
board | I'm listening to (Part III)

As usual a group that caught my attention when I first heard this one: [link]

(Then of course nothing else good came out of them after that one)

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 5 days ago

Incubus has been around since forever. I don't know from when this song is, but I think it's one of their newer ones.

// crae_work / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

Nope it was one of their first earlier tunes

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

"Drive" was a hit in 2001. I've heard Incubus songs on TV at least half a decade before that. They've toned things down a bit.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

hmm I first heard them around 2001 I suppose it was and that was the only tune I really liked.

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

I made the mistake of listening to that stupid The Wanted - Glad You Came tune on my way into work this morning so it's been replaying in my head all day...

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 4 days ago

I think I'm stuck with some weird 80s mix today.

// crae_work / 639 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm listening ti humming computers since I have a project that requires me working in the computer room today. *joy*

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 3 days ago

The 80s mix did not last long, because we all agreed that this DJ had no idea what he was doing. The rest of the day was mostly Belgian radio.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 3 days ago

What is it w/ that Belgian stuff and you?

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 3 days ago

Colleague controlled the radio and he liks that particular station.


* craeonics is listening to: Marvin Gaye - Mercy, mercy me

// crae_work / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

/me is listening to footsteps walking down the hall and the janitor rolling her trashcan. Another words nothing exciting...

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

Here's a video I see every morning these days: [link]. Song is no good, but the location somehow seemed familiar to me. Typical Dutch skies and architecture. It's the capitol.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

Mijn dutchy's stomping grounds. I think it looks very old, authentic and beautiful. (and yes the song sucked)

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

Dutchy in the begining of the vid there are so many bikes!

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

This is pretty much the usual scene for me everyday. I actually drive Whittier all the way into downtown and take the Freeway back home since the morning commute to Los Angeles is sheer torture by freeway but slightly less painful by freeway at night.

Soooo this is the same "exact" thing for me when I take Whittier Blvd into work each and every single morning...


// Doreen / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

Course I wasss going to drop you some better links of our beautiful Hollywood too but oh well this is what it really is:

(a few weeks ago and of course our hospital where I work gets the lefts overs from all the drama)


// Doreen / 639 weeks and 2 days ago

Not my stomping grounds. The Hague looks way different than Amsterdam.

I see there's plenty of action going on in your neighbourhood.

// crae_work / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Yeah it's a real party over here.

/me goes get ready for a meeting...

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm... When I enter my stomping grounds in JuJube I only find sports and news videos.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Sounds about right, sports on your end (most likely soccer) and gang bangers and police shootings on my end. Anyways today we opened our new peds dept so for the grand opening who do they get for the entertainment? Carlos Santana? He was completely bald and looked so old and skinny that I still don't believe it was him...

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Santana is 64, so I'd say he qualifies to look like an old coot.


* craeonics is listening to: parliament debating (I don't know why this is on live TV (well, I have an idea, but it's too long to explain), but hell, I get to see what they're doing with my tax money)

// crae_zzz / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

My, my, I see the prime minister (plus henchmen) has a lectern that automatically rises from his desk. So that's where all my money has gone too.

// crae_zzz / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Nope age was not the reason I didn't believe it was him it was because apparently it wasn't him! I got stuck in a meeting this morning and given another stupid project so I got left behind whilst everyone else fled over to the party to go see Mr. Santana so one of the guys I work with apparenty felt bad for me and brought me back a picture he thought he took of him. I told him I know he is getting old now but come on I've never in my life seen a person age beyond recognition! Plus the dude was dressed in a suit and if Santana would wear a suit it would not be light blue it would be black!

Turns out my co worker David who is Japanese took a photo of our Chief Sheriff of Los Angeles who was attending the event and posiing for photos. hehe!!!

// Dor_work / 639 weeks and 1 day ago

Conclusion: Santana works as a sheriff these days.

// craeonics / 639 weeks and 18 hours ago

Conclusion: Don't trust the Japanese w/ their knowledge of the entertainment industry? But his intention was cute.

/me goes dance w/ the dirty laundry...

// Doreen / 639 weeks and 12 hours ago

Conclusion: Doreen does Santana's dirty laundry?

/me just got harrassed by some sales rep on the phone

They play the trick of pretending to call for someone else now. I really question the ethics of any company or any person who thinks it is acceptable behaviour to randomly call people n order to sell them stuff.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 6 days ago

I get spam calls from various states on my cellphone (since I no longer have a LAN line cuz I'm not needing one for telecommuting anymore) and I'm still trying to figure out how in the world they got my number? I've only given my number to my family and work. I seriously think the phone company themselves are selling us out? Anyways, heb a goed dag mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 638 weeks and 6 days ago

The phone companies in fact are selling them. Even if it's a delisted number. Lousy bastards.

The only reason I have a land line is for ADSL. If not I wouldn't have a phone at all.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't only get out of state spam calls I get spam text msgs too so I'm not sure what they are doing but I have a pretty good build in "ignore" system in my brain.

// Doreen / 638 weeks and 5 days ago

/me is listening to some pretty dramatic music w/ periodic gun blast. (Sammy & Gino blowing things up in their gaming world)

// Doreen / 638 weeks and 4 days ago

Now there's a good idea.

Today's a national holiday (Queen's Day), so I got the day off.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 4 days ago

Well we should have a few Queens over here then! Not so lucky it's work for me today. Enjoy your day dutchy.

/me goes slave my day away...

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 4 days ago

Back at work. There are three people in this room, myself included (the rest is off or on holiday). Two of them (myself excluded) are discussing something at such a volume that it thunders in my head. And they're not even fighting...

// crae_work / 638 weeks and 3 days ago

/me tosses you some ear plugs now get back to work!

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 3 days ago

Fortunately, at the end of the week we're going to do the big switcharoo (I'm not quite sure why) and everyone will move to another spot in the building. And I will no longer share a room with those two.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 3 days ago

Change makes me nervous (since the County of LA has tramatized me) but hopefully you will benefit from the change and it dont mean something bad. I still have my beautiful office but the workload is nearly impossible now. When I went to speak to my boss about it she basically patted me on my head and told me to keep up the excellent work? Now I'm considering looking for a new job...

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 3 days ago

"The workload is too high!"

"Ah, but you're doing a great job Keep it up!"

What to do? What to do? You could try to suggest to her that you might walk away if this pressure keeps up. Bosses are somewhat sensitive to that (in both positive and negative ways).

Rather strange song, this.


* craeonics is listening to: Woodkid - Iron

// crae_work / 638 weeks and 2 days ago

That's not me dutchy, it took alot of nerve just for me to confront her but I did and she apparently doesn't care so rather than make alot of noise I'm going to see about any openings at a clinic closer to where I live it's also a County facility but I have to see if the freeze has lifted for transfers first then I'm going to quietly walk away from her...

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 2 days ago

Freeze on transfers? Why does that sound like football to me? And I don't even watch sports.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 2 days ago

I keep forgetting how different things are from over here and over there where you guys have Queens and stuff which always sounds to me like you are living in some kind of fantasy world.

It goes like this:

The County pretty much has a set budget and all the various depts have a set of alloted items or I should say various positions what happens is when ppl take off on extended leave or absence due to illness or whatever their item is frozen and they dont hire another person to fill that position until the original person returns which alot of the time can be 6 mos to a year or more therefore those of us left constantly get pulled to cover the other persons workload until they return. Private industry when this happens will either hire another person to fill the void or pay overtime to cover the position that the person has left hanging. (this is not the case with the county)

When the county has big big harships they toss a freeze which means you cannot move, transfer nor promote until they lift the freeze. I'm currently working for two diff depts and covering a girl that is on vacation. Then they decided to have me handle all the interns, residents, fellow and attending Doctors malpractice claims and insurance vetifications (ummm fhis is one of the largest hospitals and we have a ton of Doctors)

It's not realistic what she is putting on me but shes got her own issues as a County employee too so I hold bo grudges but she should try to protect her employees better before she has none.

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 2 days ago

That's messed up. It seems like the county employees get systematically overtaxed. That's an unhealthy situation.

I'd say escalate the issue to higher echelons, but that's easier said than done.

// crae_work / 638 weeks and 1 day ago

I actually suspect they are trying to work us literally to death so they don't have to pay us our retirement? When I called to get info on mine recently thinking since I began working at 19 that maybeee I could take an early retirement even if its less money they told me I will have to work for 19 more years to get 80% of my income!? Surely at the pace they have me working I will be dead.

Anyways such is the world have a goed dag mijn dutchy be glad you are where you are...

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 1 day ago

And there I was thinking you would end up in a box under a bridge.

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 1 day ago

Trust me there are many days I flirt with the idea of just quiting and go relax and do nothing under a bridge! (but then I remember I like showers and getting my nails done)

Slaap lekker mijn smarta** dutchy...

// Dor_work / 638 weeks and 1 day ago

If you live under a bridger, you'd have a big bathtub in right next door.

/me goes hunt for new windows and doors

// craeonics / 638 weeks and 18 hours ago

Yeah w/ real ducks instead of rubber duckies too!

/me smacks the Hell out of you!

// Dor_zzz / 638 weeks and 1 hour ago

Ducks and swans and loads and loads of seagulls. And pidgeons ofcourse. Oh, and geese.

// crae_evil / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

By the way, it seems the Beastie Boys are down one member. Cancer is a nasty thing.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm pretty certain he thought he'd live to at least be 65 but 47? Yup ppl seem to be dropping younger and younger he didn't even see 50 what a shame. Oh well this is life in paradise...

// Doreen / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

/me sends my pet goose to chase you and bite you!

// Doreen / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

I cannot hear the word "goose" or see the creatures without having to think about this dreadful cartoon: [link].

Japanese series based on a Swedish tale dubbed in Dutch. And I've probably seen every episode back in the days. I suspect it has not been on US TV and you probably have not seen it.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

Nope never seen it but it looks like you must have been an enchanted lil dutch boy. (whatever they were singing almost put me under my snuggly blankee right now to sleep!)

But you just reminded me that two days ago I heard loud quacking outside my window and when I looked outside I seen 3 ducks in the swimming pool! (which is gated so the 3 of them apparently flew in there!) anyways I was watching them cuz they were making a bunch of noise and it was two big green ducks quacking and attacking a smaller brown duck and they were on top of it screaming and drowning and trying to kill the smaller brown one so I ran outside and was trying to find a stick to get them off the brown duck before they drowned it and killed it and some guy said it was two males ducks trying to mate w/ the brown duck which apparently was a female duck. (how was I suppose to know! I've never seen ducks doing it) hehe

I guess I ruined their threesome cuz they all jumped out of the pool and one green one flew away and the other one stayed w/ the brown one. Just was the weirdest thing seeing ducks in the swimming pool.

// Doreen / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

/me goes peek around the internet and thinks while you were watching an enchanting flying goose thingies on TV on this side I was as a kid watching freaky things like this to fall asleep to late at night when my mom did not know. hehe

(I was always wanting to watch dark things and she hated it)


// Doreen / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe! Oh boy as a kid dutchy you definitely were watching the right stuff how cute...


// Doreen / 637 weeks and 6 days ago

While you had the Munsters, we had squishy squishy cartoons like that Nils Holgersson. I watched it because there wasn't anything better on TV. Basic story is this: Nils is a farm boy who is a little prick. He then gets cursed (can't remember how) and shrunk and takes off with a flock of geese to do god knows what.

More melodrama from childhood TV, Heidi [link] (Swiss or Austrian story, Japanese series) and Candy Candy [link] (again, Japanese).

All the time I was waiting for the good stuff to start: [link]

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 5 days ago

As for the duck thing. I see that behaviour a lot (loads of ducks around here). Green ones are males, brown ones females. If ducks were people, they'd probably be listening to hiphop.

The other birds are far more civilised about it.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 5 days ago

I don't care what you think, but those are actually very cute dutchy and maybe you guys do live in some kind of fantasy world w/ Queens and lil enchanting cartoons and stuff. T'was not the case for me growing up cuz of course more dark things I consumed myself w/ when I was a kid...

My idol, I never missed a show, she hosted old horror movies and I struggled through the horror movies cuz I wanted to watch her she was so funny and wicked to me)

Elvira Mistress Of the Dark:



// Doreen / 637 weeks and 5 days ago

Believe it or not this is her:


// Doreen / 637 weeks and 5 days ago

And what is so strange me to is that I remember watching this all the time I remember only three specific details of it:

1. The name of it.

2. That it came on each day at 3:30.

3. That it was some sort of horror soap opera.

But if you ask me about one single episode or anything else about it I could not tell you a thing about it cuz I was so young I didn't even know what I was watching nor why I was watching it other then it was just that it was spooky and I was always attracted to dark and spooky (drove my Mother nuts) hehe!


// Doreen / 637 weeks and 5 days ago

Doreen, Mistress of the Dark!

// crae_work / 637 weeks and 4 days ago

Doreen, Mistress of the County! Heb a goed dag mijn enchanted lil goosey boy...

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 4 days ago

You know, the whole Elvira thing would have been better if she'd had some kind of Eastern European accent.

So did this air in the afternoon or the middle of the night?

The only thing I watched in the middle of the night were Chinese wuxia soaps (because Chinese wuxia soaps feature kick ass action).

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah she was an original I liked her as she was. Anyways she hosted horror flicks on late afternoon on Saturdays. That other Dark Shadow thing I didn't even know how to tell time but I remember the way the clock hands looked for 3:30 and that to me meant spooky time. I mainly liked it for the scarey sounds and music and atmosphere cuz I have absolutely not a single idea what the storyline was or what it was about?

Now what is Chinese wuxia dutchy? I've never heard of wuxia?

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 4 days ago

Horror in the afternoon? That ain't right. I couldn't quite place her accent, but she sounds a bit like The Nanny (that sitcom from a few years).

Wuxia = fantasy with a Chinese setting. So lots of swordfights, magic and stuff.

// crae_work / 637 weeks and 3 days ago

You guys got the Nanny over there?

/me adds the wuxia word to all the words I've learned learned from you so far (and so far that might be my favorite word)

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 3 days ago

Once again it seems my keyboard wants to do its own thang and I'm tired of fighting it...

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 3 days ago

The Nanny, like Knight Rider and the Fresh Prince, did not age well. A-Team on the other hand is still awesome. As a matter of fact, it's on right now.

I used to watch series like this: [link]. Seems like a lot of action, but wuxia soaps like these are 90% talk.

A friend of mine is Chinese and his parents used to watch these kind of series, but then fast forward through the action.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 3 days ago

That's just like Chinese Ghost Story. As for the old shows it's always a strange feeling to look back on some of them similiar to listening to older music you used to listen to.

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh brother check this out dutchy we were just talking about this:


I have to read up on it but I think this is based on that thing I was telling you about? If it is I want to go see it!!!

// Doreen / 637 weeks and 2 days ago

Yup, and it looks like myyy kinda movie. hehe!

Take me!

Take me!

Take me!

I wanna go see it dutchy! (looks like it's this Friday?)


// Doreen / 637 weeks and 2 days ago

But it says Tim Burton... I'm not a big fan of his stories.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm I guess that means you are not going to take me. Dutchy did I ever tell you how much it sucks being your messageboard wife? But I suppose the good thing about it is when we divorce it won't cost us a penny.

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 2 days ago

In that case, I want half your money!

// crae_work / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

/me tosses you half my messageboard money...

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

Message board money? Is that the same thing as the monopoly money [link] we use as a currency over here?

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

That Dark Shadows flick seems to be a horror-comedy, by the way. I prefer my creepiness and suspense without laughs, really.

// crae_zzz / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

what in the world!? That don't even look like money? I like the colors cuz ours all looks the same color and boring. It's so strange how different everything is from here to there. Everything! Weather, language, laws, food, money (that metric thingie) everything!

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

But the most strangest thing to me is that talking to you I would never know how drastically different everything is. I cannot even imagine you dutch and speaking dutch?

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't think they make too many dark flicks on this side that are not completely rediculous or have laughs. Cept maybe that old exorcist movie. But I still want you to take me!

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 637 weeks and 1 day ago

We used to have kick ass bills: [link], but then we got the one-currency thing with countries with no imagination. O now we're stuck with imaginary bridges on monopoly money.

// craeonics / 637 weeks and 12 hours ago

hehe that is actually very pretty a bee on a daisy flower? (almost too pretty to want to spend) And I don't know dutchy about imaginary bridges if I was confused as a kid about life one thing is certain now w/ each passing day I'm even more confused now! I'm not even certain what is the purpose of "anything?"

/me looks at the laundry and bills it's my day off and wishing "that" was imaginary for sure! What is the purpose of doing it since it will be piled up yet again.

But atleast there seems to be no imaginary bridge "here" cept we should burn it...

// Doreen / 637 weeks and 11 hours ago

Bills usually depict landmarks or famous historical people. But when the euro bills were drafted, they did not want to make it look like they picked one country's landmark over another's. So because of that we now have bills depicting bridges that may look like landmarks, but don't actually exist anywhere.

The laundr thing sounds familiar. /me goes feed Mr. Washing Machine

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 6 days ago

Wellll obviously if I wait for "you" to take me to go see that Dark Shadows flick Hell would not only freeze over once or even twice but most likely three X's over!!!

The flick was better than I thought it would be, it t'was dark, mysterious, bloody, balanced, sexy and sprinkled everrrr so lightly w/ the laughs (so it was goed mijn dutchy)

/me goes run over to my Mom's house today it's Mother's Day tomorrow but I need a day of rest tomorrow before work so I'm going to go see her and bug her today...

// Doreen / 636 weeks and 6 days ago

My mother's spending mother's dy with my soon-to-be-mother sister, so I'm off the hook.

Still have not giving Mr. Washing Machine TLC, so I'd better do that before the weekend is over.

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 5 days ago

Get your lazy behind over to your Mother's pad dutchy and bring her some flowers! I actually think Mother's day should fall on a Monday and be a Holiday off from work, but oh well such is life...

// Doreen / 636 weeks and 5 days ago

I got my mother the flowers I got at work for my birthday. So I'm covered for the rest of the year, flower-wise. Besides, she's out today.

// crae_evil / 636 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh boy that sounds like you.

/me goes enjoy the rest of mommy day...

// Doreen / 636 weeks and 5 days ago

Thursday is Ascension Day, where I go back to heaven, so that means this is a three day work week. This is great!

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm are you sure you are going back to Heaven? cuz I wonder why Heaven would send you to torment me?

/me gets back to work...

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 4 days ago

Don't worry. I'll be back with Pentecost (in ghost form).

// crae_work / 636 weeks and 3 days ago

At the current rate my anemia is over taking me it looks like I will be a ghost before you so you better start trying to get ahold of ghostbusters dutchy...

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 3 days ago

Or a vampire slayer...

// crae_zzz / 636 weeks and 3 days ago

That is not too far off from the truth come to think of it. I told my Dr. I like the color red and all but I'll keep drinking the green stuff better for now. But the next fix is blood transfusion so give me some of your blood dutchy. hehe

As for right now I have to eat iron pills like candy and drink spinach blends around the clock for a while and see what happens. I definetely dont like the idea of a strangers blood put inside me (against my will anyway)

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 3 days ago

That is not too far off from the truth come to think of it. I told my Dr. I like the color red and all but I'll keep drinking the green stuff better for now. But the next fix is blood transfusion so give me some of your blood dutchy. hehe

As for right now I have to eat iron pills like candy and drink spinach blends around the clock for a while and see what happens. I definetely dont like the idea of a strangers blood put inside me (against my will anyway)

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 3 days ago

Isn't the idea that spinach contains a lot of iron a myth?

I, Prof Dr crae MD, say you should eat more dead animals.

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 2 days ago

If it's a myth then my Dr believes in it. I'm not too sure what to trust or believe in (could have something to do with where I work) but since my blood apparently is turning into water I'll try anything cuz the alternative was a blood transfusion which aint going to happen unless its my families blood or my Dr catches me unconscious or something.

As for eating dead animals you just made that sound appealing *gag* actually I dont have a problem with the thought of eating meat its just that my stomach does not tolerate it very well so that is why I only eat fish and fruits and tofu and nuts. (which is pretty healthy so I don't know why I'm so sick with this stupid anemia thing)

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 2 days ago

Did some digging, spinach does contain a lot of iron, but not the multiple factors that popular opinion thinks it has. Meat is easier to digest than plants. Our intestines are a bit too short to process veggies effectively.

Here's a rather in depth and winding article on where that came from [link]. Be warned though, very dry material and a bit too much speculation for my taste.

I, Prof Dr crae MD, noted dietician and expert on all things under the sun, say that one should always try to vary one's diet.

// crae_zzz / 636 weeks and 2 days ago

Also, there's an awful lot of misinformation and parroting on the internet.

Still, do vary your diet. And get some sun.

// crae_zzz / 636 weeks and 2 days ago

Umm dry material? I couldn't stand to read all that if I had a swimming pool filled w/ coffee that is rediculous! (I stopped somewhere when I spotted the word "hypothesis" ack!)

Anyways, I agree w/ you in regards to varying my diet but I don't get along w/ the sun cuz my skin begins to catch on fire and flame after 30 mins.

But seriously when I eat veggies I get the same reaction as I do w/ meat which is my stomach feels as if I swallowed a cement brick and the pain is more than I can bare hence why I eat fish and fruit. What I am doing is blending the veggies mixed w/ fruit to get it down, kale, broccoli, spinach, limes, ginger, apple, blueberries, oranges and banana (so much stuff I don't know what it taste like but it's not bad at all) since it's all blended it digest quickly and doesn't hurt or taste too bad.

I'll work on the meat thing next maybe just eat about an ounce at a time here and there to get it in...

// Doreen / 636 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay now I tried to actually come back and read that stuff you posted but I got to the bottom dutchy and there are other pages!!! No way on earth I am reading that boring stuff I'd be dead by the second page. (sorry)

// Doreen / 636 weeks and 1 day ago

In summary there are three thoughts on spinach the article refers to:

1. Spinach contains multiple times more iron than other veggies = not true, it is high, but on par with various other vegetables.

2. The idea in #1 is based on a decimal point placement error = apparently not true, it's more because of not checking your sources when citing.

3. Popeye ate spinach because of said iron count = not true, it was because of vitamine A. I, by the way, recently bought reprints of the first few years of Popeye comics [link] and haven't seen him eating any spinach yet.

Article aside, if your stomach gets upset from both meat and veggies, you might have other issues and that anemia could just be caused by them.

Regarding the sun thing, swimming in an outdoor pool should give you plenty of exposure. The human body uses sunlight to generate vitamine D.

Damnit, I sound like my mother now.

/me runs off to play games

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 1 day ago

Thank you dutchy for that summary (cuz that has got to be the most boringest article I ever trieddd to read)

I'm just using a juice machine to blend various dark green veggies and tossing in some fruit to mask the taste a bit. Doing it this way cuz it gets absorbed faster and seems alottt easier on my stomach. If you are buying comic books than you are close to Sheldon on the big bang theory! hehe!

As for sounding like your mom that's fine just don't chase me around with cooked liver like mine is trying...

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 1 day ago

By the way Diablo III was just released summoning bats is awesome! I was watching Gino (He was pulling a check this out Mom all night on me)

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 1 day ago

Lots of people playing Diablo at the moment. But I don't do games on computers. I want to be in couch potato mode with the TV at the other side of the room, not with my face up close to a screen.

If it comes out on the PS3, I might check it out.

That article was about your average scientific essay, minus citations (boo!). I'm quite used to, but never content with, horribly dry writing nowadays.

// craeonics / 636 weeks and 17 hours ago

Hmm if this keeps up I may have to start singing soft kitty to you!

I cannot read that stuff cuz of a severe physical reaction I have to it. My eyes begin to roll around in my head and start searching for the nearest window tii gaze out upon and my brain completely shuts off.

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 11 hours ago

I have a better keyboard on this new phone but it still gets disobedient on me from time to time.

// Dor_work / 636 weeks and 11 hours ago

Yeahhh, what was that saying again about a craftsman and his tools?

// crae_evil / 635 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't need any tools I have google!

/me goes search that to see what that saying is...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 6 days ago

That does not apply to keyboards on phones since they like to auto correct and type what they want rather than what you type! Plus there is the fingernail factor!

Anyways my sexy Sheldon I mean mijn dutchy...

Soft kitty,

Warm kitty,

Little ball of fur.

Happy kitty,

Sleepy kitty,

Purr, purr, purr.

That stupid song has been stuck in my head since I mentioned it to you yesterday!!!! Argh!

/me goes get my nails done and visit the laundry againnnn...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 6 days ago

I have never heard that song, except on this particular show.

We have other children's bedtime songs on this end.

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Well to be truthful I've never heard that song before watching the Big Bang Theory either. My Mother always sang the Itsy Bitsy Spider to me when I was a child. (come to think of it she may have instilled my attraction to dark and creepy and she didn't even know it!) hehe

I'm going to have to ask her for the lyrics on that one cuz I've forgotten all of them.

I'm pretty sure on that end your bedtime songs were not about spiders but most likely more enchanting...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy are you an Uncle yet?

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Nah, she's due in July.

I think we have the Itsy Bitsy Spider song with different lyrics (about a bug): [link] (with a corny synth in the back).

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy that is the same one...

Although the image that formed inside my head when my Mother would sing that song to me was somewhat different. (more like Tim Burton stuffezz) hehe

Forget the hello kitty I think I want my mommy to sing the itsy bitsy spider song to me. (I might actually bug her next time I see her to do it!)

July? So you've got some time to paint that boring tree on the nursery for her but I still think you should do our Tek bunnies on her wall!

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

I never thought to look it up but here it is in English:


Once again the only thing that seems familiar to me is that the spider is black but the theme is nowhere the vibe I had. hehe! When my Mother sang it she sang it doing some dance w/ her fingers and tickling me so it was a different xp than these crazy theme songs and visuals.

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Yikes! Check this out dutchy I just found this out about the original lyrics.


itsy bitsy spider- the song most know is actually the first verse, there are more that got left out the real song goes:

the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout

out came the rain and washed the spider out

out came the sun and dried up all the rain

and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again

the itsy bitsy spider crawled into mommas bed

crawled up to the baby and bit him on the head

momma lay there sleeping while baby lay there dead

and the itsy bitsy spider crawled out of mommas bed

it goes on to the spider killing the dog, then the mom, then the dad


Hmmm somehow even though my Mom never sang this version to me I always envisioned that creepy lil black spider being evil not cute in what she was trying to sing as a cute bedtime song to me. hehe!!!

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Sammy is being persistent that I play Diablo and I'm currently installing it to check it out since both him and Gino said it's pretty good (and it looks like it is but I've got to see for myself now)

At any rate during the installation it is playing music and I must say it sounds like something "you" would listen to. No it's not demonic screaming but rather folklorish and Bathorish mixed together. (not really sure how to describe it)

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

Also has monks, mystery, mixed w/ epic viking flavor too. Nothing I've ever heard in this "combination" before but it's reallyyyy good. (almost don't care if it every finishes installing the game now as long as this music keeps playing)

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

I hear Asian notes floating around too. The strings are perfecto! I've never heard such a perfect mix of atmosphere before you would like it dutchy you need to check it out. I'm hoping this will play during the game now!

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 5 days ago

If it'll ever get a release on the PS3, I'll have a look-see.

// crae_work / 635 weeks and 4 days ago

The tree has already been finished, by the way. I drew one last weekend, with the parents-to-be present and my mother, a friend of hers and an aunt did the painting (the result of which is so-so, but my sister is happy).

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 4 days ago

Well it's the end result that matters and if your sister is happy w/ a tree then so be it! You're such a good brother and will be a great Uncle! (I'm excited for you dutchy)

As for Diablo III if it does get released on PS3 and you get the chance to check it out I think you'll like it! It's not as challenging as EverQuest, World of Warcraft or Aion or any of the games I've tried before but these days the way I've been feeling I'm not looking for a stressful over challenging game just something fun and easy to escape into for a bit here and there and Diablo III fits the bill.

Andddd since my Doc is keeping me off work for one more day again tomorrow I will be jumping back into it tomorrow againnn as well. =)

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 3 days ago


I wonder if it will get a console release. I cannot remember any game by Blizzard that is available on consoles.

// crae_work / 635 weeks and 3 days ago

Well as crazy as it may sound I actually believe someday Blizzard will sign a deal to have their games run on handheld devices such as tablets like the iPad or whatever when either the specs can handle those kind of games (someday when the devices are so powerful they can handle running those games) The processors like snap dragon are becoming more and more up to speed now.

Anyways, me has a date today w/ my Demon Hunter!

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 3 days ago

Apparently, a PS-version is under development. But it might end up a completely different game (for some reason) and may never get released.

Meanwhile, it's Eurovision Song Contest time again. Corny music galore.

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm thinking they will choose to invest their time, money and devs where the money is and most likely they will develop an iPad, iPhone version "before" PS3 but who knows for sures...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy! I know what I willll beee listening to this Saturday, WAR!!! My bestfriend surprised me w/ Tickets to go see them though I'm not much into concerts this is one I won't pass up. And it's at Griffith Park so it's under the stars, can't wait I'm excited! I cannot believe it WAR...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

Fun factoid: I don't think I've ever heard a WAR song on the radio over here.

// crae_work / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

Most likely that's cuz when ppl see pointy wooden shoes and tulips they automatically think Holland but when ppl hear WAR most think Cali...

// Dor_work / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

I'd say most people will go "who?". Regardless, I know you're a big fan, so good for you.

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

Actually it's a pretty well know group over here in L.A. so most know who they are almost as much as the Beach Boys on the other side of the music spectrum on this side anyways. At any rate as much as I dislike crowds and commotion my cazy friend knows that's one group I can't say no to so she got me excited though I'm the biggest party pooper around this is one group I have to see before I leave this earth (or they do)

// Dor_work / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

Yowza! Come here you lil dutch guy check this out:





I cannot wait and I cannot believe how excited I am come onnnnn Saturday!!!

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 2 days ago

Had to find this particular one in good quality for you (and don't listen to it on your notebook either)


// Doreen / 635 weeks and 1 day ago

Finding good quality is tough but here is the one they are most identified by (and the one I've dropped more links for you over the years then I care to count) hehe


// Doreen / 635 weeks and 1 day ago

/me first up Ye Trusty Netbook

/me clicks that first link...

This brings up images of bygone eras.

/me decides to fast forward to the last link

I think I actually know that low rider song. I think the main hook pops up in places every now and then.

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 1 day ago

Note to self: Stop boring the dutch guy with links of my bird and too many WAR tunes...

// Dor_work / 635 weeks and 1 day ago

When confronted with six videos, one has to be selective.

// craeonics / 635 weeks and 17 hours ago

True that and from the looks of this rainy day before me I've got more important things to do instead of wasting valuable time looking for links (such as play Diablo III) I've never played a non spell caster before and this Demon Hunter is insanely cool (maybe not as challenging but fun none the less)

/me goes play...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 9 hours ago

Yesss I do realize and know you don't care to play this but still, the witch doctor is pretty crazy too! Probably one of the more interesting characters of them all...

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 6 hours ago

While hexing with the witches voodoo (Fugees reference here), I got stuck with installing my mother's new laptop. Her old one broke down and it wasn't even two years old. Grrr...

// crae_zzz / 635 weeks and 5 hours ago

Ummm she must have worn it out playing solitaire? My Mother was trying to ruin my day by calling me to help her out w/ her new phone (some cheap LG phone)

Her: "I got a new phone! It's got a bigger screen and it really neat! Can you help me figure out how to use it!?"

Me: "What kind of phone? Is it an iPhone or an Android?"

Her: "It's some kind of LG, yeah I think it says LG something or other"

Me: "Nope, I already told you when you buy yourself a decent phone I will help you out"

// Doreen / 635 weeks and 2 hours ago

Which might be running Android.

I got out of the phone helpdesk loop when my uncle wanted me to help out with his phone and I entered the password wrong enough times to lock it up completely.

With this laptop the work boils down to:

1. Get wifi up and running.

2. Replace freaking IE with Firefox.

3. Replace bloody Outlook with Thunderbird.

This alone is enough to shield her from most viruses and other nasties. Furthermore:

4. Set her up on her own account with limited priviledges. So she'll get a nasty prompt when anything tries to install anything or change sensitive settings.

5. Replace whatever crap McAfee/Orton anti-virus stuff it came with with Microsoft Security Essentials.

So much for security. Further steps:

6. Remove everything from the desktop except the browser, mail and the games folder.

7. Still need to install the various Office document viewers and perhaps Acrobat.

It's quite a bit of work to set up, but it prevents various helpdesk calls. The helpdesk being me. Now the only thing that can break down (more or less) is the hardware.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh, and: 0. disable all shite third party software that starts up with the machine.

Buy a machine in the store and it's loaded with crap.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm that all looks toooo familiar to me when I go setup my Mother's machine cept I also go one step further:

8. Add her favorite cooking and boring silly game site links to a favorite "link bar"

That way the only call I can possibly get is "Doreen help! I cannot find that bar you made for me w/ all my favorite sites! Help! Help!"

I'm still trying to figure out how she disables that? I think she purposely clicks all around the place aimlessly trying to mess something up just to call me and pester me w/ silly computer issues.

And though I tell her and my step Father do "not" click on "OK" when something pops up to install things "except" windows updates I still find freaky browser toolbar plug-ins they somehow both swear they never click on "OK" when pop ups appear. Argh!

// Doreen / 634 weeks and 6 days ago

And I swear I seriously believe Sammy can smell in the air when I'm excited or about to go have some fun cuz he's now got a fever and is wheezing? I sometimes feel as if I am in the game of WOW and my job, my Mother, my kids are all casting the spell of "Drain Soul" on me.

I'm going tonight no matter if it kills me to have some fun (and hopefully it don't cuz I'm sure they'll be a few stray bullets flying around) hehe

Have a good night dutchy...

// Doreen / 634 weeks and 6 days ago

The concert is tonight? Well have fun!

Meanwhile I'm blistering away in this scorching heat.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 6 days ago

Was last night and yes had fun. (WAR was completely outstanding!)

However me being a mouse closely packed next to a bunch of buzzed out screaming ppl jumping up and down and getting a bit too touchy feely on me and listening to them singing completely off key was not too enjoyable.

/me goes visit my laundry...

// Doreen / 634 weeks and 5 days ago

That too is part of the live phenomenon.

Some people go for the music, some go for the atmosphere.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah well sometimes the atmosphere can get in the way and ruin the music. (I recorded a few of my fav tunes on my phone and all I can hear on playback yesterday was the drunk chick that was falling all over the place in front of me screaming)

// Doreen / 634 weeks and 4 days ago

I was trying to convert my recording but Miss Drunk Screaming Girl ruined all of them. =(

me tosses them in the trash but I will give you a taste or annoy you w/ one first. hehe!

Here you go check her out...


// Doreen / 634 weeks and 4 days ago

I will check that out when I get home.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for some CDs that should have been sent on Thursday. It's Tuesday now and I still haven't received anything.

// crae_work / 634 weeks and 3 days ago

The joy of snail mail dutchy...

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 3 days ago

I ordered those CDs early April, then noticed one would not be released until late May.

And yes, that woman shrieking along is very annoying.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 3 days ago

I suppose when they said late May they meant May 31st at 11:59? And I so wanted to ask that girl if she could please shut up for just one song? (but I'm sure she would have kicked my a** so I left that idea alone)

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 3 days ago

She was probably a "came for the atmosphere" type of visitor as opposed "came for the performance/music".

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 2 days ago

She was a "came for the beer" type of visitor I seriously doubt the next day she remembered the atmosphere "or" the music. Some just are clueless how to enjoy things sober and quiet which could be considered by most as boring. hehe

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 2 days ago

Getting drunk at a concert is the atmosphere for them.

Hurray, my CDs arrived. The post stamp is from a week ago, so the mailman has seriously been slacking.

// crae_work / 634 weeks and 1 day ago

And look what's on the radio!


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 634 weeks and 1 day ago

Ack! And I doubt you should be picking on that mailman after all they instructed him to not deliver until "late" May so he's following instructions pretty good!

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 1 day ago

I was this close to contacting the shop to see what's up.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 1 day ago

Just get with the program you old man and 'download" your tunes. Now that I'm practically spending my entire life here at work I've no time for guarding my front gate for deliveries and waiting weeks for snail mail.

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 1 day ago

My packages get send to work. Try it. It's miraculous.

// craeonics / 634 weeks and 16 hours ago

Dutchy I've thought about that but I don't work down the street from where I live nor in a cozy building. The miracle would be if the UPS guy could find me successfully for delivery. I could rip off all day long packages that the guys around here get lost and beg me to sign for and I refuse.

// Dor_work / 634 weeks and 10 hours ago

I doný live down the street either. Packages get dropped at the reception (if that's the word in English) and give a call.

As for signing things, those delivery guys don't give a hoot whose signature they get.

// craeonics / 633 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy you guys over there are a bit more safe and organized however on this end it's "always" messy, unorganized madness.

There is no decent main receptionist desk where I work and this hospital consist of the old hospital building (that they cannot knock down since it's historic) then the new massive hospital (which is nice to look at but a complete nightmare for our poor patients) the old intern and residents dorm, the outpatient building (recently converted into a pediatric building) women's hospital and also several bungalows and trailers (since there still is not enough office space to handle administrative and clerical staffing)

The guys trying to make delivers to our facility do not get paid nearly enough to run around and find the needles in that haystack where I work and alllll day long they beg me to to sign for packages but I refuse (unless of course it is for our dept "only") I don't get paid for making their deliveries all over that massive maze.

I am not quite "that" stupid to have something sent to my work for delivery...

// Doreen / 633 weeks and 6 days ago

The delivery guy should do the deliveries or get another job. Regardless, still no reason not to have stuff sent to work. Ofcourse, I don't care if people see the things I order or what they might think of it.

// craeonics / 633 weeks and 6 days ago

Whoa, there's actual Italo on the radio! No wait, it's me streaming again.


* craeonics is listening to: The Flirts - Passion

// crae_work / 633 weeks and 3 days ago

Italo (I'll assume it's a form of Italian something or other cuz I have no clue what Italo is)

// Doreen / 633 weeks and 1 day ago

Italo is what you get when Italians get their hands on disco music. Was quite popular over here in pirate radio circles and got zero airplay on regular radio.

Get ready for some tacky 80s music: [link]

And a video to go with that Flirts song: [link]

// crae_zzz / 633 weeks and 1 day ago

That is a bit beyond tacky. hehe

/me goes check out that second link...

// Doreen / 633 weeks and 1 day ago

Umm that is a joke tune right? That cannot be an actual serious tune? Ack! (me goes flush out my ears)

// Doreen / 633 weeks and 1 day ago

What! It's a classic! I looked up an old pirate station yesterday and they were playing that exact song.

Tarzan Boy is would accept as a joke: [link], even though I'm sure it's absolutely serious. But Flirts/Passion is serious music.

Well, as "serious" as "light-hearted dance music" can be.

// crae_80s / 633 weeks and 16 hours ago

Why oh why did I click on that Tarzan Boy link? I think you are trying to kill me and my ears right?

Are you sure there is no genre named "Dingbat Disco" (or something like that) I mean for that Tarzan Boy and Flirts Passion stuff? Those two tunes cannot possibly be a form of serious music...

// Doreen / 633 weeks and 5 hours ago

/me goes play something decent to wash that stupid Tarzan Boy out of my ears...


// Doreen / 633 weeks and 5 hours ago

Somehow I suspected you had not heard Tarzan Boy before.

There are some half-decent new tracks out, but the names don't seem to stick with me.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 6 days ago

Ah, here's one: [link]

Ignore the Justin Timberlake clone singing and focus on the beat.

Plus, Ms. Furtado's latest: [link]. With that nasal voice of hers she can sound autotuned even when she isn't.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 6 days ago

No I have actually heard Tarzan Boy before when you keep dropping links of that tune and I'm stupid enough to keep clicking on them.

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay yes those are half-decent especially lately there does not seem to be anything coming out that really catches my ears but then I've not really been listening to much lately come to think of it...

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 5 days ago

The problem over here is that we used to have three music channels on TV and now there's only one and it only has music at night or early in the morning.

Haven't had a radio for years and at work they prefer stations with blathering DJs. So not much music there either.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 5 days ago

Not liking modern music is more or less inevitable though. It's a symptom of getting out of touch with the world.

Or to paraphrase a family member at a recent birthday party:

"My (teen) son likes Skrillex [link]. That's hard rock, isn't it?"

The term "hard rock" has not been current since the early 80s. She's in her early forties.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 5 days ago

Hard rock? I think it's more like a new form of modern techno but that kid is now being ripped off by everyone else trying to imitate his sound. I've actually now heard his music in car commercials on TV so for an unknown he has now made his mark all over the place...

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 5 days ago

The wobble bass has been around before this guy picked it up.

But he is probably the one who first introduced it to the mainstream US audience. Still fairly unknown over here for instance.

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

Just when you think it's all been done something a little new pops up...

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

People who think that everything has already been done before should stop breathing and leave this mortal coil and take their fatalist tendencies with them.

Mr. Oizo doing wobble bass in 1999: [link].

Unrelated, but that Benny Benassi video I see linked from that page has some serious distorted audio as well: [link].

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

Come to think of it nothing really is new? Things are usually just tweaked and built upon things that have already been done. I remember when rap came out everyone thought that was new but basically thats been around forever though the style of has changed and the name of what they call it.

So I suppose it's all the same as basic evolution...

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

I've heard better Benassi's tunes that one is worn out...

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm I was going to post a few for you but it seems the vids that go w/ the tunes are a bit over the top and I'm pretty certain they will be blocked from your eyes. hehe

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 4 days ago

Nah, I just posted that Benassi video. Girls in bikinis with power tools. Can't go more over the top than that.


* craeonics is listening to: Queens of the Stone Age - No one knows

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh trust me it can and I'm not going to let you evennn try to pursuade me to post them for you so get back to work you!

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 3 days ago

There was a time when hiphop videos came in two versions: a nice version for daytime TV and the nasty version for past midnight.

And then there's Rammstein's Pussy video, which is basically porn: [link]. Note that this is the censored version and freaking JuJube already puts that behind age verification (which I'm bypassing here).

Speaking of Rammstein, Reise Reise is a great song of theirs: [link] (though I'm not so sure of this live version).

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 3 days ago

Surprise, surprise first link won't load second link does but I need to view it when I get home its loading weird on my phone.

/me pokes you in your eyeball! Stop looking at nasty vids!

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm my ears never seem to know how to digest that stuff you listen to dutchy. (way diff then anything I hear on this end)

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 3 days ago

I think this calls for Konijntje Wiebel: [link]

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

And before I forget:


* craeonics is listening to: The Communards - Don't leave me this way

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay my brain is not awake yet or that vid is the strangest thing I ever seen!

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah, it's strange alright.

Here's your missing twin sister, Loreen, Sweden's entry in and winner of this year's Eurovision Song Contest: [link]. These songs are usually terrible, but this one actually gets airplay.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

At the moment the European Championship (Football) is being held. For the Dutch, the most important match of the tournament (against Germany) begins right now. If "we" lose, we're out.

I don't watch football, but I suspect it will be a national day of mourning tomorrow, that's how big of a deal it is to most over here.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

You mean socker not football right? It was on a couple of days ago when I was channel surfing and seen a sea of the color orange and thought there's mijn dutchy's team! (but I'm not into socker so I kept right on surfing)

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

And I'm sooo not into soccer I even spell it wrong. I did watch it once only cuz of you and it was kind of exciting but thats a guy thang...

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Annnd... we lost. Which means we're out of the tournament. There's still a third match to go, but no realistic chance to advance.

There's going to be a lot of sad faces at work tomorrow and my father's probably had a heart attack by now.

// crae_zzz / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay found it apparently mijn dutchy's team lost atleast the score was close? Bad enough to be beaten but being slaughtered by a big spread is worse? (okay so I suck at trying to console you)

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Ummm miracles do happen? (though not too often) Hey I told you I suck at trying to console you! hehe

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 2 days ago

Considering that I found everyones optimism before the tournament rather unfounded, this loss does not surprise me.

The good thing about this is that the idiot down the street will stop honking his air horn all day now.

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 1 day ago

Plus, I'm always happy when they play this.


* craeonics is listening to: The Beloved - Sweet Harmony

// crae_work / 632 weeks and 1 day ago

Well like you said there is stillll game 3 so don't be so sure of it.

/me goes get busy (lots of scheduled appts today)

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 1 day ago

It's something like if Germany beats Denmark and The Netherlands wins from Portugal with a goal difference of at least two, then we'll move on to the next round.

Seeing that those overpayed goons were unable to defeat Denmark or Germany, I highly doubt that they will be able to best Portugal.

Pfft, football nonsense. I'd rather play games.

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 1 day ago

Which reminds me that I need to kill the Skeleton King in Diablo III this weekend...

// Doreen / 632 weeks and 1 day ago

But first: household chores...

// craeonics / 632 weeks and 16 hours ago

/me goes get this day out of my hair...

// Dor_work / 632 weeks and 11 hours ago

Chores are over, so if I can get this lazy cat sleeping on my arm to move...

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 6 days ago

Well atleast your beast does not remove the keys off your keyboard to get your attention! (mine "demands" it)

// Doreen / 631 weeks and 6 days ago

They do, however, have a habit of positioning themselves between my face and whatever it is I'm doing.

"Give me attention, now!"

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 5 days ago

Final match. I'm not watching, but I hear these things around me:

1. Neighbour shouts "yes".

2. Neighbour kisses his girlfriends (thin walls, I hear everything)

3. Massive cheering around the corner.

4. Assholes setting off fireworks and tooting that bloody horn.

So I take it they just scored.

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 5 days ago

/me kicks the Hell out of you! Yesss I'm watching this stupid game over here cuz of you! (and it is exciting!)

But they are slacking. I've counted 3 times they should have scored so far rediculous!!!

// Doreen / 631 weeks and 5 days ago

/me goes finish watching...

// Doreen / 631 weeks and 5 days ago

And they lost! And rightfully deserve to the way they were playing. =(

Oh well...

// Doreen / 631 weeks and 5 days ago

Worst performance on a tournament ever!

Speaking of performance:

"I thought you might like to know some of the reasons why you are not getting enough Social Media and Organic search engine traffic for Teknidermy.com [...]

PS2: I found your site from online advertising but did not click."

Silly SEO-spammers. I'd like to see those "ads" of ours.

// crae_work / 631 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah we need more traffic so ppl can come see what we are listening to?

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 4 days ago

I'll have you know that sharing what we are listening to is of world shattering importance!

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 4 days ago

Stop it now you're putting pressure on me! And all I'm currently listening to is someone down the hall talking wotk gossip and opening the door to their office.

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 4 days ago

Commercials and annoying DJs. Lots of B2B commercials for some reason. Oh, and now U2...

// crae_work / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to purring computers...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

The only purring going on here is by these two computers with claws and pointy ears that sleep all day.

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

And as your msg board wife that better be the only purring going on there!

Nothing but typical work sounds here...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

Sleep all day, except when they sit next to you and start staring at you. Like they're doing now.

That's cat speak for "give me food".

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

We think we train our pets but they actually train us! Anyways lunch time and I forgot my food so when you feed your cats can you toss me something over that ocean?

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to some nasty county gossip going on out in the hallway. Ack! Two more hours to go...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't think you want this cat food. It reeks.

Then again, they also think my chow smells. It's all relative.

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 2 days ago

If I actually waited for you to bring me some food I'd be dead. You should be feeding them cats sushi...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 2 days ago

They would be spoiled rotten then. And my mother already has a habit of doing that (after which they won't eat what I give them).


* craeonics is listening to: INXS - Suicide Blonde

// crae_work / 631 weeks and 1 day ago

That's just a precurser of what she will be doing when you and when your sister's baby is born...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 1 day ago

She will be spending all day at my sister's, spoiling her grandchild to the core.

Or in other words, uncle crae is not going to babysit that.

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 1 day ago

If she has a girl you may never fully bloom into Uncle crae but if she has a boy when he is old enough to hold onto a game controller you will bloom into Uncle crae. And I think you'll make a great Uncle dutchy...

// Dor_work / 631 weeks and 1 day ago

Considering the fact that the walls were not to be painted pink, I have a hunch what it may be.

// craeonics / 631 weeks and 17 hours ago

Well then in that case you may be surprised to find yourself spoiling your lil nephew more than your Mother!

// Doreen / 631 weeks and 12 hours ago

La la la laaa! I always forget how beautiful this one is...


// Doreen / 631 weeks and 5 hours ago

Sunday isn't until tomorrow. /me kicks them worship tunes out of here

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 6 days ago

Don't worry I'll probably be busy back listening to my booty tunes on Sunday...

// Doreen / 630 weeks and 6 days ago

For a day called Sunday, there sure is a lot of water pouring down right now. Which is good. Too bad for the outdoor festival people. There's one around here today, but it will, as we say over here, "fall into the water".

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 5 days ago

No rain on this end all blue skies. I'd prefer some rain but such is Cali anyways, me has a lil screaming bird to tend to that is calling me...

// Doreen / 630 weeks and 5 days ago

Regardless of the weather, I was at some party from hell mostly filled with ex-family of ex-family of half-family.

So I'm almost glad to be back at work.

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Fitty in the workplace.


* craeonics is listening to: 50Ct - Candy Shop

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Good! that's what you get for steppin out on me!

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

And I realized I forgot my stupid headset when this week will be a perfecto opportunity to listen to my tunes.

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Aha, finally someone else notices that Candy Shop sounds a lot like the Veldt theme from Final Fantasy 6: [link] (ofcourse it's missing the beat and the flow is different).

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

As I recently said that's nothing really new just stuff that's already been done and then someone else just tweaks and builds upon it. (like coding)

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

I can't even begin to count the tunes I listen to that I hear a running beat in the bg that I know I've heard in another song before...

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

The annoying DJs on the radio have already called this the summer tune of 2012: Major Lazer - Get free [link]

I must say, they may be right for once, it ain't half bad.

// crae_zzz / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Or is it this remix they play [link] Hmm, I'm pretty sure I'll hear it a dozen times again tomorrow.

// crae_zzz / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Half bad? That's the best song I've heard in a longgggg time not only is the tune unique but the vid is outstanding as well! (loved it!)

/me goes check out that second link...

// Doreen / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

I definitely prefer the first one second one feels too commercial. I think I want that tune so now I have to go find it on this end cuz I've not heard it get any air time over here?

// Doreen / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah that second one is not bad either but still the first one is pure goodness...

// Doreen / 630 weeks and 4 days ago

It's a new song, so it may take some time to get on the radio.

Not too keen on the stretching of lyrics that they're doing though. If they had added some more words, they wouldn't have to do that.

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

More hipper dee hop on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Wu-Tang Clan - Gravel Pit

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Try not to focus too much on lyrics sometimes they can ruin a perfectly good song...

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm not referring to what they are saying (I have no idea), but rather how the text flows. Too many lines ending like thiiiiisssss (followed by synth stabs).

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Ahhhh I see.

You're hot then you're cold

you're yes then you're no

you're in then you're out

you're up then you're downn

/me is listening to Katy Perry...

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Which just changed to this tune that has some how grown on me.

Calvin Harris - Feel So Close

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Which has a lead that sounds like a siren... Seriously, Calvin Harris, what were you thinking?

Speaking of sirens, how about this Prodigy track featuring an actual ambulance tri-tone halfway through: [link]

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm thinking since I'm at the mercy of my radio at work now and not able to listen to what I'd normally be playing that alottttt of funky stuff will most likely be growing on me whether I like it or not. Especially when it's repeat Hell on the radio.

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Have to check that vid out later my mobile phone won't play that one and these county computers are blocked.

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 3 days ago

Welll that's definitely typical Prodigy (which means it's good)

// Dor_zzz / 630 weeks and 2 days ago

There's an even better song on the album (Warrior's Dance), but for now it's anthem time:


* craeonics is listening to: Europe - Final Countdown

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 2 days ago

Okay, Muse's new song (don't know the name) sounds like Queen.

That's a bad thing.

// crae_work / 630 weeks and 1 day ago

Me agrees...

Andy Grammer - Keep Your Head Up

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 1 day ago

Never heard that song.

This is the part of the year where I will complain about the temperature and you will say I haven't experienced nothing yet.

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 1 day ago

Wellll you haven't! When you try to sleep in triple digit temps thennnn you have a valid reason to complain! Right now you are at 78 which is light sweater weather you big baby! hehe!

Good night mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 1 day ago

Flo Rida - Wild Ones

/me goes get this day out of my hair...

I've got the 4th of July Holiday combined with next weeks RDO and 3 lil vacation days to magically turn it into 9 straight days off. Hooray!

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 11 hours ago

Light sweater weather? I wear t-shirts all year round.

Enjoy your days off. I'm getting my balcony doors and windows replaced on the back side of the house, so I had to get up today, my day off, way before I normally get up on workdays because the window guys start at eight. And I this will continue next week (two or three days), so I had to take the week off.

No sleep for poor me.

// craeonics / 630 weeks and 6 hours ago

Ahhh stop complaining it will be worth it when everything is completed, goodluck with that. Nothing special planned l'm just having to stop thinking I'm super woman and take better care of myself until my blood gets back to normal (I have a nasty habit of trying to do too much) going to enjoy my week off and maybeeee kill that stupid Skeleton King that I've been wanting to but have not had time to...

// Dor_work / 630 weeks and 4 hours ago

Now there's a good idea. Except I'm playing Amalur [link] and not Diablo.

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm not bad, I was trying to find a link to show you the Demon Hunters but it's rediculous that none look line mine? /me goes see what's up w/ dat?

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm not too sure what is up w/ that and I cannot find a link to show you the Demon Hunters but here is my character:


// Doreen / 629 weeks and 6 days ago

This one is a lot different than playing the usual spell casters...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah, well, spell casters... I always hack/slash even against big beasties and mobs. Actually I prefer stealth and attacking over distance with bows, but bows are broken in Amalur: [link]. You can't aim manually and the range is very limited.

Anyway, you character looks good. Though I do think a hood should come with a cloak. It looks weird without it.

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

That actually looks very cool! (cept all I kept thinking about was casting rain fire on them) I still cannot play this character well since I've always played spell casters... Anyways, the reason for the hood and no cloak is the drops suck and I downright refuse to wear a purple or green cloak if it don't match the rest of my armor! hehe

(you forget me is female and looks "must" come first)

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

The should have a mirror spell, so the ladies can gaze at themselves in-game. Also: a wardrobe spell and a shopping spell.

// crae_zzz / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

All this clothing talk reminds me of Resonance of Fate (PS3 game) where you could dress up your three characters: [link]. It had various cloth shops with all kinds of stuff, which had no effect on the game whatsoever.

Game was rock-hard though.

// crae_zzz / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

What kind of skinner are you? When you game "you" of all ppl should want to control the appearance of your character?

Just like in real life though you get allll kinds of perks and advantages to looking good in the game (just the same as out)

When I played WOW I got addicted to the auction house waiting for jussss the righttttt looking armor to list that had both the magical powers and looks cuz the drops stink like I said in most games however, it's the "auction houses" that have the good stuff (cept most times you've got to buy gold outside the game to be able to afford it)

I normally just begged my brother to toss me all his gold and went shopping. His wife nearly divorced him cuz one month I think he spent like 300-500 dollars of his real money to buy gold for the game. (they are still miraculously together)

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

All this talk of gaming and I got like less than an hour of gaming time in so far cuz I installed one of those portable fountains on my patio and planted assorted flowers and stuff so I can have a small piece of tranquility to run too when I want to relax. I've got me the whole weeeeek off still so I'll be getting in some gaming time for sure...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 5 days ago

If you can dress up your characters, I want it to have an effect. In some game it really is nothing more than cosmetics.

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 4 days ago

Wellll then you are playing the wrong games my dear...

Most armor that I ever dressed my characters in have magical powers and health and healing properties. (the bestest armor also has some pizazz such as glowing or smoking effects etc)

You must be playing some very limited games or something dutchy but then again some of the games I've played in the past give me a headache trying to keep up w/ all the diff aspects of it like what foods to eat for health, what armor for protection and what add ons to boost health and casting spells faster or increase running or flying time etc (just way too many things to focus on all whilst being jumped by mobs and things)

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 4 days ago

And this is totally rediculous cuz I have not been able so far to game! I think it's more work to stay home! Just have so many things I've been wanting to do and when I work I can't do anything! However, today I've completed my lil spot of tranquility though. I've got the pump working on my fountain and all my flowers and plants in the ground and bought a cool looking new bench and chairs. Now I am praying the landlord don't go cutting the pine tree that is towering my patio or everything will die from the sun...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh wait, I thought you were talking in-game. Plants are good. My house and balcony are filled with them.

Unfortunately, it froze just one week this winter, but it was enough to kill almost all plants on my balcony.

Now, I could play games all day, but the workers are still busy with the windows and I don't think it would give the right impression if I were to play games while they are toiling away.

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 3 days ago

Funny, on that side when you plant you have to fear freezing your plants and on this side I have to fear my plants baking! I have to see if I can grab a quick pic today of my spot of tranquility for you...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 3 days ago

Here you go dutchy...






// Doreen / 629 weeks and 3 days ago

Not much but what my budget can afford for now...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 3 days ago

Looking good. You should consider planting some higher-rising plants in the back, to cover the whatsitcalled, the wall-thing.

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 2 days ago

I already have two that should take off and climb up that wall but I painted that funky thing so those honeysuckles will go in next weekend or so. I was surprised how inexpensive the portable fountains were I always thought they were hundreds of dollars I picked that one up for 70 and w/ the paint and plants I got that messy patio done for under 150 dollars!

Anyways, firecracker day today!

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 2 days ago

/me looks at calendar

What, it's not the end of the year yet!

Today isss... game day!

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 1 day ago

4th of July silly and still no time for gaming cuz now today my Mother is on her way over here! I swear I am totally exhausted from being off work I seriously don't know which is more tiring!

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 1 day ago

Put your mother behind the computer? Maybe she'll start gaming.

I know mine only plays solitaire...

// craeonics / 629 weeks and 17 hours ago

Mine does too dutchy but no way in Hell I would put myself through trying to teach her how to play online games! She can't sit still long enough anyways and it's amazing to me she plays solitaire I remember days of her complaining about me on my computer too much...

// Doreen / 629 weeks and 12 hours ago

/me scratches kill the Skeleton King off her to do list...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

/me hops over to Ikea to get some new bookcases

I have too many books to fit in my house and I don't want to fill every wall with cases, but still...

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

*cough* (Obviously I don't have that problem)

/me goes hop over to get my hair and nails done...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

Now there's something I don't have to worry about.

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

I just went and had her infuse my hair w/ Keratin (which last up to 5 months) so I'm good for a while now...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

The only problem w/ this stuff is I cannot wash my hair for 3 days now. Ack! it's gonna drive me crazy...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

I know you are in la la land but you never told me how your windows or door came out? (whatever work you were having done)

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 6 days ago

Mmmmm mmm mmmmm! still sounds good...


// Doreen / 628 weeks and 5 days ago

Why does Petey Pablo's music remind me of Li'l Jon?

Windows came out well. Still dreading the bill though. This is one of those things you can only afford every so many years. If my house burns down now, I'm going to extra annoyed.

Silly video of the day: Rob Zombie - Dragula [link]. This is well over a decade old. If always find myself quite amused by the little devils (or whatever they are) in the back of the car.

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 5 days ago

Well if he did the work right you won't need to redo them again for many years. I'm still a renter (I signed another lease for a year in a diff place) so I have a year to debate on whether I want that headache again or not...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 5 days ago

First time I ever hear that song or see that vid, it's strange but still amusing...

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 5 days ago

Back at work. Four days until the next weekend...

// crae_work / 628 weeks and 4 days ago

Where did my 9 days off go?

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 4 days ago

I know someone who has just lost two decades of her life. Apparently I'm an uncle since this afternoon. I'll withold judgment until I've seen the little rugrat.

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 4 days ago

Trust me there is not one soul on this earth that has ever had a kid and really knows what they are doing at the time or what a sacrifice it is cuz you only learn as you go. (if we knew the world would be desolate)

Anyways, mijn dutchy is now an Uncle!!! Congrats to you and mijn msgboard sister in law...

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 4 days ago

Whatever you do, do not google how to be a good Uncle! hehe

So any surprises? or was your hunch correct? Do you have a nephew?

// Doreen / 628 weeks and 4 days ago

She put everyone on the wrong foot with her comment "not to paint the walls pink". It was a girl after all. I'm going to have a looksee tonight.

// crae_work / 628 weeks and 3 days ago

By the way, I am not sure if the saying "to put someone on the wrong foot/leg" exists in English. It's a Dutch figure of speech.

// crae_work / 628 weeks and 3 days ago

Over here it would be that she put you guys on the wrong track (not foot but I always know what you mean mijn dutchy)

Enjoy seeing your adorable niece tonight! Boy your Mother is going to spoil her rotten!

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 3 days ago

(And I told you to paint our Tek bunnies on the wall!)

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 3 days ago

My mother couldn't keep her hands off the baby. My father went "shall we come again Thursday" and my sister replied "hellll no".

// crae_work / 628 weeks and 2 days ago

Your sister is now on the biggest and longest rollercoaster ride of her life. She's on the smoothest and easiest part of the ride right now. She has no idea what she did even if she thinks she knows and even if she does it again...

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm going to be sure to have some popcorn around for when the kid is two or three and has a vocabulary consisting of "no!".

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 2 days ago

Stupid upgrade on my phone has messed up some things, anyways just tryyyyy to be supportive Mr. Sarcastic shes going to have the ride of her life and when it begins she'll need someone to lean on not a popcorn eating sarcastic bro. plenty of time right now so no worrys...

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 2 days ago

I'll just stick to the role of crazy uncle.

// crae_work / 628 weeks and 1 day ago

And you'll do it well. Nothing but a bunch of dirty diapers and taking a bunch of adorable baby pics for a couple of years for now so you don't have to play crazy for a while...

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 1 day ago

And if I hear one more Adele song I'm going to lose it!

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 1 day ago

Adèle is not as bad as the sudden popularity of Train.

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 1 day ago

Every other song is Adele over and over and over again and now with the news of her pregnancy she's on every single channel on TV.

What is the media's obsession with her?

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 1 day ago

Well, "media", some people like to watch celebrity gossip. I had no idea and haven't seen nor heard anything.

// craeonics / 628 weeks and 16 hours ago

well over here you cannot escape it even if you try...

// Dor_work / 628 weeks and 11 hours ago

Small consolance, all her songs are about broken relationships she's had. So if she's happy now, we won't be seeing much new material.

// craeonics / 627 weeks and 6 days ago

Atleast for a few years...


Mmmm mmm mmm! Some decent base banging around in this tune.

/me goes party w/ the laundry and dishes...

// Doreen / 627 weeks and 6 days ago

Beat is good. Can't hear no bass on this machine.

And unfortunately, it's cleaning day over here as well.

// craeonics / 627 weeks and 5 days ago

Here we go again, more Train on the radio.

// crae_work / 627 weeks and 2 days ago

Still Adele Hell over here...

// Dor_work / 627 weeks and 2 days ago

It could be worse: K'naan and Nelly...

// crae_work / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

Or that Forever Young tune!

// Dor_work / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

Forever Young is the shit, as is Bronski Beat's Smalltown Boy, which I heard today. A cover of it by Paradise Lost: [link]

// craeonics / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

I think I should start to believe you are actually serious about liking those two rediculous songs?

// Dor_lunch / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

Well I have to admit that particular version of it is almost decent...

// Dor_lunch / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

Cue ridiculous song #3: Modern Talking - You can win if you want: [link]. One of those guys is always playing that weird keyboard/guitar hybrid that was everywhere in the 80s.

An insurance company used that song in a commercial decades later: [link].

// crae_zzz / 627 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe dutchyyyy "you" are the strangest guy I don't know...

// Doreen / 627 weeks and 23 hours ago

In the world of crae, I am the normal one and everyone else is weird.

There is a new Opposites track out and it gets quite some airplay. Problem though. Don't know the title and can't find it. Did however find this new track from a mixtape: [link]. It's passable.

// craeonics / 627 weeks and 16 hours ago

Very passable they know how to put some smooth beats together...

(funny I just came across that CD of theirs that I had bought a while back all dusty in my desk when I was moving recently)

// Doreen / 627 weeks and 9 hours ago

I still have their link but alot of times when I click on links from over there I get "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" msg...

Anyways, me went to have my blood work done again this morning and I swear I think the reason my blood is so thin is cuz they freakin take (8) rediculously over sized tubes each time they test!

I wasssss beginninggg to feel so much better but I'm running on empty now again!!!

// Doreen / 627 weeks and 9 hours ago

Dutchy this link:


What is it saying about "Nate Dogg?"


// Doreen / 627 weeks and 9 hours ago

Giel is one of those annoying DJs that has ruined listening to the radio these past ten years. Way too full of himself.

As to what they're saying, they start off like Regulate, but it soon ends up with trying to hook up with girls and getting into a fight with their boyfriends.

Basically a bit of a tribute to Nate Dogg in their own fashion (which is also the title of the article). And Regulate probably because that was the only hit he had over here.

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay that sounds about right. There comes alot of nonsense and self bloat w/ that kind of music cept the "beat" is normally decent. (well they were from Nate Dogg anyways cuz he had a smooth style of his own)

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 6 days ago

What's weird about the Opposites is that the self-aggrandising is a bit misplaced. They talk (at times) like they're from the ghetto, while in fact they're from a small country town.

Ah, this is that new single of theirs that I hear all the time: Slapeloze Nachten (Sleepless Nights) [link].

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 5 days ago

I think you guys must have better dictionaries on that side?

/me goes look up that aggrandising word...

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh that? Welll on this side it's called "wannabe G" hehe

(they are in Japan as well)

But the thing w/ this is the wannabe gangsters that actually get to fulfill their dream of being in that black hole that robs them of their life and education if they get to survive it they normally have attended wayyy too many funerals and have nothing but self regret.

I think the biggest wannabe G you guys had over there was that guy that killed that girl in Aruba? (can't recall his name) but he finally got his wish too.

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay veryyy strange looking album cover (but that is the dutch coming through) hehe

Whatever they are I like their style of music and I think they are cute. (not talking about looks I mean that they are trying to bring a certain style over to that side that they like)

Song is good...

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 5 days ago

Welll my Mother and my sister dodged the bullet cuz my choochie brother is in town and he's w/ "me" so now I need to find some way to entertain him today or I'm going to go crazy w/ him.

later gator...

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 5 days ago

Put him behind a computer and let him play Diablo all week.

// crae_work / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

I gave him the game to take back with him to try last night as it is back to work for us all today. And what did I hear as I was walking to my office this morning? What else Adele (I should have grabbed my dusty Opposites CD to take with me today)

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

/me diggs up some good Opposites for poor Dor_work

Oew Oew is one of their best tracks by far: [link]

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

A neighbour down the block runs a dog/puppy training thing in her backyard. Standing on my balcony I can hear her lecture. Which is amusing.

Not amusing however is the bloody pup that has been shrieking continuously for the past hour or so. Jesus, people, how hard is it to get your dog to calm down?

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

Umm "The content owner has not made the video available for mobile"

*sigh* you dutch!

Anyways, if I remember correctly it was that Oew Oew tune that pushed me to purchase my very own Opposites CD of which I need to listen to again I forgot the songs on it cuz it's been so long since I've listened to it!

As for the girl with the shrieking puppy go easy on her . I can relate with that as I'm pretty sure my new neighbors want to strangle my bird by now.

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

When he screams for me I have absolutely only two choices either carry him when I'm trying to do things or leave the house physically. He does notttt quite understand when I yell at him to be quiet!

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

Yesss that Oew Oew is the bomb baybeee that definetely is the best one and also the one that got me to buy the CD I own (which is crazy cuz that tune is not on it!?)

Anyways, I'm burning this CD tonight to take w/ me for tomorrow and I remember now that Jouw Pijn, Mijn Pijn is my fav on the CD but I've got to go through the songs I forgot about this CD.

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm I bet I already bugged you to translate that Jouw Pijn song for me but I'll try not to bug you again.

/me goes search to see what nonsense the is rapping about. (I love that song) actually it might be better if I don't translate it huh? hehe

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

Ack fawgetaboutit that will turn into an all night affair it's totally rediculous trying to translate stuff on the internet...

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 4 days ago

Didn't I already translate that? Toss me the lyrics and I'll run it through Google Translate, umm, I mean, I'll have a looksee.


* craeonics is listening to: Destiny's Child - No no no (remix)

// crae_work / 626 weeks and 3 days ago

Only three problems with that right now:

1. I'm at work.

2. Google is never my friend when it comes to "anything" dutch.

3. Copy and paste on a mobile phone could make me say a bad word.

But I will take you up on that offer when I get back home.

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 3 days ago

And though I do have my Opposites tunes tranfered over to my phone and with me today and I'm equiped with my Bluetooth Headset these ppl just will not stop interupting me today!!!

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 3 days ago

I always re-enact this commercial when people interrupt me all the time: [link] (the bit at 0:25). He shouts "not right now" and "can't you do anything without me".

The amount of English in the way he speaks is typical of those type of suits, by the way.

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe! dutchy that vid actually loaded for some reason and I only react like that in my head when they are all over me bugging me for nonsense as I never have enough nerve to tell them what I would really like to say!

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay I "think" these are the lyrics (or google could be lying to me) I need my looksee...

Hey ja bier en drank

vanavond is het feest bij mij

Barbeque voor iedereen, dus wees er bij

Haal die pijn en die zorgen uit je kop

want de struggle is verleden tijd, dus wees blij

fok de bullshit, de drama, de rechtzaken, sh*t,

je ex-vrouw is een vage b*tch

en Yo, ik zeg nooit dat ze klappen verdient

maar je hebt een zoon en je mag hem niet zien

nee, dat kan ze niet maken

Kill for real, groot geworden met zn kleine keel

t is niet te geloven, motherfocker

wil papa zien, hij is niet goed snik

Maar dat doet um nix

Zo vol van pijn als je het mij vraagt

kijk hem gaan, geen geld om hem bij te staan

Want iedereen is alleen en het spijt me

de wereld is koud, maar daar moet je niet naar kijken

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

Zo man ga zitten, je ziet er vermoeid uit

Laat je hoofd even rusten, kom op, drink wat met mij

Laat alles maar varen, ff vrolijk lachen met deze halvegare

Sh*t tis altijd fokt op, maar nu ff niet

ff een uurtje chillen na al die uren verdriet

Sh*t loopt te hoog op, Sh*t bent dood op

Ik zie het aan je ogen, doorlopend rood mop

Hier neem een peukie en neem wat te eten

En vergeet problemen, ff alles vergeten

Ik weet het is moeilijk, maar de wereld die zakt niet

Iedereen heeft het goede tijd, moppie, ff heerlijk en strak

Ja, en weet dat het ook niet zo veel geeft

Jij bent sterk genoeg dat jij het overleeft

En ook al lijkt het soms dat alles tegen zit

Jij moet weten dat niemand je vergeten is, jij

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

Want er is niemand die zal geven om jou

niet om mij, dus we hebben nu alleen nog elkaar

En als de wereld lijkt te breken voor jou

Wees dan blij, want je echte vrienden staan voor je klaar

Nou ey, heb je het gehoord

Mam was in mam's ze stad

Een fokking begravenis

Het is een massa hoop (?)

Een nieuwe dag, een nieuwe tijd

En ja een stoere man, met in je kont daar een nieuwe scroot?

Want je bent rijk als je terug komt

Je weet zelf, rijkdom, de pret die zit niet mee, help!, uhuh

En als je terug bent in Nederland

dan is er niemand die je homeboy breken kan, nee

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Jouw sh*t, is mijn sh*t,

en niemand die ons breken kan

// Dor_zzz / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

A while back I was actually learning dutch and I could translate most words, word for word and make out the gist of things but it still would translate to me strange because I still could not translate it properly for some reason though I could make out the words they were not in the right sequence order when put into English? Does that make sense?

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

I had to check out that vid you posted earlier it is tooooo funny dutchy! hehe!!!

Same on this side ppl speak Spanglish all the time, half Spanish and half English (ghetto talk)

// Dor_zzz / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Most of the management training material comes from the US and those suits are what I call "mentally poor". They lack the flexibility and creativity to translate the jargon.

Anyways, I'll take a stab at those lyrics when I get back. In short it's "have a seat and we'll forget all our worries".

There's a fair bit of street language in there even I don't recognise.

Compared to English, Dutch has a different word order at times: [link]


* craeonics is listening to: Michael Jackson - Human Nature

// crae_work / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Or perhaps this explains the word order thing better: [link]


* craeonics is listening to: The Opposites - Slapeloze Nachten

// crae_work / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Dutchy that is in English but I still don't understand it. hehe

As for the suits it's not so much about what they know that gets them into those higher positions but rather who they know which is why sometimes things are so messy everywhere cuz they do nothing but cash bigger paychecks than the rest of us common folk.

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Mmm mmm mm

Opposites - Geen Klasse , Geen Style

yum (sexist song/beaton the CD)

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

They could very well be singing about cat food for all I I know and I still don't care.

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Jesus, that's a lot of lyrics. They really should ditch the ghetto speak and the "my life is so hard" act, because it's simply not believable.

Interjections like "ff" ("even"), "dan" and "wat" are hard to translate. "A while" and "a bit" is the best I can do. But here goes...


Hey ja bier en drank

Hey yeah, beer and booze

vanavond is het feest bij mij

Tonight it's party with me [party at my house]

Barbeque voor iedereen, dus wees er bij

Barbecue for everyone, so be there

Haal die pijn en die zorgen uit je kop

Get that pain and those worries out of your head

want de struggle is verleden tijd, dus wees blij

Because the struggle is history, so be glad

fok de bullshit, de drama, de rechtzaken, shit,

Fuck the bullshit, the drama, the court cases, shit

je ex-vrouw is een vage bitch

Your ex-wife is a shady bitch

en Yo, ik zeg nooit dat ze klappen verdient

And yo, I'm not saying she deserves a beating

maar je hebt een zoon en je mag hem niet zien

But you have a son and are not allowed to see him

nee, dat kan ze niet maken

No, she can't do that [she shouldn't be allowed to do that]

Kill for real, groot geworden met z'n kleine keel

Kill for real [?], all grown up with his little throat [?]

t is niet te geloven, motherfocker

It's unbelievable, motherfucker

wil papa zien, hij is niet goed snik

Wants to see daddy, he's out of his mind

Maar dat doet um nix

But that does not matter to him

Zo vol van pijn als je het mij vraagt

So full of pain if you ask me

kijk hem gaan, geen geld om hem bij te staan

Look at him go, no money to support him

Want iedereen is alleen en het spijt me

Because everyone is alone and I'm sorry

de wereld is koud, maar daar moet je niet naar kijken

The world is cold, but you shouldn't focus on that

chorus (2x):

Jouw pijn. is mijn pijn,

Your pain, is my pain

Jouw strijd, is mijn strijd,

Your struggle, is my struggle

Jouw shit, is mijn shit,

Your shit, is my shit

en niemand die ons breken kan

And no-one who can break us

Zo man ga zitten, je ziet er vermoeid uit

So, man, have a seat, you look tired

Laat je hoofd even rusten, kom op, drink wat met mij

Let your head rest for a minute, come on, have a drink with me

Laat alles maar varen, ff vrolijk lachen met deze halvegare

Let everything go, laugh with this halfwit for a while

shit tis altijd fokt op, maar nu ff niet

Shit, it's always fucked up, but not right now

ff een uurtje chillen na al die uren verdriet

Chill for a bit after all those hours of sadness

shit loopt te hoog op, shit bent dood op

Shit is getting too serious, shit, you're dead tired

Ik zie het aan je ogen, doorlopend rood mop

I can see it in your eyes, red all the time, honey

Hier neem een peukie en neem wat te eten

Here, have a sigaret and something to eat

En vergeet problemen, ff alles vergeten

And forget [your?] problems, just forget everything for a while

Ik weet het is moeilijk, maar de wereld die zakt niet

I know, it is hard, but the world isn't going down

Iedereen heeft het goede tijd, moppie, ff heerlijk en strak

Everyone has a good time, honey, delicious and tight for a while

Ja, en weet dat het ook niet zo veel geeft

Yes, and know that it doesn't matter all that much

Jij bent sterk genoeg dat jij het overleeft

You're strong enough to survive

En ook al lijkt het soms dat alles tegen zit

And even if it seems like everything is against you at times

Jij moet weten dat niemand je vergeten is, jij

Know that no-one has forgotten you, you

[chorus, 2x]

Want er is niemand die zal geven om jou

Because there is nothing who will care about you

niet om mij, dus we hebben nu alleen nog elkaar

Nor about me, so we only have each other now

En als de wereld lijkt te breken voor jou

And when the world seems to be breaking down to you

Wees dan blij, want je echte vrienden staan voor je klaar

Be happy, because your real friends are there for you

Nou ey, heb je het gehoord

Well, ey, have you heard

Mam was in mam's ze stad

Mum was in mum's town [?]

Een fokking begravenis

A fucking funeral

Het is een massa hoop (?)


// craeonics / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

Last verse got cut off (that's how long those lyrics were!). Here it is again:


Want er is niemand die zal geven om jou

Because there is nothing who will care about you

niet om mij, dus we hebben nu alleen nog elkaar

Nor about me, so we only have each other now

En als de wereld lijkt te breken voor jou

And when the world seems to be breaking down to you

Wees dan blij, want je echte vrienden staan voor je klaar

Be happy, because your real friends are there for you

Nou ey, heb je het gehoord

Well, ey, have you heard

Mam was in mam's ze stad

Mum was in mum's town [?]

Een fokking begravenis

A fucking funeral

Het is een massa hoop (?)

It's a whole lot of hope ["hoop" could mean "hope", "pile" or "much"]

Een nieuwe dag, een nieuwe tijd

A new day, a new time

En ja een stoere man, met in je kont daar een nieuwe scroot?

And yes, a tough guy, with a new "scroot" [?] in your ass?

Want je bent rijk als je terug komt

Because you'll be rich when you come back

Je weet zelf, rijkdom, de pret die zit niet mee, help!, uhuh

You know it, wealth, the fun isn't forthcoming, help!, uhuh

En als je terug bent in Nederland

And when you're back in the Netherlands

dan is er niemand die je homeboy breken kan, nee

There is no-one who can break your homeboy down, no

[chorus, 2x]

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

oh boy obviously whether English or Dutch rap or hip hop tunes have the exact same nonsense lyrics but then again can you just imagine a rap tune with poetic type lyrics??? hehe

Dank u mijn dutchy (was just curious)

// Dor_lunch / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm quite sure poetic rap exists. Can't come up with any examples, but it's probably out there.

// crae_zzz / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

That's cuz there isn't any but one I suppose could actually make one using this app: [link]

// Doreen / 626 weeks and 2 days ago

I forgot my Bluetooth HS today which means I will be at the mercy of Adele or Bruno Mars...

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 1 day ago

Someone throw a grenade at that guy (Mars, not the Auto Rap guy).

I'm glad Akon seems to have dropped off the map.

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 1 day ago

I'd catch a grenade for you

Throw my hand on a blade for you

yeah, yeah, yeah (sure he will)

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 1 day ago

Not poetic rap perhaps, but here's Kraantje Pappie's ode to his mother: [link] (lyrics are about how he wants to be a rapper and his mother is worried about him not succeeding, title translated as "but what if I succeed").

// craeonics / 626 weeks and 16 hours ago

I'll have to check that out later but now I remembered a song by Tupac called "Thank You Mama" kinda similiar in regards that the lyrics had decent meaning. May have even made some Mothers who may have hated thier kids who listen to rap actualy not mind after they heard it my kids actually are the ones that despise rap and hip hop they only tolerate it cuz of me...

// Dor_work / 626 weeks and 10 hours ago

It loaded but I didnt care much for that particular one if it supposidly had lyrics for his mother the tune "felt" or "sounded" heartless (course I dont know what he was saying but the vibe was lacking as such. I'm pretty sure you already know the tupac one but then again you live over in wooden shoe land so I'll have to post the link when I get back home.

// Dor_lunch / 626 weeks and 5 hours ago

Okay found it it's called "Dear Momma" but most likely the moble version wont link right and copy and paste is Hell on this phone. The thing with tunes is you don't obviously need to know the lyrics to feel the vibe and though I never really cared much for tupac's songs when I heard this one of his the vibe caught my attention that it was a sincere real tune unlike most tunes we hear. The one you posted sounded like a typical rap lacking true emotion or true personal message to his mother. Most likely the words were there butt something was not? I don't know but I know my lunch is over!

// Dor_lunch / 626 weeks and 5 hours ago

/me kicks the late Mr. Shakur out of this thread

If there ever was a contest to determine the most overrated rapper, I'm sure both Mr. Shakur and Mr. B.I.G. would be in the lead.

Never heard anything decent from either of them. But then they die and all of a sudden they have hits. Seriously people...

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 6 days ago

Dead!? he was spotted giving a concert just a few months ago over here: [link]

Seems they wait for the rappers to pass before they gain popularity so that the ppl still alive from their circle or entourage can score big and not have to pay the actually rapper a single penny!

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm they coulddd possibly market that Hologram as a pretty decent Tupac standing crunch exercise vid for an infomercial too whilst they are at it huh? hehe

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 6 days ago

It draws a crowd apparently.

The mystery behind all those rich rappers is that the record company gives them an advance when they're signed. Depending on how much that is, they can be loaded all of a sudden.

What most probably do not realise is that an advance means they will not get paid a dime until they sell X records.

Currently a documentary on a Mr. T-Pain. He says he got his autotune style of singing from this Cher track: [link]

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 6 days ago

Say what1? Boy is that an unlikely guessable source?

/me goes back to watching The Big Bang Theory I cannot believe I missed some of these episodes when I thought I've probably seen them all!

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 5 days ago

The man should've been listening to old funk. Vocoders everywhere.

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy I could just kill you! I've got a nasty taste stuck in my head from clicking on that link you dropped of Cher! Ack!

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 5 days ago

/me is listening to some classical music *cough*


(good house cleaning tunes)

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 5 days ago

But... I was just repeating what T-Pain said.

Will have to check out that house cleaning tune when I get back or my colleagues will get a heart attack.


* craeonics is listening to: Hooray for Earth - No Love

// crae_work / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh come on and just click on it! So what! Let them think you have a little freak in you scaredy cat...

// Dor_work / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah, that sounds like Mr. Jon alright. Although a bit slow.

Whenever I hear Li'l Jon I see the Teddy Long Dance: [link]

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

I never seen that guy before but yes I can see why. hehe

Mijn silly dutchy!

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm currently up on the roof outside on the 9th floor. Complete seclusion almost heavenly and wondering how long I'll get away with this before somebody finds this hideout spot...

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually from up here I can see all the main buildings of Los Angeles and it looks beautiful.

/me ponders why does it look like hell from below (specially from on the freeway)

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

It's always better on the roof. I would sit on the roof except that I'm not too keen on sunlight and the wind always blows hard up there.

// crae_zzz / 625 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm not too keen on sunlight either since it feels like someone poured battery acid on my skin when I'm directly in it but sometimes life requires it here and there. And yesss the wind does blow hard up there!

// Dor_zzz / 625 weeks and 3 days ago

Strange enough, further along the block some people have made a roof garden of sorts. I really don't know how they can sit there (and I've never seen them sitting).

I'm being tortured by "movie music" at the moment. Colleagues are over the hill.

// crae_work / 625 weeks and 3 days ago

Umm a roof garden? That sounds kind of sad...

/me is listening to that feel so close to you tune (and not by choice)

// Dor_work / 625 weeks and 3 days ago

Oi? What's so sad about a roof garden?

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 3 days ago

Actually nothing? I'm having a bad day so "everything" feels sad to me. hehe

But my initial thought was that it's sad that we are living in a concrete jungle and hardly can enjoy anything in it's natural form not even a garden but I suppose a garden on a roof could be beautiful.

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 3 days ago

Doreen brings the City of Angels to mijn dutchy wellll, what can I say it was a bit foggy smoggy today so you can't really see it all that great but here you go from the roof: [link]

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

Building in the immediate front is the clinic tower a bit more to the left is the landing platform for the Helicopters that bring in the most critical patients, the small sliver of that nasty building on the right is the old general hospital which they should knock down but it is an historic land mark. and the downtown city of course is in the BG masked by foggy smog. hehe

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

Taking the distance into account, those must be some pretty high buildings in the back. If they're not going tear the old general hospital down, they should give it a paint job.

// crae_work / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

Extremely high and fat chance of the County painting that building it is currently being used as office space from the 5th floor down all the above floors are on complete lockdown. The County is in trouble w/ their budget which had they just tossed paint on the old hospital and not built the new billion dollar one they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Anyways no city of angels for me today I have appts again. By the way you were absolutely right about getting some sunshine hence me running to that roof though I told my Doctor it burns my skin and I dislike getting freckles on my skin she said it's a must and now she gave me a prescription to take orally for 12 weeks and then more repeat blood test to see when I can stop it and all this because I lack of sunshine? What in the world?

So be sure to get your behind in the sun too apparently we need it to stay alive. hehe

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

I thinkkkk she is actually trying to turn "me" into a normal person or something?

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

Hate to be that guy, but *cough* toldyouso *cough*

Alright, who am I kidding. I'm the non-remorseful smart ass 24/7.

I ride a bike to work, so that's my daily half an hour workout and sun exposure (needed for vitamine D production). Plus lots of (red) meat for the nutrients.

New music, No Doubt got together again: [link]. I am not impressed.

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

/me kicks you, welllll *cough* you were also right about the meat too, though my blood test have still not come close to touching even the lower level of the normal range of the chart yet my Doctor said it is moving up and in the right direction (so it will take some time) The setback to eating meat is I gained 2 pounds! (But at my age now I won't be walking any runways so who cares)

As for the sun she said most ppl can get enough vitamin D with as little as 20 mins a day but my deficiency is pretty severe so I'm on a 12 week prescription for now and repeat blood test until I get in the normal range. (I do not get along w/ the sun it completely fries my skin

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! I'm not liking their new tune either but atleast they are back and trying again something good just might come out of it...

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 2 days ago

The cheque for that diagnosis is in the mail. Healthy live = varied diet + some exercise + getting out a bit. Common sense really... /me runs

I've heard some more new music, but I can't go dig it up here right now.

// crae_work / 625 weeks and 1 day ago


And what do my ears hear? The perfect track for this rainy morning?


* craeonics is listening to: The Cure - A Forest

// crae_work / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

Well in my case dutchy I think some of my health issues could also be related to the fact betwwen work and raising kids I've not had time to raise myself I suppose!

And yeass Mmmmmm that is a good tune indeed.

// Dor_work / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

Good thing then that your kids are halfway out of the door by now.

Ms. Furtado has a new track out: Spirit Indestructible [link]. Takes a minute to get going, but the beats are fair enough.

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

Say what? Are my eyes reading this right? "you" stated "you" like a Nelly Furtado song? Link wont load but me goes search out that title to try to find one that will load...

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

Found one that loaded and yes a bit difficult trying to stay with it during the begining but once she gets started it's pretty decent (still I like her fly like a bird tune the bestest)

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm actually it's called I'm Like A Bird and I've not listened to it for ages nor can I find one single link to hear it from my phone. rediculous!

And now it's back to work...

// Dor_lunch / 625 weeks and 1 day ago

You know I'm always down for a good La la la tune and here is a goed one:


What in the world?

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 22 hours ago

Mr. Dog appears to go by the name "Snoop Lion" these days and has turned to reggae. Or so we are supposed to believe. I suspect it's a publicity stunt.

And getting past her Like a Bird-stage and hooking up with Timbaland and the like is the best thing Mrs. Furtado has done. Still don't like it, but it's much better.

// craeonics / 625 weeks and 17 hours ago

I think Snoop has smoked a bit too much and it's gone to his head but as usual I don't know and I don't care me jussss likes the La la la tune...

// Doreen / 625 weeks and 12 hours ago

Ganja being an integral part of being rastafari, I am somehow not surprised. Still don't believe it though.

New music: Conor Maynard -Vegas Girl [link]. It's your average teen singer. But with some crazy beats going on in the background. If only they'd ditch him and put the beats more in the front...

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 6 days ago

/me agrees 100%...

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 6 days ago

OMG! The only reason I am watching this boring Olympics: [link]

So exciting! He did it!

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy can you imagine someone w/ such a disability being told you have an advantage? [link]


// Doreen / 624 weeks and 6 days ago

The blade runner. Normally, you'd expect prosthetics to look and function like the real thing, but in this case they took it in a completely different direction.

I've seen this guy before, but I can't remember if he uses those blades in everyday life as well. As in: can he walk normally on them or will he tip over?

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

If he can run in them I will assume he can walk in them too. I've never heard or seen of him before but I've been on a mean biography kick and that is how I caught wind of him and then I had to watch the boring Olympics cuz of him.

Last night I caught a biography of Bob Marley it was outrageous (I didn't know he died at only 36?) They played everyone of his killer songs it was excellente. (course I didn't like the ending though)

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

It's still not completely clear to me why he did not treat his illness. Was it against his principles, his religion, or was he not aware?

Meanwhile, I am reminded why I don't participate on certain sites no more: [link]. The stupid. It hurts...

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Because the cancer was on his big toe and he was afraid if he let them cut that off he would no longer be able to dance. Apparently not a wise choice meanwhile this guy Oscar having had "both his legs cut off" is running in the Olympics)

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

I have (4) browsers cuz of my phone and various display issues you really don't have much of a choice these days, specially if you make payments on line and stuff you run into all kinds of road blocks w/ certain browsers.

iPhone = Safari

Android = Chrome

Desktop = IE & Firefox etc (royal pain)

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

It's not about browsers. It's not about websites. It's about people not having a clue what they are talking about.

We have someone, a mod no less, who interprets a suggestion to use a different browser as a covert money making scheme.

We have another poster that takes that unbased, and quite possible quite wrong, assumption at face value.

And then the kicker, someone who will stick to his/her browser of choice because: "I don't like animated/video advertisements. I've heard that HTML5 is a flash type of software that does the same thing"


// crae_zzz / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Obviously that would stand out to you since that's your specialty designing websites right? hehe

For me the bottom line is whatever works for what I need at that moment. I don't even want to waste time trying to figure out all that nonsense behind each browser.

When I come here I get hyperlinks enveloped around on some the text on our main page (not this thread though) you said you never see them but I get them which leads me to believe some crap has jumped me somehow and I use my desktop for basically only two sites (and this one is one of them) I barely have time to play on my machine like I used to. Nor do I care to figure it out either by trying diff browsers etc. (just as long as the page loads)

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Anyways, back to Marley you need to see that Bio on him I think it gets released on vid 8-7-12 so it will be floating all around after that. The interviews were from his close circle of family and friends. If you read on the internet you see all kinds of conflicting info like how many kids he had. The man had apparently 11 kids from 7 different women! Can you imagine if he lived past 36! But back to his death apparently he had a white mans cancer that originated in his big toe and metastasized all over they said he refused to have it cut off because of his religion from the bio his closest family said he was afraid he would lose the ability to dance. (can you believe that)

The bio showed tons of clips of him performing of which I've never seen before. That guy was my favorite, what a shame he made a bad bad decision but then again everyone has their own fate I suppose...

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay since I'm bored and have the time plus I feel like bugging the Hell out of you I will post a pic of what happens when I visit our main page here at Tek you can view it after you come back from La la land tomorrow...

I'm on Mozilla FireFox here. I need my other browser for banking nonsense.

/me goes get a ss for you.

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Here you go: [link]

Notice how the words "link" and "application" are enveloped w/ links to ads what is that? When I hoover over the link I get that garbage. This only happens on our main page not our listening to thread using the same browser?

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

I mean "file" and "application" not link. (sorry)

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

Just checked in Safari and no links for this browser...

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 5 days ago

I did a full scan tonight and the thing about whatever that thing is that apparently hijacked my Firefox it does not get detected, it does not show up on my add-ons or plugins anywhere nor does it add links throughout this site? (only on the main page) which has me thinking it's something possibly to do w/ our hosting site? It only happens "here" on the main page not on this thread though?

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

And if you happen to still be reading this last post of mine then I am certainly going to have to report to your Boss that you are slacking majorly at work!!!

// Doreen / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Jeez, I have work to do, not read books.

That popup you have in your screenshot does not come from here or this server. You must have "caught" something.

I'll have a further looksee later.


* craeonics is listening to: The Doors - Riders on the Storm

// crae_work / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Hey my browser does not sleep around so if I "caught" anything it was from "this" site. But again the strange part about it is that a scan doesn't spot it nor are there any malware addons or plugins? At any rate it's no big deal. I was just a bit curious...

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Currently being tortured by:

Katy Perry - Wide Awake

(cept I'm not wide awake today)

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh, but your browser has been sleeping around. There's nothing on this site that could inject that.

For further sleuthing I need to know what add-ons you have installed. Probably some silly toolbar.

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Alternatively, disable them all and re-enable them one by one until it happens again. Then you've found the perpetrator.

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Come on now you've seen pics of my place I don't even bother to hang things on my walls since I'm kinda claustrophobic so why would I ever install garbage toolbars that clutter with complete total nonsense? I dispise toolbars.

And my Firefox browser is faithful to Tek and does not sleep around! (my other one creeps a bit though) but rarely! since I have to use it to display that particular theming site and since I no longer theme my phone I hardly take it out to that party anymore...

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Scripts don't insert themselves. There is no such thing in the code of his site. Couple of possibilities: 1) something on your machine; 2) something on your browser; 3) something on your connection.

Most likely it's #2. If it turns out to be #3, I'd change ISP's if I were you.

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Welll this one apparently inserted itself cuz I am veryyy aware of the word "no" when anything pops up on me. Whatever it is it was created very cleaverly. It's no big deal I was just curious.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_lunch / 624 weeks and 4 days ago

Big deal or not. You still should get rid of it. Something that messes with the sites you visit = not cool.


* craeonics is listening to: Knife - Silent Shout

// crae_work / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah, a year ago that would drive me insane until I figured it out now I have more important things on my mind. (like keeping up with work and laundry)

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Continuing with what I was doing then. More new music: Jennifer Lopez ft. Flo Rida - Goin' in [link]

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Have to check that out at lunch my bluetooth is being evil today so I'm stuck listening to the typical office sounds and the custodian pushing her trash can down the hallway.

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Bluetooth is finally working again (thank God)

Baby Bash - Suga Suga

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack that new song by Jlo sucks (only decent part is when Lil Jon pops in with his usual one liners)

// Dor_lunch / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

My excitement for the day here is they brought a pt in by life flight and landed the helicopter several mins ago up on the roof across from me I cant take a pic for you or I'll be having to post here tomorrow from the unemployment line but it was messy cuz the guys have been cleaning and washing that helicopter since...

// Dor_lunch / 624 weeks and 3 days ago

Be careful not to get swept off the roof by the updraft.

Li'l Jon's vocabulary consists of "yeah", "okay" and "what".


* craeonics is listening to: Quincy Jones - Ai no Corrida

// crae_work / 624 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm busy trying to be careful not to melt away from the triple digit heat wave we are having and last night just when I calmed down from the heat around 11:30ish I was hanging onto my bed trying not to be tossed off from the earthquake we had of course I had to be right by the epicenter so I felt the full impact of it. (no roof top for me today at lunch cuz I'm still shaking inside of me)

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 2 days ago

Business as usual then? You're living on a geological fault after all.

// craeonics / 624 weeks and 2 days ago

Dutchy I'm scared we just had another pretty big one I think I'm going to see if I can go home...

// Dor_work / 624 weeks and 2 days ago

The earth was just having a party.

// crae_work / 624 weeks and 1 day ago

Monday morning and I am greeted with...


* craeonics is listening to: The Flirts - Passion

// crae_work / 623 weeks and 4 days ago

It wasn't exactly a party but I suppose you would be clueless about that since you've never experienced this stuffezzz anyways, Monday morning and I'm greeted with a ton of work.

Ice Cube - I Rep That West

// Dor_work / 623 weeks and 4 days ago

It was a planet party. Those surface dwellers are too small to be noticed by our carrier.

The Flirts were followed by the Backstreet Boys, so it wasn't all good for very long.

// craeonics / 623 weeks and 4 days ago

Don't feel too bad I didn't get too far w/ my tunes today either (too many interruptions) so it was like: I put my head set on and then I took my head set off, then I put my head set back on and then took my head set off and then it wassss Ohhh fawgetaboutit!!!

// Doreen / 623 weeks and 4 days ago

/me tries this again I probably should jusss stick a big fat "Do not disturb!" sign on my office door today (but I don't want to flirt with getting fired)

Tïesto & Showtek - Hell Yeah!

// Dor_work / 623 weeks and 3 days ago

Play it loud and they won't go disturbing you (other than telling you to "turn it down").

// craeonics / 623 weeks and 3 days ago

I work around a few suits and Docs I highly doubt they could appreciate some of the music I listen too.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

Rafael Gomez - True Love

// Dor_work / 623 weeks and 3 days ago

Suits live on their own cloud.

Scorching today. Yeah, yeah, it gets warmer on your end, but the humidity is always high here as well.

// crae_work / 623 weeks and 2 days ago

I said

It's gettin hot in here

So hot

So take off all your cloths

I said

It's gettin hot in here

So hot

So take off all your cloths

I am gettin so hot

I wanna take my cloths off

Okay thazzz enough Nelly for you anyways mijn dutchy stop complaining we are shaking "and" baking on this side between earthquakes and a triple digit heat wave that just won't break.

// Dor_work / 623 weeks and 2 days ago

Like I said, the earth is throwing a party. Probably listening to this: [link]

// craeonics / 623 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind either but when the earth decides to bump and grind it feels quite different!

// Dor_lunch / 623 weeks and 2 days ago

And then the earth continued with: [link]

// craeonics / 623 weeks and 1 day ago

Those guys are getting way too much air time on this side...

// Dor_work / 623 weeks and 1 day ago

After that song, it kind of died down over here. I can't really name one artist that has had the most airplay recently.

// craeonics / 623 weeks and 17 hours ago

I can this one:


// Doreen / 623 weeks and 12 hours ago

Except that one... /me gets the green soap to clean this thread

She even had a second hit (of sorts) with that annoying Owl City guy. I can look it up if you don't know it, but in this case ignorance really is bliss.

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 6 days ago

I prefer ignorance...

/me messes up your freshly moped up thread w/ other annoying over played tunes on this side:


// Doreen / 622 weeks and 6 days ago

We've been spared that one.

What we have not been spared is this bloody heatwave. I can't get the house cool, so it's too hot to do anything.

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 5 days ago

Not much you can do except go dampen a t-shirt w/ cold water (not to the point where it is dripping) but just dampen it and go under a fan for a few mins to cool yourself.

We've been told our heatwave will break on Wednesday but they keep saying it will break every week and then nothing happens we're still triple digit. It's pretty nasty...

// Doreen / 622 weeks and 5 days ago

Fortunately over here the temperature will drop tomorrow. I'll send you some cool weather when it happens.

// crae_zzz / 622 weeks and 5 days ago

Please hurry up and send it then. They said Wednesday we will drop down to 92 (now why is that not exciting me?) I need 75 or below to get excited...

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah, well, the weather folk said it would be cooler. But I'm not noticing much of a difference. Those guys are becoming increasingly aweful at predicting the weather.

I do have some hot weather to send over.

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh no you don't you just can keep that I have enough...

Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved

If I live to be 100 I still will never tire of hearing this tune when it comes on.

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 4 days ago

I have just the song for you here.


* craeonics is listening to: Wham! - Club Tropicana

// crae_work / 622 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! Disgusting...

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 3 days ago

Well, if you're going to be that way, I'll just have to hold on to this cool weather we're having right now.

Alright, who am I kidding? The weatherfolk were wrong again. They predicted rain and it's still scorching.

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 3 days ago

A drop cooler today. I'd send you our cooler weather but you'd not last 5 mins in it.

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 3 days ago

I think I already received it. Today is much better.


* craeonics is listening to: Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Doggy Dog - Deep Cover

// crae_work / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

Cooler on this side as well (down to the upper 80's or low 90's)

Linkin Park - Burn It Down

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

I want to physically hurt this fax machine today!

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

This cat can give you some pointers on that: [link]

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

hehehe!!! That was pretty close to what II must have looked like this morning with my crazy fax machine. Just one of those days again everything I touch breaks. I'm allergic to electronic things.

// Dor_lunch / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

OMG dutchy that cat is so funny (I had to watch that again) hehe

// Dor_lunch / 622 weeks and 2 days ago

Faxes are prehistoric. I don't think I've ever sent a fax. Well, maybe once. If you feel mischievious, try faxing a black page. Bye bye toner.

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 1 day ago

Umm I told you I work for the county of Los Angeles I suppose I should be happy they gave me this stupid broken down fax machine and not some homing pigeons to send out my correspondence!

I don't wanna be here!

I don't wanna be here!

I don't wanna be here!

There my quiet scream made me feel better.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm pretty sure you hate this (I did at first) but now I find myself singing along with it.

The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts

Is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came

/me sends that tune into your dreams while youu're in la la so you'll awake singing that silly song.

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 1 day ago

It made me awake with that god awful new No Doubt track in my head. That song is so wrong on so many levels, yet it is stuck. Argh...

// craeonics / 622 weeks and 17 hours ago

Something goed I bounced to in my car this morning...

Skrillex & The Doors - Breakn A Sweat

// Dor_work / 622 weeks and 11 hours ago

That No Doubt song is still stuck in my head. It's one of the worst songs everrr...

// craeonics / 621 weeks and 6 days ago

It's terrible, every time I read or hear "here we go again", that No Doubt song is triggered. Last time I had this at least it was a decent song (Mike Oldfield's Moonlight Shadow).


* craeonics is listening to: politicians "debating"

Elections coming up, so I'll be seeing a lot of these whether I want to or not. It's too bad most of their talk sound like lines being recited from memory. Come on, guys and girls, a bit more spontaniety in those answers.

// crae_zzz / 621 weeks and 5 days ago

I hate all that stuff but we must "feel" as if somebody is in charge to feel secure I guess or what in the world would happen!!! *sigh*

Anyways, since I last tried to instill into "your" dreams that tune:

The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts

Is here and now

That's all that's been playing in my head ever since! Stupid song backfired on me!

// Doreen / 621 weeks and 5 days ago

# I'm glad you came

# I'm glad you came

* cue keyboard stabs

No Doubt was playing again this morning, but I rushed out to clean the litter box, which was so much more enjoyable.

// crae_work / 621 weeks and 4 days ago

Argh, and now they're playing it again on the radio. And the DJ goes "this is a really nice song"...

// crae_work / 621 weeks and 4 days ago

Hey I've got my own music issues to deal with right now.

/me goes back to work humming "the sun goes down the stars come out"

// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 4 days ago

I think the No Doubt song is catching on with people here... The horror, the horror...

// craeonics / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm bored w/ the repetition on the standard radio stations so I'm listening to good worship music (I forget to listen to this or how good it is when I remember to)

Tenth Avenue North - By Your Side

/me ignores the madness here at work and continues to float around it...

// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

Worship music, eh? I got that: [link]

/me runs

// crae_evil / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

Or without growling, a little tamer, in Dutch with not entirely correct English subtitles: [link]

And then there's my doubt on whether or not anything can be said of a goddess who's existence we only know of by means of Latin inscriptions.

// crae_zzz / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack my soul hears nothing but rattling skulls and bone, hissing snakes and growling demons in that first link my ears just ran away.

// Dor_lunch / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe dutchy you and your viking stuff. Second link is okay. Whether Gods or Goddess he gives us plenty of room for doubt. Probably would need to wash away everything man made to see him.

// Dor_lunch / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

Wake up I'm hungry and I forgot my lunch!

// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 3 days ago

/me throws a virtual lunch across the Atlantic

Ofcourse, you've already starved by now.

// crae_work / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

/me grabs it and eats it for breakfast since it looks like I won't be able to sneek away from my desk this morning to grab a bite.

One more day tomorrow and it's a three day Holiday weekend. Hooray!

I can do it!

I can do it!

I can do it!

// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

Actually 4 days! Friday is my RDO!




// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

Hurray! Meanwhile, I have to spend one more day surrounded by idiots. I want competent colleagues, damnit!

// craeonics / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

Be nice different levels of intelligence keep things exciting if everyone was a smarta** it would be no fun. And we just had another stupid earthquake a few mins ago dutchy, everyone running down the hall screaming. I get frozen and can't move or speak. hehe

// Dor_lunch / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

On my way to work I kept seeing stray dogs running in the street almost getting run over and I thought I hope we don't have an earthquake today cuz the dogs looked nervous and sure enough.

// Dor_lunch / 621 weeks and 2 days ago

I wonder if there's any truth behind the whole "pets can sense disaster coming" theory.

// craeonics / 621 weeks and 1 day ago

I may not be able to let you know cuz we've been experiencing a swarm of earthquakes that has those earthquake geeks puzzled right now. All I know is if I personally suddenly see ants marching in a straight line inside my house or outside when I dont normally see them I know rain is coming. Then again you can smell that in the air when it's coming. When I see numerous dogs in diff areas running lost and nervous in traffic it means an earthquake most likely is coming.

Yes this is earthquake territory but I never get used to them. Don't laugh but while everyone does the normal reaction of scream and run for cover I turn to stone and lose all sense of speech or movement get dizzy and almost faint. hehe

At home it's diff I run straight for my kids who are normally running straight for me...

// Dor_work / 621 weeks and 1 day ago

It's not too bad if you turn to stone when you're outside. It's a bit different when you're inside and the roof is collapsing on you.

The earth is wiggling to: [link] (and I have no idea why had that association).

// craeonics / 621 weeks and 17 hours ago

You obviously have never experienced an earthquake. hehe

The way I look at it is it really doesn't matter where you think you should run to for safety if you're inside and run outside a tree or powerline could get you just the same. The only one for sure that will be safe is this bird of mine who is currently all over my desk while I type this chewing up my bills!

// Doreen / 621 weeks and 12 hours ago

When I say "outside", I don't mean underneath something that can fall on you ofcourse.

And I don't know how I could forget, but I do know a song about quakes: [link].

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 6 days ago

Look, it's your favourite singer:

# I'm never gonna dance again

# Guilty feelings got no rhythm


* craeonics is listening to: George Michael - Careless Whisper

// crae_work / 620 weeks and 4 days ago

Be as mean as you want (you're at work and I'm not HA!)

/me goes check out your song about quakes...

// Doreen / 620 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm me never heard that one before. As for earthquakes we are still swarming and shaking over here, another 3.3 at around 3:30am this morning. (I heard anyways) I remember waking up at 3 something but quickly fell back asleep...

// Doreen / 620 weeks and 4 days ago

Another quake song: [link] (but I can't stand this guy).

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh boy:

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

Anyways enuff w/ the earthquake songs here's a real one for you...


// Doreen / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

And I just realized that maybe it's not so much my actual fear that makes me dizzy and feel faint but those horrible vibrations that rattle and shake my brain! Cuz I just felt dizzy again just listening to it?

// Doreen / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

When it hits at 1:34 tell me if you get dizzy. hehe

I'm serious that is so strange I've only heard real earthquakes but hearing that recording sound makes me dizzy and faint. From 1:33 to 1:34 on is when I get that dizzy spell...

// Doreen / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

I'll have a listen when I get home. No sense in scaring the co-workers.


* craeonics is listening to: The Communards - Don't leave me this way

// crae_work / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

/me listens... I only hear noise. And why was it sped up sixteen times?

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

The only sound of an earthquake I've ever heard before was only the real sound during a real earthquake I was only playing around seeing if I could find something to post back at you earthquake related when I stumbled across that vid I realized I got dizzy when I listened to it.

Why they ape it up 16 times? Who knows.

Why it sounds like just noise to you? You've never experienced an earthquake before so you can't relate to that sound. Or better reason is that notebook you listened to it on sucks?

// Dor_lunch / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

ape it up? not even close to sped it up. this crazy word prediction keyboard is annoying!

Anyways dutchy to me the most frightening part of an earthquake is the completely unstable atmosphere . The ground which is normally solid and still becomes unstable and violent but the air begins to vibrate and shake and the sound is just so overwhelming.

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 3 days ago

I didn't really hear anything shaking or vibrating. It was just noise mostly.

Hey, look what's on the radio!


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 620 weeks and 2 days ago

Hey stop trying to change the subject with that sucky song I'm not done annoying you with my earthquake talk!

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 2 days ago

That wicked ball of fire is hidden behind a white blanket of soothing cool clouds today making it sheer paradise up on this roof today.

Slaap lekker mijn sleepy dutchy...

// Dor_lunch / 620 weeks and 2 days ago

All that earthquake talk... How long have you been living in California, up on top of that geological fault? And how often do things break down? You should be used to it now.

// crae_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh, and what do I hear?


* craeonics is listening to: The Cure - A Forest

// crae_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

You just can't relate to what an earthquake feels like I supose? But I don't think I will ever get used to them as long as I live here.

/me goes check my phone to see if I have a copy of A Forest on it now that I suddenly want to hear it...

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

You just can't relate to what an earthquake feels like I supose? But I don't think I will ever get used to them as long as I live here.

/me goes check my phone to see if I have a copy of A Forest on it now that I suddenly want to hear it...

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Shoot send me that song dutchy...

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't have it. Try our jukebox: [link]

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Umm jukebox is telling me "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile" earlier when I ran to our jukebox all I could find was poor quality live performances of that particular song so I'm out of luck. And I still want to hear it thank you very much. Argh!

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Some of those live version's are interesting though. In this one they play faster, mix in some other stuff and change some of the lyrics: [link] (sound quality is dreadfull).

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmm, Carpathian Forest did a monsters in the woods version: [link] (and here I was not buying this albums because the lameness of their previous album).

There's also a low-key hipster version: [link]

An electronic attempt: [link] (quite well done, actually).

And finally, another monsters in forests version [link], although this one sounds like they were playing in the middle of nowhere and someone taped them with a long distance mic.

// crae_zzz / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Strange every link loaded. The first one if you think the sound quality is bad from your desktop machine you should hear what it sounds like on a mobile phone. Nevertheless no matter what or how "that" song is played I've yet to hear any version that I don't like.

I really liked that Carpathian Forest version the best and when I was listening to it from my private spot up here on the roof a big black crow came out of nowhere and circled and flew above the old creepy hospital that is in my full view up here. hehe

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 1 day ago

Carpathian Forest is very hit and miss with me. I think I've moved past that particular style of theirs.

Now, crows, I know some songs with crows, for instance Satyricon's Black Crow on a Tombstone: [link] (complete with ridiculous video).

// craeonics / 620 weeks and 15 hours ago

I'm having one of those days here dutchy I'll have to listen to it on my lunch everytime I go to that link and it begins to play someone comes in to annoy me. I will say from the few seconds I listened to it I here my dutchy. hehe

Sounds weird yeah but I only know you by sound...

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 10 hours ago

that second here should be "hear"

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 10 hours ago

hehe dutchy yup thazzz you (I mean the fast drum) which is also weird cuz you're a sloth.

// Dor_work / 620 weeks and 5 hours ago

I'm highly predictable.

This one has crows, crabwalk, people looking like grim muppets, and one particular awesome bridge if you've been following this band: [link] (and it's demons on mountainsides, so not really your thing).

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 6 days ago

Definitely you. Whether my thing or not I cannot see a crow without sensing "you". hehe

/me goes get in gear lots of fun cleaning to do today...

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 6 days ago

There are also bands like Counting Crows and Black Crows, but that's old people music and not really my thing.

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 5 days ago

I've probably not heard of them (as you know) but that immortal band has been around for a while now so most might even perceive it as old people's music by now too! hehe

/me goes deal w/ my Mom's computer issues today. *joy*

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh boy, I got over there today and it takes like an hour for her machine to load and another hour for her browser to open up (cuz of all the toolbar addon's to load up and her AOL and other various IM's that she uses to keep in touch w/ her sister)

I see a ton of games and junk all over the place and I ask her if she installed those games and she said nooo? Then she proceeds to ask my stepfather "Honey did you install all these games on my computer?" he says "No dear nope I didn't even use your computer" (which is prob a lie cuz his is in the shop)

I see pogo and popit and of course a ton of those boring rediculous games he plays and blackjack and a ton of rediculous games that she plays all on her machine! I keep warning them to not click on things to install all those add-ons but do they listen? Nooooo! *sigh*

// Dor_zzz / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

Why oh why does that sound so familiar?

My mother bought a new laptop and it came loaded with all kinds of crap and was slow as hell. Two hours of weeding later and it's running like lightning.

She runs under a normal user account and I've removed Internet Explorer (the icon at least), so no chance of shady toolbars. There are three icons on her desktop: "internet" (FireFox), "email" (ThunderBird) and "games" (a folder with the games that come with Windows). And that's all she uses.

// crae_work / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

And what do my ears hear? This gets played quite a lot.


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

When I initially went over there she was telling me her desktop was missing things and she couldn't find or get her mail. When I got there for some reason my brother had a user acct login for himself on her machine. Maybe the last time he came for a visit but he should have deleted it knowing our Mother would not know the difference and login under his. Turns out the garbage he had was as bad as hers. Anyways she got a lean clean machine now but I know it won't last long before I get the next "Help me!" call...

And you and that song! Ack!

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

We have a saying over here: give them a finger and they will take your hand (or arm). By the time they call you the tip of the iceberg has become visible for them, but they are unaware of what lurks under water.

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

We have that saying over here too. But by the time they call me it is not when the tip of the iceberg has become visible it normally is when their machine is barely usable! (or the Titanic has already sunk!)

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 4 days ago

Meanwhile I have to go cat-sitting again...

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 3 days ago

Boy you need to ground those parents of yours they just cannot stay home, they are party animals! hehe

/me hands you the pooper scooper...

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd rather be at home...

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 3 days ago

Fortunately, I only have to feed them. And unfortunately, them critters have gone on a hunger strike.

Today is election day and I get to vote not once, not twice, but three times!

// crae_work / 619 weeks and 2 days ago

/me has never once in her lifetime voted. I'm not even registered to vote. I don't even know what a democrat or republican is or means but I might try to learn this year. Maybe

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm orrr maybe not cuz if a big asteroid comes racing towards earth I don't think him nor the pope can do anything about it...

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 2 days ago

It has more to do with taxes, maintenance of your streets and the like than with asteroids coming down.

// crae_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Not sure how it is over there but from what I have gathered over here the chances are better of us being struck by an asteroid than our politicians (or whatever they are) following through with their promises to help with our budget and tax problems...

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

I think I'll.feel pretty stupid if I get all caught up in believing them and standing in long lines of excited deceived hopeful zombies.

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Difference being that politicians on this end tend not to be crooks, nor backed by industry lobby groups. Then again, we also have more than two parties to pick from and none of them have majorities, ever.

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Don't know, don't care. I should be living free as a bird in paradise with my God chosen mate living off the fruit of paradise trees (not here working for lilll peices of green paper to pay for things to survive!

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Common sense tells me and the facts of time passing that we continually are spiraling from bad to worse to worser and approaching worsest! I see no need to get caught up in the silly frenzy that is known as elections.Other than boredom plus our current pres looks humble the new runner up looks a bit shady and plastic to me.

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Common sense tells me and the facts of time passing that we continually are spiraling from bad to worse to worser and approaching worsest! I see no need to get caught up in the silly frenzy that is known as elections.Other than boredom plus our current pres looks humble the new runner up looks a bit shady and plastic to me.

// Dor_work / 619 weeks and 1 day ago

Cue Lynyrd Skynyrd: [link]

But have you ever considered what it is a bird does every day?

// craeonics / 619 weeks and 17 hours ago

Hmmm I've heard that song before but never knew that was the name of it...

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 12 hours ago

/me is listening to:

You keep me searchin for a heart of golddd

and I'm gettin oldddd

(andddd in between this boring song this msg keeps popping up)

You have 8 calls ahead of you...

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 5 hours ago

Get back, get back, get back to where you once belongeddd

You have 5 calls ahead of you...

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 5 hours ago

Get on board, get on board, get on board the love train, love trainnnnn

If you miss it I feel sorry, sorry for youuuuu!

(atleast this is semi decent)

You have 4 calls ahead of you...

// Doreen / 619 weeks and 5 hours ago

And now three calls?

Some idiot rang my door bell four times in a row this morning. So I crawled out of bed, opened the door and no one was there. Probably one of my idiot neighbours who forgot the key to the stairway. Grrr...

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 6 days ago

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm oh well I have invisible text now?

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 days ago

/me chalks it up on the list of bugs

In all the years that this stuff's been running, I've only encountered three bugs: 1) I forgot, possibly UTF8-support; 2) single character subdomains do not get linked right; and 3) random occurences of empty text.

/me pats himself on the back

Back to (ancient) music, some fellas from you old "hood": [link]

I'm quite surprised how much this sounds like Public Enemy.

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 5 days ago

/me checks the log and wades through ten pages of spam...

Ah, I see what you posted. I'm quite curious ("quite" being the Word of the Day) as to why that resulted in empty text.

As for the song, didn't I mention that Olly Murs song like six months ago? That's so 2011!

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 5 days ago

Sooo that is what happened to my text? /me spanks my text for going underground to mingle w/ the spammers!

N.W.A. I may know one tune of theirs but that is not one of them. Howeverrr, off to the right of your vid I spot a tune I do remember but this is the veryyy first time I seen the vid! I can't believe it!


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm as old as that tune is it stilllll sounds insanely cool...

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 5 days ago

I was out of the country for a month when "Me, Myself and I" was popular, so I missed its heyday. I did catch all the other De La Soul tunes though.

Working without contacts or glasses today, so I'm flying in blind bat mode.

// crae_work / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

Umm and you didn't notice while.driving your bike you forgot your glasses or contacts? Or your cats ate em dorm dinner?

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

I walked. And I did not forget.

I'm having a severe allergic reaction to got knows what around my eyes. When I woke up this morning, I literally could not open my right eye (it's open now). So no contacts today. And the bridge of my nose is irritated as well, o no glasses either.

Messy situation.

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

/me sends healing vibes across the ocean to my dutchy. Rinse.your eyes with warm saline solution every 3 hours keep your eyes away from drafts or cold air until that infection clears (sounds more like an infection rather then allergy issues to me) and do not touch or rub your eyes without washing your hands really good!

// Dor_nurse / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

No it's probably this friend: [link]. I'll (finally) be seeing a dermatologist Thursday to figure out what causes it, how to get rid of it and how to quell the immediate symptoms.

Until then, it's cleaning the eyelids with "baby oil" and wet tissues. As a matter of fact, it's itching like crazy at the moment... /me goes play doctor

// crae_zzz / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

Eczema normally requires atypical ointment that has a mild steroid in it hydro shoot I can't remember the name or how to spell it but that's probably not what the doc will give you for your eyes normally that's prescribed for extremities to tame the itching and sooth the inflammation.

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 4 days ago


Can really only be pink eye or that or an eye infection the worse part is not being able to wear contact lens to see where you're going.For me I'm vain so it means calling off sick plus I'm as blind as a bat without my contacts.

Anyways feel better my dutchy by Thursday you will probably be feeling better before your appt! Go tomorrow.

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 4 days ago

Hydrocortison has zero effect on me. I suspect betamethason would work, but that's super aggressive and can't be used on the face and certainly not around the eyes.

I couldn't wear my contacts yesterday because I could not open my eyes far enough. I can today however, so cue this song: [link]

// crae_work / 618 weeks and 3 days ago

How did I know what song that link would take me to? hehe

Glad my dutchy is feeling better.

/me has a busy day today w/ Sammy at this school. (switching his school)


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 3 days ago

I somehow read that as "bus day". As in: riding the bus all day long.

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 3 days ago

That's cuz your ill eyeball is playing tricks on you?

I'm all done and happy! (I got Sammy into a better school he starts tomorrow!)

/me goes hit the gym and relaxxx w/ what is left of my day off from work...

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 3 days ago

Meanwhile over on this end, almost everyone is on a company trip to some festival, so I've got the place almost to myself. Meaning I get to play my own tunes.

So I turn on the radio, and what do I hear? Freaking Age of Love [link]! Haven't heard that in ages.

// crae_work / 618 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't think I've ever heard of that before but I liked it. Enjoy your peaceful day.

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 2 days ago

The Age of Love is the very first song in the genre known as Trance: [link] ('92). And that was actually a remix of an older song: [link] ('90).

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 2 days ago

I think the very first time I ever heard Trance period was when you introduced me to it by dropping a link to Digitally Imported. My ears were like what in the world is this good ear candy!

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 2 days ago

More early trance from '92: Dance2Trance - Power of American Natives [link].

// crae_work / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay now that's the first Trance tune I hear and think is a bit corney. hehe

Don't you have an appt today to visit the eyeball Doctor?

// Dor_work / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

It's more nostalgia to me. Especially when I see all those related songs on the right. Like Usura: [link] ('93). Not Trance by the way.

I went to the dermatologist and got some new salve. More corticosteroids ofcourse. Will have to see if it works.

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

Hmmm not bad (but I've never heard that one before) I suppose around the 1990's I was blazing this stuffezzz:


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

Maybe sprinkled w/ a lil bit of this stuffezzz too:


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

Anddd most likely a lil bit of this as well...


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 1 day ago

The usual suspects, I see. And perhaps a bit of [link].

It the land of crae it was more like: [link].

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 17 hours ago

I never heard that Mayday tune either? (but it is excellente)

/me goes play w/ my new toy and the new headset that came w/ it is currently giving my eardrums a prettyyyy good massage...

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 8 hours ago

What new toy? Not another phone!

More German tunes from back when I was a wee crae, Mark 'Oh - Never Stop that Feeling [link]. Remix by Westbam, the guy who behind that Mayday song.

// craeonics / 618 weeks and 7 hours ago

Yessss a new phone?

I like my new toy!

I like my new toy!

I like my new toy!

No jailbreak yet though. =(

/me goes check out your link...

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 hours ago

German? No wonder I've never heard of it. The first few seconds I got Forever Young vibes (and I mean the first few seconds) second vibes Dubstep and thirdly a few mixed vibes of Prodigy deep in there. So yeah that sounds a bit like mijn dutchy. hehe

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 hours ago


First few seconds listen...


// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 hours ago

I actually like that tune? (whatever it is)

/me goes back to playing w/ my new toy. Have to transfer over all my tunes and movies and apps etc...

// Doreen / 618 weeks and 6 hours ago

What's this? Doreen linking to Alphaville?

/me rubs eyes

I cannae believe it!

Oh, and apparently some shitty boyband did a cover of it. There can be only one cover of Forever Young, damnit, and it's Interactive: [link].

Westbam, Mark 'Oh, Alphaville and Interactive are all German, by the way.

And what do my eyes see in the related videos section? Can it be Hymn? [link]

I think I'm going through a 90s renaissance. The breakbeats + alpha waves thing was strong back then.

By the way, I think that new phone will be jail-broken in no time, if it hasn't already.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 6 days ago

Linking to it I didn't say I like it!

// Doreen / 617 weeks and 6 days ago

And out of the several million ppl that got the iPhone 5 yesterday nobody noticed the more than obvious iOS6 bugs throughout the notification center but me? Either that or my iPhone is defective cuz my configurations in my settings are not sticking at all. (and I've owned every model of the iPhone so I know what I am doing)

// Doreen / 617 weeks and 6 days ago

And joining you in your 90's renaissance (whatever that renaissance word means)


// Doreen / 617 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh, god no, not Color Me Badd...

It's hard to get out of that 90s renaissance (rebirth) since I have no radio and all music channels have gone the way of the dodo, while on the radio at work I hear (to quote Sagat [link]) "the same five songs, fifteen times a day, for three months".

The main iOS6 complaints I've seen were about the change of maps.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 5 days ago

True dat it's repeat city on the radio...

As for the new iPhone 5 it ended up not being a big enough upgrade to impress me. I got all excited like everyone else and though the device itself was very lean, lite, slim and totally sexy "looking" but the screen increase was not enough to keep me excited and the iOS 6 was not enough of an update to brag about. (all that did was remind me about having to wait for a jailbreak each and every time in order to be allowed to customize the phone I paid for)

I exchanged it for a new Samsung Galaxy S III running the new Android Jellybean OS which has Bluetooth 4.0 a larger screen (but not so big that it don't fit in my small hands) it's the perfect phone (for me)

It's bigger than the iPhone 5 and yet smaller than the biggest phone on the market the Galaxy Note (which is a tablet phone)

And no I don't have a ton of phones. I normally either upgrade and then set up my other phone for either Sammy or Gino or if they don't want the upgrade then I just simply sell the phone at full price to someone who does not want the 2 yrs commitment at AT&T etc. (so I never lose a penny)

Anyways, here is the phone: [link]

And I can customize it to my hearts content! No need to sweat the stupid Jailbreaks for every update that flies in to fix bugs.

// Doreen / 617 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm just going to go sit in the corner with the senior citizens who have no phones. No wait, even fossils have mobiles these days...

// crae_work / 617 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah go sit in that corner you!

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 4 days ago

I have to catch my breath first. Had to paddle against a storm. I've been home for an hour and I'm still wheezing.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 4 days ago

Send me that storm cuz unfortunetly we are still baking in upper 90 degree temp.

Hope you feel better my dutchy... (Sammy's been a lil wheezer too since last week so the Doctor put him back on a low dose of steroids for a week)

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 4 days ago

No worries on this end. It's just really hard to go forward when you up against gale force winds. It's especially hard to breathe for some reason.

Three hours later and I'm still out of breath.

Anyways, new stuff I hear every day: Rudimental - Feel the Love [link]

// crae_zzz / 617 weeks and 4 days ago

Stop confusing my eardrums. What is that?

// Dor_zzz / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

British stuff?


* craeonics is listening to: Queen - Friends will be friends [or something]

// crae_work / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

British? Both my eyes and my ears got confused.

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

London band. But some detective work leads me to believe that these are scenes from a documentary about a stable in Philadelphia. Not 100% sure though.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

I didn't see any gold teeth nor hear any bad words so my eyes and ears got all confused. I thought it even had some soft jazzy vibes mixed somewhere in there!

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd say it's a rather typical English sound. Can't really put a label on it, as genres change names just about every two in the UK.

Meanwhile, this craziness has reached our shores: [link] (and more horses, also invisible ones).

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

~every two weeks... /me can't type

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

That is the funniest vid I've ever seen! I've not seen that craziness here "yet"

Slaap lekker mijn silly dutchy...

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 3 days ago

And it gets stuck in your head... Fortunately it hasn't been overplayed so far.

// crae_work / 617 weeks and 2 days ago

Give it time I'm sure they will. One thing you can count on as far as the radio goes is complete over kill...

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 2 days ago

Half the craziness is all the people imitating that dance on YouTube: [link]

Got a call from my uncle. Some crazy story about him getting a computer virus of sorts and having to go to the police to pay a fine. Guess I get to play computer doctor again.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 2 days ago

Strange judging from the vids on the right it apparently has reached this side already? Must be my invisible bubble protecting me from the craziness.

What your Uncle had to pay a fine? Eitther his machine has been hyjacked or he *cough* got busted because he "innocently" thought all those tunes and movies he was downloading were actually free on this wonderful world of the intrrnet? hehe

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 2 days ago

His machine got hijacked. Rather easy to clean, but a complete virus scan of the system took forever. He claimed it was because a friend had borrowed his laptop, but I was asked not to mention that to my aunt "or all hell would break loose".

He also claimed he recognised it as a scam immediately, my aunt however told me that my uncle indeed had wanted to pay and she was the one who went to the police to find out what's going on.


// crae_work / 617 weeks and 1 day ago

Argh! This stupid keyboard on my phone! Anyways amazing what scammers pull on the internet and even more amazing what ppl actually fall for. There are sharks and wolves lurking around on both the internet as well as in real life...

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 1 day ago

I come here to visit you and go to one theming site for my phone (of which I am noticing days passing that I even forget ro visit it) so I suppose I am weaning myself off of the internet...

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 1 day ago

Speaking of sharks and wolves (wolves are cool, damnit), how about some drama I somehow missed: [link]

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 1 day ago


"I'm not some manager or coworker of yours. I own the company. It, and your job here, exist to suit my purposes, not vice versa. The company is not an end unto itself, it is a means to an end which is to further the objectives of its shareholders (in this case, me)."

Sounds like not only Froggy's company has grown but his ego has grown as well and he will find out some ppl make a very good living over knowing the law.

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 1 day ago

Made me recall my Father saying when you have money in this world you can buy anyone or anything. (that is so veryyyy untrue)

// Dor_work / 617 weeks and 1 day ago

Now that I'm at home I had to go back and read that better and now that I'm working in Risk Management (besides handling the Medical Malpractice claims I also am privy to the Employment cases)

Brad mentioned: "But that doesn't excuse someone from maliciously and intentionally wiping out years worth of marketing data, assets, etc."

Looks like she will be going down (since anything he paid her for "employment wise" that she destroyed belonged to Brad not her so if she destroyed anything work related that was Brad's property and he will have the upper hand)

// Doreen / 617 weeks and 23 hours ago

Do note that this is one (and a half) side of the story being filtered through games "journalists". As in, it's impossible for us to verify if there's any truth in this, but we can say that there is something going on here.

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 16 hours ago

Well if it is and they head off to Federal Court they can both count on a lengthy time consuming and stressful trial and by the time it settles both will have forgotten why they were even there in the first place...

/me goes get my behind to the gym early (busy day today)

Heb a goed dag mijn dutchy.

// Dor_home / 617 weeks and 12 hours ago

The other side of the story: [link] (of sorts).

This thing does no good to any of the sides involved.

And I have just the song for it: [link]

The first bit of the chorus:

# Oh, laat die mensen praten (Oh, let those people talk)

# Nee, wij doen niet mee (No, we'll have no part of it)

# Laat ze lekker roddelen (Let them gossip to their heart's desire)

# Ik ga niet met ze mee, nee (I will not go along with it, no)

// craeonics / 617 weeks and 11 hours ago

What in the world is that dutchy! hehe

As for what is going on that is alot of reading I will have to come back on that. We have three choices when gossip rears it's ugly head.

1. Bite our tongues when ppl come to us to talk about another person. (then they think "you" are stuck up and rude for not participating w/ them)

2. Say something to them such as: "Have you every thought of the other persons side? And maybe it really is like this" (then they think "you" are sticking up for the other person they are gossiping about)

3. Or concede to the fact we are only human and if it is juicy enough jump in on it! hehe

Hence why I truly miss telecommuting dutchy I reallyyyy hate working in L.A. that is all everyone does is gossip and it's hard not to get caught up in the garbage (I have to spank myself when I find myself listening to it but they take turns on me all day long I hate it and I don't like to be rude)

We are all jusssss human I'd like to go live on the moon away from everyone (but I might get bored in a year or so) hehe!

// Doreen / 617 weeks and 4 hours ago

Okay now that I came back to read that I am tired but me goes try...

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay welll first off he says "The internet is not real life"

(Welll then I think Froggy is making a pretty good living off of something that ain't real)

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh boy wayyy too much to read anyways once again, we are all just human and ppl will be ppl. The internet is real (since the driving force behind the internet is "real" ppl)

The only diff between ppl on the internet vs real life is most think there isn't a price to pay for what they say and do since they are not seen. (but there is a price to pay for everything we say and do seen and unseen)

// Dor_zzz / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

As the old saying goes: [link]

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

Hadn't heard that saying but true that.

/me goes get busy if I get everything done today I mighttttt jusssss get one day of rest tomorrow!

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

No rest for the weary.

Had a funeral service today. It took four freaking hours. And all the time aweful music. In my mind I was listening to this: [link]

# When I am dead

# Lay me in a mound

# Place a stone for all to see

# Runes carved to my memory

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

Or some Bathory ofcourse: [link]

/me goes back to doing household chores

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

Ack! I don't like attending funerals (if I could skip attending my own I would)

/me sends my dutchy comforting vibes to swirl all around you...

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 6 days ago

I don't mind funerals (or cremation in this case). I live next to graveyard after all. But four hours long is a bit too much.

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 5 days ago

1 second or 4 hours a funeral is a funeral. Since my heart is made of glass that shatters I don't think I will handle them well when they begin to come my way. I've only had an Uncle pass away that basically killed himself w/ his wreckless life style. (my Grandparents I did not attend since they passed away in New York)

If I don't die before my kids or my Mother they will need to prepare a second funeral cuz my heart will just stop beating.

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 5 days ago

A few years back when something happened to my sister I almost died w/ her. If she had not pulled through I think I seriously was going to die w/ her. I can control my mind w/ no prob at all it's my heart that has a mind of it's own...

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 5 days ago

You softy! You definitely need more iron in your food. Red meat makes you tough!

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 5 days ago

Well, it definitely helped improve my blood so you were right about that...

// Doreen / 616 weeks and 4 days ago

Aren't I always? /me runs

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 4 days ago

/me goes find a needle to pop your big head...

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 4 days ago

hehe dutchy check this out (watching this episode)


// Doreen / 616 weeks and 3 days ago

I think I've already seen that one.


* craeonics is listening to: The Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

// crae_work / 616 weeks and 3 days ago

I keep missing all the new episodes! But the older ones are still just as good.

/note to self remember to set up a recording again...

listening to normal office sounds and once again the usual ppl in the hallway gossiping.

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 3 days ago

I can't believe I'm saying this, but young Mr. Bieber has a new song out that actually has an interesting beat going on: [link] (if it works).

// craeonics / 616 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't care if mickey mouse is the singer, if it sounds good then it's good! That is not bad at all.

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 3 days ago

Yeah, about that... Several teen stars in recent years got their start through the Mickey Mouse Club.

// crae_work / 616 weeks and 2 days ago

Well see it don't matter how or where you start if you're good you're good and if you suck you suck. hehe

Anyways, as always for me I normally can find at least "one" good song I like even from the suckiest recording artist. (it's all about keeping an open mind andddd ear)

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 2 days ago

You mistake "good" with "marketable". And then especially "marketable to t(w)een girls", since they are the big spenders these days. I mean, who else would buy that Carly Rae Jepsen drivel?

// crae_zzz / 616 weeks and 2 days ago

New music: David Guetta ft. Sia - She Wolf [link]

More a slideshow than a video, but it has huskies (not wolves) in it, so all is forgiven.

// crae_zzz / 616 weeks and 2 days ago

That one is blocked for some reason so I'll have to hunt it down when I get back home tonight. And huskies are cool but wolves are not. I've had a veryyy bad experience with a wolf once.

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm at home and I am getting the dreaded "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

// Dor_zzz / 616 weeks and 1 day ago

Try: [link]

// crae_work / 616 weeks and 1 day ago

"This video has restricted content" Guess my virgin ears should not hear it.

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 10 hours ago

Or rather "see" it my brain is on auto pilot today...

// Dor_work / 616 weeks and 10 hours ago

Extended version (meaning two minutes longer) by a random poster: [link]

I wish YouTube would stop with those ridiculous region locks (or at least tell you in advance that it is region locked). The internet is supposed to be a global thing.

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 6 days ago

That one is really good. I was liking David Guetta when I first heard him but then he got a bit to commercial over here when he began mixing w/ all the recording artist he lost himself and I don't know I think I just lost interest or something (but that one is reallyyyy good)

And yes the internet is supposed to be a global thing. But then alot of things in life are never what they are suppose to be.

/me goes hit that gym...

// Doreen / 615 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah, this is one of his better tunes. And Sia (the singer) seems to be popping up everywhere as well.

// crae_zzz / 615 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm looking at those zzz and now I'm zzz. hehe

(not enough hours in the day) and I noticed that I am getting tired earlier and earlier so that must mean my age is catching up on me finally...

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy.

// Dor_zzz / 615 weeks and 5 days ago

There are never enough hours in the day. Fortunately, I have the week off. Unfortunately, most of that week will be spend on chores.

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 5 days ago

Well enjoy your week off dutchy. I've got Monday off (due to a Holiday of which I have no clue or care what Holiday it is as long as it gives me a day off I am happy!)

// Doreen / 615 weeks and 5 days ago

One day wasted on chores, but now I get to slack off the rest of the week (more or less).

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 3 days ago


I don't wanna be here!

I don't wanna be here!

I don't wanna be here!!!!! (guess where I'm at)

Anyways I hope your week off goes nice and slow for you and you squeeze in some fun. (but not too much fun mijn dutchy)

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 3 days ago

People keep phoning me (including my boss and then my mom wondering what he wanted, because he called her first for some reason), so not much peace and quiet going on, grrr...

Everyone needs to sod off and leave me alone. And I have just the tune to go with that: [link]

// crae_zzz / 615 weeks and 3 days ago

*knock* dutchy

*knock* dutchy

*knock* dutchy

okay so I've been watching The Big Bang Theory a bit too much and you probably didn't get that. Now I'm looking to come bug you too! But you're hopefully sleeping so I'll leave you alone. Almost 2:00 and I finally got my break for lunch and there is no food to be found...

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 3 days ago

Sheldon references in the early morning... Alright, it's almost noon.

I'm more akin to Young Ones when it comes to four guys living together comedies: [link] (if that works).

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah jussss rub that in my face that you got up at noon when I had to drag myself out of my bed at 5:00!!!

/me goes see if that link will work...

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Well the stupid advertisement/commercial played out but the vid did not so I'll check that out from home later. I know you've dropped a link to them before but we don't get that show if I remember correctly.

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Argh! The most important button on my remote died. Now I can only zap backwards...

// crae_zzz / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Wow dutchy that humour is wayyyyy too diff for over here (that show would not last for one min)

The Big Bang Theory blows that show clear out of the universe!

// Doreen / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Come on now tell me this ain't funnier than that The Young Ones?


// Doreen / 615 weeks and 2 days ago

Nope, Young Ones trumps all, except perhaps Bottom [link]

British humour is oh so very different from US humour. It's much darker, grittier. And no laugh track. Best US comedy would be News Radio; [link] (which is rather British in style).

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 1 day ago

My oldman dutchy!

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 1 day ago

Rain and lightning today and I'm stuck over here...

// Dor_work / 615 weeks and 1 day ago

I want rain and lightning too, but I'll have to do with complete cloud cover (read: typical Dutch weather).

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 17 hours ago

Oh crap, now it's raining while I've still got to get groceries.

// craeonics / 615 weeks and 16 hours ago

Yesterday the weather man says a "chance" of scatters showers and we had flash floods, torrential downpours, lightning and thunder that shook the building I work in (and blew out the lights)

I'm off every other Friday (I work the 9/80) and today I'm off and guess what? Not a drop! Argh!!!

// Doreen / 615 weeks and 12 hours ago

I heard a song on my satellite radio and I tagged it so I could search it from my desktop for you cuz it was so good and the tune I just searched out is not even close to the one I tagged. (all I know is it was by someone called "Digweed")

// Doreen / 615 weeks and 6 hours ago

That's not much to go on: [link]

Those weather predictions are always off. In recent years they introduced "weather alarms" here for when they were expecting chaos. And every time they announced one nothing happened.

// craeonics / 614 weeks and 6 days ago

I actually think it was some kind of Tribal House music but I only caught that Digweed...

// Doreen / 614 weeks and 6 days ago

The only "tribal house" I know of is this oldy [link], but that's probably not it.

// craeonics / 614 weeks and 5 days ago

Old new music on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for tonight

// crae_work / 614 weeks and 1 day ago

New crazy music. Lady Gaga-parody video by Die Antwoord - Fatty Boom Boom [link]

JuJube is slow as, as we call it, "fat poo" today.

// craeonics / 614 weeks and 1 day ago

Back to work. No Doreen in sight, but there are Italians on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Matia Bazar - Ti Sento

// crae_work / 613 weeks and 4 days ago

Doreen is back in sight. She's just been caught up in several of life's crossroads and still unsure which road to take (since all are uncertain and unknown) hehe

/me stops by to say hello...

// Dor_work / 611 weeks and 2 days ago

I figured you either had gotten a life (as in: better things to do than hanging around this place) or had lost it (ergo: dead). Was almost thinking whether or not to write an obituary.

// crae_zzz / 611 weeks and 2 days ago

Well I think I've always had a life or you'd not have known me and have been talking to yourself if I were not in existence. Anyways the opportunity has arisen for me to get a house and I'm not fond of the commitment that goes along with it so I've just been doing too much thinking and preparing. Today I'm on campus taking a class for work so I decided to say hello which was good cuz I spared you from the work of writing an unnecessary obituary

// Dor_work / 611 weeks and 2 days ago

I wouldn't go talking to myself on a forum.

The house thing is indeed something you will be tied to for years.

// crae_work / 611 weeks and 1 day ago

No kidding atleast living under bridges you can move periodically. I'm just nervous at the permanency of it. (I'll be dead before it can be paid off) The house will be finished in April but "if" I decide to go forward into it I personally will not be moving into it until after June 4th and w/ the way my moods swing I still don't know. All I've managed to give myself w/ all the thinking I've had to do is give myself a really bad headache!

// Doreen / 611 weeks and 10 hours ago

Also, when you own the house, you have to take care of the maintenance yourself. Even more fun when you own an apartment and the building is collectively owned by all the apartment owners. Which is my case. I'm stuck with seven slackers.

// craeonics / 610 weeks and 6 days ago

Then you should probably reconsider ever investing into your apartment w/ any hopes of recuperating the investment since you don't have control over your next door neighbors property because even if you made your place into a small paradise nobody will buy it if they have to live next door to someone w/ roaches and trash etc.

I don't know dutchy I want to own a house but I'm not sure if I want this house to own me? At any rate I'm preparing myself for a move and I hope I don't make my usual mistakes I suck at decision making so I am trying very hard to think this through and go very slow (not sure it will matter in the end though)

// Doreen / 610 weeks and 6 days ago

Considering that you were always planning to end up under a bridge somewhere, a house doesn't quite fit into the picture. Then there's that thing that you move around every few years. When you have a house that's an unlikely scenario. It's quite possible you'll be living there for a decade.

// crae_zzz / 610 weeks and 6 days ago

Welll life is full of surprises, I didn't know I was going to get tossed into the department I landed in and now I'm applying for Secretary III and IV so I may not have to actually go live under a bridge after all. Then again the county could lay off after I get the house and I could end up under that bridge after all who knows?

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 610 weeks and 6 days ago

Doreen's moving up in the world. And you didn't go crazy yet. You go girl!

// craeonics / 610 weeks and 5 days ago

Not yet, but my Boss and the other administrators all have either super bad skin complexions or twitching eyeballs so I don't want to go that route. Secretaries get decent pay w/o all the pressure.

If I am Blessed enough to get that Sec III or IV item the next level after obtaining either of those positions for 1-2 yrs is Senior Secretary then Administrative Secretary (which has various levels as well) so that will be enough to keep me busy until I retire I suppose if I am that Blessed...

// Doreen / 610 weeks and 5 days ago

It also looks like that Doreen is doing long term planning these days. Who are you and what have you done with Doreen?

// crae_work / 610 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know it could just be a phase I'm going through at the moment. hehe

I actually don't like long term planning it's a bit too stressful! But since everyone else around me seems to do it I thought I might try it. (I'm not really liking it too much)

Anyways, two weeks off, no classes no work and me is a happy camper!!!

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

Andddd rain to boot!

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

Two weeks off is also not very Doreen. On the other hand, one does not live to work, so good for you.

Meanwhile, my weekend is almost over already.

// craeonics / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

Hey it's my Birthday so I decided to copy you! I just have burnout and need some freedom. If your weekend is almost over you better get your gaming in, hurry! (I might even get to jump into gameland a bit who knows) but as for right now me goes hit that gym...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

Doreen birthday time? Hurray! /me brings virtual cake

// crae_zzz / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

No way lazy boy I want you to actually make me a cake! (and you have until the 25th to make it!)

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 5 days ago

And time to catch up in the music world w/ the American Music Awards. And they boot up w/ Usher? Ack! Come on!!!

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 4 days ago

Wellll favorite artist of the year was Justin Bieber and they ended the show w/ this:


/me goes find me some decent booty tunes and go hit that gym and get my day going...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm, I'm not too convinced with that mash-up. 2 Legit does not really mix in too well. That's probably why they only did the chorus.

But good to see MC Hammer hasn't kicked the bucket yet.

// craeonics / 609 weeks and 4 days ago

Well Cyndi Lauper was there too but she "looked" like she kicked the bucket...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

That's probably because Cyndi Lauper is old enough to be your grandmother.

// crae_work / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm not too sure what her age is but I think it has more to do w/ her possibly living in a bottle or something. (she looks like she is a boozer now)

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

59 apparently: [link]. She could be my mother. But I doubt my mother knows who she is.

Some people just don't age gracefully.

// craeonics / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm well she's younger than my mother but looks older. Anyways most likely anyone can age gracefully by just accepting aging and staying away from nasty drugs, alcohol and plastic surgery, just let go and let God do his thang. (in the end there's nothing you can do except accept it) also trying to keep a good sense of balance w/ "everything" probably helps too of which I've not been doing since I have been over doing it at the gym and I now feel totally faint and dehydrated.

/me goes get me some water. Heb a goed nacht mijn dutchy (did I get that right?) hehe

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

Half right. "a" should (ofcourse) be "een" and "nacht" is feminine so "goed" gets an extra "e" (goede). But knowing the gender of a word is something you can only get a feel for if it's your native tongue. You then can hear (so to speak) when a word is spelled/conjugated correct or not.

Put the other way, I still don't quite know when to use "learned" and when "learnt" in English. That's probably trivial to you.

// crae_zzz / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

Argh! I forgot about the een! And knowing the gender of a word is absurd since words are just words they have no sex to them at all. I will never understand that nonsense. A table is a table there is no such thing as a female table or a male table or night being defined by masculine or feminine. I have no idea why ppl have to constantly complicate everything!

Hmmm as for the learnt and learned dilemma you seem to have what difference does it make? I don't even think I have ever heard of the learnt word before it has always been learned? Learnt sounds a bit slangy if you ask me?

Hey, today I learned a new word.


Hey, today I learnt a new word. (yup sounds slangy to me) hehe

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 3 days ago

The learned/learnt thing appears to be something that still exists in English English, but has vanished in American English. Just like aluminium/aluminum.

The word gender thing seems to have been lost in English. It was still present in Old English: [link]

// crae_work / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

Dutchy! (where's a goede window to stare out of when you need one? Come on now you should know by now the only variances in the spellings of the same words that I know are:

because vs cuz

that vs dat

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

And if that window is masculine then jusss remove the "e" off of the word goede for me.

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

Window (venster) is neutral. No -e.

Had an allergy test this week. Fifty stickers with funny stuff were put on my back on monday. They were to be there for two days and to make sure they stayed in place, my back was (basically) taped. So I went through life as a living tape dispenser for two days. I tell you, tape on you back must be the most annoying thing ever.

// craeonics / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm sorry to hear that mijn dutchy. Sammy had some allergy testing done about 5 maybe 6 weeks ago as well. The Doctor told me he is allergic to Cats, Dogs, Russian Thistle Weed and some Tree (but I cannot remember the name of that tree he told me right now)

Everything I pretty much already knew by his severe reactions to being around cut grass at his school or my Mom's two cats etc. etc.

Don't be too surprised if he tells you that you are allergic to your own cats. hehe!

Not really too much you can do when you are allergic to things that are around you except keep things extremely clean and dust free dutchy and also "well ventilated" and above all else you need to invest in a good "Air Purifier" it will most definitely make your life a little easier. (though I am certain you won't take my advise)

/me hopes you feel better soon...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

Thanksgiving tomorrow and it's the week of my Birthday as well and what does my family want me to do? Freaking slave in the kitchen and cook the Turkey andddd my sister's daughter calls me and leaves me a msg please, please, please make macaroni salad too! WTH! Aren't I suppose to be the one getting the break and being spoiled this week! Argh!

/me goes play slave even when I am away from work playin slave!

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 2 days ago

They're crazy. It's _your_ birthday, so they should be pampering you. Not the other way around. You should make a disastrous meal, so they'll never ask you to do it again.

// crae_work / 609 weeks and 1 day ago

It's Thanksgiving so I need to stop complaining so much and be more thankful so right now on the top of my list of thankfulness things I am so thankful that Thanksgiving comes around only once a year. (I have the worsest stomach ach) and another thing I am thankful for is Licorice Root and Peppermint tea!

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 22 hours ago

If you give it some thought, it's very strange to have a holiday dedicated to being thankful. What are you supposed to be the rest of the year?

As for the allergy test, it came out negative. So I am not allergic to the fifty samples they used. Rashes all over the place, so the doc gives me this supposedly neutral salve. I rub it on and now I'm itching all over, grrr...

// craeonics / 609 weeks and 15 hours ago

Sounds like you have a Doctor that does not know what he/she is doing. You obviously have triggers and he needs to test you correctly to pin down what those triggers are. (atleast you know now you are allergic to the salve for one thing) hehe

As for the Holiday thing I could care less if they declare a national "Wash your dirty dishes Day" as long as I get the day off w/ pay I will be thankful for that too...

// Doreen / 609 weeks and 9 hours ago

I declare today "National Wash your Dirty Dishes Day".

It could also be "Clean the Litter Box Day", since my nose tells me one of the cats left me a surprise there.

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

I declare today "National Don't Do Squat Day".

And I'm going to do just that! Nothing! Not wash one dirty dish not wash one load of laundry nothing!

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

Alrighttt, actually it's a miracle today my house is clean at the "moment" cuz I busted my behind yesterday...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

No-one told me it was "Don't do squat"-day. Damnit, I did half the laundry!


* craeonics is listening to: Аркона - Память [Гой, Роде, Гой! #11] [link] (I just know those characters are going to get butchered)

// crae_zzz / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

Oookay... Auto-entity encoding. Have not encountered that before.

/me goes ponder

// crae_zzz / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

Fortunately, I have the keys to the mansion. Crawled into the database and fixed things. Should clear out the spamlog. It's almost 200 meg.

// crae_zzz / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

Hey the "Don't Do Squat Day" is our Holiday you guys have your own over there! hehe

As for that tune that is 100% mijn dutchy all the way. That's about all I will say cuz "my" ears don't know how to digest that crazy stuff (probably since there's no identifiable booty in there)

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

/me is watching some cartoon thingy on TV:


Have no clue why but most likely cuz it "Don't Do Squat Day" and I'm not even willing to change the channel?

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh god, no, not Ice Age. /me no like Disney or Pixar or DreamWorks

Back to Arkona. I'm not entirely convinced by the (female) vocals nor the flow of the lyrics. Too much proclamation not enough rhyming. And it's a bit too forced folky at times. These guys seem to be serious about what they are doing. If you read the booklet they explain what each song is about.

That being said, even though it's a bit too ethereal, it does strike the right chords at times, so I'll definitely be getting more of this.

And to finish off the weekend: more chores.

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 5 days ago

Forced folky is what I heard immediately but that being said since I've been listening to what you've been listening to for so long now I did hear and know exactly what bits that you like in it...

Nothing really all that good being played on this side except the same ole same ole which has me learning to like either Justin Bieber now or this (which is not really half bad)


// Doreen / 608 weeks and 5 days ago

And YouTube is now turning me completely off w/ the extreme overkill of ads they have built up to...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah, I must say. Young Mr. Bieber's latest ain't half bad. He's turning into a new Enrique.

I must now clean my mouth with green soap for saying such things.

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 5 days ago

Hand me that green soap cuz I actually like not only Justin Bieber now but also *cough* irritating Nicki Minaj in this tune...


// Doreen / 608 weeks and 4 days ago

There's no way I can like that annoying Nicki Minaj.

Wait, what do I hear on the radio?


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

La la la laaaa! You're at work and I'm not! (and that is the suckiest song ever) Ack!

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

Speaking of suckiest song ever, even Bruno "catch that grenade then" Mars has a non-shitty song out at the moment.

I refuse to link to it though.

// crae_zzz / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

Could it possibly be thisss one: [link]

/me hands you back your green soap...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

/me takes that soap back and goes take a shower since I had to cut my gym short due to the fact there was a guy at the gym that smelled like onions and he smelled the entire gym up!

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

That'd be the one. I'm a sucker for crazy sounds.

Now give me back that soap!

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy I've been waiting for the mail to see if my apps were accepted for the Secretary positions and I got rec'd it yesterday that they were accepted but instead of being all excited I am upset and nervous! Say a prayer for me I have to take the exam on the 12th of Dec...

Yes, I am already doing administrative Sec duties so I have not doubt about my abilities but the test I seriously don't think I can pass cuz it's all based on past education, math, grammar etc all the stuff I suck at! I wish they could just give me the item w/o this stupid test. =(

Anyways, please say a lil prayer for me I need a big miracle to pass this thing okay...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

From what I've been told I take (1) test if I pass it I get on "all" the various levels of Secretary lists that are avail in all LA County so I really need to pass this test.

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

Anddd just reading the above that I just typed I am not going to pass this thing? I cannot even type right! Oh boy, I am so nervous dutchy...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

You just need to add some interpunction. Hear a pause? Add a comma. Finished a thought? Add a period. That's all there is to it.

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

I think it's a little bit more than that cuz the test is four and a half hours long! (Some girls at work are pushing me to do this) I'm not sure I can pass the test. The thing w/ the county dutchy is they love to put ppl into positions that are way out of class but not pay them for the items so they have made these test very difficult to pass so that you have to keep doing the work for the position but never get on the list to obtain the pay for the item you are working in. I'm not sure how this will turn out. The work I am already doing and confident w/ it's getting past this stupid test that is going to stop me I think but I'm going to go for it.

I wish I could send "you" to go take that test for me! hehe

// Dor_blog / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

When I was working for the Trauma Dept I was holding a position and doing a "Data Systems Analyst II" item but only getting paid Senior Typist Clerk. I'm getting tired of their nonsense and hope to do something about it this time around, say a prayer for me I will need a miracle...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

At any rate don't go writing any obituaries on me if I drop off the map dutchy I just have alot of things to process through w/ work and other things right now and if I was still a teenager I could probably do better at "guessing" what to do. hehe

I don't know, slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 1 day ago

You never know what to do. Just pick what seems best and go with that. If it doesn't work out, try something else.

/me is master at giving useless suggestions

// craeonics / 608 weeks and 15 hours ago

Hmmm now I don't know if I should take your advise!? I do know one thing for sures that if it doesn't always smell like onions at the gym then it smells like garlic! (They should make it mandatory for the guys to enter only if they spray w/ deodorant and eat some mints first)

Since I only have a couple more days off from work me goes play a bit and since it's pouring outside I guess I will play around w/ my windows 8 upgrade, I was not interested in upgrading and then I spotted a $39.99 download for the Win 8 upgrade, it seems clean and light (though all the graphics are a bit flat or rather one dimensional for my usual taste)

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 7 hours ago

Have you played around w/ it yet? It's not bad at all...

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 7 hours ago

Welll, I knew that was too good to be true beware cuz when you install the upgrade it uninstalls your Windows Media Center and then charges you $9.99 for the Win 8 compatible version (which looks identical to the previous version) but w/o that you can no longer record TV shows.

// Doreen / 608 weeks and 6 hours ago

Your gym reeks of garlic and onions because of all those Italians visiting.

Win8 is basically Win7 plus a fancy new start menu.

Bought a new machine late September and if 8 had been out then, I would have put it on it. Unfortunately, it did not come out until a month later. So I'll pass.

Back to Ms. Minaj. You've probably already seen this, but when slowed down... [link]

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

Actually it's over run by Asians not Italians so come to think of it I could be confusing the smells of Kimchi or something? I might give my nose a break today.

Win 8 is not bad it has a pretty cool "live" UI that delivers all your most important info in your face and it simply runs on top of your usual Win machine so you can dive back and forth between the two. (I like it so far)

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay now that vid is just too much for me first thing in the morning...

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

Since I very rarely update my machines, it's going to be a long time before Win8 will enter the crae residence.

// crae_zzz / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

For me it was well worth the 40 dollars (it was 80 dollars at the store) so I passed up the upgrade and wasn't interested in upgrading either but I actually like it now cuz it makes everything so much easier to access and use. Looks can be very deceiving you really need to drive a machine running win 8 for a day or so to see what I'm talking about.

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm, a very busy Froggy:


// Doreen / 607 weeks and 6 days ago

They're indeed having a field day with it. Never used the stat menu anyway, though. They also have a tool to tweak the new start screen thingy: [link]

As for upgrades... Nah, I want the full package. Recentlt put Win7 on some machines. It's task is actually useful for a change. File manager still stinks.

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 5 days ago

~taskbar. Fast fingers today.

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm probably late to the party as usual but my feelings are this win 8 saved Microsoft's behind and also put the HTC model device phones back in the game again. (which is good cuz it gets boring watching apple vs samsung all the time)

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm not so sure if it will "save" their ass. One, Microsoft is massive and as long as Office is king, so will they be. Two, Windows 8 was made with touch screen navigation in mind, but so far the hardware hasn't been all that (or so they say). So Microsoft launched their own laptop/tablet hybrid, but its price tag is very high.

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 4 days ago

Touching is a good thing (human wise) so they apparently are on the right track but most likely it will take a good while to get it all done right on a machine and at a more affordable price.

// Dor_work / 607 weeks and 4 days ago

Touchscreens can be useful, yeah. They use them a lot at the counters in supermarkets. It's going to take a while though before they get entrenched in office environments.

// crae_work / 607 weeks and 3 days ago

Well besides all that the only thing "my" fingers are lusting to touch right now is this:


Mmmm mmm mmm sexyyyy!

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 3 days ago

Cept my carrier only carries the blue one and I want that red one! (which is exclusive to Verizon only not AT&T)

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 3 days ago

That glass reflection is nasty. The screen shouldn't reflect.

Today's Sinterklaas! Hurray! Only downside is that I have to provide my own presents these days. At least I got some chocolate letters.

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 2 days ago

/me sends my dutchy some virtual presents...

// Dor_work / 607 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm I supppse that's the upside to having a msg board husband? You don't hurt my wallet at Christmas time.

// Dor_work / 607 weeks and 2 days ago

It's all virtual anyway, so it only costs imaginary money.

Had my job evaluation today. The discussion is strangely never about me, but more about how we can improve the company and what not. Perhaps because I never fill in the evaluation form the way it is intended.

Got a raise, so extra hurray.

// crae_zzz / 607 weeks and 2 days ago

When my job was tossing me all around the med center like a rag doll each dept head sat me down before each transfer and their announcement to me always began like this: "Because the current needs of this Dept" we are now moving you over to blah blah blah dept until the needs of that dept are met. (each and everytime)

Now "I" am looking out to meet "my" own needs cuz I'm tired of being used...

Anyways dutchy congratulations! That is the best Christmas gift present ever and that's a gift that will keep giving all year long! (I'm very happy for you!)

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

Sooo at your job you just get a so called job evaluation and then just get a raise!? Lucky you! When you work for the County of Los Angeles even if your boss wants to give you a raise they cannot because you first have to go through a very lengthy process of waiting for the freezes to lift and the openings to be announced for the item/position you want then you submit an application for the position and then wait for your application to either be rejected or accepted via snail mail which you will either get a rejection letter or an acceptance letter, if you receive the acceptance of your application the letter will give you a date and time for the exam you then have to take the exam and once again you are back at the mercy of snail mail to see if you passed the exam or not, if you passed the exam you are then placed on a county wide list for that item/position and at that point and "only" at that point can either your existing dept and boss pull you off that list to give you the position/promotional item if that dept has not lost that item availability because of cuts etc "or" you also can begin to receive numerous mails from various depts around the county of los angeles to go on interviews and transfer out. Since it is a promotion your current boss can only legally hold you up to 30 days but has to release you to the other dept at that point.

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

I sense some bitterness in that wall of text. I'd say it's the difference between big and small organisations. This is a company of about thirty people, so the lines are short. When you work for the government, on the other hand, the organisation is so big and complex that a lot of politicing pops up.

// crae_work / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm sorry about that dutchy I was tired yesterday and I'm just more bitter at myself for being so stupid. I started working here at this hosp when I was 19 yo and I have been so busy working to always "meet the needs of their depts" that I forget to meet my own needs and they still look and treat me like I'm still 19 yo I need more than verbal appreiciation and a pat on the head now. So there is no one to blame but myself.

And it sounds like you are in a wonderful company and close to home even so you are definitely in a good spot.

// Dor_work / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

There's always room for improvement.

Place self before work. Always.

// craeonics / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm working on that. And I realized today the date of my exam is 12-12-12 (which is around the corner) so me better spend my lunch doing some studying some girls over here gave me a mountain high stack of materials to read.

Heb a goed/goede weekend mijn dutchy (this Friday is my regular day off as well)

// Dor_work / 607 weeks and 1 day ago

Studying on your day off... I'm so glad I'm completely done with school. In the web business you pick up your skills as you go along, so no more studying for me.

And that stupid Bruno Mars song is still stuck in my head!

// crae_zzz / 607 weeks and 5 hours ago

Stop picking on Bruno he knows what us girls wanna hear! As for the test (or atleast from the materials I've been given to study) it looks like it's all common sense stuffez so far...

// Doreen / 607 weeks and 43 minutes ago

It usually is. That's the catch.

But don't listen to me for advice on studying. I'm one of those that don't read the book until the day before the exam.

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 6 days ago

I believe that. And since my computer decided to drop dead it looks like I may get side tracked today from my studies.

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 6 days ago

There was some new music that I wanted to post, but I cannot remember the artist's name. Old age is catching up with me.

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 5 days ago

In the meantime, some Daddy Yankee: [link]

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 5 days ago

Old age is catching up w/ all of us dutchy, and this stupid testing is reallyyy bringing it to my attention! I am not going to pass this test and not because I don't know my job as a secretary but because the majority of the remainder of this ridiculous test material seems to have "nothing" to do with what I do jobwise? Does not even apply to being a secretary! Snakes!!!

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 5 days ago

And further more! That Daddy Yankee tune is good! hehe

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 5 days ago

Snakes? On a plane? Just keep calm and that test will be done before you know it.

// crae_work / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

Thanks dutchy, I got sidetracked fixing my pc Saturday (vid card issues) and Sunday I said fawgetaboutit I'm not going to stress myself out over this I'm just going to go through the process and chalk it up to some experience.

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

Thanks dutchy, I got sidetracked fixing my pc Saturday (vid card issues) and Sunday I said fawgetaboutit I'm not going to stress myself out over this I'm just going to go through the process and chalk it up to some experience.

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

I see tests more as a game where your score represents your understanding of the rules and not so much an actual measurement of knowledge.

I once passed an economy exam where I did not even understand the questions. It was multiple choice, ergo quite guessable.

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

For me I can't look at this test as a game the response to the open bulletin for the positions was so overwhelming they closed it by the next day and it only opens up every so many years. Secondly, you are much more educated and calmer than me. The math portion of the test materials are huge tables and below the table several paragraphs of text going into tricky worded details of for example a major corporation that produces x num of products that cost various prices based on each individual product vs profits and loss percentages times the num of employees working various diff shifts and on and on.

Did I mention we can't even use a calculator or bring any thing to write on!?

I know my job which is definetely not running a major corporation so if I'm not getting a miracle that day I'm not passing that test. I have two choices chicken out all together or just go do it anyways (I've chosen the latter)

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

And it's the better choice.

Lot's of math. May seem odd, but secretarial positions these days are more about managing data than booking appointments. You may end up being an assistent of sorts. Probably more management stuff as well.

// crae_zzz / 606 weeks and 4 days ago

That is true, the position I hold right now (w/o the matching title or paycheck of course) rarely has the typical duties of a secretary.

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 3 days ago

Though, I do happen to shield the boss a lot (as you call it) and I hate that part cuz I don't enjoy having to lie.

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 3 days ago

You don't have to lie. You can always say the boss does not want to be disturbed. Ofcourse, people can be pushy and get mad at you. Being a lightning rod is also part of the job.

// crae_work / 606 weeks and 3 days ago

Sounds almost like you've been a secretary before! hehe

/me comes huggle mijn dutchy and then get busy...

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 3 days ago

I spend half the day at work observing people. Either co-workers or passerby's. Humans are strange creatures.

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 3 days ago

You mean spend = "spent" (I'm learning in the process of driving myself nuts for this test)

And yes humans are strange creatures but I suppose no matter who we come across in this life we learn "something" new each time from them...

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 2 days ago

Almost right. I meant "spend", first person singular simple present, as it is called. Or in other words, I do that every (work)day.

I also do it on non-work days, but I also have more interesting things to do then. And then there are things I do without being mentally present, like brushing my teeth or cleaning the litterbox.

// crae_work / 606 weeks and 2 days ago

Smarta** good thing that was not on the test. Took the test and probably the hardest part of the test ended up being just showing up! I will let you know when I get my test results back (and yesss even if I failed)

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 2 days ago

If the hardest part of the test was showing up, you've surely passed. But just to be prudent, assume you failed. That way it will be as expected or better, but never a disappointment.

// crae_zzz / 606 weeks and 2 days ago

/me goes look up that prudent word. hehe

Thanks dutchy I know, and originally that was the attitude I had about the whole thing. I expected not to pass it but just go through the motions of it all and learn from the experience. It's been too many years since I first got in the County and the testing process continually changes and gets more difficult over the years from what everyone has told me (the ppl that are always running to take these test that I never bother too) anyways, what happened is yesterday, the Secretary of the CMO (of the Medical Center) which is the highest of the secretaries at our facility, caught wind from the other girls that I was going to take the exam and out of nowhere I rec'd an email in the afternoon at work yesterday from her that said "Doreen I heard you are taking the exam tomorrow, I hope this is not too late for you. It should be helpful. Goodluck" I clicked on the link and there was a bounty of material that I studied in between work all day and all through the night last night and I think that may have saved me!!!

There are 3 bands "if" I pass:

Band #1

Band #2

Band #3

The ppl in Band 1 get pulled for the positions quickly and it is the ones who scored the highest.

Band 2 of course is next, and Band 3 needless to say are on the list but it takes more time to get pulled. It's the so called bottom of the list. (or barrel)

I'm "feeling" from the outcome of today I may have made Band 3 and if I managed to pull off Band 2 I got my miracle!!

I do not expect to be in Band #1. Now it's just the waiting game and I have to wait on the mail.

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

Anddd of course, if I get the letter and I failed the test all together then I am in no Band at all and not even on the list. So I will of course accept that fact and be proud of myself that I tried! (so don't worry I may have my head in the clouds a lot but I am still grounded veryyy much)

// Doreen / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

So if you end up in one of those bands, you will be promoted eventually? When will the results be in?

// crae_work / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

Yes, and the test results get mailed out after all those that were invited to take the civil exam are completed. So my guess is approx 4 to 6 weeks but I'm not sure because there were so many ppl within the county that applied and none of us have the exact number of those that were accepted.

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

Ah well, we won't know until next year then. For now... weekend!

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

Lucky you having every Friday off I only get every other Friday off. Such is life. Have a good weekend dutchy (but not toooo good!)

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 1 day ago

Every other Friday is better than nothing. It's been only a few decades since people get Saturday off.

In other news, I'm in trouble. Random old people on the street are complimenting me about my hair. They're after me, I'm sure of it.

// craeonics / 606 weeks and 14 hours ago

I wouldn't know about that since I can't see so there are many days I picture your hair looking all Einstein...

// Dor_work / 606 weeks and 10 hours ago

Do a Google image search for long wavy hair and then pretend all the girls you'll find are male. That would be me then. The only maintenance that goes into it is brushing it every morning to get the the knots out.

Meanwhile, my neighbour seems to be drilling a hole in the wall I'm sitting next to. The sound reverberates in my head, grrr...

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 6 days ago

No need to search "I" am a girl so I would already know about that kind of hair but don't get too attached to it cuz unfortunately "men" usually beginnn to lose their hair at age 35 and on(unless you are the exception)

As for your neighbor get even and blaze some Burzum?

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 6 days ago

I can't go blasting music. I don't like loud sounds. Whatever it was he was doing, he seems to be done now.

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 5 days ago

Wellll just keep in mind if you can hear everything he is doing then apparently he too can hear everything you are doing too. Which means you don't seem to have much privacy where you are currently at.

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 5 days ago

too = to (pick one)

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 5 days ago

Hey what happened to the weekend!?

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 4 days ago

Hey what happened to the weekend!?

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 4 days ago

Now I know for a fact I only tapped our speak button one time!

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 4 days ago

The weekend is over. But your browser has not realised that.

The neighbour my hear what I do, but I am not that loud. The neighbour on the other side told me he can never tell when I am home.

I must move like a ninja.

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 4 days ago

Ninja my foot! You move like a sloth! hehe

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 4 days ago

I move swiftly but silently.

Getting old and fragile though. Cat was sitting on a chair I wanted to sit on. So I sat down on the edge. While doing so all my body weight was on my left leg. No big deal, you'd say. Except that my left knee buckled and I crashed down on the chair. Cat spooked ofcourse.

// crae_old / 605 weeks and 3 days ago

First of all it sounds like your cats have you trained well and secondly I think it has more to do with you riding your bike to work and exposing yourself to that cold weather you have over there more than the age factor dutchy. I'm assumung most ppl look older over there then they really are though cuz of the colder weather which would make most Californians shatter into pieces!

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 3 days ago

A very interesting theory. I could reverse that and state that I assume that most people in California look older than they really are, because of constant exposure to the sun, which wreaks havoc with their skin.

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm me suddenly ponders what the skin looks like on all the sun worshippers I know and realizes that you are right. Cept this Californian avoids the sun like the plague (which in turn may put me in an early coffin according to my Doctor and my blood disorder) but I don't avoid it cuz I want to preserve my skin I do cuz I dispise the sun blazing my skin it burns me like Hell...

// Dor_work / 605 weeks and 2 days ago

You go red like a lobster for fifteen minutes and blisters the week after?

I don't like bright light (it used to burn my eyes), so I don't get out in the sun. On the other hand, I also don't avoid it.

// crae_zzz / 605 weeks and 2 days ago

It sounds like you know someone that has the same reaction to the sun as me? Yes that's exactly what happens it's painful and not very attractive...

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 1 day ago

People who are very pale have that reaction.

Then again, if you never go in the sun, there's no chance of getting over it either. And one does need ones daily dose of sunshine for the vitamin D production.

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 1 day ago

End of the world has been uneventful so far. I think I'll just go out and pillage the ruins of the supermarket. If I don't come back, expect me to be consumed by zombies.

// craeonics / 605 weeks and 15 hours ago

I took my Doctor's little blue pills for 4 mos straight and went up on the roof at work for some of that so called wonderful sunshine 20-30 mins a day took the follow up blood test she ordered and all was well I went back for another follow up blood test 4 weeks later per her request and my blood work was back to square one. I'm not going to worry about it cuz I am what I am until I am no more.

As for the end of the world and the Mayan's Calendar, the stationary store down the street from me only gets the coming new year calendars in towards the end of the current year so what makes mankind assume it's the Mayan's responsibility to create infinite Calendars for eternity?

I noticed the other day during rush hour downtown a dog sitting on the corner of the busy cross street I was at he was watching the light and when it turned green he got up and proceeded to walk across "inside" the crosswalk by himself with cars and ppl buzzing by he was with no one! People say dogs are color blind? I am beginning to believe that animals are smarter than humans.

Anyways, a few more boring parties and gatherings and I can get back to my normal routine...

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 10 hours ago

Dutchy I know you guys drink tea on that side (and I've been on some kind of tea kick lately instead of coffee) have you ever tried a mixture of Maharaja Chai Oblong and Samurai Chai Mate w/ German rock sugar? OMG! It is the closest thing to Heaven on earth!

// Doreen / 605 weeks and 7 hours ago

Dogs (and cats and other animals) are not colour blind. They just see less colours. But maybe the dog wasn't watching the

traffic light, but crossed when others were crossing.

That being said, though. I don't know how guide dogs handle traffic lights.

As for tea, it's green tea all the way here. Bring on the anti-oxidants.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

Well if thatzzz what it wasss and that dog was just watching all us smart ppl then lets hope he don't begin to run around like us screaming it's the end of the world!!! And then go buy a machine gun to shoot random ppl for no good reason nor in my case feel the pressure to get up early on her day off to spend it at the mall standing in lines for hours and hours to spend money I don't really want to spend just cuz everyone else is doing it!!!!

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

Anti-oxidants? I'm only drinking it cuz it smells as fragrant as perfume and taste as good as candy...

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

Mmmmm mmm mmm, tea time! Check this out dutchy you have to try this one but you need to mix it w/ another one I will find the other one.

This is the Samurai one:


// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

Here it is:


Shoot now I have to get a tea tumbler for work! Look these are so cool:


// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

And lastly you can't add regular sugar it ruins the taste of the tea you need this German Rock Sugar stuffezzz look!


// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

You know how they say when you are on death row before they execute you they ask you the night before your execution is to take place what you want to be served as your last meal? (I don't know how true that really is) But I would just ask for this stupid tea! hehe!

It is the best thing I ever had on earth! hehe

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

What in the world! [link]

I'm def going back to hit that tea shop at the mall today!? Ummm I also think this tea has more caffeine than coffee or something?

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 6 days ago

I think I'd go bankrupt if I spent that much on tea. My tea is more like sugar water with an extra (lime) flavour.

And what exactly is a tea tumbler?

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 5 days ago

From that same shop, try some green tea: [link]. It's "good" for your health (or at least better than regular tea).

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah no kidding, I'm suppose to move into my house after June and if I keep this up I will be moving into a tea cup instead. As for the tea tumbler I don't know yet I will find out tomorrow when I go to work and use it as for when I am home I bought this contraption: [link]

You put a teaspoon of the tea leaves and let it sit in hot water for 3 mins then you pick the little pitcher thingy up and place it on top of your cup and it automatically pours the tea into the cup minus the tea leaves of course.

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 5 days ago

Green tea I don't put sugar I only drink that when I eat sushi and I like it mixed w/ roasted brown rice tea. I've been drinking green tea for years I just never known any other kind of tea!

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 5 days ago

Anyways, it's tea time! /me goes wake up and get busy...

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 5 days ago

That teamaker looks like a lot of work.

Since I'm lazy, I get these one-bag-per-cup things. Then it's as easy as boiling water (which reminds me that I need to decalcify my water cooker), put it in a cup, add a bag and wait until the water is coloured. Remove bag, add sugar and spoon, done.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 4 days ago

Just keep doing what you're doing cuz once you try tea like this you will never go back to simple tea.

Merry Christmas mijn dutchy...

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 4 days ago

Take a lilll trip, take a lillll trip to seeee

take a lilll trip, take a lillll trip with meee

And the radio is playing WAR - Lowrider

Half the floor is off for the Holidays so me can blaze my radio!

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 4 days ago

Enjoy your blazing. Since you are in California, there are bound to be some colleagues that would appreciate WAR.

Time for the Christmas family dinner.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 3 days ago

Nope my colleagues have quite a diff taste in their tunes anyways, by now you've got your tummy ache and me goes get mine now...

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 3 days ago

Tummy ache? No, no, you've got to know your limits.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 2 days ago

Your family is dutch mine is Italian all I need to do is limit my family gatherings and I'm fine.

Enjoy your apparent day off...

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 2 days ago

Two weeks off even.

Unfortunately for me we have a new neighbour on the ground floor. The previous owner said that nothing had to be done on his house. This one apparently disagrees. He's been stripping it down for weeks now. I hear (and feel) drills and other heavy gear all day long.

I hope he hurries up a bit. I want my peace and quiet back.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 1 day ago

Lucky you no work for two weeks! As for your neighbors existing and new maybe you should think about investing in a good pair of ear plugs!

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't know why they just don't use manual tools (chisel and such). Woke up this morning to the neighbour directly below me drilling god knows what.

So aside from the cats waking me up, now the neighbours do it as well.

// craeonics / 604 weeks and 16 hours ago

Atleast you didn't have to wake up to a blazing alarm at 5:00am like me.

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 10 hours ago

Took the long way home (noy sure who sings this) anyways if onlyyyy work could always be this peaceful...

// Dor_work / 604 weeks and 5 hours ago

It's the end of the year. Half the staff is probably off.


* craeonics is listening to: Jersey Shore reruns

// crae_zzz / 604 weeks and 4 hours ago

Only us faithful and stupid enough were there and I may be the only one working on Monday.

/me goes catch up on some recorded Big Bang Theory (most likely reruns)

// Doreen / 604 weeks and 7 minutes ago

Meanwhile on this end, since the 20th some neighbourhood kids have been gathering wood. I assume it's for a New Year's bonfire. And they're quite professional this year. They hired two big containers and been bringing and processing pallets for days now.

The downside: it's right in front of my house. I'm quite sure I've never seen three quarters of 'em and they were hanging around each night. That is, until the police popped up.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 6 days ago

I see three good choices here:

1. Get some good fire insurance for your house.

2. Hope the police scared those kids away.

3. And if the bonfire is still there you can go enjoy it on New Years eve!

/me goes back to enjoying this pouring rain over here...

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 6 days ago

Then a few days ago little kids (not from this neighbourhood) started a small fire with left-over scraps. Police popped up. The guy organising things popped up. And it ended up with all the piles off wood being hauled off by the garbage man.

Two days later more wood magically appeared and even more magically the trash car appeared again to whizz it away.

It's been quiet ever since.

I don't mind bonfires on New Year. But lets stick to that one day. Because I do mind kids from other neighbourhoods loitering about in front of my house at night, with all kinds of things to set ablaze.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 5 days ago

Ummm have you tried approaching the kids and letting them know how you feel to put a stop to it? I had a lil boy over here that was leaving me some pretty sexually explicit caveman drawings on my driveway in chalk of penis' and things he wanted to do and such. I finally caught the lil hormonal kid in action and busted him. I approached him and told him I didn't appreciate his lil love notes in my drive way and he got all red faced and ran off never to be seen again.

Just have a lil chit chat w/ them and let them know how you feel dutchy...

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy it is hailing so hard over here it looks like snow is all over the place!

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 5 days ago

Dry and windy here.

Looks like there's not going to be a bonfire. Police raided some places around the corner yesterday evening and tomorrow they hauled off the containers with wood.

Nothing ever happens around here, so this is pretty big to me.

It's going to be a pretty uneventful new year after all.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm pretty sure I'll be listening to the sound of shot guns and fireworks. (on this side everyone breaks out their toy guns for new years eve)

// Dor_work / 603 weeks and 4 days ago

I cannot believe how peaceful everything is work wise. Today I made it into Los Angeles in 15 mins! It normally takes over an hour.

// Dor_work / 603 weeks and 4 days ago

The traffic gods where with you.

On this side though, the weather gods are against me. It's raining! How am I to set off my fireworks now, argh...

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know but good cuz you can't be setting off fireworks whilst I'm still stuck over here working!

Happy New Year mijn dutchy. ♥

// Dor_work / 603 weeks and 4 days ago

Now what are you doing working on the last day of the year?

2013 doesn't look all that different from 2012. Also amusing is that it's way too warm for the time of the year. About 10°C or so. It should be freezing.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 3 days ago

They're slave drivers! (and it's freezing over here)

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 3 days ago

You seem to have my weather. I need to post some new music, but when I have the week off, I don't watch TV or listen to the radio (hell, I don't even have a radio no more). I expect that when I return to work next week, there will be a sea of new music on the radio.

Alright, who am I kidding. I will be same old, same old.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 2 days ago

Same here but I do have a radio here at work the problem is between answering phones and interruptions every 5 mins I really don't get to pay attention to what I'm listening to...

// Dor_work / 603 weeks and 2 days ago

Problem at work is colleagues with seriously bad taste and an intolerance to music that deviates from said bad taste. Meaning that if one of the four people with not-so-bad taste puts on something decent, the fifth with bad taste will walk to the radio and change the channel.

It also does not help that I'm sitting next to the speakers and she's on the other side of the room, so she cranks up the volume way too loud.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 1 day ago

Once again, between your neighbors at home and your colleagues at work you should invest into a good pair of ear plugs. Long story but a Doctor over here who is Chief over his own service hired me yesterday to be his secretary the prob is my current Boss has blocked me. She said it would be a hardship on the current dept. He wants me in two weeks and according to the exam unit my letter wont arrive to make this official for approx 4 weeks more. At that point I cannot be held back. I'm hoping he holds that position for me. All these ridiculous technicalities. But the bottom line is that if it is meant to be it will all fall into place. He showed me my office and gave me the run down and offered me the 10/40! I can even have any work schedule I want!

// Dor_work / 603 weeks and 1 day ago

Shutting yourself off from the rest is never a good solution. Taken to the extreme reverse, she is the only one that wants to hear that crap music, so she should be wearing headphones.

I am not so sure whether I should be glad for you or sad. I always seems like just you're just some commodity being pushed around. Well, at least they're all fighting over you.

// craeonics / 603 weeks and 16 hours ago

I'm not the least flattered that they are all fighting over me dutchy I'm actually frustrated, disappointed and veryyy hurt. I did not want to hurt my current boss but yesterday I went above her heard to her boss and the one above him as well to attempt to explain "my" situation them and that though I understand her position she may very well jeopardize my career opportunity and could they please advise me or help me by getting a temp in my seat and release me. The response was typical.


Though I understand you wanting to better yourself I have to assure that the Departments that I am responsible for continue to run smoothly. I will contact ***** and discuss your situation w/ her but ultimately I have to rely on final decision.

I already gave the the respect the day prior to discuss this w/ her personally face to face and prepare her before the papers came across her desk. She was honest and told me she would block me as long as possible because it would create a hardship for the Department.

You've no idea how hard it was to continue working and not cry but I though about things and all of this total abuse is all for my own benefit and it's made me a very seasoned and priceless "commodity" I could get dark and bitter and let it shrivel my soul or continue to let my XP "atleast" Bless the ppl that I come in touch w/ each day at work at least it makes their day a little easier not getting stuck in all the mess and BS doing on at that hospital.

Anyways, me goes get ready to work out this morning to burn off some stress then enjoy my RDO today.

As for that girl at work and her so called crap music I will assume she is listening to the classy stuff I listen to? hehe

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm!


How you like it daddy! Mmmm

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 11 hours ago

And you better fix that stupid "change the spelling of your words" filter sheesh!!!

Have a good day mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 603 weeks and 11 hours ago

If only it was Petey Pablo. It's more things like Robbie Williams and crap like that. And she loves mindless banter from DJs.

/me smacks your bosses

// craeonics / 602 weeks and 6 days ago

Who is Robbie Williams?

// Doreen / 602 weeks and 6 days ago

Umm this? [link] (oh boy you are in trouble that sounds a lilll too happy for your taste) hehe

/me smacks your colleague...

// Doreen / 602 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm I listened to the entire tune and maybe you are being too harsh on her (that's actually pretty cool) hehe

// Doreen / 602 weeks and 6 days ago

Women over thirty syndrome there.

You're lucky to have missed Mr. Williams. He's a bit like an older version of Justin Timberlake. Popular boyband breaks up. One guy gains success, the rest fades. I've been hearing his crappy tunes for over a decade now.

// craeonics / 602 weeks and 5 days ago

I've never heard of him and that was the first vid that popped up on me, but he didn't sound all that bad alilll on the happy happy side but it was cool. (but then I might have that women over thirty syndrome too)

// Doreen / 602 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm certain of it.

Back at work and what do I hear? The cover that is better than the original.


* craeonics is listening to: The Pet Shop Boys - (You were) Always on my Mind

// crae_work / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

I think I'm banned from this site?

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

Nevermind seems I'm going to either give you up or find another browser for my mini iPad cuz I refuse to keep being at the mercy of my phone...

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

You are a thorn in my side! (do you even realize that) argh!!!

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee?

Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali probably forgot that bees die after stinging, but that's an aside.

// craeonics / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

You are a royal pita or I should say pima. I need to experiment with diff browsers for my mini when I have time but until then I am at the mercy of my phone to post all this utterly important comments I post to you.

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 4 days ago

Do not underestimate the importance of those posts. The Earth will stop rotating if you don't.

// crae_work / 602 weeks and 3 days ago

That or you'll be writing obituaries about me and neither would be very good!

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 3 days ago

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to Doreen, etcetera.

I have been thinking if I should take precautions for all my online accounts for the unlikely, but not impossible situation that I get run over by a car or something. But then I remembered that I am immortal, so that just won't be happening.

// craeonics / 602 weeks and 3 days ago

Umm all your online accounts? Just how many other message board wives do you have!? Don't make me test out your immortalness!

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 3 days ago

/me puts on innocent expression

Before the new millennium I used to sign up for sites quite a lot. I wised up pretty quickly though. These days if something needs an account, it's exit crae.

// craeonics / 602 weeks and 2 days ago

Innocent expression? Hmm why do you still look the same to me then? As for signing up on sites if you signed up on one site you are doomed. I signed up for one site a while back only to be flooded with about 15 or more emails thanking me for signing up on tons of various and similar sites that "I" never signed up for! To this day I keep getting similar emails thanking me for signing up on sites I have no clue about. Once your info is out it gets manipulated, distorted and played with not to mention raped and disgraced...

// Dor_work / 602 weeks and 2 days ago

Sometimes it is interesting to use different email addresses. I'm still receiving spam on an address I used once, ten years ago.

// crae_work / 602 weeks and 1 day ago

There's a bowl with water on my balcony. It's actually there to catch condensation from a pipe/chimney from the heater sticking out of the wall, but the birds drink from it. Cats too, for some reason (even though they have water inside).

The sun is shining and it feels pretty mellow, but that bowl is frozen right now. So I take it we are hovering around zero (°C).

Winter has arrived.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 6 days ago

On this end I think we are entering the ice age! Took me about two hours to stop shivering so I could fall asleep last night. The weather ppl are unsure what is going on over here right now but they are worried about fruit and veggie crops because of all the freezing.

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 6 days ago

I think I just saw a mammoth walking down the streets.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe silly! Well checking out your temps vs ours at this moment you are currently at 32F and we are at 36F (not that much difference)

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 5 days ago

Actually there is one big difference you guys are used to temps like that and lower we are not! I find it strange watching ppl actually wearing layered clothing. (we normally run around over here half naked)

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 5 days ago

Dutchy I'm still waiting for my exam results (it's been one month exactly as of yesterday)

Friday I contacted the Doctor to let him know if he needs to fill the vacancy that I would understand but he told me he is waiting and will not proceed until I get my test results first. So please keep your fingers crossed for me because I am blocked until I get on that list. If I passed no one can hold me and I can move were I want in as little as two weeks. So it will be a quick move.

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 5 days ago

Those slow bastards should hurry up already.

And all of a sudden it's not weekend anymore.

// crae_work / 601 weeks and 4 days ago

Nope but only a four day week for me then I get four days off so hopefully it goes fast.

/me drops you off some tea...

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 4 days ago

/me sips tea

Four days off? What kind of leisurely behaviour is that? And here I am with only three day weekends.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 4 days ago

Wise guy! Welll if things go good and I get that Blessing my new boss offered me the 4/40 or it might be called the 10/40? I work 10 hrs for four days and get every Friday off! Boy the waiting is killing meee!

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 4 days ago

Ten hours sounds long, but that extra day off is nice.

On this end I peddled through twenty centimeters of snow this morning to get to work. Took me thrice as long to get there than normal and twice as long to get back. Constantly slipping and what not.

Tomorrow I'm walking, damnit.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 3 days ago

/me sends my Dutchy a blankee! you need to get a car! What are you going to do now that you are getting older? You cannot keep riding that bike in snow it's not healthy for your old bones!

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 3 days ago

It's not healthy for my heart. The snow is so uneven that the back wheel keeps slipping (to the side). You have to be super alert the entire ride.

As for cars, I don't like driving. Plus, they require maintenance, checkups, fuel (which is way, way more expensive over here due to tax), more tax for road maintenance and then there's the municipality is milking car owners dry for parking permits (long story).

No, tomorrow I'm walking the slippery sidewalk to work.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 3 days ago

Wellll I shall be thinking of you my Dutchy when I push the button on my seat warmer and blast my satellite radio on my ride to work. It's been freezing over here as well but since we don't have rain we don't have the snow but we basically are having temps very close to yours. I would never be able to do what you do. (I've been wearing 2 thick sweaters and 1 thick coat each day lately just to manage the cold temps. At night I have "several" blankets layered on top of me and I'm stilllll shivering under them all!

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 2 days ago

Oi? Whatever happened to "it's always sunny in California"?


* craeonics is listening to: Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow [or a cover thereof]

// crae_work / 601 weeks and 2 days ago

Who knows I'm not in charge of it. But the weather ppl are asking that same question. They said out weather temps will more than double or triple in the next few days so we are now going from low 20's to 70's and then 80's crazy!

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 2 days ago

Maybe you'll get to experience some of that Bronx weather of your youth again.

// crae_zzz / 601 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm actually not interested in experiencing anything from my youth. I'm pretty comfortable my current moments. The weather has just been very unpredictable but like everything it keeps changing so just when you think you've had enough it normally is and then things change yet again (including the weather)

Slaap lekker mijn Dutchy...

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 2 days ago

Though I'm not so old that I've actually forgotten how beautiful and magical falling snow looks.

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy boy they sure messed that up. [link] (I liked it the way it was before)*sigh*

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 1 day ago

Going by that makeshift guard rails, I'd say this is a temporary situation.

I'm thoroughly fed up with all the snow and slippiness. I prefer autumn storms.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't think it's temporary and I thought it looked more cozy when they had that oval bench thingie around that statue. And you are sounding like an old grumpy man! But then again you've always sounded like an old grumpy man come to think of it?

// Dor_work / 601 weeks and 1 day ago

I have a young spirit, but an old soul.

And I'm fairly certain it is temporary. You don't see what's to the left and right, but they're probably redoing the whole area. I can't say for sure because I never go there.

// craeonics / 601 weeks and 15 hours ago

Nope you're just an old grumpy man! But I've no issues w/ it so carry on grumpy!

/me goes take my Mommy out for her Birthday today...

// Doreen / 601 weeks and 7 hours ago

Oh boy I took my Mom out to her fav place to eat and then to go hit the mall and I have never and will never have half her energy no matter how old she is getting that lady never slows down! She is making "meee" feel old!

// Dor_tired / 601 weeks and 3 hours ago

Congrats with/to your mother. As my grandmother always used to say, you are as old as you feel (and then she would add "and I still feel 21").

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

My Mother thinks she is 16. Actually the thing w/ my Mom is that both she and my brother are hyperactive. Being around either one of them exhaust both me "and" my ears. (they talk constantly and don't even bother to take a breath in between) for some reason I always feel completely wiped out after a couple of hours around either one of them...

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

Welll I used to get completely annoyed by Nicki but now that she is on American Idol (in between some good cat fights) she is just about the only one giving some pretty good critiquing? She's surprising good.

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

[link] hehe! (I cannot find the one I was looking for dutchy but this one will do) She's a total trip...

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

Miss Minaj is outspoken and has a crazy style and all, but she still has not one good song to her name. Not one!

Speaking of hyperactive, time for some Scooter: [link]. It's probably save to say that I am an old raver at heart.

// crae_zzz / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh my god, Scooter butchered Ti Sento [link]. Why am I not surprised? The original is an 80s classic: [link]. Very, very powerful vocals.

// crae_zzz / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

*cough* I beg to differ sleepy head I actually have now changed my mind about Nicki (and Justin Bieber or I'm getting crazy now that I'm getting old) but I like them both now and I used to get completely annoyed by them both before? Strange how your taste can change. But then again both their styles are changing too so I'm not quite sure what it is but I like this tune. [link]

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

I think you've showed me that Scooter guy before (but not that particular song)

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm sometimes the links you drop dutchy confuse the you know what out of my ears. (and that girl needs to get her teeth fixed badly)

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 6 days ago

Scooter would be much better if that guy would keep his mouth shut. Then again, it wouldn't be Scooter then.

As for young Mr Bieber and Ms Minaj, let's say I withold judgement for a couple of years and see if they are still relevant then.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 5 days ago

True dat...

/me tosses mijn dutchy her blanket. (looks cold over there dutchy, I'm shivering just looking at it) [link]

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 5 days ago

OMG my blood would crystallize!

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 5 days ago

One of those songs you come across in your music library and wonder what in the world!? Did I actually purchased that one!? (what was I thinking) hehe

Jet - Look What You've Done

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 5 days ago

The only Jet song I know is "Are you gonna go my girl?" [link]

As for the crystalising thing, I have two words for you to look up: "aansteller" and "koukleum". The city finally clean the roads (partially), so tomorrow I'm riding my bike again.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 4 days ago

Well the only Jet song I know is the one I came across in my Library which is why I couldn't figure out why I had it. (but after I listened to it I remembered I like that one) hehe!

Just strange cuz that's not my usual taste. Anyways me goes look up those kooky words...

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm aansteller = n. nominator, appointer; acting like a child, poser?

(and you've no idea how strange that looks to me that that word begins w/ a double "a")

koukleum = Chilly person?

Andddd nowww I am just more confused? Neither word means Crystallize? Because crystallize = Means to form crystals (nevermind when I went to look it up in English I even got confused)

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 4 days ago


Okay so you are calling me a "crybaby!" hehe Wellll that looks freaking cold over there dutchy!

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm upset at myself because at one time was learning enough Dutch to translate word for word. The problem w/ that is the sentence structure for words in Dutch vs English are not even the same. So in actuality though I felt as if I knew Dutch I still knew nothing! But I was able to translate word for word pretty much. (course there is not a Dutch person in sight so alot of good that did me)

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm not sure if "chilly person" covers all bases when it comes to "koukleum".

But anyway, my take on languages is that if you know the rules (grammar) and how the language is supposed to sound, you've come a long way. Only after that does vocabulary becomes important.

Then again, if one does not know the words grammar isn't going to help.

// crae_work / 600 weeks and 3 days ago

Well learning Dutch is still ranking extremely high on my list of things to do that are a total waste of my time.

// Dor_work / 600 weeks and 3 days ago

As is Japanese on mine, but I don't want to plough through all those words. Plus I'm having a difference of opinion with the textbook I'm using as to how the language should be learned. Rote learning is not my thing.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm Japanese? Not my cup of tea and besides I've got a limit on how much I will frustrate myself...

// Dor_work / 600 weeks and 3 days ago

New music time. A number of tunes have popped up. Not all good, but I have something to say about them, so let's kick it off with Ms Swift latest: "I knew you were trouble" [link]

This country pop thing is not my style, and I wasn't aware the video had a two minute intro, but one thing struck my eye and another my ear.

First, my dearest Taylor, that haircut does not work on you. It looks like she's wearing a wet poodle on her head.

Second, she's bouncing from a high to low tone and back again all the time. If I were a studio sound engineer I would have put high on the left channel and low on the right channel. The result would drive everyone crazy.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 2 days ago

The intro is definitely painful to tolerate and I don't like country either but I do like her for some strange reason. She has another tune out that I like but I can't remember the name right now.

// Dor_work / 600 weeks and 2 days ago

You probably that "Never getting back together" song.

Moving onto contestant number two: Haim - Don't save me [link]

I find it hard to put my finger on it, but there is something very wrong with this video. It's like they threw all kinds of ideas for their clip into a blender and out came something that just does not work.

Or it might be that that haircut reminds me of the crazy chick in Ginger Snaps (Canadian horror movie from some years ago).

Anyway, interesting bit is the wobbling the singer does with he head and mouth when she modulates her voice during the chorus.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 1 day ago

Nope (don't laugh) it was this one: [link] I've no clue why I like her but I do! She is so far opposite of my normal taste I cannot even figure it out.

As for that Haim I've no idea who they are at all. And I have a new tune I'd like to post that actually sounded good to me but I have to see if I can even find it to post it for you...

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 1 day ago

Alright the problem is that the sound system in my car makes just about anything sound good cuz listening to this on my computer does not sound the same at all but it was this tune: [link]

// Doreen / 600 weeks and 1 day ago

/me checks that Alex Gaudino track

Starts off like the trance records you like. All of a sudden some guy starts singing. It almost goes full stadium trance and then suddenly ends with wobble bass.

I always like the wobbles, even though it does not match the rest of the song.

Speaking of stadium trance, this might be a prime example of the genre: [link]

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 15 hours ago

And this clip might give you an idea why some call it "stadium trance" [link]. Imagine a stadium filled with people and then these tunes echoing throughout the building.

// craeonics / 600 weeks and 15 hours ago

I'm familiar with Cygnus but it's the first time I hear that expression stadium trance.

// Dor_work / 600 weeks and 6 hours ago

Well, it is a bit of a derogatory term used by purists who don't like the direction trance has been heading. But it works quite well.

The third new tune I heard will have to wait until that blasted neighbour of mine stops drilling holes in the walls.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 6 days ago

Well he should have stopped drilling by nowww so what is it?

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 6 days ago

The third tune is: De Kraaien - Ik vind je lekker [link]

Local band. Beat is good, synth in chorus is awful.

These are friends of a colleague of mine (the one with the bad taste in music), so she won't shut up about them, even though it's not her style at all.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 5 days ago

You guys definitely have strange vids and tunes (but I actually liked it) anyways goodluck w/ that colleague of yours...

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 5 days ago

She reminds me of my mother.

Heard some other tune which is not my thing, but might be something you like. Whatsitcalled... Ah, here it is: Avicii vs. Nicky Romero - I could be the one [link] (and I hope it works).

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm welll I suppose I can live with that (as long as you don't have a mommy complex)

/me goes check out that link...

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 4 days ago

Where in the world do you come up with those crazy vids? Nope hadn't heard of it but yes I liked it. Alill bland lacking some heavy bass but it was okay. And me is currently listening to your tune (You're Unbelievable) on the radio.

And I switched back to the iPhone it works more reliably than the android so the links are actually loading.

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 4 days ago

I spot those videos during the rare moments that MTV actually plays music videos. Yeah, I know, hard to believe they still do that. Usually early in the morning when I'm chewing my breakfast.

// crae_zzz / 599 weeks and 4 days ago

These days I mainly only catch music vids on YouTube, it's almost a shock to spot them on TV.

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

I thought my ears were playing tricks on me when I turned on the TV right now they announced something about "your" Queen over there stepping down or something? Now why is that on our TV when I'm only used to hearing about who got shot or murdered today? Strange...

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh boy she sure is your Queen they used the word abdicate = give up power. (I had to go look that up) now I know where you get that from. *sigh*

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Dutchy I've been informed my exam has been pulled and I should know my test results any day within this week! Please keep your fingers crossed Dutchy this has been sheer torture...

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

It's hard to type with crossed fingers.

The queen thing is interesting since she has been head of the country for most of my life. It was ofcourse bound to happen, since she'll be 75 at the end of the month.

Today I heard a classic on the radio: Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Wonderfull Days [link]. This marked their venture from gabber into happy hardcore. Not as good as Live at London, but good stuff.

/me was a happy little crae when this played

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Live at London [link] apparently was the B-side of this EP. It's the better song by far though. First two minutes are so-so, then at 2:13 the piano kicks in.

I'm a sucker for these oldskool piano stabs.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Well then cross your legs or something! Anyways, yes that is interesting now that you mention you've only had that one Queen for most of you life cuz over here our Presidents have short terms? That is strange to me.

/me goes check out that link...

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

I got Prodigy vibes from that first link.

/me goes check out that second link...

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

That is good but is that Prodigy?

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

My phone is acting up but I'm going to have to check that out better cuz I would almost swear that is Prodigy?

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Nevermind, between my phone choking and interruptions (brutal day today at work) I could only hear it not see it. hehe

Yup definitely goed stuffezzz, Slaap lekker Dutchy...

// Dor_work / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

Not Prodigy, Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo. Two DJs from the (early) 90s. Breakbeats were big back then. Lemme look up another example...

One hour later: this is harder than I thought. But here's a DJ Paul track that is one of my favourite songs ever: [link]

// crae_zzz / 599 weeks and 3 days ago

If I wasn't so wiped out from my work day I would have probably started to hop around over here too. Dat is goed! (but I keep getting meannn Prodigy vibes from all of those links?)

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 2 days ago

It's also almost twenty years old.

Unfortunately, a new, not particularly good, song has been stuck in my head all day: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz - Thrift Shop [link]

It starts out well, but then some freaking annoying honking kicks in and turns out to be the main hook of the song.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 2 days ago

/me tosses a stone across the ocean to hit you on your sleepy head!

Argh! I do know that song and I also hear Nate Dogg in there as well but I can't recall the song I'm thinking of and now of course you've got me going to blow an hour trying to find it!

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 2 days ago

/me dodges that stone

I always associate the name "Nate Dogg" with a wet dog. But the only track of his I know is Regulate.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 1 day ago

He's actually a dead dogg now but he sounds "identical" to the guy in your link singing the hook: "I'm gonna pop some tags Only got twenty dollars in my pocket I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up This is f***** awesome"

Totally identical to Nate Dogg (and I probably dropped these links for you way too many times to count over the years) but here he is: [link] and [link]

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 23 hours ago

I'd say the guy in the Macklemore track has a deeper voice.

Speaking of deep voices, did I just spot Kevin Lyttle in the right column: [link]. I don't know how YouTube matches these things. Sometimes it really makes no sense.

There were actually two videos made for this song. The first one I'm most familiar with looks like his mom taped him in the backyard. Then we he got some traction, they did this, more professional one.

// craeonics / 599 weeks and 15 hours ago

After the first time you dropped a link to him a while back they began playing it alot over here and then now I never hear it anymore. (shame)

Anddd since I've got my day off today and the time to actually breath easier and think about what flavor of music I want today I suppose I will let my fingers go explore around...

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 9 hours ago

Or I should say my ears? I swear Dutchy I've been so busy even though I have a radio in my office and I turned it on as soon as I fire up my computer at work I don't even seem to consciously be aware of what is actually playing. =(

(how strange is that?)

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 9 hours ago

After clicking on several links and taste testing diff tunes in my own library I think my soul is completely bruised and beaten cuz "every" sound feels painful and hurts "every" part of me.

/me goes float around in total silence today...

// Doreen / 599 weeks and 9 hours ago

I know just the track that can in no way be painful or hurt or be anything else than soothing. Or actually, I know quite a few. Here's two:

#1. The Beloved - Sweet Harmony [link] (video with naked people)

#2. Röyksopp - You remind me [link] (awesome video which might not work for you since this is the label's channel)

#3. Guru Josh Project - Infinity 2008 [link] (I prefer the original, but that's harder and has these monkey sounds)

I'm usually very conscious about the sounds around me. I can do my work with only half my attention (partially due to having to wait a lot).

// craeonics / 598 weeks and 6 days ago

Only mijn crazy dutchy...

You've dropped those links before over the years and I didn't care for them but guess what you're right they have no painful shocks to my nervous system. hehe

(Sorry about that post yesterday) I'm just a bit on edge. I was suppose to get my results last week and still nothing. Then I heard the Doc that is waiting for me got impatient and filed some papers to pull me on a lat which I think will cause him to be a casualty in all this since I already know my dept is going to file a hardship. Now I am feeling not only stressed out for my self while I am waiting my results but also completely horrible for him and worried about what he is trying to do.

One thing is for sure if I passed all will be well but if I didn't I will "never" put myself through any of this again. I'd rather be bored, broke and at peace!!!

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 6 days ago

Yowza looks like a pretty good distraction for me from all this is about to unfold soon! [link]

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 6 days ago

Stuff you despise but still sound goed to me! (I've not listed to this girl in ages)


// Doreen / 598 weeks and 5 days ago

Unfortunately her later stuff never compared to her older stuff...

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 5 days ago

One more to annoy you w/ before I go dance w/ the laundry...


// Doreen / 598 weeks and 5 days ago

I am gone for one day and Mrs Doreen floods the thread with worship cruft. One more in the category "soothing" to clear that stuff out: The Dandy Warhols - You were the Last High [link]

As for the shenanigans at work, here's the crae philosophy: you are not responsible for the actions of others, especially not corporate politics higher up in the monkey tree. So don't worry about them.

// crae_zzz / 598 weeks and 5 days ago

Welll that's what you get! And yes that is soothing (when it was not buffering)

I don't know what is wrong w/ me Dutchy I do know all that I guess I just did not think this totally through and if I actually pass that test it means I have to go work for this guy and I'm scared about that too. At any rate they cannot keep me in this state of limbo for too much longer so we will see what happens soon, I just did not expect all this added stress that's all. (We can say all sorts of things until we actually are going through different situations and taking the journey ourselves)

/me goes listen to that song of yours again...

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 5 days ago

I say hormones. /me runs

My favourite Dandy Warhols song is still the first one I heard though: Not if you were the Last Junkie on Earth [link] (because it has an awesome organ solo).

// crae_zzz / 598 weeks and 4 days ago

/me just checked and nope (I've got 9-10 days until that curse is upon me again)

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm I don't know what to think about that I'm leaning towards I think it is strange?

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 4 days ago

And it's strange that certain songs either never reach this shore and/or how they manage to escape my eardrums if that was ever played over here.

/me goes grab that jailbreak and free my iPhone!!!

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 4 days ago

I though I read the other day that jailbreaking could land you in jail in the US. Except that I can't find the sixty articles that mentioned that a week or so ago.

Or in other words: boy/cry/wolf.

// craeonics / 598 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd laugh at that cept I've heard they actually arrested a woman who's son was downloading music illegally so they do tend to set an occasional example to frighten a few ppl however I live in Los Angeles County and our jails are alilllll overcrowded so crowed that they released a few rapist and murderers for not having enough jail cells (so I'll assume I'm fairly safe)

// Dor_work / 598 weeks and 3 days ago

I hear them phone jailbreakers are a far greater risk to society than those rapists and murderers. Better go shopping for some orange overalls to get used to that type of clothing.

// craeonics / 598 weeks and 2 days ago

If I get busted for jailbreaking my phone and tossed in jail I'll simply have a small vacation from having to work and get to exercise all day and rest as much as I want plus I hear they have all kinds of phones hidden in there!

// Dor_work / 598 weeks and 2 days ago

Small price to pay for me finally getting five (not four) beautifully customized icons back in my dock! Plus my task switcher and killer! Hooray!

// Dor_work / 598 weeks and 2 days ago

I hear they have phones in there, yeah. I also heard how exacly those phones are smuggled in. You might want to wear gloves.

// craeonics / 598 weeks and 1 day ago

Ack! Now I'm not much in the mood for my lunch...

// Dor_work / 598 weeks and 1 day ago

New music time, with an interesting video.

Some ducks are chillin' in the park when some no-good kids start harrassing them. But then the ducks exact vengeance: Bingo Players ft. Far East Movement - Get up [link]

// craeonics / 598 weeks and 15 hours ago

hehe! dutchy that is too funny! (I think I've seen those ducks around over here at Lincoln park!)

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 1 hour ago

Okay drama time... I have to shoot you an update about my job situation. My Boss (you know the one that I went to out of respect to notify her of my intentions and she informed me back that she will "block" me from leaving?)

Welll I don't know all the details of what happened but she called a staff meeting and in that meeting she made a surprise announcement that the CEO of the Hospital is moving her. (everyone practically fell off their chairs) she does not know where she is being moved, nor the exact date or her replacement "yet" please keep in mind I actually like this lady alot! Being her acting secretary has given me the experience that has blessed me w/ the opportunities that have risen. But it goes to show you how you can never be so sure of anything cuz she did NOT see this coming at all. (and God knows I don't wish nothing bad to her at all)

Anyways, same day I get the news from administration that the papers (or PARS) as they called them have been initiated and I am going over to that Doctor w/ the promise of promotion (yes papers and signatures) they are aware that I've not yet rec'd my letter yet from the exam unit so I'm stillll waiting of which feels like an eternity!

BUT here's the deal: If I passed I will already be in that chair I will immediately be bumped to Sec III or Secretary IV they are waiting on something about this because the original item is too high and I cannot be placed that high so after 6 mos as his Sec III or IV (which I was happy enough with) however they place me item wise I will thennn be promoted to Senior Secretary! Nowwww, yessss if it sounds too good to be true it usually is this is my feelings as well however the worse that can happen is I don't pass that test and I'm in a chair that I will again gain an unbelievable amount of experience and also eventually (if I don't die first) get my items two jumps fold!

I don't care if you don't believe in God you betterrrr pray for me I know I said I would not be upset if I didn't pass that stupid test but now I think I will just die!!! (and you will have to write that obituary)

So alot of changes trying to stay calm is near impossible for me right now. But I'm going to skin my iPhone to death! hehe

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 43 minutes ago

What in world!? Sorry I didn't even realize I wrote a book!

// Doreen / 598 weeks and 42 minutes ago

Sounds like you will get that position whether you've passed that test or not, frog_girl. If they are wise, they will understand that the quality of your work the last few months is way more important than any test you may or may not have passed.

I will give you a tentative "hurray" regardless.

Meanwhile, I have quacking ducks stuck in my head.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 6 days ago

Sorry about that my fingers got a bit excited. Well the only thing confirmed at this moment is he managed to pull me but before my transfer date comes to me I am praying I receive my exam results for my own sanity. (the waiting and not knowing is painful!)

And I'd much rather have quacking ducks stuck in my head then this over rated Pitbull - Don't Stop The Party tune that they are playing everywhere 24/7 (even on morning commercials on TV!)

// Doreen / 597 weeks and 6 days ago

/me sends ducks at Pitbull

That guy really does no know how to rap.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh well I think he had one song I thought was so so but I cannot remember it atm since it was a while back when he was a wannabe G and now he is a wanna be investor businessman.

// Doreen / 597 weeks and 5 days ago

I've not heard much from the Ying Yang Twins in a while but me needs some Ying Yang today...


// Doreen / 597 weeks and 5 days ago

Shake it like a salt shaker!

I actually don't know what kind of movement Mr. Yin and Mr. Yang figured that that was supposed to be.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 4 days ago

Who knows but they can call their next song Whip It Like An Egg Beater and I'll probably still like it. Oh wait I hear your fav recording artist on my radio!

Prince - Party like its 1999

Slaap lekker mijn Dutchy...

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 4 days ago

Now I'm listening to Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel and how strange to hear him sounding so alive and in actuality he is most likely looking worse than those walking corpses in his thriller vid! Ack!

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 4 days ago

Alright now Donna Summer and her Last Dance (or whatever the name is) so it's seems this radio station likes to play more dead ppl's songs than live ones!

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 4 days ago

What the Hell? Whitney Houston - Saving All My Love For You

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 4 days ago

What are you listening to? Zombie FM?

// crae_work / 597 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't know what it was but when George Benson came on it had me wondering if he kicked the bucket too! Currently listening to something better today...

Bruno Mars - Heaven

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 3 days ago

George Benson is not dead? /me googles... Hmm, 69, so for a musician that means he's got one foot in the grave already.

/me whistles "Gimme the night"

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 3 days ago

/me floats around to one of my fav tunes playing right now...

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

I can't change, I can't change, I can't change but I'm here in my mold.

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 3 days ago

It's crybaby radio over here again.


* craeonics is listening to: Europe - Carrie

// crae_work / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

Aliens flew in and abducted your post.

Or it was bloody Bruno Mars again.

Or how you spelled "déjà vû".

I've heard some new new music, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

As God is my witness the same song is playing on my radio at this very moment. I'm begining to not like it...

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

And how dare you allow my post to be dragged off underground in the company of all that trash down there!!!

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

Pink - Try (she never seems to disappoint)

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 2 days ago

I should do some sleuthing one day to figure out why some posts disappearing after they've passed filtering. However, weekend is upon me, so not today.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 1 day ago

And did you just say Pink never disappoints? I'd say she never fails to do just that. Terrible girly girly music.

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 1 day ago

OMG! Oh no! My sex popped out! Have a goed weekend Dutchy...

// Dor_work / 597 weeks and 1 day ago

Alright, girly girly, why did you throw that rock down from the sky? [link]

// craeonics / 597 weeks and 16 hours ago

Because I was trying to hit you! (but I apparently missed)

/me wonders why all these smart and powerful ppl in charge of the earth didn't see that one coming?

// Doreen / 597 weeks and 11 hours ago

Hey look! I get another shot today to hit you!


This world better not end today I still have not rec'd my exam results yet and I really need to know first!

Amazing how we worry about stupid things in life and we can be wiped out "any second" from a big rock that nobody even sees coming...

// Doreen / 597 weeks and 11 hours ago

Needs to be a really big rock though. These recent things where just car-sized and didn't hit anything.

Time for some classics: Jungle Brothers - I'll house you [link] (1988 or so).

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 6 days ago

/me is listening to some classy tunes today:


// Doreen / 596 weeks and 6 days ago

And some more fairly decent beats:


// Doreen / 596 weeks and 6 days ago

That first Trina track is like a modern version of Madonna's Material Girl. Terrible message, so good thing we don't listen to the lyrics. The second one is region-limited. Apparently EMI Music does not understand the global nature of the internet.

And on the nonsensical lyrics front, this track I caught yesterday takes the cake. Beat is freaking hard, especially at the end: Yellow Claw ft. Sjaak & Mr. Polska - Krokobil [link]

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

If I listened to lyrics I would most likely not be able to enjoy the tunes and beats I normally listen to. Except Worship tunes those tunes have pure and good lyrics so my ear drums only open up to them.

/me goes check out your link...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm ja, dat most definitely iz goed and belongs in "mijn" muziek library and on mijn playlist

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

These lyrics are too dumb for words. The chorus:

# Jouw bil is een krokodil.

# Hap, hap, met je krokobil.

Which translates as:

# Your ass is a crocodile.

# Munch, munch, with your croco-ass.

Other new Dutch stuff: Kraantje Pappie - Goud over shirt heen [link]. It's somewhat catchy, but the beat is a bit too chaotic. And I don't hear no bass.

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe! Sayyyy what!!! Oh well you are speaking to someone that enjoys songs that sing about no panties coming off. hehe! But yes that definitely takes the cake and yessss that song is now currently in my music library at the moment (cuz I love it and I don't care what the a** that is a crocodile lyrics are)

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

Nope, you need to send that Kranntje Pappie over here in LA to get down and dirty and he jusssss might have some hope...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

Slaap lekker mijnnn dutchy who is currently over there in la la land...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 5 days ago

Iz mijn Dutchy at werk? (Holiday over on this side of the ocean)

/me goes get the crocodile song and go dance w/ the laundry and dishes today...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

Boy memories: [link]

Makes me wish I still had my painter pants (they were so comfortable) hehe

Waar iz mijn Dutchy?

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

Note to self:

#1. You are busy werkin (and most likely tired)

#2. And most importantly, "You" are across the ocean.

#3. I need to stop bugging you and go hit the Mall instead.

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

Go hit the mall you.

At work I had colleagues keeping me from doing what I was supposed to be doing. I'm a big proponent of "zelfredzaamheid" (self-support-ism, the ability to solve ones own problems), but my colleagues don't seem to support that notion.

Then I had to go diagnose my mother's vanished wifi. Turns out the ten year old access point does not remember its settings no more. So she needs to get a new one.

I'm ready for the weekend already and the week has just begun.

// crae_zzz / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

I think I'll give that Krokobil song another spin (it's good) and then go do the household chores.

// crae_zzz / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

I did hit the mall and I should hit "you" cuz since you were not around I went and spent money I shouldn't have! (I missed mijn invisible Dutchy badly today)

And yes if your Mom has had that thing for ten years it's most definitely about time to replace it! Technology keeps getting better and faster so it will be worth it for her to get caught up to speed. As for the crocodile song jaaaa very good, as a matter of fact me goes toss it on again!

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

I forgot to tell you several days ago I rec'd this email from Amazon or was it CD Universe (now I forgot which one) anyways, they were thanking me for my CD order for Bathory and sending me a link for the Bathory CD in MP3 format. I was thinking is this a joke that was years ago!? hehe

Do you ever get similar things sent to you such as that? years after the fact? How strange was that...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 4 days ago

Once upon a time, back in '96, '97 or so, I stumbled across a simple but interesting pick-your-adventure type of website. It was interesting, but unfinished, so you could leave your email address to get updates.

This was long before spam became a problem, so I entered my email and forgot about it.

Some five years (or so) I opened my mailbox and found dozens of emails. The first email was a notice that that game had updated or something. The rest of the emails were angry people wondering how they ended up on that "mailing list" and so on.

Turns out the original sender had entered each address as To: instead of Bcc: and all those angry idiots were doing Reply-to-all.

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah this had nothing to do with spam (for once anyway) it was actually a legit mail but they sent me it several years after the fact it would have been nice to offer me the free digital download at the time I ordered the CD not 50 yrs later...

// Dor_work / 596 weeks and 3 days ago

That story of mine was actually legit as well. They all signed up and had forgotten about it. Nothing spammy about it.

// crae_zzz / 596 weeks and 3 days ago

Welll such is life on the internet and today we are all at the mercy of it. Sammy is in need of a Doctor today so what am I doing? Putting work on the back burner and trying to make his appt via "online" in today's internet world. I won't even be surprised when the Docs are making their Dx via HD webcam!

Heb a goed dag mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 2 days ago

Or is it Hebbin?

/me is beyond tired today...

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 2 days ago

The "have a [noun]" construct does not exist in Dutch actually.

Plenty of experimenting going on with doctors doing diagnoses through video chat. Usually in the context of senior citizens.

I'm already glad if I can get past that guard dog of an assistent my doctor has.

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe guard dog? Well no vid chat dx (atleast for today)

I ran him down to his Doctor who said he has the "flu" but that is not the main issue w/ him as you know anytime this kid of mine catches "any" respiratory infection if I don't catch things in time I end up spending several nights in the emergency room because of his "asthma" issues (spending the night in the ER and then trying to go to work the next day is not easy) Now it's off to go cook a soup for him.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

/me thinks I need the crocodile tune to get my own booty in gear. I'm dead tired.

// Doreen / 596 weeks and 2 days ago

That sounds nasty. I never have triggers like that. But then again, I'm on permanent medication (unfortunately).

Cats have to visit the kitty doctor tomorrow for their annual vaccinations. They'll be screaming bloody murder all the way to the vet and back again. Little drama queens.

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 1 day ago

Yeah well my lil wheezer (like you) is also on daily meds but still seems to get nasty flair ups out of left field.

Your cats are drama queens? hehe!!!

Currently in radio repeat mode as usual I heard Bruno 3-4 times and now it's Pink - Try

// Dor_work / 596 weeks and 1 day ago

Pink and Bruno need to get their own station that will play their songs exclusively.

/me goes grab the travel cages for the four legged pointy ears so they can get accustomed to those for their little trip later

// craeonics / 596 weeks and 15 hours ago

Take one little guess what is playing on the radio right now? *sigh*

anyways it's Friday and all is well and since you are 9 hours into the future I suppose you already took your two lil drama queens for their check ups.

// Dor_work / 596 weeks and 9 hours ago

I take it it was Mr. Mars again?

The drama queens were screaming their lungs out as usual. The big bad tomcat was meowing all sad "help, I'm being abducted", while the pussycat went mad "I'm going to find you and rip your intestines out". And ofcourse, she peed in the cage again.

The vet is just around the corner, so this annual pilgrimage was over in fifteen minutes.

// craeonics / 595 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe!!! Dutchy, thank God you only have to go through that once a year!

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 6 days ago

It is strange in a way though. Us hairless apes get vaccinated a couple of times for different things as a kid and then its done (bar the occasional yellow fever shot when going to the tropics). Cats and dogs on the other hand need yearly shots.

// craeonics / 595 weeks and 5 days ago

That's cuz they lick each other's behinds? Come to think of it some ppl I know are butt kissers too?

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 5 days ago

Some people have strange habits.

Also interesting is that cats and dogs are rarely sick. They don't get flu or pneumonia. The tomcat has only been sick once (blatter infection due to not drinking enough). The pussycat never.

Downside is that when they do get ill, it's usually something fatal.

// crae_work / 595 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know what is going on w/ this site Dutchy but sometimes it decides to eat my post? Where is my post from my lunch today!?

That's not exactly true it's the same as like ppl they get sick if they are not given a healthy diet and taken care of the right way. I know friends that feed their dogs hamburgers and pizza (I seriously doubt their dogs will be around long)

And one of my Mother's cats once caught a virus and had she not taken it to the vet it would have died but she decided to practically take a second mortgage out on her home to pay the stupid vet bill.

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 3 days ago

/me goes try to find a decent mobile browser again or I may have to divorce you soon!

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 3 days ago


// Doreen / 595 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay should've known mobile Firefox seems to work.

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 3 days ago

This one?

"Well you better hope they don't get sick cuz my Mother's did a while back and she practically had to sell her car to pay the bill."

Probably eaten because that browser talks like a spammer. Or because it went through a proxy (*.wnsnet.attws.com, I block proxies).

// craeonics / 595 weeks and 3 days ago

I recently realised that my cats are turning eight this year. They're getting old.

// craeonics / 595 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh well, apple has upgraded the iOS yet again and it has opened up a can of worms all over the springboard and it seems "any" browser I try is not allowing me to post from my phone. I posted today from a different one and it too did not work so I don't know what it is.

// Dor_zzz / 595 weeks and 2 days ago

So your cats are turning eight and getting old and you are just standing still in time? hehe

// Dor_zzz / 595 weeks and 2 days ago

The cats have seven lives. I have eternal youth. And those mobile browsers all act like spammers. Rude young ones all of 'em.

// crae_work / 595 weeks and 2 days ago

Umm I think they are suppose to have nine lives?

/me comes talk to you from underground now since I'm too tired to deal with yet another obstacle.

// Dor_work / 595 weeks and 2 days ago

So who has seven lives then? Hmm, where did I get that number from? And what exactly are you doing underground?

// crae_zzz / 595 weeks and 1 day ago

You got that number from old age kicking in on you now and since its hit and miss whether my comments will actually post I never know if I'm talking to you or stuck underground in your filter.

// Dor_work / 595 weeks and 1 day ago

Which is good, since you should be working and not chatting.

And I should be getting groceries...

// craeonics / 595 weeks and 14 hours ago

I'm off today wise guy so I can chat all I want! Cept I'd rather go hit the mall today!

But first some chit chat... Human Resources called for my official release date yesterday and I start my new position next month! Have I rec'd my test results yet? Hell no! I'm still waiting (torture) but the failed letters went out two weeks ago now (one of the girls that went for testing on the same day as I did rec'd hers) so I've been told not to worry the passed letters need to be placed in various bands. However, I've been told so many different stories I don't believe a thing I am waiting to have that stupid letter in my hand! At least I will be in my new position and ready to go. The County sure knows how to torture us...

// Doreen / 595 weeks and 11 hours ago

Since you already have that new position, the results of the test are not of importance anymore. I don't see them saying "Doreen, you've been doing this new job for three months with great merit. But it seems you failed the test and are unqualified for this work. So we have to terminate your contract".

Or in other words: hurray, time for cake and celebration.

// craeonics / 594 weeks and 6 days ago

No unfortunately I don't work for private industry. LA County is a bit different Dutchy.

I need to have passed the test to obtain the pay for the "title" or rather I should say "item" of Secretary.

Though I am currently working as Secretary I am not being paid the salary for that item. (my current dept no longer has the item avail to give it to me) However, this new Department I am officially being transferred to has several Sec items. If I stay where I am at I have not chance but moving to this Chief's office as his acting secretary I am guaranteed atleast two promotions "IF" I passed the test and "IF" I did not then I at least have been guaranteed the opportunity when the test reopens to try again and I will have myself already in the correct "seat" holding the position for myself. (not sure if I explain things right or not)

Bottom line is things are a bit different on this side. (It seems a bit more complicated to catch a break!)

Plus I've got this thing going on in my head besides the pay about "did I pay this stupid test or not!" It is driving me crazy that they are taking so freaking long to give me my test results. But one of the girls that took the test on the same day as me got her failed letter two weeks ago. Since she failed and I still cannot understand how she could have failed knowing her current work xp I am on pins and needles and afraid to be optimistic. But until that letter is in my hands I just don't know. *sigh*

// Doreen / 594 weeks and 6 days ago

If I passed that test I want that cake! And don't say you don't know how to make one cuz I've seen you in action in the past making one! hehe

I remember that thing you posted showing you making a cake silly. Anyways, off to get this day going...

// Doreen / 594 weeks and 6 days ago

I was thinking more along the lines of: you pass the test, so you bring the cake. It all sounds overly complex to me. But that's goverment bureaucracy for you.

// craeonics / 594 weeks and 5 days ago

If I pass the test "I" have to bring the cake? It don't work that way over here. Boy I suppose I now understand that saying "Going Dutch"

// Doreen / 594 weeks and 5 days ago

It makes everything easier. We have a birthday girl here today at work. She is bringing the cake.

// crae_work / 594 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm hopefully she's not bringing her own gifts too? Strange custom you guys have. hehe

// Dor_work / 594 weeks and 4 days ago

The one with the happy news (whatever it is) brings the treats. The others bring the presents (if there are presents). This already starts when you have your first birthday at school.

// crae_work / 594 weeks and 3 days ago

Welll I suppose that is fair enough then...

// Dor_zzz / 594 weeks and 1 day ago

And it is weekend.

I always thought that I was content with life. But I just realised that too many things annoy me to be content with things. Trouble is that these things are partially within my control to change, but I am way too lazy to do anything about it.

For instance, I wanted to talk to the doctor about preemptive measures against that ever annoying hayfever before the season starts. But I can only get an appointment by going through his assistant. She is only around on three short afternoons every week, which boils down to never when I call.

I'm so fed up with it that I'm contemplating switching doctors. However, that is such a hassle that it will probably never happen.

Long story short: I'm getting old and grumpy.

// crae_old / 594 weeks and 1 day ago

Getting old and grumpy? I've not known you any other way? Well actually you are lazy, old and grumpy just to be more specific. (but I don't mind it much)

// Doreen / 594 weeks and 1 day ago

It's hard being forever sixteen in this world of old corpses.

Argh, I think I see household chores sneaking up on me...

// craeonics / 594 weeks and 15 hours ago

Don't say that bad word! I'm off today too but it won't be much of a break since I've got them chores to deal w/ as well...

// Doreen / 594 weeks and 11 hours ago

I'm going to ignore there is such a thing as household chores today. It's going to backfire on me tomorrow, but today is carpe diem.

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 6 days ago

I had plans to enjoy the day until I found out my choochie brother is coming into town today, and my Mom already pre-warned me and gave me the scoop that he is planning on leaving his wife and moving to China but in the mean time he is planning on staying w/ me. I'm okay w/ the part that he is leaving his wife and moving to China (but not that last part) so now I've got some other plans of my own today...

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 6 days ago

So did he discuss the whole "crashing at Doreen's" thing in advance or did he suddenly pop up at your door?

// crae_zzz / 593 weeks and 6 days ago

Nope he didn't mention a thing to me he apparently was going to surprise attack me but it didn't work (hence why he is currently sleeping at our sisters house tonight and not mine)

I finally learned how to say the word "no" alil late in life (but better late than never)

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 5 days ago

Good. Never let people walk over you (that may be an odd thing to say in English, but is a perfectly normal Dutch expression). if people want something from you, they should discuss it in advance and be prepared to get a "no" in return.

Ofcourse, I'm not much of a people person.

Also, that "choochie" of yours brought this song to mind: Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell - From the Chuuuch to the Palace [link]

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 5 days ago

Not an odd thing to say in English at all Dutchy. I've got so many footprints all over my body it's just I better stop letting ppl walk all over me now and it's about time I grow up myself.

/me goes see that link of yours...

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm I've not seen that vid before but definitely have been in cars like that and seen neighborhoods like that unfortunately. Off to go dance w/ some laundry and Sammy seems to be relapsing w/ that stupid flu so it's soup time again. Argh!

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 5 days ago

Chicken soup!

Not too sure if that would actually work. But then again salty soup is good for you when you're sick.

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 4 days ago

And yet again my earlier post has been swallowed? Probably because you can't seem to write a simple script to eliminate any post by "Doreen or Dor_work" to be swallowed up by your filter!? hehe

I would guess any spammer would not use my name in the post field right?

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 4 days ago

If I knew which post of mine were going underground I could post something nasty but I just never know!

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 4 days ago

Assumptions are the mother of all disasters. Or something wise-sounding like that.

Now I'm going to assume you rotate through three phones and fifteen different browsers all day, of which at least nine are sucky. Stick with one that works.

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 3 days ago

I'll have you know that though I strongly disagree w/ having to bring my own cake for my happy moment I will just to come celebrate it w/ you (specially since it's a super cheap cyber cake)

Dutchy! I passed the Secretary Series! I did it!!!

I'm off today I had to take Sammy back to have his chest X-ray results read (he's fine thank God) and we got home from the Doctors and there amongst a ton of the usual garbage mail was my golden letter!

I don't know what the issue is w/ my phone smarta** but I'm using the iPhone which I've posted many times from work in the past using the same mobile browser but for some reason I can no longer post since they are getting caught in your filter. Anyways had to share my good news w/ mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm not even going to deal w/ trying to post from work tomorrow since I can't so I'll come pester you when I get home tomorrow from work. It seems life has got you busy and I'm going to be switching soon to my new position so I'll be giving you break my dutchy...

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 2 days ago

Not sure how you passed that test with those typing skills.

Nonetheless, hurray! /me sends imaginary cake

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 1 day ago

Only by the grace of God I passed that test...

I was under the impression there were 3 Bands but apparently there are 5 Bands:

Band 1 = 94.5 to 100.0

Band 2 = 88.5 to 94.4

Band 3 = 82.5 to 88.4

Band 4 = 76.5 to 82.4

Band 5 = 70.0 to 76.4

My score was 83.8

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 1 day ago

Everytime I hear something decent on my Satellite radio I can't find it when I get home. *sigh*

Heard something good called by Pretty Lights - Tha Hot Sh**

course it's no where to be found...

But this is something close:


// Doreen / 593 weeks and 1 day ago

Found it but it seems like the rest it's one good one and a ton of yuk but this one is pretty decent:


// Doreen / 593 weeks and 1 day ago

That Pretty Lights thing sounds very French to me. There's a particular style they have down south and this fits right in with that.

So what am I to make from than band story? What are these bands? What do they mean? What is the implication of being in a specific band?

// craeonics / 593 weeks and 16 hours ago

Basically means I am officially available and reachable because I am now placed on the Secretary II, III, IV & V Civil Service eligibility list!

The Doctor that I told you about is Chief over his own Dept and has me now going over to him has told me is giving me the Sec III for the time being until I pass probation (which is 6 mos) then I qualify for Senior Sec but I did not know at that time I would pass for Sec V so I pray he gives me the Sec V instead of the Sec III (notice how greedy our human nature is and we are never satisfied w/ what we currently have) hehe

We will see what happens promises are all fine and dandy but I've outgrown that stuff. I got my letter late the papers are signed for the lateral transfer so if he don't keep his promise since now he got me he may drag his feet. However, nobody owns me since I'm officially on that list so when the calls come in from around Los Angeles County for all the Sec items I will simply jump on all the interviews and leave for whoever gives me the promotion first. (I have to I can't afford to be silly and faithful)

He's also giving me the 4/40 where I will now have every Friday off but I need to work 10 hour a day shifts four days a weeks. So no matter what it's all good from this point on and we'll see what happens. I'll be happy if he gives me the Sec III to start w/ and we can take one step at a time.

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 11 hours ago

As for that Pretty Lights I am so hooked on this one:


I didn't much care for the other ones I found, the issue w/ hearing Satellite radio when you look at your dashboard in your car to see what is playing you cannot grab accurate names of the tunes playing since they are several tunes batched up in a lengthy playlist.

/me goes get them chores done today!

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 11 hours ago

I had to go check online about the Statistical Analyst II item. My previous job running those reports I used to tell you about (prior to my current job) apparently had me working so far out of class I could kick myself in the behind. Starting pay is 5,000 a month goes up to 12,000 just unbelievable how stupid I am.

Anyways back to the politics of working for Los Angeles County you can basically do any kind of work you want they are more than willing to sit your little behind in any chair and pay you peanuts for working higher positions over here. The way it works is you need to get on these stupid list to obtain the actual "item" or "title" to get the "proper paycheck" each dept within the county has only certain items available and they are very limited at that.

So the goal is getting your little behind into the proper chair and proper dept that has the item you are seeking to obtain and of course having yourself on that list!

The bands are basically nothing to be too concerned about of course the higher your score the higher the band you are placed on the list "but" if you are already in the right dept that has your item they can simply pull you off the list (hope that makes sense) the new comers to the County need to be a bit more concerned about their scores because it is difficult to get into the County so they are focusing on Band 1.

I applied for the Sec Series not realizing once I passed the test and got on that list it qualified me for Sec II through Sec V (so that was an added bonus)

/me thinks I need to apply for that Statistical Data Analyst II though I've not run reports in a few years now. I prefer that stuff to boring Secretary work. Though I am grateful whatever I get now.

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 7 hours ago

Stop playing w/ those cats of yours! (or whatever you are doing) I'm excited and you are never around to play with! And I'm done w/ all my chores...

// Doreen / 593 weeks and 7 hours ago

Playing with the cats? No, I was playing games (Dishonored) and the cats were sleeping in close proximity ("meow, got to keep an eye on the food dispenser").

I don't know what windmill hit you and turned you into career mode, but good for you. With regards to the four days a week/ten hour work day thing, I'd say that since your day is already shot by having to be at work, you might as well have slightly longer hours and a day off per week.

There is ofcourse only one song to go with this: [link]

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 6 days ago

Ack! I'm not even going to wait through that advertisement to hear that gross tune! Actually it's not me in career mode it's just me being pushed by the girls I work with that are pushing me. (I'm normally a scardy cat to do anything)

And I'll tryyy to stop bending your ears w/ my work stuffezzz so you can enjoy your games. (I'll tryyy but there's no guarantee)

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 6 days ago

The alternative would have been 'Work it" by Missy.

They should've pushed you a lot sooner, I'd say. Knowing the rules is half the game. Or perhaps that's me.

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 5 days ago

That would have been better! Better late than never and one rule I've learned is most ppl don't play by the rules. (I just needed to know or learn it's not good to be such a scaredy cat all the time)

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 5 days ago

/me is listening to my annoying neighbor fighting w/ trying to get his car started. He seems to think that cursing at it will make it start...

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 5 days ago

And he is right. It works just as good as cursing computers. I do that all (work) day long. Trying to get stuff done, server stalls, grr...

Want to swap with my neighbour who yawns all day long?

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 5 days ago

Yes I do. After my neighbor got done cursing at this car then he began cursing at his wife (or girlfriend whatever she is to him) at the top of his lungs so I now know every single piece of their dirty laundry and also that she should run for the hills or as far away from that guy as fast as she can.

Two more months and my lease is up and I'm moving as fast as I can and if I decide not to commit to that house I was telling you about I certainly will still move (even if it is under a bridge!)

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 4 days ago

The rate at which you move around, you probably get a discount at the mover company. I don't think buying a house would ever be an option for you. It's much harder to move a lot then. Unless it's a mobile home.

And still no good new music around...

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 4 days ago

I'll have to settle for some Ladytron from 2006: [link] (not your cup of tea probably).

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 4 days ago

Nope no discount and over here you normally have to sign a lease of which they constantly raise your rent if you do not keep signing new leases and I don't like commitments much. The problem w/ this house I'm considering is that the number of payments vs the number of years left of my life is a bit skewed (I would have needed to buy this house at age 3 to pay it off before retirement)

/me goes take a sip of your tea...

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm sounds like mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 4 days ago

Over here the housing market is stalled. Prof crae would say that's because of the astronomical house prices. Politicians on the other hand claim it's because people are renting at too low leases, so they want to raise those. Craziness!

Ofcourse the reason why I am complaining is because my house is full. I have too much stuff and I don't want to change it into a house made of closets and bookshelves.

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh stop complaining atleast you own your own house you can put as many bookshelves as you desire, I cannot even put one simple nail in the wall (or when I move they will take away my security deposit!)

So much you can do when you own your own house so get to it and organize your closets and put up those bookshelves you lazy guy!

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 3 days ago

Probably not your cup of tea but Justin comes out w/ some good stuffezzz every once in a while...


// Doreen / 592 weeks and 2 days ago

Argh, no that song is horrible. I really have not heard anything decent these last few weeks.

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 2 days ago

I do sometimes post stuff just to see your crazy reaction. hehe

I actually only like the slow and draggy first part then it gets a bit goofy. Not much of anything decent on this side besides that Pretty Light one...

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 2 days ago

Excellent tune and pretty decent iPhone 5 theme...


// Doreen / 592 weeks and 1 day ago

Song is called Kouen (Crimson Flame) [link] and apparently is one of the theme songs for the baddies of Akatsuki in Naruto Shippuuden (a long running Japanese cartoon series).

Strangely though, I've been watching Naruto like forever and never noticed much of these theme songs.

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 1 day ago

Japanese!? I liked it for the "haunting organ" in the beginning and aggressive beats and epic sounds throughout. Well, whatever it is I like it...

// Doreen / 592 weeks and 1 day ago

Plenty of "epic" stuff in that series: [link]. Except that you really don't notice much of it while wathing because they mix it in at low volume.

// craeonics / 592 weeks and 13 hours ago

That's alottt to listen to but I'll have to check it out better tomorrow I'm done for the day (even my ears are exhausted)

But whoever composed for that cartoon is unbelievable I was clicking the links on the right and the sad made me feel sad and the evil one got me scared and nervous inside (not good for me to listen to evil music at night I actually get nightmares) hehe!

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 6 days ago

It is used like this: [link] (if you'll excuse the testosterone for a bit, the series is primarily aimed at boys). There's music playing a great deal of the time, but sound effects and voices are mixed in much louder.

Interesting coincidence, I had a splitting headache yesterday. Best way to deal with that is staring at the distance, like in watching TV, so I picked up this series again.

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm call me crazy but that is an excellent cartoon (and the only sound that grabbed my attention away from what was going on in the cartoon graphically was the "creepy organ")

And as for that staring thing to me I call it "zoning" I can do that anytime and anywhere by thought and not have a clue what is being said or going on all around me at any given moment. It's probably called today attention deficit disorder (I personally think it can be a good thing in today's world and a great escape from BS all around us)

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 6 days ago

It works with headaches because you're not really focussing/concentrating on anything. That said though, I'd rather not have these mysterious headaches. They ruin the day.

And speaking of ruins. This continuing winter weather is killing all the plants on my balcony. Especially those blasted gale force winds that shred 'em to pieces.

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 5 days ago

They are not mysterious to me mijn dutchy you are simply having sinus headaches due to the gale force winds. (take some Benadryl)

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 5 days ago

Weather has little influence on me, other than my hair getting statically charged when it freezes (like now).

It's a very specific type of headache behind my right eye, which usually occurs on Fridays. It always kicks in when I wake up, lasts until I go to bed again (or in other words: whole day wasted). Had my eye checked, nothing. Doctor does not know what it is and medicines have no effect.

The fact that it happens on my day off makes me think it may have something to do with sleeping late. Either the act of sleeping longer than the rest of the week; sleeping at a strange angle; low or high blood sugar; or dehydration.

Anyways, so much for my weekend.

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 5 days ago

And as I feared, those polar winds have ripped off all the leaves from my plants and broken half the branches, grrr...

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh that! That's just my voodoo spell I put on you...

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 5 days ago

I knew it! Get rid of those pins.

This (new) track gets a lot of airplay on the old fogey station we listen to at work. It's half decent: Laura Jansen - Queen of Elba [link] (VEVO channel, so it may not work for you).

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 4 days ago

/me breaks out a new shiny sharp pin and pokes you in your other eyeball!

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 4 days ago

I looked it up, zo zo (it's not had any airplay on this side yet dutchy or it's the first time I hear it anyways)

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 4 days ago

Fat chance of anything Dutch getting airplay outside this little country of mine.

Something else that caught my ear: Klangkarussell - Sonnentanz [link]

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm alilllll jazzy but I actually liked it?

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 2 days ago

Ohhh yessss! [link]

Gonna be goed dutchy!

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 2 days ago

You have to listen to that Sarah Simmons I think she will win it hands down (but the competition is just beginning)

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 2 days ago

/me evades all those singing competitions

Look what's on the radio today!


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 591 weeks and 2 days ago


// Doreen / 591 weeks and 1 day ago

Perhaps this is more to your liking.


* craeonics is listening to: Rick James - Superfreak

// crae_work / 591 weeks and 1 day ago

Of course...

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 1 day ago

The only music at the moment is birds tweeting outside. It's almost April and still freezing. Fortunately, I have next week off and don't have to go anywhere (or at least not by bike).

// craeonics / 591 weeks and 16 hours ago

Oh yeah that's right you're turning 16 againnn! I'll be expecting you to bring "me" a cake!

Enjoy your week off dutchy...

// Doreen / 591 weeks and 11 hours ago

So much for my week off. My mother wants to make birthday invitations (for her own birthday). Guess who gets to help out (because "I don't understand these computers")...

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 6 days ago

I know they only understand the things "they feel like" understanding on computers. (such as playing games and looking up recipes)

Now stop complaining and go help your Mother!

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 6 days ago

So she found this card maker website. So far so good. But what she didn't do was think ahead and write out the text she wanted to have on the card. Then she could decide what template or clipart to use.

After two hours of being indecisive, I moved her aside, clicked together a card in like five minutes, then let her tweak it for yet another hour and finally she was done.

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh why oh why do you keep locking me out of our house!? I was knocking but you would not let me in. What is going on w/ this site lately dutchy? I'm not even on my phone so I don't know what to blame it on early other than you keep locking the door on me. hehe

As for your Mother, if she was Italian and not Dutch I would swear she was my Mother from the sounds of that...

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 6 days ago

So I take it that both you and your Mother's birthdays are close together?

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 6 days ago

My mother's birthday isn't until June. But she plans on throwing a big party. I added a party hat and a fake moustache to her photo, but for some reason she wasn't too keen on that.

I went through the logs, but I found no blocked messages of yours between mine and the previous two. And I log everything. Was the site down? Or did you type something and nothing happened?

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 5 days ago

Well than I will be expecting some of her cake as well! hehe

I either cannot reach the site when I am at home (the site just will not load alot of the times) and when I am at work when I type something and hit the speak button it vanishes into thin air. (or apparently goes underground w/ all the spam)

I keep thinking it's a sign to leave you alone. Anyways, Easter today so that means cooking and family...

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 5 days ago

Not being able to reach the site can be on the server's end, on your end or in between. But nothing I can do about. Post that go poof depend on whether or not they are logged. If they're logged, it's the filter, if not, they never reached the server (and it's on your end or in between).

Also, I just cut my nails. It's rather hard to type when your fingers have suddenly become shorter.

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 5 days ago

What do you mean you cannot do nothing about it? You should be able to solve all my problems!

Alright, then I suppose I need to keep trying to find at least a browser on my phone that will work since I am basically living at work now. I tried to just forgetaboutit but then I always keep thinking about what you are listening to (so that did not work out very well)

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm currently listening to the heater firing up. It's bloody April already and still freezing.

The only problems I can solve on this site are when something hits the site. I don't have deeper server level access and I obviously can't debug things outside of it.

Anyways, time for my week of slacking to begin. No wait, I have to change the oil in my frier before it starts moving on its own. Argh, chores...

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 4 days ago

And apparently the correct English word is "chip pan". The traditional black model with the net. None of that automated plastic nonsense.

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 4 days ago

I've never heard of it being called a chip pan I think most ppl call them "deep fryers" And having looked up a chip pan you are not playing around when you fry! you apparently are a serious fryer! (I use about 3 drops of oil to fry only) Deep frying is a hazard to your heart...

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 3 days ago

That said from the girl who has water for blood.

// Dor_zzz / 590 weeks and 3 days ago

Considering that the oil was almost black, you might as well call it suicidal. Not changing the oil has an increased cancer risk.

Regardless, I might die sooner from these bloody time switch shenanigans (we just switched to summer time).

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack you better take better care of yourself dutchy you're not 16 anymore! That stuff will catch up w/ you faster then you think.

And I'm struggling w/ that stupid time change again too I never adjust to it...

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 2 days ago

I checked the box, it's sunflower oil with over 70% unsaturated fat, so I'm all good. Just need to change it a little more often.

Time switching needs to stop. It was introduced during wartime to conserve energy and reintroduced in the 70s when another energy crisis hits. But I don't think messing with people's biorhythms offsets possible energy savings.

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 2 days ago

Well thank God for that cuz you had me thinking you were frying your food in some kind of black sludge or something!

Introduced during wartime? (someone should have shot the person who created this stupid thing)

// Dor_zzz / 590 weeks and 2 days ago

Popped up during World War I (1914-1918) in most of the West. Got abandoned by some countries, then came back during World War II and was here to stay during the energy crises of the 70s: [link]

And so much for my holiday. The week is almost over and I haven't played a single game yet.

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 1 day ago

I actually never knew all that dutchy. But for me God made things a certain way and it never fails that man has to "alway" ruin everything. I despise being at the mercy of clocks and this stupid time changing thing! I never can adjust physically it always messes me up...

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 1 day ago

It's because they don't teach history in school in a meaningful fashion. Cramming dates is lame. They should teach The logic (or lack thereof) of the chain of events. Otherwise you end up with people directing everything at their imaginary friends.

And even on birthdays there are chores to do. /me goes get groceries

// craeonics / 590 weeks and 16 hours ago

Hmmm as smart as you are you have not even entertained the possibility that after you kick the bucket and your spirit leaves your carcase you might just be greeted by my imaginary friend? As stupid as I am I've actually pondered the idea when I kick the bucket I might finally get some good rest. (but that's just not logical)

Anyways, Happy Birthday to mijn messageboard husband. =)

(I hope you have a wonderful B-day mijn dutchy)

// Doreen / 590 weeks and 12 hours ago

I always go with the worst possible scenario.

Someone should have told be that getting a year older results in waking up with a headache the day after. And I don't drink.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 6 days ago

And getting older will also result in typing "be" when you actually meant to type "me"

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 6 days ago

That's because the netboox is on the left armrest of my couch, I'm leaning on the left arm, a cat is sleeping on my right leg and I'm typing with my right arm more or less blindly since my hand obscures the keys at this angle.

It's a miracle I can produce anything comprehendible at all while typing this way.

I had spotted the typo myself, by the way, right after I hit submit ofcourse.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

netboox? Okay there is no hope for you!

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

But I'm pretty sure you spotted that typo yourself right after you hit submit ofcourse?

// Dor_evil / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

/me is listening to all the scary stuff about Korea's threats creating an all out war. What is most scarier is that instead of discussing this w/ our president in a more civilized manner the only contact this young kamikaze leader has had w/ us is this guy? [link]

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

I think we'd be safer if he'd been in contact w/ Lil Jon! hehe

Crazy world (my dreams make more sense to me then my waking hours)

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

I actually did not spot that typo. My typing is getting worse and worse. Soon I'll be dropping all capitals and interpunction and only type run-on sentences.

And pay no heed to North Korea. Throwing tantrums is the way they've always communicated with the outside world.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm alright I prob deserve that low blow considering I knew I should not point fingers the way I type (but I've always typed this way so it has nothing to do w/ my aging) you on the other hand are deteriorating. hehe!

/me runs...

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

As for Korea I am nervous what will happen he is in his twenties? (that alone is shocking a kid could have this kind of control) and putting weapons in a kids hands can lead to bad things happening...

But like everything in life we have no control over anything.

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

I would welcome any kind of move in that part of the world. That country has been going crazier and crazier since the 50s. Anything would be better than maintaining the status quo.

I also do not buy that it is one leader, or a bunch of generals that control it. You cannot run a country without some support of the people.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

You would welcome any kind of move however, the missiles are not aimed at you! Everyone over here is saying this and that about how their missles would drop in the ocean but I like you am alwaysss thinking about the worse case scenario. (it's better than being over confident)

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

At any rate it's just a reminder not to worry so much about anything because we can be vaporized in a second...

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 5 days ago

We all survived the Cold War. If you think countries pointing missiles at each other is bad, imagine living somewhere in between.

But media lives on hype, so tone everything they report down a bit and you might approach one side of the truth.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't trust a thing I hear one way or the other I just feel uneasy when I hear the craziness going on all around me that's all.

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 4 days ago

I know just the tune to go with that. Two even. The bouncy one be this: [link]. And a loud one with crazy video: [link]

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 3 days ago

Oh be quiet you you you dutchy! You know what I mean I don't just believe all the bologna they toss out on the news but at the same time I'm old enough to realize life is totally unpredictable so who knows what madness will pop up from one day to the next. A war here a war there or whatever craziness that will decide to erupt...

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 3 days ago

I'd say the odds of the San Andreas Fault getting sudden constipation and sliding you and your neighbours into the Pacific are quite higher than finding a missile on your roof.

Be glad you're not in Miami, with those weird sink holes popping up under houses.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 2 days ago

Well no missiles landed on my roof today so I apparently have another day in paradise...

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 1 day ago

And I know just the song to go with that: [link]. We got taught that song during music class. I could play the chorus, but the keys have long left my memory.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 1 day ago

That's cuz you're turning into an old man now!

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 1 day ago

/me drops something halfway decent for mijn dutchy:


// Doreen / 589 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh, god no. I saw that one earlier this week. That's terrible.

However, imagine my surprise to find a non-crappy Nicki Minaj song: [link]

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 15 hours ago

Once you get over the Michael Jackson and Prince vibes and focus more on the underline beat you might like it...

As for that Nicki vid what in the world? Did she get some boob & booty implants? Poof those look inflatable!

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 12 hours ago

One might almost say she has built-in lifeboats. It apparently is the latest craze in some circles.

// craeonics / 589 weeks and 5 hours ago

/me wonders what will happen when she gets old will she need two wheelchairs to get around or what?

// Doreen / 589 weeks and 3 hours ago

A fork lift truck. And I blame Sir Mix-A-Lot for it all.

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 6 days ago

No kidding well to each his/her own. (just alil strange to me that ppl get excited over artificial blow up toys)

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 6 days ago

Insecure people + heaps of money + doctors who failed ethics class = craziness.

Meanwhile, halfway through April, the winter weather seems to have subsided. About bloody time.

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 5 days ago

/me hands you some lemonade and grabs your coat for myself over here it is cold!

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 5 days ago

New music time! This one mixes three styles, none of them particularly stellar. However, one of the styles is wobble bass, so it's all good: Krewella - Alive

There's something strange going on though.

This is the video I saw this morning: [link] (so so)

But it sounded like this remix: [link] (wobble bass!)

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 4 days ago

Actually they both sound equally good to me (course I've never heard either one of them before) but me likes...

I've not been listening to much on this end dutchy cuz it's been a rough week as you know I'm transitioning into my new position/job and then suddenly my Mother caught a bad infection and has been in the hospital so I've been on a bitter sweet roller coaster ride between ppl at my old job wanting to celebrating my job stuff and me not feeling up to anything cuz of my Mom being sick but it looks like tonight I am getting to go pick her up to take her home in a couple of hours (my step Father has been a mess missing her so much)

So things are turning around now thank God!

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 4 days ago

Go take care of your mother and stepfather. You only have one set of those and they don't have eternal life.

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 3 days ago

I know and I have been and I feel so very blessed dutchy, I got her home last night all is well. (couldn't be better!)

She has two cats (like you) and it was ridiculous the welcome home they gave to her I'm not sure who missed her more those cats or my stepfather...

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 2 days ago

I am never sure whether or not the cats see me as a walking food dispenser or that they are really attached to me. When I'm at home they shadow me all the time. I suspect it's a bit of both.

// crae_work / 588 weeks and 2 days ago

And right now they're giving me the "feed us" look.

// crae_zzz / 588 weeks and 2 days ago

Well to be honest dutchy I used to tell my Mom to get rid of those cats cuz every time her and my stepfather go vacationing they always have this bit stressful issue of the cats and one of my son's allergy and asthma triggers "is cat hair" so they cannot do anything w/o having to worry about those two cats so my sister ends up stuck w/ them and I feel bad but when my Mother was in the hospital my stepfather told me that for the entire time she was away the cats were constantly crying and each night they would go outside and sit at the gate and just sit there and cry waiting for her to come home. When I finally got to bring her home from the hospital they circled her and stared up at her eyes and meowed over and over again as if trying to tell her something. hehe!

(It was adorable) it was obvious to me they "love" her it had nothing to do w/ being fed cuz my stepfather was taking care of them and feeding them but they love my Mother. (I won't ever tell her to get rid of those cats again)

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 1 day ago

Pets are good for you. I'm allergic to them, but I don't want my allergies, or any other ailments for that matter, dictate how I live my life.

And speaking of allergies, I could do with some rain to wash those pollen out from the air.

/me does weather dance [link]

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 1 day ago

I forgot how good they sound but I never heard that particular prodigy song before? Still my fav:


// Doreen / 588 weeks and 23 hours ago

I have all the albums, so I have it all. Well, I would have if they didn't also have various tracks only appearing on EPs, B-sides of singles and what not.

Out of Space should be on my funeral playlist, along with Bond of Blood. Not that it will do me any good by then.

However, have you ever heard Max Romeo's original? [link]

// craeonics / 588 weeks and 16 hours ago

Yum just when you think that song can't be any better! I may have heard it once years ago when I was clicking on random Prodigy YouTube links but if so it was a longgg time ago.

Now I have to go ponder what should be on my funeral playlist...

// Doreen / 588 weeks and 1 hour ago

Welll this one for sures:


// Doreen / 588 weeks and 1 hour ago

Why am I not surprised by that? Also don't forget W.A.R. (if that was the correct name).

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 6 days ago

True and Slippin into darkness could be appropriate:


But I'd rather prefer these:


or this:


// Doreen / 587 weeks and 6 days ago

That Slippin' into Darkness song has the creepiest intro ever. And I say that as someone who listens to demons in forests.

And I may have heard that Dazz Band song before (unbelievable but true).

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

Speaking of demons in forests, I've been moving deeper into the forest, which has less demons and more chanting. Recently bought this Wardruna album: [link]

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

What in the world is that!? First you go into a relaxing trance from the rain and then it almost sounds like some kind of tribal war spell or something? (I like it!)

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah, what should I call it... Neo-pagan mysticism or something. Regardless, it sounds good. That was the first track. Here's track #2 of the same album: [link]. I won't bug you with the entire album. Just to give an impression of the style.

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

Bug me? You happen to be the only person on earth that does "not" bug me. (and I wish you could) hehe

/me goes listen...

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

Ummm, I kinda like the other one much much better this one I kept thinking would get better as it went on but it basically had more "folk" undertones w/ tribal chanting the tone of the singers was too monotone so that is what I really did not like but the other one had more dimension and atmosphere or something.

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

I just went back and listened to the first one "Rotlaust Tre Fell" it is more intense the tribal drums are excellente! The chanting is more believable and the atmosphere is thick. Totally better I may have to have at least that one song in my own collection. What are they actually singing about?

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 5 days ago

So funny dutchy, I've been dealing w/ this older woman who is my real estate agent for several months now and she knows I've been on the fence about buying a house (because everything she shows me just makes me realize that I want to own a house but I don't want the house to own me!) anyways she called me today about a rental in a village that I hope to eventually buy my home in and when I went to look at it tonight I fell in love w/ it! When I signed the papers I finally got enough nerve to ask her about her cool accent cuz I've been too shy to ask her all this time and she told me she was born in Germany and raised in Holland! hehe

I've got someone to practice my dutch on with! She has been so trust worthy trying to help me I can tell she is not in it for the sale but to actually help me so I'm moving in May into that rental. I want to rent for one more year and save more money and then "she" will get me my home in that village...

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 4 days ago

I must go check the temperature in hell. Doreen buying a house? It must have frozen over. Well, at least your moving to your dream village now.

And that poor woman. You're going to drive her crazy with that Dutch.

The Wardruna songs are about runes (generally speaking). Lyrics are Norse, but the booklet also has an English translation.

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 4 days ago

Not right now! Stop rushing me! hehe

This village is a small community of home owners, a few of the home owners are investors that rent their homes out. So yesterday my real estate agent (knowing I've been on the fence about actually buying cuz I'm a scared cat) called me because she noticed the home right next to her home became avail yesterday for rent!(my agent owns her home in this village and it is drop dead gorgeous!) I fell in love w/ it instantly and it has a fireplace to boot!

My hope is that I can rent w/ the "option to buy" but I will need her to negotiate w/ the owner for me on this place to hopefully buy it when the lease is up in one year.

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 4 days ago

And runes? Aren't they those stones you made in flash many moons ago?

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't see you buying a house. You move around way too much for that. It's a good trial run nonetheless.

Runes are a writing system that was used in Northern Europe a thousand years ago. Most surviving rune inscriptions were carved on rock. Since not everyone could read and write back then, some people think there's a magical/spiritual aspect to it.

The rune thing I made over a decade ago [link] was an example of how runes can be used to predict the future (if you believe in that sort of thing).

This discussion of runes ofcourse would not be complete without some Amon Amarth as a soundtrack: [link]

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 3 days ago

OMG dutchy you still have that!? Since I predict my own future I had to cast three times to get the one I liked. hehe!

And Amon Amarth my son Gino got to see when they preformed over here in Cali (he loved them)

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm a digital hoarder. I never delete anything. I find these astrology things fascinating. Not that I believe one word of it, but more the mechanics, how they work.

Most of Amon Amarth's songs are okay at best. I have all their albums and they all sound more or less the same. You're waiting for the verses chugging along until the chorus finally starts. But every now and then they release a (rough) gem that makes up for everything, like: [link]

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 2 days ago

That's cuz you are one strange dutchy! I just got back from dropping off my deposit (my move in date is May 17th) I'm soooo excited!!! I already warned her since she will be living right next door to me that I do indeed plan on practicing my dutch on her. She is so sweet she is eager to teach me. She's pretty up there in years and she apparently has a Dutch boyfriend I met tonight! They are both adorable (When she says Mother she says it like Mutta) hehe! Certain words she says are so funny dutchy anyways, she was telling me she moved away from Germany at only 9 years old to Holland (like I was telling you) but what I didn't know is that she only knows Dutch because she was so young when she moved to Holland that she forgot any German she knew.

/me stops boring you and clicks on your link...

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 1 day ago

Strange that he talks just like he sings? Most recording artist never sound the same.

/me goes watch Nicki on the American Idol...

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 1 day ago

He's using his "Viking" voice. Ofcourse, he might just have a deep voice.

Daft Punk has a new record out that is so smooth, they even play it on the old fogey station we listen to at work: [link]. I find it sounds more like Stardust than Daft Punk, but those are the same guys.

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 1 day ago

They play that tune over here like crazy, strange combo I think Daft Punk and Pharrell (but it works)

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 1 day ago

I didn't even notice Pharrell was involved until I say the full title of the song.

// craeonics / 587 weeks and 15 hours ago

That was the first thing I noticed...

// Doreen / 587 weeks and 12 hours ago

Got dragged off to the mall today...

Anyways, new music: Duke DuMont ft. A*M*E - Need U (100%) [link]. Has this classic house keyboard going for it.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 6 days ago

No mall for me today (I spent the day there yesterday) /me is listening to the usual neighbors outside of which reminds me a couple more weeks and I no longer have to listen to this monster next door degrading his wife/girlfriend anymore! Yowza!!!

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 6 days ago

I suppose I will float around on something refreshing for my soul. Strange though this group has a country vibe of which I dislike I totally love their worship tunes:


// Doreen / 586 weeks and 6 days ago

/me kicks out those worship tunes

Unfortunately, the only thing going on here is someone with some heavy duty machinery making a racket down the block (as usual). My neighbourhood is filled with people that like to DIY during the weekend.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 5 days ago

DIY? What is that? Today is quiet so I hope my neighbor did not commit a homicide...

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 5 days ago

DIY = Do It Yourself. One of my neighbours was making a fence. Don't know what the others were doing.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm pretty sure I've got you beat w/ the noise levels that are outside my window. I just cannot wait to move.

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 5 days ago

Look what they're playing on the radio today!


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

Ack! But that might be better than what I'm listening to. I have to go change this radio station...

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

So tomorrow our queen will step down (abdicate) after thirty three years or rule and her son will be crowned (figuratively) the new king.

To commemorate this, some goons in the organising committee thought a special "king song" should be made. So everyone and his dog could send in lyrics, then a big name producer threw it together and added a score and a hodgepodge of local stars sung the lyrics.

Sounds fancy, right?

There's just two things:

1) Design by committee does not work.

2) Both the producer and the singers are middle-of-the-road material. The kind of tame artists they hold in high regard on this old fogey station we have on at work.

So we ended up with an utterly horrible song: [link]. Public opinion massacred it. The participants and committee are now sulking in a corner somewhere, but hey, the show must go on.

And I've been hearing it like every half hour the past week. Gah!

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

Yikes! I wonder if I got the right link you intended for me? Though your Dutch totally turns me on that was way too Mary Poppins and then all of the sudden some rap was tossed in there in an attempt to umm what I don't even know. hehe

/me is listening to:

The Cure - Just Like Heaven

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

Which just changed to one of my fav songs...

311 - Amber

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah, it's terrible. And both the rap thing as well as the steel drums felt horribly forced. I'm going to avoid watching TV tomorrow.

// crae_zzz / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

Funny you guys have Queens and Kings it sounds like a fairy tale to someone on this side...

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 4 days ago

All in a days work over here. And speaking of work, I might have a day off from work, but there are always chores lurking behind corners.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 3 days ago

And let's not forget that tonight is Walpurgis Night: [link], which no-one celebrates, but I find it interesting (because it's ancient).

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 3 days ago

Never heard of it before. Strange things we humans celebrate.

Capital Citurs - Safe and Sound (they play this way too much)

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 3 days ago

Which just changed to something goed! I can never hear enough of this one.

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 3 days ago

Hey you stop partying at that Gothic festival and get bsck to work!

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 2 days ago

No parties, only chores.

More new music. This one is so-so, but you may like it: Iggy Azalea - Work [link] (not too keen on the voice or the mix of styles)

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm, I want to change the channel, but my cats are watching a documentary on bears in the wild. And when I say watching, I mean they're following the bears as they move across the screen. They're really watching TV. What to do? What to do?

// crae_zzz / 586 weeks and 2 days ago

Umm you could switch the channel to one of the many documentaries we get about all the unexplainable and unpredictable domesticated pit bull attacks and freak them out?

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 2 days ago

If my cats want to watch bears, I let them watch bears. The downside being that these nature documentaries tend to end badly. Not that the cats care about that.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh boy you sound like my Mom (she thinks she owns two cats but in reality I think the cats own her)

// Dor_work / 586 weeks and 1 day ago

Having pets is give and take. They take my food and give me a full litter box. And they especially like to do that giving while I'm making dinner.

// craeonics / 586 weeks and 15 hours ago

Ha! And youuu thought you dodged the bullet having pets instead of kids? With kids you only clean their poop for the first year of their lives w/ pets you clean their poop "allll" of their lives!

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 1 hour ago

Plus on Mother's day they spoil me w/ gifts but on Father's day all you get is more poop!?

// Doreen / 586 weeks and 1 hour ago

It's poop all year around. At least cats are quiet (mostly), don't take up much space (mostly) and don't take much looking after (mostly).

Plus, it's the perfect escape from dull parties. "Got to go. Got to take care of the cats".

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 6 days ago

I know I'm just playing around w/ you mijn dutchy...

My kids saved me dutchy, w/ the madness that encircled me and my life had I not had them to keep me grounded I'm not sure what would have happened to me or who I would have become. Though I've always been encircled by party animals I myself am extremelyyy inverted so used my kids to rescue me when everyone attempted to pull me out.

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 6 days ago

Trust me on this side cats would not have been an escape for me on this side cats are used for BB gun target practice (unfortunately it's a bit ruthless over here)

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 6 days ago

Having Kids has the side effect of keeping you grounded, because there is so much stuff to take care of to just be able to take care of them. There's not much room for partying left.

Or so I, dr. crae, observer of human behaviour, have noticed.

Moving on to dead people. One of the Chris-es from Kris Kross had kicked the bucket last week. They only had one big hit over here: Jump [link].

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh, I don't know about that dutchy I happen to know quite a few ppl that have kids and still manage to find mucho time to party (since they don't take having kids serious)

Most likely the parties you attend are different than the ones I've been dragged off to where I found nothing but lost, lonely, drugged out and sexually deprived individuals trying various tactics to get into my pants and no matter what class or theme of the party it seemed all the same to me hence why I finally decided that was not for me and took a diff route. Raising kids is definitely not a party either but now that things are settling down Gino's major in College is Physics (of which I have no clue what in the world he is talking about when he talks to me of course) and Sammy is at the age where he soon will figure things out and make decisions what he wants as well. There's not much control we have over life but somethings we can sway one way or the other...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 5 days ago

Ack! Better jump stuffezzz over here:


// Doreen / 585 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah, but those guys aren't dead (as far as I know).

Your kids seem to be ending up right, which means you did a good job at parenting (or they are level-minded themselves).

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 5 days ago

I wish I could take all the credit but they're individuals so I just feel very blessed...

/me is currently listening to my neighbors and excited that I only have 12 more days to go over here! Hooray!!!

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 5 days ago

I bet you've already packed most your stuff and only need to load it in a truck to move out of there.

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 4 days ago

You'd win that bet...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 4 days ago

And I know just the (ancient) song to go with that: [link]. And ofcourse chances are you've never heard this British band before.

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 3 days ago

Obviously that's not Wu-Tang and nope me never heard of that corny band before. (not even once)

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 3 days ago

/me is listening to: [link] (alright, so it's the intro to Hell's Kitchen and it's as old as the hills but still goed!)

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 2 days ago

By request, some Tang of the Wu: [link]. Some of their songs are good, but it's a small minority. Most of it is only interesting if you listen to lyrics.

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 2 days ago

Tis the same w/ most bands, each band has a small handful (if not only 3 or less) of good tunes and rest are all filler for their albums. I'm tempted to jump some of the links listed on the side of that Wu Tang song you posted but I am completely zapped from my day. County is attempting to slaughter me yet again but they shall not win! I shall survive! (ugh now that survive song I hate will haunt me all night)

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 1 day ago

Someone say "I will survive"? I present thee the Cake version of this song: [link]

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 1 day ago

After the grueling day I had today I thought no way in Hell I'm going to click on that link (but I was curious who was Cake?) and this is the first time I hear "that" song and could not only tolerate it allll the way through but ended up loving it! hehe

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 1 day ago

It's still "I will survive", but they messed with the melody a bit and the singer sings like he is either drunk or dead tired. I do prefer the Gloria Gaynor version though.

Your friends from the Pussy Cat Dolls did a cover attempt as well: [link] (not very good).

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 17 hours ago

The Gloria Gaynor version is dripping w/ drama and annoying to me...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 12 hours ago

What in the world is it w/ that song? Why do so many ppl like it so much? Anyways, you know I like the Pussycat Dolls but that was even worser than the original? Completely loud, obnoxious anddd annoying...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 12 hours ago

Now I need to wash that mess out of my ears and get in gear this morning:


// Doreen / 585 weeks and 12 hours ago

Some Li'l Jon to help you out with that: [link]

// craeonics / 585 weeks and 10 hours ago

He's been so busy playing around on The Apprentice he's not made any more killer tunes:


And me is currently being tortured by elevator music when being put on hold while I attempt to switch over all my utilities for next week's move,,,

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 9 hours ago

/me tosses on some of this and dance in my chair while I push through all these calls today.


// Doreen / 585 weeks and 9 hours ago

Something goed for mijn dutchy at the closing of your day:


// Doreen / 585 weeks and 9 hours ago

So freaky dutchy, these two (my soon to be ex-neighbors) go at it and this guy yells at the top of his lungs so the entire block can hear all the indescribable horrible, degrading, hurtful things to this female he is with and then right now as usual I hear them talking to each other like nothing was ever said? It's like a ritual. Thank God I was not born a male and that I don't like to break my nails or I would have been arrested numerous times jumping in on those two and kicking that monsters a**

When I moved in here (a year ago) before I even knew he was my neighbor the first time walked past him my hair stood up behind my neck and something ran through me that made me uneasy and he can't seem to make eye contact w/ me for some reason which is strange because I don't normally look at people I walk by but I noticed this about him...

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 6 hours ago

Call it female intuition. Some couples are locked in an unhealthy relationship. The can't stand each other, but at the same time, thet can't stand not being together.

And speaking of freaky... Donald Trump, Mr. Comb-over. I don't know how he made his fortune, but he, and his sons, is a very slippery character.

Moving on to music, before he made those Viking songs, Quorthon (Bathory) was a pioneer in the demons in forests genre. It was very early and the songs are not very good, but this particular one has the most evil bridge I've ever encountered: Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires [link] (bridge from 1:50 onwards).

// crae_zzz / 585 weeks and 2 hours ago

I like it where the organ comes in (at 2:14 onwards)

As for my neighbors who knows, I think she stays w/ him out of her situation. He doesn't hit her or I'd be forced to do "something" (call the cops and then jump up and down behind them yelling at him, I don't know he scares me) but I think his words have beaten her soul to a pulp!

// Doreen / 585 weeks and 22 minutes ago

The organ _is_ the evil part.

As for those neighbours, mental abuse is still abuse. They should just split up. How long until you're moving?

// craeonics / 584 weeks and 6 days ago

Exactly, and though she for whatever reason feels she has to put up w/ that abuse me and my ears being forced to tolerate it for one year straight, don't (hence this is one of the reasons I'm moving)

I should be pretty much ready by this Sunday night but since I don't want to miss any work in my new position I will be picking up the keys after work on Thursday night and that gives me Fri, Sat, Sun to get moved and settled into my new place and then it's back to work on Monday. (will be a challenge!)

// Doreen / 584 weeks and 6 days ago

You move every three months, so I know you can do it.

Had a party at a Chinese restaurant yesterday. Some sixty plus people for a birthday celebration. Cousin asks if he could hook up his laptop and play some tunes. And then he put up this: [link]

// craeonics / 584 weeks and 5 days ago

Wellll sounds like he put up the appropriate tunes for the occasion...

// Doreen / 584 weeks and 5 days ago

I think I'm going to disown him.

Nooo, the weekend is over! Bring it back!

// craeonics / 584 weeks and 5 days ago

Combine surfers with corpsepaint and you'll get Muse's latest video: [link]

// craeonics / 584 weeks and 4 days ago

Good thing I can type here cuz I cannot talk (I'm sicker than a dog from trying to do more than is humanly possible) however, the good thing is I'm completely moved in and I've never lived in a more comfortable home before! I have an enchanting forest/jungle type atmosphere outside my bedroom window and all I listen to now is exotic birds all day and water from across the dam or whatever that thingie is outside my bedroom window I'm praying I can buy this home when my lease is up over here in this village. I love it!

Hope you are doing well over there in wooden shoe land?

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 5 days ago

So you moved to paradise and now you're sick?

We skipped past spring and summer over here and went straight to autumn. I think we had like three weeks of rain.

// craeonics / 582 weeks and 4 days ago

Yes, and if there is such a thing as Heaven on earth I've got it and even if I die tonight I'm going to die happy!

Send me some of your rain dutchy the only thing that could possibly make this place any better is for it to rain. The sounds and smells that come from that forest or whatever that thing is outside my window made me sleep for 9 hours straight! (I'm not sure if I have ever in my entire life slept like that before)

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 4 days ago

Better late than never but I just check your link up there and that is the strangest mixture I've ever seen Asians, brides, surfers, and corpes? (and even stranger is I liked it the tune itself worked was believable almost sounded like a theme to a movie?)

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 4 days ago

It sounds a bit like a James Bond movie. Muse has always been close to movie scores musically, I'd say.

Now, three weeks of rain has its obvious downsides, but there are upsides too. Not much pollen in the air, so not much hayfever. The past few days have been sunny and dry and unfortunately nature seems to be catching up on things.

// craeonics / 582 weeks and 3 days ago

Ummm w/ all that rain and now the sun get ready for allergy hell when everything blooms!

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 3 days ago

And the sun went walkies again.


* craeonics is listening to: Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (to this day I am still not sure whether this is a man or a woman)

// crae_work / 582 weeks and 2 days ago

Well no work for me today, though I feel much better I am "completely" on mute and my voice does not want to come back! Hence I cannot handle answering my Doctor's phone all day or deal w/ running his office! I have no idea why my voice has left me nor when it will return this is so frustrating. I cannot even call to make a Doctor's appt cuz I cannot talk! hehe!

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 2 days ago

That's a pretty song, and ummmmm I'm going to "guess" that is a female that was born w/ testosterone instead of estrogen?

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 2 days ago

If you call the doctor with that voice, they'll think you're a stalker.

And the correct answer is: Tracy Chapman is a woman. But cannot tell that from her singing. That could go either way.

"Fast Car" is the only hit she had over here.

// craeonics / 582 weeks and 2 days ago

Nope they will think I'm a squeeky toy! So she was a one hit wonder?

// Doreen / 582 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't think I've ever heard another song of her. Radio stations can be picky though, so it's hard to say why.

// craeonics / 582 weeks and 1 day ago

Now I know you've heard this one (cuz I know I have) I just didn't realize it was the same person...


// Doreen / 582 weeks and 1 day ago

Two decades later and I still have a hard time telling if she's male or female. But no, never heard that song before.

// craeonics / 582 weeks and 1 day ago

/me just noticed after all this time that you have an option to resize this message box? And me is absolutely dying again from whatever flu/bug has jumped me and it's been a couple of weeks now...

// Dor_sick / 581 weeks and 6 days ago

Some modern browsers make all textareas resizeable.

That sickness of yours is because you're used to living in a polluted city and are now living the country lifestyle with clean air and what not.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 5 days ago

I think it's more due to my blood being as thin as water and me not being wonder woman anymore...

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 5 days ago

Oh boy infomercial city today me goes get in gear, hoop dat je een geweldige dag...

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 5 days ago

It's still autumn, but I have next week off. Not that it's going to do me any good, since we (the owners association) have hired a constructer to do some much needed maintenance on the facade. Or in other words, I expect to be awoken by the noise of heavy machinery.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 5 days ago

If you have the week off you need to check out "Breaking Bad" I got myself burnt out on The Big Bang Theory and since I was sick I started watching a few episodes of Breaking Bad, if I did not have to go to work tomorrow I would do nothing but veg out for another day and watch all the episodes I could grab in a day! (but if I miss any more work I will lose my job)

// Dor_zzz / 581 weeks and 4 days ago

I may have the week off, but that does not mean that I have time to play couch potato (unfortunately). My mother will turn sixty this week and she's going throw a big party. I decided I was going to get creative and make something for her. Problem being that I'm lazy and haven't started yet.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 4 days ago

Dutchy stop being so lazy all the time! You won't have your Mom forever so make it special 60 is a big one for them. Have a good time at your Mom's party...

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 4 days ago

Lazy, lazy, I spend four days scanning photos for my sister, so she could make a photo collage. What I have in mind should take a day or two at most.

Right now, I'm avoiding cleaning the house.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 4 days ago

Welll, I was thinking you should pull out that big sketching board thingy (the one everyone kept telling you to get rid of) and put your mad skillz to work and sketch a portrait for your Mother and show her the reason you've been hanging onto that big bulky thing?

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 4 days ago

Eek! I think you have some psychic skills there. That was exactly what I was planning on doing. Though my mad skills are a bit rusty and I've never drawn on a surface this large. It's going to be interesting.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

Yes strange but when you showed me a pic of that board and said you never use it though I never seen you physically I seen you sitting at that board sketching/drawing something on it? Anyways, challenging as it may seem you can do it and she will love it!

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

Ah wait, you're almost psychic. I do have a drawing board everyone tells me to get rid of. But for the past five years it's been unusable because my mother gave me a canvas to do a painting. I don't paint. I can't paint. I draw. So that canvas has been laying on my drawing board all these years, gathering dust.

This is a golden opportunity to get rid of that canvas. So this afternoon I drew a picture of my mother, based on a photo from when she was sixteen. Due to me being rusty and that canvas being a bit too unwieldy the drawing does not resemble the photo or my mother much.

Anyways, can't show you a picture, because I broke my camera some weeks ago.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

Even if you had your camera I probably would not be able to see it cuz your shaky pictures suck. If the drawing did not come out good then you need to stop being so lazy and toss that one in the trash and give it another try dutchy! Don't settle on that one cuz if you are not satisfied with it then she won't be! (She's your Mom she'll never tell you and hurt your feelings) so she'll "pretend" she loves it. Is that what you want? Make her one you know is good!

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

And I'm serious too I don't care how long you spent on that one or what time you think you wasted out of your day off work. Your Mom is worth better effort...

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

Plus, if you're gonna be cheap and not buy her something special for her 69th birthday and try to get over on just drawing her s pic it should be one of those drawings that is so good it's priceless and so special it becomes a family treasure not some careless sketch to get it over with.

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

60 not 69 (I'm fighting with my phone keyboard to try to yell at you!

// Dor_work / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

My mother will love it regardless of how it turns out. I always consider drawing to be my prime talent, so I am always critical and rarely ever satisfied with the outcome.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay, then I suppose I can stop yelling at you. I bet it came out good beautiful. I thought you were just doing a half a** job on it cuz you were being lazy (and your Mom deserves your full effort, specially on her big 6 0)

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 2 days ago

I may be lazy, but I never do half jobs when I actually do stuff. Or to quote myself: "if you do something, you do it right".

I'm quoting myself here. Must be getting old.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 2 days ago

Yes unfortunately we are alllll getting old (and it is horrible watching our parents getting old too) but at the rate I am going my Mom might outlive me. I have to go to the Doctors tomorrow cuz I feel as if my number is up...

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 2 days ago

You can't die on us yet. Your kids need to have kids first. Then you can go.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 1 day ago

Well that might be too bad cuz this morning the Dr. drew 10 different viles of blood from and and did several chest x-rays to check for something in my lungs so we will see (life is just fullll of surprises for me lately) I called my work to inform them I could not make it in and they practically demanded me in because they (the work) needs me! How wonderful!

Pretty soon everyone can just have my carcass!

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 1 day ago

I just remembered I recently said to you that if I die over here in this place where I moved to that I would atleast die happy (I was just kidding when I said that!)

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 1 day ago

Famous last words.

My mother was over the moon with the drawing, by the way. So there's some good news still.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 15 hours ago

Don't say that! I was just kidding! hehe

I do love where I currently live at I'm happy here but I just never expected to get so sick when I made that stupid comment! Anyways, I'll take any good news right now so I am happy to hear your Mom loved your drawing.

I would assume she was just doing the Mom thing and acting polite cuz she's your Mom but I happen to know how good of an artist you really are so I know it actually probably did come out beautiful dutchy and I'm happy to hear that...

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 10 hours ago

I've known my mother long enough to differentiate between being polite and genuinely happy. She put it up next to the television for now. It still needs to be framed and given a proper place.

Tomorrow is the big party. I'd prefer some peace and quiet, but apparently I got volunteered/drafted to help out all day.

// craeonics / 581 weeks and 5 hours ago

Then it sounds to me like you did it right dutchy. Have fun and enjoy your Mom's party...

// Doreen / 581 weeks and 2 hours ago

Did someone say "party"? No party without Kraze: [link] (fat chance of that happening today though).

// craeonics / 580 weeks and 6 days ago

/me tosses you some lil jon for the party...

// Doreen / 580 weeks and 6 days ago

You should be thankful I'm not at your Mom's party playing DJ cuz I'd be spinning some of this for her. hehe


// Doreen / 580 weeks and 6 days ago

That would be a bit too modern for those old timers. To give you an idea, I think I heard Chubby Checker being played.

This thread needs more Die Antwoord to get rid of that stuff: [link] (we need a ten hour version of this, this beat is great)

// craeonics / 580 weeks and 5 days ago

Too bad we don't have any of that over on this side at all. (I've only seen the ones you've pointed me to over the years) And that girl has got to be the strangest looking and sounding girl I've ever seen! I keep thinking she is Albino or something?

// Doreen / 580 weeks and 5 days ago

I had to finally take a closer look at her and nope she is not an Albino but definitely the weirdest girl I've ever heard or seen:


// Doreen / 580 weeks and 5 days ago

Not an albino, just a weird haircut. Yolandi is quite a bit older than she appears in the videos. Here's what they look like during (normal) daylight: [link]

Been playing Sleeping Dogs (game about an undercover police agent in Hong Kong) and there's some kick ass music in this game, like: Africa Hitech - Lash Out [link] (as in: real, licensed music, as opposed to composed for the game). This particular track is great when you're doing high speed pursuits/getaways.

// craeonics / 580 weeks and 5 days ago

Yikes! Tweakers? All I know is I would not want to run into her in a dark alley.

All I've been doing is sleeping more than I've slept in my entire life! And that music is not what you normally hear in a racing game? (maybe a FPS game though)

// Doreen / 580 weeks and 5 days ago

More like a GTA clone. Drive around town, beat up criminals, and so on.

Lately I've been thinking whether or not I should be playing these ethereal games or do something more useful with my time instead. I am however forever Peter Pan, so that's not going to happen.

// craeonics / 580 weeks and 4 days ago

Useful is whatever floats your boat (I say) anyways, I've just gotten back from the Doctors and since I have quit a bit to deal w/ and may not be around, have a nice life mijn Peter Pan. I say play those games as long as life permits you too!

// Doreen / 580 weeks and 4 days ago

While you're getting better, there's good music on the radio.


* craeonics is listening to: Matia Bazar - Ti Siento

// crae_work / 580 weeks and 3 days ago

Ack! That's just horrible dutchy. Maybe you've been hanging around too many old folks?

// Doreen / 577 weeks and 10 hours ago

I've been listening to so many birds outside my window I think I can almost understand them now by all their different chirps and calls?

// Doreen / 577 weeks and 10 hours ago

The birds over here start at around four in the morning. According to at least one colleague, I apparently imitate them quite well. But then again, I also (semi-consiously) imitate phones, faxes, printers and coffee machines.

And Ti Siento is great and you know it.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 6 days ago

Thazzz probably cuz you are a bird? /me annoys you w/ somethng I love and you most likely will hate...


// Doreen / 576 weeks and 6 days ago

Big Tymerz should do some worship stuff. Now that would be interesting.

// crae_zzz / 576 weeks and 6 days ago

My evil ear always overtakes my good ear so I don't even listen to as much worship music as I should cuz I end up here in less then an hour:


Then I try to behave myself by locating some instrumental versions but of course sometimes they lack deep bass and don't even sound the same! hehe


Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 6 days ago

And since a plane crashed over in San Francisco that means every channel will be showing gruesome footage for 3 days or so. Ack!

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 6 days ago

I skip TV during weekends, so I miss out on all the happenings.

That Li'l Jon video is a work art, by the way. Flashy, fast montage, rowdy and that bus driver is, to put it in young folk speak, "king". If they would mix it up with shots from another angle, you'd see some people acting crazy in front of a camera, while the rest of the area would be empty or normal.

As for the instrumental thing, the vocals are not just about the lyrics, they also provide another layer of sound. I need only point to the demons in forests stuff I listen to.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 5 days ago

Of which I don't see you posting much (new or old) demons in forest stuff? Life tends to get in the way huh? I don't seem to listen to as much of anything anymore since I get busy and just forget or something. (or it could be that there is nothing new worth listening to I'm not sure what it is)

Anyways, me goes chase appointments today...

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 5 days ago

All my music in on one particular machine that's not on very much. Usually only when I'm doing stuff on that machine (not very often) or am reading a book (which I should do more).

Too many games to play and not enough time to play them.

As for demons in forests, I think I'm being plagued by Donna Summer now.

// crae_work / 576 weeks and 4 days ago

I'm being plagued by the same 3 songs over and over again but I can only get one station on this radio.

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 4 days ago

Every station seems to have a limited playlist this day and age. Even the old fogey station at work is repeating itself.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 4 days ago

But when you hear the same song 3 times in the same hour it is just totally ridiculous. The other night I was watching something on TV and they played the exact same commercial back to back! Now that was annoying even having to watch it once was enough but two times!?

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 4 days ago

Well, finally something new right now by the Red Hot Chili Peppers...

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 4 days ago

I've heard some interesting new tunes. I'll post 'em when I'm back home. Currently being tortured by that horrible Thicke/Blurred lines song.

// crae_work / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

*cough* I happen to like that Blurred lines tune!

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

/me mumbles something about women over forty

New stuff from Belgium: Stromae - Papaoutai [link]. Give it a minute to get started. It's actually a sad song about a boy who misses his father. Has some crazy, and sometimes somewhat creepy, dancing going on.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

/me kicks you for mumbling stuff I can't understand or hear! And apart from the normal "physical" aging process I love aging cuz my mind gets more sexy with each passing day!

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

Actually that was excellent and yes a bit creepy at times but totally different!

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

More sad songs with spooky videos. This one is set in Peru, I think: Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith - La La La [link]. I'm not too big on sad suff like this, but it has a breakbeat going on in the background and the sample they use as chorus is pretty catchy.

// crae_zzz / 576 weeks and 3 days ago

First off you already knowww I love all La la la tunes! And secondly dutchy what breed is that dog? OMG! What I wouldn't give to have that dog!

I want it!

I want it!

I want it!

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 2 days ago

It looks a bit like a Keeshond (which is also the English name) and maybe even more like a Chow Chow: [link]. This would be the place where I would place a warning not to take a dog when you're not used to dogs. They can be very demanding.


* craeonics is listening to: Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight

// crae_work / 576 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah you're right all I've ever done is take care of responsibilities it's getting close to being free now and I like it. But that dog is adorable if I came across a puppy like that there is just no way I could resist!

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 2 days ago

Aren't I always? /me runs

More music with singing and dancing. This time in India: Iggy Azalea - Bounce [link]. I so do not like her voice. She sounds like Ke$ha (or in other words: drunk).

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 2 days ago

Yes, she's definitely a Ke$ha clone (and totally annoying)

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 2 days ago

I so don't wanna be here today with the cozy sleepy rain outside...

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 1 day ago

The weird thing about this Iggy girl is that when she sings, she sounds like Ke$ha, but when she talks normally it's completely different and she has an Australian accent.

Going by this, I suspect she sings in that voice on purpose.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 1 day ago

Well look at you, you type all English but you said you mainly speak Dutch? Which seems a bit freaky to me cuz normally you can pick up an accent even in reading someone's typing!

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 1 day ago

I mean pick up on an accent. Hard to explain but sometimes you can tell someone speaks a different lingo cuz they type in broken English.

// Dor_work / 576 weeks and 1 day ago

I learned my English from watching TV, so it's a bit of a mix of everything. idiosyncratic accents an word use included

// crae_zzz / 576 weeks and 1 day ago

Oh boy me goes get the dictionary to look up that idiosyncratic word...

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 22 hours ago

And I'd like to throw in random words to make people run to the dictionary.

Back when I was studying history, the course book was a US book: [link]. The authors seemed eager to put an obscure word in every bloody paragraph. At first I looked them up, but eventually I just glanced over them.

It being a US book is also why I know very little about US history, because apparently that kind of stuff is covered in different classes over on your end and so the book barely mentioned it.

// craeonics / 576 weeks and 16 hours ago

Hmmm, all I remember is flipping through a few pages in my History book to look at the pictures but then being completely bored I did what I did best during class... I zoned out by staring outside the window and listened to "every single" sound outside such as the birds or the music playing from the music class next door to my history class rather then listening to what the teacher was saying inside "my" classroom.

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 54 minutes ago

Oh and of course on windy days I was hypnotized by watching the leaves and the branches being blown around by the winds. Believe it or not all "that" I can remember very vividly. hehe

// Doreen / 576 weeks and 52 minutes ago

What you should do is move to Alaska and paint pictures of happy trees. No wait, that's Bob Ross.

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 6 days ago

Nah, I've no motivation for painting them they just seem to comfort me when I look at them. (that's about it)

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 6 days ago

/me goes look up who Bob Ross is...

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm, nope, I'm not going to spend my day YouTube surfing but this guy is dead already at 52?


// Doreen / 575 weeks and 6 days ago

Nooooo! I'm not going to get one but I can still look! Good thing I've never seen one of these in real life though cuz I think I would donate one of my organs to have one! Check this out dutchy!


// Doreen / 575 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm not going to say anything on overbred short nosed dogs with built-in health issues.

Instead I'll say that Bob Ross used a wet canvas speed painting technique that would allow him to paint landscapes consisting of mountains, trees and lakes with deceptively little effort. He then made a series of TV-shows wherein he would do more or less similar painting each show in half an hour and make it seems that everyone could do it.

Add to that his laid back attitude and that voice of his and it's all very soothing to watch.

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 5 days ago

There is no need to say anything about those dogs cuz I looked at the prices of them and in order to get one I would seriously need to donate an organ. And I am done taking care of things I could simply go run off to a pet store and cuddle for 15 mins something cute and fuzzy and just get over it.

As for Bob Ross I felt Sesame Street vibes coming off of him for some strange reason? Anyways, me goes get my nails did and hair did today cuz I have to "try" to keep looking like a secretary...

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 5 days ago

It's dress up day over in California.

Bad song, okay-ish video: Duck Sauce - It's you [link]. If I liked the song more, I'd probably like the video more as well.

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 4 days ago

I have to take the minutes in these meetings and do I know short hand? Nope, which means I'm always at the mercy of my tape recorder cuz these Doctor are not only fast talkers but they speak in another lingo! (not fun)

// Dor_work / 575 weeks and 4 days ago

Trippy vid I liked it. But I've never heard that tune before probably cuz I'm stuck in radio repeat hell.

// Dor_work / 575 weeks and 4 days ago

Take the tape and replay it at half speed. You still can't make out half of what they say, but I'm sure it'll sound twice as amusing.

// crae_zzz / 575 weeks and 4 days ago

By the "end" of my day they all begin to sound like they are talking to me in slow motion. (my ears begin to fall asleep on them)

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 4 days ago

And here we go with the silly repeats:

Of Monsters And Men - Mountain Sound

// Dor_work / 575 weeks and 3 days ago

That's a better song than their first one though.

More new music: Jessie J ft. Big Sean & Dizzee Rascal - Wild [link]. I don't particularly like this song, but Dizzee's is quite good as always.

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmm, I've never heard of him? [link] (he's not bad at all)

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay that explains it, UK? [link]

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 3 days ago

British indeed.

More new music: David Guetta ft. Ne-Yo & Akon - Play Hard [link]. It may not sound familiar, but this track is like 90% ripped off from either Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone [link] or DJ jurgen featuring said Alice Deejay and the same title: [link].

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 2 days ago

"Mijn" Dutch DJ definitely knows the good stuffezzz... (I prefer that last link the bestest and I'm familiar w/ that version) I've not heard anything w/ Akon in a long time. Then again life has been beating me up so I've not been listening to music as much as you know that I used to (cept the garbage at work that plays over and over again on that cheap radio)

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 2 days ago

Speaking of life beating people up, I've got some more new stuff, but this heat is making me dead tired. Must be getting old...

// crae_zzz / 575 weeks and 1 day ago

Getting old? You already know you were born old (which means by now you are ancient)

Go DJ!, cuz dat my DJ

Go DJ!, cuz dat my DJ

Go DJ!, cuz dat my DJ


// Doreen / 575 weeks and 1 day ago

The mind is old, the body wasn't always. And I think I heard it through the grapevine that young Mr. Wayne stopped doing music. Or was that just gossip?

More new stuff: Major Lazer ft. Busy Signal, The Flexican & FS Green [link], in which they thought it appropriate to use an air raid siren. Music is so so, but it has weird dancing.

// craeonics / 575 weeks and 15 hours ago

Oh stop it old man there are babies that don't even last but a few days on this earth so we have to ignore "age" and enjoy each minute (when possible)

As for Mr. Wayne I doubt he will stop doing music what else is he going do? gang bang?

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 12 hours ago

Hmmm, I thought the music was goed! The dancing looks like the typical booty tease over here on this end (which is nothing new)

// Doreen / 575 weeks and 12 hours ago

I thought Mr. Wayne was concentrating on skateboarding or something. This was some time ago though.

Weekend, so not hearing much music. Time to dig up a classic that gets airplay only once every three years or so: Grauzone - Eisbär [link]

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 6 days ago

I'm clueless what that is but it definetely has an 80's vibe or something...

/me is listening to the guys outside my window cutting down some of the trees in the back! (of which I'm not happy about)

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 6 days ago

No, not the trees! Some people buy a house with a garden and then remove all the plants and pave everything up. To which I say: if you don't want a garden then don't buy a house with one.

The second related video on the right to that Eisbär song is Forever Young. However, since I'm introducing you to obscure stuff, "ll pick the third vid, which is from the 90s: Mo-Do - Eins, Zwei, Polizei [link] (it's a bloody nursery rhyme, the 90s had its lows).

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 5 days ago

They only took down one eucalyptus tree (thank God) or I would have had to go run outside and tie myself to a tree to stop them from cutting another one down! I love those trees I can smell them at night when I open up my window and they help me fall asleep in like 5 mins flat no matter how hectic my days are...

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 5 days ago

Wat in ze world iz dat stuffezzz? Well, whatever it is, it is goed! (and very different)

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 5 days ago

"Good" is not the word I would use to describe that.

Meanwhile, we've almost got a heatwave going on. My productivity is inversely related to the temmperature, so basically all I can do now is lament on the coach.

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 4 days ago

Well, judging from all that poor spelling up there I can see you are seriously being affected by that heat wave (which by the way having peeked at what you are crying about is our "normal" temps!)

When we have a heat wave we hit triple digit numbers (you'd actually kick the bucket)

/me hands you a cold wet towel to sleep with...

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 4 days ago

That towel was lukewarm by the time it got here. My typing is getting progressively worse the more I type (strange enough). Now the real crazies are the cats who've decided to lay down in the warmest room in the house. Ofcourse I too am there, since that's where my TV's at.

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 3 days ago

/me packs the cold wet towel in a bag of ice this time and shoots it across the ocean to mijn dutchy. (It's about 86 degrees right now at 7:30ish and it's pretty cool to me) you dutch can't handle a lil heat? hehe

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 3 days ago

I'm dying out here. However, the weatherfolk have predicted thunder and lightning for today, so I'm humming Amon Amarth tunes in advance.

// crae_work / 574 weeks and 2 days ago

Well then send me some of that in a bag and shoot it across the ocean to me!

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 2 days ago

It was only short, mild rain along the coast here. So you can have Amon Amarth, since humming their tunes isn't working for me. You can even take a pick: An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm [link] (intro good, rest so-so) or North Sea Storm [link] (much better, has the rotating bass thing I like)

Storms along the coast here look like this: [link]. I can't find any video that does it justice, but it's a mighty sight to behold in person.

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 1 day ago

Dutchy what is that ice? Or foam? Strange.

As for the music I hear "that" particular music and instantly connect it w/ you silly...

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 21 hours ago

What in the world is that? Salt, foam?

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 21 hours ago

It's foam. Surely storm along the coast on your end has waves like these as well. Just went on a wild goose chase and it turns sea foam (over here) is the produce of microscopic plants that live in the sea. The only wiki pages on it are in French: [link] or Finnish. But apparently it's harmless stuff that makes the beach over here look like a big foam party during storms.

// craeonics / 574 weeks and 15 hours ago

You won't believe me I know but, out of nowhere in the middle of the night I was awakened out of my sleep by pounding rain, hail, thunder and lightning and they forecast thunder and lightning today as well so maybe Amon Amarth works better for me than you? hehe

Too bad I have to get my behind out the door for work...

My browser on my phone stopped working again and the county machines are on lock down for all county employees to access the internet hence why I have been coming here to visit you less and less. I'm wiped out from work.

// Doreen / 574 weeks and 12 hours ago

You're supposed to work at work, not surf the web.

But allow me to revitalise things with some fresh new music.

The four pranksters are back. This time they use a bass that's rather catchy if you've heard the song often enough, and a slightly distorted melody. The further the song progresses, the more distorted the melody becomes, until you end up with pure noise: De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig - De Formule [link].

// craeonics / 573 weeks and 6 days ago

Ohhhh is that true Mr. crae_work??? Anyways, I keep getting something that says "bad gateway" (I think that is the error msg)

And fyi, these days I only spend about 10 mins online to pay a few bills, look at phone themes and come to visit "you" cuz when I don't I freaking miss mijn invisible dutchy (which is totally annoying to me)

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 6 days ago

But no more annoying than this msg I just got when I clicked on your link:

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

/me goes hit the shower and then hit the mall...

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 6 days ago

Audio only version: [link] (from their label, so it could still be region locked).

Bad Gateway (502) suggests your not directly connected to the internet, but are going through a proxy of sorts instead.

Anyways, we just had a thunderstorm over here (not much storm, a bit more thunder). It managed to quell the high humidity a bit, so my trip to La La Land will be swift.

// crae_zzz / 573 weeks and 6 days ago

I still like Watskeburt much better but it was still goed. And you can thank me for that thunder storm since I sent you the tail end of our storm that we recently had.

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 5 days ago

Watskeburt was ten years ago. Shenkie is still king: [link]

As for the weather, these temperatures are much more bearable, plus I don't have to water the plants on the balcony no more.

// craeonics / 573 weeks and 5 days ago

Ten years ago? Ten years is beginning to feel like a month? Time is passing so quickly.

Thank God the weather on this side is calm and overcast as well cuz I only had two hours of sleep and feel like yuk so I'm going to jump in bed and go visit la la land all day (and this weather will definitely help)

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 5 days ago

The weather is yuck. It's way to humid over here, even though it has rained.

// crae_work / 573 weeks and 4 days ago

So the bossy colleague who only wants to listen to old fogey radio is on a holiday (week two of three), so we've flicked on Belgian radio again (because that has much less chatter than Dutch channels). And what do they play?

Yellow Claw & The Opposites - Thunder [link]

I have never, ever heard this song on any Dutch channel, and here the Belgians are playing it on an arty farty station. I am so amused right now, but it would require me to write a freaking book to explain the how and why.

// craeonics / 573 weeks and 4 days ago

Interesting, they've certainly changed their style and are apparently trying new things? I see a few elements/styles merged together in some strange attempt at what? I don't know? But they are not the same as before.(niet goed)

// Dor_zzz / 573 weeks and 3 days ago

It's a plain old fashion gabber track, mostly. There's some more stuff out that is more to your liking, but I'll look it up when I'm back.

// crae_work / 573 weeks and 3 days ago

Got to make an exception here, because the radio is playing great stuff. No, it's not Forever Young, its...


* craeonics is listening to: The Prodigy - Out of Space

// crae_work / 573 weeks and 3 days ago

Catchy bass, disturbing video: Breach - Jack [link] (and disturbing not in a gruesome way, but they do something with hair that is creepy).

// craeonics / 573 weeks and 3 days ago

What in the world!? We are like an old married couple you are turning into me and me into you?

I'm so tired and beat up from my day I will have to come back and check all that out later tonight if I don't pass out first...

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 3 days ago

While you go crash, I'll be at work working. Got the whole room to myself today, so I can play my own tunes. Not sure if fit to put on demons in forests though.


* craeonics is listening to: The Clash - Rock the Casbah

// crae_work / 573 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm, while I crash, you'll be at work working?

/me pictures you on top of your desk dancing...

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 2 days ago

As for that last link you posted w/ the overload of hair, at least it did have a catchy bass (and good dance moves) but whomever put that together must have been frying on acid or shrooms...

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 2 days ago

That video was crazy.

There are no good metal stations, so I went for drum 'n bass instead. Not very good mixes either, but at least it had a fast beat. One more day (today) and I have the week off again.

// crae_work / 573 weeks and 1 day ago

I could work the 4/40 but I decided to remain on the 9/80 (so I'm off every other Friday) as it is because LA is so far w/ my current work schedule I'm away 12 hours a day cuz of the commute. Nasty thing "work" is and I highly doubt us females were suppose to handle the load we handle in today's world. I'm half dead right now but I'm off for three days now...

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 12 hours ago

What is most sad is that my son Gino is mad at me cuz he wants me to go to w/ him and his friends to mount pine which is the highest point and there are ppl w/ massive expensive powered telescopes to view the planets and stars etc. (He's into this stuff obsessively) but I've not a drop of energy for a 3 hour one way commute to get there w/ them so I have to pass. He means well but I'm dead tired and when I'm off work it's only to recharge my batteries I don't even have enough juice left to try to recharge them by having fun.

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 11 hours ago

I have just recently found new respect for old ppl now that I am becoming one! hehe

// Doreen / 573 weeks and 11 hours ago

I could look up some old people music, but that would cause me to fall asleep. That Mount Pine thing is best done on your day off, otherwise you'll just fall asleep behind the wheel.

If you have a twelve hour work day, how long is that commute then?

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 6 days ago

I work 9 hrs a day (but the commute is 1 and 1/2 hour each way) hence my total time away from my kids is 12 hrs. Not to mention that I work in a shark tank during those 9 hrs so I'm not feeling up to doing much when I get back home...

Anyways, mijn dutchy enjoy your week off I hope you have fun (but not too much fun!)

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 6 days ago

To get your thoughts way from that aquarium, ome ne music.

I don't think I like a single one of this guy's songs, but it may be your cup of tea: Avicii - Wake me up [link]. It may seem to start as a country song, but it's plain old vocal trance.

// crae_zzz / 572 weeks and 6 days ago

Ack! Nope, not really my cup of tea but speaking of tea I think I'm going to make me some right now...

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 5 days ago

The rest of the new stuff is done by people whose names I can't remember. So for today, some old Rammstein instead: Reise Reise [link] (which apparently is either about whaling or battle at sea).

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm okeee but I think you should be listening to some of this instead:


(but then you'd not be the dutchy I recognize by sounds I suppose) hehe

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 3 days ago

And let's not forget that this netbook has no bass.

/me enters a random 90s track into YouTube... and two clicks later we find: N-Trance - Set you free [link] ('94, my god, that old already)

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 3 days ago

And Chingy is as old as the hills now already too. Anyways, I've not heard that tune you posted ever.

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 3 days ago

What? I post it every six months. It's a reliable two or three clicks away from most music on YouTube.

And, going from there we find... Dune - I can't stop raving [link] ('95).

Some notes on this: 1) typical no-budget early 90s house video; 2) typical (rather annoying) fake English accent on the vocals, even though it's a German outfit.

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 2 days ago

If you post that every six months you either are posting it somewhere else or I must be developing senile dementia now...

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay so I can see why you would like that one but I'm running completely on empty at the moment so that fast beat is even too exhausting to listen to.

/me goes crawl into my bed...

// Dor_zzz / 572 weeks and 1 day ago

Slower beats for Mrs Sleepyhead. Going from Dune, we find... Adamski ft. Seal - Killer [link]. Even though Seal only provided vocals on this track, it did become his breakthrough record. The other guy was never heard from again (or at least over here).

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 1 day ago

Now that's more like it mijn Dutch DJ (I've not heard Seal around for a while come to think of it)

// Doreen / 572 weeks and 1 day ago

Enchanting flute (or something running around in that bg)


// Doreen / 572 weeks and 23 hours ago

It's quite hard to get to N-Trance from Kiss from a Rose.

Twenty jumps later I do end up at: Bingo Players - Cry (just a little) [link], which is perhaps more familiar to you in the later Flo-Rida version. Not completely retarded comments on that video for some strange reason.

// craeonics / 572 weeks and 17 hours ago

Yeah I'm a bit familiar w/ that one.

/me goes crawl into my bed to visit la la land...

// Dor_zzz / 571 weeks and 6 days ago

Going from that so-so song, we find... Lykke Li - I follow rivers [link].

Some more or less local band did a ho-hum cover of this [link] and every thirty plus year old at my work ran with that version ("oh, they used coffee spoons, it's so cute and artistic"), while the original is much better.

It also follows my theory that covers tend to be slowed down versions of the original.

// craeonics / 571 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm slight Timbaland and Nelly Furtado vibes running through it but overall that was goed! (why do I get the feeling that your nose looks like that guys in that vid?) hehe

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 6 days ago

Okeee me cannot stomach that second link/version...

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 6 days ago

My thoughts exactly. That cover is what we call over here "lifted over the horse" (really not that good, but people hype it for reasons I do not know).

Moving on to the present (been playing games all day, it's almost morning and I still need to make dinner), something new with bass: Tinie Tempah ft. 2 Chainz - Trampoline [link]

// crae_zzz / 571 weeks and 6 days ago

Meanwhile on this end I've been watching a Dexter marathon off to la la land and I'll check that link out tomorrow...

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 5 days ago

Mmmm dat definitely has some goed bangin bass in there mijn dutchy...

However I've got to finish up these Dexter DVD's before tomorrow so I can return them back to the person who lent them to me from work.

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 5 days ago

It took me forever to actually get hooked on it and at first I had some kind of dislike of it and could not relate to why everyone else liked this TV series but now I'm hooked.

Check it out: [link] (do you get this on that side of the ocean?)

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 5 days ago

I think I posted the wrong link for you dutchy check it out here better: [link]

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 5 days ago

Alright, where is mijn dutchy? /me cast an evil spell from my fingertips to zap your gaming console! (and then runs back to watch another episode of Dexter)

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 5 days ago

/me avoids Dexter

Back at work and what does the Belgian station play?


* craeonics is listening to: 50 Cent - Candyshop

// crae_work / 571 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmmm a Belgian station playing 50 Cent?

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 3 days ago

Yep. Don't tell me you expect them to limit things to Belgian stuff only. But we're back to Dutch stations with chatty DJs making dumb jokes again, though not the worst of those stations.

// craeonics / 571 weeks and 3 days ago

Ummm yeah, if I turn on a Spanish station I expect to hear Spanish music and if I turn on a Belgian station I seriously do not expect to hear 50 Cent!

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 3 days ago

Interesting preconceptions. Music is a global thing.


* craeonics is listening to: Kim Wilde - View from a Bridge

// crae_work / 571 weeks and 2 days ago

I'm afraid not, if you were to come over here you'd not hear one radio station playing a single Dutch tune nor would you be able to find any Dutch music in our music stores. The only place you'd possibly hear anything Dutch related would be at my house and it would be The Opposites and that's if I could find my CD I recently came across the fold out poster that came with the CD and I have no idea why I still have that ridiculous thing! The real question is I'd like to know where I put my CD!

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 2 days ago

Ack! That View from a Bridge is *____* (insert disgusting word there)

/me runs off to toss on another episode of Dexter...

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 2 days ago

What? Are my eyes deceiving me? View from a Bridge is her best song!

// crae_work / 571 weeks and 1 day ago

If that is her best song I don't ever want to hear her worse song!

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 1 day ago

What I'm gong to be listening too alllll night longgg:


// Doreen / 571 weeks and 1 day ago

Mmmm actually that is the first I've ever heard the "full" soundtrack? I normally only hear the intro before the episode begins? It's pretty goed!

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 1 day ago

/me kicks Dexter out of this thread

The only audio going on here is a purring cat on my lap.

// craeonics / 571 weeks and 15 hours ago

/me drags Dexter and his blood slides back into this thread...

(I'm upset cuz I'm on the last DVD now) and what I find so disturbing is how the writer manages to make everyone like this serial killer? hehe

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 11 hours ago

/me digs a hole, kicks Dexter into it and fills it up

Last DVD means end of the show or end of this season?

// crae_zzz / 571 weeks and 3 hours ago

I've got the last DVD for the seventh season so I'm not sure. I was originally adamant about not watching that stupid series cuz it looked stupid to me the guy is boring and talks in his head through the entire show but someone at work forced me to watch it and after forcing myself through 5 episodes I got somehow got hooked? Now I'm upset that I'm on the last DVD!

Dutchy you have to watch it I'm going to watch the last one tonight (been busy all day w/ appts and all that fun stuff)

// Doreen / 571 weeks and 2 hours ago


// Doreen / 571 weeks and 2 hours ago

I say it's Stockholm Syndrome.

This song is stupid: Martin Garrix - Animals [link], as is the video. Song slowly builds up to something, then comes to a screeching halt each and every time.

// craeonics / 570 weeks and 6 days ago

Probably, but I tend to get over "Syndromes" quite easily. (so I should be safe)

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 6 days ago

Zo zo, nothing special there. Where are all the good tunes lately?

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 6 days ago

The Thunder tune is good, or so I think. You know how these things come in phases of dry and plenty.

// craeonics / 570 weeks and 5 days ago

Real thunder is better than any tune on earth. And me is listening to so many different birds chirping out side my window right now it's just unreal how noisy they can be when you actually "open" up your ears to listening to them all...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 5 days ago

The crows are most prominent, then there are some that are simply annoying they have shocking electric type chirps and some that sound so enchanting that I always think they are not even real (they are completely soothing like a certain music or something)

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 5 days ago

Doreen the bird lady. Aside from birds we seem to have cats in heat here. Screaming (I can't even call it meowing anymore) loudly in the middle of the night.

// craeonics / 570 weeks and 4 days ago

Okay letzzz not start with name calling.

Slaap lekker mijn cat man...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 4 days ago

Flashback to the 80s. I used to watch this series. Not because I wanted to watch it. I wanted to see something that came after it (but I can't remember what).


* craeonics is listening to: Irene Cara - Fame

// crae_work / 570 weeks and 3 days ago

Moving back to demons in forests, apparently I missed out on Burzum's final metal track: [link] (don't worry, it's instrumental) and his latest (non-metal) album. Any future material will be more ambient/electronic stuff, like he has released before.

I really, really prefer his old stuff over the ambient stuff. Then again, he couldn't be making the same type of music forever.

// crae_zzz / 570 weeks and 3 days ago

Uh oh there's the "B" word I should have just run for cover but my morbid curiosity got me as usual and I still don't know what it is about him but even his so called ambient stuff sound extremely disturbing to me. (that guy simply gives me the creeps)

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 3 days ago

Even the word?

Burrrzummmm, Yikes!

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 3 days ago

Anyways, big huge beautiful full moon outside my window and a dog barking in the distance.

/me goes hop into la la land early tonight...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 2 days ago

That's not a dog. That's a wolf howling. Today I have the office to myself (aside from colleagues barging in all the time), so the radio is mine!

// crae_work / 570 weeks and 2 days ago

/me figures since you posted nothing you simply locked the office door and then fell asleep at your desk after that post...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 2 days ago

I listened to demons in forests' stations all day long. The only problem is that said genre is quite broad and they managed to play only crap or half-decent tracks.

Fun time is over though. Back to old fogey radio.


* craeonics is listening to: The Spin Doctors - 2 Princess

// crae_work / 570 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm listening to my fan it's been a bit warm (in the 90's) again. I was going to reactivate my satellite radio but I don't want to pay that monthly bill and besides there's a new phone being released tomorrow! (I'd rather spend my money that way)

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 23 hours ago

Taking the day to recharge my batteries and get ready for my new position. I've accepted an offer to go be a secretary to two Probation Officers so I'm finally leaving the Medical Center and moving on to better and bigger things! (wish me luck)

Something to calm my nerves:


// Doreen / 570 weeks and 10 hours ago

I knew it.

If I were a Japanese cartoon character, I would now push my glasses up a bit, at which point they would shine omninously, thus obscuring my eyes, while my face would be covered in a certain shadow, and I would say "yahari" (which means "I knew it").

This warrants an example, but I can't find anything relevant.

// craeonics / 570 weeks and 10 hours ago

And probation officers? You're leaving the county organisation then or just moving to a different branch. You move fast these days. Good for you.

// craeonics / 570 weeks and 10 hours ago

Thank you mijn dutchy, nope, not leaving the County but leaving DHS (Department of Health Services) I've only known DHS and the Medical Center I've never ventured out of that Dept. But, remember I told you a while back I took an exam and passed it and was placed on the Secretary Series list for Sec II, III, IV and V? I suddenly began to get a flood of calls inviting me to interviews for various outside depts such as DPSS, DMH, DCFS and DPS and I decided to peek out of my comfort zone and see what is out there and I had alot of offers! However, I didn't want to go further into downtown LA where all the madness is (cuz the Med Center is on the outskirts of LA not bam smack in the center) and, of course all the offers are all in the heart of LA. =(

Anyways, to make a long story short most recently I went on an interview, two Probation Officers interviewed me and when I got back to the hospital and began working they called me right away and I explained to them I needed time to think on it = "Hell no, I'm scared to death to come over to you two guys"

Then a few days ago they called me back at work again and asked me if I thought on it some more and then I thought I need to get over my stupid fears so I said YES! Now, they simply need to run a background check on me (FBI Livescan) of which I'm so boring it should be squeeky clean and then HR will call me w/ my release date! He said two weeks or so.

Of course, I'm freaking out but, the worse that can happen is I die of a heart attack and then I don't have to show up! or I don't die of a heart attack caused by my fear and it all works out.

There is a lot of opportunity to continue to promote in that department on various secretary levels so I have to take this leap. And I'm going to go on good faith...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 7 hours ago

OMG! Sorry! Welll you asked...

// Doreen / 570 weeks and 7 hours ago

"So we ran this check on you and we found you talk a lot with random bunnies on the internet. Can you explain that?"

Long story short: moving into secretary territory has been a lot of long and hard work, but seems to have really paid off for you. As opposed to the report generating you used to do before.

And you get out more instead of being cooked up inside all the time. Which is important (and yes, that's coming out of the mouth of someone who never goes anywhere).

// craeonics / 569 weeks and 6 days ago

Not random, mainly a dutch one. Hmmm come to think of it if they check out some of the links I've dropped here and find out my taste in music that could jeopardize me!

To be honest dutchy I've regretted having taken that exam because now that I've opened that door I have to keep forcing myself to walk through it or it would be foolish (but it's not been comfortable at all for me)

And now I've got to deal w/ breaking the news to Chief I'm currently secretary for, when he returns from his vacation over in Italy on Monday (as well as his division heads under him) they won't have any help for at least 6 months or longer knowing that funky med center. But I'm creating a structured electronic network for them all to share so they won't be left in the dust. Hopefully, if I do this right all they will miss is my coffee when I make my exit.

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 6 days ago

I've not been down to the Angel Stadium in about 10 years for a Harvest but one of the lead singers apparently broke his nose and apparently Flyleaf will be filling that void so me will be listening to this later on:


// Doreen / 569 weeks and 6 days ago

I do not know who that is, but it sounds like talking to imaginary overlords, so it can exit through that door right over there.

One thing I'd like to add though, is that moving up in the world is fine, but I find that it's the polite thing to do stick around for more than a couple of months at a job before hopping to another.

Then again, I move around as much as a tree.

Seagulls are making a racket outside again. It always reminds me of this 80s group (whom I don't particularly fancy): [link]

// craeonics / 569 weeks and 5 days ago

In LA County you don't have a choice to be polite you need to move and promote quickly because you take the test and if you pass it you are only on the list for one year and then the list expires. Depending on the County's budget they could either throw a hard freeze in which nobody can move or promote and/or if the budget goes bad they don't reopen the exams for several years.

When I go over to Probation if, in 3 months I get a call to interview for Sec V I would have to go interview even if I don't want to because the list I am on will expire in March 2014. (I'm currently Sec III) not something I want to go through again but it's foolish to start something you don't plan on following up with I suppose.

As for Flyleaf I don't know what happened to her not only did I not recognize her music but she changed her appearance so drastically I didn't even know that was her when she preformed!

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 5 days ago

That Flock of Seagulls you posted I remembered that my friends all liked them (I was not into that)

Aren't these stupid commercials now to check out music vids just the most annoying thing ever!!! Argh!!!

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 5 days ago

So it's "hollen of stilstaan", as we say over here ("run or stand still").

The commercial thing is strange. I don't recall ever getting them on this machine, but plenty of them at work. Probably tinkered with settings here.

// craeonics / 569 weeks and 5 days ago

Party's over. Work begins anew.


* craeonics is listening to: Duran Duran - A View to a Kill

// crae_work / 569 weeks and 4 days ago

You probably have a blocker I've not had much time to fiddle around on my desktop machine but I don't think anything in YouTubeland is without commercials and popup ads now. It's horrible that everything on the internet is commercialized now...

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 4 days ago

It may be a cookie setting perhaps and not a blocker. Not sure. We old dinosaurs predate the commercialised web. The "good old days".

// crae_work / 569 weeks and 3 days ago

Or it could be we have more commercials then you have on that side?

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 3 days ago

A sharp observation. Commercials tend to be targetted, so that could be the case, indeed. Though I cannot to tell at who those ever-repeating car ads they play on the radio are aimed. They are structurally lame and get progressively lamer with each incarnation.

And no, me becoming an old crank has nothing to do with that.

// crae_work / 569 weeks and 2 days ago

Shut up yes, I got a new phone. I was unable to come visit you Mr old crank cuz I was running a beta iOS on my old phone. This phone is stock and stable.

// Dor_work / 569 weeks and 2 days ago

Enjoy your new gizmo.

I, for some reason, have "Party in the USA" stuck in my head. The horror, the horror...

// crae_zzz / 569 weeks and 2 days ago

I love my gizmo!

I love my gizmo!

I love my gizmo!

And I even found the perfect flip-case that is the perfect shade of pink! (kinda soft mauve)

/me stops to ponder why there is no tune named "Party in the Netherlands?"

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 2 days ago

Because it's party all day every day over here (naturally).


* craeonics is listening to: Level 42 - Lessons in Love

// crae_work / 569 weeks and 1 day ago

Which most likely you are out partying right now whilst I am melting in triple digit heat over here!

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 1 day ago

It's more like I'm getting ready to get in line at the supermarket for my groceries. I live in a neighbourhood primarily composed of dinosaurs, so you can imagine that my trips to the supermarket are mostly composed of them slowing things down and blocking my way.

// craeonics / 569 weeks and 15 hours ago

/me hands you my grocery list so you can shop for me as well... It's only 9:30am and already 87 degrees (which means we should hit 107 today)

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 9 hours ago

I'm seriously missing sweater weather!

// Doreen / 569 weeks and 9 hours ago

You go do your own groceries. I'm trying to get some sleep and some bird decides to go "caw caw" on my balcony for five mintutes straight. Even my cats went "meow, shut up already".

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

/me comes visit you but as usual you're in la la land...

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

More like I was in Game Land. Just completed Tomb Raider [link] (which was good) and pondering on what to play next. I hate Studio Ghibli with a vengeance, but I think I will start with their Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch [link].

But first, the pointy eared monsters demand food.

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

Oh no games! Sammy has been in gameland allll day shooting something (probably zombies again) anyways, I've got more important things to do such as look at this:

Just when you think you've seen the most adorable animal there is yet another one!


// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe OMG! the last part of the vid when you see the front view of him walking is so adorable I could die! I've only seen the gray ones not the white ones, I was cuddling one at the pet store 146.00 not expensive but they are little poop machines and my days of being a slave for anyone or anything is OVER no matter how adorable and cute! (but I still like to cuddle for 5 mins and then get over it)

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmmm that game of yours looks like a cartoon (poor graphics) but then Amion was a bit like that and I was flying around in that game with my wings for months so I suppose whatever floats your boat...

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

How did that m get in there? Anyways, look! New wings! But I don't want to be a slave to that either anymore (as tempting as it looks)


// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

What in the world!? Check out 1:04 Butterfly wings!

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 6 days ago

I think I hear Aion calling you.

And I know just the tune to go with that: The Cure - A Forest (it even works acoustically). There are a few more songs about eerie voices from beyond, like: Bathory - Call from the Grave [link] (beware: early, non-viking material) or ofcourse my favourite: Burzum - Stemmen fra Taarnet [link] (Voice from the Tower).

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 5 days ago

Aion can call me all it wants (I flirted w/ that temptation about 30 mins) but instead of spending 12 hours babysiting and cursing at the download I did laundry and cleaned out my closet and got more productive things done. Besides for me, gaming is not good when it's triple digit heat but rather when it's raining and cold outside.

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 5 days ago

No Burrrzummm for me! But Mmmm mmmm mmmmm no matter what version there is jussss no way this song can be done wrong!

Yumm! [link]

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 5 days ago

I'm watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and why oh whyyyy do I have no doubt in my mind you would love this movie? Argh!

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 5 days ago

It's no good compared to true wuxia flics. The wire work is especially sloppy (they're supposed to be running on walls and trees, not floating slightly above them).

I turn on the radio at work and I hear:


* craeonics is listening to: Alphaville - Forever Young

// crae_work / 568 weeks and 4 days ago

No work on this side (Holiday)

/me goes hit the mall early for Holiday sales!

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 4 days ago

Think of all the mall personel. They never get the holidays off.

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 4 days ago

Hmm, when I'm in my lil shopping frenzy that would be the last thing I would think about...

// Dor_zzz / 568 weeks and 4 days ago

And the shop clerks go "oh my god, it's that Doreen woman again. She's going to bug us on new phones and gadgets all day long".

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah I'm good on that for now or atleast until they announce the new iphone next week...

// Dor_work / 568 weeks and 3 days ago

I now imagine you like some sort of Gollum going all "shiny, shiny, give us the preciousss".

// crae_work / 568 weeks and 2 days ago

The question isssss will that new iPhone come in pink and most importantly in the righttttt shinyyyy, shinyyyyy colorrrr of pinkkkk. (not some obnoxious tacky bright and loud color of pink)

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 2 days ago

Now there's the thing. To us guys there's only one type of pink. To you gals you marshmallow pink, strawberry pink, and so on.

Meanwhile it's September and still scorchingly hot.

// craeonics / 568 weeks and 1 day ago

Please, what is it over there 70/75 degrees? On this side the humidity is through the roof and we are sizzling in triple digit heat w/ electricity problems all over Cali...

// Doreen / 568 weeks and 1 hour ago

Different kind of heat. When it's hot this far north, it gets unbearable. Same or higher temperatures further south are much more manageable.

The good thing is that we had a thunderstorm (I still don't know why it's called "storm" in English) with no rain yesterday. The rain came after the "storm" had passed.

Which leads me to:


* craeonics is listening to: The Prodigy - Thunder [link]

// craeonics / 567 weeks and 6 days ago

And I just realised there is a synth going "meow meow" in that song. They should do a kitty remix.

// craeonics / 567 weeks and 6 days ago

hehe silly, I wonder if your cats picked up on that too?

/me goes try to get in gear for this day. (it's already hot and I've had enough of this heat)

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 6 days ago

Move to Alaska?

I don't think I've ever seen the cats listen to music. The thing they like to watch though, is nature documentaries.

// craeonics / 567 weeks and 5 days ago

One more day I may have considered that, but I think the heatwave broke today, it's still hot but it feels almost tolerable now...

/me wonders what your cats do when you blaze that Burzum stuff? I highly doubt they don't have some sort of reaction.

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 5 days ago

They sleep through it, I kid you not. They pay no attention to the music I play.

// crae_work / 567 weeks and 4 days ago

Most likely unbeknown to you they've stuffed lil fur balls into their ears...

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 4 days ago

Seeing that they are little devils, they probably like it.

Was I complaining about high temperatures? Mother Nature did a 180 and it's full on autumn now. I got trenched to the bone by torrential rainfall when I rode back from work. But it gets worse: parents are on a holiday, so I have to get out there again to feed their cats. Suffice to say: I am not amused.

// craeonics / 567 weeks and 3 days ago

/me hands mijn dutchy a warm towel...

Stop complaining and get to that catsitting! I almost picture you blowing on a flute and having a trail of dancing cats following you?

/me goes listen to what our pres is talking about on TV are we going to war again or what is this?

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 3 days ago

Okay, is it my monitor? Or what funky shade of pink is that!?


Come on ppl get it right!!!

Blush pink!

Blush pink!

Blush pink!

Not tacky pink!!!

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 3 days ago

All shades of pink are tacky, are they not?

My parents' cats want nothing to do with me. They hide when I'm around. Scarety cats they are.

// crae_work / 567 weeks and 2 days ago

Nope, only 99% are tacky and you've no idea what I have to go through to find that 1% on the item I want to buy in the right shade of pink that I like (I'm so picky it's ridiculous)

And I wonder why your parents cats want nothing to do w/ you? As much as your parents vacation and travel and you catsit for them it seems they are more your cats then theirs!

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 1 day ago

Today is the last day of catsitting. And they still want nothing to do with me.

It's barely noon and the neighbour is watching and discussing videos of him playing SingStar (karaoke game) with his friends.

// craeonics / 567 weeks and 16 hours ago

You must be a horrible catsitter or something (they should have bonded w/ you by now!) hehe

Stop be eaves dropping on that neighbor of yours (you might hear other things you will wish you never heard)

I was up until past midnight watching a flick called Django by Quentin Tarantino a must see and worth feeling like death warmed over from my lack of sleep today.

/me goes get busy in this day (Mall day!!!)

// Doreen / 567 weeks and 10 hours ago

The cats are just suspicious for no good reason.

And the walls here are thinner than I'd prefer.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 6 days ago

I'd continue to tease you about your Mom's cats but my Mother has two of her own, one she saved his name is Snowball and it was an abandoned kitten she brought back from knocking on death's door by feeding it w/ an eyedropper. The other one a friend tossed at her because she could no longer keep it and my Mother felt bad for her friend and the cat so she adopted it. She won't say it verbally and she'd be lying if she said she does not favor one over the other but she clearly favors the one she fed w/ an eyedropper (that is her baby) and me and my sister and brother know that cat Snowball is more loved than us at times! hehe

Anyways, it goes like this "every time" I go visit my Mom. I walk into their pad and hug and kiss my Mom and Dad (get all the formalities out of the way)

Then I proceed to find a place to sit that is not covered w/ cat hair, Snowball then "slowlyyy" walks out of my Mom's room into the living room to see what is all the commotion and to greet me in his usual fashion which is always the same.

Me: I put my hand out so he can come to me.

Snowball: He looks up into my eyes slowly approaching me and blinking slowly like he just don't care and is totally uninterested however, he feels obligated to greet me to make my Mother happy.

Me: I'm still holding my hand out for him to come to me so I can pet him and his fluffy fur.

Snowball: He finally approaches me still staring into my eyes, sniffs my hand but will not let me pet him at first but rather he then proceeds to rub against my legs repeatedly (putting a ton of hair all over on my cloths!) and then looks back up at me and walks away back into my Mother's room never to be seen again during my entire visit.

The other cat is completely invisible I always tell my Mom where is the other cat? (oh he is hiding)

Same ritual everyyyy time...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 6 days ago

The rubbing across the legs thing is marking you as theirs. Cats are a possessive lot. My cats hide too when people visit, except for some who they've seen a lot.

New music, not my thing, but has a crazy video: Arcade Fire - Reflektor [link]. Let it go on for a bit, the music gets bearable near the third minute.

I just noted who directed it. It's the same guy who "designed" a logo for my town (read: doodled something crap on a tissue) and got 300k for it.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 5 days ago

Welll, that was indeed a strange vid w/ the walking disco ball guy and the big heads (but I liked it) the drummer saved it music wise...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 5 days ago

I've no idea why the decent worship tunes seem to have a light county vibe underneath it:


/me goes float around today w/ the laundry...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 5 days ago

It's because everyone making worship tunes is from deep in the woods.

More new music. This song stinks (may be because of the haircut): The Weeknd - Belong to the World [link] (and I wasn't aware it has a near three minute intro).

However, note the crazy drumline. That's a direct rip from Portishead's Machine Gun [link]. now that song is three minutes of very loud machine-like drumming, the usual haunting singing and a very, very bleak synth at the end.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 5 days ago

I ended up today going to my Mom's to install a new printer for her and my Dad. The easy part is the installation the hard part is trying to show them how to use the software and how to scan, fax etc. (and of course I'm now covered in cat hair)

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

Umm, yes that intro is too much torture the hair style is distracting and the final playout of the tune (if you can survive the intro) is not worth the payoff...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

Ack second link is just plain boring dutchy...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

That's because you have no taste. Having to play sysop at your parents is just karmic justice.

More new music, Ms. Gaga's latest: Lady Gaga - Applause [link]. The intro builds up to something and her singing in that bit is fair enough, but then the main chorus hits and I'm like "hmm, not all that".

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

/me pokes you in your eyeball! Then goes jump on that link of yours...

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

I don't know, I was getting a bit bored with her madness for a while and stopped paying any attention to her and that one just made me like her again. (I thought it was pretty goed!)

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

Argh! Now you got me jumping links and of course nothing topped her poker face:


// Doreen / 566 weeks and 4 days ago

Poker Face reminds me of: Boney M - Ma Baker [link] (1976).

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 3 days ago

Where do you find this crazy stuff? I've never seen or heard that one before but it most definitely sounds like Lady Gaga ripped that tune off royally...

And of course me is listening to the sounds of the latest release of GTA V (and I may have to go see what madness is in that game)

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 3 days ago

Boney M was massive over here in the late 70s, early 80s. It's one of those phenomena you think everyone knows but turns out to be a local thing. It's like how on-one knows W.A.R over here (except perhaps MadIce).

The guy with the big afro, Bobby Farrell, (died a few years ago) was quite the character: [link] (I despise that talkshow host, so this is great).

All members of the group were shafted by the producers. Farrell ended up in a little flat in an apartment complex in a shady neighbourhood, I think. The video of Roger Sanchez' "Turn up the Music" [link] is a tribute to the man (and features him dancing). Great track, by the way.

As for GTA, I will wait until the price drops. I'm greedy.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmm, official it may be, but it's not the full video. This one has the text explaining things at the beginning and the end: [link]

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 2 days ago

Ohhhhh myyyyy God! That Boney guy is most definitely in a league of his own you cannot for one second categorize him one way or another (I felt so bad for that talkshow host dutchy!) hehe!!! (that was killer)

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 2 days ago

I think that second link you may have showed me one time throughout the years somewhere? It looked familiar and all I can say is that Booney guy is a total freak!

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 2 days ago

As for the price of GTA V you should wait it was ridiculous and I know it's not the best thing to provide for your kid but for me I always say to them "Give me the grades and I will make the delivery" and since they make the grades they force me to keep my words.

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 2 days ago

With aging performers you never quite know whether they are stuck in their act, crazy from years of substance abuse (or managers whispering in their ears) or just highly skilled at playing us.

Lowest price I've seen for GTA5 is €47 ($63). My threshold is €45 ($61), so it's silly but I waiting for just a slight price drop.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 1 day ago

I know without a doubt that guy is crazy!

I think you will be waiting for a while for a price drop the game is selling like crazy (and I think they scored it a 10 out of 10) to me playing that game is like driving into work each day. hehe

// Doreen / 566 weeks and 1 day ago

I expect to be busy with another game for at least a month. So I'm in no rush.

// craeonics / 566 weeks and 54 minutes ago

It's not going anywhere it sold something like one billion in three days already...

And I went to go see that pink iPhone and the person that made that color is definitely colorblind cuz the phone was more like Salmon or some tacky neon come look at me orangie pink (not blush pink or pastel pink!!!)

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 6 days ago

But did you get it? Maybe it's marketed to little girls who are still in the flashy neon phase.

// craeonics / 565 weeks and 6 days ago

No, the powder or pastel blue one was better but I'm not impressed at all which could be due to the fact I had been using the beta iOS7 for a few months and I seen nothing special about the final build they released to the general public hence why I am returning it for the Android note 3 which has the s-pen and larger screen...

I'm either the pickiest person on earth or nobody to me ever gets things right!

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 6 days ago

The temps dropped less than half and it is sheer heaven dutchy. It's unreal the difference from the last few weeks...

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 6 days ago

Some music to go with that. The Belgians are playing one of my favourite tunes:


* craeonics is listening to: Jan Hammer - Crocket's Theme

// crae_work / 565 weeks and 4 days ago

Tweaked the filter a bit to keep one word posts out. Ofcourse first sixteen attempts was me blocking everything, but I think I've got it now.

// craeonics / 565 weeks and 3 days ago

I do hope I did not put things on full block entirely.

// craeonics / 565 weeks and 1 day ago

I doubt it, you do this for a living so you know your stuff but I'm pretty sure that since you do have to do this for a living it is the very last thing you want to do when you get back home? (I'm still not sure why you even bother)

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 1 day ago

I bother because those spammers are like little hoodlums spraying graffiti all over the place and I prefer to have things nice and tidy.

// craeonics / 565 weeks and 17 hours ago

I know why you clean it up what I mean is since this is probably a thorn in your side having to work all day doing this stuff and then come home and clean up all the graffiti over here it might be best to just close the forum? There is only the two of us using it? It is pretty ridiculous.

But before you do:

Karmin - Acapella

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 8 hours ago

It's been so long since I suffered w/ a toothache dutchy I forgot what agony it was! I've had a pounding headache from a toothache bothering me and I finally called my Dentist who is leaving at midnight on a plane to Costa Rica for his vacation and he heard me crying and actually opened up his office today which was closed to take care of this stupid tooth and I feel alive again! (I thought I was going to die!)

He's my herooo! hehe

// Doreen / 565 weeks and 7 hours ago

Hmmm I had to check out who she was cuz I've never heard her before today but oh well some fresh blood...

You won't hear the bass on your netbook but this is pretty decent.


// Doreen / 565 weeks and 7 hours ago

I know the band, not the song. Does not sound particularly a capella to me. The singing right before the pause is awful though. She's ruining her voice with that.

The whole beauty of Tek is that is takes very little effort to maintain, other than having to post news every once in a blue moon (there really isn't that much skinning news going around as far as I know). But the underlying code holds up nicely, aside from a few things I'm aware of (like not using UTF8 as character encoding).

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 6 days ago

And with regard to that toothache, I hope you didn't get a lecture abouting brushing your teeth to go with that.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 6 days ago

Since we're on the topic of "in the chapel" (a capella), let me throw some classical music at you. Organ and all: Bach - Toccata & Fugue [link]. It's one of the songs you have probably heard fragments of many a time in various places.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 6 days ago

a capella means in the chapel? (is that what you are saying?)

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 6 days ago

WOW! Dutchy I've only ever heard about the first 10 seconds of it (the beginning part) I've never heard the whole thing before that is just stunning (almost paralyzing) loved it...

And no, my dentist tells me the opposite to either stop brushing so much or get a softer toothbrush cuz I'm brushing all my enamel off my teeth. Yesterday he said I'm a freak cuz the root on that tooth was so long it was tickling my brain (hence the 3 day headache) once he fixed that tooth the headache was instantly gone. Last time said I had 3 roots instead of the normal two roots or something so I'm just a royal pain in his behind I suppose.

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 6 days ago

Either that or a mutant. I have two fillings (or perhaps had two fillings, since the dentist seems to think I only have one) because I used to grind my teeth. I somehow managed to stop doing that and have had no complaints from the dentists since.

"A capella" originally means "in the chapel", as in: music performed like they do (in older times) in church, with only the choir singing and no instruments. These day it is simplified to "no instruments only singing".

Hmm, should I go for an acapella song or an organ track from this... No music then: Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner [link] (acapella original with introduction) versus the DNA remix [link].

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay, now I do happen to remember that song and if they remove the talking in the second link the song would be better that girl is annoying to me and always has been. (and I've no clue why) hehe

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 5 days ago

Here we go, mucho better:


// Doreen / 564 weeks and 5 days ago

YouTube says the account was deleted. In one day? I don't buy it. It's a conspiracy!

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 4 days ago

What? That was strange and it was a really really really good link I dropped just for you and now you'll neverrrr everrrr know what it was! *sigh*

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 3 days ago

Let me try again... No, it's really gone. The worst thing about this is that YouTube will tell me that it's gone, but won't tell me what it ws.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 3 days ago

Which is why I said now you'll neverrrr everrrr know what it was cuz I won't tell!!!

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 2 days ago

/me is listening to Sammy having a fit they launched GTA V online and of course now they are running around buying new servers because they didn't anticipate the heavy load? Yeah right sure they didn't know, I suppose they were too busy counting all the money to notice?

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 2 days ago

I have a love/hate relationship with GTA. The atmosphere in the game is great, but the missions are always so damn strict. Or as someone observed when I was giving GTA5 a spin "you managed to fail every mission at least once".

Apparently you are not supposed to shoot your partner, deviate from a plotted escape route, drive off with your tow truck until the passenger who's tagging along for the mission has stepped in the car and buckled her seatbelt. And I missed the cue that I was supposed to chase after some guy on a motorcycle.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 2 days ago

Well in a couple of weeks when Sammy gets bored of it I plan on jumping on that game and play for a week or two right now I don't have the time to get hooked on anything.

Something goed for mijn dutchy...


// Doreen / 564 weeks and 1 day ago

Sounds like a W.A.R record. I'm waiting for the vocals to kick in, but it does not seem to happen.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 1 day ago

You already know vocals can sometimes ruin a good tune...

// Doreen / 564 weeks and 22 hours ago

Yeah, but I was waiting for the vocals to kick in because this was not really going anywhere. It somehow reminds of the music that plays in the background of 70s series when people visit a busy area or so. Or Love Boat.

// craeonics / 564 weeks and 16 hours ago

Meanwhile, I'm scouring the market for a so called "opium table": [link]. Which is a low, wide table with pincer/claw-like legs. I never had space for a coffee table in my living room (I need a bigger house), but I moved some furniture around and suddenly there is space.

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 6 days ago

I really like that first one with the glass top but by looking at the prices of the others that must be wrong?

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 6 days ago

Hmm ever seen one like that it seems to even have a small drawer to put the things in? Very cool

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 6 days ago

The first one is either a typo or second hand. Mine was more priced like the others. Not drawer, but it's a cool little table (80x80cm).

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 5 days ago

So you found one then. I have a small little low black cherry wood table I think I spent 25.00 for at Target or Wallmart. hehe

But if you seen it you would never know it was that inexpensive it looks pretty decent. Nothing like that opium table though, those are really unique!

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 5 days ago

I really like that glass one I am going to have to keep my eyes open and see if I can find a place that has something like that!

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm, yikes! I took a closer look at it and the price is actually $282.89

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 5 days ago

That is a bit more than what I paid, but they are expensive tables. Usually import from Indonesia or so. The shop I was at primarily sells Persian carpets. The prices of those will really give you a heart attack. And they don't even look good.

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 5 days ago

Yeah, I've seen those ugly over priced carpets but some ppl love them...

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 4 days ago

Speaking of carpets. I gave my new table an oil coating to protect the wood and now it's almost the same colour as the floor. Which means I need to go out and get a rug to put under it so it is not camouflaged anymore.

It's always the same. Change one thing in your house and you get to change everything.

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 3 days ago

I pretty much have my place decorated the way I want it finally, I've never been into rugs but I just bought one myself about 2 months ago and I love it.


Doesn't look like much in picture but the colors are very rich and deep and with the tax I think it was just a little over a 100 dollars.

Anyways, off from work to get some rest and now the guy outside decides it's time to trim the forest outside my window! *sigh*

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 3 days ago

If you think that's bad, try living in a neighbourhood filled with DIY-ers. The only time it is quiet is in the middle of the night.

Was that photo a detail of the rug or the entire rug?

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 2 days ago

What is DIY-ers? And that is the rug I have (cept the picture does not do it any justice) the colors are very deep and rich and I bought the largest size which covers perfectly the area I wanted in my living room under my table. The carpet throughout my house is white so the chocolate brown carpet goes nice against the white.

And rain today!!! Perfecto!

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 2 days ago

DIY = Do it yourself. DIY-ers = neighbours who are working on god knows what every spare moment they have with their full ensemble of power tools.

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 2 days ago

hehe you grouchy old man! All I know is I'm sooo happy I no longer that that problem it is very quiet here where I moved. I am hoping I get to buy this house someday. I hear nothing cept birds once in a while and that's about it.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 2 days ago

Andddd I suppose I spoke to soon cuz he is back cutting things outside my window again. (welll it usually is peaceful over here)

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 1 day ago

The only place you'll be safe from that is if you move into the wilderness or so. Right now, someone in the building is doing carpentry.

I got this rug yesterday, by the way: [link]

// craeonics / 563 weeks and 15 hours ago

Practically anything you place on your hard wood floor will pop. That will look nice. (If I remember correctly you have a hard wood flooring right?)

If I end up buying this house I'm currently in that will be the first thing I do is install hard wood flooring. Right now nobody can take one step into my place without first removing their shoes cuz the owner has white carpeting throughout the entire house (even going up the stairs)

// Doreen / 563 weeks and 11 hours ago

Something especially for mijn dutchy:


// Doreen / 563 weeks and 5 hours ago

No Prince on my watch. Try some Missy instead: Missy Elliot ft. Da Brat - Sock it 2 me [link] (had the week off, so I haven't heard TV or radio the entire week).

My floor is laminate (rather common here). I am not particularly fond of the colour. I would go with a more desaturated look than this hard wood-ish yellow. But the quality was good and I'd be crazy if I would spend days to put in a new floor.

Carpeting everywhere means dust everywhere and dust and me only moderately get along.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 6 days ago

Now how did I know you would not go near that link? hehe

/me goes check out your Missy link...

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 6 days ago

Is that a new one? I've not heard that one by Missy but Da Brat only had one (maybe two) that I liked:


// Doreen / 562 weeks and 6 days ago

Way too sweet. No, the Sock it 2 me one is at least over a decade ago. Let me see... it's from Missy's debut album in 1997. One of her first hits on this end.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 5 days ago

When I wake up in the morning (it's you)

When I can't sleep at night (it's you)

When I'm tossin 'n turnin (it's you)

When my body yearnin (it's you)

Too sweet? It's supposed to be sweet silly wat's da matter wit chu?

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 5 days ago

As for Missy I think this was her best tune (but I can't find the skewed version I really like)


// Doreen / 562 weeks and 5 days ago

The Rain was her debut single and first hit. However, it's been raining here for days upon end. Normally I don't mind rain, but getting soaked every day gets old fast. Or in other words, no rain tracks for me.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 4 days ago

/me tosses you a warm towel and you can toss me some rain I only had one day of it to enjoy now we are moving back up to the 90's yet again...

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 4 days ago

Autumn is here to stay. But I made it through dry today.

New music time! Except that I can't recall any new tunes that have caught my ear and of which the artist or title has stuck. Eminem has a new track out, but it's no good.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 3 days ago

The only new song I've heard is Katy Perry - Roar (and it's a bit over played)

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 3 days ago

Interesting tidbit about Roar, which is not really good, like most of her tracks, is that it has two videos. The first one was one long chat via phone, the second is her stranded in some jungle.

Seems like the records companies like to shoot no-budget videos first and when they think a song is catching on, they spend more money on the second one.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 2 days ago

I actually like the jungle vid first one in a long time that I liked (it was made well)

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 2 days ago

I don't understand why she is brushing that crocodile's teeth though.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 1 day ago

Who knows maybe it had bad breath?

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 1 day ago

New music: DVBBS & Borgeous - Tsunami [link]. This is the second song I hear where the music slowly builds up to some climax, but then completely collapses into slow mediocrity. I do hope this does not become a trend.

/me googles... My god, this actually topped the charts here.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 1 day ago

I've not heard that one before (but I thought it was good all the way through)

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't like songs where they slow things down,except perhaps short effects like in this Rick Ross track: [link] (at forty seconds in).

In other news, my little rascals think my new rug is for them to sharpen their claws on.

// craeonics / 562 weeks and 8 hours ago

You pretty much like lightning fast beats in everything and I like slow draggy tunes (most the time but it depends on the tune really)

Anyways about those rascals, it sounds as if they are no different then having a couple of kids making it impossible to keep anything looking nice for very long.

// Doreen / 562 weeks and 7 hours ago

You've got to keep an eye on where they are at constantly.

As for fast beats, Moby made the prime example of that a long time ago: [link] (live version).

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 6 days ago

Yup, now that sounds like mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 6 days ago

The bit where Moby says he visited the UK in 1991 suddenly made me feel very old. That's 22 years ago.

Anyways, whenever I see videos from that era, for some reason this one gets listed a lot as a related video. Don't think I've ever linked to it here, so here we go: Usura - Open your mind [link] ('93).

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 5 days ago

And though I've never heard that one before it sounds like you too. hehe

And you'll only feel old when you reflect but, if you stay in the moment you won't feel old at all...

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 5 days ago

I live outside of time. How else can I still be sixteen?

Something not quite my taste, but played by the Belgians all the time: Arctic Monkeys - Why'd you only call me when you're high [link]

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 4 days ago

I thought the beat was actually pretty good but I'm such a lightweight I got stoned just watching it! hehe

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 4 days ago

I haven't even seen the video yet, but I hear that blasted song all the time. Now I could post more new music, but my cats demand supper.

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 3 days ago

Get to those kids! I mean kats!

I've not been posting tunes lately dutchy because I've not been listening to much lately due to me dealing w/ a health issue so mainly I've been just kicking back and healing. I'm doing muchhhh much better and it looks as if my Doctor will be releasing me back to work Nov 14th at which time I will be starting work in my new department for those two Probation Officers so I'm excited now!

In the meantime something looks interesting coming this Friday:


// Doreen / 561 weeks and 3 days ago

You mean you've been slacking. Get well soon!

And what's this Dracula thing? A series or a movie?

The Belgians are now playing the song that Usura track got its sample from. I've never heard this song before. A Simple Minds track. I'll have to look it up when I get back home.

// crae_work / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

Thanks, I've been feeling a bit stitched up like Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas but it seems God has spared me...

That Dracula thing is going to be a TV series and I can't wait! I hope it's done well (I shouldn't get my hopes up high)

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

I hope it's grim and frostbit^H^H^H, no wait, that's Immortal [link] (and it even has an official video, note how the drummer is the only one dressed for the weather).

The Simple Minds song they played and which lies at the root of the Usura track was: New Gold Dream [link] (1982).

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

OMG dutchy you and that crazy vid. First one seems ancient now that I've seen it so many times over the years from you but, that second one I've never heard of before...

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

I bet you run around half naked in the snow like those nuts too! hehe

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

Alright something goed for mijn dutchy and would you believe this tune is a theme song for a car commercial?


// Doreen / 561 weeks and 2 days ago

I say big props for the car company for picking a decent song and not the usual crap.

The only ones running through the snow naked are my cats. I at least wear a t-shirt.

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe! Dutchyyy...

/me is just watching one of those who's yo daddy programs where they have to give a DNA test cuz the girl don't know out of the 20 guys she's slept with who is the daddy! (and I've no clue why I am watching this stupid thing)

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

Because we love watching car crashes. I know I do. Inbreds are great fun to observe. Until they move into your building that is.

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

Are these lie detector tests they use on this crazy show for real? Why would any fool agree to go on a TV show and take a lie detector test when they "know" they are lying!? And why am I still watching this stupid stuff! (this cannot be real or they pay big bucks to get these crazy ppl to agree to go on TV)

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

Lie detectors are not at all reliable if you know how to keep calm. I used to watch Jerry Springer. It was great fun.

Some new stuff: Drake ft. Majid Jordan - Hold on, we're going on [link] (takes three minutes to get started and I don't like Drake, but it gets a lot of airplay).

// craeonics / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

Hey! Somebody told the truth? And she didn't sleep w/ his brother? Now he has to eat cheese and apologize to his brother for accusing him! hehe

(okay that's all the car crash I will share w/ you!)

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

I've heard that Drake song (I like it) but never seen the vid and I had to watch that vid all the way to the end to see if she actually got away safe! (pretty good action vid too)

// Doreen / 561 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay a lil update on that Dracula TV episode. Though it was a bit more like Pornacula it had pretty good Dracula atmosphere and worth watching a few more episodes before I draw any solid conclusions on it yet...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 6 days ago

Dracula always did have a strong erotic aspect (ever since Bram Stoker penned his novel), so that does not surprise me much.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 6 days ago

Hey there is nothing wrong with a decent bite on the neck but this was a bit beyond that but hopefully they move towards better writing rather than just porn...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 5 days ago

In other news: we just switched to winter time again, which is the real time and not that one-hour-ahead-so-we-get-more-light nonsense they do during the summer and which messes up my biorhythm.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 5 days ago

Just another great idea by us human beings...

(I hate it too and I never seem to adjust)

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 5 days ago

Not only do we have winter time, we also have a genuine North Sea storm. Would even be better if I had the day off and did not have to paddle back against the wind when I'm done at work.

// crae_work / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

Wellll since me is home and it's raining I will totally enjoy the day for you!

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

Currently watching Enrique perform his new tune (which sucks) this was basically his best tune...


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

I haven't heard any new Enrique song yet, but his best track was definitely Bailamos.

Made it home just before it started raining and now we have thunder and lightning. Great weather. To go with the weather, something from 1986, which you've probably never heard: Nadieh - Windforce 11 [link]

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

Then I suppose you don't need this warm towel I brought you?

/me tosses it and goes check out that link...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

Okay now that is just really really bad (I'm sorry but I could not make it through it)

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

It is so cold that my hands are literally as cold as ice!

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

Cue Foreigner - Cold as ice [link]

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

hehe yeah, I've heard that before...

/me hands you some of my cinnamon tea and goes back to watching "Dat baby is white and I'm black!" show. (I'm bored out of my mind to be watching this mess but it is somehow addicting!)

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

/me comes back to smack the hell out of you cuz now that stupid song is stuck in my head!

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 days ago

What you need to do is either go play a game or get back to work. Watching shows like that shrivels the brain.

// crae_work / 560 weeks and 3 days ago


No games these days I can't stand being chained to computers around the clock. I'll be back to work mid November so stop rushing me!

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

Drama goes better with a score by Li'l Jon.

And what do you mean "chained to computers"? The old Doreen was behind her machine 24/7.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

When I was running reports in the past for the hospital as you know I really couldn't go far from home in case administration needed something asap but being a secretary it's more a normal relationship w/ my machine. (nothing is an emergency)

As for now though, I'm stuck home since I'm pretty much out of commission until I feel better (I'm on the mend so things are "getting" better)

And on that note I've never watched so much TV in my life! And I cannot believe how much garbage is on TV there is nothing good.

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

Looking at food makes me sick and every single channel has food cooking programs or who's yo daddy shows...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

Cept the occasional TV Commercial which tosses me a few good beats. hehe

I swear the person doing these Lexus commercials has a decent ear for good beats...


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

They should have a chat with the guys and gals doing phone/camera commercials, because those are rife with unbelievably sucky music.

And maybe you should pick up gardening or something.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

Umm, gardening? Nah I won't have time to keep up w/ that when I return back to work next month. I bought a few books (yesss books!) to keep me busy until I get back to my usual routine of work and gym when time permits me again soon.

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 3 days ago

Books? /me falls from skippy ball

// crae_work / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

More "jeugdsentiment" (as we call it over here, "youth sentiment" = nostalgia) you probably will not like:


* craeonics is listening to: Falco - Der Kommissar [link] (1982)

// crae_work / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

Skippy ball? What is that dutchy?

/me goes see what I probably will not like...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

You're right I didn't like it, I loved it! (even though I've no clue what he was saying)

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

"Der Kommissar" means "the commissioner". Apparently Falco had a small role in one episode of an Austrian police series and he was inspired by it to do a song about it (or so).

Skippy ball seems to be called "hippity hop" (I kid you not) over on your end: [link]

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

Hmmm well, it most definitely did not sound like he was singing about something so boring as Austrian police (but the beat sounds outstanding)

I thought you were on one of those exercise balls (also called stabilizer balls at work) hehe

I've got one that I do my crunches on when I can't hit the gym but until I get back to myself it's currently being kicked around the house by Sammy...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

I sit on one at work. No real reason for it other than that I can sit on one. Or rather, drape myself across one. I rarely sit upright in the correct posture.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

Well then you are defeating the purpose of strengthening your core muscles silly. (which you will need when your boss punches you in the stomach for fooling around at work!) hehe

Dutchy I just rec'd my promotion transfer papers! I will be signing out of the Medical Center when I return back to work.

I'm so excited!!! (and nervous all at the same time)

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 2 days ago

Hurray! This calls for some Pointer Sisters: [link]

// crae_work / 560 weeks and 1 day ago

Is that the best you can come up with when we are suppose to be dancing together in this thread? Sheesh!

Actually I'm a bit down atm because they called back yesterday and wanted me to start my new job this Monday now! My Doctor will not release me until the 13th to start back physically at work on the 14th since my internal wounds are not completely healed. They will unfortunately have to wait a tad bit longer.

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm pretty sure you are out trick or treating about now so here's a belated Happy Halloween!

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 1 day ago

I'm sure they won't let you back into the ring until you are medically cleared (I watch way too much wrestling).

As for Halloween, I think there was not one horror movie on TV. Aside from some shops selling the gear and some desperate parents trying to set something up, I'd say it's pretty much dead over here. Not that it ever was alive.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 14 hours ago

Wait, I know a song about dancing. /me diggs up one of my favs: Paradisio - Bailando [link] (1997).

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 14 hours ago

Same here on this side dutchy only a handful of Halloween die hards left now.

As for that song nowww that is more like it!

/me goes dance w/ mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 11 hours ago

Alright, since I cannot dance and celebrate my new promotion physically with you andddd we can be or do whatever we want here I'm choosing this tune for us to dance to!

First you need to play this tune in the background: [link]

Thennn "you" of course are the grey and black car and I'll be the white and black car:


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 11 hours ago

But er, those are ugly cars... And their moveset is restricted to doing spins, while pinned to robotic arms coming from the ground.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 8 hours ago

OMG you are so annoying and hard to please, okay I found a good one however it's nottt quite a celebration dance but it's quite a decent dance. hehe


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 7 hours ago

Great now you got me looking at dance vids, do you know how to Kizomba?


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 7 hours ago

Check this out dutchy...


// Doreen / 560 weeks and 6 hours ago

That "sexy hot African dance" seems a lot like bump 'n grind to Reggaeton. However, I'm not going to watch dance videos. That's boring as hell.

// craeonics / 560 weeks and 5 hours ago

yeah, obviously there is nothing authentically "African" about it but it's not as boring as this stupid book I bought to read.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 560 weeks and 4 hours ago

I know some people who read books to fall asleep.

I'd say they're reading the wrong books (they should be stimulating), but each to their own.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 6 days ago

I guess I am learning it is true that you cannot judge a book by its cover?

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 6 days ago

I go by title and description mostly, and keep a tally in my mind who I do not like. I've read so many books over the years that nowadays when I come back from the library odds are I borrowed a book that I've already read.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 5 days ago

You've probably read every book in the library you book worm!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 4 days ago

Wonderful, since our clocks go back an hour tonight I just remembered pretty soon I will be having to get up at 5:00 for work and it will actually be 4:00am!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 4 days ago

Winter time is time as it was intended. A little bit less entertaining was that it rained cats and dogs when I peddled to work, so I was drenched to the bone and had to walk around in wet clothes the entire day.

Suffice to say, I was not amused.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 4 days ago

Maybe it would be wise to toss a change of cloths (inside a waterproof bag)in a backpack so when you get to work on rainy days you have something dry to jump into? That or get a car!?

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 4 days ago

Or if you are going to ride a bike forever:


// Doreen / 559 weeks and 4 days ago

Dutchy it's officially confirmed! (finally)

Human Resources has me officially scheduled to report to work at my new Department for my promotion on the 18th! (I go back to my old job on the 14th and sign out of the Medical Center on the 15th)

I suppossse we can jump up and down to the Pointer Sister's I'm so excited since I can't get you to Kizomba w/ me!

A new beginning and I'm ready. Finallyyy (so much red tape and back and forth)

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 days ago

So you go back to your old job basically to clean out your desk?

/me pulls out a party classic: Kraze - The Party [link]

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 3 days ago

A bit more than that, basically signing out from one dept and going into another is running around all over to various areas and turning in keys, badges, card swipe passage keys, medical library books, parking passes etc etc etc and then signing into the new dept doing the opposite.

/me goes see if this tune you left is any better than the Pointer sisters...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 days ago

Hmmm, not too sure I know how to dance to that? (must be a Dutch thing)

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 days ago

Something more to Ms Secretary's liking then: [link]. I kid, I kid, this is more nostalgia. Haven't heard this one in fifteen years.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

/me smacks you! I've never heard that before but actually the beat is not that bad? hehe

I don't type all day though silly the Chief I currently work for at the Med Center just drags me off to meetings with him all day that's about it so I can take notes etc.

Not sure what I will be doing for the two Probation Officers yet but I'm ready!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago


/me sees you probably are wet again?

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

All this boring TV has most definitely helped to make me want to get back to working again soon!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

This morning. Walk on the balcony to get the tomcat inside. Dry weather. Step outside to go to work and it starts to rain. Hard. Arive at work, completely drenched again and it stops raining. Remains dry the entire work day. Get off of work, peddle back home. Rain.

The weather gods really don't like me.

A song about the rain: Jermaine Jackson & Pia Zadorra - When the rain begins to fall [link] (1984?)

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

That is just so corny and bad! hehe (good thing you typed the title of the tune cuz the link you dropped was to that silly Secretary tune again)

Anyways, mijn corny dutchy slaap lekker and bring a change of some dry cloths to work silly! I was looking at your weather and it looks like rain all week!?

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

I hadn't even noticed it was the wrong link. I don't mind rain, but getting wet all the time messes up my system.

Here's another one even cornier: The Weather Girls - It's raining men [link] (1983)

// crae_zzz / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

Yeah it will mess up your system specially walking around all day in wet cloths on a cold day!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

Where in the world do you find these crazy corny vids! hehe

I think I've heard that tune before for a commercial or somewhere but that's the first time I see the vid...

Good night silly!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 2 days ago

I'll spare you the Phil Collins videos then. Let's see, what eother songs do we have about rain... There's Guns n' Roses' November Rain [link] (1992).

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 1 day ago

I can only think of one rain tune off the top of my head:


// Doreen / 559 weeks and 1 day ago

Wait, wait, wait I jussss remembered a good rain tune. Candy Rain: [link]

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 1 day ago

Forget the rain I forgot how much I used to love this tune by them: [link]

No more jumping links!

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 1 day ago

I don't think I've ever heard of that group. But at least it's dry now.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 18 hours ago

You mean now I have introduced you to two groups you've never heard of!? I cannot even count how many you've introduced me to! hehe

Enjoy the dry weather mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 11 hours ago

Hmmm, at this very moment you are 2 degrees warmer than my weather? (But that won't last) It is supposed to reach 77 today and you will stick at 52.

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 11 hours ago

I have the balcony door open and the thermostat kicked in. Rather strange since I don't think it's cold. Usually it's the other way around.

Those songs of yours reminded me of: Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison [link] (1990)

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 10 hours ago

I lost so my weight not one thing in my closet will fit me for work (due to this health issue I was dealing with) so I've been freezing around the clock from not having any meat on me to keep me warm. Which reminds me I need to hit the Mall this weekend and buy a whole new wardrobe of clothing!

/me goes check out your link...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 9 hours ago

Yeah, they are similar (I never noticed that before)

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 9 hours ago

I can't believe they would play this song on a TV Commercial:


Course when I heard it I had to think of you silly. Oh boy...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 7 hours ago

Not even that commercial or the shabby cover can ruin the sheer awesomeness of that song. Ofcourse, I do prefer Interactive's version over the original: [link] (1994, I feel old).

You make it sound like you have nothing to wear, but I have yet to meet a woman who does not like hanging in the mall and shopping for clothes all day long.

// craeonics / 559 weeks and 6 hours ago

Well to be honest when I was working from home running those reports having a big wardrobe was not a necessity (cept the occasions when I was forced to play dress up for meetings)but since being a secretary now I've no choice in the matter. I do have a closet of cloths but since I was unable to eat for "months" I dropped to skin and bones...

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 hours ago

I still think you are joking about liking that song so much but since I cannot see your face to read it I'm just not too sure. hehe

(I think that tune is horrible!)

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 hours ago

The reason I get excited to go to the Mall is cuz I love going to look at all the gadgets that's always my first stop!

// Doreen / 559 weeks and 3 hours ago

If you're skin and bones now, you can fit into all those designer clothes, since models are prone to be on the anorexic side.

A random AlphaVille song I've never heard before: Sounds like a melody [link] (1984). Except that I have, since the intro was sampled by Capella: [link] (1993).

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 6 days ago

True that. (but me is not into designer cloths) I just like whatever I like and I'm just feeling so Blessed to be perfectly healthy now...

/me goes check out those links!

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 6 days ago

Okay that first link Ummm, I don't even know what to say cept, my brain cannot process that but the second one sounds much better...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 6 days ago

We can conclude that 80s music from Germany is not your thing.

Another random Alphaville track: Dance with me [link]. Now this one is... not very good.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 6 days ago

You're right that is not very good but I will dance with you anyways...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 6 days ago

Since I'm in a which 90s group sampled what 80s song mood, here's Sandra's Maria Magdalena [link] (1985), whose intro and bridge are a key component of 2Unlimited's Twilight Zone [link] (1991).

That keyboard guitar thing was quite popular back in the 80s. As were groups were producers hid behind a female singer and a male rapper.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

To add: the female singer/male rapper was a 90s thing.

I'm not quite sure if there's anything specifically 00's.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe okeeee you my dear are getting stranger by the day! And turning into a DJ! (sorry, but I could not even handle but a few seconds of that first link)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmm looking back to some quick list of the 80's it was a sucky music wise I was all into the Cure (there really was not that much that stood out now that I look back)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

And it seems my computer wants to fight with me today and I'm not in the mood but one for mijn dutchy (late 80's) I suppose this one was one of the few (I can remember) that awoke my sleeping ears back then?


// Doreen / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay, this ain't your cup of tea and I don't care what year it is it always sounds good no matter how it's mixxxed.


And I better get busy...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

De La Soul is good. And that Gap Band track isn't half bad, but not my thing, no.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 5 days ago

I would search out something that is your thing but you're in la la land and I'm jumping into la la land soon so me no post anything right now...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

/me is at work and the Belgians are playing:


* craeonics is listening to: Snap! - Rhythm is a dancer

// crae_work / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

I thought for sures that would be one I don't know but they actually play that over here too...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

It has the worst (unintended) line in song history:

# I'm serious as cancer

# when I say rhythm is a dancer

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

Are you serious? That's horrible!

# I can rhyme better than that

# Even though I'm as old as a bat

I've never listened to the lyrics before in that tune but it gets air time over here...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

Holiday over here = Huge sales

But do I dare hitting the mall today with all the crowds? (nope, no way)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

Surely there will still be sales tomorrow.

I usually don't listen to lyrics, but at work there's not much stimulus, so my mind wanders.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

I've noticed that too, plus lyrics can be sneaky (only the totally sucky ones seem to slip in)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 4 days ago

Songs in general can be sneaky. Especially sucky ones you hear all day. Before you know it, you're singing along.

// crae_work / 558 weeks and 3 days ago

hehe silly I will spare posting some of those and be nice today and simply come to say Good morning to mijn dutchy. (I'll be joining you once again in the working world in two days)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 3 days ago

/me cracks the whip

Apparently this classic acid track is 25 years old around now: Stakker Humanoid - Humanoid [link] (1988)

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 3 days ago

/me has no clue what in the world that is...

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 3 days ago

I most likely was listening to some UB40 but definitely not that stuff.

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 3 days ago

Some days it seems like every song UB40 ever made is a cover. Even the ones I thought were originals.

// crae_work / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

The Belgians are playing Wu-Tang now. Earliest Kelis sighting on a track that I'm aware of.


* craeonics is listening to: Ol' Dirty Bastard ft. Kelis - Hey Dirty

// crae_work / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

What!? Skippy Balls and Wu-Tang!

/me wants to go work w/ you! Which reminds me today I need to get my hair and nails done cuz it's back to the working world tomorrow. (I'm most certainly going to missss being a cave woman) hehe

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

/me drops a good one for you before I go run off for the day...


(course just listen to the bangin beat cuz it has trash lyrics as usual)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

Hair and nails and (going by Ms Trina) no panties? Do I want to know what kind of job that is? /me gets kicked

Just remember: showing up in sweat pants is probably not done.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

No dutchy, no blood red nails for me these days, now I'm all pink and white (until the day I die) when I go do my nails it's always the same french manicure:


I don't wanna be a Hoochie Secretary! And as for my hair, I look like "Cousin It" if I don't go get it tamed down (my hair is completely wild so I just go in to get it tamed back down)

// Doreen / 558 weeks and 2 days ago

/me celebrates Doreen's first day back at work

Even though it's just to clean out your desk.

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 1 day ago

That and running all over this place saying goodbyes etc. Tomorrow I sign out officially. Strange feeling this is...

// Dor _ work / 558 weeks and 1 day ago

I have a song for that. Well, actually, I don't, but it has the word "feeling" in it: Mark Oh' - Randy (Never stop that feeling) [link] (1994).

// craeonics / 558 weeks and 15 hours ago

I don't know who that is but I definitely got Prodigy vibes...

// Doreen / 557 weeks and 6 days ago

And since I officially signed out of the Medical Center yesterday, I am free! (atleast until Monday)

/me goes jump around!


// Doreen / 557 weeks and 6 days ago

The intro of which comes from a Rolling Stones song, but i can't for the life of me find the right version.

Unfortunately, Monday is right around the corner. Should be interesting tomorrow.

// craeonics / 557 weeks and 5 days ago

Rolling Stones? (that's a bit on the opposite side of the broad spectrum) And interesting indeed, my behind likes my seat warmers and I may have to figure out how to take the Metro (public transportation) since this job is smack in the heart of Los Angeles now but I'm not going to deal w/ figuring that out on my first day tomorrow, one thing at a time...

// Doreen / 557 weeks and 5 days ago

In honour of your first day at work, the only decent New Order song, in the cover version by Orgy: Blue Monday [link]

// craeonics / 557 weeks and 4 days ago

Thanks dutchy, (and you've no clue how good that sounds) I survived my first day. There is a sea of cubicles and lots of people, and me sitting directly outside the two offices of my bosses would you believe that you can basically hear a pin drop? I don't even understand how it is so quiet it is actually deafening!

Five days a week nine hours a day and the commute is grueling! However, I will simply go one day at a time...

// Doreen / 557 weeks and 3 days ago

You make it sound like you went to jail. Grab some headphones and play DJ.

// crae_work / 557 weeks and 3 days ago

Umm, I did tell you I work for the Probation Department? I will even be going with one of my bosses to the men's jail to take minutes for him at his meetings. So kinda in jail yes and no headphones allowed.

Anyways, I'm a creature of habit, I've only worked at the Hospital so this is completely scarey to me (I'm like a scared kitty cat right now) but time will hopefully fix it.

Slaap lekker mijn dutchy...

// Doreen / 557 weeks and 2 days ago

Look at it this way. You may meet some up and coming stars of those booty tunes you listen to. Rappers need jailtime for their street cred.

// crae_work / 557 weeks and 2 days ago

Both them and TV Celebs (hence the intensive background check they did on me that I could not understand) unfortunately, they too are not immune to trouble even with all their notoriety and money but anyways today was my third day and my scared cat syndrome seemed to be calming down but I'm dead tired from my nerves frying me...

// Dor_zzz / 557 weeks and 1 day ago

I'll pass in a week or so, once you get used to it.

Celebs at times seem to think they need not pay taxes. Until the taxman catches up with them that is.

// crae_work / 557 weeks and 1 day ago

I know but this "week" was one of the biggest challenges!

And yes, it seems the celebs think all the rules do not apply to them. But, from where I'm sitting I see just how wrong they are. hehe

I put on my radio today (and no, I did not play my booty tunes) I had my radio super low and I made it through the day without getting myself fired. It seems I'm surrounded by a great group of people who are very patient with me and I feel blessed...

// Doreen / 557 weeks and 23 hours ago

Or they're bored out of their mind and appreciate the music. They are probably aware that you are new to this and giving you time to accommodate.

// craeonics / 557 weeks and 15 hours ago

Today to test the waters I changed the station from the wave to the beat (which is about 3 to 4 notches away from booty ville) and they stilll did not fire me! Most definitely they are accommodating me.

I'm really happy everyone seems great now all I need is a helicopter to deal with the grueling commute and all is good dutchy...

// Dor_zzz / 556 weeks and 6 days ago

Cue Airwolf.

Actually, going by the zzz's I present thee this classic you will probably not like: Jacques Dutronc - Il est cinq heures, Paris s'eveille [link] (it's five o' clock, Paris awakes, 1968). It comes across as a duet, singer versus flute (yes, flute). Fitting for rainy days or early mornings.

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 6 days ago

Where do you come up with this stuff? (and you're right me don't like it) when my soul is exhausted and I'm tired I run to this stuffezzz:


// Doreen / 556 weeks and 6 days ago

OMG yikes! I even forgot how good that one was...

La la la laaaaa! me thinks I need to grab that one to take with me when I go do my running around today!

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 6 days ago

I know even weirder stuff, for example the theme song to Justice Pao is stuck in my head because I used to watch Chinese television at three in the morning decades ago: [link]

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 5 days ago

hehe dutchyyyy! Yes, you are definitely weird! (but that is why me wuvs you)

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 5 days ago

And I'm not so sure if it was due to lack of anything decent on TV during that time or what but I found myself watching this:


and then this song would run in my head all day...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 5 days ago

OMG what is even weirder is that I just began to watch that clip and here we are today and I still find it watchable!

/me goes back to finish watching that clip...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 5 days ago

And of course that Gigantor theme song still jumps in my head the same too!

/me goes grab some of this and get busy...


// Doreen / 556 weeks and 5 days ago

I suspect they had to spin up those vocals a tad, as the original Lana del Rey song is rather mid-paced. And I do prefer the original here.

That Gigantor thing is ancient, by the way.

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 4 days ago

That because "I" am now becoming ancient and I just had another birthday today again but, I think I'm part vampire so as long as I avoid the light I shouldn't turn into dust...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 3 days ago

You mean I was late for World Doreen Day? You don't look a day over forty. I could say thirty, but how would you explain those adolescent kids then.

/me sends cake and a silly party tune: [link]

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 3 days ago

Thirty, forty who cares, Something totally unexpected came out of left field and I almost didn't make it another year. I'm just happy every day now! (life has a way of teaching you some good lessons that cause vanity and age to be less important)

/me goes grab that cake and listen to that party tune...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 2 days ago

Only mijn crazy dutchy...

If I wasn't so tired I'd go hop around to that tune. (Silly or not, I liked it) hehe

// Dor_zzz / 556 weeks and 2 days ago

It would get really quiet in here with no Doreen around.

The Belgians are playing Wu-Tang again. Same song as before, but it's still good: Ol' Dirty Bastard ft. Kelis - Hey Dirty (Baby, I got your money), the video of which was based on the blaxploitation flic Dolemite. And I now discover it was produced by... who else, The Neptunes. So maybe not so Wu-Tang after all.

// crae_work / 556 weeks and 2 days ago

I see Kelis and I automatically go into milkshake mode...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 1 day ago

And tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I don't feel like cooking so I'm going to run over to my sister's and let her and my Mother do all the cooking.

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 1 day ago

And the cleaning. Don't forget that aspect. Guests leave and the rest of the evening is spent cleaning up their mess.

// crae_work / 556 weeks and 1 day ago

La la la laaaa! /me no work today! And nope, me no cook or clean but instead go bum off my family this Holiday...

And to get myself into gear:


// Doreen / 556 weeks and 1 day ago

Enjoy your turkey.

Something new with a bit more bass than that track of yours: Yellow Claw ft. Rochelle - Shotgun [link]

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 1 day ago

I did. Well, atleast one bite of it. I'm still not getting along w/ food yet and all they did was chase me around w/ food.

Anyways, today is Black Friday = Herds of ppl stampeding into stores to save $5.00. I'll pass on today and go listen to your link better...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 11 hours ago

Hmmm, who is that? I like it!

/me goes take a closer look at Yellow Claw stuffezzz...

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 11 hours ago

Yup, no wonder it's booty tunes...


// Doreen / 556 weeks and 11 hours ago

Yikes! Pouring rain? Out of nowhere and w/ no mention.

Cozy day!

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 11 hours ago

Those claws have been putting out good stuff. They use the same trick on each track, but so far I'm not bored by it.

Had an appointment to have my heater checked (annual inspection and maintenane). Guy would come between 9 and 11, so I had to get up early on my day off. Wait two hours and ofcourse the guy pops up at the last possible minute. Grrr...

Some new stuff from your side of the pond: Redfoo - Let's get ridiculous [link] (and I was not aware this has a three minute prelude)

// craeonics / 556 weeks and 10 hours ago

I've heard that tune but that's the first time I see the video (longest vid I've ever seen!) and you know most likely when that guy goes out to spend all his money he tosses his glasses, combs his hair and puts on a suite and tie and nobody even knows it's him! hehe

I have Dracula set to record the series so I can get caught up on the weekend and I see now it never recorded. *sigh*

It's actually getting quite good, does it air on that side of the ocean dutchy?

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 10 hours ago

Actually, this TV series is goed too! [link]

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 10 hours ago

It's all dark, cold and rainy outside perfect for jumping under a furry blanket and watch something totally scarey!

// Doreen / 556 weeks and 10 hours ago

"Thank you for your interest in FX Networks

This site is currently only available to viewers living in the United States."

Television is still deeply routed in the previous century. What was the name of that series?

When it comes to foreign series, the broadcasters here are a few years behind. They like to see what they get first, so they need a season or two broadcasted in its country of origin.

// craeonics / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

Far away & Forbidden? Figures...

American Horror Story: [link]

They probably want to protect the word "American"

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

It has more to do with regional licensing. TV is local, internet is global. The two are often at odds with each other.

That witch thing reminds me of this old Rob Zombie track: [link] (those devils in the back of the car you only see for a second amuse me to no end for some reason).

Then again, Kate Bush will forever sit on the witches' throne because of Wuthering Heights: [link] (1978).

// craeonics / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

That guy certainly needs to comb his hair! Ack!

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

Dutchy, I don't even to know what to say about that Kate Bush (she's just too freaky "strange" for my taste)

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

OMG dutchy, you're kidding me right? She's completely corney!

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 6 days ago

Wuthering Heights is great, haunting even. Her other songs, not so much.

But it does provide me with a nice bridge from one artist to another. Kate Bush's Cloudbusting [link] (1985) was sampled in a distorted form in Utah Saint's Something Good [link] (1992) which did not live up to its full potential until the outstanding but way to short 2008 remix: [link] (probably because they dropped the messy bits and kept the good stuff).

And yes, I get carried away when writing about music.

// craeonics / 555 weeks and 5 days ago

Go DJ! [link]

/me goes check out mijn crazy DJ's links...

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 5 days ago

Hmmm, welll there seems to be a ton of remixes of that tune (I prefer this version)


// Doreen / 555 weeks and 5 days ago

/me goes wash out that Kate Bush out of my ears w/ something betterrr:


// Doreen / 555 weeks and 5 days ago

That remix of yours is like a car that won't start. Probably because they never let the violins finish.

And Li'l Jon working with Pibull now? Pitbull is like the worst rapper on the planet. They should bring in Akon and they'd be the Terrible Trio.

// craeonics / 555 weeks and 4 days ago

Somebody sounds a bit grumpy! I say as long as Lil jon is in it, then it's goed!

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 3 days ago

I didn't hear no bass in that track though.

// crae_work / 555 weeks and 3 days ago

Lil jon "is" the bass in that track.

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 2 days ago

Which just goes to prove that even Li'l Jon can't save a record. What should happen is that Li'l Jon, Li'l Kim and Li'l Bowwow should get together and make a record.

Meanwhile over here, we have Falco in the early morning.


* craeonics is listening to: Falco - Rock me, Amadeus

// crae_work / 555 weeks and 2 days ago

And the weather forecast for tomorrow: windforce 10, or in other words: storm! The downside is that it's also going to rain cats and dogs.

/me picks a random storm song: Amon Amarth - Amon Amarth [link]

// crae_zzz / 555 weeks and 2 days ago

I know, I was looking at your weather and it looks like snow is coming soon! Good when you are home but niet zo goed when you have to peddle to work on that bike of yours!

As for that Amon Amarth it reminded me of when Gino was into them over here (he even went to see them when they came to do a concert) and Gino had his hair long and was playing his electric guitar, now he has his hair short and is doing a double major in physics and math and working part time at an aerospace company as an inspector. When he finishes college he wants to do research eventually. He gives me such a headache (literally) when he gets all hyped up on his physics talk. I go running in the other direction cuz he gets annoying...

// Doreen / 555 weeks and 1 day ago

Kids. They grow up so fast.

Which also means we'll be fossils soon.

// crae_work / 555 weeks and 1 day ago

You're mostly likely working on having kids now (if you've not already had one or two) but yeah they do...

// Dor_work / 555 weeks and 1 day ago

I prefer my peace and quiet.

Speaking of fossils, this ancient song (I heard yesterday on the radio) has a killer intro. It's just a shame the rest of it is so dull: Earth & Fire - Memories [link] (1972).

// craeonics / 555 weeks and 16 hours ago

Hmmm, good answer. Then, since you can't see or hear mine I'll bore you with periodic updates and share mine with you. I'm listening to Prince (your ultimate fav) on my radio. Have to check out that link later since they are due back soon...

// Dor_work / 555 weeks and 7 hours ago

Ack! What is that? Fossils indeed!

/me goes watch my recorded American Horror Story...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 6 days ago

They made some strange music in that era, for instance: Flower Travellin' Band - Satori [link] (1971, full album).

My theory is that there is a point in time somewhere in the late 60s where people break out of the mold and start making radically different music. Or perhaps they always did, but couldn't record/spread it to the masses.

// craeonics / 554 weeks and 6 days ago

Go DJ! Dat mijn DJ! (alright I'll stop)

/me goes check out what craziness you are talking about...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 6 days ago

Ack! Now I need to go find something to wash that mess out of my ears.

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 6 days ago

This is great. I think I need to post some more old stuff.

For instance, here's Ozzy (and friends) before he turned into the crazy person he is today: Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath [link] (1970).

// craeonics / 554 weeks and 5 days ago

His voice don't even go or match with that background music at all...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 5 days ago

/me temporarily changes this thread into a "I'm watching" thread...

I've been searching for the soundtrack for this Dracula TV series cuz I'm not even sure what I like most about this series? the music they play in the bg or the actual tv show itself!

This is my mostest favorite to date so far: (I have to set it up for you)

Drac decides he is going to host Jonathan and Mina an engagement party and at the party Jonathan decides the "gift" back to Dracula would be his own first dance with his bride to be. (niet a good idea to share such a gift cuz it can back fire as you see here) hehe!!!


At 52 seconds into this dance alpha waves galore!

Where they both zone into their own space cuz they seem to recognize each other from another time or something (I'm still trying to figure this show out cuz it's a modern version and this Drac will soon be able to walk in light) the smiles on Drac's sex partner, Jonathan's face and Mina's lesbian girlfriend quickly turn to concern! hehe!

Anyways, watch the ending of it it's just so cool...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 5 days ago

Can't find the soundtracks I want most but here are two more:


This second one is so beautiful dutchy (but you need to listen to it all the way through for the emotion in it to build up:


That one makes me want to cry it's just so pretty whatever it is!

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 5 days ago

Seems to be a waltz. Bit bloody scene though. They went for the sudden shock effect.

The Depeche Mode works best if that singer shuts up. As for the Zimmer track... Scores are usually my least favourite part of a movie. This one is no different.

// craeonics / 554 weeks and 4 days ago

Note to self: Not a good idea to share what "I'm watching" in a "I'm listening to" thread...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 3 days ago

I don't watch very much aside from news, wrestling and cartoons.

We're currently listening to some obscure 80s station which only plays songs I've either never heard or heard only once ever. And I can see why, it tends to be not very good.

// crae_work / 554 weeks and 3 days ago

That being said, they just played Monyaka - Go deh Yaka, which is reggae the way reggae should be, so I'm quite content now.

// crae_work / 554 weeks and 3 days ago

Maybe if you took control of the radio you'd have more reggae and less yuk?

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 2 days ago

I could do that, but I still have to coexist with my coworkers. And I don't know any decent reggae stations. They usually play that way too sweet roots reggae stuff, while I prefer the heavy bass stuff, which gets little airplay.

// crae_work / 554 weeks and 2 days ago

When it comes to reggae I will take it anyway it's served sweet, grungy or gritty...

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 1 day ago

/me provides a link: Monyaka - Go deh Yaka [link]

// craeonics / 554 weeks and 1 day ago

Not too sure why I've not heard that over here on this side before but that's good too. (excellent)

// Doreen / 554 weeks and 23 hours ago

Because they hide the good reggae so they can play more Bob Marley. Another example of the good stuff: Steel Pulse - Steppin' Out [link]

// craeonics / 554 weeks and 14 hours ago

Never heard of them either but yeah dat be some good stuffezzz mon...

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

I've heard a rather good record a few times now, but always miss out on its artist and title.

Until I find out, some other new stuff. Still not too keen on this style, but at least it's better than his last track: Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway - Wizard [link]

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

Yes that's pretty decent...

/me heard this new stuff (at least it was new to my ears) and thought it was okay: [link]

I've been so tired up w/ work I've not really been able to listen to much right now.

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

Fortunately for you it's weekend now.

What exactly did Mr Chainz do to pop up in every song these days? The whistling on that track reminds me of the melody (and chorus) of this old Dizzee: [link]

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

I had to get my Sirius XM turned back on for my Juke since I'm now spending half my life in my car w/ that Hellish commute of mine and heard this one (most likely the vid will be removed before you see it or blocked)


// Doreen / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

Actually, that Dizzee Rascal is really good whoever he is? I liked that tune better than Headbands...

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

Anyways, not much of a day off today really, cleaning, washing cloths & dishes, running errands, getting nails done blah blah blah...

// Dor_zzz / 553 weeks and 6 days ago

With that Rosanna vid they were trying their hardest to put in as many double takes as possible. Oh, and apparently, the police will write a ticket if girls in their underwear dance on top on the kitchen furniture. You can't do anything anymore these days. Though, I would understand a ticket for those heels. If she trips, she'll break her ankle for sure.

It's a cover by the way, I've heard this one before, but I don't recall a rapper.

Speaking of videos that get blocked for no good reason, time to bring out The Beloved again: [link] (1992).

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 5 days ago

You mean pretty soon we will have to show our ID anddd pay a fee to enter YouTube (and it is way too early for me to stomach that Beloved vid)

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 5 days ago

To me that Beloved vid ranks right up there w/ your Forever Young vid. hehe

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 5 days ago

That Beloved vid is awesome and you know it.

What is less stellar is my uncle calling me around five to say he and my aunt want to drop by because "your aunt wants to see your new table", to which I mentally reply "and?" after which my uncle continues "oh, and my laptop has broken down. You don't mind fixing it, don't you?".

So much for my Sunday evening.

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 5 days ago

That's what you get for being such a nice guy!

I like the way your Uncle attempted to use that smooth excuse to come see your new table when all along he had his hidden agenda. And don't feel bad last weekend I ended up fixing (that dutch lady I was telling you about that lives over here) her router went to sleep and needed resetting and reconfiguring to get her back on line so she can keep in touch w/ her relatives that live over there on that side of the ocean by you...

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 4 days ago

That neighbour of yours is probably my uncle's sister or something.

// crae_work / 553 weeks and 4 days ago

Well she is from over there so she could possibly be blood related. She's that lady I told you got me into the place I currently live in this village. (now I know she may have had some hidden agenda like your uncle! She just wanted me to move close to her so I can fix her computer problems!)

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 3 days ago

When I went to her house to fix her router she was surprised I could say all her spices and kitchen utensils in dutch. Problem is I don't know how to speak sentences only individual words and me and her have no time to get together so she can teach me like we planned.

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 3 days ago

I find it odd that you know the translation for various spices and kitchen utensils. I probably can't name half of those in my native tongue.

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 3 days ago

Really? Well the words you learn are specific to whatever app you use (I happen to use one that was very limited) and only if I spoke to someone dutch w/ a kitchen fetish it would be useful. I'm never going to need any of it obviously but I used a few apps some had a better selection of works such as more common and useful words but it's putting the words in proper sentence structure that I get completely lost so I gave up (specially since there is no way to practice enough to ever get anywhere w/ it)

Me and her had plans when she got me into this place to get together as neighbors and have tea and she was going to teach me dutch but neither of us have time...

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 2 days ago

She doesn't have family over here cuz they are all over there by you so I worry about her being alone (and she's up there in age) so I should really be in better touch w/ her somehow.

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 2 days ago

Wellll, get over there and sip some tea then. /me cracks the whip

But I do hope she has some friends close by, because living all alone is detrimental to one's (mental) health. Especially when you're old and all kinds of nasty things can happen.

// crae_work / 553 weeks and 2 days ago

Good stuff with wobbly basses at the end of the work day: Katy B. - (Katy's) on a Mission.

// crae_work / 553 weeks and 2 days ago

/me provides a link: [link] (2010)

Really good, dark bass.

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 2 days ago

That is the first time I've ever heard of her. Those wobbly basses make me feel drunk (they mess w/ my head or something)

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 1 day ago

Now I see she is from the UK? So I suppose she has not floated over here "yet"

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 1 day ago

She has some recent stuff out that is somewhat decent. I'll look it up later. But for now:


* craeonics is listening to: Adamski ft. Seal - Killer

// crae_work / 553 weeks and 1 day ago

More recent Katy B stuff: 5 AM [link]

The cats are watching a documentary on penguins. And it's a miracle, no animals have died a gruesome death just yet. I better flick the channel before that changes. Nature documentaries tend to be like that.

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 1 day ago

Okay so now you are monitoring your kids I mean cats TV entertainment!? Over protective dad!

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 22 hours ago

Hmm she's good but I'm having a difficult time processing her cuz she is so different from what my ears are used to on this side dutchy. hehe

// Doreen / 553 weeks and 22 hours ago

Miss B is hit and miss. She hasn't quite risen t the levels of "great stars" yet that she gets a lot of airplay. The Belgian station though plays her stuff frequently.

As for the cats, I have no idea what goes through their heads when they are watching TV.

// craeonics / 553 weeks and 16 hours ago

To be honest I've no idea what even goes through my own head when I'm watching those animal documentaries cuz I tend to relax and completely zone out.

Anyways, I almost got dragged off to the annual Christmas party they apparently have here at work but I successfully talked my way out of it. First I don't know everyone good enough yet, and personally I don't want to see everyone's party animal side that might make work weird.

// Dor_work / 553 weeks and 4 hours ago

When I started at this job, all these years ago, if was half December, so the Christmas party was after just one week of me being there. I did not know anyone. Funny thing is, I'd say more than half the people that worked there then have moved on to other companies.

// crae_zzz / 553 weeks and 4 hours ago

And I'm sure none of them lived down the street bicycling distance from their homes either. It's probably smart you stay put...

I'm not sure what I'm doing dutchy, I have a total of 3-4 hours (depending on traffic) commuting time each day on top of a 9 hour work day 5 days a week! And I'm not even really 100% back physically from my past health issue (if I don't die before I secure my position it will be a miracle)

But I'm determined not to be a typist clerk anymore always working out of class. I'm really loving being a Secretary an "official" Secretary that is! =)

// Dor_zzz / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

I cannot believe how stupid I was working as a typist clerk running those statistical reports and how much they took advantage of me I was suppose to be making 10 times my salary but I never knew it. =(

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

I was thinking about you the other day when they were talking about the millions of dollars they spent to build the Obama care website for health insurance signups and it was a complete flop cuz the web designer was a novice (they should have hired you)

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

Government IT projects are a gigantic waste of money. And not always because of contractor incompetence, but because of endless red tape on both sides, shifting or incompletely specified goals, plus they like to hire the same big companies to do them.

Plus in these contracts they usually demand you have done a project at such a scale before, which makes it hard to join that small set of contractors. It's a rotten situation.

As for that job of yours, I would say that working from home, even though it was easier for you, has had something to do with that stagnancy. If they don't see or hear you all the time, they tend to forget about you. So if you want to go up, you have to be visible (in a good way).

Time for some militant hipperdehop: Public Enemy - Night of the Living Baseheads [link] (1988).

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

As for that job of mine I should not complain (it was the only way I was able to work and take care of my two wheezers) but the bottom line was that I really was taken advantage of, they were bringing my stats to news media, Medical Publications around the world, board meetings and the millions they brought in from my research stats alone most likely helped to build that new ridiculously designed hospital they ended up building. I'm not missing that hospital anymore at all, now that I've had time to reflect. The experience I gained from there has put me into the chair I sit today and I'm happy (tired, but happy)

As for you I "know" if you were given the opportunity to step up to the plate to have built that website for Obama care health sign up you would have hit a home run. (I have no doubt) it's nothing different from what you do now just simply done on a massive scale. The ppl they hired and paid millions made a complete mess of it and there is no excuses when you get paid big bucks like that. You don't take a challenge and move forward to make the delivery until all the BS is completely and clearly understood on both sides from the requester and the delivery person. (no one should leave the table and move forward until things are crystal clear of the end product) specially something like that, it made the both the pres and the web designer look like idiots that did not know what in the world they both wanted...

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

Then again, there are so many BS'ers in this world they just "sound" simply amazing, what comes out of their mouth and what comes out in the end result are two completely diff things. (hence why this world is the way it is I suppose)

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

It's early me needs a slower smoother beat by them:


// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

The mall is impossible today! Anyways, here's one I like a lot cuz it that has some good banging bass (but you may not like it much)


// Doreen / 552 weeks and 6 days ago

"Can't truss it" is good too, but for some reason I find that "Night of the Living Baseheads" video hilarious (even though it's about a serious subject).

/me clicks second link... Eek, Katy Perry! It's decent, but that video is a mash-up of her previous vids. How can they clame it's the official one? Also don't hear a bass...?

I have the next two weeks off, so I'm going to be busy shooting aliens.

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 5 days ago

You don't hear bass cuz you are on that notebook most likely, enjoy your Christmas vacation, lucky you! I only get Christmas day off and then it's back to work...

Something I heard and liked (totally not my normal taste but it caught my attention)


// Doreen / 552 weeks and 5 days ago

I think I've heard that song for the past six months, but I never caught title or artist. Not really my thing, but it's quite decent. That haircut though...

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 5 days ago

Welll, since I said I would not tell you what I'm watching in our what I'm listening to thread me goes tie up my fingers!

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 4 days ago

Oh, let me guess. An American Horror Story?

/me is watching the (Belgian) news while waiting for the dishwasher to be done

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 4 days ago

Yes, and it's sooo good! I have to record during the week since I've no time to watch TV during the week and then play catch up on the weekends with my Dracula and American Horror Story but now I think they're both being slated for the new episodes for next year so I'm going to have withdrawal symptoms.

/me comes spend my lunch with you but apparently you are busy watching Belgium news...

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 4 days ago

I want to go take a walk on my lunch but I'm seriously NOT kidding about those real live zombies walking around the streets over here in Los Angeles...

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 4 days ago

You've lived there for a large part of your life. You should be used to them by now. Or think of it as a real life equivalent of the series you watch.

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 3 days ago

Nah, I will never get used to them, if you play w/ them they can bite you and then you yourself can become a zombie over here very easy...

Anyways, Zakig Kerstmis!

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 2 days ago

Zalig me needs to shorten nails and type right...

Have a goed daag you!

// Doreen / 552 weeks and 2 days ago

Not only did I get dragged over to my sister's early in the afternoon, but I also got treated to "How the Grinch stole Christmas", with treated being closer to some medieval punishment.

I'm glad that nonsense is over. Oh no, wait, got another family dinner tonight...

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 1 day ago

Sounds better than having to work and I'm curently listening to Pit Bull and Ke$ha (which Ke$ha in this song is like rubbing salt in an open wound.)

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 1 day ago

What I wonder is if she sounds drunk when talking normally.

I survived the second Christmas dinner. Snuck out when they were watching a quiz.

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 1 day ago

hehe silly, And I survived another work day, one more to go tomorrow...

// Dor_zzz / 552 weeks and 23 hours ago

/me points at the clock: almost weekend for you

// craeonics / 552 weeks and 15 hours ago

/me looks at clock, two more hours at work and a two hour commute home and then I did it!

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 3 hours ago

Avicii - Wake me up

/me wonders what is up with them playing songs that sound country on a hip hop station?

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 3 hours ago

/me looks at clock, two more hours at work and a two hour commute home and then I did it!

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 3 hours ago

Hmm seems my browser on my phone is trippin anyways this annoying Ke$ha tune sounds country western now almost every other tune sounds western?

// Dor_work / 552 weeks and 2 hours ago

Both that Avicii track (house) and that Ke$ha track (pop) use a country theme. History tells us these things don't really catch on, see for instance this Snoop escapade: [link] (2008).

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 6 days ago

Go DJ! dat mijn DJ! (I can't help it!)

/me goes check out that link...

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 6 days ago

What in the world? I never hear that one by snoop and I got the same kind of ear confusion I normally get from most of the strange music you point me to from that side over there?

Off to go play catch up on a million things today. (never really a day off)

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 6 days ago

Before Mr Dogg bumped his head and turned into Mr Lion he did that song. Curious enough, it is on the same album as Sexual Eruption/Sensual Seduction [link], which is the best thing he ever did.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 6 days ago

Yeah that one is definitely his best but for some reason it never gets air time...

According to my pedometer I ran around the earth 3 times today and I'm on empty now which is normally the time I go run for my recordings from the week of Drac and American Horror Story but they've stopped the episodes until next year! What to do!!!? *sigh*

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 5 days ago

Watch reruns? Or do more running.

I know a video of people running through a desert to go with this, except that I cannot remember artist or hook, and searching for "video two people running through desert" is not helping either.

Some other old stuff instead: ATB - 9PM (till I come) [link] (1998)

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 5 days ago

First time I hear that one, strange ending to that vid (actually strange vid all together) but good tune!

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 5 days ago

Ah, found it. I knew it was from that style and era: Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (Airscape remix) [link] (1999)

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 5 days ago

Good tune and great run! (only thing missing on their run was their headsets)

And here we are again, nothing on TV but who died and what has transpired throughout 2013 as we now get ready to enter into 2014!

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 5 days ago

Which reminds me that I should go get some fireworks.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 4 days ago

What? You mean you don't have them yet? You are slipping...

I keep hearing this song by Christina Aguilera - Say Something everyone seems to love it but I think it's horrible.

// Dor_work / 551 weeks and 4 days ago

Yeah, well, it's Christina Aguilera. The only reasonably good thing she ever did was Genie in a Bottle. And that was a lifetime ago.

You can only legally buy (consumer) fireworks here three days before the end of the year. And originally you could only set if off between December 31rd 22:00 and January 1st 02:00. I've been hearing fireworks on and off for the last few days.

Good thing the cats are not afraid of it. They just don't like the loud bangs.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 3 days ago

Well light one for me! (I'll be asleep tonight in La la land) when they start shooting the shotguns and fireworks most likely.

Happy New Year Dutchy...

// Dor_work / 551 weeks and 3 days ago

Since you slept through New Year, I can tell you from this side of time that 2014 looks rather much like 2013. Still no robots, flying cars or sonic showers.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 2 days ago

Just another day in paradise...

// Doreen / 551 weeks and 2 days ago

Phil Collins called. He wants his song back: [link]

I got taught to play the keyboard part of this during music class at school all these years ago. Can't remember a single note and still can't play keyboard.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 1 day ago

Well you could make that your New Year's resolution to learn how!

// Dor_work / 551 weeks and 1 day ago

Assuming I have an interest into learning it. I don't really have a feel for it, so it's way down on my priority list. Somewhere after "reading all my books" and "playing all my games".

And on that note, so much for this holiday. It's back to work on Monday.

// craeonics / 551 weeks and 15 hours ago

No new years resolution here (I don't need any) and it's about time you get back to work you! I'm so happy it's Friday no work for two days!

And I suggest you start packing cuz we are moving out of this thread Monday cuz I cannot get it to load on my phone anymore at work it's too big now...

// Doreen / 550 weeks and 6 days ago

Bye bye, poor thread. I hardly knew ye. /me goes pack bags

// craeonics / 550 weeks and 6 days ago

/me pokes you in your eyeball. This thread chokes my phone at work and refuses to load now so it's time to retire it. Since it seems we may possibly be talking about what we are listening to for a freaking life time I'll have to title a new thread for each new year or something!!!

// Doreen / 550 weeks and 6 days ago

Until then, I think I caught a new track by Ms. Knowles last night. Almost didn't recognise her because she cut her hair short and is rapping. If you ignore the wailing, there's a simple, but quite decent beat going on in the background: Beyoncé ft. Jay Z - Drunk in Love [link] (takes a minute or two to get started).

// craeonics / 550 weeks and 5 days ago

Yowza! Excellent, (made me want to run to the beach though) however that haircut is horrible I think her hair looked better long.

/me goes run to the gym and get my sweat on...

// Doreen / 550 weeks and 5 days ago

I have this theory, and I may have said this before, that nearly every woman goes through a phase in life in which she cuts her hair short. From my observations this usually happens in their twenties.

They say they just "want to try something different".

I say it's because they've either had a nasty breakup or want to be taken seriously.

The net effect is that they look ten years olders. I ofcourse cannot say that when they're present and expect to survive.

/me runs

// craeonics / 550 weeks and 5 days ago

Nearly maybe, but not me for one. I ain't cutting my hair off for anyone (w/ the exception of split end trims)

And if having short hair means being "taken seriously?" then it is just too bad, actually I could care less how anyone takes me cuz who are they to judge?

I think all women should have long hair if they are cutting it off butch they apparently don't want to look like a woman but rather they wish to look like a man. But those ones usually wish to go on the battle field next to men or play police officers too.

// Doreen / 550 weeks and 5 days ago

Something I've not heard for a while and forgot how good it was:


// Doreen / 550 weeks and 5 days ago

Those mafia guys never quite made it over here. Some recent bleeps and wobbles that do get airplay: Skrillex ft. Damian Marley - Make it bun dem [link]

// craeonics / 550 weeks and 4 days ago

Now that has got to be the best tune I've heard in "years!" (Skrillex I know already but I've not heard that particular one)

// Doreen / 550 weeks and 3 days ago

Too bad you only discover it at the end of this thread. Alright, let's move on to the new one.

// craeonics / 550 weeks and 3 days ago

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