
board | virtualplastic.net archives?

are any parts of the virtualplastic boards/sites recoverable? web.archive.org didn't pick up everything

if anyone has a copy I'll post some ftp creds you can use

it has more than 4tb of storage so you can probably throw up a tarball with everything in it without worrying about space

wasn't personally involved in the scene back in the day but I'd hate to let 10+ years of history from going to waste

any other related things would be ok to include in there too

thanks :)

// r3muxd / 239 weeks and 5 days ago

Someone had a stuck enter key...

I almost thought Virtual Plastic had gone under. But this was just about the forum.

What happened, a fair number of years ago, is that the host upgraded some underlying software and ever since the board is generating fatal errors. This is why you only get a blank screen.

The database should still be around. You might want to mail plastic about it (plastic at youknowhere).

// craeonics / 239 weeks and 4 days ago

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