
board | Features

This should be a good place to collect features to implement on this board.

So far, the list would be:

- Jump to your own post after posting

- Jump to last read post (quite dificult to get right)

- Pagination/paging

- Auto inlining pictures/YouTube

I hear people asking for RSS-feeds, but would that be a feed of the board overview page or a per thread thing (or both)?

// craeonics / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

Would it be too hard to have a small feature where we can add an attachment for ss purposes?




It's really time consuming to have to actually create a page to insert ss image and come back here to post the url just to see a ss when all you want to do is post a quick screenshot. (maybe so it would not be an issue you can have a file size limit)

okay me runs...

// Doreen / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

alright maybe that's a bad idea I just thought about it. nevermind...

I'm going to have to make a page and throw it up on tek this weekend for myself.

// Doreen / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

There is no reason whatsoever to create a page if you just want to show an image. It has always puzzled me why you found it necessary to do that.

As for file attachments, no way in hell that that's ever going to get implemented. Sucks up way too much disk space and bandwidth.

// craeonics / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

Maybe cuz that's not my forte you meanie! And I said nevermind Mr. Grumpy.

(I realized that after I asked)

// Doreen / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

1. A link to the msg board for the news guys to come in.(insert sarcasm here)

2. RSS w/ "option" for whole board or just a particular thread though it probably will be easier for having one set up for the whole board (course I'll be grabbing the one to the listening to thread)

Strange I cannot think of anything much else cuz I like it the way it is light and clean actually, we really don't need emoticons since hehe's and argh's do well enough.

// Doreen / 893 weeks and 1 day ago

Emoticons are the spawn of Satan!

I was thinking of replacing the gears link with one to this board, but I want to test it a little bit longer first. To give it more presence, we could add blocks to the left column with the top five recently active threads or so.

// craeonics / 893 weeks and 20 hours ago

Check out the RSS system on

[link] Basically by placing /rss in an url it changes the output to an RSS feed. Maybe you can easily set this up for this board?

What about jumping to the last entry on a page when loading it.

It's pretty perfect otherwise. (looks good as well)

// Pepijn / 893 weeks and 20 hours ago

Jumping to the last entry on a page only makes sense if that's the first entry you haven't read yet.

Keeping track of who has seen what requires cookies and such. I'm usually very wary of placing cookies without asking. Remembering the posters name is similar in that aspect. But I could add some checkboxes to the form for various options.

Getting a feed by simply tacking /rss to the path is what I was thinking of as well. I have to reorganise some code for it, because it's probably a lot of hardcoded html (can't remember).

// craeonics / 893 weeks and 19 hours ago

'Jumping to the last entry on a page only makes sense if that's the first entry you haven't read yet.'

Have it an option: place a little icon in front of the link. That way people have an option between scrolling down from the top and scrolling up from the bottom. In long threads the last might be the easiest.

'Keeping track of who has seen what requires cookies and such. I'm usually very wary of placing cookies without asking.'

Have one unobtrusive checkbox somewhere on the page (bit like the one in the main header here: [link]) stating 'save my preferences'

// Pepijn / 893 weeks and 18 hours ago

That's a good point, we'll need something in place at the

"top" of the thread to click that will take you to the "bottom"

of the thread for the threads that are lengthy so ppl will not

have to scroll for days to get to the bottom.

I can't believe I'm brain dead and can't come up w/ any good


// Doreen / 893 weeks and 17 hours ago

'screen jumping' ([link]) or floating scroll buttons are two other interesting ideas.

// Pepijn / 893 weeks and 16 hours ago

Interesting technique.

// craeonics / 893 weeks and 14 hours ago

So I sat down to implement some stuff and then found out I left the patient on the operating table (so to speak). The version of Tek on my drive is currently in flux, so working on the board is going to take some time.

// craeonics / 892 weeks and 5 days ago

I think we're all aware of the speed at which you work by now you lazy bunny. hehe

But is there a way you can fix that issue w/ my phone? I'm sorry to bother about that but I'm keeping this phone for a 2 year contract and hate the idea I can't use it "here"

Also just toss a button on the top of the threads for a quick jump to the bottom, I'm not sure if you guys think setting up "paged threads" would be better (I've never liked them and have no clue why) but most places stick numbers on top of the threads and you can quickly go to diff pages in the thread when over time they get lengthy (but again I can't stand those for no good reason I can think of)

// Doreen / 892 weeks and 5 days ago

Pagers are easier on the server (less data per page). But I'll see what I can do. Not today though.

// craeonics / 892 weeks and 5 days ago

Thank you dutchy whatever is easiest, It will probably be only 5 of us at most on this board but I for one refuse to let a good playground go to waste so I don't care. =)

// Doreen / 892 weeks and 5 days ago

Okay, I had a look at the code. The "issue" with your phone is not going to be fixed anytime soon, because it is deeply entrenched in the rewrite in progress. A bit too deep to "fix" quickly.

Not that there's anything broken. Your phone is being stupid.

// craeonics / 892 weeks and 4 days ago

/me goes spam your mailbox so this thread don't go too far off topic and hopefully any lurkers stop lurking and drop their ideas off here for features for you...

// Doreen / 892 weeks and 4 days ago


// Doreen / 892 weeks and 3 days ago

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