hour though. Why don't they do this all night long?

// crae_zzz / 665 weeks and 5 days ago

Because if they did that all night long ppl like me might not be stupid enough to pay a monthly fee to have XM satellite radio in our cars. I listen to that stuff in my car to and from work = total driving time 3 hrs a day...

And on this end me needs to get caught up watching all my recordings of the new season of the Big Bang Theory!

// Doreen / 665 weeks and 5 days ago

/me has the week off... So that means I'll be doing a lot of postponed chores. Grrr...

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 4 days ago

Well if I had to choose which of the two horrors I prefer I would prefer dancing at home with the laundry and dishes.

/me goes chase a few big shots for signatures...

// Dor_work / 665 weeks and 4 days ago

My chores also include cats projectile vomitting over stuff when I'm cooking dinner. I swear, they do this on purpose. After that I nearly short-circuited my oven and seem to have broken my grill (which ofcourse happens when your burgers are half done).

Yesterday was a disaster, grrr...

Today, rain. Ah hell, I'm not going anywhere anyway.

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 3 days ago

Stop wasting time complaining and enjoy your time off. What I wouldn't give to be home today in my bed under my fuzzy blanket. (rain over here today as well)

But beginning Nov 21 I'm taking two weeks off! Hooray!!!

// Dor_work / 665 weeks and 3 days ago

Doreen taking time off? /me checks the temperature in Hell

Today's task is getting a new winter coat. I know the feminine side of humanity revels the thought of having to spend all day at the mall, the masculine side not so much and the crae side not at all.

I just want to sit home and play games... =snif= =snif=

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 2 days ago

You are going to the mall?

I wanna go!

I wanna go!

Take me!

Take meeee!

Argh! /me gets busy at work...

// Dor_work / 665 weeks and 2 days ago

Operation: Mall was a quick in/out thing. Went to the mall, entered the first shop, cursed for fifteen minutes because something had slipped into my eye behind my contacts, and then bought the first coat that did not have sixty trizillion pockets. Seriously, what's up with those designs.

I hate going shopping.

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 1 day ago

What you blew off a day at the mall over a silly contact lens issue? It takes me several trips to the mall to find jussss the right thing I'm looking for I never settle until I find it (though on occasion I sometimes get lucky and know the split second I lay my eyes on it) on those rare occasions I'm done and I leave in 5 mins flat.

But normally I'm so freaking picky it takes me forever...

// Dor_work / 665 weeks and 1 day ago

What I did not tell you, is that I went through just about every shop at a different mall for a coat a couple of weeks ago to no avail. A whole day wasted.

/me goes kat-sit my parents new kittens


* craeonics is listening to: Beyoncé - Countdown

// craeonics / 665 weeks and 16 hours ago

Why did your parents do that? They like to travel alot? Looks like you have a new full time job...

// Dor_work / 665 weeks and 11 hours ago

They were out the entire day and these little kitties are a naughty bunch that likes to knock plants over and what not. So I just had to sit there for an hour to keep an eye on things.

One cat hid under a bed the whole time, the other sat in a chair across from me, keeping close tabs on what I was doing, while remaining a comfortable distance to run away when I moved.

Crazy creatures.

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

Speaking of crazy creatures, my neighbour and his girlfriend are currently singing along to Extreme's "More than words". Bad taste, dude!

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

They sound totally adorable! But the thing is why did they get kittens now? It's gonna tie them down and they should get all that traveling they like to do out of their system first and then when they decide to completely settle back down again thennn get kittens?

Anyways to each his/her own...

/me is listening to some goed old stuffezzz! [link]

// Doreen / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

My aunt practically lives on a campsite, now that she is retired, and one of the stray cats there was pregnant. The result, three kittens. My parents said "no, we're not taking anymore cats", but you know how such things go. So they now have two kittens. The second was brought to a kitten shelter and mom has moved to my other aunt, who lives on a farm.

No-one knows who dad is ofcourse. That's how things go in kitty land.


* craeonics is listening to: Burzum - En Ring till aa Herske [Det som Engang var, 03]

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

Second should ofcourse be third. I'm done with school, so that counting nonsense is way behind me.


* craeonics is listening to: Immortal - One by One [Sons of Northern Darkness, 01]

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

Argh! dutchy! why didn't you take the third one? What was wrong w/ that third one that was tossed to the shelter? now it's been taken away from the other two! Life can be so cruel but then again look at Steve Jobs he was adopted and we all know how that turned out...

Anyways enough about kitties I'm staying away from cute fuzzy things that require me being a slave for them.

I dug through my boxes this morning and realized I could have bought myself my freaking beach house for what I've spent in CD's over the years! But I am in complete Heaven right now enjoying my old Coldplay CD still: [link]

Definitely not clean your house tunes but I am floating around still managing to get my bills done and laundry etc...

// Doreen / 664 weeks and 6 days ago

/me kicks Coldplay out of this thread

I said they should take all three cats, but they came up with some lame excuse about how the third one was a tomcat as how they are troublesome. Which is nonsense, I have a tomcat myself.

And I didn't take it because three cats fill up my house enough already.

And so much for my holiday. Back to work tomorrow. At least it's winter time again. Summer time sucks!

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 5 days ago

Three would be two ofcourse (I have two cats), and "as" would be "and"... I think. My fingers have a mind of their own.

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 5 days ago

Spare the corrections and your fingers mijn dutchy cuz I've been talking to you for so long I think by now I know what you mean! hehe

Well lets just hope they find a home for that third kitty cuz over here the animal shelters simply put the animals to sleep since they have too many to deal with. (I still think you should go back and rescue Mr. Tom)

// Doreen / 664 weeks and 5 days ago

They don't put pets "to sleep" here unless they are terminally ill. And kittens are popular, so he'll be fine.

Back at work and what are they listening to? Hippie music.


* craeonics is listening to: Demis Roussos - My Friend the Wind

// crae_work / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

Really? They put them to sleep over here really quick (I believe they hold them for only 7 days)

Anyways I'm being chases by orange cupcakes and vampire shaped lollipops this morning and the sugar in them is enough to scare me to death (pure poison)

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

chases = chased (I've got your fingers this morning)

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

Something I've not heard for a while...

Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goesss

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah, apparently it's Halloween today. Lemme just check the TV-guide... The only horror I see is Footloose. Halloween gets no love over here.

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

Over here everyone takes Halloween too serious (cept me I already told you I'm a party pooper I've no desire to dress up and act crazy) but one of the guys from IS just scared the living Hell out of me! I should have called off sick today for sure...

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 4 days ago

Now I could say that there is no need for you to dress up and act crazy, as you already are dressed up and very much crazy, but I fear I would be in for a virtual scolding then.

/me runs for the hills

// crae_work / 664 weeks and 3 days ago

I rather give you a virtual kick! Over here in Los Angeles there are varying degrees of crazy and on that veryyy broad spectrum "I" am very mild...

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 3 days ago

/me dodges that kick

I believe Coldplay has a new single out. The radio plays it like three times per hour...


* craeonics is listening to: Coldplay - Paradise

// crae_work / 664 weeks and 2 days ago

They play it like three X's an hour cuz it be goed! (but I've not bought any of their new CD's I still prefer their older tunes) I think that singer's voice is full of fantasy.

Busy day today (at home today) but first things first a quick run off to the gym to melt away some stress...

// Doreen / 664 weeks and 2 days ago

It beats that bloody Maroon 5 song they also play all day long, but it's still not my thing. And seeing that we still have old fart radio on at work, it's not going to get better.

Alright, some of them oldies are fun, like Falco's Rock Me Amadeus they played today.

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 2 days ago

You mean that nasty move like jagger tune? (or whatever that is)

Anyways I just got back in from having my usual party in my car (w/ my XM satellite radio) Never can find the tunes though when I like them but 90 to 95% of the stuff I listen to on that satellite radio is alllll good. Lil setbacks though every time I go under a bridge or parking structure it immediately cuts off.


// Doreen / 664 weeks and 2 days ago

That Jagger song indeed.

And right now I'm being tortured by bloody Mumford and Sons.

How do you play satellite radio in your car? Do you need a special receiver or dish or so?

// crae_work / 664 weeks and 1 day ago

Well when I returned back to work at the beginning of the year my car was choking on the long commute to and from work so I was debating on trading in my car for a KIA Soul but ended up buying a Nissan "Juke" my car came equipped with 6 months free of satellite radio which was jussss enough to hook another sucker up for a new life time bill (cuz now I'm addicted to having it) and I'm stuck paying a monthly fee to keep it!

But it's a special radio and special antenna that beams CD quality Electronic dance and trance music from space to my car...

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 1 day ago

Now if only it could hover above the road...

Meanwhile one of my contact lenses is at the contact lenses shop since. They're supposed to send it back to the manufacturer for checking, but I'm sure they've forgotten about that.

So I've been walking around with orange glasses all week.

I however don't like riding my bike with glasses on, because my peripheral vision in shot. Ergo, I peddle without glasses. To the astonishment of all who hear that, I might add. But it goes fine, so whatever.

But here's the thing, with Winter approaching it gets dark early and I really cannot see shit without my glasses in the dark. All I see is halos and lots of shadows.

Makes for an interesting ride back from work.

// craeonics / 664 weeks and 15 hours ago

hehe! Mijnnn dutchyyyy actually it sounds much safer for you not to get behind the wheel of a car? I see halos too at night but that's just one small side effect from wearing contact lens but you seriously should wear water soluble ones they are healthier for your eyes, more comfortable and you can simply toss them in the trash every 30 days and then put on a fresh pair. I don't know how you wear hard lens? I remember one time I tried one on and in seconds I knew I could never stand for that on my eye all day that's insane!

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 11 hours ago

As for my car I'm married to it (and the rediculous car payment) until death do us part. But if I'm forced to work for the next 20 yrs of my life and have to deal with this long commute "I" am going to have my own party in my car to and fro work!

Today I heard a killer dance mix of Smack My Bitch Up (had to think of you when I heard it)

// Dor_work / 664 weeks and 11 hours ago

No smacking going on around here.

I have hard lenses because of what we call "cylinder"... whatsitcalledinenglish... astigmatism. They change the shape of your eye a bit. Soft lenses can't do that.

And speaking of lenses, I got a call from the lens shop yesterday. Apparently I damaged it by cleaning it too rigorous. Usually it's people not cleaning 'em enough. Always have to be special.

Ordered a new lens, but in the mean time got the old one back. Haven't put it in yet, so I don't know if they caused further damage.

By the way, check the bass in this clip: [link]

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 6 days ago

Umm I too have astigmatism and yes in the past that could only be corrected by either glasses or "hard" contact lens but we are no longer living in the stone age dutchy they now have water soluble contact lens called "toric" that correct astigmatism. (I know cuz I use them) [link]

Get em cuz you will LOVE them!

/me goes check out your link before I go hit the gym...

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe!!!! Oh boy bass in a funky cartoon? (and I enjoyed it still?)

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 6 days ago

Actually here is the link to the exact ones I wear: [link]

There are two problems though one is that only some health insurance companies will pay for the special eye exam to be "fitted for toric" and some don't (that will depend on your coverage) and secondly they don't come in colors I used to wear green colored contact lens in the past but that was before my astigmatism got alittle worse so now I still could get by wearing the green lens but then I can't see as crisp and clear as when I wear my torics. (vanity goes out the window w/ aging I think)

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 6 days ago

My contacts are slightly blue coloured. But that's just so I can find 'em when I drop one. It is strange, I was at the lens shop for a checkup two weeks ago and they did not mention the whole toric thing. But perhaps it has yet to reach these shores.

I have no problems with hard lenses, by the way. Except when sand or dust gets into my eyes, grrr...


* craeonics is listening to: Doe Maar - Belle Helene [blasting through my neighbour's stereo, who fortunately is not singing along with it]

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 5 days ago

I can't see how something hard sitting on your eyeball all day is not going to eventually cause some issues when water and air cannot easily reach the eye when it's covered by that hard thing rubbing on it all day when you blink 50 million times a day? Plus that hurts!!!

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 5 days ago

I barely notice that it's there. Plus hard lenses are small and only cover the pupil. And air ofcourse _can_ get through. It would be unwise to use otherwise.


* craeonics is listening to: Counting Crows - Mrs. Jones

// crae_work / 663 weeks and 4 days ago

Let's put it this way... "if" you ever tried a soft toric contact lens you would "never" be able to go back to hard. But I suppose what we don't know, don't hurt us?

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 4 days ago

Speaking of not knowing, I had to educate a colleague on Snoop's first appearance in a song. Can you believe he did not know Deep Cover?

// crae_zzz / 663 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't believe I knew that either? But then again the only Dog from that Dogg Pound back then worth knowing was the Late, Great Nate Dogg: [link] (who's now hopefully resting in peace)

Anyways dutchy some snowman that is playin on everyone's sympathy (just cuz he got his gallbladder ripped out) wants "you" to come over and sign his Get Well Card so get your lazy behind over there...


// Doreen / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

Snowy: "How's Dutchy doing? Bring him along over here too - the ol' cray-fish."

hehe cray-fish?

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

I ain't going over there. WinCustomize went consumer-ghetto years ago. You can sign in my name.


* craeonics is listening to: Mr. Mister - Broken Wings

// crae_work / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

You're not going to sign his get well card? (you grumpy old man)

Okay then I'll sign for you but it'll have to be later cuz I only come here during my working hours. (cuz you're the cream in my coffee)

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

It's already too late for that anyway, since the surgery is over. And I don't think I want to ponder the implications of having no blatter.

It's going to be one leaky frosticle.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh wait, it's his gallbladder. He'll live.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

Must you be sooo, sooooo you! Yeah he'll live but you should sign his card anyways you lazy bunny. And you would think I would know if one could live without their bladder (the other one) since I've been working in and around the medical field but I don't think we can live without that particular bladder? Then again these days they most likely can re-arrange the plumbing...

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 3 days ago

It does support work for the liver and kidneys. They have to pick up the slack. Surgeons are butchers. Half the time they don't know how to fix problems, they can only remove them.

/me has little faith in the field of medicine

Then again, it's better than in the days of ancient Greece. Back then the doctor would go sit at your bed and observe how you were perishing.

// crae_work / 663 weeks and 2 days ago

As you know I'm a secretary now but I'm not sure I mentioned I work in Risk Management so trust me I'm privy to the "legal" blunders here and this being the biggest "training" facilty/hospital you cannot begin to imagine. But we're all only human no matter what suit or clothing we wear. (so I only put my faith in God)

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 2 days ago

You move from death certificates/statistics to risk management? I can see there's a bit of logical progression there.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 2 days ago

And speaking of dead, it appears that is the state Heavy D entered today. I used to listen to a lot of Hip Hop back in the days before Gangsta rap and those bloody Jazz influences.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 2 days ago

Logical? We'll maybe but 100% "not" planned by me. I've not planned anything in my life...

As for Heavy D unfortunately being heavy will kill you young (I'm thinking he had a heart attack but we'll see after the autopsy)

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 2 days ago

So would that imply that Slim Shady will live forever?


* craeonics is listening to: Simply Red - Holding back the years [yes, still an old fogey channel]

// crae_work / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

Nah wise guy but definetely beyond 44 yrs (thazz if he don't turn into a drug addict or alcoholic)

Anyways me being I'll miss grim reaper I'm going to guess how either Harvey or one of his lil deputy coroner's will sign out Heavy's DC...

Line a: Cardiac Arrest

Line b: Acute Myocardial Infarction

Other Conditions: Pneumonia

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

/me is listening to:

Rihanna ft Calvin Harris - We Found Love (not even sure when exactly this tune grew on me)

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

It bounces off me like a rubber ball. That song is terrible. Calvin Harris, like Rihanna, is very hit and miss.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

There's about 3 different versions of that tune one is a mix that has some killer bass running around in the background. I think my anemia is acting up cuz I'm so tired today I feel like I need a cup of blood for lunch...

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

And since I forgot to bring lunch I'm going to have to go play begger today...

// Dor_work / 663 weeks and 1 day ago

Cup of blood? Doreen the vampire?

Speaking of music. I also don't like Enrique's new track. The one with the whistling going on (and Pitbull showing his ugly mug in the video).

Now this "grumpy old man who does not leave the house" was thinking whether or not he had heard some half decent new tunes recently. The answer would be yes, but I cannot remember artists nor titles.

// craeonics / 663 weeks and 15 hours ago

Eeeek! Ummmm well you saiddd you were not going over there! (and you said I could post something for you?) anyways "I" personally would rather think of you now as an old grumpy man not leaving his house then picturing you out dancing in a club w/ other girls!!!

Anyways not sure of that whistling tune you are talking about? but whistling in a tune is totally annoying to me cuz whistling is only to be done when you either get into trouble and are up to no good or to the extreme opposite when you are in a very overly happy mood and don't even realize you are doing it...

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 10 hours ago

I'm sure you'll hear that tune soon enough. It's awful.

Right now I'm watching your degenerate cousins misbehaving in Italy. Indeed, Jersey Shore, season four. I suspect it is scripted and they are not really like that and I do hope they're not related to you. Crazy people.

// crae_zzz / 663 weeks and 7 hours ago

Yeah you better not be sneaking out clubbin w/ those girls tonight! hehe! (I cannot even stand that thought)

I've not been able to catch that Jersey Shore cuz of work but from what clips I've managed to check out they ain't got nothing on my crazeee family. Hence why I try to avoid them at all cost cept when the Holidays arrive and they all jump me like a stampede of cattle!

Three day Holiday weekend on this end and my brother is coming today to spend a couple days w/ our Mom and then we are planning to get together and act stupid w/ Gino and Sam set up our command center and game it! Then tomorrow we're going to see this 3D flick check it out dutchy:


// Doreen / 663 weeks and 6 hours ago

Not sure if this is showing on your end yet but here are a few more clips (can't wait to see it cuz it looks good)


But then you're a grumpy old man that never leaves his house. hehe (and I'm sorry I was jusss playin around over there I have no clue what kind of nasty lil things you're up to over there and I try not to even thing about it!)

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 6 hours ago

Great! Cannot set up the command center on this pc when it's saying there is not enough room to download the game!

/me goes spend the night fighting w/ this computer now instead...

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 4 hours ago

Seems my computer has decided to record a ton of series I've not told it too when I'm not around...

// Doreen / 663 weeks and 3 hours ago

Delete 'em all!

That movie seems to be Greco-Roman inspired, judging by the costumes and weaponry. I suspect they'll all be talking in "knightspeak". Action seems good.

It seems to based on or after the Titanomachy... /me switches into historian mode... ...which is unfortunate, since there seems to be just about only one source (Hesiodos' Theogony, 8th century BC) that goes into any details about this and unfortunately that boils down to "before the Olympians there were the Titans, the Olympians went to war with the Titans and the Titans lost and were cast into Tartarus (the underworld)" and not much more specific is known.

Anyway, should be straight up my alley. I'll, umm, wait three years until it airs on TV.

Enjoy your gamefest.

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm welll I've no clue about all that stuff dutchy (the movie jusss looked cool to me) hehe

But the movie will have to wait until another day cuz a mean storm came in and though I love my brother w/ all my heart he's hyperactive (and I'm not) and he's now getting on my last nerve so I need to give him the boot today he can go visit our mom or our sister.

I've got a storm to enjoy today and stormy, windy, rainy weather is to be enjoyed by other exciting ways (like sleeping all day)

// Dor_zzz / 662 weeks and 6 days ago

Welll my day did not quite turn out as planned you probably should wait three years to see that movie, though the 3D was pretty spectacular the story line was a bit lagging trying to keep up w/ the cool 3D...

// Doreen / 662 weeks and 6 days ago

Like I said, there's not much of a story to go on. So I take it there's been no gamefest (yet)?

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 5 days ago

Nope, last time we had a good gaming marathon was probably a few years back. Normally he has to go into battle w/ his wife and I normally have to go into battle w/ my mom over him coming for a visit and staying only at my place whilst we go into gaming mode for two days.

This time however all he really wanted to do was talk my ear off.

/me goes wake up and run to the gym today...

// Doreen / 662 weeks and 5 days ago

Talking instead of gaming? What's all this adult behaviour all of a sudden...

// crae_zzz / 662 weeks and 5 days ago

If my brother would act more adult I might not have to play his psychologist we'd have had time for gaming! (he is sucha a choochie!)

// Doreen / 662 weeks and 5 days ago

He's hyperactive never stays out of trouble and never listens to me so I don't know why I tolerate him.

// Doreen / 662 weeks and 5 days ago

That's family for ya. /me goes look up that "choochie" word...

// crae_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

Dutchy you are always looking for everything to be logical. If that choochie word has any actual definition it's not my definition cuz when I call my brother a choochie it is an affectionate loving Italian way of calling him: " A royal pain in my a**"

I love him but he freaks me out the way he lives his life and I realize there is nothing I can say or do about it and being the one he tends to run to with all his craziness means he is going to drive me crazy all my life...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

Ugh! Another annoying whistle tune...

Jason Derulo - It Girl

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

Jason DeRulo always sings his name at the beginning of his songs so we know it is him and can skip that track or change the channel.

And apparently, chooch means more or less what you say it does.

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't recall hearing that Jason guy before but actually as you said I will most likely change the station when I hear him again...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

/me goes see if there really is a choochie word...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm well now I actually wish I never looked that up! And I also should probably try to think up another word to call him now that I made the mistake of looking that up!!!

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is listening to my happy lil skater boy blazing one of his fav tunes...


// Doreen / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

"Ignorance is bliss" versus "there is no knowledge that isn't power". I don't know where I picked up that first quote, but the second came from Mortal Kombat (which got it elsewhere ofcourse).

It seems to be a law of nature that at any given day you will hear a Prince song on the radio, whether you like it or not.


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - Sign of the Times

// crae_work / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

I've actually never looked up the definition of Bliss either?

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

Usually you don't need to look up words of the language you speak all your life. You normally pick those up during your daily activities and derive their meaning from the context wherein they are used.

Then again, there also people who like to use "dollar words". My general history book during my study was from the US and every other sentence contained a word that resulted in a trip to the dictionary.

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

Hopefully someday we will advance to simply reading minds since what is really on a person's mind does not normally match up to the words they say...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

I think that reading minds will open up a whole bunch of them cans with worms.

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

For most but for me nobody really needs to read my mind cuz normally everything gets written all over my face! (which I can't even control it)

4 more days till blast off! I'm so ready for time away from work but it goes so fast when you're off unfortunately...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 3 days ago

Wait, wait, is that our friend George I hear on the radio?


* craeonics is listening to: George Michael - Fast love

// crae_work / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! Not my friend...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

Here's your friend Enrique and his whistling song to get you ready for your holiday: [link] (if not blocked over there).

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

No Holiday for me this time (my family is extremely upset at me too) but its time I let my hair down and find out what this "vacation" word is all about and means.

/me goes check out your whistling song...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

"Could not load movie" most likely it's my wonderful phone blocking it so I have to check that out tonight when I get home. Strange some work some don't which I think has to do with whether or not they're compatible with mobile formatting?

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

What in the world is that mess? A commercial? Definitely the worsest whistling tune by far yet!!!

// Doreen / 662 weeks and 2 days ago

Then again, it is Enrique, so my expectations were low to begin with.


* craeonics is listening to: Rage Against the Machine - Killing the Name

// crae_work / 662 weeks and 1 day ago

Well obviously you were right after listening to that silly whistle commercial I've now lost faith in him though I thought there was a glimmer of hope with his prior two songs...

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 1 day ago

The only somewhat interesting song of his is Bailamos. And then only when playing SingStar.


* craeonics is listening to: an episode of the A-Team on TV

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 1 day ago

Not sure if I've heard that Bailamos one? Anyways you need to stop watching that A-Team and watch something good like The Big Bang Theory!

/me shares my goed niews with you my Boss officially approved my request for the 9/80 so I have a semi Netherlands-like work schedule! I'll get an RDO every other Friday and get to leave work an hour earlier on the other Fridays. Strange schedule but it beats this 40 hrs a week schedule I'm currently on.

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 1 day ago

RDO? So you're essentially working five days one week and four days the week after that. I have some colleagues that do that. It's probably a step back in salary, but if you can cope with it financially, I'd go for it.

Less work and more play!

A-Team beats Big Bang Theory any day of the week. And Bailamos is this one: [link] (quite an oldy).

// craeonics / 662 weeks and 15 hours ago

RDO = Regular Day Off and nope no cut in Salary it works like this, I'll be working 9 hrs a day then my days off will be Fri, Sat and Sun and the following week of work I'll get to leave one hour earlier on that Friday so it's still the same amount of hours for my full salary. I cannot afford a cut in my salary or I'd have to part with my car and no way in Hell I'm losing that toy! My new schedule begins the week I return from my vacation (taking two weeks off after today) Seems my Boss announced she has decided to take herself a vacation too aligned with mine so as to avoid working without me. hehe!

/me goes see if I can get lucky with your link (which I doubt)

// Dor_work / 662 weeks and 10 hours ago

Clever boss. If she had not taken those weeks off herself, she would have to do all the appointment and scheduling chores and what not.

So you're basically doing longer hours on your work days.

Anyway, two weeks off = party!

// craeonics / 661 weeks and 6 days ago

We're havong the most awesome weather today. Complete mist cover all day long. This can only be topped by a day long thunder storm.

// craeonics / 661 weeks and 5 days ago

Mmmm perfecto weather on this side as well dutchy, pouring rain and dark as the night. Watching the American Music Awards right now and then tomorrow going to hit the snow for a few days of which I most likely will return w/ some frost bite...

// Doreen / 661 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh boy Enrique is singing live w/ some huge choir backup that stupid whistle song. Yuk!

// Doreen / 661 weeks and 4 days ago

If he's singing live, he's probably going to win an award.

Meanwhile, a day later, still misty.

// crae_work / 661 weeks and 4 days ago

Argh, the mist has vanished. Also, this song is amusing. It's a cover from an older song that is impossible to find on ye internet if you've forgotten the name.


* craeonics is listening to: Uffie - Woody Rappinghood

// crae_work / 661 weeks and 3 days ago

I think I can count the African artists that had hits over here on one hand (excluding Akon ofcourse).


* craeonics is listening to: Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke

// crae_work / 661 weeks and 2 days ago

Meanwhile my neighbour is going from Bløf (blegh) to some sort of anthem-y gabber (good) to Shania Twain (eek!)...

// craeonics / 660 weeks and 6 days ago

So he's traveling the music map what is wrong w/ that? Mean while me is waiting for my tunes to transfer over to my nano last one being Gasolina! And I'm off to the gym (if I can drag my lazy body that is)

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 6 days ago

The problem is that he sings along with it.

One Daddy Yankee coming up: [link]

// craeonics / 660 weeks and 5 days ago

He sings Shania Twain tunes!? Okay then it is probably time to move to another location...

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 5 days ago

Unfortunately, the house market is down the drain at the moment, so I'm staying put for now.


* craeonics is listening to: Daft Punk - One more time

// crae_work / 660 weeks and 4 days ago

La la la laaaaa!!! I see a certain dutch guy is at work whilst I on the other hand get one more week of total freedommmm!!! (and I hope time goes into complete slowwwww motion)

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 4 days ago

/me marks the days until that Cali girl has to return to work with an evil laugh at each mark I draw

// crae_evil / 660 weeks and 4 days ago

You are evil!!! And this day unfortunately flew by me and felt like seconds. Had fun at the mall I ditched the sales cuz of the nasty crowds on black Friday (so I made up for it today)

// Dor_zzz / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to some old Christmas special on TV and wondering how in the world Christmas got here already?

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

Christmas is around the corner in less than four weeks. Time flies indeed.

Meanwhile, old fart radio once again.


* craeonics is listening to: George Harrison - My sweet lord

// crae_work / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

And jussss to keep the old tunes rolling me tosses on some smooth old beats...

Oye como va! mi ritmooooo

Bueno pa' gozar,


Oye como va! mi ritmooooo

Bueno pa' gozar,

Yowzaaaa Mmmmm mmmm mmmm


// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

That does not ring a bell at all. But I see the name Santana, so my brain shut down immediately.


* craeonics is listening to: the news (on Belgian TV)

// craeonics / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

Well that is basically the only good tune he had.

/me is now listening to the news too (all the Michael Jackson madness going on over here again)

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

And I'm listening to my new baby crying for me downstairs... (Shut up don't say a single word I could not resist him)

Meet Loki: [IMG][link][/IMG]

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

I have to get a personal pic of him but that is basically close enough he's a Caique same named him Loki after some Norse God of mischief...

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

I meant to type Sam! I have no idea how that came out "same" (I cannot blame that on my phone's keyboard correction software cuz I'm on my desktop) hehe!

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

It's a bird! /me goes snitch to your landlord

Parents used to have birds back in the days. Can't remember if they were potty trained or just dropped shit everywhere.

// craeonics / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe! Dutchyyyy! Hey my Loki is a clean bird! Alright! so he does sh** everywhere but I love him!

He hops he doesn't walk? he "hops" like a bunny and he dances and rolls over plays almost like a puppy (he's sort of freaky) but he has the neatest personality.

I had a different bread of bird a while back but that bird only bonded w/ me and screamed all day long for me and bit everyone else so I had to give him away but this one has bonded w/ the boys too. Got him two days ago but he's a total clown, we love him...

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 3 days ago

Birds usually hop, don't they. They're used to flying, so they don't (need to) walk much.


* craeonics is listening to: Incubus - Drive

// crae_work / 660 weeks and 2 days ago

Well the other one I had used to walk to me this one only hops, anyways he's a bit louder than my alarm clock this morning!

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 2 days ago

And in case you ever wondered what happened to the dinosaurs. They evolved into birds. So your little Loki is a distant cousin to a T-Rex.

Meanwhile, other dinos on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Paul McCartney - Hope of Deliverance

// crae_work / 660 weeks and 1 day ago

T-Rex? I'm not too sure about that but I think my lil Loki is a shape shifter...

He refuses to stay on top of his cage (which has a built in playground on top that most birds would love and just sit on) but he does a mission impossible slide down the side of his cage he jumps off at the bottom and hops across the floor to me where ever I'm at then bites the bottom of my jeans and begins to shake his head back and forth like a puppy playing tug of war then he climbs up me gets under my neck and makes purring sounds and cuddles. He acts like every other animal "except" a bird! He even drinks my fruit smoothies w/ me. hehe

(crazy bird)

/me goes hit the gym, the days are going too fast dutchy I don't want my vacation to end...

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 1 day ago

Bird does things his own way. More power to him.

My cats are "sticky". They follow me around all the time.


* craeonics is listening to: some news show on TV patting themselves on the back because they uncovered something a year ago

// craeonics / 660 weeks and 1 day ago

Sticky? hehe (first time I hear it put that way) anyways me is watching Big Bang Theory and commercial is over gotta run!

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 22 hours ago

/me is listening to quietness and stillness finally after two days of hurricane howling winds on this side of the globe (but I can actually see the sky today it's so clear)

// Doreen / 660 weeks and 11 hours ago

Iets goed voor mijn dutchy:


// Doreen / 660 weeks and 9 hours ago

Nah, bit too happy for me. Sounds like someone playing Tetris on a (broken) Gameboy. Plus, I can never hear an arpeggio without being reminded of this '87 acid classic: Frankie Knuckles - Your Love [link]

Back to pets.

In Dutch I would say "plakband" (adhesive tape), but it sounds weird in English, so "sticky" it is. And speaking of sticky. Have to cat-sit again today. Parents are rather squeamish about letting these two kittens alone for the better part of the day.

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 6 days ago

Naturally, only now do I find out that Frankie Knuckles was not the original creator of that song, but it was instead based on an '84 Jamie Principle demo that sounds way, way different: [link]

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 6 days ago

I've never heard either of those songs before but they sound "totally" different and unrelated to one another? As for those kittens I think in due time they will be more attached to you than your parents from all the kitty sitting you will be doing...

I may have to find a bird sitter cuz my brother invited me and the kids over for Christmas and now I'm stuck w/ wondering what to do w/ Loki.

/me sends him flying to you!

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 6 days ago

I got up this morning and uncovered his cage and he was jumping up and down at the bottom of the cage like a lil puppy, I opened his door and he jumped on me like a rubberband now he is on my desk as I am typing this and tossing my pencils and papers all over the place he is a total terror!

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 6 days ago

Take your bird with you. You can't just leave him all alone all day. It's the downside of having pets (and plants to some extend), but it's one I can live with.

I also know people who use it as an excuse to get out of boring parties. "We have to go. We need to walk the dog".

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm not into parties so that's not an issue for me I flat out just say no rather than give lame excuses.

As for taking my bird my bro never ended up relocating yet so he still resides in Nevada which can be up to a 5 hour drive depending on traffic and I won't put his wife through having to tolerate my noisy bird for a few days. My brother also has two dogs that would eat my bird for a small snack. My Mom cannot bird sit cuz she has two cats that would also love to eat my bird as a snack so that leaves my sis (so she's on my hit list)

I think I sabotaged myself by getting this bird but I love him so that is that. If Gino does not go w/ me and stays w/ his girlfriend for Christmas then he can bird sit and me and Sam will stay the few days at my brother's house. I don't know...

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 5 days ago

If he would just act like a normal bird this would not be an issue, extra food and water and he'd just stay on his perch in his cage which is as big as the house but right now he is break dancing in the room on Gino's desk while Gino is trying to play X-box. hehe!

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 5 days ago

Gino works graveyard comes home in the morning and runs straight for the bird and when Sam comes in the door from school he runs straight for the bird. (This bird is holding us all hostage w/ his love)

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 5 days ago

Ergo, let the kids watch the bird and get to partying!

Now, what have I done to get "treated" to Prince every day?


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - 1999

// crae_work / 659 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah that's just "your" age talking you're prob still going through the party phase = bored ppl searching for someone and something in life. I know what I want in life but that doesn't mean I'll get what I want.

/me jumps back into work mode and wonders now how in the world did this happen so fast!!!

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 4 days ago

I was born old.

While you're slaving over at work, today is Sinterklaas on this side of the ocean.

I invoked the magic words "ik heb nog helemaal niks gehad van Sinterklaas" and lo and behold, a chololate letter was delivered. Scored another one at work.

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm I only know: I, have and from. (from your magic words up there) but they are probably actually another evil spell...

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 4 days ago

"I haven't gotten anything yet from Sinterklaas".

Works miracles when uttered in the presence of parents.


* craeonics is listening to: Focus - Hocus Pocus

// crae_work / 659 weeks and 3 days ago

Be careful not to say that to your parents cuz they'll toss you their kittens! Dutchy do you actually ride your bike to work in 30 degree temps? I have to get up earlier now to get over here to LA and it was 36 degrees! I was freezing this morning! How do you do it?

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 3 days ago

Those are normal temperatures in autumn this far up north? Yesterday I peddled back against the wind through a hailstorm. I tell you, those little bolts of ice hit quite hard.

Oh, and I have a thick winter coat. I'm impervious to the perils of the weather in it.

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 3 days ago

It's rare for us to drop so low like we have recently we stay pretty warm even through our winters and then blazing hot during our summers.

So is that normal to see ppl actually riding bikes in hail over there or are you the only crazy I mean crae_zzz person doing that? Your skin is going to shatter like glass!? Now I feel bad for complaining would you believe I seen two buttons by my car seat and didn't know what they were for and recently discoved they are seat warmers? I'm only really freezing for about 15 mins in my car before my car and my butt warmer heats up. Dutchy I don't understand how in the world you do it...

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 3 days ago

Weren't you from New York originally?I'm quite sure temperatures over there are even lower this time of the year.

And everyone over here ride their bikes in this weather. You've got to get around somehow and cars are a hassle. There are ofcourse sissies who go by car.


* craeonics is listening to: George Michael - One more try

// crae_work / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

Yes I was born in Brooklyn, NY but raised in Cali so I don't even sound or talk like my family they tease me that I sound like I'm from England compared to their Brooklyn accents. Anyways even when it rains over here in Cali the temps are still warm...

Being attacked today me goes get busy (I need to be an octopus today)

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

Guess who had to plow through a storm to get home today...

Fortunately, I know exactly the right song for that occasion:


* craeonics is listening to: Amon Amarth - Amon Amarth [[link]]

# A storm rolls in from the sea

# Covering the land with black thunder clouds

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

So, why is the weatherman dotting a wind force of nine right on top of my town? /me looks up the Beaufort scale...

Hmm, English Wikipedia list 9 as "strong gale", Dutch version however says "storm". Okay, which is it?

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

Mijn crazy dutchy putting yourself through that, whist I on this side of the ocean earlier this morning was back in 30 degrees temps but ridin in her car butt warmer set to high and beaming and blazin some Tiësto from outter space. I guess I'm not only a sissy I'm a spoiled rotten brat! I love rain and snow and nothing beats a thunder storm "but only" when I'm at home (I hate when work ruins the mood)

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

Strange, looking at your weather we've dropped lower then you lately at night. And by day we've gotten only to the 60's

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay it sounded extremely good until the usual growling began and I'm not listening to growling before I go jump into bed tonight or I'll have nightmares!

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

Perhaps what I'm currently hearing is more to your liking. Meanwhile the wind has decreased, but unfortunately it's blowing from the south west now (instead of west yesterday), so it's directly coming from the direction I have to go in tonight. Grrr...


* craeonics is listening to: Caro Emerald - Back it up

// crae_work / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

I've never heard of Caro Emerald? Who is that? (have to check that out tonight) it's alilttle warmer right now 38 and suppose to reach 66

Anyways, ride that wind home mijn dutchy good thing you're close to home the stupid traffic was so bad it took me 2 hours to get in today. (hate this) but I'm now working my new schedule so I get tomorrow off hooray!!!

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

She's a Dutch singer who's on TV just about every time I flick channels. Alright, slight exaggeration, but she's quite popular.

Tune that was on the radio: [link]. Not my thing though (old fogey music). Needs more monsters in forests.

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

I had to look her up that link won't load from my stupid phone but I got one that loaded that song was not too bad but she's a bit too jazzy for my taste (though I'm now approaching old fogey age)

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

Monsters in forest are fine growling demons in Hell are diff. Like I've said before some of those growls are just different they shiver down my spine.

// Dor_work / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

If you think the "growl" of Amon Amarth's singer is bad, you should see his beard: [link] (dude at the front with the axe).

// crae_zzz / 659 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe dutchy, welllll I'm not sure what small animals might be residing in that nest (but he still ain't got ZZ Top beat yet)

// Dor_zzz / 659 weeks and 22 hours ago

Those ZZ Top guys must have entire meals built up in those beards of theirs.

Me goes play some fast stuff to kick off the day.


* craeonics is listening to: Amon Amarth - Destroyer of the Universe [link]

// craeonics / 659 weeks and 15 hours ago

Hmm that one is actually not bad at all (pretty good actually) but I'm in the process of trying to wake up so that is too fast I'm more like this: Argh! my Loki is jumping from my desk onto my hands and all over my keyboard!

Anyways needs to go get get my workout on this morning at the gym so this is more appropriate: [link]

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 11 hours ago

Okay bird just took a key off my board!

gotta run...

// Doreen / 659 weeks and 11 hours ago

Okay now I've been hearing this tune for a while and didn't even realize that irritating maroon guy was in it!? What in the world!?


// Doreen / 659 weeks and 1 hour ago

That J. Cole tune starts with him ripping off Paula Abdul [link], so I shouted "nooo" when I first heard it.

What's that other tune... Argh, Gym Class Zeroes...


* craeonics is listening to: the neighbour listening to: Cliff Richards & The Young Ones - Living Doll

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 6 days ago

Been listening to nothing but Trance by Dutch DJ's (in my car of course) I need to get a satellite radio for my house...

My crazy bird in action: [link]

When I let him out and he's running around he brings me his ball when you toss it he hops across the floor to chase it and brings it back to you. (he's totally crazy)

// Doreen / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm not sure if that vid will play or not for you (but it should)

// Doreen / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

I actually need to read around tonight about this bird or buy a book or something cuz he doesn't even behave anything like a normal bird at all, he likes to play as if he is a puppy he attacks my shoes and like to play tug of war (ripping up everything!) and he cries in his cage so I'm not sure what to do w/ him. hehe

No way in Hell I'm buying a second one to keep him company cuz this guy is a handful!

// Doreen / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

Perhaps he was taken from his mother too soon. Poor bird. All alone, with nothing but hairy apes around him.


* craeonics is listening to: Robin S. - Show me love

// crae_work / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

Perhaps is right dutchy cuz I called the lady to see what is the deal with this bird she said she hatched him in her Avery and hand fed and raised him. Apparently this bird don't even know he's a bird? So what am I suppose to do buy him a mirror? Also normal birds live 15-20 years but this particular breed lives for 40 years which means now I'll need to teach him how to read so he can read my will when I die and he buries me!!!

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

If your bird friend was never around other birds, you've got a basket case. Bit like those wolf children that pop up every now and then: [link]

Best bet is really to get another bird so he has some same-species company.

Which is also why I have two cats and not just one.

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

She told me he won't bond with another bird but will most likely attack and harm another bird. As a matter of fact I never had any intentions of buying any pets (I'll spare you the story of how this happened) but he selected me and it was love at first sight.

He seemed to bond with Gino and Sammy so I figured me and the boys could handle taking turns with our schedules and stuff but now he is attacking and biting anyone who gets next to me like my other bird that I had to give away only diff is I love this bird and now Sammy is begging me to get rid of this bird and I had to tell him I may have to get rid of him before I get tid of this bird. Not sure what I'm going to do cuz I love this bird.

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

Stop making faces! It's raining over here and I want to go home cuz I miss mijn Loki...

Super quiet today between the rainy weather and alot of ppl taking off for the Holidays.

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 4 days ago

/me thinks you need to call the Bird Whisperer. Maybe Cesar can sort things out

I managed to dodge heavy rainfall today by waiting until it dried up. And now... clear blue skies.

// crae_work / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

Me thinks my kids can go buy themselves gloves and a suit of armor cuz me decided I'm keeping this bird!

Rain gone on this side today as well and blue skies all around hopefully you have better transportation for when and if you get snow dutchy...

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

Come rain or snow, I still ride my bike. Snow isn't too bad, freezing is. The city sprays salt on the roads when it freezes, but they only do the main roads. And I happen to take the shortcuts which become slippery as hell.

So I'd rather have a rainy winter than one with frost.

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

Aw, c'moooon.....

Are you two still at it?! ;)

Get a proper hobby, like... I dunno.... skinning? ;-P

Not that I remember how it's done...

Anyway, just wanted to poke my head in and see if the old crae-fish still were alive. ;)

Dor.... You really -should- let him outside once in a while. ;)

// Snowman / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

Let who go out? My bird or crae? If you're talking about crae No way he's mijn dutchy! I'm beginning to wonder if we're both going to die together on this stupid board...

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

By the way snowy I hope you're all healed up and feeling like yourself again!

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 3 days ago

Talk about snow and the frosticle pops up. I hear you've been skinning yourself a bit lately, oh frosty. Bit too extreme if you ask me.


* craeonics is listening to: All Saints - Never ever

// crae_work / 658 weeks and 2 days ago

Happy hump day! And all interwoven with horrible Christmas tunes this wonderful morning. *sigh*

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 2 days ago

Aye! I've heard Wham's Last Christmas not one, not twice, but three freaking times today.

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay then it sounds like you had a worse day then mine is going so far. We've got a lot of attorneys and claim adjusters wandering around the halls here so I can't very well be blazing my lil Jon so I'm at the mercy of what I hear playing out in the hallway from the other offices. (unless of course everyone scrambles off to meetings)

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes dig up some Mr. Jon... Here we go, Role Call is a good one: [link] (also featuring Mr. Cube and Mr. Side Boys)

To add insult to injury, the past week I've heard Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas" and Wham's "Last Christmas" every morning. Seriously. I'm in hell.

// crae_zzz / 658 weeks and 2 days ago

Yup, yup mijnnnn dutchy knows what I like! And you're not in Hell until you've been stuck in traffic for hours after a longgg day of work: [link]

Unreal my freeway to get home was completely closed and I think it may not open back up for a day or two which = complete and sheer Hell for me.

Anyways regarding them horrible Christmas tunes we only have to bare it for two more weeks and everyone will jump out of their jolly Christmas mood...

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy (though you already are)

// Dor_zzz / 658 weeks and 1 day ago

That picture looks like it's straigh out of GTA. Going to be a big detour for the next few days.

/memo to self: still need to watch that bird video


* craeonics is listening to: Shanice - I love your smile

// crae_work / 658 weeks and 1 day ago

More like Carmageddon and I've got two more days of it but tomorrow I get to bail out an hour early so that will help a little.

/me goes get busy...

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 1 day ago

You loose that hour by having to detour through three other counties.

Hurray, weekend!

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh be quiet you!!!

/me is currently being tormented with some horrific Felix Navidad! Feliz Navidad! I wanna wish you a merry Christmas tune atm...

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 1 day ago

It's the season for bad music, it seems. I really cannot remember any Christmas song that is at least half decent.

// craeonics / 658 weeks and 15 hours ago

Me either come to think of it...

// Dor_work / 658 weeks and 10 hours ago

At least I have three days of downtime (of which half has already passed) until the Christmas song onslaught begins anew.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 6 days ago

And I've got two days of the same and freedom from carmageddon as well. Off to go dance w/ the laundry early this morning...

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm afraid our days of freedom are over already. I see the dread silhouette of monday looming over the horizon. One more week to go and then I have two weeks off.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 5 days ago

Well atleast you have that to look forward to (you get wayyy too much vacation time over there!)

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 5 days ago

Or you get not nearly enough. I have twenty point something days. Most have 25, but then again, most work five days a week and I don't.

I have to go through a Christmas dinner at work first before I'm off the hook. Blegh!

// crae_zzz / 657 weeks and 5 days ago

Well enjoy! They've been having them everyday at my work bad music and bad food (which of course will have everyone making new years resolutions to get their big booties off afterwards)

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm beginning to like my happy lil skater boy's tunes (which could be from me having to hear them over and over again so much)


// Doreen / 657 weeks and 5 days ago

Will have to check that out when I get home. Also still have to watch that video of your bird. Busy, busy, busy.

Meanwhile, old fogey radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Rod Stewart - Young Turks

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

Don't bother I already took it down dutchy it was at night so it was poor lighting and it came out all gold and grainy. It was just my crazy bird playing around with his toys on his back. (I just love my bird he's more like having a puppy really) but I suppose I shouldn't bore you with my craziness.

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

/memo to self: if I wait long enough crazy animal videos get taken down before I get to see them

And once again, old fogey radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

/me plays the video... Hmm, I think I know that tune. It's your average alternative band. Never seen the video though.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

Hey don't get too excited that I won't bore you with my crazy bird vids cuz I'm still going to bore you with stories about my crazy bird I can't help it he's so strange when I pick him up he flips over in my hand on his back so I can pet his white belly and makes a weird purring sound and goes to sleep like that (on his back) Birds are suppose to sleep standing up on a perch that I'm aware of?

As for Sammy's music taste he was listening to a tune the other day and when I asked him what the name of it was he said "cough syrup" what in the world but I guess I should be happy he don't have my taste of music.

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is listening to yet another whistling tune and wondering what exactly is up with all these whistling tunes lately? (not sure of the name) but thankful the office across the hall from me finally changed the Christmas station.

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 4 days ago

OMG what in the world is this? Is this for real? [link]

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

That is what we call "acting". Or not. It's a strange country.

The only time any of my birds (I've had two parakeets and a pidgeon) lay on their backs was when they were dead.


* craeonics is listening to: Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

Strange indeed I've never seen anything like that before it looked as if they didn't cry hard enough someone was going to shoot them in the head!!

Dutchy it's time for you to take control of that radio over there!

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

I was the DJ. My colleagues get restless by any beat going over 80 BPM. Muse is about the fastest they can handle. So I just put on some 80s channel and the old fogeys are happy.

Unrelated: some mad Christmas lights video I got sent: [link]

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh boy, when my Mom or my Aunt send me a link they go directly to the trash but since you are not my Mom or Aunt (and mainly cuz I see no trash) me goes check it out...

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay for some strange reason that one actually loaded on my phone with no problem and was semi painless. (thought it was going to be some overly Christmas joke) be careful cuz that skrillex weirdo will grow on you...

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 3 days ago

Either way, this guy (or girl, but I suspect guy) had way too much time on his hands to do the Chrismas decorating.


* craeonics is listening to: Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't it be good

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 2 days ago

Wait, wait! My fastly becoming favourite song.


* craeonics is listening to: Baltimora - Tarzan Boy

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! Mijn gek dutchy (probably said that wrong but so what) I remember you showing me that awful song...

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 2 days ago

It's the best song ever. Even better, it was followed by Modern Talking, which is so bad it becomes good again.


* craeonics is listening to: Labrinth ft. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake [link]

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

Best song ever? So bad it becomes good? How about worse song ever that becomes worser and worsest! Ack! You are gek...

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

Since today is a day I can get away with tunes...

Maxi Priest - Just A Little Bit Longer

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

Tarzan Boy is an acquired taste.

Seventeen minutes to go until my two week Christmas holiday!

// crae_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

It amazes me that song gets "any" air time at all. Anyways, Vrolijk Kerstfeest mijn dutchy. (I have only 4 days off but I'll not complain)

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

It's already off on a bad start. I come home and my cats walk to me, like they usually do, and my tomcat is moving as if he's drunk, falling to the right a bit.

Very distressing to see. But he was happily eating his food (leaning to the right). I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if this is a temporary thing or a visit to the vetis in order.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

I hope he'll be okay dutchy (me sends healing vibes to Mr Tom) sounds like a virus but when my Mom's cat got sick he stopped eating all together and just layed around cuz he could not stand up. He survived but only after spending a couple nights at the vet and they gave her meds to continue at home for him and my Mom got a bill for 2-3 hundred dollars! So lets hope whatever is on him simply goes away.

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm according to google it could be a stroke? (I didn't even know cats could have strokes) So many things it could be according to google but all you can do right now is observe him and see if his symptoms improve or worsen dutchy.

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

Yes I'm slacking today at work! Anyways I'm hoping from what I just read this sounds like it could be just "Vestibular Disease" (which sounds worse than it really is) if he has that he could improve within 2-3 days on his own. Check his ears too...

// Dor_work / 657 weeks and 1 day ago

You did the same googling I did. He's not acting sick or anything. He's basically the same as always, but with a fifteen degree tilt to the right. Meaning he trips when trying to walk. And he was not amused when he tried to jump on the couch and fell off, due to his messed up equilibrium.

Anyway, he'll be visiting the vet this afternoon. Vet didn't sound too alarmed. Probably an ear infection or so.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 16 hours ago

That's what it sounds like, since most likely it's only something serious when they stop eating and drinking and trying to walk all together.

/me hopes for the best outcome for Mr. Tom. (and mijn dutchy's vet bill) and hops off to the gym...

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 11 hours ago

The vet gave a big (and I mean big) injection in my cats lower back and a smaller one in his neck. He then applied salve to the cats ear by means of some type of spray.

I have to do the ear spray thing for seven days plus give him two tablets a day for ten days. If it's not over by then, it's something serious.

Anyway, Mr. Tomcat is chilling on the couch right now.

// craeonics / 657 weeks and 11 hours ago

Good! That sounds like it should kick whatever it is in the behind (even if it is a virus too) but the thing is if it turns out to be a virus instead of an ear infection you'll need to keep a close eye on your other cat cuz that will be contagious so the vet will need to give you some pills for the other cat for a week as a precaution or you'll have double trouble. In the meantime it would be wise to "try" not to let the other cat eat off Mr Tom's dishes (atleast that was the case w/ my Mom's cat cuz she has two cats as well)

/me sends Mr. Tom a get well card...

// Doreen / 657 weeks and 8 hours ago

He's still walking around with his head tilted. Going to give him his first dose of medicines later. This means one pissed off cat and a couple of scratch marks to add to my ever-growing collection.

Anyway, enough ct business. Christmas is almost upon us, so we're almost relieved of those god awful tunes.

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 6 days ago

It's going to take some time for the meds to kick in most likely (but you should see him better in a week if it is a good diagnosis)

Anyways me skips over state line w/ Sammy to my brothers to act silly over there for two days. I got Gino to bird sit for me!

Have a good Christmas mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 656 weeks and 6 days ago

It's noon and my neighbour plus girlfriend are already drunk. Why else would they be singing Roxette's "Listen to your heart" (completely out of tune)?

Anyway, have fun out there in that strange and different state.

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm sure you'll be hearing more of that from your neighbours until the end of this year. Anyways, had fun I'm done, and now to go through my neglected house and clean like a tornado cuz work is already tomorrow. Hope your kitty is feeling better by now...

// Doreen / 656 weeks and 4 days ago

Well, that was a short trip. But the best thing at the moment... no more Christmas tunes!

Oh, and Mr Tomcat is walking straight again. Still have to give him daily medications the rest of the week though.

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 3 days ago

Veryyyy short, and 8 hrs of that was used for travel time but only had two nights to spare cuz I'm back at work already. Me and one other employee have to man the fort this week alone. (good thing about this is I've got my speakers and my tunes ready)

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh and glad to hear Mr Tom is doing better...

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 3 days ago

Katchafire - Meant To Be

Yup dis be some goed music...

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 3 days ago

/me looks that up... Argh, so sweet, my enamel is cracking.

For some reason I rarely listen to music when I have the day off. Probably because that time is spent playing games (Oblivion at the moment). Music is more for work. My colleagues probably prefer it the other way around.

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 2 days ago

That's one of Gino's favorite games too. I seriously do not want to be here today (but I am) so I better find some good tunes to get me out of this mood today...

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 2 days ago

Only decent station lately (or I should say "reachable" from work) is this Island 98.5 station:

Chaka Demus & Pliers - Tease Me (It'll have to do)

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 2 days ago

Doreen listening to Chakademus & Pliers? It's the end of the world.

I bought Oblivion when all the Skyrim (its sequel) brouhaha was making rounds and I was curious to see what kind of game it was. It's a bit dated visually and a bit too much "go there and fetch that" to my liking, but the world is massive. I'm doing something wrong though, because combat is hard compared to other games.

Also, it's quite a time sink. And no trophies on the PS3.

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 1 day ago

And only now do I notice that the font we use here at Tek (Trebuchet) renders the ampersand in quite the historic fashion: & = e + t ("et" meaning "and" in Latin). See: [link]

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 1 day ago

Sammy is still on vacation so he's been glued to his computer and Xbox last night I think he went to bed around 4:00am but I let him go for it cuz I can relate (I'm just a bit jealous I've not been able to game it anymore due to work zapping the life out of me)

And if Tek is rendering things in historic fashion it's cuz it isss now a historic monument or land mark whatever you call that?

// Dor_dontwannabehere! / 656 weeks and 1 day ago

We are quite historic in internet terms. I should do an update... Hey, look, isn't that Oblivion I see over there? /me wanders off

When I see or hear the words "I don't wanna", this Type O Negative song comes to mind: [link]

// craeonics / 656 weeks and 15 hours ago

Friday! Friday! Friday! (and my early day to boot!)

/me goes see if that link of yours loads...

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 11 hours ago

Argh! Won't load nor does it lead me to see what it was (more of the joys of being a county employee and not being allowed to play on the Internet during working hours like private industry and fat cats in higher offices do)

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 11 hours ago

I'm actually considering buying the new iPad when it comes out so I can have it here at work with me and tether it to my phone for internet cuz I can't do much on this phone and they block us on our desktop machines (I've no idea why) hehe

Today I've got to sweet talk an IT guy to get me past admin priv so I can install a simple docking station I need for one of my toy gadgets but I'm not sure it'll work he's a hard nose.

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 11 hours ago

Okay so he's not a hard nose after all. Lord forgive me...

I got my docking station! Hooray!

// Dor_work / 656 weeks and 8 hours ago

Me thinks thou formst a liability to county computer security and integrity. Working on that poor sysop to get special priviledges...

Speaking of liabilities, is that yet anohter moth cocoon I see in the corner of my eye? /me goes investigate


* craeonics is listening to: Hate Forest - Cold of the Grave [Sorrow, 01]

// crae_zzz / 656 weeks and 5 hours ago

Me thinks I don't really care about county computer security and integrity they already own me but I need to own my computer or atleast a part of it. And that poor sysop made it clear that he is going to deny it all the way to his grave that he ever installed those drivers and software for me (which means if I get busted I'm going to the gallows completely and totally "alone")

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

OMG dutchy that song totally sucks. *shivers*

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

There is this certain style of music in which a wall of sound is put up, consisting of resonating guitars and blast beat drumming. It's almost like a blizzard. Behind this cold, evil storm traces of a bass melody can be distinguished. And through this all come sudden gusts of vocals.

The first lines from Burzum's "Stemmen fra Taarnet" [link] are (translated):

# An unknown voice called

# From the tower

# Wherein no-one lives

# Beyond the forest

# Where nothing dwells

It is this what epitomises the "demons in forests" thing. There is something out there. Beyond these dark, wind swept, unpenetrable woods. The first track on the first Burzum album is in fact called "Feeble Screams from Forests Unknown".

I can listen to this, the atmosphere it creates, all day.

It is also why I can never play what I like at work and stick to 80s pop tunes there.

I can also can get quite philosophical about this kind of music, as you may have noticed.

Anyway, enjoy the end of the year.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

For the record, I live in the city along the coast and the only woods around here are city parks. For forests, I'd have to travel inland across half the country.

The atmosphere here is more provided by the heavens pressing down on these lands (no mountains, wide streets and low buildings, so the sky is "present") and the western wind blowing across the North Sea.

So in that sense, perhaps Amon Amarth's "North Sea Storm" is more fitting: [link] (and also devoid of demons).

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

Certain tunes of Amon are actually pretty good. But that Burzum normally sends chills up and down my spine and makes my temperature change.

We all hear certain things/sounds that stand out in each tune I suppose? I catch alot of remarks about some of the things I listen to but I don't hear the things in my music other ppl focus on since I mainly ride the deep beats in the background that most others can't even hear. They listen to the trashy parts (I could hear the same tune 1000 times and not know what in the world they are singing about) However, sometimes the lyrics can be the first thing that jumps out (on rare occasions or Christian rock whatever)

One common thread amongst us all is we "all" love "sound" period...

Dutchy can you believe we are ending yet another year!? For me this year was the fastest of my life so far. Anyways, me leaves a new year kiss for you to pick up tonight over here and have fun mijn dutchy (but not toooo much!) I'm kicking back tonight I've no desire to go anywhere just cuz well jusss cuz I don't if on the 3rd or 4th I feel like it I will but this picking certain days of the year and forcing moods to match never works for me...

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

We'll be in our graves/urns before we know it. Let's just hope the most was made of the time in between.

Got to go set off fireworks as usual, so I'll have to eat early. Dinner's usually around midnight.

No, I am not a vampire.

Anyways, have fun. See you in 2012 (when the world is supposed to end according to some).

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

You might be in your grave or urn before you know it but I already told you I'm getting to the beach one way or another (and most likely it will be the other) my kids know when my time comes I'm to be cremated and tossed into the ocean at the beach.(so know grave or urn for me) hehe!

It's ummm lemme seee almost 11:00 over there so one more hour to the new year for you! On this end it's sunny and warm and 2:00 now. Do I dare put on the TV and watch the crazy count downs that show all the years catastrophes and ppl that died? Nah me goes play w/ my crazy bird that thinks he's a dog or something.

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 6 days ago

Annnd... it's 2012.

/me looks out of the window

Still no flying cars.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 5 days ago

/me thinks maybe next year since we already have some guy flying around in a one man jet pack somewhere last month.

Happy first day of 2012.

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 5 days ago

They were flying around in jet packs in the 60s already: [link]. But they're not quite feasible as consumer products.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh well who cares it's enough for me to worry about my front and rear view mirrors in my car I'm in no rush to have to watch a third mirror looking up next...

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 4 days ago

Anyways the real mind boggling stuff is in space. Gino went out and bought some rediculously expensive telescope w/ special lens (he's now going through his Galileo phase) and was driving me crazy giving me a tour of space last night until he left for work then he comes home around 5am and tries to wake me up to show me Saturn and it's rings (I could kill him) but very cool stuff out there that makes everything else seem odd and futile...

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 4 days ago

What's even more interesting is that you can see much more of the night sky if you get away from the city. City lights drown out star light.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 3 days ago

So I heard we will have to see about that I suppose.

And on a diff subject, today we have a new employee and I'm already seeing weirded out behavior amongst the co-workers in this dept which will make for a semi interesting day today here at work...

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 3 days ago

Very interesting new lady talks like count Dracula. (cool)

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 3 days ago

Which in my mind translates as an Eastern-European or Russian accent. Thick L's and A's pronounced as O's.

Or as the woman in this car commercial: [link]

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey why isn't mijn dutchy at work? (hopefully your not attending any cat funerals)

Not sure what she is? She's as stiff and straight as a board and looks as if she smiled she might either crack or shatter? Everyone is avoiding her like the plague and nobody can pronounce her name so they don't talk to her. I'm gonna let her get settled in for another day and then go check her out better (cuz she looks to be a trip) so I'll grab her and show her the ropes around county.

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

Have to check that vid out later at lunch but she sounds like she came from Transylvania maybe count Dracula's offspring.

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

This little Dutchy has two weeks off... Which are sadly almost over by now. I'm already starting to lose track of what day it is.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

That's right I remember now that you told me (I probably mentally blocked that out since I don't like it when you're off and I'm stuck at work!)

*cough* Have fun and enjoy your time off

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe dutchy that vid you posted actually loaded and you are veryyy close she kinda sounds like that! Strange accent, when she talks I so enjoy watching the expression on everyone's faces.

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 2 days ago

I have a bad habit of imitating other people's voices. And it turns out my "hysterical customer" voice is close enough to how one of my colleagues sounds to fool people.

And the best thing about that, is that it was completely unintentional.

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 1 day ago

Silly! I've no clue what you sound like which is strange since we've been talking for years now. But I know what you type like!? hehe

/me goes get busy to get this day over with as quickly as possible.

Friday! Friday! Friday! (well today is "my" Friday anyways)

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy I couldn't stand it today cuz the new co-worker looks so scared I had to go check her out closer, total trip this lady could pass for Dracula's wife (I'm serious) very cool lady I could talk to her forever jussss cuz I just love her accent so much! She's so nervous though, but I think I can fix that for her. hehe

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 1 day ago

And I seen her smile she even has fangs! And I'm joking (but I was looking for them)

// Dor_work / 655 weeks and 1 day ago

With colleagues like that, who needs enemies?

Meanwhile, I've actually heard a half decent new song recently: [link].

// craeonics / 655 weeks and 5 hours ago

Why do you keep saying colleague? It sounds like you're in college w/ a fellow student studying together for some masters degree when in reality they are simply "co-workers" slaving for their paycheck like the person sitting next to them? hehe

I've been wanting to ask you that for years! /me goes check that definition out...

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 2 hours ago

Argh! Dutchy!!!! (Well it does not sound like what it means!)

Anyways my "colleague" is cool she's my new best fried I should kick you to the curb now since I can actually "hear" what she says! Our Boss wants me to keep close to her so she don't transfer out cuz she's a scared cat right now which is cool cuz I get to spend hours giving her the grand tour around the hospital grounds introducing her to everyone and listening to her talk (and watching everyone's face when she does talk) I actually think I kinda missed count dracula's wife a bit today.

And that song you posted the link to is fairly decent, I've not heard that one before but if you like that you seriously need to get Sirius XM you'd be in Heaven nothing but good stuff. And the bestest part is there is no talking in between tunes just back to back goodness...

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 2 hours ago

[link] and [link]

// Doreen / 655 weeks and 2 hours ago

In Dutch we use the word "collega" so when chosing between "co-worker" and "colleague", I'd probably go for what sounds most familiar. Plus, "co-worker" literally translates to Dutch as "medewerker" which in fact means "employee" here.

The linguistic term for this is "false friends".

Those Deadmau5 tunes have that mushy drum/bass that I don't like. This is a better track of his' [link] (featuring a wobble bass).

Unrelated, this song is quite nice too. Not new, but I just strolled uupon it in the Forest of Tube: [link]

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 6 days ago

Well I think I like anything that mouse makes. Second link is good (I've never heard of it before) good sexy slow beats in it...

// Doreen / 654 weeks and 6 days ago

Speaking of Mr Mau5, this one (or rather, the three minute radio edit) got a lot of airplay this side of the Atlantic: [link]

Argh, play time is over. Back to work tomorrow...

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 5 days ago

Actually that is one I've never heard on this side of the Ocean? (but it's kinda pretty)

/me goes fight w/ the lines at the gym all those new year resolutioners are getting in my way! (they should last about a week or two before the gym gets back to normal)

// Doreen / 654 weeks and 5 days ago

Here's an interesting thing. Listen to the last few seconds of the video to that song, deadmau5 ft. Kaskade's "I Remember" [link]. Then listen to Alexis Jordan's "Happiness" [link] (a god awful track).

Is that the same beat or am I hearing things?

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 5 days ago

They sound pretty identical to me. That happens alot in the music industry some by coincidence but most by marketing strategy where they rip off a beat that makes it in another song so they take that beat and try to get away w/ running in the bg of another totally diff tune. Surprisingly they don't get caught too often (or most just don't notice the rip)

The beats from that tune tainted love I've noticed used in more tunes then I can count.

// Doreen / 654 weeks and 4 days ago

Welcome back to the work force dutchy! =)

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 4 days ago

Forgot to post from work. Was a short day anyway, since I also had to visit the dentist. So...


* craeonics is listening to: the cat, purring

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 4 days ago

Short day after a 2 week vacation! You guys are spoiled over there.

Timex Social Club - Rumors (and I think it's time to change this station)

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 4 days ago

Back at work. Customers who want the stars from the heavens, tomorrow. Business as usual.


* craeonics is listening to: The Bangles - Walk like an Egyptian

// crae_work / 654 weeks and 3 days ago

Old fogey radio. Rarely hear this version. The Pet Shop Boys version is a thousand times better.


* craeonics is listening to: Elvis Presley - Always on my Mind

// crae_work / 654 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! Dutchy you definetely need to get control of that radio! And on this side of the ocean me is listening to the usual sounds of my county computer which is trying to load up for my day. (the sounds coming out if it are more frightening than Burzum!)

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 3 days ago

Something good I listened to whilst driftinggg home from work today. I can't believe I found it since there apparently are 50 diff versions of it?


// Doreen / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

Calvin Harris is quite hit and miss. But I don't have audio at the moment, so I can't tell if that song is any good or not.

Still fossil radio. Since most of my co-workers are ancient this is probably most soothing for them.


* craeonics is listening to: Michael Jackson - Off the Wall

// crae_work / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

My co-workers all have bottomless pits for stomachs they eat constantly and I can't even get to my desk without them attacking me with food it's rediculous! This morning one attacked me with some goat cheese with cherries and nuts!?

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

Literally my butt is doomed if I stay too long in this dept...

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

Over here they're always complaining that it is cold. They walk around in multiple layers and sweaters and what not. I walk around in a T-shirt.

Look, more or less modern music!


* craeonics is listening to: Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl

// crae_work / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

Probably cuz you're immune to cold from listening to all that frosty cold demons in the forest music you listen to?

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 2 days ago

Probably because my parents were of the "no, the thermostat is not too low, just put three extra layers" variety, so I'm used to it.

// crae_work / 654 weeks and 1 day ago

And you are telling that to someone who drove into work with her seat warmers on this morning so my butt is all toasty and warm (but my hands are freezing like ice cubes)

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 1 day ago

Sissies! All of you!

Meanwhile I've got a song in my head with a title that's not quite PG to translate: [link] (it's a parody on the type of songs guys like this listen to).

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 1 day ago

It loaded! And now I'm hoping my office is sound proof or my co-workers are going to wonder what in the world I was listening to in here! Do I dare ask my dutchy to translate that? hehe

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 1 day ago

The title is "hoeren neuken, nooit meer werken" which means "bang hookers, never work again". The song is a parody on the usual "slice of life of the common man" lyrical themes of these type of songs.

The male singer (an actor in the movie of which this is the title track) sings about all the things that are going wrong in his life and that all he dreams of or wants to do is what the title says.

The female singer is a legend in this genre, who's been around for decades. There's a link to a fragment of a talk show next to this movie in which she explains (in Dutch) that some of her fans were upset by her using such rough language, but she sees the thing as a one-time joke and was happy to participate.

The first two words of the title are very, very rude. Even I, swo swears like a sailor, never use them.

It's quite a catchy tune though. Stuck in my head all day.

// crae_zzz / 654 weeks and 1 day ago

Rough language? Bang and Hooker? First off they don't really call them hookers on this end they call them "Ho" or Hole which seems to make more sense to me than Hooker (when you think of it) but Ho sounds much more vile and nasty, then again any person who can just let any stranger enter into the door of their very soul is pretty nasty to me. (sorry if that sounds rude but doing "that" particular thing is not just a dance)

As far as "words" go no matter what words they are they are just words.

I don't say certain words or even type them cuz I feel rediculous when I do so I stopped early on when I actually listened or caught notice to how stupid "I" sounded saying them. I've got one of them voices that when I had a land line phone and got those telemarketer calls as soon as I would answer the phone they would say "Can I please speak to your Mom?" in which I'd reply "Ummm hellooooo I ammm the Mom" (another words I've got a voice that convicts me when I say a word that don't fit me) My Mom on the other hand swears like a sailor like you. hehe

Come to think of it I cringe when I hear her too but swearing and being female sounds pretty nasty to me and my friends have them special words in their vocabulary too (actually I'm not too sure I know anyone who does not swear)

/rambling off now. hehe

// Doreen / 654 weeks and 23 hours ago

rambling back on...

Hopefully you know what I mean cuz I know on that side hookers are legal and stuff so it's most likely more acceptable (kinda like a drive through burger king) hehe

But I just can't understand "that" sell "anything" but selling "yourself" is just something I cannot comprehend. Ack!

// Dor_zzz / 654 weeks and 23 hours ago

People make their own choices. As long as it is not the path to destruction, more power to them.

Regarding rudeness, I softened the words in translation. I may be blunt (and very much so), but I'm not rude. It's a sort of uneasiness with certain disrespectful words.

Speaking of uneasy, this new Duck Sauce video is crazy: [link] (and also behind lock and key for minors, come on YouTube, there's no nudity in here, geez).

// craeonics / 654 weeks and 15 hours ago

That explains things cuz I do know bang and hooker can't possibly be considered rough "words" specially where prostitution and weed are both legally acceptable. Anyways me has to check that link out later at lunch I've got ppl wandering around me this morning and not sure what to expect on that link. Enjoy your day off work me goes get busy.

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 10 hours ago

"Could not load movie" is the pop up MSG on my phone ( its always hit or miss with vids on this phone) so I've no clue what that is check that out later...

// Dor_work / 654 weeks and 5 hours ago

Dutchy! You've no idea how happy I am that didn't load earlier at work and you've no idea the hassle to finally view that stupid thing w/ all the road blocks I encountered but totally worth the view. hehe!!! Never seen anything as rediculous and silly as that. Hats off to the crazy nut that thought that one up...

// Doreen / 654 weeks and 1 hour ago

And thumbs down for the crazy nut who put it behind lock and key. I see it on TV all the time, but for YouTube I need to have an account?

Lemme see if The Beloved is still hidden away (because of naked flesh)... Ah, here it is: [link].

// craeonics / 653 weeks and 6 days ago

You see "that" on TV? (no you won't see that on TV on this side of the Ocean) I'm thinking whoever thought up the word "ho" or term "Gimme some head" made that vid. hehe

As for the Beloved vid nope that one loaded w/ no issues but I think subconsciously that other vid might have traumatized me cuz I was almost picturing all those naked ppl in the beloved vid all having little bobble heads between their legs?

It's my Mom's birthday today so off to the beach it is! My bro and his wife came in from out of state late last night and my sis will be calling in an hour so me goes get in gear (gonna be a day of colorful words!)

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 6 days ago

While you're having fun at the party, and this is a song for that: [link], I have to get up early on a Sunday morning to help my idiot cousin move for the umpteenth time.

So much for this weekend.

// crae_zzz / 653 weeks and 6 days ago

Being around "my" family is not exactly a party to me but rather exhausting work! (they're veryyy wild) though it was a good day I'm sooo happy it's over.

/me goes get cozy at home. *sigh*

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 6 days ago

/me is dead too

Crazy fools don't know how to move. First, my idiot cousin did not sort out his stuff but decided to move everything, including a completely totalled desk/closet thing. Then they take an hour long break between each trip, wasting all my time. And ofcourse the usual madness of letting a couch down from the second floor through a window and then having to hoist it up at the new house.

No more!

// craeonics / 653 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe dutchy, me thinks in a few months your cousin will be calling you up to move again and you will not only help him move but into "your" house this time!

Anyways, today is totally overcast and perfect and me is going to kick it! No craziness for me today...

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 5 days ago

Andddd here comes theeee rain! Perfecto!

// Dor_zzz / 653 weeks and 5 days ago

Andddd also gets to enjoy a County Holiday today Yowza! Something halfway decent: [link]

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 4 days ago

So so at best. And I'm still dead. Three more days 'til weekend.

// craeonics / 653 weeks and 4 days ago

For me too, I will only be having to play slave for 3 days this week since this Friday is my RDO I love this new schedule (it makes it almost livable)

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 4 days ago

Four day work weeks beat five day weeks. Three days are even better, but I don't think the boss would like that. Two is too short to get anything done.


* craeonics is listening to: some tune that sounds just any other more trance-ish tune these days of which I cannot remember artist nor name

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm listening to the normal sounds of my computer struggling to wake up for our day and it's listening to my usual moaning sounds of trying to wake up and get in gear for my day as well...

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

I've had it with that old fogey stuff. Time for some also not quite new material...


* craeonics is listening to: 50 Cent - In da Club

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

Speaking of rappers you know that I really don't care for only these two in particular all the rest are okay but for some reason Jay-Z and Kanye West teamed up and made a fairly decent time (Niggas in Paris I believe is the name of it?)

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

Now I knowwww I typed tune but this keyboard keeps making strange auto corrections when I tap on my space bar!

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

I think I've heard that song. Can't remember how it sounded though. Kanye and Jay-Z need to be tied together and thrown off a cliff.


* craeonics is listening to: the news

// crae_zzz / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy I don't want to be here, this day is just dragging. And at 2:00 we have a staff meeting (where half the staff begin snoring)

// Dor_dontwannabehere / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

I have just the song for you: [link]

Meanwhile, I'm still dead. Two days to go...

// crae_zzz / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe! Dutchyyy, that link is going straight to my brother when he came to visit recently he was driving me crazy w/ that stupid tune singing that part "I work out!" he gave me a headache and Elmo is straight up his alley, and mine too (cuz I love Elmo)

Anyways, back home and I'm dead as well, yesss two days and counting...

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 3 days ago

All women love Elmo. There's something about that red critter that clicks with the Venusians.

The song I did not remember the name of yesterday was David Guetta ft. Sia - Titanium. It gets a lot of airplay, so I saw it again this morning.

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Old but good stuff on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: The Cure - A Forest

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Old but not so good music, but in a version you don't hear that often.


* craeonics is listening to: Shania Twain - That don't impress me much (original Country version)

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Elmo is sexy and he knows it. Anyways David Guetta does work with just about every recording artist on this side but now he's too commercial so I don't like him as much as I did 1-2 yrs ago when I first took notice of him. I mainly listen to that XM I keep telling you about and almost "everything" they play is by Dutch guys (since everyone of them have a "van" somewhere inside their name)

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Note that Armand van Helden, despite the Dutch name, is actually from the US of A. A lot of the "arena trance" producers are indeed from this little patch of land it seems. But let's not forget the boat load of big French producers (Guetta, Sinclar, Solveig, the guys behind Daft Punk) these days.

// craeonics / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Well you know me I actually don't know raw facts but simply assume based on hunch but these are the guys I regularly listen to on my station:


Josh Wink

Sander van Doorn


Armin van Buuren

Fedde le Grand etc

I'm assuming they are Dutch I think my fav is Sander van Doorn right now.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

Josh Wink is American. The others, umm, yeah, all Dutch.

I'm still dead. Someone explain to me why it is pouring out there when I'm supposed to take out the trash?

// crae_zzz / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

As long as your trash is not squirming and trying to walk away it probably can wait for tomorrow.

/me goes grab some lunch whilst you visit lalaland.

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 2 days ago

My trash did squiggle at some point in time during the summer some years ago. It was nasty. After that I made sure no flies can enter the house.

// crae_work / 653 weeks and 1 day ago

If I ever seen my trash squiggle I have two boys to handle that mess or I'd be calling the fire dept cuz me no touch squiggly trash.

// Dor_work / 653 weeks and 1 day ago

*cough* I called my mother and she took care of it *cough*

No way I'm touching or getting near those squiglies.

// crae_zzz / 653 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe! Well I really should not laugh but my kids already know when I kick the bucket to torch me and toss my ashes into the Ocean cuz me don't like the thought of squiggly things while I'm alive or in death (specially "on me" when I can't run and scream)

// Dor_zzz / 653 weeks and 1 day ago

We tossed my grandmother's ashes in the North Sea, just off the coast here. Ofcourse I held the pipe with the ash a bit too high so it ended up in everyone's hair, but it's the idea that counts.

// craeonics / 653 weeks and 15 hours ago

Now I find that to be totally cool, that's the way to make an exit (plus she touch everyone on their hair even on her way out)

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 11 hours ago

Yowza! No work today, Jailbreak for my iPhone finally due to be released within hours "and" rain coming this weekend!!!

Theming here I come! (I've not been able to theme for quite a while)


// Doreen / 653 weeks and 11 hours ago

Finallyyyyy! [link]

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 11 hours ago

*sigh* one links says hours and one says allow time to clean up bugs so obviously someone is jumping the gun. =(

/me goes pray they release it before I return to work on Monday (work has a way of blocking all fun in life) /*sigh*

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 11 hours ago

Sayyyy what! They released it!!!!!

/me goes underground for a few days...

// Doreen / 653 weeks and 8 hours ago

/me goes hide until this frenzy blows over

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Ohhh nooo you don't! I need your input but right now I've got me a nasty skinning hangover from last night. I want to post some ss's later on so that you can help me give my new theme a name (I'm not certain I like the one I came up w/ and need your visual advice)

I want to release this before I return to work on Monday and since it is raining buckets of rain and I am trapped inside the odds look good.

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay dutchy I need (or would like) "your" input cuz I do know you're brutally honest and I like that about you (sometimes)

I'm shooting to make a theme for the iPhone that looks so textured you can smell the leather when you look at it. I was going to call it "Stitches" (but I gave the name exactly 30 seconds of thought) and I'm not sure that is what I should call it?

How does this look to you so far? Is it okay or what?


// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

And here is the dialer and on this you need to go easy on me cuz I did not make the iPhone I'm only trying to skin the thing! The Dialer on the iPhone is theee most hardest app to skin since the way it basically is designed period so the bits and pieces just don't align very well (when one wants to get more creative than it was meant to be by default) to get the phone to look like this you also have to get the entire iPhone's "system" GUI to match since the titlebar (on top) and toolbar (on bottom) are "not" part of the iPhone's Dialer app so that is where the problems arises from.

Anyways it needs alot of work still but does this look "halfway" decent?


// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Anddddd since this is what I'm feeling like right now, me goes give this theme a break and go hit the gym for a bit I've got skinning burn out now from messing w/ it all night.


Thanks dutchy...

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

First image: looking good so far. The top bar looks great. The backdrop is a bit bland. If you have some control over the calendar, try using a smaller font size, because that 21 is way too big. Also, try using a single scale for your stitches. Using both big and small at the same time is messy. Best to use the big ones for everything.

Second image: good as well, but the bottom bar could use a darker colour, just like the dial buttons. Same thing with the stitches though: use one size and stick with it. If you can find one, it would also be cool if you had a font that looked stitched.

As for the name: stiches, cloth, leather, leatherface, ragdoll.

/me is a bit short on inspiration at the moment

// crae_zzz / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Calendar font is set to that size by default but I know a way around that so I will work on that. (thanks)

Noted: Yes I need to use a uniform stitch but as for now I want to just lay the foundation quickly (cuz of work restrictions) so I will take your advice and go back and redo those images.

Great advice from mijn dutchy (thank you) you'd have more inspiration if you would stop playing those games and get back into skinning!

/me goes hunt for a stitch font...

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchyyy! Thank you! I found the perfect font for the dialer it's called "Stitch & Bitch" Perfecto!

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

Unfortunately the idea and the font looked cool but when I tried it out when I looked at it and seen it, it looks like stitch overkill and I cannot figure out why the stupid fonts are soooo huge I'm using a size 8 which normally is microscopic and I have full control over that area on what I can use. Anyways back to the drawing board, I like the graphics layed down for the Dialer but the numbers on top look horrible and nothing is working out there.

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't know dutchy if it's that I'm just getting tired or what but what do you think? Here is that stitch font idea of yours put into action. And yesss I've tried it in black, white, shadow, no shadow, big, small (this is the best I can come out with that looks most balanced)


// Doreen / 652 weeks and 6 days ago

That's hard to read. I was actually thinking of a more embroidery type of font. One that zig zags. Bad example: [link]

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 5 days ago

Or this one [link], but bolder.

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 5 days ago

I already tried the Satin Stitch one too. I tried a couple but not the first link you just posted. Sometimes what you think will be bad turns out good so I'll give that one a try today. I'm not satisfied w/ that dialer and it's set me back time wise to get this up on Cydia before returning back to work.

Anyways thank you dutchy for trying to help me...

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 5 days ago

What a nightmare dutchy this dialer is! but I think I'm on to something I finally like, I still need to work on the bottom so don't look at that part but the dialer on top I'm more satisfied w/ it now, what do you think?


// Doreen / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

No way, that's nasty. Try using a flat, darker colour for the digits and then emboss them (meaning shadow top left, highlights bottom right) as if it were a pressing into the fabric.


* craeonics is listening to: Sade - Paradise

// crae_work / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

Okay back to the drawing board it is. Looks like you are back in old fogey hell again Sade? Raining on this end and all I can think about is jumping back in my bed.

// Dor_dontwannabehere / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

They were singing along. I kid you not.

I also heard Tarzan Boy, so I'm not complaining.

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

Singing along to Sade and Tarzan Boy? I'm glad I don't work in your office.

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

I sing along to Tarzan Boy, they sing along to Sade.

# Tonight

# Tonight

# Give the order

# Give the order

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh boy I was afraid of this my dutchy is getting crazy in his old age now.

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 4 days ago

I sing along with everything if I have some clue about what they're actually singing (which is quite hard to determine half the time).

// crae_work / 652 weeks and 3 days ago

After months of listening to this 80s station, they finally play one of my favourite tunes.


* craeonics is listening to: Laura Branigan - Self Control

// crae_work / 652 weeks and 3 days ago

You go from growling demons in forest to Laura Branigan very strange indeed. hehe

*cough* (but I shouldn't talk you know the broad spectrum of my musical taste as well by now)

/me goes be totally lazy today and jump back in my bed...

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 3 days ago

The delivery may be different, but the feel can be the same. Not to say that this is the case in this, umm, case.

// crae_zzz / 652 weeks and 3 days ago

I was going to say "new stuff", but this is actually quite old as well.


* craeonics is listening to: Lenny Kravitz - Mr. Cab Driver

// crae_work / 652 weeks and 2 days ago

Lenny is good but I always seem to forget about him and listen to him like for a day once every so many years and then he disappears back into the abyss that is my cardboard box of old CD's

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 2 days ago

And ofcourse they were singing along to Mr. Cab Driver.

// crae_zzz / 652 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe dutchyyy slaap lekker...

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 2 days ago

And someone should explain the appeal of Prince to me, because I hear a record of him every day, no matter what station I listen to.


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - Gold

// crae_work / 652 weeks and 1 day ago

Ummm his name? Oh wait I think he changed his name to a symbol but my keyboard doesn't have that symbol so I can't type it for you.

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 1 day ago

/me goes fight with my county computer.

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 1 day ago

It's actually his real name. Crazy parents these days. If I have kids I'm going to call them God and Goddess.

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 1 day ago

Yeah right, they would have God type names ja (but most likely Greek "Creature" God type names)

I hated my name all my life and then I happen to look it up a few years back: [link]

Apparently "I" am a gift of God (when I asked my mom she said she never knew the meaning of my name so that is not why she chose it but just that she heard the name somewhere and liked it. (great)

// Doreen / 652 weeks and 1 day ago

/me goes play the etymology game

- Proto-Indo-European: dehrom (to give) + dhehs (god)

- Ancient Greek: doron (gift) + theos (god) = Dorothea (gift of god)

- English: Dora (diminuitive, "little Dorothy", also: Dolly)

- Gaelic: Dáireann (Irish ortography is weird)

- English: Doreen

Some deep roots there. Not particularly Italian, by the way.

// craeonics / 652 weeks and 16 hours ago

I must be watching wayyyy to much Big Bang Theory or something cuz you're beginning to remind me of Sheldon Cooper (who turns me on)

/me goes look up the etymology word and a few other ones up there...

// Dor_work / 652 weeks and 11 hours ago

Sheldon reminds me a little bit too much of myself as well, except that I am not cookie and Green Lantern is lame.

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Actually you've been around longer than Sheldon has so you might very well be the one they are basing that Sheldon Cooper character off of?

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Every once in a while I come across one of them old ones that still soumds jussss good no matter how old it gets...


(course not something you'd prob like but still worth posting)

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Every once in a while I come across one of them old ones that still soumds jussss good no matter how old it gets...


(course not something you'd prob like but still worth posting)

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Note to self: File nails down.

Another one that cannot be ignored and me goes get busy...


// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm actually I've no idea what this is but it is goed dutchy...


// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

The actor playing the character is older than me. Though I am starting to feel as old as the dinosaurs these days.

/me checks the links...

#1: Not my cup of tea.

#2: Double post. And there I was thinking I had some protective measures against those built in.

#3: I know that one better from the cover version by Snap: [link]. Back from when I was just a wee crae with short hair. Note the terrible dancing. Some of it is highly symptomatic of the 90s.

#4: Needs more bass and harder beats.

Speaking of hard, this team-up by Will.i.am, J-Lo and Sir Mick claims to be just that: [link]. I remain unconvinced.

// crae_zzz / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

I've never heard that other version of that Oooops one hmmm it seems to be lacking some serious funk or something.

As for that last link you dropped it could be cuz you keep attempting to listen to hard and heavy on that lightweight notebook of yours which has no decent speakers?

Nahhh that tune is not convincing me either...

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

By the way, something strange is going on cuz as I am reading your text on this board I am actually "hearing" in my head Sheldon Coopers voice!? What in the world! hehe!!!

Help! help! help!

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

This is soooo not good...

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

Great, now I've been turned into a sitcom character.

Meanwhile, my cat is making noises as if he's about to throw up over my couch. /me goes into full alert

// crae_zzz / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

I can't help it I don't even know what it is! I seriously think I must be watching too much Big Bang Theory? Anyways you already know for as long as I've been talking to you that your soul I always see clearly (and will be eternally infatuated with) but the rest of you that I cannot see is my fantasy to do whatever I want with! And since you can't stop me for right now since I cannot stop myself you seem to be Sheldon Cooper! hehe! (I'm serious I was reading you earlier and I heard his voice in my head w/ your words)

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

You don't want to know what I picture your couch looking like do you? (I'm playing)

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy, tomorrow night if I have any energy left I am going to drown you w/ ss's of my Stitches theme I'm almost done.

Since you know how I feel about prostitution and I need more money to keep up w/ things (one pain in the behind boy to the exact, since Gino is now working that is helping) But I'm forced to sell my skin now...

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 6 days ago

And on that note, let me throw in this inappropriate Missy track: [link]

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay now you just fixed my lil problem w/ me thinking you're Sheldon Cooper (cuz Sheldon would definitely not be listening to Ms Missy) hehe

/me goes grab that track and toss it on my iPod for my morning trip to the Gym...

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 5 days ago

Seems I'm always hitting road blocks w/ you dutchy anyways I tried to post a few links but it vanished so I suppose it wasn't meant for your eyes or ears. hehe

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 5 days ago

/me checks logs... I don't see anything between your two posts excepts loads of spam. Your connection must've been flaky.

Old fogey radio...


* craeonics is listening to: Eric Clapton - Forever Man

// crae_work / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

I was trying to think of one good tune by Eric Clapton but I can't so either he don't have one or it's too early and my brain is still asleep.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

I know some people who got married while Clapton's "Heaven" was being played. In a rare display of tact I did not tell them what the song was actually about.

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

Come to think of it I seriously don't think I've ever been able to listen to the entire song? I change it after a few seconds cuz its too slow and boring (actually its just plain yuk)

/me goes look up those lyrics to see what you're talking about.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm well the lyrics are kinda boring and yuk too? Definetely not for a wedding. Me goes ponder what tune would be good for a wedding...

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

Me just realizes I've had two marriages and not one tune was played during either? What in the world!!!

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 4 days ago

You need a better DJ. Next time some Ying Yang Twins or something.

// crae_work / 651 weeks and 3 days ago

And for you some Burzum wise guy. After I came to that shocking revelation yesterday I also realized I spent more time thinking about how that could even be possible then I spent thinking about my actual weddings. And yes I'm pretty stupid. But in the end I suppose none of it really matters.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 3 days ago

Come to think of it, this was the first wedding I've been to that actually had music. I still say marriage serves no purpose though. It proves nothing and the "until death do us part" bit has been victim of severe inflation.

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't know dutchy (and I definetely don't know what that inflation word means)

For me, I "thought" it was what God would want me to do. I thought I was doing the right thing as time goes by I realize I either think too much or not enough but normally not enough over the things I should.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 3 days ago

/me tries to mumble something about imaginary spirits but still is out of breath because of having to peddle against freezing north eastern gales


* craeonics is listening to: Spinvis - Kom terug

// crae_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

Wait, what heavenly sounds do my ears hear?


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

/me mumbles to my so called imaginary spirit...

Hmm who's the crazy one?

1. He peddles on his bike in snowy blizzards to and from work.

2. He love that horrible "Forever Young" song.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

And you can add a "s" on the love word up there.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

You need an imaginary spell checker. Plus, Forever Young is the best thing since sliced bread.

The bad thing about that cold wind is not so much the temperature, but the fact that cold air is hard to breath, especially when your facing it.

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

Well I used to have an imaginary spell checker named Jafo I suppose he was imaginary cuz I never heard or seen him either but he vanished anyways I still don't think you really like that forever young song I think you're just kidding but I don't know for sure cuz I can't hear or see you or your voice to identify any sarcasm and stuff cuz you're my imaginary friend. Okay enough about imaginary thing this virtual keyboard I'm trying to type this on is driving me nuts.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

/me is currently listening to a sheriff helicopter hoovering over the hospital searching for somebody.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

I actually talk to an invisible snowman too come to think of it. Me wonders how that snowy is doing...

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 2 days ago

Both the Abominable One and the Spell Checker are frequent visitors of the Dock of Star's board. Just hop on over there.

As for Forever Young. I actually really like that song. It has alpha waves. Loads of it.

// crae_work / 651 weeks and 1 day ago

I know where they are both at but I've no time to hop over to too many places these days cept over here to visit my invisible msgboard husband (you) since whether you like it or not I'm married to you on this board till death do us part (or the plug gets pulled on teknidermy which ever comes first)

And I can think of better songs to catch alpha waves off of.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 1 day ago

Nope, it's the very best. Well, perhaps second only to Café del Mar.

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 1 day ago

And speaking of Café del Mar, it's hard to find it amongst the forest of remixes, but let me throw in the original version: [link] (1993).

I don't think I ever heard this one. More/most familiar with the Marco V remix.

// crae_zzz / 651 weeks and 1 day ago

I've not heard anything better than Cafe del Mar either. The version I have at home literally puts me into some kind of hypnotic trance I think I told you I once made the mistake of listening to that one "particular version" I have while driving and I drifted somewhere and forgot I was even driving!!! It actually scared me. There's so many different versions of it though all are good but only one particular one messes with my brain or something. I'll have to check that link out when I get this day out of my hair.

// Dor_work / 651 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay now I refuse to get sucked into those endless remixes and links over to the right!

Alrighttt maybeeeee jusssss one...


// Doreen / 651 weeks and 23 hours ago

/me watches in horror as deadmau5 throws in a horrible drumline...

// craeonics / 651 weeks and 17 hours ago

Funny, I didn't say a word cuz I wanted to see your reaction. I've not spotted one remix of that tune that didn't sound pretty good until that deadmau5 who seemed to destroy (at the beginning part of his version) what makes that song so good but towards the end it gets a tinyyy bit better still he managed to "not" compliment a good song somehow and I normally like that mouse so that surprised me too.

/me goes enjoy "my" day since I do notttt belong to the county today! Ha!

// Doreen / 651 weeks and 11 hours ago

Aside from Mr. Rodent, there's also a version by a dude named Ricardo or so that also sounds disastrous.

Meanwhile my neighbour (or someone on the other side of the wall) is playing a flute. I thinks s/he was just doing a song from the Sound of Music.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 6 days ago

And now it's "I don't know how to love him" from Jesus Christ Superstar. I've seen/heard those musicals so often as a kid (not by choice, by the way), that these melodies are engraved in my memory.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 6 days ago

I can't exactly recall that tune but I "think" I might know which tune you are talking about and if I am correct you seriously need to go buy yourself a good pair of earplugs cuz that neighbor is strange.

/me is listening to Loki attempting every trick in the book w/ various whistles and chatter to get me to go downstairs and get him...

// Doreen / 650 weeks and 6 days ago

Which reminds me why I don't get anything done. Every time I get behind a computer, a cat gets in my face ("Whatcha doin'? Gimme attenshon!").

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe adorable...

My crazy bird is a master at manipulation he plays sad by making sad sounds and sad whistles to call me then once I go grab him he turns into a mischievous evil totally out of control bird! Once out of his cage he gets overly excited and hops all over the entire place chewing everything in his path!

// Doreen / 650 weeks and 5 days ago

When he is on me if I am on the computer he will "not" get off my hand or he will jump and hop up and down on my keyboard and begin to pull the keys right off my keyboard. He don't ask for attention he demands it and he takes it!

// Doreen / 650 weeks and 5 days ago

Birds are social animals. They need people around. Besides, if you'd be cooked up in a cage all day, you'd hop around like crazy as well.


* craeonics is listening to: Talk Talk - Such a shame

// crae_work / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

I wish I could stash him here in my office where I seen to be spending the majority of my life but he's too noisy and he'll bite everyone.

Anyways, *cough* Happy Maandag!

// Dor_werk / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

Slippery Monday. I's been freezing since last week and last Friday it snowed. The result: the roads are a freaking slide. This is going to be a week of slow and careful peddling.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

That don't sound like too much fun. Just be careful mijn dutchy.

/me goes take a walk for lunch with Dracula's wife...

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

Allow me to set the mood for that lunch: [link]. Hammer films start with the credits, so skip to 1:20.

And no, navigating slippery streets is no fun, no matter what mode of transportation you use. City should be cleaning the streets, but so far no action. Grrr...

// crae_zzz / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

Wise guy...

/me aims at your head and tosses my pillow across the ocean! (actually looks like a good cozy bedtime flick)

// Doreen / 650 weeks and 4 days ago

All Hammer films are good fun. They're horror, but it's predictable fright and not nastiness. Plus, they're completely over the top.

Meanwhile, old fogey radio. Who did Goodbye Ruby Tuesday?

// crae_work / 650 weeks and 3 days ago

Is that Hammer a Dutch thing? I've never seen that before. Most likely since a lot of things over there never show up over here I guess.

/me goes get busy...

// Dor_werk / 650 weeks and 3 days ago

British film studio that made many of the iconic horror movies in the 50-70s period. Christopher Lee as Dracula and so on.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 3 days ago

You obviously know more about this then me cuz when I seen the word Hammer before I clicked on that link I swear I was expecting to see MC Hammer.

Rain over here so I'm unable to be productive today at allll. Zzzzz

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 3 days ago

Stop! Hammer time!

I wish I could play Amon Amarth over here, but it would be too much for those colleagues of mine.


* craeonics is listening to: Gotye - Somebody that you used to know

// crae_work / 650 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey I know that Gotye song (I seen the video actually) at the beginning of it I didn't care for it but by the end of the vid I kind of liked it. One of those tunes that grows on you or something.

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 2 days ago

I think I heard that song at least once a day for two months straight. It's still not my thing, but at least it's not as horrible as Madonna's new single.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 2 days ago

Wellll it's different. As for Madonna I think it's "time" for her to give it up now...

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 2 days ago

I think there is not much difference or most other singers these days, except that Madonna may look somewhat their age, but could be their (grand)mother. So more power to her.

// crae_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

Speaking of old coots...


* craeonics is listening to: Abba - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

// crae_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't know dutchy but I think she's like 53 (I'm trailing a few years behind her so I'm over the hill now too) though we can keep ourselves healthy by diet and exercise (course you reap many benefits looks wise too from diet and exercise) it still is what it is and the number never changes so for those that can deal with a mental balance of it all then it's all good. But for those that think they can trick aging nope, it is what it is. I keep seeing weird stuff with things in regards to that prob cuz of my age so that sometimes annoys me.

Then again when you're in the entertainment business and your career relies on your looks that must mess with their heads it must be difficult. (course I'm saying all this to someone who thinks he's 16 forever so I'm waiting keystrokes on this annoying iphone keyboard of mine)

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

Waiting = waisting

I need an iPad for work!

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

I just realised that Madonna is only a few years younger than my mother, yet I doubt my mother can name even one Madonna song. Craziness.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

Ack! Well now there's a few things crazy about that comment first being I doubt that it's possible for your Mom not to be able to name atleast one Madonna tune and secondly I bet you can name or atleast know practically all of them! And thirdly if I'm trailing Madonna by a few years and your Mom is only a few years older than Madonna then I'm closer in age to being yo momma! But I'd still rather think of you as my message board husband rather then the other two choices of sister or mother cuz then I've got to deal with the crazy incestuous feelings I would get for you.

/me goes get Draculas wife for lunch...

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

Yo mom, I'm gonna go hang out with my friends. Laterzzz!

My mom (or dad for that matter) is seriously unable to name a single Madonna song. Their knowledge of pop music stops somewhere in the late seventies, which coincidentally is when I was born.

// crae_zzz / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm you need to read what you said and think about that to see the connection:

"Their knowledge of pop music stopped somewhere around the time "you" popped out" hehe!

I'm a sixties child but I don't have any recollection of listening and acknowledging music really until the late seventies? But then I recall having love affairs with a cardboard album covers that contained a vinyl disc. (which when I see them today I feel old or something)

// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 1 day ago

I had to go research that when I got back home and yup mid to late seventies seems to be when my ear drums opened up and discovered music. (I also remember my Mother not liking the album covers nor the music her lil teenage girl was buying at that time) hehe!

My first purchases:





// Doreen / 650 weeks and 23 hours ago

I think you were still being hatched when I was this white as snow girl listening to this totally black funk. hehe

Strange, but like I said time is nothing but an illusion...

// Dor_zzz / 650 weeks and 23 hours ago

Let me see... Yep, all funk. Doreen, the Funkasaurus.

There was a music show right after Sesame Street that I used to watch before getting whizzed off to bed, so I can recall songs from around age three or so.

// craeonics / 650 weeks and 16 hours ago

Well for some reason my eardrums blossomed later than most others.

/me leaves you with some more good funk however this version has been recooked a tiny bit...


// Dor_work / 650 weeks and 11 hours ago

Now I know where all the little gangsters get their samples from.

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 6 days ago

They can't very well do drive by shootings to Christian samples.

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 6 days ago

Speaking of Christian tunes me goes check out Switchfoot's latest stuffezzz...


// Doreen / 649 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh, I don't know...

# Rollin' down tha street

# Praisin' Jeebus

# Zippin' on gin 'n juice


# Straight out of the church

# Comes another gospel with

# Attitude

In other news, Whitney Houston apparently has followed where her career went a long time ago. I know some people who will be upset by this.

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 5 days ago

I know dutchy, I know a few ppl that will be upset as well. Yet another example of how time is nothing but an illusion (here today, gone tomorrow) everyone assumes they have tomorrow.

Another example too of what happens to ppl that make it a habit of self medicate w/ drugs and alcohol to deal w/ emotions.

Anyways, I didn't care for any of her tunes though this one was barely tolerable for me:


/me feels bad for the daughter she brought into the world and left behind w/o grounding her for this world.

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 5 days ago

/me mumbles something about people leading a destructive lifestyle

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 5 days ago

Well I suppose everyone has their reasons and their choices in life? I don't mean to judge just observe.

It seems (from what I've learned so far) What bad things that happen to you in life that doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. But for some what bad things that happen in life to them makes them kill themselves.

Nothing to me is more sad and unattractive then watching ppl live a destructive lifestyle (other ways to deal w/ nasty emotions, such as a good cry or lots of exercise or shopping even!) hehe

And nobody is immune to the crap life throws at you but how you handle it can factor in on the quality and quantity of life you "might" live for a while. (if you don't get hit by a bus when crossing the street that is)

/me goes dance w/ the laundry...

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 5 days ago

And speaking of the crap life throws at you I've got some thrown at me now suddenly so I need some stillness time and will dropping off the map for a few days I don't want you to think I got hit by a bus. (death in the family)

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 5 days ago

Death always come in threes, as we say over here. So better brace yourself.


* craeonics is listening to: Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls

// crae_work / 649 weeks and 4 days ago

More old fogies. But this is a good song.


* craeonics is listening to: 10CC - Dreadlock Holiday

// crae_work / 649 weeks and 3 days ago

Well the good thing about sayings whether over here or there they are just sayings nothing more, nothing less. One death is more than enough to handle.

Worse Valentine's day ever but there's always next year...

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 3 days ago

Back to first albums you ever bought, my first album (on tape) was Public Enemy's "Fear of a Black Planet". It starts with this kick ass track: [link]

I used to listen to hipper the hop before Gangstarr and his chums killed it with those stupid Jazz influences.

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 3 days ago

Ummm no demons in forest? I think I even heard some James Brown sprinkled in that? Strange not quite what I would have expected for one of your first purchases.

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh well might as welll? /me drops the James Brown's best tune and theee only one I owned:


// Doreen / 649 weeks and 3 days ago

Demons in forest was not until many years later, through a silly Immortal video at first, but the first CD's in that genre was Dimmu Borgir (three at once). I'll look it up later.

// crae_work / 649 weeks and 2 days ago

The journey into the forest started with these crazies running around a hilltop in winter, Immortal's "Blashyrkh": [link]. I saw that on the last segment of a show called Headbanger's Ball on MTV that used to air past midnight. The last fifteen minutes were called "Into the Pitt" and the videos in that segment were quite a lot louder and noisier than any other videos you'd see on TV or that show.

I think I was immediately intrigued by the whole thing.

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm which only reminds me of this: [link]

Pouring rain outside me goes enjoy it by getting more sleep...

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 2 days ago

Which is taken from one of the silliest videos ever, Call of the Wintermoon [link]. Love the song though (but I don't hear the bass in this video, so half the track is missing).

// crae_zzz / 649 weeks and 2 days ago

More old fogies.


* craeonics is listening to: Supertramp - School

// crae_work / 649 weeks and 1 day ago

Looks more like Halloweenmoon to me? And I think it's time to either get control of that radio or maybe bring in a pair of headphones.

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 1 day ago

Something new and devoid of demons and forests. Dutch hipster hopster: Kraantje Pappie [link]. I really dig the bridge.

// crae_zzz / 649 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay well that sounds decent (much better than your Halloweenmoon stuff)

I'd tell you what I've been listening too but I don't think you'd like it or maybe you would? Just a bunch of funeral music. After this I made sure I reminded my family none of this kind of stuff for me just some party music and a quick run to the beach to let my ashes be set free into the ocean and back to business for them...

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 1 day ago

In the end it does not really matter what kind of music they play when you're dead, since you won't be hearing it anyway. Except perhaps that people will associate that terrible music they chose to suit their own ideas with you.

In which case I'd say they can play Bond of Blood for me: [link] (probably long enough to last the entire ceremony).

// craeonics / 649 weeks and 16 hours ago

Well that is true but I don't want anyone having to be tortured w/ creepy mortuary/funeral music for hours. Then having to be put on exhibition for everyone to be forced to view etc. Just this whole thing is full of agony and misery being dragged out for so long. But some choose this way anyways today is finally the burial so there will be closure today.

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 12 hours ago

hehe and yes, Bond of Blood is both perfect and long enough...

// Doreen / 649 weeks and 12 hours ago

My mother wants the Bolero. It's going to be torture and she knows it.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 6 days ago

Probably payback time for the music she had to endure for many years from you!!!

Anyways, this stuff forces you to reflect on things when it pops up and hits you in your face. I've spoken to my Mother about it we will be listening to Seagulls only. If she goes before me if my kids don't stay directly in my view (and I mean right smack in front of my eyes) my heart will simply stop beating.

/me tries to get my life back on track...

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 6 days ago

Maybe I should have them play Forever Young. That would be evil.

Anyways, be strong. These things, hard as they may be, are also a part of life.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 5 days ago

If I end up in Hell I think that will be the overhead song playing eternally.

Anyways thank you dutchy I'm pretty strong I probably should have been a druggy or alcoholic 10x's over from what I've gone through in life but I keep my head straight and deal w/ things.

/me goes drag my lazy body off to the gym to sweat out some more frustrations of life.

Have a good night...

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 5 days ago

Unfortunately life decided it is Monday again. Back to work it is.

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 4 days ago

Fortunately life decided it's a Holiday today for me. But who knows what mess awaits for me when I return back to work tomorrow after being away for 10 days.

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 4 days ago

Probably a backlog a mile high. I always expect my projects to be finished when I've been gone. It is never the case.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 4 days ago

Wait! What is it my ears hear? Is that Isaac Hayes? Shaft on TV?

Unfortunately, yes and no. It is Shaft, but it's the lame remake. The scene where new Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson) is in a bar and old Shaft (Richard Roundtree) walks in plainly demonstrates that Jackson is a poor imitation of The Man.

I would link to the scene if I could find it, but alas.

// crae_zzz / 648 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm okeee Mr. Crazy I mean crae_zzz here you go just to make your day tomorrow: [link]

/me runs quickly cuz I hate that Shaft thing...

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 4 days ago

It's the theme from Shaft!

Meanwhile the radio started playing Crocket's Theme (which is awesome), only to cut it off and go to commercials after ten seconds. Bastards!

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 3 days ago

Mijn crazy dutchy dare I ask what Crocket is? Nevermind I fear your reply...

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 3 days ago

Main character from Miami Vice? An 80s police TV-series about a vice unit in (surprise) Miami? Big hit world wide.

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 2 days ago

Long live music stations with limited playlists!


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack dutchy! You and that yukky song. I still can't recall that character I do remember ppl mentioning that Miami Vice show but I never watched it. I'm not sure what I was into back then but most likely was watching Kung Fu and Soulllll Train. (those were my two favorite TV shows)

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 2 days ago

I think that's about a decade earlier. I watched Kung Fu (reruns) in later years. Quite a slow series. Western meets martial arts.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 2 days ago

I can't recall what one episode was about just that I remembered it came on at night I watched it before I drifted off into lalaland which was perfect cuz I do remember his character was barefoot, quiet, weird and boring and I for some reason was attracted to watching that show to fall asleep peacefully...

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 2 days ago

Problem is that every episode was like that. I need more action and suspense.


* craeonics is listening to: Billy Ocean - Get outta my dreams

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 1 day ago

Now here's one record that does not nearly get the airplay it deserves. Alright, so it's ancient.


* craeonics is listening to: Matia Bazar - Ti Sento

// crae_work / 648 weeks and 1 day ago

I'll have to look that one up later to see what it is, today is barely the first day I feel as if the dark cloud that's been over me is lifting if I've listened to 3 songs in the past two weeks or so I'd be surprised (been in such a bad funk)

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 1 day ago

Actually come to think of it it's been as if my ears have been on mute!

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 1 day ago

You might even understand what she is singing [link]

# Ti sento

# La musica si muove appena

# Ma e'un mondo che mi scoppia dentro

# Ti sento

# Un brivido lungo la schiena

# Un colpo che fa piano centro

I sure as hell don't. It's pizza speak.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 1 day ago

Ack! Definitely niet Lacuna Coil, and yesss though I am 100% Italian I unfortunately only know about 10% Italian (like I told you most being bad words) so I don't know enough of it to translate that for you.

/me goes look up those lyrics

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 23 hours ago

ti sento

the word has no taste or idea

but two invading eyes

if it has no soul

I feel you, the music is moving barely

it's a fire exploding in to me

I feel you, a feeling on my back

a hit that hits in the rose

do you love me or not, do you love me or not, do you love?

What will be left of you, of your poetry

while the shadow of the dream slowly fades away

if it has no soul...no soul

I'm feeling you, beautiful statue overflown

sitting, laying, very shy

I feel you atlantis, losen island

lovers only indicated

do you love me or not, do you love me or not, do you love me?

I feel you, a fare-away desert, a mirage

the sand is trying to blind me

I'm feeling you, in the air a wild love

I'd like to meet you

Okay now that I've been able to find them translated from Italian to Italianglish can you please translate them further for meeeee!? What in the world does that mean?

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 23 hours ago

Hmmm well you know I normally have to avoid lyrics in the tunes I listen to but apparently in Italian music it looks more like poetry? I kinda like it whatever it means? hehe!

// Doreen / 648 weeks and 23 hours ago

I think we can sum it up as "butterflies". Those are some crazy lyrics.

I've heard this song sporadically for years now. It's quite a powerful, blam, in your face kind of track, regardless what she is singing.

Moving from 1985 to the present, here's smething that popped up recently (even though it apparently dates back to August): Afrojack & Steve Aoki - No beef [link]. It starts out with a nice build, then shamelessly and needlessly rips off Pon de Floor after which is moves into more vocal trance-like waters.

I think I'm done with horns and sirens.

// craeonics / 648 weeks and 16 hours ago

I've heard that one before its not bad. I drifted into work today listening to:

The Wanted - Glad You Came (which is not my usual cup of tea but I liked it enough to take note of it this morning)

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 10 hours ago

The lady across the hall from me has her alarm ringtone set to that horrible I will survive tune and she keeps snoozing it for whatever reason and everyone who is walking by that hears it is laughing at her. Just when you think you've heard the most rediculous ringtone there you go yet another one!

// Dor_work / 648 weeks and 7 hours ago

That "Glad you came" song is one of the reasons I am done with horns and sirens. The keyboard sound in that song is the same as in dozens of other crap songs that get airplay right now. There are more sounds on your keyboards, boys and girls.

/me runs off singing "I will survive"

# First I was afraid

# I was petrified

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 6 days ago

me don't care me likes it but it's been driving me nuts w/ the fact it has been stuck in my head since yesterday...

The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts

Is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came

// Doreen / 647 weeks and 6 days ago

And then she honks the rest of the song while driving in her car and gets pulled over by the law...

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh be quiet you!

You cast a spell on me, spell on me

You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me

And I decided you look well on me, well on me

So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me

Don't worry after two days of this stupid song being stuck in my head I'm beginning to hate it!

// Doreen / 647 weeks and 5 days ago

I think they have a follow-up single out which is even worse. Fortunately, I failed to remember out the name.

// crae_zzz / 647 weeks and 5 days ago

Guess what was on TV tomorrow. The song is called "Lightning".


* craeonics is listening to: Kim Wilde - View from a Bridge

// crae_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

Somehow was and tomorrow used in the same sentence confuses me (besides the fact I'm not sure what lightning on TV you are talking about) did you mean was on TV yesterday? Or will be on TV tomorrow?

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

~this morning. I was probably confusing Dutch "vanmorgen" and English "tomorrow". And I was referring to that stupid The Wanted boy band.

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

Ahhh okay now that makes more sense, I'm pretty certain their I'm glad you came song is the only one I like as usual I normally (not always) but normally don't get obsessed on any particular band but rather like one or two tunes from a medley of recording artist. Even from all the CD's I've purchased through the years I favor like only 2-3 tunes at most and the bulk of the CD has nothing else but filler...

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

I know ppl that get obsessed on a group and buy "anything and everything" that band makes just because it's them? I get as far as a second Cd on certain bands only to realize the first Cd I purchased was the best the second one normally sucks and can't beat the first one (like Coldplay, Lacuna Coil, Gwen Stefani etc)

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

/me looks at the various complete discographies on his shelves

I have no idea what you're talking about. *cough* *cough*

Alright, so I'm more of a collector than a consumer.

But I'm a sane collector. I will not buy other editions if I already have one, nor will I shelve out ridiculous amounts of cash for limited editions.

// crae_zzz / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm not into dusting so I'm not into collecting (I don't see the purpose behind it)

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm I've been trying to think if I have "anything" I've ever desired to collect and I can't think of anything! But whether or not I set out to collect music I've probably got tossed in the closet in my box one of the biggest and unorganized and most random music collect of anyone on earth! I'm so all over the map. I probably should have taken better care of my stuff instead of throwing them around like I do sometimes I come across my old tunes and it's like finding an old friend! (I wish I had that box here at work right now)

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

Wake up dutchy! Every time I feel like talking to you you are snoring!

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 4 days ago

What is this "dusting" you're talking about? /me loves his dust bunnies

// crae_work / 647 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm pretty sure knowing you and being male and all you not only love your dust bunnies you name them and give them food and water!

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 3 days ago

I have two additional dust producers running around. They're the pointy ear, take a shit in the litter box while the boss is making dinner type of dust bunnies.

Cat humour is dark, dark.

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm wellll since it's lunch time and you're cooking dinner I was going to ask for some but somehow the thought of what you're cooking mixed with the fumes of what your cats just did instantly removed my hunger pains? hehe

Slaap lekker you bunnies

/me goes eat my boring yogurt for lunch...

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 3 days ago

Jeez, so busy at work that I didn't even have time to visit Tek. Some people really need to take some lessons in planning. Grrr...

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 2 days ago

I just figured your dust bunnies ate you for dinner last night...

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 2 days ago

I did have moths (and probably still do, persistent critters). But that had nothing to do with my collection of dust.

Bought a couple of Samurai swords last year (or so). Not soon after I saw some flying creatures, but did not think much about it. Fast forward some months and I spot strange cocoon shaped clots of dust. And they had little worms in it. They looked really cute.

Then I found out these were moths, went through my cloths and found them infested.

/me was not happy that day

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 2 days ago

I think ppl use moth balls (or something like that) I've never had that issue due to (I think) having a mild case of claustrophobia or something I hate clutter be it in closets or anywhere I need clean, clear and airy plus my wheezers get asthma attacks from dust and stuff. sounds like you need to clear out and clean your closet dutchy or you better start thinking up cute little nicknames for your pet moths.

// Dor_work / 647 weeks and 2 days ago

Have not seen a moth in quite some time. Every cocoon I find gets put on a journey to The Big Bad Outside World.

Anyway, the moths came from the packaging of the swords. I already thought they smelled strange.

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 1 day ago

I did not connect the swords to the moths and was wondering why you mentioned the swords? Obviously someone had them in their closet for years collecting dust and moths and now you have that privilege to carry them on until you tire of them and sell them and the next sucker has them dusty mothy swords? hehe

(hence why I don't collect anything)

// Doreen / 647 weeks and 21 hours ago

I found them at a home decorating store. I was looking for some African masks to hang next to my front door to scare the neighbours. Didn't find those, but tucked underneath some othe stuff, but I ran into boxed gift set of three Japanese swords (made in China) plus a stand to put them on, like: [link].

Tacky as hell, and they reeked of incense, but they were priced below €20 ($30 or so), so I couldn't resist.

They now stand on top of my (closed off) fireplace.

// craeonics / 647 weeks and 15 hours ago

Hmmm those look cool, but the African masks would have been cooler.

I never see masks anywhere but a friend of mine has one (from Africa) she said it was given to her and she has been trying to find out what it represents but everywhere she takes it to (such as collector shops) tell her that ppl do not like to shoot I cannot think of the word she told me? but something like "read or analyze" masks? Now she is nervous what that masks represents...

// Doreen / 647 weeks and 11 hours ago

Masks in this sense are like war paint. Aimed to frighten or distract the opponent. Back in the days my uncle used to have an African mask hanging in his hallway which always scared the bejesus out of me.

Anyway, the shop only had small masks. I know where I can get big ones, but they're freakishly expensive. So for now, a wooden salamander decorates the wall next to my front door.

// craeonics / 646 weeks and 6 days ago

A salamander? I'm not too sure what that looks like but a masks would be better anyways some good old stuffezzz...


// Doreen / 646 weeks and 5 days ago

Salamander = lizard.

Meanwhile, old fogey radio... for now.

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 4 days ago

And sometimes old fogies play good music.


* craeonics is listening to: Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 4 days ago

Good music? Ack that one is horrible as well. But it beats what I'm listening to which is boring office sounds atm...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 4 days ago

Smalltown Boy is one of the best songs everrr. I think we're encountering a generation gap here.

// craeonics / 646 weeks and 4 days ago

Don't worry you'll catch up soon enough but nope that song sucks...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 4 days ago

I think I like this side of the gap better, but it's pulling me innn...

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

Good thing we don't have a choice or the world would definetely be over populated with 16 year olds...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

Sweet sixteen forever!

In other news, this Brazillian song seems to be quite popular over here: [link]. Even though the crowd in that video is like 99% female and under twenty, I'd say it's quite a catchy tune.

// craeonics / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

/me hands you a Q-tip to clean out your ears...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

A factor may also be that I've heard it about a thousand times by now.

Tough crowd tonight. Alrighty, how about Mr. Tyga: [link]

// crae_zzz / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

That one won't load so apparently it must be good...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm jussss when I was about to change DJ's he's tosses on something decent...

// Dor_zzz / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

Not that I heard any bass on my netbook. I only picked up a simple drum line. But I think I've seen the video on TV and it did have bass there.

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

You are not going to hear anything of decent value on a notebook. What I hear in my car on certain tunes an what I hear on my desktop machine is so totally different that the same songs don't even sound like they are the same song. (but my car came equiped with a sound system to die for and 8 speakers throughout)

Therefore "nothing" I listen to outside of my car really sounds any good...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

That's the problem with getting a taste of something good it seems to ruin you from being satisfied with anything less...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

One could also argue that you have a proven lack of good taste. /me runs


* craeonics is listening to: Adele - Rumour has it

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

Alright wise guy I was talking about excellent quality sound system I am aware of my vulgar taste in music but you ain't gonna find any banging bass in opera.

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

Car stereos are not a fair comparison. Every car I've travelled in recently uses massive bass boosts on the audio. Sometimes so loud that the only thing you hear is the bass. That's not how the actual songs sound or are supposed to sound.

// craeonics / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

Wellll yeahh but I also hear strings and other instruments. Normally the only thing that gets drowned out is the lyrics which is why I prefer to listen to it that way. Coldplay - Clocks is a perfect example of a timeless tune "untillll" you happen to hear the rediculous lyrics something about "shoot an apple off my head?" what kind of yuk is that to be put into such a beautiful tune? Nope I only want to hear the various sounds not the stupid lyrics ppl ruin the good tunes with cuz they apparently don't know how to write decent words so they toss in a bunch of rediculous nonsense filler...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

You need to get the karaoke version of those songs. So you can sing along out loud while stuck in traffic.

// crae_zzz / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

/me pokes mijn dutchy in his eye (karaoke is for crazy ppl I wouldn't embarrass myself like that though I know a few ppl that do)

Go to sleep silly! hehe

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes blow off work and write better lyrics for Clocks...

Shoot an apple off my head? What in the world!

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 2 days ago

But embarrassing yourself in company is great fun.

Just make sure you don't end up on YouTube or something like that.

Some Roots Reggae today. A musical style that is a bit too sweet and saccharine for my taste, but we'll see.


* craeonics is listening to: Groundation - We na forget

// crae_work / 646 weeks and 1 day ago

Apparently great fun for some but I'm not into that kind of fun anyways thanks to modern technology such as Bluetooth and my Santana CD this day should be less painful.

Santana - Oye Como Va

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmmm that's the only good track on that CD and if I dare to play my other tunes I might get fired if anyone stands close enough to me and hears what I'm listening to? But so what...

Lil Jon & The Eastside Boys - Play No Games

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 1 day ago

Wait, what? Santana? You'd need that Li'l Jon after that for sure.

// craeonics / 646 weeks and 1 day ago

Unfortunately I chose the wrong day to bring in my BT headset cuz more than half the staff is dropping like flies from the flu so my day went upside down...

// Dor_work / 646 weeks and 10 hours ago

I think we Diana Ross for this one: [link]

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 6 days ago

Insert a "need" in there somewhere. I think these typos happen when you want to say one thing, then rephrase it, but your fingers have already wandered off.

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah (and I think that was her only decent tune) guessss who woke up sick? I've had Sammy at home sick whilst trying to keep up w/ work where everyone else was calling off sick and now I'm sick.

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 6 days ago

You work in a hospital, don't you? Can't they take care of you there? Job perks so to say.

Back to "Upside Down". Every time I hear that song I think it's stuck on repeat. That song is about four times too long.

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 5 days ago

Are you kidding me? At work I do "not" let the Doctors play Doctor w/ me! (though I do know a few that have offered)

Anyways I'm ticklish and shy even at my age (my primary Doctor is "female")

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 5 days ago

That's funny dutchy cuz every time I hear that upside down song I think it's stuck too it's got a strange hiccup in it...

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 5 days ago

And of course it's that time of the year where we have to change our clocks so now my biological clock is going to go to war w/ my alarm clock.

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 5 days ago

I never change the time on my clocks. A third run summer time, a third run winter time and the rest is somewhere in between.

Plus, the cats don't care what time it is, they want dinner at the exact same moment of the day. Pointing at the clock and telling them to wait does not help.


* craeonics is listening to: Kajagoogoo - Too Shy

// crae_work / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

80s channels have their advantages at times. This song is corny as hell, but still great.


* craeonics is listening to: Europe - Final Countdown

// crae_work / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

corny = good (sometimes)

/me goes look that one up to see if I heard it or not on this side of the Ocean...

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

Ummm me gets a little nauseated from that one? Ack dutchy!

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

Well, I did say it was corny. I can't believe you've heard it before. It was a massive hit back in the days.

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

I actually think you are older than me sometimes...

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 4 days ago

Says the one who listens to Funk which precedes the dinosaurs.

Currently it's some alternative Belgian station my colleague put on.

// crae_work / 645 weeks and 3 days ago

Hey somethingsss are jussss timeless (and funk is one of them!)

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 3 days ago

The only timeless thing is me. And I will stand by that until the day that I kick the bucket and am proven wrong.

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 3 days ago

Well since I don't know who will kick the bucket first I'll just go ahead and kick you now...

Speaking of Funk:


// Doreen / 645 weeks and 3 days ago

There's not much funky about Mr. Slim. Certainly not that song. That is, if I remember it correctly. The man used to be in a band called The Housemartins that sounded quite differently than his later music.


* craeonics is listening to: Fine Young Cannibals - She drives me crazy

// crae_work / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

Actually there really isn't anyone these days that can duplicate good funk, hence why it is instinct like dinosaurs now. Something to be said about old past things they are irreplaceable.

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

I've not heard much of anything decent recently to even bother posting come to think of it. But I still have to come over here cuz then I miss you!

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

Best thing I heard recently is that so so Afrojack/Steve Aoki collaboration. The land seems to be a bit barren.

Oodles of shite David Guetta stuff to be found though, like this track with Nicki Minaj (whom I also don't like): [link]

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

David Guetta is mixing it up w/ so many now he's ruined his own rep. As for the mania on this side of the ocean it's all about Nicki and Rihanna (they both play back to back never give anyone else a decent chance for some airtime) I've gotten sick of the radio and unless I'm in my car listening to my Trance and Dance I really have stopped listening to much lately cuz there's nothing good right now or atleast until I get burn out on my Trance and Dance and jump back on the radio when the Nicki and Rihanna mania blows over.

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

Speaking of which this one is her newest one and it seems she wants to go back to being a punching bag?


// Doreen / 645 weeks and 2 days ago

There's also another song with Chris Brown featuring Rihanna. I don't know what those two are up to, but they sure seem to be making the most of a bad situation.


* craeonics is listening to: The Bangles - Eternal Flame

// crae_work / 645 weeks and 1 day ago

Could beeee or they could be playing w/ fire (and inevitably Rihanna will be the one to get burned) I once had a sawed off shotgun aimed right at my head by a very abusive person so life if full of lessons but some lessons can cost you your very life! And though she "looks" to have it all and be worth a lot of money her "self worth" is pretty low if she goes back to that guy...

/me goes wake up!

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 1 day ago

As for me... weekend!

Unfortunately it seems the pollen season is starting again. I seem to respond more and more to it each year, grr...

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 1 day ago

/me tosses you some allergy meds. I know everyone on this side has been sick w/ either their allergies or the flu too and once I got Sammy back on his feet then I got sick w/ the flu (been out all week and I actually feel worse today then when I began my week)

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 1 day ago

It's nasty business. The sneezing and what not I can deal with, but if my eyes get irritated, it might turn into an eye infection and an eye infection means getting new contacts... again.

And right now there's are slight burning sensation already.

/me hopes it's going to rain soon

// craeonics / 645 weeks and 16 hours ago

Well it's looking like some serious rain over here but I since I don't know how to send it to you I guess you're out of luck.

/me goes enjoy the cozy rain today...

// Doreen / 645 weeks and 12 hours ago

Something new then, Redlight - Get out of my head [link]

It's not particularly good, but it illustrates that stuff these days is a bit of a mixed bag of everything.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm definitely some beats running around in there that I recognize. It's not particularly good but not particularly bad either...

Pouring rain over here today (perfecto)

// Doreen / 644 weeks and 6 days ago

It's one of those 100% cloud cover days over here. Meaning that the sky is a glowing white dome.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 5 days ago

Well there's rain clouds floating so low it looks as if I could touch them and then there's a few open pockets where I can see blue but that won't last for long (we've been storming on this side almost hurricane winds and pounding rain)

// Doreen / 644 weeks and 5 days ago

Clear blue sky today. Still somewhat cold, but I can handle that.


* craeonics is listening to: Adventures of Stevie V - Dirty Cash

// crae_work / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Blue skies over here as well and since I'm back at work and need to get bouncing I've got my BT on today and some good old stuffezzz:

Vaughan Mason and Crew - Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Why oh why does that just seem to shout "funk" to me?


* craeonics is listening to: the (Belgian) news

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Cuz dat be some good funk maybe? And what is this sudden fascination you've been having with Belgian news and listening to Belgian stations at work? Do you now have a Belgian girlfriend or something?

/me is listening to the sounds of a flu epidemic around here nothing but coughing and sneezing here at work.

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

At work I keep the old fogies under wraps via a Dutch 80s/90s classics station and those that have gone through art school with a Dutch alternative station (because god forbid if they would listen to anything "commercial"). And to prevent me from falling asleep the last hour of the day is a French pop station.

The Belgian station is when a colleague steals my cable and takes over the radio. I plead the fifth on that. Same goes for the other colleague that puts the radio on some god awful oldtimer station with too much blabber.

Belgian news is simply to fill the gap between me coming home and the Dutch news starting. But it's quite refreshing to get your news from a somewhat different perspective. Plus, the accent is great.

Some half decent new stuff: G-Spot - Luxurolux [link] (featuring French with a terrible English-ishy pronunciation).

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm well you better plead the fifth since I'm your msgboard wife (and possibly a masochists to even have asked you that)

/me checks your link before I go for lunch...

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

The usual cant load msg sometimes they load but not this one me goes grab cafeteria poison.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Just got to listen to that tune you posted and it sounds just like most of the rest out now nothing too special. There really has not been too much released lately that stands out...

// Doreen / 644 weeks and 4 days ago

Today it's the alternative channel's turn. And looky here, it's the usual suspects already.


* craeonics is listening to: Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus

// crae_work / 644 weeks and 3 days ago

It's going to be my Island Reggae station for me today currently some tune about Hot Rain (which they all sound the same to me but it be all good mon)

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 3 days ago

Queue a recent tune with a ska rhythm, breakbeats and, unfortunately, a rapper: Olly Murs - Heart skips a beat [link]. I'd say it's okay-ish.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh! Won't load either will have to check that out later me is still on my island station but my tummy is beginning to sing along to it so it must be time for lunch...

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 3 days ago

Besides all the buffering that was going on while I was trying to listen to it I'd say it's not okay-ish I'd say it was pretty good-ish. I likeded it! (likeded = liked alot)

// Doreen / 644 weeks and 3 days ago

I still say it's okay-ish. They should ditch the rappers. I can see the producers thinking in their studios: "we could really use a rapper in this song" and then ruin it.

Why look, it's my favourite song again.


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! I see you want to annoy me today w/ that yukky tune you like.

Every time I hear this Gotye - Somebody

That I Used To Know tune my left ear likes it and my right ear hates it and my brain freezes so I never change the station. I don't know if I like it or not...

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

Ever time I hear it I just sing along while garbling the lyrics.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

Just a strange unique melody. /me goes find Count Drac's wife and take a walk.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy.

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

I think I'm finally starting to grasp this startling forest of trees that is (the filling in of the form for) tax returns. I'm going to be dreaming in numbers.

// crae_zzz / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh please don't say those words tax return I may have nightmares tonight. I'm one of those that don't deal w/ it until the night before (until I am forced to do it)

// Doreen / 644 weeks and 2 days ago

I pass it through my parents who let some tax consultant deal with it. But it needed some checking, so I have to sort the mess out myself after all.


* craeonics is listening to: Left Boy - Outro

// crae_work / 644 weeks and 1 day ago

Math is disgusting I ain't torturing myself with that mess so I wait till the last minute and toss it to my tax guy to deal with who then screams and yells at me for waiting till the last minute.

Train - Drive By (and this tune is a bit too happy and upbeat even for me this morning)

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 1 day ago

Over on this end you can basically only get your tax stuff done by digital means these days. So I had to get an account at some goverment electronic ID service, then download a piece of crap tax form app and fill in some numbers.

The good bit is that you only have to fill in those numbers and the app takes care of the math.

The bad bit, aside from forcing me through these hoops, is that everything is in tax lingo and half the time I have no idea what number I'm exactly supposed to enter.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 1 day ago

Tax lingo exactly which is only there to confuse us and rip off more of our money by either the mistakes we make by not knowing how to complete it correctly or in my case by having to pay someone who understands clearly how to fill it out for me and clearlyyyy how they are ripping me off correctly the first time.

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 1 day ago

I still need to sort it out.

But on to other things, we've had about one week of frost this year and that one week managed to kill most of the plants on my balcony, that were doing just fine up until that point.

Or in other words: time for a visit to the plant shop.

// craeonics / 644 weeks and 17 hours ago

Well heb a goed dag mijn dutchy (I forgot everything I was learning so I hope I said that atleast half right)

/me goes gets this day out of my hair...

// Dor_work / 644 weeks and 11 hours ago

/me is currently observing one of the cats being mischievous. Sticking his nose in every nook or cranny and meowing like he's searching for something. I wonder what he's up to.

His sister is sitting right next to me and probably wondering the same thing.

// craeonics / 643 weeks and 6 days ago

We just switched to summer time, so I will be dead this whole week. Fortunately I have a week off next week.


* craeonics is listening to: Opus - Live is Life

// crae_work / 643 weeks and 4 days ago

Screaming midgets on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Prince - Kiss

// crae_work / 643 weeks and 3 days ago

Old people music.


* craeonics is listening to: Tavares - Heaven (must be missing an angel)

// crae_work / 643 weeks and 2 days ago

Oh my god, I know bad 80s records, but this one takes the cake. Screeching guitars, softy singing and swingbeat stabs.


* craeonics is listening to: Paul Young - I'm gonna tear your playhouse down

// crae_work / 643 weeks and 1 day ago

And so the week off begins...

// craeonics / 643 weeks and 15 hours ago

Today apparently is "don't trust anything on the web" day.

I think I'll spend it trying to remove these cactus needles that have somehow embedded themselves in my skin, even though haven't even been close to cactii.

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 5 days ago

/me comes to pull out a few of your needles... (and I've learned not to trust or depend on "anything" in life)

// Doreen / 642 weeks and 5 days ago

So I have the week off, yet I still have to hop over to work to pick up a package. Let's see if I can sneak in and out without being noticed.

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 4 days ago

Me shouts out and points at you "Look who can't stand to be away from work!" (course nobody can hear me so you're safe)

I didn't hit the lottery in the pool here at work so here we all are again dragging ourselves into work on this wonderful happy Monday morning!

/me grumbles and gets busy...

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 4 days ago

And now it's Tuesday already and the holiday is almost halfway. I have to go play games while I still can!

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 3 days ago

Have fun mijn dutchy I know it's your 16th B-day (againnn) this Thursday. Enjoy! I get to go to my very first renaissance fair this weekend due to someone here at work tossing me some free tickets should be fun...

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 3 days ago

Renaissance what? What's that?

I haven't quite grasped the concept of being halfway to seventy tomorrow. The fact is observed, but the realisation of what it implies is not quite there yet.

I do know that I've started buying old people's candy: bokkepoten [link] and mergpijpjes [link] (random links). I'm turning into an old coot.

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 2 days ago

Stop it cuz you'll always be mijn 16 yo dutchy...

Getting older is not really as bad as I thought but again I'm about 10 yrs behind most all my friends (I think everyone ages differently?) But I'm kinda liking it. And we better because it's not like we have too much control over that. hehe

/me goes check out those links...

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 2 days ago

That first one looks better than the second one but candy is candy young or old alittle bit is good but too much is yukky for your health (and butt)

Oh and as for that Renaissance Fair I'm going cuz the tickets are free, I've never experienced one before, and most importantly they have from what I've been told cool shops that sell exotic trinkets and Masks! I want to see the cool shops more than the nutty ppl dressing up like it's Halloween...

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 2 days ago

I figured it was people dressing up, yeah. Plus the usual parafernalia (dictionay word of the day).

Now there is young folk candy and there's old fogey candy and bokkepoten and mergpijpjes fall squarely into that last category. And if I ever start buying Maison Kelder cake [link] I'm way past the point of no return and someone hould shoot me.

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy you are so silly. hehe (I've never seen anything that looks even slightly like that on this end) And I definitely never thought of sweets being categorized into young and old.

Anyways speaking of getting older my Mom is but thank God she is still in great health however her having been a beautician all her life her hands are not in good shape so today I'm taking her in for some minor surgery on her hand.

Have a good B-day today you old man! And don't eat too much old ppl's candies! hehe

Have fun...


// Doreen / 642 weeks and 1 day ago

Being a beautician hopefully does not mean being into contact with all kinds of chemicals for decades. Nasty stuff.

Anyways, I'm officially old now. Where's that rocking chair...

// craeonics / 642 weeks and 16 hours ago

Mainly it was the repetitive motion with scissors etc that took a toll on her hands but though a veryyy long day yesterday her surgery went text book and she's doing great.

As for you being officially old now? Good! Maybe now you'll stop that obsession with that annoying Forever Young tune...

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 11 hours ago

My momma always said "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get"

Oh wait that's Forest Gump!

Actually "myyyy" momma always says "Make the place you are the place to be" which applies to all areas of life such as age, income, etc

It normally works for me when I remember it but right nowww I do not want to be here at work!

// Dor_work / 642 weeks and 11 hours ago

I always say that my parents didn't teach me anything and I am completely self-taught. Certainly no words of wisdom. Then again, the male line on my mother's side is afflicted by the crazy gene, it seems.

// craeonics / 641 weeks and 6 days ago

And speaking of candy, it's easter, but I haven't seen a single chocolate bunny yet!

// craeonics / 641 weeks and 5 days ago

Happy Easter dutchy! There's a bunny on this page but it's vanilla not chocolate (atleast on my browser)

// Doreen / 641 weeks and 5 days ago

Somebody already took a bite out of its ear!

Easter, like most church holidays are two days over on this end for some reason, so I have the day off today as well. Back to the assembly line tomorrow though.

Just ran across this: [link], it's probably up your alley. For some reason the whole pulsating thing they're doing (pushing the volume across the whole spectrum) gives me headaches.

// craeonics / 641 weeks and 4 days ago

On this side we don't get as much time off as you guys do so unfortunately you only stop when you drop.

// Doreen / 641 weeks and 3 days ago

By the way I don't know what happens to my post on this site but the bunny apparently is eating them cuz I visited Tek earlier and did check out your link which didn't give me a headache (I rather liked it)

// Dor_zzz / 641 weeks and 3 days ago

The bunny is hungry.

The radio slipped and ended up on a Jazz station. Pure torture...

// crae_work / 641 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm for some reason there is not one single mobile browser that will allow me to post from my new phone when I'm at work (and the county computers have blocked this site as well as all social network sites from every county employee) which means since I am dead tired by the time I get back home you will either see less of me or see more of me when I retire in 15-20 years and I have my life back. (if tek is still up and you and I are still alive)

// Dor_zzz / 641 weeks and 2 days ago

Lemme see... I see your posts in the log. Which means they got blocked by the filter. I could make an exception, but I'd have to sort out how exactly your phone's browser is misbehaving.

// crae_work / 641 weeks and 2 days ago

If you feel like it and your time permits, in the meantime I'll try a few more mobile browsers but it seems none so far work from this new phone and I'm not sure why. I hated my keyboard on my other phone and this phone is like a mini tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note) so I figured it would be easier to type w/ since my nails on a touch is troublesome and this phone uses both touch and a "stylus pen" for input. But it never fails it's always some road block anyways whatever dutchy...

// Dor_zzz / 641 weeks and 2 days ago


// Doreen / 641 weeks and 1 day ago

Either you worked your magic earlier or I happen to find the freakiest looking browser that actually works tonight? Anyways me is a happy camper cuz this was bugging me...

// Dor_zzz / 641 weeks and 1 day ago

I haven't touched anything yet. I have to spent the next two weeks catsitting at my parents, so I'm not quite near computers when back from work.

The thing is, one of the way in which spam is blocked is by checking how the browser makes it requests to the server. Now most real browsers do this in a certain, shall we say, polite kind of way, while spambots are usually quite blunt. Makes it easy to filter on.

Now the browser you were using earlier was not talking like a nice browser, so it got blocked. I don't want to tweak that specific part of the filter too much.

Then again, I've never really performed any analysis on what parts of the filter actually filter out the most spam, so I don't quite now what the effect would be.

// crae_work / 641 weeks and 1 day ago

Not too sure about that mumbo jumbo all I know is that the problem forced me to find a really really cool mobile browser in the end so don't worry about it cuz the problem is solved.

// Dor_work / 641 weeks and 1 day ago


Meanwhile, still have to go catsitting.

// craeonics / 641 weeks and 15 hours ago

/me hands you a really big pooper scooper for those 4 cats you are dealing with.

Pouring rain over here couldn't be a better day off...

// Doreen / 641 weeks and 11 hours ago

/me comes take back that pooper scooper cuz this bird is driving me crazy w/ his poop! (but I love this crazy bird)

Still listening to pouring rain and now thunder...

// Doreen / 641 weeks and 5 hours ago

Which actually sounds better to me than any tune I know.

// Doreen / 641 weeks and 5 hours ago

Pooper scooper? I just empty the two litterboxes twice a week for my parents' cats (why the hell their two kittens get a box each I cannot grasp), while mine use only one in which I do have to scoop out, um, stuff every day.

Different types of filling means different types of maintenance.

Which reminds me, I have to be over there again...

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 6 days ago

Speaking of rain, some Draconian for you to use as a soundtrack to it: [link] (warning: contains grumbling).

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 6 days ago

You're late the rain and thunder is over now but hmmm sexy, dark, gloomy demon and excellente guitar!

Anyways does your parents cats actually know which one is "their" box or do they just jump in each others box randomly?

(My Mom has just one box for her two cats and boy that is enough to have to clean) ack!

My bird does not like to poop in his cage/house so each morning he waits until I get up for work and let him out to do his business on a newspaper but I still hate to even touch the paper to pick it up. It's disgusting!

// Doreen / 640 weeks and 6 days ago

The birds I used to have, ages ago, used to shit in their cage. That's why there was a layer of sand at the bottom.

Back to those cats, they're just spoiled and my mother seems to be suffering from Empty Nest syndrome. Those two kittens are her new kids.

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah my Mom treats her cats like they are her kids too instead of enjoying her twilight years she's still playing caregiver and slave to her two cats.

As for my crazy bird, when I go downstairs he's at the bottom of his cage at the door standing there waiting for me to open the door, he climbs to the top of the door and waits for me to put his morning newspaper down, he then aims and does his business, climbs down off his cage goes up the stairs to wake up Sammy, then they both come downstairs together and he sings and whistles until I leave for work. When I leave out the door he makes the saddest sound every time (which makes me sad) and that stupid sad sound gets stuck in my head (until I turn on my XM radio in the car and wash it out)

// Doreen / 640 weeks and 5 days ago

Something decent for when you are done cleaning all those kitty litter boxes...


// Doreen / 640 weeks and 5 days ago

Pets always make you feel guilty for leaving them alone. I get the sad look each morning when I head for work.

Did I just see an Insane Clown Posse link?

// crae_work / 640 weeks and 4 days ago

Yes you did and you might not want to click on that at work...

// Dor_work / 640 weeks and 4 days ago

/me ogles that video for not safe for work content... Aside from those clowns I don't see anything questionable. I think I know this cover. Goes back quite some years.

Original is better though.

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 4 days ago

Well there is nothing really questionable in that particular one but you never know what will fly out of those clowns mouths and depending who is around you at work they could question what you are doing when you are suppose to be working! hehe

Anyways, me tosses a pillow at you and your snoring nose and goes cook some dinner for some hungry boys and get settled back at home.

// Dor_home / 640 weeks and 4 days ago

/me dodges that pillow

I'm afraid it's another work day again.

// crae_work / 640 weeks and 3 days ago

And to end this day on a high note...


* craeonics is listening to: LMFAO - Sorry for Party Rocking

// crae_work / 640 weeks and 2 days ago

/me comes nuzzle w/ my dutchy (I'm in the eye of a tornado right now) but amidst the madness I heard something goed to come share w/ you...


// Doreen / 640 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm, should I play that song here at work?

I was just thinking this morning "I haven't heard Heavy D for some time". Turn on the radio and...


* craeonics is listening to: Heavy D & the Boyz - Now that we found love

// crae_work / 640 weeks and 1 day ago

Most likely if you play the tunes I drop links for you at work or on your notebook you wont like them much cuz you need a good sound system or they make bo sense.

// Dor_work / 640 weeks and 1 day ago

This particular tune would probably lead to a lot of complaining colleagues. They're not that old (well...), but they can't handle anything modern.

/me thinks this song needs a stronger lead. The woop woop doesn't really cut it at thtis slow pace

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm so busy at work between running all over that hospital and answering phones all day etc I never get to enjoy my tunes much. (plus as you know there really has not been anything all that great)

// Doreen / 640 weeks and 23 hours ago

I actually don't listen to music all that much, except when I'm at work.

// craeonics / 640 weeks and 16 hours ago

Where I currently am and don't wanna be!

// Dor_work / 640 weeks and 12 hours ago

Meanwhile, I think your rain clouds have drifted over the Atlantic.

I've been drafted to paint my sister's future kids' bedroom (to be filled in a month or two). Thing is, everybody thinks I can paint when in fact I cannot. Drawing is different than painting. Plus, sister is going to be picky as to what I'm supposed to be painting on that wall. =sigh=

Today I'm going to inspect the wall in question to see what I can work with.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

Mijn dutchy is going to become an Uncle!? Very cool! (jusss don't tell me when you are going to become a father I don't wanna read that particular announcement)

Anywayssss, I am aware of your drawing abilities from the earlier stages of Tek so I know you will paint just as good and besides it's good to be challenged. How cool will that be when your lil niece or nephew find out when they are about 10 years old that their very own Uncle is the one who drew and painted the images on their bedroom wall! That's so neat dutchy...

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

By that time the wall will probably have been painted over again or covered with whomever is the teen sensation by then.

And I really can't paint. I sketched a tree on the wall (whe wanted a tree) and she seemed pleased with it, but first the wall has to be treated, because it's riddled with tiny holes in the concrete.

My neighbour is yawning.

When I yawn, you don't hear a thing.

When he yawns, 1) I can hear it through the wall; 2) he does so continuously for at least half an hour; and 3) his yawns sound completely fake: "Ooowoowooooh, man!".

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

/me is listening to the birds outside making birdie sounds and my creature whistling songs that he hears from the radio. (he whistles that rediculous tune "Move Like Jagger)

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

You painted a tree? Come on now you are really getting old and boring now! Where is your creativity!? A tree!

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

You could have atleast done a remake of our Tek bunnies for the kid! OMG you are losing it big time!

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 6 days ago

I didn't want the tree, she and my future brother in law came up with that idea. Never do anything for family. You have no space to maneuver whatsoever.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 5 days ago

But a tree?

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 5 days ago

Probably something they picked up in one of those young parent magazines they've been reading.

// crae_work / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

hehe dutchy, I still can't help laugh when I read "again" about your next door neighbor yawning. The sauna at my gym is coed and there is an asian guy in there that moans from the heat the entire time (and I go there to pretty much find peace and quiet and sort of meditate) I so bad want to tell him to get out if it is too hot for you! (but I don't have the nerve) I'm praying he won't be there this morning...

// Doreen / 442 weeks and 6 days ago

How's playing Uncle crae working out for you? Have they stuck you as their babysitter yet?

// Doreen / 442 weeks and 6 days ago

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